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Os equipamentos de proteção individual (EPIs) são voltados para todas as empresas que trabalham com algum tipo de exposição ou risco. Em geral, esses equipamentos englobam óculos, capacetes, luvas, mangotes, máscaras de proteção, entre outros. A finalidade é a proteção dos colaboradores que ficam em situações de exposição.
No caso de fábricas e indústrias, esses equipamentos são indispensáveis. O uso dos EPIs é fundamental para garantir a saúde do trabalhador, como equipamento utilizado para a prevenção de acidentes e eventuais doenças que podem estar relacionadas com o dia-a-dia funcional do colaborador.
O uso desses equipamentos de proteção foi normatizado pela Lei n.º 6.514/77 da CLT e é regulamentado pela NR6. Ambos os regimentos falam sobre a importância do uso de EPIs, não só para o trabalhador, como também para a empresa.
Nesse sentido, cabe à empresa dispor dos equipamentos necessários para as funções executadas pelo trabalhador. Além disso, também cabe ao empregador a responsabilidade de realizar reparos e substituição das peças quando necessário, bem como a instruir o trabalhador quanto ao modo de uso dos EPIs disponibilizados.
A contrapartida dos funcionários é, sempre que possível, conservar os seus equipamentos, garantindo maior durabilidades dos mesmos. É muito importante que o colaborador esteja a par das normas de uso, para que todas as partes estejam asseguradas em relação às normas regulatórias.
Nos casos de riscos de segurança do trabalho, como quedas e demais acidentes, a multa pode ir de 5 a 50 salários mínimos, a depender de determinação judicial. Já nos casos de intoxicação, os valores vão de 3 até 30 salários mínimos.
Já nos casos mais extremos, a empresa poderá responder judicialmente e até mesmo arcar com possíveis indenizações, bem como pensões.
Nesse caso, fica ao encargo do empregador a aplicação de medidas disciplinares, como advertência, suspensão e até mesmo demissão por justa causa.
Apostar em campanhas de conscientização e incentivo ao uso dos EPIs pode ser uma ótima estratégia para que você esteja assegurado sobre uso dos equipamentos.
Além disso, disponibilizar treinamentos e manuais de uso também pode ser uma ótima ideia para garantir a segurança dos colaboradores. Busque primar por treinamentos que ocorram periodicamente, como uma forma de envolver ainda mais os trabalhadores nas suas ações de conscientização.
Lembre-se sempre que quanto mais você incentivar o uso dos equipamentos de segurança, frisando a importância para a saúde dos próprios funcionários. Demonstrar o comprometimento da Organização para com os seus respectivos colaboradores, é uma ótima forma de fidelizar, junto a eles, o uso correto dos equipamentos de segurança.
Se após campanhas de incentivo e treinamentos práticos para o bom uso dos equipamentos de proteção individual, algum colaborador ainda não de adequar ao uso das peças, trabalhe com intervenções formais.
Nesses casos, caberá a empresa trabalhar com recursos formais que advirtam os funcionários que fazem o mau uso dos equipamentos. Essa advertência escrita deve ser anexada à ficha do colaborador, junto ao setor de Recursos Humanos de sua empresa. Desta forma, o funcionário estará ciente sobre a sanção em relação ao descumprimento das regras que envolvem a segurança funcional, tanto de colaboradores, quanto da empresa.
Se você optar em contratar alguma empresa para auxiliar na implementação e desenvolvimento de treinamentos com colaboradores, o ideal é buscar por empresas que atuem na área, tendo experiência e expertise. Busque por recomendações e preste atenção nos feedbacks que encontrar.
Aposte em assegurar que todas as partes envolvidas no processo de trabalho estejam bem protegidas. Zelar pela segurança de seus funcionários é primordial para a credibilidade de seus negócios, fortalece a sua marca para com o seu público-alvo e evita uma série de prejuízos.
Lembre-se de que nenhuma medida de segurança é demais. Levar em conta todos esses fatores fortalece ainda mais a relação entre empregador e colaboradores.
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‘I’m very impulsive’: Why this American woman moved to France at the age of 70
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She’d dreamed of living in France for years, but according to Janice Deerwester, originally from Texas, life always seemed to get in the way.
In 2021, Janice, who has been a widow since 2012, found herself lying on her bed with the lyrics to “Is That All There Is?,” a song about dissatisfaction that was a hit for country singer Peggy Lee back in 1969, playing in her head.
“I hated that song when it came out, but all of a sudden it came to my mind,” Janice, who was based in Georgia at the time, tells CNN Travel. “I thought, ‘Is this all there is?’ I work, come home tired. I get up. Is this it?”
Realizing that she wanted more from life, Janice decided there and then that she would relocate to Fontainebleau — the French town she’d had her heart set on since a 2018 visit. Less than a year later, at the age of 70, she did just that.
“I’m very impulsive so that kind of followed the rule,” she adds.
Now happily settled in Fontainebleau, located southeast of Paris, Janice feels that she “made the best choice ever” and is incredibly grateful to be living out her fantasy.
“I am the luckiest woman I feel that ever was,” she says. ”And why I have this, and why I was given this, I have no idea. But I’m just blessed every day that I get to live here.”
Janice goes on to explain that she wasn’t necessarily unhappy back in Georgia, and enjoyed living on a horse ranch in the country, which she had been renting since selling her home, but was overcome with the feeling that “there’s got to be more” to life.
Jamesdum – 03/03/2025
UTLH und Staking: Wie man 24% jährliche Rendite ohne unnötige Komplikationen verdient
In der schnelllebigen Welt der Finanztechnologien ist es nicht einfach, eine einfache und zuverlässige Einkommensquelle zu finden. Die meisten Instrumente erfordern entweder tiefgehendes Wissen im Bereich DeFi oder sind mit hohen Risiken verbunden. UTLH bietet einen anderen Ansatz: transparentes und zugängliches Staking mit einer Rendite von 24% jährlich (2% monatlich). Deshalb haben bereits tausende Investoren auf diesen Token aufmerksam gemacht und verdienen erfolgreich, ohne Zeit und Energie auf komplexe Systeme zu verwenden.
1. Warum ist Staking mit UTLH profitabel?
1.1. Hohe Rendite bei minimalen Risiken
2% monatlich ermöglichen es, das Kapital stabil zu vermehren, während viele klassische Bankeinlagen nicht einmal die Inflation abdecken. Ohne unnötige Komplikationen: Man muss sich nicht mit Farming beschäftigen oder mehrere Liquiditätspools verwalten. Man muss einfach die UTLH-Token in einem Smart Contract aufbewahren und erhält Zinsen.
1.2. Zuverlässiges wirtschaftliches Modell
Eine begrenzte Emission (957.315 Token) und Mechanismen zum Verbrennen unterstützen den Preis. Reale Anwendung: Der Token wird nicht nur gehandelt, sondern ist auch Teil des Programms für Universelle Finanzhilfe (UFP), wodurch eine konstante Nachfrage gewährleistet wird.
2. Wie funktioniert das Staking mit UTLH?
Man erwirbt die Token auf einer zugänglichen Plattform (DEX oder über das persönliche Club-Konto). Man sperrt sie für einen bestimmten Zeitraum (normalerweise 12 Monate) in einem Smart Contract. Man erhält 2% monatlich, und das ursprüngliche Kapital (die Anzahl der UTLH-Token) wird am Ende des Zeitraums zusammen mit der letzten Zahlung zurückgegeben.
2.1. Niedrige Einstiegshürde
Bereits 1 UTLH reicht aus, um mit Staking zu beginnen. Das ermöglicht jedem, moderate Krypto-Investitionen ohne Angst vor dem Gefühl, „zu spät“ oder „zu teuer“ einzutreten, auszuprobieren.
3. Vorteile von UTLH im Vergleich zu anderen Staking-Projekten
3.1. Stabiles Ökosystem
Die geschlossene Gemeinschaft (UTL Club) sorgt für eine konstante Nachfrage nach dem Token: Die Mitglieder nutzen UTLH als Sicherheit für die Inanspruchnahme von bevorzugter Finanzierung im Rahmen des UFP-Programms. Keine unnötige Bürokratie — alle Transaktionen laufen über Smart Contracts, und die Staking-Bedingungen sind transparent und im Code festgelegt.
3.2. Schutz vor Marktvolatilität
Im Gegensatz zu vielen Krypto-Projekten, bei denen der Kurs der Münze aufgrund von Spekulationen stark fallen kann, verfügt UTLH über: Begrenzte Emission: Der Preis entwertet sich nicht durch zusätzliche „gedruckte“ Münzen. Token-Verbrennung: Das Angebot verringert sich, wenn die Nachfrage steigt, was den Kurs positiv beeinflusst.
4. Langfristige Strategie: Staking + Preissteigerung
4.1. Erhalten Sie passives Einkommen sofort
Während Sie UTLH im Staking halten, erhalten Sie monatlich Zinsen (2%). Das macht die Investition bereits attraktiv, da eine solche Rendite auf dem traditionellen Markt praktisch nicht zu finden ist.
4.2. Zusätzlicher Gewinn durch Wertsteigerung des Assets
Mit der Ausbreitung des UFP-Programms und der Zunahme der Mitglieder im UTL Club könnte der Kurs von UTLH steigen, und im Moment, in dem Sie sich entscheiden, die Token abzuheben, könnte ihr Wert deutlich höher sein.
5. Einfache Anleitung für den Einstieg
Bereiten Sie eine Wallet für Binance Smart Chain vor (Trust Wallet oder MetaMask). Erwerben Sie UTLH auf einer der empfohlenen Plattformen (DEX/CEX oder innerhalb des Clubs). Gehen Sie zur Staking-Plattform von UTLH, verbinden Sie die Wallet und wählen Sie die Anzahl der Token aus, die Sie „einfrieren“ möchten. Bestätigen Sie die Transaktion und beginnen Sie, 2% bereits ab dem nächsten Monat zu erhalten.
6. Fazit: Warum ist Staking mit UTLH heute so gefragt?
Sicherheit: Smart Contracts auf der BSC und der offene Code schließen „Fallstricke“ aus. Hohe Rendite: 24% jährlich — eines der attraktivsten und gleichzeitig stabilsten Angebote auf dem Kryptomarkt. Echte Unterstützung: Dank der Universellen Finanzhilfe und der UTL Club-Community sind die Inhaber des Tokens zuversichtlich in seine Zukunft, und die Nachfrage nach UTLH bleibt langfristig bestehen. Wenn Sie passives Einkommen suchen, Einfachheit und Sicherheit schätzen, könnte das Staking mit UTLH die ideale Option für Sie sein. Schließen Sie sich dem Projekt noch heute an und lassen Sie Ihr Kapital für Sie arbeiten!
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DanielReogs – 03/03/2025
“You get some of me but not tomorrow as they want me in as soon as I can make it happen. This is the one time when they say jump and I ask how high due the financial gains the company could benefit from and it being important enough for the client to appear in person.”
“Well I get an extra night of you at least! I wonder what we could do with that? Meantime, what about food? I am starving and delicious as it was a second breakfast is not quite enough to replenish me!”
“Well get something on and we’ll sort that out first.”
We drove into town and decided that a daytime visit to Charlie’s was going to be the answer. I parked in the bar lot and Elise dashed in to change into something more appropriate, jeans and a t-shirt along with her biker jacket but keeping her Converses on.
Walking down to the restaurant was different from the middle of the night visits as the streets were bustling and all of the shops and outlets were open.
Reaching Charlie’s we entered the front door and sat in a booth near the window. A beautiful young American Chinese girl came,smiled and said hello to Elise and gave us menus and asked if we wanted drinks in the meantime.
"No thanks Lin just a pot of Jasmine tea for us please." Lin went back to the kitchen area. “No booze for me today as I will have to work in the bar so it is just tea for me.”
Not in a drinking mood either, I agreed with her."
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O aplicativo BetBoom e uma plataforma confiavel para apostas esportivas online e jogos de cassino no Brasil. Conhecido por suas opcoes de apostas profissionais e interface intuitiva, o BetBoom ajuda os usuarios a maximizar suas apostas com previsoes confiaveis e oportunidades lucrativas. Os jogadores podem iniciar sua experiencia com um bonus de R$500, tornando-o uma excelente escolha para apostadores em busca de sucesso em 2025. O app combina navegacao organizada com recursos personalizados para garantir uma experiencia eficiente e facil de usar para todos.
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Para criar uma conta, clique no botao «Cadastre-se» no canto superior direito da pagina principal do site e insira todas as informacoes necessarias.
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Passo #2: Informacoes de contato
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DustinBus – 27/02/2025
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Seja voce um novato ou um apostador experiente, a SuperBet oferece ferramentas e recursos para todos os niveis de experiencia. Novos jogadores encontrarao uma interface amigavel e recursos uteis, enquanto os especialistas podem aproveitar estrategias avancadas de apostas e eventos exclusivos.
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A SuperBet e a casa de apostas oficial brasileira que criou um aplicativo movel exclusivo para apostas esportivas e jogos de cassino. A singularidade deste aplicativo esta na sua simplicidade, conveniencia, rapidez e acessibilidade. No aplicativo SuperBet voce encontrara muitos recursos interessantes, uma grande selecao de jogos e apostas esportivas.
SuperBet e seguro
A SuperBet e totalmente autorizada e regulamentada para operar dentro do arcabouco legal do Brasil. Ela opera sob a gestao da SPRBT INTERACTIVE BRASIL LTDA, que e registrada e licenciada para garantir servicos seguros e confiaveis.
Conformidade e Autorizacao no Brasil
Administracao: SPRBT INTERACTIVE BRASIL LTDA, sediada na Alameda Rio Claro, Sao Paulo/SP.
Autorizacao: As operacoes da SuperBet sao oficialmente autorizadas pela Secretaria de Premios e Apostas pela Resolucao SPA/MF n.? 2090/2024.
Compromisso com a confiabilidade
A SuperBet adere a padroes regulatorios rigorosos, garantindo:
Transparencia: Total conformidade legal e operacional.
Seguranca: Adesao aos requisitos legais do Brasil para operacoes seguras.
Confiabilidade: Uma estrutura solida apoiada por autorizacoes e licencas oficiais.
Transparencia: Total conformidade legal e operacional. Seguranca: Adesao aos requisitos legais do Brasil para operacoes seguras. Confiabilidade: Uma estrutura solida apoiada por autorizacoes e licencas oficiais.
Por que escolher a SuperBet?
Se voce esta procurando uma plataforma confiavel, rapida e segura para apostar em esportes e jogar jogos de cassino, a SuperBet e a escolha perfeita. Aqui esta o porque:
Bonus de ate R$ 500: Ganhe uma aposta gratis ao se inscrever.
Velocidade e estabilidade: A SuperBet e altamente produtiva gracas as tecnologias mais recentes e avancadas. Quer voce esteja apostando em esportes, assistindo a transmissoes ao vivo ou jogando cassino ao vivo, a plataforma oferece tempos de carregamento rapidos.
Seguranca garantida: O aplicativo e o site usam criptografia AES de 256 bits e criptografia RSA para garantir sua privacidade e seguranca. Com a SuperBet, seus dados pessoais e transacoes financeiras estao sempre protegidos.
Facilidade de uso: Navegar na plataforma SuperBet e muito facil. O aplicativo e o site tem um design intuitivo e muitos recursos convenientes. Transmissao de esportes ao vivo e cassino ao vivo em qualidade HD.
Matthewdax – 27/02/2025
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Об игре
Lucky Jet — это не просто игра, а захватывающее приключение, в котором каждый момент может стать решающим! Эта краш-игра бросает вызов вашим инстинктам и способности быстро принимать решения. В основе игры — динамичная механика, где игроки ставят на рост коэффициента, но задача не в том, чтобы ждать до последнего, а вовремя вывести свой выигрыш, прежде чем персонаж взлетит слишком высоко и случится крах.
Чем выше коэффициент, тем более значительная награда! Но не забывайте: в этом азартном путешествии важен каждый момент, ведь именно ваше решение о выводе решит, насколько велик будет ваш выигрыш. Это не просто игра, а настоящее испытание на скорость и удачу! Простые правила, быстрые раунды и реальные выигрыши – вот почему игроки выбирают Lucky Jet.
Бонусы и промокоды в Lucky Jet
В Lucky Jet вас ждут щедрые бонусы и эксклюзивные промокоды, которые помогут увеличить ваш баланс и продлить удовольствие от игры! Мы ценим активных игроков и регулярно запускаем новые акции, чтобы сделать ваш игровой процесс еще выгоднее.
Актуальные бонусные предложения
Бонус 500% на первый депозит
Используйте промокод LuckyJetTeam при пополнении счета и получите увеличение депозита в 5 раз! Это отличная возможность начать игру с солидным запасом.
Еженедельные акции и фриспины
Чем больше вы играете, тем больше подарков получаете! Участвуйте в регулярных промо-акциях и получайте фриспины, бонусные деньги и дополнительные награды за активность.
Кэшбэк до 10%
Проиграли? Не беда! В Lucky Jet вы можете вернуть часть потерянных средств благодаря системе кэшбэка. Еженедельно вам будет начисляться до 10% возврата от проигранных ставок.
Следите за новыми акциями! Мы постоянно обновляем бонусные предложения, поэтому не упустите возможность воспользоваться самыми выгодными промо. Подписывайтесь на новости и следите за актуальными акциями, чтобы всегда быть в выигрыше!
Используйте бонусы и повышайте свои шансы на победу в Lucky Jet!
Как начать играть в Lucky Jet
Готовы испытать удачу и выиграть по-крупному? Следуйте этим простым шагам:
Зарегистрируйтесь на официальном сайте 1win. Процесс регистрации занимает всего пару минут.
Пополните счет удобным для вас способом: банковской картой, электронными кошельками или даже криптовалютой.
Откройте Lucky Jet в разделе казино и приготовьтесь к динамичному игровому процессу.
Сделайте ставку и следите за ростом коэффициента. Чем выше он поднимается – тем больше ваш потенциальный выигрыш.
Выведите выигрыш до того, как Lucky Jet взлетит! Главное – не жадничать и вовремя остановиться, иначе ставка сгорит.
Используйте стратегии, анализируйте предыдущие раунды и комбинируйте ставки, чтобы увеличить свои шансы на победу!
WilliamSem – 25/02/2025
Lucky Jet – твой шанс на большие выигрыши!
Попробуй захватывающую краш-игру прямо сейчас! Регистрируйся и получи бонус до 500% на первый депозит с промокодом: LuckyJetTeam.
лаки джет
Об игре
Lucky Jet — это не просто игра, а захватывающее приключение, в котором каждый момент может стать решающим! Эта краш-игра бросает вызов вашим инстинктам и способности быстро принимать решения. В основе игры — динамичная механика, где игроки ставят на рост коэффициента, но задача не в том, чтобы ждать до последнего, а вовремя вывести свой выигрыш, прежде чем персонаж взлетит слишком высоко и случится крах.
Чем выше коэффициент, тем более значительная награда! Но не забывайте: в этом азартном путешествии важен каждый момент, ведь именно ваше решение о выводе решит, насколько велик будет ваш выигрыш. Это не просто игра, а настоящее испытание на скорость и удачу! Простые правила, быстрые раунды и реальные выигрыши – вот почему игроки выбирают Lucky Jet.
Бонусы и промокоды в Lucky Jet
В Lucky Jet вас ждут щедрые бонусы и эксклюзивные промокоды, которые помогут увеличить ваш баланс и продлить удовольствие от игры! Мы ценим активных игроков и регулярно запускаем новые акции, чтобы сделать ваш игровой процесс еще выгоднее.
Актуальные бонусные предложения
Бонус 500% на первый депозит
Используйте промокод LuckyJetTeam при пополнении счета и получите увеличение депозита в 5 раз! Это отличная возможность начать игру с солидным запасом.
Еженедельные акции и фриспины
Чем больше вы играете, тем больше подарков получаете! Участвуйте в регулярных промо-акциях и получайте фриспины, бонусные деньги и дополнительные награды за активность.
Кэшбэк до 10%
Проиграли? Не беда! В Lucky Jet вы можете вернуть часть потерянных средств благодаря системе кэшбэка. Еженедельно вам будет начисляться до 10% возврата от проигранных ставок.
Следите за новыми акциями! Мы постоянно обновляем бонусные предложения, поэтому не упустите возможность воспользоваться самыми выгодными промо. Подписывайтесь на новости и следите за актуальными акциями, чтобы всегда быть в выигрыше!
Используйте бонусы и повышайте свои шансы на победу в Lucky Jet!
Как начать играть в Lucky Jet
Готовы испытать удачу и выиграть по-крупному? Следуйте этим простым шагам:
Зарегистрируйтесь на официальном сайте 1win. Процесс регистрации занимает всего пару минут.
Пополните счет удобным для вас способом: банковской картой, электронными кошельками или даже криптовалютой.
Откройте Lucky Jet в разделе казино и приготовьтесь к динамичному игровому процессу.
Сделайте ставку и следите за ростом коэффициента. Чем выше он поднимается – тем больше ваш потенциальный выигрыш.
Выведите выигрыш до того, как Lucky Jet взлетит! Главное – не жадничать и вовремя остановиться, иначе ставка сгорит.
Используйте стратегии, анализируйте предыдущие раунды и комбинируйте ставки, чтобы увеличить свои шансы на победу!
Leandroweamp – 25/02/2025
Lucky Jet – твой шанс на большие выигрыши!
Попробуй захватывающую краш-игру прямо сейчас! Регистрируйся и получи бонус до 500% на первый депозит с промокодом: LuckyJetTeam.
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Об игре
Lucky Jet — это не просто игра, а захватывающее приключение, в котором каждый момент может стать решающим! Эта краш-игра бросает вызов вашим инстинктам и способности быстро принимать решения. В основе игры — динамичная механика, где игроки ставят на рост коэффициента, но задача не в том, чтобы ждать до последнего, а вовремя вывести свой выигрыш, прежде чем персонаж взлетит слишком высоко и случится крах.
Чем выше коэффициент, тем более значительная награда! Но не забывайте: в этом азартном путешествии важен каждый момент, ведь именно ваше решение о выводе решит, насколько велик будет ваш выигрыш. Это не просто игра, а настоящее испытание на скорость и удачу! Простые правила, быстрые раунды и реальные выигрыши – вот почему игроки выбирают Lucky Jet.
Бонусы и промокоды в Lucky Jet
В Lucky Jet вас ждут щедрые бонусы и эксклюзивные промокоды, которые помогут увеличить ваш баланс и продлить удовольствие от игры! Мы ценим активных игроков и регулярно запускаем новые акции, чтобы сделать ваш игровой процесс еще выгоднее.
Актуальные бонусные предложения
Бонус 500% на первый депозит
Используйте промокод LuckyJetTeam при пополнении счета и получите увеличение депозита в 5 раз! Это отличная возможность начать игру с солидным запасом.
Еженедельные акции и фриспины
Чем больше вы играете, тем больше подарков получаете! Участвуйте в регулярных промо-акциях и получайте фриспины, бонусные деньги и дополнительные награды за активность.
Кэшбэк до 10%
Проиграли? Не беда! В Lucky Jet вы можете вернуть часть потерянных средств благодаря системе кэшбэка. Еженедельно вам будет начисляться до 10% возврата от проигранных ставок.
Следите за новыми акциями! Мы постоянно обновляем бонусные предложения, поэтому не упустите возможность воспользоваться самыми выгодными промо. Подписывайтесь на новости и следите за актуальными акциями, чтобы всегда быть в выигрыше!
Используйте бонусы и повышайте свои шансы на победу в Lucky Jet!
Как начать играть в Lucky Jet
Готовы испытать удачу и выиграть по-крупному? Следуйте этим простым шагам:
Зарегистрируйтесь на официальном сайте 1win. Процесс регистрации занимает всего пару минут.
Пополните счет удобным для вас способом: банковской картой, электронными кошельками или даже криптовалютой.
Откройте Lucky Jet в разделе казино и приготовьтесь к динамичному игровому процессу.
Сделайте ставку и следите за ростом коэффициента. Чем выше он поднимается – тем больше ваш потенциальный выигрыш.
Выведите выигрыш до того, как Lucky Jet взлетит! Главное – не жадничать и вовремя остановиться, иначе ставка сгорит.
Используйте стратегии, анализируйте предыдущие раунды и комбинируйте ставки, чтобы увеличить свои шансы на победу!
JamesThapy – 25/02/2025
Lucky Jet – твой шанс на большие выигрыши!
Попробуй захватывающую краш-игру прямо сейчас! Регистрируйся и получи бонус до 500% на первый депозит с промокодом: LuckyJetTeam.
lucky jet игра
Об игре
Lucky Jet — это не просто игра, а захватывающее приключение, в котором каждый момент может стать решающим! Эта краш-игра бросает вызов вашим инстинктам и способности быстро принимать решения. В основе игры — динамичная механика, где игроки ставят на рост коэффициента, но задача не в том, чтобы ждать до последнего, а вовремя вывести свой выигрыш, прежде чем персонаж взлетит слишком высоко и случится крах.
Чем выше коэффициент, тем более значительная награда! Но не забывайте: в этом азартном путешествии важен каждый момент, ведь именно ваше решение о выводе решит, насколько велик будет ваш выигрыш. Это не просто игра, а настоящее испытание на скорость и удачу! Простые правила, быстрые раунды и реальные выигрыши – вот почему игроки выбирают Lucky Jet.
Бонусы и промокоды в Lucky Jet
В Lucky Jet вас ждут щедрые бонусы и эксклюзивные промокоды, которые помогут увеличить ваш баланс и продлить удовольствие от игры! Мы ценим активных игроков и регулярно запускаем новые акции, чтобы сделать ваш игровой процесс еще выгоднее.
Актуальные бонусные предложения
Бонус 500% на первый депозит
Используйте промокод LuckyJetTeam при пополнении счета и получите увеличение депозита в 5 раз! Это отличная возможность начать игру с солидным запасом.
Еженедельные акции и фриспины
Чем больше вы играете, тем больше подарков получаете! Участвуйте в регулярных промо-акциях и получайте фриспины, бонусные деньги и дополнительные награды за активность.
Кэшбэк до 10%
Проиграли? Не беда! В Lucky Jet вы можете вернуть часть потерянных средств благодаря системе кэшбэка. Еженедельно вам будет начисляться до 10% возврата от проигранных ставок.
Следите за новыми акциями! Мы постоянно обновляем бонусные предложения, поэтому не упустите возможность воспользоваться самыми выгодными промо. Подписывайтесь на новости и следите за актуальными акциями, чтобы всегда быть в выигрыше!
Используйте бонусы и повышайте свои шансы на победу в Lucky Jet!
Как начать играть в Lucky Jet
Готовы испытать удачу и выиграть по-крупному? Следуйте этим простым шагам:
Зарегистрируйтесь на официальном сайте 1win. Процесс регистрации занимает всего пару минут.
Пополните счет удобным для вас способом: банковской картой, электронными кошельками или даже криптовалютой.
Откройте Lucky Jet в разделе казино и приготовьтесь к динамичному игровому процессу.
Сделайте ставку и следите за ростом коэффициента. Чем выше он поднимается – тем больше ваш потенциальный выигрыш.
Выведите выигрыш до того, как Lucky Jet взлетит! Главное – не жадничать и вовремя остановиться, иначе ставка сгорит.
Используйте стратегии, анализируйте предыдущие раунды и комбинируйте ставки, чтобы увеличить свои шансы на победу!
AaronAneta – 25/02/2025
Lucky Jet – твой шанс на большие выигрыши!
Попробуй захватывающую краш-игру прямо сейчас! Регистрируйся и получи бонус до 500% на первый депозит с промокодом: LuckyJetTeam.
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Об игре
Lucky Jet — это не просто игра, а захватывающее приключение, в котором каждый момент может стать решающим! Эта краш-игра бросает вызов вашим инстинктам и способности быстро принимать решения. В основе игры — динамичная механика, где игроки ставят на рост коэффициента, но задача не в том, чтобы ждать до последнего, а вовремя вывести свой выигрыш, прежде чем персонаж взлетит слишком высоко и случится крах.
Чем выше коэффициент, тем более значительная награда! Но не забывайте: в этом азартном путешествии важен каждый момент, ведь именно ваше решение о выводе решит, насколько велик будет ваш выигрыш. Это не просто игра, а настоящее испытание на скорость и удачу! Простые правила, быстрые раунды и реальные выигрыши – вот почему игроки выбирают Lucky Jet.
Бонусы и промокоды в Lucky Jet
В Lucky Jet вас ждут щедрые бонусы и эксклюзивные промокоды, которые помогут увеличить ваш баланс и продлить удовольствие от игры! Мы ценим активных игроков и регулярно запускаем новые акции, чтобы сделать ваш игровой процесс еще выгоднее.
Актуальные бонусные предложения
Бонус 500% на первый депозит
Используйте промокод LuckyJetTeam при пополнении счета и получите увеличение депозита в 5 раз! Это отличная возможность начать игру с солидным запасом.
Еженедельные акции и фриспины
Чем больше вы играете, тем больше подарков получаете! Участвуйте в регулярных промо-акциях и получайте фриспины, бонусные деньги и дополнительные награды за активность.
Кэшбэк до 10%
Проиграли? Не беда! В Lucky Jet вы можете вернуть часть потерянных средств благодаря системе кэшбэка. Еженедельно вам будет начисляться до 10% возврата от проигранных ставок.
Следите за новыми акциями! Мы постоянно обновляем бонусные предложения, поэтому не упустите возможность воспользоваться самыми выгодными промо. Подписывайтесь на новости и следите за актуальными акциями, чтобы всегда быть в выигрыше!
Используйте бонусы и повышайте свои шансы на победу в Lucky Jet!
Как начать играть в Lucky Jet
Готовы испытать удачу и выиграть по-крупному? Следуйте этим простым шагам:
Зарегистрируйтесь на официальном сайте 1win. Процесс регистрации занимает всего пару минут.
Пополните счет удобным для вас способом: банковской картой, электронными кошельками или даже криптовалютой.
Откройте Lucky Jet в разделе казино и приготовьтесь к динамичному игровому процессу.
Сделайте ставку и следите за ростом коэффициента. Чем выше он поднимается – тем больше ваш потенциальный выигрыш.
Выведите выигрыш до того, как Lucky Jet взлетит! Главное – не жадничать и вовремя остановиться, иначе ставка сгорит.
Используйте стратегии, анализируйте предыдущие раунды и комбинируйте ставки, чтобы увеличить свои шансы на победу!
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O registo na plataforma FullBet e simples, rapido e seguro, mas e importante conhecer os detalhes. Iremos detalhar cada passo do processo para que possa criar facilmente uma conta e comecar a apostar. Vamos la! ??
Passo 1: Registo: o primeiro passo no caminho para ganhar o jogo
Para criar uma conta no FullBet, voce precisa ir ao site oficial da plataforma. La voce vera um grande botao "Registro". Clique nele e proceda ao preenchimento do formulario.
Que dados devem ser introduzidos?
Nome e apelido : Forneca dados reais como no seu documento. Isto e importante para a verificacao.
Data de nascimento: A idade minima para jogar e 18 anos. Se for menor de idade, nao tente burlar o sistema, e inutil.
CPF: Este numero e obrigatorio para todos os residentes no Brasil.
Pais e endereco: Escreva seu endereco residencial valido.
Email: O seu email sera utilizado para confirmar a sua conta e receber notificacoes.
Numero de telefone: Para confirmar o registo e receber actualizacoes.
Dados de pagamento: E opcional na etapa de cadastro, mas sera necessario para depositos e saques. Verifique se as informacoes correspondem ao seu CPF.
Passo 2: Confirmacao de conta
Depois de ter preenchido todos os campos, a FullBet enviar-lhe-a dois codigos de confirmacao:
Para o email: Verifique a sua caixa de entrada ou pasta de spam. Encontre um e-mail da FullBet, abra-o e clique no botao "Confirmar". Demora apenas alguns segundos.
Recebera um SMS com um codigo no seu numero de telefone:. Introduza-o no sitio Web para confirmar o seu numero.
Se nao receber um e-mail ou SMS, certifique-se de que introduziu os dados corretos e verifique a sua ligacao a Internet.
WilliamSpife – 23/02/2025
Mr. Jack Bet — A Melhor Escolha para Apostas e Cassino em 2025
O Mr. Jack Bet e uma plataforma de apostas que vem conquistando cada vez mais popularidade entre os apostadores brasileiros. Seja voce um iniciante ou um jogador experiente, conhecer os detalhes sobre cadastro, bonus, metodos de pagamento e muito mais pode ser a chave para aproveitar ao maximo essa plataforma. Neste post, vamos explorar tudo o que voce precisa saber sobre o Mr. Jack Bet, desde como criar sua conta ate dicas para tirar proveito das principais funcionalidades, garantindo uma experiencia completa e segura.
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Cadastro no Mr. Jack Bet
O processo de cadastro no Mr. Jack Bet e simples e direto, permitindo que os usuarios criem suas contas de forma rapida e segura. Seguindo algumas etapas, voce estara pronto para aproveitar todos os recursos e funcionalidades oferecidos pela plataforma. Vamos detalhar o passo a passo e outras informacoes importantes para garantir que seu registro seja concluido sem problemas.
Passo a passo detalhado sobre como criar uma conta
Acesse o site oficial do Mr. Jack Bet. O primeiro passo para criar sua conta no Mr. Jack Bet e acessar o site oficial da plataforma. Voce pode fazer isso digitando "Mr. Jack Bet" no seu navegador ou clicando em um link de confianca. Uma vez no site, localize e clique no botao "Criar Conta", que geralmente fica no canto superior direito da tela.
Preencha seus dados pessoais. Na proxima tela, voce sera solicitado a fornecer informacoes como CPF, nome completo, data de nascimento e e-mail. O Mr. Jack Bet preenche automaticamente alguns campos com base no seu CPF, tornando o processo mais rapido. Tenha atencao ao inserir um e-mail valido, pois ele sera utilizado para confirmar sua conta e recuperar o acesso, caso necessario.
Escolha um nome de usuario e senha. Em seguida, crie um nome de usuario e uma senha segura para acessar sua conta. O nome de usuario deve ter entre 5 e 15 caracteres, podendo incluir letras, numeros e sublinhados. A senha precisa ter entre 8 e 32 caracteres e deve combinar letras maiusculas, minusculas, numeros e um caractere especial (como @, #, ou &).
Confirme seu numero de celular. O Mr. Jack Bet tambem solicitara o seu numero de celular. Isso serve para garantir a seguranca da sua conta e pode ser usado para a autenticacao de duas etapas, caso voce opte por essa funcionalidade.
Aceite os termos e condicoes. Antes de concluir o cadastro, e necessario que voce leia e aceite os Termos e Condicoes da plataforma. Esse passo e importante para garantir que voce entenda as regras e politicas do site. Ao clicar em “Concordo”, voce confirma que possui 18 anos ou mais e esta de acordo com as regras estabelecidas.
Miguelfeday – 23/02/2025
A Melhor Bolsa de Apostas Espotivas do Brasil | Bet-Bra
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A BetBra e uma casa de apostas oficial no Brasil desde 2025. Esta empresa oferece uma ampla gama de eventos esportivos para apostas, bem como transmissoes ao vivo de torneios internacionais e regionais.
A BetBra tem uma plataforma online que funciona em dispositivos moveis, tablets e computadores.
Principais funcoes da plataforma:
Grande variedade de eventos esportivos
A plataforma oferece apostas em dezenas de esportes, incluindo futebol, volei, basquete, tenis, MMA e eSports. Todos os eventos estao disponiveis em um so lugar, eliminando a necessidade de procurar informacoes em diferentes sites.
Apostas ao vivo (apostas em tempo real)
A possibilidade de apostar durante as partidas com estatisticas atualizadas e transmissoes ao vivo. Esse recurso permite que voce tome decisoes com base na situacao atual do jogo.
Catalogo de eventos esportivos com filtros
Os usuarios podem encontrar facilmente as partidas ou torneios de seu interesse usando filtros por esportes, ligas, datas e probabilidades.
Estatisticas e analises abrangentes
A plataforma fornece estatisticas detalhadas sobre times, jogadores e partidas anteriores, o que ajuda voce a tomar decisoes de apostas informadas.
Suporte multilingue e localizacao
A interface da plataforma esta disponivel em portugues e tambem oferece suporte ao real brasileiro (BRL) para a conveniencia dos usuarios locais.
Variedade de tipos de apostas
Os usuarios podem fazer apostas simples, apostas expressas, apostas de sistema e apostas especiais (por exemplo, no placar exato ou no numero de gols).
Notificacoes de eventos
A plataforma envia notificacoes sobre o inicio das partidas, mudancas nas probabilidades e resultados das apostas. Isso ajudara voce a nao perder eventos importantes.
Aplicativo de apostas esportivas
Um aplicativo pratico para iOS e Android permite que voce faca apostas e monitore os resultados a qualquer hora e em qualquer lugar.
Casa de apostas confiavel
A plataforma opera sob uma licenca e usa criptografia SSL para proteger os dados do usuario. Para seguranca adicional, a autenticacao de dois fatores (2FA) tambem e implementada.
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RobertMow – 23/02/2025
While Trump craves political glory, Zelensky is fighting for something far more profound: his country’s survival, now and as a future viable, independent sovereign state. Trump’s decision to open talks with Russia in Saudi Arabia on Tuesday without Ukraine raised fears he’s targeting a quick agreement with Putin that he’d then impose on Kyiv.
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Zelensky warned last week at the Munich Security Conference that he would “never accept deals made behind our backs without our involvement.” But if Trump walks away, Zelensky would have to decide whether to fight on without US arms and ammunition and to rely on Europe’s lesser punch.
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Zelensky understands that he can’t count on US support with Trump in the White House and said last week it was time to form a European army because, “the old days are over when America supported Europe just because it always had.”
Trump has given few signs that he’s got Ukraine’s interests at heart. Last week, for instance, he echoed one of Putin’s rationales for the war, saying that Ukraine’s NATO aspirations helped trigger Russia’s invasion.
This new US empathy with the invader, rather than the invaded party, is why Europe’s participation in peace talks is necessary to even the playing field. But Trump is already looking beyond Zelensky, who was the recipient of the telephone call that led to Trump’s first impeachment in his first term. He said last week that Ukraine needs elections “at some point” after a peace deal and archly noted that Zelensky’s poll numbers were “not great.” This is another Russian talking point that Trump has picked up — even though the idea that Putin, who sustains his long rule with sham elections, has any credibility in talking about elections is absurd.
Jameszoomy – 23/02/2025
KTO Apostas Brasil 2025: Guia Completo para Iniciar e Aproveitar a Plataforma
Se voce quer comecar no mundo das apostas online, a KTO Apostas Brasil 2025 e a plataforma ideal. Este guia mostra como se registrar, aproveitar bonus e entender as novas regulamentacoes no Brasil. O processo e simples, e a plataforma oferece uma experiencia otimizada, tanto no site quanto no aplicativo. O app KTO para Android tem uma interface intuitiva e oferece uma navegacao fluida, facilitando as apostas em esportes ao vivo e jogos de cassino. Veja como baixar o app e explorar todas as funcionalidades.
Processo de Registro no KTO: Um Guia Passo a Passo
Comecar sua jornada de jogos no KTO e rapido e facil, mas existem alguns passos essenciais a serem seguidos.
1. Acesse o Site da KTO e Faca o Cadastro
Acesse o site oficial da KTO e procure pelo botao “Cadastre-se”. Ao clicar nele, voce sera direcionado para uma pagina de registro onde devera inserir seus dados.
2. Preencha Seus Dados Pessoais
Voce precisara fornecer informacoes pessoais basicas, como nome completo, endereco de e-mail, data de nascimento e numero de telefone.
3. Crie Suas Credenciais de Login
Para sua seguranca, sera necessario criar um nome de usuario e uma senha forte. Estes serao os dados que voce usara toda vez que fizer login na sua conta KTO.
4. Aceite os Termos e Condicoes
Antes de clicar no botao “Enviar”, reserve um momento para revisar os termos e condicoes e a politica de privacidade da KTO.
5. Verifique Seu Endereco de E-mail
Apos completar o formulario de registro, voce recebera um e-mail de confirmacao da KTO. Basta abrir o e-mail e clicar no link de verificacao para ativar sua conta.
6. Faca Seu Primeiro Deposito
Agora que sua conta foi verificada, e hora de realizar o deposito! A KTO oferece diversas opcoes de pagamento, entao escolha a que melhor se adapta a voce. Seja por transferencia bancaria, cartao de credito ou outro metodo, seus fundos estarao disponiveis rapidamente, prontos para voce comecar a apostar ou jogar seus jogos favoritos de cassino!
GeorgeZOR – 23/02/2025
Seguro Bet: Um guia completo da plataforma para jogadores brasileiros
O Seguro Bet e uma plataforma que ha muito tempo e reconhecida entre os entusiastas de apostas e jogos de azar em todo o mundo. No Brasil, ela se tornou particularmente popular devido a sua facilidade de uso, variedade de recursos e enfase na seguranca. Se voce esta procurando uma plataforma onde possa fazer apostas, jogar caca-niqueis ou aproveitar a atmosfera do cassino ao vivo, o Seguro Bet e uma otima opcao. Vamos detalhar tudo o que essa plataforma oferece, desde o registro ate os saques.
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Como obtenho os bonus?
Para receber o bonus, e necessario cumprir os termos e condicoes da promocao. Por exemplo, o bonus de boas-vindas exige um deposito minimo de R$ 10 a R$ 300, que e definido pelas regras da oferta, e seu deposito sera creditado com um adicional de 100% do valor depositado. As promocoes de cashback sao ativadas automaticamente se voce cumprir suas condicoes.
Como ativar os bonus?
Todos os bonus sao ativados atraves da secao "Promocoes" no site ou no aplicativo. Basta selecionar a acao de interesse, seguir as condicoes e desfrutar de recursos adicionais.
Em quais jogos posso usar bonus?
Seguro Bet oferece liberdade de escolha: os fundos de bonus podem ser usados em apostas esportivas, caca-niqueis ou cassinos ao vivo. No entanto, e importante ler os Termos do bonus, pois algumas ofertas estao limitadas a certos jogos ou tipos de apostas.
Apostas desportivas no Seguro Bet: Eventos, tipos, limites
Se voce gosta de esportes, apostar no Seguro Bet oferece uma incrivel variedade de oportunidades. Essa e uma das razoes pelas quais a plataforma e tao popular entre os usuarios brasileiros.
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Em que posso apostar?
Existem muitos eventos esportivos disponiveis no Seguro Bet, incluindo:
?Futebol: Campeonato Brasileiro, Liga dos Campeoes, campeonatos mundiais e muito mais;
?Basquetebol: incluindo NBA e campeonatos nacionais;
?Tenis, volei, eSports e ate corridas de carros.
Que tipos de apostas estao disponiveis?
?Simples: aposta em um evento especifico.
?Express: uma combinacao de varias apostas que aumentam as probabilidades e os ganhos potenciais.
?Sistema: uma estrutura de apostas mais complexa, onde as combinacoes sao levadas em consideracao para minimizar o risco.
Como faco apostas ao vivo?
As apostas ao vivo permitem que voce faca apostas enquanto joga. Voce pode acompanhar as mudancas nas probabilidades em tempo real e fazer apostas ate o final do jogo. Isso aumenta a dinamica e o envolvimento no processo.
Limites de apostas
A aposta minima na plataforma depende do evento especifico e pode ser definida dentro de 1 real. Os limites maximos dependem do Esporte e da popularidade do evento.
Posso apostar a partir de um dispositivo movel?
Sim, todos os recursos estao disponiveis atraves do aplicativo movel Seguro Bet, incluindo apostas, visualizacao de eventos ao vivo e encerramento em cache.
Como funciona o Cash Out?
A funcionalidade Encerrar Aposta permite-lhe concluir a aposta antes do final do evento. Isso e util para minimizar perdas ou garantir ganhos se voce nao tiver certeza do resultado de um evento.
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ShawnSeatt – 22/02/2025
Airbus exploring double-level airplane seat design
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If you’ve seen images of the infamous double-level airplane seat concept and thought “that’s never going to happen” — maybe think again.
Aviation start-up Chaise Longue, the brains behind the controversial dual-level seat, announced today it’s “exploring some early stage concepts” with aviation giant Airbus.
This collaboration with an aircraft manufacturing heavyweight is a significant step in this seat design’s journey from college student project to potential in-air reality.
Designer and Chaise Longue CEO Alejandro Nunez Vicente tells CNN Travel he’s thankful Airbus sees “the true potential of two-level seating.”
An Airbus representative confirmed to CNN Travel that “Chaise Longue is exploring some early stage concepts with Airbus on two-level seating solutions for Airbus commercial aircraft.”
The representative added that “given the nature of this early phase level,” Airbus preferred “not to further comment at this stage.”
The crux of Nunez Vicente’s Chaise Longue seat design is the removal of the overhead cabin to allow two levels of seats in a single aircraft cabin.
The idea is that travelers would have the option of booking the top row or the bottom row — and while the lower level might look less-than-appealing in photos, bottom passengers would be able to stretch out their legs and enjoy extra leg room. The top level is also designed to give “larger recline angles” and “leg-stretching possibility” than your average economy airplane seat, says Nunez Vicente.
Nunez Vicente initially developed the design for economy cabins before last year premiering a business class/first class iteration.
CNN Travel tested out early prototypes of both concepts and concluded that while the lower level has definite claustrophobia potential, the increased leg room could cancel out the potential cabin fever for some passengers.
JamesCit – 22/02/2025
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Police raided a forger’s workshop in Rome. They found dozens of pieces, including fake Picassos and Rembrandts
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Italian police have seized dozens of forged artworks attributed to famous artists such as Picasso and Rembrandt in what authorities have called a “clandestine painting laboratory.”
The investigation, led by the Carabinieri Command for the Protection of Cultural Heritage, the country’s arts and culture police, and coordinated with the Rome prosecutor’s office, started when authorities began searching for fraudulent works that had been put for sale online, according to a press release issued by the police.
Police said they found a total of 71 paintings, adding that the suspect was selling “hundreds of works of dubious authenticity” on sites like eBay and Catawiki.
Paintings attributed to the likes of Pablo Picasso and Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn were among the works of art.
There were also forged pieces purporting to be from Mario Puccini, Giacomo Balla and Afro Basaldella, as well as several other celebrated artists.
The workshop where the paintings were being produced was located by police to a house in one of Rome’s northern neighbourhoods.
Authorities arrived to find a room set up solely for the production of counterfeit paintings. Among the materials seized by the police were hundreds of tubes of paint, brushes, easels, along with falsified gallery stamps and artist signatures.
The suspect, described by authorities as a “forger-restorer,” was even in possession of a typewriter and computer devices used to create paintings and falsify certificates of authenticity for the fraudulent pieces.
One tactic the suspect used was to collage over auction catalogues, replacing the painter’s original work with an image of the fake art he created, police said. This would give the appearance that the fake painting had been the real one all along.
Police also found various works still in the process of being made on the forger’s table bearing the signatures of different artists – leading them to believe that the suspect had created them recently.
This is far from the first time that Italian authorities have unearthed forged artworks. Established in 1969, the Carabinieri art police are specialized in combatting crimes relating to arts and culture.
In 2023, they recovered thousands of artifacts stolen from graves and archaeological digs.
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TravisIcowl – 19/02/2025
Former US President Joe Biden, a self-professed Catholic, has joined an African-American Masonic lodge as a ‘Master Mason’. The Vatican takes a dim view of Freemasonry, and Catholics who join the fraternal order face excommunication.
Biden was inducted into the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge in South Carolina on Sunday, one day before he left office. In a private ceremony, the lodge’s grand master, Victor C. Major, granted Biden “Master Mason membership with full honors,” according to a statement published by the organization last weekend that circulated online on Friday.
”To be a Freemason is to be part of a brotherhood dedicated to personal growth, service to others, and the pursuit of knowledge and truth,” the lodge wrote. Biden’s service, the statement added, “reflects the core values” of this brotherhood.
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WillieTub – 19/02/2025
LSU criticized after bringing caged live tiger into stadium before defeat to Alabama
No. 15 LSU has been criticized for unveiling a live caged tiger in its stadium for the first time in almost a decade before they were routed 42-13 by No. 11 Alabama in their SEC showdown.
Ahead of “The First Saturday in November,” a live tiger named Omar Bradley, owned by Florida resident Mitchel Kalmanson, was brought out in an enclosed cage with a black curtain over it, before the stadium lights went dark and a spotlight flashed onto the cage as it was unveiled.
The tiger laid down and then paced around his cage, which was attached to a truck, while photographers crowded around it, still keeping their distance. After a few minutes, the cage was slowly driven off the field at Tiger Stadium in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.
LSU has a long tradition of bringing caged tigers into the stadium on gamedays but, since 2015, the school has moved away from this and instead keeps its current live tiger mascot named Mike VII in a 15,000-square-foot enclosure on campus.
But Louisiana Gov. Jeff Landry pushed for the return of this tradition, much to the frustration of the LSU community, which circulated several petitions against the practice which gathered more than 27,000 signatures between them by Sunday morning.
Footage posted on social media also showed protesters outside the stadium holding placards with slogans including, “Justice for Omar” and “Did Tiger King teach us nothin’.”
For Landry, having a live tiger on the field was all about “tradition,” he told FOX News on Friday.
“This is about from Mike One through Six, we have had a live mascot on the field like many other colleges have before,” he said.
Traviswript – 19/02/2025
Former US President Joe Biden, a self-professed Catholic, has joined an African-American Masonic lodge as a ‘Master Mason’. The Vatican takes a dim view of Freemasonry, and Catholics who join the fraternal order face excommunication.
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Biden was inducted into the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge in South Carolina on Sunday, one day before he left office. In a private ceremony, the lodge’s grand master, Victor C. Major, granted Biden “Master Mason membership with full honors,” according to a statement published by the organization last weekend that circulated online on Friday.
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”To be a Freemason is to be part of a brotherhood dedicated to personal growth, service to others, and the pursuit of knowledge and truth,” the lodge wrote. Biden’s service, the statement added, “reflects the core values” of this brotherhood.
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JorgeAdene – 19/02/2025
Former US President Joe Biden, a self-professed Catholic, has joined an African-American Masonic lodge as a ‘Master Mason’. The Vatican takes a dim view of Freemasonry, and Catholics who join the fraternal order face excommunication.
Biden was inducted into the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge in South Carolina on Sunday, one day before he left office. In a private ceremony, the lodge’s grand master, Victor C. Major, granted Biden “Master Mason membership with full honors,” according to a statement published by the organization last weekend that circulated online on Friday.
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”To be a Freemason is to be part of a brotherhood dedicated to personal growth, service to others, and the pursuit of knowledge and truth,” the lodge wrote. Biden’s service, the statement added, “reflects the core values” of this brotherhood.
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RandallFub – 19/02/2025
Trailer trucks queue to cross into the United States at the Otay Mesa Port of Entry, in Tijuana, Mexico, November 27, 2024. Jorge Duenes/Reuters
New York
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Since President Donald Trump won the election in November, businesses across the globe have been bracing for higher tariffs — a key Day One promise the president made.
But over a week into his presidency, Trump has yet to enact any new tariffs.
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That could change, come 11:59 p.m. ET on Saturday — the deadline Trump set for when he says he will slap 25% tariffs on all Mexican and Canadian goods and a 10% tariff on all Chinese goods.
The tariffs, he said, will be imposed as a way of punishing the three nations, which Trump claims are responsible for helping people enter the country illegally and supplying fentanyl consumed in the US.
Speaking to reporters from the Oval Office on Thursday, Trump said he meant business, especially with his tariff threats on Mexico and Canada. White House Press Secretary Karoline Leavitt also confirmed on Friday that Trump will levy the 10% tariff on China on Saturday.
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Should these threats be believed? Yes and no, said Trump’s former Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross.
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The threat of blanket tariffs is likely being overstated, Ross said in an interview with CNN. “There probably will be exclusions, because there are some goods that just are not made here, will not be made here, and therefore, there’s no particular point putting tariffs on.”
Ross, who was one of a handful of initial cabinet members in Trump’s first administration who kept their position for the entire four-year term, said he advocated for such exclusions when he advised Trump on tariff policies.
JamesTiers – 19/02/2025
Trailer trucks queue to cross into the United States at the Otay Mesa Port of Entry, in Tijuana, Mexico, November 27, 2024. Jorge Duenes/Reuters
New York
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Since President Donald Trump won the election in November, businesses across the globe have been bracing for higher tariffs — a key Day One promise the president made.
But over a week into his presidency, Trump has yet to enact any new tariffs.
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That could change, come 11:59 p.m. ET on Saturday — the deadline Trump set for when he says he will slap 25% tariffs on all Mexican and Canadian goods and a 10% tariff on all Chinese goods.
The tariffs, he said, will be imposed as a way of punishing the three nations, which Trump claims are responsible for helping people enter the country illegally and supplying fentanyl consumed in the US.
Speaking to reporters from the Oval Office on Thursday, Trump said he meant business, especially with his tariff threats on Mexico and Canada. White House Press Secretary Karoline Leavitt also confirmed on Friday that Trump will levy the 10% tariff on China on Saturday.
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Should these threats be believed? Yes and no, said Trump’s former Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross.
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The threat of blanket tariffs is likely being overstated, Ross said in an interview with CNN. “There probably will be exclusions, because there are some goods that just are not made here, will not be made here, and therefore, there’s no particular point putting tariffs on.”
Ross, who was one of a handful of initial cabinet members in Trump’s first administration who kept their position for the entire four-year term, said he advocated for such exclusions when he advised Trump on tariff policies.
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Allenlerse – 19/02/2025
Trailer trucks queue to cross into the United States at the Otay Mesa Port of Entry, in Tijuana, Mexico, November 27, 2024. Jorge Duenes/Reuters
New York
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Since President Donald Trump won the election in November, businesses across the globe have been bracing for higher tariffs — a key Day One promise the president made.
But over a week into his presidency, Trump has yet to enact any new tariffs.
That could change, come 11:59 p.m. ET on Saturday — the deadline Trump set for when he says he will slap 25% tariffs on all Mexican and Canadian goods and a 10% tariff on all Chinese goods.
The tariffs, he said, will be imposed as a way of punishing the three nations, which Trump claims are responsible for helping people enter the country illegally and supplying fentanyl consumed in the US.
Speaking to reporters from the Oval Office on Thursday, Trump said he meant business, especially with his tariff threats on Mexico and Canada. White House Press Secretary Karoline Leavitt also confirmed on Friday that Trump will levy the 10% tariff on China on Saturday.
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Should these threats be believed? Yes and no, said Trump’s former Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross.
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The threat of blanket tariffs is likely being overstated, Ross said in an interview with CNN. “There probably will be exclusions, because there are some goods that just are not made here, will not be made here, and therefore, there’s no particular point putting tariffs on.”
Ross, who was one of a handful of initial cabinet members in Trump’s first administration who kept their position for the entire four-year term, said he advocated for such exclusions when he advised Trump on tariff policies.
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DavidMof – 19/02/2025
Trailer trucks queue to cross into the United States at the Otay Mesa Port of Entry, in Tijuana, Mexico, November 27, 2024. Jorge Duenes/Reuters
New York
блэкспрут сайт
Since President Donald Trump won the election in November, businesses across the globe have been bracing for higher tariffs — a key Day One promise the president made.
But over a week into his presidency, Trump has yet to enact any new tariffs.
That could change, come 11:59 p.m. ET on Saturday — the deadline Trump set for when he says he will slap 25% tariffs on all Mexican and Canadian goods and a 10% tariff on all Chinese goods.
The tariffs, he said, will be imposed as a way of punishing the three nations, which Trump claims are responsible for helping people enter the country illegally and supplying fentanyl consumed in the US.
Speaking to reporters from the Oval Office on Thursday, Trump said he meant business, especially with his tariff threats on Mexico and Canada. White House Press Secretary Karoline Leavitt also confirmed on Friday that Trump will levy the 10% tariff on China on Saturday.
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Should these threats be believed? Yes and no, said Trump’s former Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross.
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The threat of blanket tariffs is likely being overstated, Ross said in an interview with CNN. “There probably will be exclusions, because there are some goods that just are not made here, will not be made here, and therefore, there’s no particular point putting tariffs on.”
Ross, who was one of a handful of initial cabinet members in Trump’s first administration who kept their position for the entire four-year term, said he advocated for such exclusions when he advised Trump on tariff policies.
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JefferyHoity – 18/02/2025
While Trump craves political glory, Zelensky is fighting for something far more profound: his country’s survival, now and as a future viable, independent sovereign state. Trump’s decision to open talks with Russia in Saudi Arabia on Tuesday without Ukraine raised fears he’s targeting a quick agreement with Putin that he’d then impose on Kyiv.
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Zelensky warned last week at the Munich Security Conference that he would “never accept deals made behind our backs without our involvement.” But if Trump walks away, Zelensky would have to decide whether to fight on without US arms and ammunition and to rely on Europe’s lesser punch.
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Zelensky understands that he can’t count on US support with Trump in the White House and said last week it was time to form a European army because, “the old days are over when America supported Europe just because it always had.”
Trump has given few signs that he’s got Ukraine’s interests at heart. Last week, for instance, he echoed one of Putin’s rationales for the war, saying that Ukraine’s NATO aspirations helped trigger Russia’s invasion.
This new US empathy with the invader, rather than the invaded party, is why Europe’s participation in peace talks is necessary to even the playing field. But Trump is already looking beyond Zelensky, who was the recipient of the telephone call that led to Trump’s first impeachment in his first term. He said last week that Ukraine needs elections “at some point” after a peace deal and archly noted that Zelensky’s poll numbers were “not great.” This is another Russian talking point that Trump has picked up — even though the idea that Putin, who sustains his long rule with sham elections, has any credibility in talking about elections is absurd.
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DavidDep – 18/02/2025
‘You get one split second’: The story behind a viral bird photo
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By his own admission, James Crombie knew “very, very little” about starlings before Covid-19 struck. An award-winning sports photographer by trade, his only previous encounter with the short-tailed birds occurred when one fell into his fireplace after attempting to nest in the chimney of his home in the Irish Midlands.
“I always had too much going on with sport to think about wildlife,” said Crombie, who has covered three Olympic Games and usually shoots rugby and the Irish game of hurling, in a Zoom interview.
With the pandemic bringing major events to a halt, however, the photographer found himself at a loose end. So, when a recently bereaved friend proposed visiting a nearby lake to see flocks of starlings in flight (known as murmurations), Crombie brought along his camera — one that was conveniently well-suited to the job.
“You get one split second,” he said of the similarities between sport and nature photography. “They’re both shot at relatively high speeds and they’re both shot with equipment that can handle that.”
On that first evening, in late 2020, they saw around 100 starlings take to the sky before roosting at dusk. The pair returned to the lake — Lough Ennell in Ireland’s County Westmeath — over successive nights, choosing different vantage points from which to view the birds. The routine became a form of therapy for his grieving friend and a source of fascination for Crombie.
“It started to become a bit of an obsession,” recalled the photographer, who recently published a book of his starling images. “And every night that we went down, we learned a little bit more. We realized where we had to be and where (the starlings) were going to be. It just started to snowball from there.”
‘I’ve got something special here’
Scientists do not know exactly why starlings form murmurations, though they are thought to offer collective protection against predators, such as falcons. The phenomenon can last from just a few seconds to 45 minutes, sometimes involving tens of thousands of individual birds. In Ireland, starlings’ numbers are boosted during winter, as migrating flocks arrive from breeding grounds around Western Europe and Scandinavia.
Crombie often saw the birds form patterns and abstract shapes, their varying densities appearing like the subtle gradations of paint strokes. The photographer became convinced that, with enough patience, he could capture a recognizable shape.
Eugenesef – 18/02/2025
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EdwardPaync – 18/02/2025
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Jamesmat – 18/02/2025
‘You get one split second’: The story behind a viral bird photo
Площадка кракен
By his own admission, James Crombie knew “very, very little” about starlings before Covid-19 struck. An award-winning sports photographer by trade, his only previous encounter with the short-tailed birds occurred when one fell into his fireplace after attempting to nest in the chimney of his home in the Irish Midlands.
“I always had too much going on with sport to think about wildlife,” said Crombie, who has covered three Olympic Games and usually shoots rugby and the Irish game of hurling, in a Zoom interview.
With the pandemic bringing major events to a halt, however, the photographer found himself at a loose end. So, when a recently bereaved friend proposed visiting a nearby lake to see flocks of starlings in flight (known as murmurations), Crombie brought along his camera — one that was conveniently well-suited to the job.
“You get one split second,” he said of the similarities between sport and nature photography. “They’re both shot at relatively high speeds and they’re both shot with equipment that can handle that.”
On that first evening, in late 2020, they saw around 100 starlings take to the sky before roosting at dusk. The pair returned to the lake — Lough Ennell in Ireland’s County Westmeath — over successive nights, choosing different vantage points from which to view the birds. The routine became a form of therapy for his grieving friend and a source of fascination for Crombie.
“It started to become a bit of an obsession,” recalled the photographer, who recently published a book of his starling images. “And every night that we went down, we learned a little bit more. We realized where we had to be and where (the starlings) were going to be. It just started to snowball from there.”
‘I’ve got something special here’
Scientists do not know exactly why starlings form murmurations, though they are thought to offer collective protection against predators, such as falcons. The phenomenon can last from just a few seconds to 45 minutes, sometimes involving tens of thousands of individual birds. In Ireland, starlings’ numbers are boosted during winter, as migrating flocks arrive from breeding grounds around Western Europe and Scandinavia.
Crombie often saw the birds form patterns and abstract shapes, their varying densities appearing like the subtle gradations of paint strokes. The photographer became convinced that, with enough patience, he could capture a recognizable shape.
GeraldRal – 18/02/2025
‘You get one split second’: The story behind a viral bird photo
кракен вход
By his own admission, James Crombie knew “very, very little” about starlings before Covid-19 struck. An award-winning sports photographer by trade, his only previous encounter with the short-tailed birds occurred when one fell into his fireplace after attempting to nest in the chimney of his home in the Irish Midlands.
“I always had too much going on with sport to think about wildlife,” said Crombie, who has covered three Olympic Games and usually shoots rugby and the Irish game of hurling, in a Zoom interview.
With the pandemic bringing major events to a halt, however, the photographer found himself at a loose end. So, when a recently bereaved friend proposed visiting a nearby lake to see flocks of starlings in flight (known as murmurations), Crombie brought along his camera — one that was conveniently well-suited to the job.
“You get one split second,” he said of the similarities between sport and nature photography. “They’re both shot at relatively high speeds and they’re both shot with equipment that can handle that.”
On that first evening, in late 2020, they saw around 100 starlings take to the sky before roosting at dusk. The pair returned to the lake — Lough Ennell in Ireland’s County Westmeath — over successive nights, choosing different vantage points from which to view the birds. The routine became a form of therapy for his grieving friend and a source of fascination for Crombie.
“It started to become a bit of an obsession,” recalled the photographer, who recently published a book of his starling images. “And every night that we went down, we learned a little bit more. We realized where we had to be and where (the starlings) were going to be. It just started to snowball from there.”
‘I’ve got something special here’
Scientists do not know exactly why starlings form murmurations, though they are thought to offer collective protection against predators, such as falcons. The phenomenon can last from just a few seconds to 45 minutes, sometimes involving tens of thousands of individual birds. In Ireland, starlings’ numbers are boosted during winter, as migrating flocks arrive from breeding grounds around Western Europe and Scandinavia.
Crombie often saw the birds form patterns and abstract shapes, their varying densities appearing like the subtle gradations of paint strokes. The photographer became convinced that, with enough patience, he could capture a recognizable shape.
CharlesMar – 18/02/2025
Lucky Jet – твой шанс на большие выигрыши!
Попробуй захватывающую краш-игру прямо сейчас! Регистрируйся и получи бонус до 500% на первый депозит с промокодом: LuckyJetTeam.
lucky jet играть
Об игре
Lucky Jet — это не просто игра, а захватывающее приключение, в котором каждый момент может стать решающим! Эта краш-игра бросает вызов вашим инстинктам и способности быстро принимать решения. В основе игры — динамичная механика, где игроки ставят на рост коэффициента, но задача не в том, чтобы ждать до последнего, а вовремя вывести свой выигрыш, прежде чем персонаж взлетит слишком высоко и случится крах.
Чем выше коэффициент, тем более значительная награда! Но не забывайте: в этом азартном путешествии важен каждый момент, ведь именно ваше решение о выводе решит, насколько велик будет ваш выигрыш. Это не просто игра, а настоящее испытание на скорость и удачу! Простые правила, быстрые раунды и реальные выигрыши – вот почему игроки выбирают Lucky Jet.
Бонусы и промокоды в Lucky Jet
В Lucky Jet вас ждут щедрые бонусы и эксклюзивные промокоды, которые помогут увеличить ваш баланс и продлить удовольствие от игры! Мы ценим активных игроков и регулярно запускаем новые акции, чтобы сделать ваш игровой процесс еще выгоднее.
Актуальные бонусные предложения
Бонус 500% на первый депозит
Используйте промокод LuckyJetTeam при пополнении счета и получите увеличение депозита в 5 раз! Это отличная возможность начать игру с солидным запасом.
Еженедельные акции и фриспины
Чем больше вы играете, тем больше подарков получаете! Участвуйте в регулярных промо-акциях и получайте фриспины, бонусные деньги и дополнительные награды за активность.
Кэшбэк до 10%
Проиграли? Не беда! В Lucky Jet вы можете вернуть часть потерянных средств благодаря системе кэшбэка. Еженедельно вам будет начисляться до 10% возврата от проигранных ставок.
Следите за новыми акциями! Мы постоянно обновляем бонусные предложения, поэтому не упустите возможность воспользоваться самыми выгодными промо. Подписывайтесь на новости и следите за актуальными акциями, чтобы всегда быть в выигрыше!
Используйте бонусы и повышайте свои шансы на победу в Lucky Jet!
Как начать играть в Lucky Jet
Готовы испытать удачу и выиграть по-крупному? Следуйте этим простым шагам:
Зарегистрируйтесь на официальном сайте 1win. Процесс регистрации занимает всего пару минут.
Пополните счет удобным для вас способом: банковской картой, электронными кошельками или даже криптовалютой.
Откройте Lucky Jet в разделе казино и приготовьтесь к динамичному игровому процессу.
Сделайте ставку и следите за ростом коэффициента. Чем выше он поднимается – тем больше ваш потенциальный выигрыш.
Выведите выигрыш до того, как Lucky Jet взлетит! Главное – не жадничать и вовремя остановиться, иначе ставка сгорит.
Используйте стратегии, анализируйте предыдущие раунды и комбинируйте ставки, чтобы увеличить свои шансы на победу!
Douglasfaita – 18/02/2025
Если вы ищете аренду теплохода в Москве, мы предлагаем отличные условия для вашего мероприятия! Мы предоставляем разнообразные теплоходы для аренды, подходящие для любых торжеств и событий.
аренда теплохода Москва
Одним из самых популярных вариантов является аренда теплохода для свадьбы в Москве — это уникальная возможность провести самый важный день в жизни на воде, наслаждаясь живописными видами столицы.Снять теплоход в Москве — это идеальный выбор для тех, кто хочет провести незабываемый вечер с близкими, друзьями или коллегами. Наши теплоходы оборудованы всем необходимым для комфортного времяпрепровождения: просторные палубы, уютные залы, отличное обслуживание и возможность провести мероприятие по вашему сценарию.Свадьба на теплоходе — это не только красиво, но и необычно. Мы поможем организовать церемонию, банкет и развлекательную программу, обеспечив вам и вашим гостям незабываемые впечатления. На борту теплохода вы сможете наслаждаться красивыми видами на Москву-реку, современными удобствами и уютной атмосферой.Если вы планируете особенное событие или хотите провести вечер на воде, аренда теплохода в Москве — это лучший выбор! Мы гарантируем, что ваше мероприятие будет не только комфортным, но и эксклюзивным.
Michaelepips – 18/02/2025
Lucky Jet – твой шанс на большие выигрыши!
Попробуй захватывающую краш-игру прямо сейчас! Регистрируйся и получи бонус до 500% на первый депозит с промокодом: LuckyJetTeam.
lucky jet играть
Об игре
Lucky Jet — это не просто игра, а захватывающее приключение, в котором каждый момент может стать решающим! Эта краш-игра бросает вызов вашим инстинктам и способности быстро принимать решения. В основе игры — динамичная механика, где игроки ставят на рост коэффициента, но задача не в том, чтобы ждать до последнего, а вовремя вывести свой выигрыш, прежде чем персонаж взлетит слишком высоко и случится крах.
Чем выше коэффициент, тем более значительная награда! Но не забывайте: в этом азартном путешествии важен каждый момент, ведь именно ваше решение о выводе решит, насколько велик будет ваш выигрыш. Это не просто игра, а настоящее испытание на скорость и удачу! Простые правила, быстрые раунды и реальные выигрыши – вот почему игроки выбирают Lucky Jet.
Бонусы и промокоды в Lucky Jet
В Lucky Jet вас ждут щедрые бонусы и эксклюзивные промокоды, которые помогут увеличить ваш баланс и продлить удовольствие от игры! Мы ценим активных игроков и регулярно запускаем новые акции, чтобы сделать ваш игровой процесс еще выгоднее.
Актуальные бонусные предложения
Бонус 500% на первый депозит
Используйте промокод LuckyJetTeam при пополнении счета и получите увеличение депозита в 5 раз! Это отличная возможность начать игру с солидным запасом.
Еженедельные акции и фриспины
Чем больше вы играете, тем больше подарков получаете! Участвуйте в регулярных промо-акциях и получайте фриспины, бонусные деньги и дополнительные награды за активность.
Кэшбэк до 10%
Проиграли? Не беда! В Lucky Jet вы можете вернуть часть потерянных средств благодаря системе кэшбэка. Еженедельно вам будет начисляться до 10% возврата от проигранных ставок.
Следите за новыми акциями! Мы постоянно обновляем бонусные предложения, поэтому не упустите возможность воспользоваться самыми выгодными промо. Подписывайтесь на новости и следите за актуальными акциями, чтобы всегда быть в выигрыше!
Используйте бонусы и повышайте свои шансы на победу в Lucky Jet!
Как начать играть в Lucky Jet
Готовы испытать удачу и выиграть по-крупному? Следуйте этим простым шагам:
Зарегистрируйтесь на официальном сайте 1win. Процесс регистрации занимает всего пару минут.
Пополните счет удобным для вас способом: банковской картой, электронными кошельками или даже криптовалютой.
Откройте Lucky Jet в разделе казино и приготовьтесь к динамичному игровому процессу.
Сделайте ставку и следите за ростом коэффициента. Чем выше он поднимается – тем больше ваш потенциальный выигрыш.
Выведите выигрыш до того, как Lucky Jet взлетит! Главное – не жадничать и вовремя остановиться, иначе ставка сгорит.
Используйте стратегии, анализируйте предыдущие раунды и комбинируйте ставки, чтобы увеличить свои шансы на победу!
Thomastashy – 18/02/2025
‘You get one split second’: The story behind a viral bird photo
kra27 cc
By his own admission, James Crombie knew “very, very little” about starlings before Covid-19 struck. An award-winning sports photographer by trade, his only previous encounter with the short-tailed birds occurred when one fell into his fireplace after attempting to nest in the chimney of his home in the Irish Midlands.
“I always had too much going on with sport to think about wildlife,” said Crombie, who has covered three Olympic Games and usually shoots rugby and the Irish game of hurling, in a Zoom interview.
With the pandemic bringing major events to a halt, however, the photographer found himself at a loose end. So, when a recently bereaved friend proposed visiting a nearby lake to see flocks of starlings in flight (known as murmurations), Crombie brought along his camera — one that was conveniently well-suited to the job.
“You get one split second,” he said of the similarities between sport and nature photography. “They’re both shot at relatively high speeds and they’re both shot with equipment that can handle that.”
On that first evening, in late 2020, they saw around 100 starlings take to the sky before roosting at dusk. The pair returned to the lake — Lough Ennell in Ireland’s County Westmeath — over successive nights, choosing different vantage points from which to view the birds. The routine became a form of therapy for his grieving friend and a source of fascination for Crombie.
“It started to become a bit of an obsession,” recalled the photographer, who recently published a book of his starling images. “And every night that we went down, we learned a little bit more. We realized where we had to be and where (the starlings) were going to be. It just started to snowball from there.”
‘I’ve got something special here’
Scientists do not know exactly why starlings form murmurations, though they are thought to offer collective protection against predators, such as falcons. The phenomenon can last from just a few seconds to 45 minutes, sometimes involving tens of thousands of individual birds. In Ireland, starlings’ numbers are boosted during winter, as migrating flocks arrive from breeding grounds around Western Europe and Scandinavia.
Crombie often saw the birds form patterns and abstract shapes, their varying densities appearing like the subtle gradations of paint strokes. The photographer became convinced that, with enough patience, he could capture a recognizable shape.
WayneTat – 18/02/2025
Если вы ищете аренду теплохода в Москве, мы предлагаем отличные условия для вашего мероприятия! Мы предоставляем разнообразные теплоходы для аренды, подходящие для любых торжеств и событий.
аренда теплохода Москва
Одним из самых популярных вариантов является аренда теплохода для свадьбы в Москве — это уникальная возможность провести самый важный день в жизни на воде, наслаждаясь живописными видами столицы.Снять теплоход в Москве — это идеальный выбор для тех, кто хочет провести незабываемый вечер с близкими, друзьями или коллегами. Наши теплоходы оборудованы всем необходимым для комфортного времяпрепровождения: просторные палубы, уютные залы, отличное обслуживание и возможность провести мероприятие по вашему сценарию.Свадьба на теплоходе — это не только красиво, но и необычно. Мы поможем организовать церемонию, банкет и развлекательную программу, обеспечив вам и вашим гостям незабываемые впечатления. На борту теплохода вы сможете наслаждаться красивыми видами на Москву-реку, современными удобствами и уютной атмосферой.Если вы планируете особенное событие или хотите провести вечер на воде, аренда теплохода в Москве — это лучший выбор! Мы гарантируем, что ваше мероприятие будет не только комфортным, но и эксклюзивным.
ErnestExham – 18/02/2025
Lucky Jet – твой шанс на большие выигрыши!
Попробуй захватывающую краш-игру прямо сейчас! Регистрируйся и получи бонус до 500% на первый депозит с промокодом: LuckyJetTeam.
lucky jet игра
Об игре
Lucky Jet — это не просто игра, а захватывающее приключение, в котором каждый момент может стать решающим! Эта краш-игра бросает вызов вашим инстинктам и способности быстро принимать решения. В основе игры — динамичная механика, где игроки ставят на рост коэффициента, но задача не в том, чтобы ждать до последнего, а вовремя вывести свой выигрыш, прежде чем персонаж взлетит слишком высоко и случится крах.
Чем выше коэффициент, тем более значительная награда! Но не забывайте: в этом азартном путешествии важен каждый момент, ведь именно ваше решение о выводе решит, насколько велик будет ваш выигрыш. Это не просто игра, а настоящее испытание на скорость и удачу! Простые правила, быстрые раунды и реальные выигрыши – вот почему игроки выбирают Lucky Jet.
Бонусы и промокоды в Lucky Jet
В Lucky Jet вас ждут щедрые бонусы и эксклюзивные промокоды, которые помогут увеличить ваш баланс и продлить удовольствие от игры! Мы ценим активных игроков и регулярно запускаем новые акции, чтобы сделать ваш игровой процесс еще выгоднее.
Актуальные бонусные предложения
Бонус 500% на первый депозит
Используйте промокод LuckyJetTeam при пополнении счета и получите увеличение депозита в 5 раз! Это отличная возможность начать игру с солидным запасом.
Еженедельные акции и фриспины
Чем больше вы играете, тем больше подарков получаете! Участвуйте в регулярных промо-акциях и получайте фриспины, бонусные деньги и дополнительные награды за активность.
Кэшбэк до 10%
Проиграли? Не беда! В Lucky Jet вы можете вернуть часть потерянных средств благодаря системе кэшбэка. Еженедельно вам будет начисляться до 10% возврата от проигранных ставок.
Следите за новыми акциями! Мы постоянно обновляем бонусные предложения, поэтому не упустите возможность воспользоваться самыми выгодными промо. Подписывайтесь на новости и следите за актуальными акциями, чтобы всегда быть в выигрыше!
Используйте бонусы и повышайте свои шансы на победу в Lucky Jet!
Как начать играть в Lucky Jet
Готовы испытать удачу и выиграть по-крупному? Следуйте этим простым шагам:
Зарегистрируйтесь на официальном сайте 1win. Процесс регистрации занимает всего пару минут.
Пополните счет удобным для вас способом: банковской картой, электронными кошельками или даже криптовалютой.
Откройте Lucky Jet в разделе казино и приготовьтесь к динамичному игровому процессу.
Сделайте ставку и следите за ростом коэффициента. Чем выше он поднимается – тем больше ваш потенциальный выигрыш.
Выведите выигрыш до того, как Lucky Jet взлетит! Главное – не жадничать и вовремя остановиться, иначе ставка сгорит.
Используйте стратегии, анализируйте предыдущие раунды и комбинируйте ставки, чтобы увеличить свои шансы на победу!
Kevinslani – 18/02/2025
‘You get one split second’: The story behind a viral bird photo
kraken магазин
By his own admission, James Crombie knew “very, very little” about starlings before Covid-19 struck. An award-winning sports photographer by trade, his only previous encounter with the short-tailed birds occurred when one fell into his fireplace after attempting to nest in the chimney of his home in the Irish Midlands.
“I always had too much going on with sport to think about wildlife,” said Crombie, who has covered three Olympic Games and usually shoots rugby and the Irish game of hurling, in a Zoom interview.
With the pandemic bringing major events to a halt, however, the photographer found himself at a loose end. So, when a recently bereaved friend proposed visiting a nearby lake to see flocks of starlings in flight (known as murmurations), Crombie brought along his camera — one that was conveniently well-suited to the job.
“You get one split second,” he said of the similarities between sport and nature photography. “They’re both shot at relatively high speeds and they’re both shot with equipment that can handle that.”
On that first evening, in late 2020, they saw around 100 starlings take to the sky before roosting at dusk. The pair returned to the lake — Lough Ennell in Ireland’s County Westmeath — over successive nights, choosing different vantage points from which to view the birds. The routine became a form of therapy for his grieving friend and a source of fascination for Crombie.
“It started to become a bit of an obsession,” recalled the photographer, who recently published a book of his starling images. “And every night that we went down, we learned a little bit more. We realized where we had to be and where (the starlings) were going to be. It just started to snowball from there.”
‘I’ve got something special here’
Scientists do not know exactly why starlings form murmurations, though they are thought to offer collective protection against predators, such as falcons. The phenomenon can last from just a few seconds to 45 minutes, sometimes involving tens of thousands of individual birds. In Ireland, starlings’ numbers are boosted during winter, as migrating flocks arrive from breeding grounds around Western Europe and Scandinavia.
Crombie often saw the birds form patterns and abstract shapes, their varying densities appearing like the subtle gradations of paint strokes. The photographer became convinced that, with enough patience, he could capture a recognizable shape.
888starzprofile – 18/02/2025
888starz https://1wum.ru/forum/?PAGE_NAME=profile_view&UID=39479&MUL_MODE=
ThomasGipse – 18/02/2025
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Andrewlet – 18/02/2025
водкабет - водкабет зеркало, водка бет казино
TomasSEing – 18/02/2025
Members of the M23 armed rank hike alongside residents totally a street of the Keshero neighborhood in Goma, on Monday. AFP/Getty Images
A resister association claimed the lay of the biggest conurbation in the Representative Republic of Congo’s mineral-rich eastern region this week, pushing remote against guerillas from government troops backed around regional and UN intervention forces.
kra28 at
The takeover of Goma is up to now another territorial gather towards the Bond Fleuve Congo (AFC) challenge coalition, which includes the M23 armed set – sanctioned by the Coalesced States and the Amalgamated Nations.
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It is also a hasty flourishing of the affiliation’s foothold across swathes of eastern DR Congo – where rare minerals essential to the presentation of phones and computers are mined – and is appropriate to deteriorate a long-running humanitarian emergency in the region.
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“AFC-M23 controls Goma,” Prizewinner Tesongo, an AFC spokesperson, told CNN Monday, adding that “Goma demolish below power” after the club’s earlier usurpation of the nearby towns of Minova and Sake.
The Congolese government has despite everything to validate the rebels’ takeover but acknowledges their presence in the metropolis, capital of the eastern North Kivu province. It announced Sunday it had intrude perceptive ties with neighboring Rwanda, which it accuses of equipping the catalogue with both weapons and troops, and recalled its thoughtful staff from the nation. A Rwandan guidance spokesperson did not deny or prove the native land’s support payment M23 when asked nearby CNN.
More than a dozen odd peacekeepers, as well as the military governor of North Kivu tract, have been killed in current days bothersome to fend touched in the head the rebels, as thousands of locals hightail it their benefit into Goma.
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A federal judge on Tuesday afternoon temporarily blocked part of the Trump administration’s plans to freeze all federal aid, a policy that unleashed confusion and worry from charities and educators even as the White House said it was not as sweeping an order as it appeared.
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The short-term pause issued by US District Judge Loren L. AliKhan prevents the administration from carrying through with its plans to freeze funding for “open awards” already granted by the federal government through at least 5 p.m. ET Monday, February 3.
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The judge’s administrative stay is “a way of preserving the status quo” while she considers the challenge brought by a group of non-profits to the White House plans, AliKhan said.
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“The government doesn’t know the full scope of the programs that are going to be subject to the pause,” AliKhan said after pressing an attorney for the Justice Department on what programs the freeze would apply to. AliKhan is expected to consider a longer-term pause on the policy early next week.
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The White House budget office had ordered the pause on federal grants and loans, according to an internal memorandum sent Monday.
Federal agencies “must temporarily pause all activities related to obligation or disbursement of all Federal financial assistance,” White House Office of Management and Budget acting director Matthew Vaeth said in the memorandum, a copy of which was obtained by CNN, citing administration priorities listed in past executive orders.
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JamesTiers – 17/02/2025
Trailer trucks queue to cross into the United States at the Otay Mesa Port of Entry, in Tijuana, Mexico, November 27, 2024. Jorge Duenes/Reuters
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Since President Donald Trump won the election in November, businesses across the globe have been bracing for higher tariffs — a key Day One promise the president made.
But over a week into his presidency, Trump has yet to enact any new tariffs.
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That could change, come 11:59 p.m. ET on Saturday — the deadline Trump set for when he says he will slap 25% tariffs on all Mexican and Canadian goods and a 10% tariff on all Chinese goods.
The tariffs, he said, will be imposed as a way of punishing the three nations, which Trump claims are responsible for helping people enter the country illegally and supplying fentanyl consumed in the US.
Speaking to reporters from the Oval Office on Thursday, Trump said he meant business, especially with his tariff threats on Mexico and Canada. White House Press Secretary Karoline Leavitt also confirmed on Friday that Trump will levy the 10% tariff on China on Saturday.
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Should these threats be believed? Yes and no, said Trump’s former Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross.
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The threat of blanket tariffs is likely being overstated, Ross said in an interview with CNN. “There probably will be exclusions, because there are some goods that just are not made here, will not be made here, and therefore, there’s no particular point putting tariffs on.”
Ross, who was one of a handful of initial cabinet members in Trump’s first administration who kept their position for the entire four-year term, said he advocated for such exclusions when he advised Trump on tariff policies.
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Trailer trucks queue to cross into the United States at the Otay Mesa Port of Entry, in Tijuana, Mexico, November 27, 2024. Jorge Duenes/Reuters
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Since President Donald Trump won the election in November, businesses across the globe have been bracing for higher tariffs — a key Day One promise the president made.
But over a week into his presidency, Trump has yet to enact any new tariffs.
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That could change, come 11:59 p.m. ET on Saturday — the deadline Trump set for when he says he will slap 25% tariffs on all Mexican and Canadian goods and a 10% tariff on all Chinese goods.
The tariffs, he said, will be imposed as a way of punishing the three nations, which Trump claims are responsible for helping people enter the country illegally and supplying fentanyl consumed in the US.
Speaking to reporters from the Oval Office on Thursday, Trump said he meant business, especially with his tariff threats on Mexico and Canada. White House Press Secretary Karoline Leavitt also confirmed on Friday that Trump will levy the 10% tariff on China on Saturday.
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Should these threats be believed? Yes and no, said Trump’s former Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross.
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The threat of blanket tariffs is likely being overstated, Ross said in an interview with CNN. “There probably will be exclusions, because there are some goods that just are not made here, will not be made here, and therefore, there’s no particular point putting tariffs on.”
Ross, who was one of a handful of initial cabinet members in Trump’s first administration who kept their position for the entire four-year term, said he advocated for such exclusions when he advised Trump on tariff policies.
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Trailer trucks queue to cross into the United States at the Otay Mesa Port of Entry, in Tijuana, Mexico, November 27, 2024. Jorge Duenes/Reuters
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Since President Donald Trump won the election in November, businesses across the globe have been bracing for higher tariffs — a key Day One promise the president made.
But over a week into his presidency, Trump has yet to enact any new tariffs.
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That could change, come 11:59 p.m. ET on Saturday — the deadline Trump set for when he says he will slap 25% tariffs on all Mexican and Canadian goods and a 10% tariff on all Chinese goods.
The tariffs, he said, will be imposed as a way of punishing the three nations, which Trump claims are responsible for helping people enter the country illegally and supplying fentanyl consumed in the US.
Speaking to reporters from the Oval Office on Thursday, Trump said he meant business, especially with his tariff threats on Mexico and Canada. White House Press Secretary Karoline Leavitt also confirmed on Friday that Trump will levy the 10% tariff on China on Saturday.
Should these threats be believed? Yes and no, said Trump’s former Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross.
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The threat of blanket tariffs is likely being overstated, Ross said in an interview with CNN. “There probably will be exclusions, because there are some goods that just are not made here, will not be made here, and therefore, there’s no particular point putting tariffs on.”
Ross, who was one of a handful of initial cabinet members in Trump’s first administration who kept their position for the entire four-year term, said he advocated for such exclusions when he advised Trump on tariff policies.
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DavidMof – 17/02/2025
Trailer trucks queue to cross into the United States at the Otay Mesa Port of Entry, in Tijuana, Mexico, November 27, 2024. Jorge Duenes/Reuters
New York
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Since President Donald Trump won the election in November, businesses across the globe have been bracing for higher tariffs — a key Day One promise the president made.
But over a week into his presidency, Trump has yet to enact any new tariffs.
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That could change, come 11:59 p.m. ET on Saturday — the deadline Trump set for when he says he will slap 25% tariffs on all Mexican and Canadian goods and a 10% tariff on all Chinese goods.
The tariffs, he said, will be imposed as a way of punishing the three nations, which Trump claims are responsible for helping people enter the country illegally and supplying fentanyl consumed in the US.
Speaking to reporters from the Oval Office on Thursday, Trump said he meant business, especially with his tariff threats on Mexico and Canada. White House Press Secretary Karoline Leavitt also confirmed on Friday that Trump will levy the 10% tariff on China on Saturday.
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Should these threats be believed? Yes and no, said Trump’s former Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross.
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The threat of blanket tariffs is likely being overstated, Ross said in an interview with CNN. “There probably will be exclusions, because there are some goods that just are not made here, will not be made here, and therefore, there’s no particular point putting tariffs on.”
Ross, who was one of a handful of initial cabinet members in Trump’s first administration who kept their position for the entire four-year term, said he advocated for such exclusions when he advised Trump on tariff policies.
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Williehug – 17/02/2025
Best crypto mixer - Bitcoin mixer - Bitcoin mixer - Bitcoin mixer
If you’re looking for a mixer which neither keeps any logs, nor asks you to register; Yomix is an option you can peek at. It does offer registrations in case you’d want to keep things professional, organized and are a frequent mixer. It’s one of the very few mixers which offer “multiple deposit addresses” (upto 5); so you can break the deposit into multiple parts which add upto your total amount. Even offers 2-FA (via PGP) for account security. It also acts as a BTC aXMR a BTC convertor which further adds anonymity. The fee is randomized between a minimum 1% and a maximum 4%. Minimum Withdrawal and deposit limits are acceptable, currently 0.00045 BTC and 0.0018 BTC respectively. Upto 10 additional addresses supported for each output. Time-delays aren’t completely user-controlled, yet users get to specify the maximum delay they want for the total output. All outputs are processed before this timer is reached. Instant withdrawal too available.
1. Unijoin Mixer - Has impressive time delays
Unijoin Mixer supports Bitcoin cryptocurrency bearing no logs policy. It requires a minimum deposit of 0.001 BTC and the transaction fee is 0.5–3%. It supports multiple addresses of up to 10 and requires confirmation. No registration is required and it does offer a referral program. Letter of guarantee is provided.And last but not least, there is a coin mixer with a number of cryptocurrencies to tumbler named Unijoin Mixer. At the moment, there are three currencies and Ethereum is going to be represented in future. This mixer offers a very simple user-interface, as well as the opportunity to have control over all steps of the mixing process. A user can select a delay not just by hours, but by the minute which is very useful. The tumbler gives the opportunity to use a calculator to understand the amount of money a user finally receives. The service fee is from 1 % to 5 % with fees for extra addresses (0.00045529 BTC, 0.01072904 LTC, and 0.00273174 BCH). Having funds from different resources helps the crypto mixer to keep user’s personal information undiscovered. This last mixer does not offer its users a Letter of Guarantee.Unijoin Mixer currently only supports Bitcoin mixes, however, it has plans to bring in ETH mixes in the near future. It has been featured on Bitcoin.com/ News BTC/ Crypto News/ The Next Web etc. hence building a bit of trust. Very modern, advanced, user-controlled interface. Allows upto 5 output addresses. Obviously, doesn’t keep any logs whatsoever. The user-control is impressive. You get to control the fund-distribution, as well as the time-delay for each output address manually. Even the fee can be set manually. The cheapest allowed fee is 0.5% which is more than acceptable. The highest is set at 5%. Obviously the 0.25mBTC blockchain transaction fee is attached on top of the selected fee. It even has a “strength meter” which shows how strong your mix is, based on all the factors you’ve selected. No registration required whatsoever. And it does provide the mixing code to ensure all outputs are fresh and not linked to any of your previous deposits.Unijoin Mixer is one of the best Bitcoin Tumbler services, that I’m stating based on my personal experiences and the positive reviews of other users on the Internet. It works both as a Bitcoin Tumbler, as well as a swapper, meaning you can clean your coins, and receive them in a different cryptocurrency as well which further adds to their anonymity. As a Bitcoin Tumbler, they let you set a custom service fee, the higher this fee is, the better your coins are anonymized. There’s a time-delay option as well which let’s you add an extra layer of protection by delaying your transaction by up to 24 hours, so you receive your coins not instantly but at a later time set by you. As of now, it supports the following coins: Bitcoin Ethereum Bitcoin Cash Litecoin The minimum fee of mixing coins for Bitcoin is 0.8% + 0.0008BTC / forwarding address. Note that there is a minimum transaction limit of 0.01BTC/transaction, and anything below that limit is still accepted but considered “donations” and hence isn’t returned to the senders. As for confirmation, it needs 1 confirmation before it cleans your Bitcoins. And the time needed for the whole process is generally instant, except when you’ve manually specified a time-delay. Also, obviously there also is a “Guarantee certificate” which helps you resolve any future conflicts and issues. It also features a “no logs policy” like all the other Bitcoin Tumbler services on this list, and automatically deletes your order history and all the other data after 24 hours. Well, this is just one of the many available Bitcoin Tumbler services, so let’s head over to the other available options.
It has a positive reputation among the Bitcoin community
No-logs polici
2. Coin Mixer - Excellent customer support
In the past, Coin Mixer was one of the most popular Bitcoin mixers available in the cryptocurrency world. The first of its kind, this bitcoin mixer was shut down temporarily before returning to limited service. Nowadays, Coin Mixer is primarily used to facilitate anonymous individual transactions.Coin Mixer only supports Bitcoin transactions and requires customers to deposit a minimum of 0.001 BTC. Transaction fees range from 0.5 to 3% depending on the amount that is being transferred. This Bitcoin mixer supports multiple addresses and custom options (max of 10). Nonetheless, confirmation is required. Coin Mixer does not have a referral program in place.The principle of operation of the resource is that Coin Mixer sends coins of all users to a single account, mixes them, and then distributes coins to users. You get the same amount (minus commission) of already cleared bitcoins, including several from different parts of the blockchain. Which makes it almost impossible to analyze it. The mixer also sends you a letter of guarantee. This letter of guarantee is a confirmation of the obligations of BitMix biz and that the service has generated an address for the user to send. This email is always signed from the main bitcoin account Coin Mixer (publicly available at BitMix biz). The service also uses a unique code of 12 characters, after that, this user will never receive exactly his own coins back. Save this code it will be needed for the affiliate program. BitMix biz includes an affiliate program and pays users when they bring other users to the platform. You will receive a fee for every transaction you refer to. BitMix biz’s robust privacy policy is backed by several points: No registration and identity verification required. Transaction history is deleted after 72 hours. The randomization function makes the analysis of the protocol more difficult. Tor browser support.Coin Mixer supports Bitcoin and Litecoin cryptocurrencies bearing no logs policy. It requires a minimum deposit of 0.005 BTC, 0.015 LTC and the transaction fee is from 0.4% to 4% + mining fee 0.0003 for BTC, from 2% to 20% + mining fee 0.0003 for LTC. It supports multiple addresses of up to 5 and requires confirmation from 1 till 6. No registration is required and it does offer a referral program as well as a letter of guarantee.
Allows extra payout addresses
Excellent customer support
RonaldMag – 17/02/2025
Best btc blender - Bitcoin mixer - Mixer BTC - Bitcoin mixer
Mixer Money is a very impressive service if you want to maintain your anonymity when you make purchases online. It can also be useful if you want to do p2p payments and donations. The service is used to mix a person’s funds and give this person some fresh bitcoins. The focus here is on making sure that the blender has the ability to confuse the trail as somebody could try to figure out the source. The best mixer is that one that keeps your anonymity at a max. You want each bitcoin transaction to be very hard to trace. This is where using our bitcoin mixing service makes a lot of sense. Protect your income and personal information becomes much easier. The reason why you want to use our service is because you want to hide your coins from hackers and third-parties. They can do a blockchain analysis, they may be able to track your personal data to steal your bitcoins. With our bitcoin tumbler, you don’t have to worry about that anymore.
1. Unijoin - No-logs polici
If you’re looking for a mixer which neither keeps any logs, nor asks you to register; Unijoin is an option you can peek at. It does offer registrations in case you’d want to keep things professional, organized and are a frequent mixer. It’s one of the very few mixers which offer “multiple deposit addresses” (upto 5); so you can break the deposit into multiple parts which add upto your total amount. Even offers 2-FA (via PGP) for account security. It also acts as a BTC aXMR a BTC convertor which further adds anonymity. The fee is randomized between a minimum 1% and a maximum 4%. Minimum Withdrawal and deposit limits are acceptable, currently 0.00045 BTC and 0.0018 BTC respectively. Upto 10 additional addresses supported for each output. Time-delays aren’t completely user-controlled, yet users get to specify the maximum delay they want for the total output. All outputs are processed before this timer is reached. Instant withdrawal too available.Unijoin is one of the most pocket-friendly, easy to use and customizable Bitcoin laundry platforms in the industry. The user-interface is extremely simple and clean, anyone who has never before used any such service too can navigate around and tumble Bitcoins easily. No registration is required to mix Bitcoins on Blender.io Its “delay” feature lets you set delays from 1-24 hours which increases your anonymity by providing a gap between the deposited coins and the outgoing ones. As for the fee, it’s dynamic, meaning you get to choose the amount of fee you’d like to pay, the minimum fee being 0.5% and the maximum being 2.5% with an additional 0.0005%/address. It’s also one of the rare platforms which provides you with a mixing code which makes sure your previous coins do not get mixed with your newer deposits if you do multiple deposits to the tumbler. The minimum amount you can mix is 0.001BTC while there’s no specific maximum amount as their Bitcoin reserve seems to be quite large. It also has a No Logs Policy and all data is instantly deleted as soon as a transaction is complete; and as for the number of confirmations required it’s 3 for your deposit to be mixed by Unijoin It supports 8 addresses for each mix so you can further increase your anonymity. In a nutshell, it gives you the power to choose, is fast, anonymous and totally worth a try. It also supports Segwit and bech32 Addresses, with some terms attached. For e.g. only witness version bech32 addresses are supported. Similarly, only the addresses starting with the number “3” are supported.And last but not least, there is a coin mixer with a number of cryptocurrencies to tumbler named Unijoin. At the moment, there are three currencies and Ethereum is going to be represented in future. This mixer offers a very simple user-interface, as well as the opportunity to have control over all steps of the mixing process. A user can select a delay not just by hours, but by the minute which is very useful. The tumbler gives the opportunity to use a calculator to understand the amount of money a user finally receives. The service fee is from 1 % to 5 % with fees for extra addresses (0.00045529 BTC, 0.01072904 LTC, and 0.00273174 BCH). Having funds from different resources helps the crypto mixer to keep user’s personal information undiscovered. This last mixer does not offer its users a Letter of Guarantee.Unijoin is being listed at the #1 spot here, well that’s not without substance. The top reasons why I’m in love with this Bitcoin tumbler is because it’s fast, takes care of our anonymity and privacy, and has a very negligible fee. Smartmix bitcoin mixing service The payout is almost instant, all it needs is 2 confirmations for the dirty coins being sent in to be cleaned or tumbled. No account needs to be created to clean your coins either. They have advanced options which let you set “delayed payouts” which further increase your anonymity and make it hard to link the coins going inside to the coins coming out. There’s even an option to add up to 5 addresses, so your coins are broken down into 5 different parts and sent to the different addresses again adding another layer of anonymity. The minimum amount too is pretty low being just 0.001BTC while the maximum limit is 15.32BTC. It’s pocket-friendly as well, with the fee being just 0.5% per mix + 0.0001BTC/address, in fact, it probably is one of the lowest fee in the industry altogether. As for anonymity, they delete all logs related to your mix after 7 days which finally erases the last thread which could ever be linked back to you. So yes, enough reasons to list it at the #1 spot, don’t you agree?
No logs
Offers a low minimum deposit of 0.002 BTC
2. Mixer Money - Excellent customer support
An interesting cryptocurrency tumbler is Mixer Money. It supports bitcoin and Ethereum cryptocurrencies bearing no logs policy. It requires a minimum deposit of 0.2 BTC and the transaction fee is 2–5%. It does not support multiple addresses and requires 6 confirmations. No registration is required and it does not offer a referral program.Mixer Money is one of the most reputable and most user-friendly (in terms of the process and the rate of the fees per transaction) Bitcoin mixing platform available for users right now. It offers a straightforward process and flexible service fees that can be determined by the users themselves, depending on the service that they want.Mixer Money offers a good number of features and has a no logs policy. To get started, you’ll need to deposit a minimum of 0.0015 BTC with no transaction fees charged. As an added plus, Mixer Money supports multiple addresses with a maximum of 5. You won’t have to register to use this service – which is great for those who prize their privacy. However, the site does not offer a referral program.Mixer Money currently only supports Bitcoin mixes, however, it has plans to bring in ETH mixes in the near future. It has been featured on Bitcoin.com/ News BTC/ Crypto News/ The Next Web etc. hence building a bit of trust. Very modern, advanced, user-controlled interface. Allows upto 5 output addresses. Obviously, doesn’t keep any logs whatsoever. The user-control is impressive. You get to control the fund-distribution, as well as the time-delay for each output address manually. Even the fee can be set manually. The cheapest allowed fee is 0.5% which is more than acceptable. The highest is set at 5%. Obviously the 0.25mBTC blockchain transaction fee is attached on top of the selected fee. It even has a “strength meter” which shows how strong your mix is, based on all the factors you’ve selected. No registration required whatsoever. And it does provide the mixing code to ensure all outputs are fresh and not linked to any of your previous deposits.
Zero-log policy
It has a positive reputation among the Bitcoin community
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Проведение праздника в теплое время года требует выбора особого места. Закрытое помещение подходит не лучшим образом, так как гостям будет хотеться свежего воздуха и солнца. Прекрасный вариант – это аренда теплохода в компании Ривер Трэвел. Незабываемые эмоции, впечатления гостям точно гарантированы.
Аренда теплохода в Москве может быть разной. Распространённый вариант – аренда корабля без питания (банкета или фуршета). Безусловно, на таком формате клиент существенно экономит.
корпоратив на теплоходе
Когда заказывают теплоход без кухни?
Есть много мероприятий, на которых еда и алкогольные напитки не являются обязательными атрибутами. Например, некоторые форматы вечеринок, на которых акцент делается на впечатлениях, а не на питании.
Часто бывают случаи, когда клиенты пользуются услугами кейтеринга или имеют свой собственный ресторан и намерены привезти еду с собой. В некоторых случаях гости хотят привезти личного повара или даже готовить самостоятельно.
В чем сложность аренды теплохода без питания?
Такая услуга имеет свои сложности, которые клиент должен четко осознавать. Например:
остаётся открытым (нерешённым) вопрос питания и меню;
на плечи клиента ложится дополнительная нагрузка: необходимо привезти посуду, скатерть, элементы декора, продукты питания, а также обдумать красивую сервировку столов;
необходимость дополнительной аренды стороннего обслуживающего персонала;
личная ответственность за качество и свежесть продуктов перед гостями.
Конечный результат – дополнительные финансовые затраты, время и отсутствие сил. Вот поэтому важно взвесить все «за» и «против».
Как арендовать теплоход без банкета и фуршета
Если у вас есть такое желание, то заявку следует подавать заранее: ажиотаж очень большой. Каждая такая заявка рассматривается в индивидуальном порядке. Чтобы найти золотую середину, организатор, как правило, предлагает клиенту принести свои напитки и часть еды. Это самое лучшее решение в условиях ограниченного бюджета, когда хочется незабываемых впечатлений, но нет возможности больших трат.
Hermanjaw – 17/02/2025
Аренда теплохода без банкета и фуршета
Проведение праздника в теплое время года требует выбора особого места. Закрытое помещение подходит не лучшим образом, так как гостям будет хотеться свежего воздуха и солнца. Прекрасный вариант – это аренда теплохода в компании Ривер Трэвел. Незабываемые эмоции, впечатления гостям точно гарантированы.
Аренда теплохода в Москве может быть разной. Распространённый вариант – аренда корабля без питания (банкета или фуршета). Безусловно, на таком формате клиент существенно экономит.
аренда теплохода в москве
Когда заказывают теплоход без кухни?
Есть много мероприятий, на которых еда и алкогольные напитки не являются обязательными атрибутами. Например, некоторые форматы вечеринок, на которых акцент делается на впечатлениях, а не на питании.
Часто бывают случаи, когда клиенты пользуются услугами кейтеринга или имеют свой собственный ресторан и намерены привезти еду с собой. В некоторых случаях гости хотят привезти личного повара или даже готовить самостоятельно.
В чем сложность аренды теплохода без питания?
Такая услуга имеет свои сложности, которые клиент должен четко осознавать. Например:
остаётся открытым (нерешённым) вопрос питания и меню;
на плечи клиента ложится дополнительная нагрузка: необходимо привезти посуду, скатерть, элементы декора, продукты питания, а также обдумать красивую сервировку столов;
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личная ответственность за качество и свежесть продуктов перед гостями.
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Antonioiceby – 16/02/2025
Why expanding the College Football Playoff worked – and what still needs to be fixed
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Now that it’s all over and the Ohio State Buckeyes are the college football national champions, it can be definitively said: expanding the College Football Playoff worked.
The grand experiment to allow more teams to play for the national championship wasn’t perfect, but it ended up where it was supposed to: a worthy national champion with exciting, close games in the later rounds when the best teams faced one another. It gave us awesome scenes on campuses around the nation, created new legends and showed how a sport so steeped in tradition can evolve when faced with new demands from its fans and business partners.
Here are four reasons why the new version of the College Football Playoff worked – and the areas that can still be fixed.
The committee picked the right teams, even if some games were blowouts
Before the games kicked off in December, much of the focus was put on the inclusion of Southern Methodist University (SMU) and Indiana University – two teams that won a bunch of games but didn’t have the brand recognition of schools like Alabama, South Carolina and Ole Miss.
Here’s what else those teams had that SMU and Indiana didn’t: three losses.
The Hoosiers lost only once in the regular season – to eventual national champion Ohio State. The Mustangs had lost twice, once to Brigham Young University and again in the ACC championship game to Clemson.
In the first year of the expanded, 12-team playoff, could the committee really leave out a major conference team with 11 wins and punish another one for playing for a conference championship while other teams sat at home? Warde Manuel, the University of Michigan athletic director who served as chair of the committee, said they could not.
RichardEvafe – 15/02/2025
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CyrilHurse – 14/02/2025
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DannyWap – 12/02/2025
How Nigeria’s biggest city became the world’s hottest winter party destination
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It’s a world of endless parties and sleepless nights. A relentless celebration that turns West Africa – and especially Nigeria’s largest city, Lagos – into one of the hottest destinations on the continent, if not the planet, right in the middle of winter.
Detty December is a magical time between December and early January when diaspora communities and tourists flock to Ghana, Nigeria and South Africa for an unforgettable experience filled with flavourful food, soulful African music and sunshine.
Beach parties, festivals and top-tier performances fuel the energy, while fashion takes center stage, with everyone dressing to impress.
Nearly two-thirds of Nigeria’s population is under 25, according to the United Nations Population Fund, making this one of the world’s youngest countries.
Internationally renowned Afrobeats performers and foreign artists make surprise appearances. DJs take to the streets, blasting powerful beats from consoles mounted atop bright yellow minibuses.
At times it’s all-consuming. Good luck getting hair salon appointments, affordable air tickets or navigating Lagos’ already notorious traffic when the party crowds are in town.
Detty December (“detty” is a playful corruption of “dirty”) is a triumphant celebration of culture, music and good vibes that has evolved in recent years during the traditional holidays influx of diaspora returnees, which heightened in 2018 when Ghana ran a launched a successful “Year of Return” campaign actively encouraging people to visit their ancestral homelands.
It’s gathered pace over the past five years, gaining an international reputation, as IJGBs (“I Just Got Backs”) and their friends arrive in batches, eager to unwind and blow off steam after the fast-paced, hard-working year they’ve had overseas.
For many in the vast Nigerian diaspora, it is a deeply personal homecoming, a chance to reconnect with their heritage, traditions and families while immersing themselves in the lively energy of Nigerian life.
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Curtisinits – 12/02/2025
Cute baby animals bring visitors to zoos and aquariums. What happens when they grow up?
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One of the best things that can happen to a zoo or aquarium is for one of their resident animals to go viral.
Just look at the multi-hour-long lines to see Moo Deng, a pygmy hippo in Thailand who has become an internet sensation following her July 2024 birth. The sassy animal is now a full-on brand, with Khao Kheow Open Zoo selling Moo Deng merchandise and even releasing a single “by” the hippo in multiple languages.
Meanwhile, Pesto — a baby king penguin who was eating more fish than his parents by the time he was a few weeks old — is also an online celebrity, with human stars like Olivia Rodrigo and Katy Perry stopping by to meet him.
But what happens when these cute animals become, well, less cute? The Sea Life Melbourne aquarium has already been planning for the next phase of Pesto’s life — and answering questions from the public about his changing appearance.
It’s normal for king penguins to lose their feathers by the time they’re about a year old and become confident swimmers. As a result, a spokesperson for the aquarium says, guests have started asking why Pesto looks different — or why they can’t find him at all.
“We are getting a few guests thinking we have moved him off display completely,” says the spokesperson. “Most of the team’s time is spent pointing him out to guests because he looks so different now.”
The bottom line is that cute baby animals make money.
Admission tickets are only the beginning. Many zoos and aquariums offer special “behind the scenes” or “zookeeper for a day” packages at much higher prices. At Sea Life Melbourne, standard entry tickets for adults start at $51, while the Penguin Passport — which include a 45-minute tour of the birds’ area and a look at how their food is prepared — is $199.
The real jackpot, though, is merchandise. Stuffed animals, T-shirts, fridge magnets, keychains, kids’ books and other branded products are a major way for zoos and aquariums to make money.
KevinHautt – 12/02/2025
Scores of unexploded World War II bombs discovered under children’s playground
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Scores of unexploded bombs dating from World War II have been recovered from a children’s playground in northern England after a chance discovery.
Local officials in the town of Wooler, Northumberland called in bomb disposal experts after workers involved in a planned overhaul of Scotts Play Park found unexploded ordnance, the parish council said in a statement sent to CNN on Monday.
Two bombs were initially removed by the British Army, the UK Ministry of Defense said in a statement. The parish council was then advised that a full survey of the area was required, according to a council spokesperson.
Bomb disposal company Brimstone Site Investigation then uncovered 65 10-pound practice bombs and smoke cartridges on the first day of works, with a further 90 practice bombs recovered on the second day.
The company told CNN that the bombs date from World War II.
According to the parish council, all of the bombs need to be found and removed before the park can be reopened. It said 174 devices had been found so far.
PhillipAmori – 12/02/2025
Look of the Week: Kendrick Lamar’s Super Bowl pants signal the return of flares
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This year’s Super Bowl halftime show was hardly a fashion extravaganza, with headliner Kendrick Lamar keeping things simple in a backwards cap and motorbike-style varsity jacket, which he kept on throughout.
And without the costume-change roulette we’ve come to expect of halftime shows, the internet fixated on one item in particular: his jeans.
While not quite the bell-bottoms of decades past (the 1970s and the 2000s, specifically), the Compton-born rapper’s washed denim pants flared out at the knee and dragged beneath his heels along the stage at Caesars Superdrome in New Orleans. His silhouette stood in stark contrast to that of record producer Mustard, who made a brief cameo in a pair of outsized jeans straight from the West Coast hip-hop playbook.
Opinions were, as ever, divided on social media. Some users described Lamar’s flares as “women’s jeans” and “Hannah Montana pants,” earning him comparisons to everyone from Jennifer Aniston to country singer Lainey Wilson. Others joked that their moms were looking for a similar pair or that they nodded to millennials, for whom flares were a teenage staple.
But those suggesting his style was outdated, or gender-inappropriate, may not have been paying attention to the recent resurgence of flares — in both womenswear and menswear. After all, Lamar’s jeans were designed by one of the most influential figures in modern fashion, Celine’s former creative director Hedi Slimane, before he departed the French label in October.
KevinHautt – 12/02/2025
Scores of unexploded World War II bombs discovered under children’s playground
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Scores of unexploded bombs dating from World War II have been recovered from a children’s playground in northern England after a chance discovery.
Local officials in the town of Wooler, Northumberland called in bomb disposal experts after workers involved in a planned overhaul of Scotts Play Park found unexploded ordnance, the parish council said in a statement sent to CNN on Monday.
Two bombs were initially removed by the British Army, the UK Ministry of Defense said in a statement. The parish council was then advised that a full survey of the area was required, according to a council spokesperson.
Bomb disposal company Brimstone Site Investigation then uncovered 65 10-pound practice bombs and smoke cartridges on the first day of works, with a further 90 practice bombs recovered on the second day.
The company told CNN that the bombs date from World War II.
According to the parish council, all of the bombs need to be found and removed before the park can be reopened. It said 174 devices had been found so far.
Jordanraisa – 12/02/2025
Cute baby animals bring visitors to zoos and aquariums. What happens when they grow up?
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One of the best things that can happen to a zoo or aquarium is for one of their resident animals to go viral.
Just look at the multi-hour-long lines to see Moo Deng, a pygmy hippo in Thailand who has become an internet sensation following her July 2024 birth. The sassy animal is now a full-on brand, with Khao Kheow Open Zoo selling Moo Deng merchandise and even releasing a single “by” the hippo in multiple languages.
Meanwhile, Pesto — a baby king penguin who was eating more fish than his parents by the time he was a few weeks old — is also an online celebrity, with human stars like Olivia Rodrigo and Katy Perry stopping by to meet him.
But what happens when these cute animals become, well, less cute? The Sea Life Melbourne aquarium has already been planning for the next phase of Pesto’s life — and answering questions from the public about his changing appearance.
It’s normal for king penguins to lose their feathers by the time they’re about a year old and become confident swimmers. As a result, a spokesperson for the aquarium says, guests have started asking why Pesto looks different — or why they can’t find him at all.
“We are getting a few guests thinking we have moved him off display completely,” says the spokesperson. “Most of the team’s time is spent pointing him out to guests because he looks so different now.”
The bottom line is that cute baby animals make money.
Admission tickets are only the beginning. Many zoos and aquariums offer special “behind the scenes” or “zookeeper for a day” packages at much higher prices. At Sea Life Melbourne, standard entry tickets for adults start at $51, while the Penguin Passport — which include a 45-minute tour of the birds’ area and a look at how their food is prepared — is $199.
The real jackpot, though, is merchandise. Stuffed animals, T-shirts, fridge magnets, keychains, kids’ books and other branded products are a major way for zoos and aquariums to make money.
PhillipAmori – 12/02/2025
Look of the Week: Kendrick Lamar’s Super Bowl pants signal the return of flares
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This year’s Super Bowl halftime show was hardly a fashion extravaganza, with headliner Kendrick Lamar keeping things simple in a backwards cap and motorbike-style varsity jacket, which he kept on throughout.
And without the costume-change roulette we’ve come to expect of halftime shows, the internet fixated on one item in particular: his jeans.
While not quite the bell-bottoms of decades past (the 1970s and the 2000s, specifically), the Compton-born rapper’s washed denim pants flared out at the knee and dragged beneath his heels along the stage at Caesars Superdrome in New Orleans. His silhouette stood in stark contrast to that of record producer Mustard, who made a brief cameo in a pair of outsized jeans straight from the West Coast hip-hop playbook.
Opinions were, as ever, divided on social media. Some users described Lamar’s flares as “women’s jeans” and “Hannah Montana pants,” earning him comparisons to everyone from Jennifer Aniston to country singer Lainey Wilson. Others joked that their moms were looking for a similar pair or that they nodded to millennials, for whom flares were a teenage staple.
But those suggesting his style was outdated, or gender-inappropriate, may not have been paying attention to the recent resurgence of flares — in both womenswear and menswear. After all, Lamar’s jeans were designed by one of the most influential figures in modern fashion, Celine’s former creative director Hedi Slimane, before he departed the French label in October.
PhillipAmori – 12/02/2025
Look of the Week: Kendrick Lamar’s Super Bowl pants signal the return of flares
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This year’s Super Bowl halftime show was hardly a fashion extravaganza, with headliner Kendrick Lamar keeping things simple in a backwards cap and motorbike-style varsity jacket, which he kept on throughout.
And without the costume-change roulette we’ve come to expect of halftime shows, the internet fixated on one item in particular: his jeans.
While not quite the bell-bottoms of decades past (the 1970s and the 2000s, specifically), the Compton-born rapper’s washed denim pants flared out at the knee and dragged beneath his heels along the stage at Caesars Superdrome in New Orleans. His silhouette stood in stark contrast to that of record producer Mustard, who made a brief cameo in a pair of outsized jeans straight from the West Coast hip-hop playbook.
Opinions were, as ever, divided on social media. Some users described Lamar’s flares as “women’s jeans” and “Hannah Montana pants,” earning him comparisons to everyone from Jennifer Aniston to country singer Lainey Wilson. Others joked that their moms were looking for a similar pair or that they nodded to millennials, for whom flares were a teenage staple.
But those suggesting his style was outdated, or gender-inappropriate, may not have been paying attention to the recent resurgence of flares — in both womenswear and menswear. After all, Lamar’s jeans were designed by one of the most influential figures in modern fashion, Celine’s former creative director Hedi Slimane, before he departed the French label in October.
ForrestAgori – 12/02/2025
Cute baby animals bring visitors to zoos and aquariums. What happens when they grow up?
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One of the best things that can happen to a zoo or aquarium is for one of their resident animals to go viral.
Just look at the multi-hour-long lines to see Moo Deng, a pygmy hippo in Thailand who has become an internet sensation following her July 2024 birth. The sassy animal is now a full-on brand, with Khao Kheow Open Zoo selling Moo Deng merchandise and even releasing a single “by” the hippo in multiple languages.
Meanwhile, Pesto — a baby king penguin who was eating more fish than his parents by the time he was a few weeks old — is also an online celebrity, with human stars like Olivia Rodrigo and Katy Perry stopping by to meet him.
But what happens when these cute animals become, well, less cute? The Sea Life Melbourne aquarium has already been planning for the next phase of Pesto’s life — and answering questions from the public about his changing appearance.
It’s normal for king penguins to lose their feathers by the time they’re about a year old and become confident swimmers. As a result, a spokesperson for the aquarium says, guests have started asking why Pesto looks different — or why they can’t find him at all.
“We are getting a few guests thinking we have moved him off display completely,” says the spokesperson. “Most of the team’s time is spent pointing him out to guests because he looks so different now.”
The bottom line is that cute baby animals make money.
Admission tickets are only the beginning. Many zoos and aquariums offer special “behind the scenes” or “zookeeper for a day” packages at much higher prices. At Sea Life Melbourne, standard entry tickets for adults start at $51, while the Penguin Passport — which include a 45-minute tour of the birds’ area and a look at how their food is prepared — is $199.
The real jackpot, though, is merchandise. Stuffed animals, T-shirts, fridge magnets, keychains, kids’ books and other branded products are a major way for zoos and aquariums to make money.
KevinHautt – 12/02/2025
Scores of unexploded World War II bombs discovered under children’s playground
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Scores of unexploded bombs dating from World War II have been recovered from a children’s playground in northern England after a chance discovery.
Local officials in the town of Wooler, Northumberland called in bomb disposal experts after workers involved in a planned overhaul of Scotts Play Park found unexploded ordnance, the parish council said in a statement sent to CNN on Monday.
Two bombs were initially removed by the British Army, the UK Ministry of Defense said in a statement. The parish council was then advised that a full survey of the area was required, according to a council spokesperson.
Bomb disposal company Brimstone Site Investigation then uncovered 65 10-pound practice bombs and smoke cartridges on the first day of works, with a further 90 practice bombs recovered on the second day.
The company told CNN that the bombs date from World War II.
According to the parish council, all of the bombs need to be found and removed before the park can be reopened. It said 174 devices had been found so far.
KevinSam – 12/02/2025
Cute baby animals bring visitors to zoos and aquariums. What happens when they grow up?
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One of the best things that can happen to a zoo or aquarium is for one of their resident animals to go viral.
Just look at the multi-hour-long lines to see Moo Deng, a pygmy hippo in Thailand who has become an internet sensation following her July 2024 birth. The sassy animal is now a full-on brand, with Khao Kheow Open Zoo selling Moo Deng merchandise and even releasing a single “by” the hippo in multiple languages.
Meanwhile, Pesto — a baby king penguin who was eating more fish than his parents by the time he was a few weeks old — is also an online celebrity, with human stars like Olivia Rodrigo and Katy Perry stopping by to meet him.
But what happens when these cute animals become, well, less cute? The Sea Life Melbourne aquarium has already been planning for the next phase of Pesto’s life — and answering questions from the public about his changing appearance.
It’s normal for king penguins to lose their feathers by the time they’re about a year old and become confident swimmers. As a result, a spokesperson for the aquarium says, guests have started asking why Pesto looks different — or why they can’t find him at all.
“We are getting a few guests thinking we have moved him off display completely,” says the spokesperson. “Most of the team’s time is spent pointing him out to guests because he looks so different now.”
The bottom line is that cute baby animals make money.
Admission tickets are only the beginning. Many zoos and aquariums offer special “behind the scenes” or “zookeeper for a day” packages at much higher prices. At Sea Life Melbourne, standard entry tickets for adults start at $51, while the Penguin Passport — which include a 45-minute tour of the birds’ area and a look at how their food is prepared — is $199.
The real jackpot, though, is merchandise. Stuffed animals, T-shirts, fridge magnets, keychains, kids’ books and other branded products are a major way for zoos and aquariums to make money.
KennethCop – 12/02/2025
Scores of unexploded World War II bombs discovered under children’s playground
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Scores of unexploded bombs dating from World War II have been recovered from a children’s playground in northern England after a chance discovery.
Local officials in the town of Wooler, Northumberland called in bomb disposal experts after workers involved in a planned overhaul of Scotts Play Park found unexploded ordnance, the parish council said in a statement sent to CNN on Monday.
Two bombs were initially removed by the British Army, the UK Ministry of Defense said in a statement. The parish council was then advised that a full survey of the area was required, according to a council spokesperson.
Bomb disposal company Brimstone Site Investigation then uncovered 65 10-pound practice bombs and smoke cartridges on the first day of works, with a further 90 practice bombs recovered on the second day.
The company told CNN that the bombs date from World War II.
According to the parish council, all of the bombs need to be found and removed before the park can be reopened. It said 174 devices had been found so far.
MichaelCibly – 12/02/2025
Look of the Week: Kendrick Lamar’s Super Bowl pants signal the return of flares
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This year’s Super Bowl halftime show was hardly a fashion extravaganza, with headliner Kendrick Lamar keeping things simple in a backwards cap and motorbike-style varsity jacket, which he kept on throughout.
And without the costume-change roulette we’ve come to expect of halftime shows, the internet fixated on one item in particular: his jeans.
While not quite the bell-bottoms of decades past (the 1970s and the 2000s, specifically), the Compton-born rapper’s washed denim pants flared out at the knee and dragged beneath his heels along the stage at Caesars Superdrome in New Orleans. His silhouette stood in stark contrast to that of record producer Mustard, who made a brief cameo in a pair of outsized jeans straight from the West Coast hip-hop playbook.
Opinions were, as ever, divided on social media. Some users described Lamar’s flares as “women’s jeans” and “Hannah Montana pants,” earning him comparisons to everyone from Jennifer Aniston to country singer Lainey Wilson. Others joked that their moms were looking for a similar pair or that they nodded to millennials, for whom flares were a teenage staple.
But those suggesting his style was outdated, or gender-inappropriate, may not have been paying attention to the recent resurgence of flares — in both womenswear and menswear. After all, Lamar’s jeans were designed by one of the most influential figures in modern fashion, Celine’s former creative director Hedi Slimane, before he departed the French label in October.
MichaelNeusa – 12/02/2025
Cute baby animals bring visitors to zoos and aquariums. What happens when they grow up?
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One of the best things that can happen to a zoo or aquarium is for one of their resident animals to go viral.
Just look at the multi-hour-long lines to see Moo Deng, a pygmy hippo in Thailand who has become an internet sensation following her July 2024 birth. The sassy animal is now a full-on brand, with Khao Kheow Open Zoo selling Moo Deng merchandise and even releasing a single “by” the hippo in multiple languages.
Meanwhile, Pesto — a baby king penguin who was eating more fish than his parents by the time he was a few weeks old — is also an online celebrity, with human stars like Olivia Rodrigo and Katy Perry stopping by to meet him.
But what happens when these cute animals become, well, less cute? The Sea Life Melbourne aquarium has already been planning for the next phase of Pesto’s life — and answering questions from the public about his changing appearance.
It’s normal for king penguins to lose their feathers by the time they’re about a year old and become confident swimmers. As a result, a spokesperson for the aquarium says, guests have started asking why Pesto looks different — or why they can’t find him at all.
“We are getting a few guests thinking we have moved him off display completely,” says the spokesperson. “Most of the team’s time is spent pointing him out to guests because he looks so different now.”
The bottom line is that cute baby animals make money.
Admission tickets are only the beginning. Many zoos and aquariums offer special “behind the scenes” or “zookeeper for a day” packages at much higher prices. At Sea Life Melbourne, standard entry tickets for adults start at $51, while the Penguin Passport — which include a 45-minute tour of the birds’ area and a look at how their food is prepared — is $199.
The real jackpot, though, is merchandise. Stuffed animals, T-shirts, fridge magnets, keychains, kids’ books and other branded products are a major way for zoos and aquariums to make money.
PhillipAmori – 12/02/2025
Look of the Week: Kendrick Lamar’s Super Bowl pants signal the return of flares
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This year’s Super Bowl halftime show was hardly a fashion extravaganza, with headliner Kendrick Lamar keeping things simple in a backwards cap and motorbike-style varsity jacket, which he kept on throughout.
And without the costume-change roulette we’ve come to expect of halftime shows, the internet fixated on one item in particular: his jeans.
While not quite the bell-bottoms of decades past (the 1970s and the 2000s, specifically), the Compton-born rapper’s washed denim pants flared out at the knee and dragged beneath his heels along the stage at Caesars Superdrome in New Orleans. His silhouette stood in stark contrast to that of record producer Mustard, who made a brief cameo in a pair of outsized jeans straight from the West Coast hip-hop playbook.
Opinions were, as ever, divided on social media. Some users described Lamar’s flares as “women’s jeans” and “Hannah Montana pants,” earning him comparisons to everyone from Jennifer Aniston to country singer Lainey Wilson. Others joked that their moms were looking for a similar pair or that they nodded to millennials, for whom flares were a teenage staple.
But those suggesting his style was outdated, or gender-inappropriate, may not have been paying attention to the recent resurgence of flares — in both womenswear and menswear. After all, Lamar’s jeans were designed by one of the most influential figures in modern fashion, Celine’s former creative director Hedi Slimane, before he departed the French label in October.
KevinHautt – 12/02/2025
Scores of unexploded World War II bombs discovered under children’s playground
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Scores of unexploded bombs dating from World War II have been recovered from a children’s playground in northern England after a chance discovery.
Local officials in the town of Wooler, Northumberland called in bomb disposal experts after workers involved in a planned overhaul of Scotts Play Park found unexploded ordnance, the parish council said in a statement sent to CNN on Monday.
Two bombs were initially removed by the British Army, the UK Ministry of Defense said in a statement. The parish council was then advised that a full survey of the area was required, according to a council spokesperson.
Bomb disposal company Brimstone Site Investigation then uncovered 65 10-pound practice bombs and smoke cartridges on the first day of works, with a further 90 practice bombs recovered on the second day.
The company told CNN that the bombs date from World War II.
According to the parish council, all of the bombs need to be found and removed before the park can be reopened. It said 174 devices had been found so far.
Anthonyinfut – 11/02/2025
Astronomers briefly thought Elon Musk’s car was an asteroid. Here’s why that points to a broader problem
skraken тор
Seven years after SpaceX launched Elon Musk’s cherry red sports car into orbit around our sun, astronomers unwittingly began paying attention to its movements once again.
Observers spotted and correctly identified the vehicle as it started its extraterrestrial excursion in February 2018 — after it had blasted off into space during the Falcon Heavy rocket’s splashy maiden launch. But more recently, the car spawned a high-profile case of mistaken identity as space observers mistook it for an asteroid.
Several observations of the vehicle, gathered by sweeping surveys of the night sky, were inadvertently stashed away in a database meant for miscellaneous and unknown objects, according to the International Astronomical Union’s Minor Planet Center.
An amateur astronomer noticed a string of data points in January that appeared to fit together, describing the orbit of a relatively small object that was swooping between the orbital paths of Earth and Mars.
The citizen scientist assumed the mystery object was an undocumented asteroid and promptly sent his findings to the MPC, which operates at the Harvard Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics in Cambridge, Massachusetts, as a clearinghouse that seeks to catalog all known asteroids, comets and other small celestial bodies. An astronomer there verified the finding.
And thus, the Minor Planet Center logged a new object, asteroid “2018 CN41.”
Within 24 hours, however, the center retracted the designation.
The person who originally flagged the object realized their own error, MPC astronomer Peter Veres told CNN, noticing that they had, in fact, found several uncorrelated observations of Musk’s car. And the center’s systems hadn’t caught the error.
Jerrypep – 11/02/2025
Lucky Jet – твой шанс на большие выигрыши!
Попробуй захватывающую краш-игру прямо сейчас! Регистрируйся и получи бонус до 500% на первый депозит с промокодом: LuckyJetTeam.
lucky jet на деньги
Об игре
Lucky Jet — это не просто игра, а захватывающее приключение, в котором каждый момент может стать решающим! Эта краш-игра бросает вызов вашим инстинктам и способности быстро принимать решения. В основе игры — динамичная механика, где игроки ставят на рост коэффициента, но задача не в том, чтобы ждать до последнего, а вовремя вывести свой выигрыш, прежде чем персонаж взлетит слишком высоко и случится крах.
Чем выше коэффициент, тем более значительная награда! Но не забывайте: в этом азартном путешествии важен каждый момент, ведь именно ваше решение о выводе решит, насколько велик будет ваш выигрыш. Это не просто игра, а настоящее испытание на скорость и удачу! Простые правила, быстрые раунды и реальные выигрыши – вот почему игроки выбирают Lucky Jet.
Бонусы и промокоды в Lucky Jet
В Lucky Jet вас ждут щедрые бонусы и эксклюзивные промокоды, которые помогут увеличить ваш баланс и продлить удовольствие от игры! Мы ценим активных игроков и регулярно запускаем новые акции, чтобы сделать ваш игровой процесс еще выгоднее.
Актуальные бонусные предложения
Бонус 500% на первый депозит
Используйте промокод LuckyJetTeam при пополнении счета и получите увеличение депозита в 5 раз! Это отличная возможность начать игру с солидным запасом.
Еженедельные акции и фриспины
Чем больше вы играете, тем больше подарков получаете! Участвуйте в регулярных промо-акциях и получайте фриспины, бонусные деньги и дополнительные награды за активность.
Кэшбэк до 10%
Проиграли? Не беда! В Lucky Jet вы можете вернуть часть потерянных средств благодаря системе кэшбэка. Еженедельно вам будет начисляться до 10% возврата от проигранных ставок.
Следите за новыми акциями! Мы постоянно обновляем бонусные предложения, поэтому не упустите возможность воспользоваться самыми выгодными промо. Подписывайтесь на новости и следите за актуальными акциями, чтобы всегда быть в выигрыше!
Используйте бонусы и повышайте свои шансы на победу в Lucky Jet!
Как начать играть в Lucky Jet
Готовы испытать удачу и выиграть по-крупному? Следуйте этим простым шагам:
Зарегистрируйтесь на официальном сайте 1win. Процесс регистрации занимает всего пару минут.
Пополните счет удобным для вас способом: банковской картой, электронными кошельками или даже криптовалютой.
Откройте Lucky Jet в разделе казино и приготовьтесь к динамичному игровому процессу.
Сделайте ставку и следите за ростом коэффициента. Чем выше он поднимается – тем больше ваш потенциальный выигрыш.
Выведите выигрыш до того, как Lucky Jet взлетит! Главное – не жадничать и вовремя остановиться, иначе ставка сгорит.
Используйте стратегии, анализируйте предыдущие раунды и комбинируйте ставки, чтобы увеличить свои шансы на победу!
MichaelMuh – 11/02/2025
Most flights don’t want you joining the Mile-High Club. This company encourages it
kraken зайти
In our travel news roundup this week: the rise in solo dining, where to save money at US ski resorts, plus the Californian hot-air balloon company offering a rather cheeky package.
Your love keeps lifting me higher
Is it getting hot in here, or is a gas-burner propelling a dirigible above our heads?
A California-based hot-air balloon company is offering mile-high flights – with amorous Mile-High Club privileges – over the Temecula countryside.
Guests can enjoy the views with a whole basket to themselves – and a privacy screen separating the pilot compartment from the passenger cabin.
The pilot, who Magical Adventure Balloon Rides promises will be wearing protective hearing gear and focused solely on flying, ascends the balloon to 5,280 feet (about 1,610 meters), which is about 2,000 feet higher than a typical recreational flight.
While intimate clinches are usually thoroughly discouraged in the skies, the company invites you to bring your own bedding and music playlist. A complimentary Champagne breakfast is included to fuel your frolics, of whatever sort.
Pricing for two passengers starts at $1,400. If your mantra is “the more the merrier,” each additional adult in the larger 10-person basket is $159.
The Mile-High Club flight is just one of a host of packages on offer, from wine tours to company picnics, the rest of which are considerably more family-friendly.
All by myself
Sometimes it can seem like the world is full of lovers floating high on cloud nine, but don’t fret if you’re going it alone this Valentine’s season: You’re bang on trend.
Millennials and Gen Z are breaking down the stigma attached to solo dining in an era when more Americans live alone than ever before. Some do it for convenience; some do it for freedom — either way, reservations for one are on the rise.
Once you’ve mastered dining alone, it’s time for bigger challenges, such as walking across Saudi Arabia. British explorer Alice Morrison, who has been called “Indiana Jones for girls,” is in the middle of her five-month trek of 2,500 kilometers (about 1,550 miles).
Others are opting for a permanent adventure. Californian Jason Bennett gave up his life in San Francisco for a new home in Colombia. Today he says his happiness is “off the charts.”
Joshuaanymn – 11/02/2025
Astronomers briefly thought Elon Musk’s car was an asteroid. Here’s why that points to a broader problem
skraken зайти
Seven years after SpaceX launched Elon Musk’s cherry red sports car into orbit around our sun, astronomers unwittingly began paying attention to its movements once again.
Observers spotted and correctly identified the vehicle as it started its extraterrestrial excursion in February 2018 — after it had blasted off into space during the Falcon Heavy rocket’s splashy maiden launch. But more recently, the car spawned a high-profile case of mistaken identity as space observers mistook it for an asteroid.
Several observations of the vehicle, gathered by sweeping surveys of the night sky, were inadvertently stashed away in a database meant for miscellaneous and unknown objects, according to the International Astronomical Union’s Minor Planet Center.
An amateur astronomer noticed a string of data points in January that appeared to fit together, describing the orbit of a relatively small object that was swooping between the orbital paths of Earth and Mars.
The citizen scientist assumed the mystery object was an undocumented asteroid and promptly sent his findings to the MPC, which operates at the Harvard Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics in Cambridge, Massachusetts, as a clearinghouse that seeks to catalog all known asteroids, comets and other small celestial bodies. An astronomer there verified the finding.
And thus, the Minor Planet Center logged a new object, asteroid “2018 CN41.”
Within 24 hours, however, the center retracted the designation.
The person who originally flagged the object realized their own error, MPC astronomer Peter Veres told CNN, noticing that they had, in fact, found several uncorrelated observations of Musk’s car. And the center’s systems hadn’t caught the error.
Haroldned – 11/02/2025
Most flights don’t want you joining the Mile-High Club. This company encourages it
In our travel news roundup this week: the rise in solo dining, where to save money at US ski resorts, plus the Californian hot-air balloon company offering a rather cheeky package.
Your love keeps lifting me higher
Is it getting hot in here, or is a gas-burner propelling a dirigible above our heads?
A California-based hot-air balloon company is offering mile-high flights – with amorous Mile-High Club privileges – over the Temecula countryside.
Guests can enjoy the views with a whole basket to themselves – and a privacy screen separating the pilot compartment from the passenger cabin.
The pilot, who Magical Adventure Balloon Rides promises will be wearing protective hearing gear and focused solely on flying, ascends the balloon to 5,280 feet (about 1,610 meters), which is about 2,000 feet higher than a typical recreational flight.
While intimate clinches are usually thoroughly discouraged in the skies, the company invites you to bring your own bedding and music playlist. A complimentary Champagne breakfast is included to fuel your frolics, of whatever sort.
Pricing for two passengers starts at $1,400. If your mantra is “the more the merrier,” each additional adult in the larger 10-person basket is $159.
The Mile-High Club flight is just one of a host of packages on offer, from wine tours to company picnics, the rest of which are considerably more family-friendly.
All by myself
Sometimes it can seem like the world is full of lovers floating high on cloud nine, but don’t fret if you’re going it alone this Valentine’s season: You’re bang on trend.
Millennials and Gen Z are breaking down the stigma attached to solo dining in an era when more Americans live alone than ever before. Some do it for convenience; some do it for freedom — either way, reservations for one are on the rise.
Once you’ve mastered dining alone, it’s time for bigger challenges, such as walking across Saudi Arabia. British explorer Alice Morrison, who has been called “Indiana Jones for girls,” is in the middle of her five-month trek of 2,500 kilometers (about 1,550 miles).
Others are opting for a permanent adventure. Californian Jason Bennett gave up his life in San Francisco for a new home in Colombia. Today he says his happiness is “off the charts.”
MichaelMuh – 11/02/2025
Most flights don’t want you joining the Mile-High Club. This company encourages it
In our travel news roundup this week: the rise in solo dining, where to save money at US ski resorts, plus the Californian hot-air balloon company offering a rather cheeky package.
Your love keeps lifting me higher
Is it getting hot in here, or is a gas-burner propelling a dirigible above our heads?
A California-based hot-air balloon company is offering mile-high flights – with amorous Mile-High Club privileges – over the Temecula countryside.
Guests can enjoy the views with a whole basket to themselves – and a privacy screen separating the pilot compartment from the passenger cabin.
The pilot, who Magical Adventure Balloon Rides promises will be wearing protective hearing gear and focused solely on flying, ascends the balloon to 5,280 feet (about 1,610 meters), which is about 2,000 feet higher than a typical recreational flight.
While intimate clinches are usually thoroughly discouraged in the skies, the company invites you to bring your own bedding and music playlist. A complimentary Champagne breakfast is included to fuel your frolics, of whatever sort.
Pricing for two passengers starts at $1,400. If your mantra is “the more the merrier,” each additional adult in the larger 10-person basket is $159.
The Mile-High Club flight is just one of a host of packages on offer, from wine tours to company picnics, the rest of which are considerably more family-friendly.
All by myself
Sometimes it can seem like the world is full of lovers floating high on cloud nine, but don’t fret if you’re going it alone this Valentine’s season: You’re bang on trend.
Millennials and Gen Z are breaking down the stigma attached to solo dining in an era when more Americans live alone than ever before. Some do it for convenience; some do it for freedom — either way, reservations for one are on the rise.
Once you’ve mastered dining alone, it’s time for bigger challenges, such as walking across Saudi Arabia. British explorer Alice Morrison, who has been called “Indiana Jones for girls,” is in the middle of her five-month trek of 2,500 kilometers (about 1,550 miles).
Others are opting for a permanent adventure. Californian Jason Bennett gave up his life in San Francisco for a new home in Colombia. Today he says his happiness is “off the charts.”
EugeneRuisa – 11/02/2025
Lucky Jet – твой шанс на большие выигрыши!
Попробуй захватывающую краш-игру прямо сейчас! Регистрируйся и получи бонус до 500% на первый депозит с промокодом: LuckyJetTeam.
лаки джет бонус
Об игре
Lucky Jet — это не просто игра, а захватывающее приключение, в котором каждый момент может стать решающим! Эта краш-игра бросает вызов вашим инстинктам и способности быстро принимать решения. В основе игры — динамичная механика, где игроки ставят на рост коэффициента, но задача не в том, чтобы ждать до последнего, а вовремя вывести свой выигрыш, прежде чем персонаж взлетит слишком высоко и случится крах.
Чем выше коэффициент, тем более значительная награда! Но не забывайте: в этом азартном путешествии важен каждый момент, ведь именно ваше решение о выводе решит, насколько велик будет ваш выигрыш. Это не просто игра, а настоящее испытание на скорость и удачу! Простые правила, быстрые раунды и реальные выигрыши – вот почему игроки выбирают Lucky Jet.
Бонусы и промокоды в Lucky Jet
В Lucky Jet вас ждут щедрые бонусы и эксклюзивные промокоды, которые помогут увеличить ваш баланс и продлить удовольствие от игры! Мы ценим активных игроков и регулярно запускаем новые акции, чтобы сделать ваш игровой процесс еще выгоднее.
Актуальные бонусные предложения
Бонус 500% на первый депозит
Используйте промокод LuckyJetTeam при пополнении счета и получите увеличение депозита в 5 раз! Это отличная возможность начать игру с солидным запасом.
Еженедельные акции и фриспины
Чем больше вы играете, тем больше подарков получаете! Участвуйте в регулярных промо-акциях и получайте фриспины, бонусные деньги и дополнительные награды за активность.
Кэшбэк до 10%
Проиграли? Не беда! В Lucky Jet вы можете вернуть часть потерянных средств благодаря системе кэшбэка. Еженедельно вам будет начисляться до 10% возврата от проигранных ставок.
Следите за новыми акциями! Мы постоянно обновляем бонусные предложения, поэтому не упустите возможность воспользоваться самыми выгодными промо. Подписывайтесь на новости и следите за актуальными акциями, чтобы всегда быть в выигрыше!
Используйте бонусы и повышайте свои шансы на победу в Lucky Jet!
Как начать играть в Lucky Jet
Готовы испытать удачу и выиграть по-крупному? Следуйте этим простым шагам:
Зарегистрируйтесь на официальном сайте 1win. Процесс регистрации занимает всего пару минут.
Пополните счет удобным для вас способом: банковской картой, электронными кошельками или даже криптовалютой.
Откройте Lucky Jet в разделе казино и приготовьтесь к динамичному игровому процессу.
Сделайте ставку и следите за ростом коэффициента. Чем выше он поднимается – тем больше ваш потенциальный выигрыш.
Выведите выигрыш до того, как Lucky Jet взлетит! Главное – не жадничать и вовремя остановиться, иначе ставка сгорит.
Используйте стратегии, анализируйте предыдущие раунды и комбинируйте ставки, чтобы увеличить свои шансы на победу!
MatthewAnype – 11/02/2025
Most flights don’t want you joining the Mile-High Club. This company encourages it
kraken даркнет
In our travel news roundup this week: the rise in solo dining, where to save money at US ski resorts, plus the Californian hot-air balloon company offering a rather cheeky package.
Your love keeps lifting me higher
Is it getting hot in here, or is a gas-burner propelling a dirigible above our heads?
A California-based hot-air balloon company is offering mile-high flights – with amorous Mile-High Club privileges – over the Temecula countryside.
Guests can enjoy the views with a whole basket to themselves – and a privacy screen separating the pilot compartment from the passenger cabin.
The pilot, who Magical Adventure Balloon Rides promises will be wearing protective hearing gear and focused solely on flying, ascends the balloon to 5,280 feet (about 1,610 meters), which is about 2,000 feet higher than a typical recreational flight.
While intimate clinches are usually thoroughly discouraged in the skies, the company invites you to bring your own bedding and music playlist. A complimentary Champagne breakfast is included to fuel your frolics, of whatever sort.
Pricing for two passengers starts at $1,400. If your mantra is “the more the merrier,” each additional adult in the larger 10-person basket is $159.
The Mile-High Club flight is just one of a host of packages on offer, from wine tours to company picnics, the rest of which are considerably more family-friendly.
All by myself
Sometimes it can seem like the world is full of lovers floating high on cloud nine, but don’t fret if you’re going it alone this Valentine’s season: You’re bang on trend.
Millennials and Gen Z are breaking down the stigma attached to solo dining in an era when more Americans live alone than ever before. Some do it for convenience; some do it for freedom — either way, reservations for one are on the rise.
Once you’ve mastered dining alone, it’s time for bigger challenges, such as walking across Saudi Arabia. British explorer Alice Morrison, who has been called “Indiana Jones for girls,” is in the middle of her five-month trek of 2,500 kilometers (about 1,550 miles).
Others are opting for a permanent adventure. Californian Jason Bennett gave up his life in San Francisco for a new home in Colombia. Today he says his happiness is “off the charts.”
Herbertwrall – 11/02/2025
Lucky Jet – твой шанс на большие выигрыши!
Попробуй захватывающую краш-игру прямо сейчас! Регистрируйся и получи бонус до 500% на первый депозит с промокодом: LuckyJetTeam.
лаки джет официальный сайт
Об игре
Lucky Jet — это не просто игра, а захватывающее приключение, в котором каждый момент может стать решающим! Эта краш-игра бросает вызов вашим инстинктам и способности быстро принимать решения. В основе игры — динамичная механика, где игроки ставят на рост коэффициента, но задача не в том, чтобы ждать до последнего, а вовремя вывести свой выигрыш, прежде чем персонаж взлетит слишком высоко и случится крах.
Чем выше коэффициент, тем более значительная награда! Но не забывайте: в этом азартном путешествии важен каждый момент, ведь именно ваше решение о выводе решит, насколько велик будет ваш выигрыш. Это не просто игра, а настоящее испытание на скорость и удачу! Простые правила, быстрые раунды и реальные выигрыши – вот почему игроки выбирают Lucky Jet.
Бонусы и промокоды в Lucky Jet
В Lucky Jet вас ждут щедрые бонусы и эксклюзивные промокоды, которые помогут увеличить ваш баланс и продлить удовольствие от игры! Мы ценим активных игроков и регулярно запускаем новые акции, чтобы сделать ваш игровой процесс еще выгоднее.
Актуальные бонусные предложения
Бонус 500% на первый депозит
Используйте промокод LuckyJetTeam при пополнении счета и получите увеличение депозита в 5 раз! Это отличная возможность начать игру с солидным запасом.
Еженедельные акции и фриспины
Чем больше вы играете, тем больше подарков получаете! Участвуйте в регулярных промо-акциях и получайте фриспины, бонусные деньги и дополнительные награды за активность.
Кэшбэк до 10%
Проиграли? Не беда! В Lucky Jet вы можете вернуть часть потерянных средств благодаря системе кэшбэка. Еженедельно вам будет начисляться до 10% возврата от проигранных ставок.
Следите за новыми акциями! Мы постоянно обновляем бонусные предложения, поэтому не упустите возможность воспользоваться самыми выгодными промо. Подписывайтесь на новости и следите за актуальными акциями, чтобы всегда быть в выигрыше!
Используйте бонусы и повышайте свои шансы на победу в Lucky Jet!
Как начать играть в Lucky Jet
Готовы испытать удачу и выиграть по-крупному? Следуйте этим простым шагам:
Зарегистрируйтесь на официальном сайте 1win. Процесс регистрации занимает всего пару минут.
Пополните счет удобным для вас способом: банковской картой, электронными кошельками или даже криптовалютой.
Откройте Lucky Jet в разделе казино и приготовьтесь к динамичному игровому процессу.
Сделайте ставку и следите за ростом коэффициента. Чем выше он поднимается – тем больше ваш потенциальный выигрыш.
Выведите выигрыш до того, как Lucky Jet взлетит! Главное – не жадничать и вовремя остановиться, иначе ставка сгорит.
Используйте стратегии, анализируйте предыдущие раунды и комбинируйте ставки, чтобы увеличить свои шансы на победу!
HermanDem – 11/02/2025
Astronomers briefly thought Elon Musk’s car was an asteroid. Here’s why that points to a broader problem
skraken тор браузер
Seven years after SpaceX launched Elon Musk’s cherry red sports car into orbit around our sun, astronomers unwittingly began paying attention to its movements once again.
Observers spotted and correctly identified the vehicle as it started its extraterrestrial excursion in February 2018 — after it had blasted off into space during the Falcon Heavy rocket’s splashy maiden launch. But more recently, the car spawned a high-profile case of mistaken identity as space observers mistook it for an asteroid.
Several observations of the vehicle, gathered by sweeping surveys of the night sky, were inadvertently stashed away in a database meant for miscellaneous and unknown objects, according to the International Astronomical Union’s Minor Planet Center.
An amateur astronomer noticed a string of data points in January that appeared to fit together, describing the orbit of a relatively small object that was swooping between the orbital paths of Earth and Mars.
The citizen scientist assumed the mystery object was an undocumented asteroid and promptly sent his findings to the MPC, which operates at the Harvard Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics in Cambridge, Massachusetts, as a clearinghouse that seeks to catalog all known asteroids, comets and other small celestial bodies. An astronomer there verified the finding.
And thus, the Minor Planet Center logged a new object, asteroid “2018 CN41.”
Within 24 hours, however, the center retracted the designation.
The person who originally flagged the object realized their own error, MPC astronomer Peter Veres told CNN, noticing that they had, in fact, found several uncorrelated observations of Musk’s car. And the center’s systems hadn’t caught the error.
RobertMek – 11/02/2025
Lucky Jet – твой шанс на большие выигрыши!
Попробуй захватывающую краш-игру прямо сейчас! Регистрируйся и получи бонус до 500% на первый депозит с промокодом: LuckyJetTeam.
бот лаки джет
Об игре
Lucky Jet — это не просто игра, а захватывающее приключение, в котором каждый момент может стать решающим! Эта краш-игра бросает вызов вашим инстинктам и способности быстро принимать решения. В основе игры — динамичная механика, где игроки ставят на рост коэффициента, но задача не в том, чтобы ждать до последнего, а вовремя вывести свой выигрыш, прежде чем персонаж взлетит слишком высоко и случится крах.
Чем выше коэффициент, тем более значительная награда! Но не забывайте: в этом азартном путешествии важен каждый момент, ведь именно ваше решение о выводе решит, насколько велик будет ваш выигрыш. Это не просто игра, а настоящее испытание на скорость и удачу! Простые правила, быстрые раунды и реальные выигрыши – вот почему игроки выбирают Lucky Jet.
Бонусы и промокоды в Lucky Jet
В Lucky Jet вас ждут щедрые бонусы и эксклюзивные промокоды, которые помогут увеличить ваш баланс и продлить удовольствие от игры! Мы ценим активных игроков и регулярно запускаем новые акции, чтобы сделать ваш игровой процесс еще выгоднее.
Актуальные бонусные предложения
Бонус 500% на первый депозит
Используйте промокод LuckyJetTeam при пополнении счета и получите увеличение депозита в 5 раз! Это отличная возможность начать игру с солидным запасом.
Еженедельные акции и фриспины
Чем больше вы играете, тем больше подарков получаете! Участвуйте в регулярных промо-акциях и получайте фриспины, бонусные деньги и дополнительные награды за активность.
Кэшбэк до 10%
Проиграли? Не беда! В Lucky Jet вы можете вернуть часть потерянных средств благодаря системе кэшбэка. Еженедельно вам будет начисляться до 10% возврата от проигранных ставок.
Следите за новыми акциями! Мы постоянно обновляем бонусные предложения, поэтому не упустите возможность воспользоваться самыми выгодными промо. Подписывайтесь на новости и следите за актуальными акциями, чтобы всегда быть в выигрыше!
Используйте бонусы и повышайте свои шансы на победу в Lucky Jet!
Как начать играть в Lucky Jet
Готовы испытать удачу и выиграть по-крупному? Следуйте этим простым шагам:
Зарегистрируйтесь на официальном сайте 1win. Процесс регистрации занимает всего пару минут.
Пополните счет удобным для вас способом: банковской картой, электронными кошельками или даже криптовалютой.
Откройте Lucky Jet в разделе казино и приготовьтесь к динамичному игровому процессу.
Сделайте ставку и следите за ростом коэффициента. Чем выше он поднимается – тем больше ваш потенциальный выигрыш.
Выведите выигрыш до того, как Lucky Jet взлетит! Главное – не жадничать и вовремя остановиться, иначе ставка сгорит.
Используйте стратегии, анализируйте предыдущие раунды и комбинируйте ставки, чтобы увеличить свои шансы на победу!
TravisLoumP – 11/02/2025
Most flights don’t want you joining the Mile-High Club. This company encourages it
kraken войти
In our travel news roundup this week: the rise in solo dining, where to save money at US ski resorts, plus the Californian hot-air balloon company offering a rather cheeky package.
Your love keeps lifting me higher
Is it getting hot in here, or is a gas-burner propelling a dirigible above our heads?
A California-based hot-air balloon company is offering mile-high flights – with amorous Mile-High Club privileges – over the Temecula countryside.
Guests can enjoy the views with a whole basket to themselves – and a privacy screen separating the pilot compartment from the passenger cabin.
The pilot, who Magical Adventure Balloon Rides promises will be wearing protective hearing gear and focused solely on flying, ascends the balloon to 5,280 feet (about 1,610 meters), which is about 2,000 feet higher than a typical recreational flight.
While intimate clinches are usually thoroughly discouraged in the skies, the company invites you to bring your own bedding and music playlist. A complimentary Champagne breakfast is included to fuel your frolics, of whatever sort.
Pricing for two passengers starts at $1,400. If your mantra is “the more the merrier,” each additional adult in the larger 10-person basket is $159.
The Mile-High Club flight is just one of a host of packages on offer, from wine tours to company picnics, the rest of which are considerably more family-friendly.
All by myself
Sometimes it can seem like the world is full of lovers floating high on cloud nine, but don’t fret if you’re going it alone this Valentine’s season: You’re bang on trend.
Millennials and Gen Z are breaking down the stigma attached to solo dining in an era when more Americans live alone than ever before. Some do it for convenience; some do it for freedom — either way, reservations for one are on the rise.
Once you’ve mastered dining alone, it’s time for bigger challenges, such as walking across Saudi Arabia. British explorer Alice Morrison, who has been called “Indiana Jones for girls,” is in the middle of her five-month trek of 2,500 kilometers (about 1,550 miles).
Others are opting for a permanent adventure. Californian Jason Bennett gave up his life in San Francisco for a new home in Colombia. Today he says his happiness is “off the charts.”
Robertrom – 11/02/2025
Lucky Jet – твой шанс на большие выигрыши!
Попробуй захватывающую краш-игру прямо сейчас! Регистрируйся и получи бонус до 500% на первый депозит с промокодом: LuckyJetTeam.
lucky jet сигналы
Об игре
Lucky Jet — это не просто игра, а захватывающее приключение, в котором каждый момент может стать решающим! Эта краш-игра бросает вызов вашим инстинктам и способности быстро принимать решения. В основе игры — динамичная механика, где игроки ставят на рост коэффициента, но задача не в том, чтобы ждать до последнего, а вовремя вывести свой выигрыш, прежде чем персонаж взлетит слишком высоко и случится крах.
Чем выше коэффициент, тем более значительная награда! Но не забывайте: в этом азартном путешествии важен каждый момент, ведь именно ваше решение о выводе решит, насколько велик будет ваш выигрыш. Это не просто игра, а настоящее испытание на скорость и удачу! Простые правила, быстрые раунды и реальные выигрыши – вот почему игроки выбирают Lucky Jet.
Бонусы и промокоды в Lucky Jet
В Lucky Jet вас ждут щедрые бонусы и эксклюзивные промокоды, которые помогут увеличить ваш баланс и продлить удовольствие от игры! Мы ценим активных игроков и регулярно запускаем новые акции, чтобы сделать ваш игровой процесс еще выгоднее.
Актуальные бонусные предложения
Бонус 500% на первый депозит
Используйте промокод LuckyJetTeam при пополнении счета и получите увеличение депозита в 5 раз! Это отличная возможность начать игру с солидным запасом.
Еженедельные акции и фриспины
Чем больше вы играете, тем больше подарков получаете! Участвуйте в регулярных промо-акциях и получайте фриспины, бонусные деньги и дополнительные награды за активность.
Кэшбэк до 10%
Проиграли? Не беда! В Lucky Jet вы можете вернуть часть потерянных средств благодаря системе кэшбэка. Еженедельно вам будет начисляться до 10% возврата от проигранных ставок.
Следите за новыми акциями! Мы постоянно обновляем бонусные предложения, поэтому не упустите возможность воспользоваться самыми выгодными промо. Подписывайтесь на новости и следите за актуальными акциями, чтобы всегда быть в выигрыше!
Используйте бонусы и повышайте свои шансы на победу в Lucky Jet!
Как начать играть в Lucky Jet
Готовы испытать удачу и выиграть по-крупному? Следуйте этим простым шагам:
Зарегистрируйтесь на официальном сайте 1win. Процесс регистрации занимает всего пару минут.
Пополните счет удобным для вас способом: банковской картой, электронными кошельками или даже криптовалютой.
Откройте Lucky Jet в разделе казино и приготовьтесь к динамичному игровому процессу.
Сделайте ставку и следите за ростом коэффициента. Чем выше он поднимается – тем больше ваш потенциальный выигрыш.
Выведите выигрыш до того, как Lucky Jet взлетит! Главное – не жадничать и вовремя остановиться, иначе ставка сгорит.
Используйте стратегии, анализируйте предыдущие раунды и комбинируйте ставки, чтобы увеличить свои шансы на победу!
Herbertwrall – 11/02/2025
Lucky Jet – твой шанс на большие выигрыши!
Попробуй захватывающую краш-игру прямо сейчас! Регистрируйся и получи бонус до 500% на первый депозит с промокодом: LuckyJetTeam.
лаки джет бонус
Об игре
Lucky Jet — это не просто игра, а захватывающее приключение, в котором каждый момент может стать решающим! Эта краш-игра бросает вызов вашим инстинктам и способности быстро принимать решения. В основе игры — динамичная механика, где игроки ставят на рост коэффициента, но задача не в том, чтобы ждать до последнего, а вовремя вывести свой выигрыш, прежде чем персонаж взлетит слишком высоко и случится крах.
Чем выше коэффициент, тем более значительная награда! Но не забывайте: в этом азартном путешествии важен каждый момент, ведь именно ваше решение о выводе решит, насколько велик будет ваш выигрыш. Это не просто игра, а настоящее испытание на скорость и удачу! Простые правила, быстрые раунды и реальные выигрыши – вот почему игроки выбирают Lucky Jet.
Бонусы и промокоды в Lucky Jet
В Lucky Jet вас ждут щедрые бонусы и эксклюзивные промокоды, которые помогут увеличить ваш баланс и продлить удовольствие от игры! Мы ценим активных игроков и регулярно запускаем новые акции, чтобы сделать ваш игровой процесс еще выгоднее.
Актуальные бонусные предложения
Бонус 500% на первый депозит
Используйте промокод LuckyJetTeam при пополнении счета и получите увеличение депозита в 5 раз! Это отличная возможность начать игру с солидным запасом.
Еженедельные акции и фриспины
Чем больше вы играете, тем больше подарков получаете! Участвуйте в регулярных промо-акциях и получайте фриспины, бонусные деньги и дополнительные награды за активность.
Кэшбэк до 10%
Проиграли? Не беда! В Lucky Jet вы можете вернуть часть потерянных средств благодаря системе кэшбэка. Еженедельно вам будет начисляться до 10% возврата от проигранных ставок.
Следите за новыми акциями! Мы постоянно обновляем бонусные предложения, поэтому не упустите возможность воспользоваться самыми выгодными промо. Подписывайтесь на новости и следите за актуальными акциями, чтобы всегда быть в выигрыше!
Используйте бонусы и повышайте свои шансы на победу в Lucky Jet!
Как начать играть в Lucky Jet
Готовы испытать удачу и выиграть по-крупному? Следуйте этим простым шагам:
Зарегистрируйтесь на официальном сайте 1win. Процесс регистрации занимает всего пару минут.
Пополните счет удобным для вас способом: банковской картой, электронными кошельками или даже криптовалютой.
Откройте Lucky Jet в разделе казино и приготовьтесь к динамичному игровому процессу.
Сделайте ставку и следите за ростом коэффициента. Чем выше он поднимается – тем больше ваш потенциальный выигрыш.
Выведите выигрыш до того, как Lucky Jet взлетит! Главное – не жадничать и вовремя остановиться, иначе ставка сгорит.
Используйте стратегии, анализируйте предыдущие раунды и комбинируйте ставки, чтобы увеличить свои шансы на победу!
MichaelMuh – 11/02/2025
Most flights don’t want you joining the Mile-High Club. This company encourages it
Кракен тор
In our travel news roundup this week: the rise in solo dining, where to save money at US ski resorts, plus the Californian hot-air balloon company offering a rather cheeky package.
Your love keeps lifting me higher
Is it getting hot in here, or is a gas-burner propelling a dirigible above our heads?
A California-based hot-air balloon company is offering mile-high flights – with amorous Mile-High Club privileges – over the Temecula countryside.
Guests can enjoy the views with a whole basket to themselves – and a privacy screen separating the pilot compartment from the passenger cabin.
The pilot, who Magical Adventure Balloon Rides promises will be wearing protective hearing gear and focused solely on flying, ascends the balloon to 5,280 feet (about 1,610 meters), which is about 2,000 feet higher than a typical recreational flight.
While intimate clinches are usually thoroughly discouraged in the skies, the company invites you to bring your own bedding and music playlist. A complimentary Champagne breakfast is included to fuel your frolics, of whatever sort.
Pricing for two passengers starts at $1,400. If your mantra is “the more the merrier,” each additional adult in the larger 10-person basket is $159.
The Mile-High Club flight is just one of a host of packages on offer, from wine tours to company picnics, the rest of which are considerably more family-friendly.
All by myself
Sometimes it can seem like the world is full of lovers floating high on cloud nine, but don’t fret if you’re going it alone this Valentine’s season: You’re bang on trend.
Millennials and Gen Z are breaking down the stigma attached to solo dining in an era when more Americans live alone than ever before. Some do it for convenience; some do it for freedom — either way, reservations for one are on the rise.
Once you’ve mastered dining alone, it’s time for bigger challenges, such as walking across Saudi Arabia. British explorer Alice Morrison, who has been called “Indiana Jones for girls,” is in the middle of her five-month trek of 2,500 kilometers (about 1,550 miles).
Others are opting for a permanent adventure. Californian Jason Bennett gave up his life in San Francisco for a new home in Colombia. Today he says his happiness is “off the charts.”
Robertdix – 11/02/2025
Astronomers briefly thought Elon Musk’s car was an asteroid. Here’s why that points to a broader problem
skra cc
Seven years after SpaceX launched Elon Musk’s cherry red sports car into orbit around our sun, astronomers unwittingly began paying attention to its movements once again.
Observers spotted and correctly identified the vehicle as it started its extraterrestrial excursion in February 2018 — after it had blasted off into space during the Falcon Heavy rocket’s splashy maiden launch. But more recently, the car spawned a high-profile case of mistaken identity as space observers mistook it for an asteroid.
Several observations of the vehicle, gathered by sweeping surveys of the night sky, were inadvertently stashed away in a database meant for miscellaneous and unknown objects, according to the International Astronomical Union’s Minor Planet Center.
An amateur astronomer noticed a string of data points in January that appeared to fit together, describing the orbit of a relatively small object that was swooping between the orbital paths of Earth and Mars.
The citizen scientist assumed the mystery object was an undocumented asteroid and promptly sent his findings to the MPC, which operates at the Harvard Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics in Cambridge, Massachusetts, as a clearinghouse that seeks to catalog all known asteroids, comets and other small celestial bodies. An astronomer there verified the finding.
And thus, the Minor Planet Center logged a new object, asteroid “2018 CN41.”
Within 24 hours, however, the center retracted the designation.
The person who originally flagged the object realized their own error, MPC astronomer Peter Veres told CNN, noticing that they had, in fact, found several uncorrelated observations of Musk’s car. And the center’s systems hadn’t caught the error.
DustinEnubs – 11/02/2025
Lucky Jet – твой шанс на большие выигрыши!
Попробуй захватывающую краш-игру прямо сейчас! Регистрируйся и получи бонус до 500% на первый депозит с промокодом: LuckyJetTeam.
лаки джет официальный сайт
Об игре
Lucky Jet — это не просто игра, а захватывающее приключение, в котором каждый момент может стать решающим! Эта краш-игра бросает вызов вашим инстинктам и способности быстро принимать решения. В основе игры — динамичная механика, где игроки ставят на рост коэффициента, но задача не в том, чтобы ждать до последнего, а вовремя вывести свой выигрыш, прежде чем персонаж взлетит слишком высоко и случится крах.
Чем выше коэффициент, тем более значительная награда! Но не забывайте: в этом азартном путешествии важен каждый момент, ведь именно ваше решение о выводе решит, насколько велик будет ваш выигрыш. Это не просто игра, а настоящее испытание на скорость и удачу! Простые правила, быстрые раунды и реальные выигрыши – вот почему игроки выбирают Lucky Jet.
Бонусы и промокоды в Lucky Jet
В Lucky Jet вас ждут щедрые бонусы и эксклюзивные промокоды, которые помогут увеличить ваш баланс и продлить удовольствие от игры! Мы ценим активных игроков и регулярно запускаем новые акции, чтобы сделать ваш игровой процесс еще выгоднее.
Актуальные бонусные предложения
Бонус 500% на первый депозит
Используйте промокод LuckyJetTeam при пополнении счета и получите увеличение депозита в 5 раз! Это отличная возможность начать игру с солидным запасом.
Еженедельные акции и фриспины
Чем больше вы играете, тем больше подарков получаете! Участвуйте в регулярных промо-акциях и получайте фриспины, бонусные деньги и дополнительные награды за активность.
Кэшбэк до 10%
Проиграли? Не беда! В Lucky Jet вы можете вернуть часть потерянных средств благодаря системе кэшбэка. Еженедельно вам будет начисляться до 10% возврата от проигранных ставок.
Следите за новыми акциями! Мы постоянно обновляем бонусные предложения, поэтому не упустите возможность воспользоваться самыми выгодными промо. Подписывайтесь на новости и следите за актуальными акциями, чтобы всегда быть в выигрыше!
Используйте бонусы и повышайте свои шансы на победу в Lucky Jet!
Как начать играть в Lucky Jet
Готовы испытать удачу и выиграть по-крупному? Следуйте этим простым шагам:
Зарегистрируйтесь на официальном сайте 1win. Процесс регистрации занимает всего пару минут.
Пополните счет удобным для вас способом: банковской картой, электронными кошельками или даже криптовалютой.
Откройте Lucky Jet в разделе казино и приготовьтесь к динамичному игровому процессу.
Сделайте ставку и следите за ростом коэффициента. Чем выше он поднимается – тем больше ваш потенциальный выигрыш.
Выведите выигрыш до того, как Lucky Jet взлетит! Главное – не жадничать и вовремя остановиться, иначе ставка сгорит.
Используйте стратегии, анализируйте предыдущие раунды и комбинируйте ставки, чтобы увеличить свои шансы на победу!
MichaelMuh – 11/02/2025
Most flights don’t want you joining the Mile-High Club. This company encourages it
In our travel news roundup this week: the rise in solo dining, where to save money at US ski resorts, plus the Californian hot-air balloon company offering a rather cheeky package.
Your love keeps lifting me higher
Is it getting hot in here, or is a gas-burner propelling a dirigible above our heads?
A California-based hot-air balloon company is offering mile-high flights – with amorous Mile-High Club privileges – over the Temecula countryside.
Guests can enjoy the views with a whole basket to themselves – and a privacy screen separating the pilot compartment from the passenger cabin.
The pilot, who Magical Adventure Balloon Rides promises will be wearing protective hearing gear and focused solely on flying, ascends the balloon to 5,280 feet (about 1,610 meters), which is about 2,000 feet higher than a typical recreational flight.
While intimate clinches are usually thoroughly discouraged in the skies, the company invites you to bring your own bedding and music playlist. A complimentary Champagne breakfast is included to fuel your frolics, of whatever sort.
Pricing for two passengers starts at $1,400. If your mantra is “the more the merrier,” each additional adult in the larger 10-person basket is $159.
The Mile-High Club flight is just one of a host of packages on offer, from wine tours to company picnics, the rest of which are considerably more family-friendly.
All by myself
Sometimes it can seem like the world is full of lovers floating high on cloud nine, but don’t fret if you’re going it alone this Valentine’s season: You’re bang on trend.
Millennials and Gen Z are breaking down the stigma attached to solo dining in an era when more Americans live alone than ever before. Some do it for convenience; some do it for freedom — either way, reservations for one are on the rise.
Once you’ve mastered dining alone, it’s time for bigger challenges, such as walking across Saudi Arabia. British explorer Alice Morrison, who has been called “Indiana Jones for girls,” is in the middle of her five-month trek of 2,500 kilometers (about 1,550 miles).
Others are opting for a permanent adventure. Californian Jason Bennett gave up his life in San Francisco for a new home in Colombia. Today he says his happiness is “off the charts.”
Robertdix – 11/02/2025
Astronomers briefly thought Elon Musk’s car was an asteroid. Here’s why that points to a broader problem
skraken market
Seven years after SpaceX launched Elon Musk’s cherry red sports car into orbit around our sun, astronomers unwittingly began paying attention to its movements once again.
Observers spotted and correctly identified the vehicle as it started its extraterrestrial excursion in February 2018 — after it had blasted off into space during the Falcon Heavy rocket’s splashy maiden launch. But more recently, the car spawned a high-profile case of mistaken identity as space observers mistook it for an asteroid.
Several observations of the vehicle, gathered by sweeping surveys of the night sky, were inadvertently stashed away in a database meant for miscellaneous and unknown objects, according to the International Astronomical Union’s Minor Planet Center.
An amateur astronomer noticed a string of data points in January that appeared to fit together, describing the orbit of a relatively small object that was swooping between the orbital paths of Earth and Mars.
The citizen scientist assumed the mystery object was an undocumented asteroid and promptly sent his findings to the MPC, which operates at the Harvard Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics in Cambridge, Massachusetts, as a clearinghouse that seeks to catalog all known asteroids, comets and other small celestial bodies. An astronomer there verified the finding.
And thus, the Minor Planet Center logged a new object, asteroid “2018 CN41.”
Within 24 hours, however, the center retracted the designation.
The person who originally flagged the object realized their own error, MPC astronomer Peter Veres told CNN, noticing that they had, in fact, found several uncorrelated observations of Musk’s car. And the center’s systems hadn’t caught the error.
JefferyknoBe – 11/02/2025
Most flights don’t want you joining the Mile-High Club. This company encourages it
кракен даркнет
In our travel news roundup this week: the rise in solo dining, where to save money at US ski resorts, plus the Californian hot-air balloon company offering a rather cheeky package.
Your love keeps lifting me higher
Is it getting hot in here, or is a gas-burner propelling a dirigible above our heads?
A California-based hot-air balloon company is offering mile-high flights – with amorous Mile-High Club privileges – over the Temecula countryside.
Guests can enjoy the views with a whole basket to themselves – and a privacy screen separating the pilot compartment from the passenger cabin.
The pilot, who Magical Adventure Balloon Rides promises will be wearing protective hearing gear and focused solely on flying, ascends the balloon to 5,280 feet (about 1,610 meters), which is about 2,000 feet higher than a typical recreational flight.
While intimate clinches are usually thoroughly discouraged in the skies, the company invites you to bring your own bedding and music playlist. A complimentary Champagne breakfast is included to fuel your frolics, of whatever sort.
Pricing for two passengers starts at $1,400. If your mantra is “the more the merrier,” each additional adult in the larger 10-person basket is $159.
The Mile-High Club flight is just one of a host of packages on offer, from wine tours to company picnics, the rest of which are considerably more family-friendly.
All by myself
Sometimes it can seem like the world is full of lovers floating high on cloud nine, but don’t fret if you’re going it alone this Valentine’s season: You’re bang on trend.
Millennials and Gen Z are breaking down the stigma attached to solo dining in an era when more Americans live alone than ever before. Some do it for convenience; some do it for freedom — either way, reservations for one are on the rise.
Once you’ve mastered dining alone, it’s time for bigger challenges, such as walking across Saudi Arabia. British explorer Alice Morrison, who has been called “Indiana Jones for girls,” is in the middle of her five-month trek of 2,500 kilometers (about 1,550 miles).
Others are opting for a permanent adventure. Californian Jason Bennett gave up his life in San Francisco for a new home in Colombia. Today he says his happiness is “off the charts.”
Rafaeljag – 11/02/2025
Lucky Jet – твой шанс на большие выигрыши!
Попробуй захватывающую краш-игру прямо сейчас! Регистрируйся и получи бонус до 500% на первый депозит с промокодом: LuckyJetTeam.
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Об игре
Lucky Jet — это не просто игра, а захватывающее приключение, в котором каждый момент может стать решающим! Эта краш-игра бросает вызов вашим инстинктам и способности быстро принимать решения. В основе игры — динамичная механика, где игроки ставят на рост коэффициента, но задача не в том, чтобы ждать до последнего, а вовремя вывести свой выигрыш, прежде чем персонаж взлетит слишком высоко и случится крах.
Чем выше коэффициент, тем более значительная награда! Но не забывайте: в этом азартном путешествии важен каждый момент, ведь именно ваше решение о выводе решит, насколько велик будет ваш выигрыш. Это не просто игра, а настоящее испытание на скорость и удачу! Простые правила, быстрые раунды и реальные выигрыши – вот почему игроки выбирают Lucky Jet.
Бонусы и промокоды в Lucky Jet
В Lucky Jet вас ждут щедрые бонусы и эксклюзивные промокоды, которые помогут увеличить ваш баланс и продлить удовольствие от игры! Мы ценим активных игроков и регулярно запускаем новые акции, чтобы сделать ваш игровой процесс еще выгоднее.
Актуальные бонусные предложения
Бонус 500% на первый депозит
Используйте промокод LuckyJetTeam при пополнении счета и получите увеличение депозита в 5 раз! Это отличная возможность начать игру с солидным запасом.
Еженедельные акции и фриспины
Чем больше вы играете, тем больше подарков получаете! Участвуйте в регулярных промо-акциях и получайте фриспины, бонусные деньги и дополнительные награды за активность.
Кэшбэк до 10%
Проиграли? Не беда! В Lucky Jet вы можете вернуть часть потерянных средств благодаря системе кэшбэка. Еженедельно вам будет начисляться до 10% возврата от проигранных ставок.
Следите за новыми акциями! Мы постоянно обновляем бонусные предложения, поэтому не упустите возможность воспользоваться самыми выгодными промо. Подписывайтесь на новости и следите за актуальными акциями, чтобы всегда быть в выигрыше!
Используйте бонусы и повышайте свои шансы на победу в Lucky Jet!
Как начать играть в Lucky Jet
Готовы испытать удачу и выиграть по-крупному? Следуйте этим простым шагам:
Зарегистрируйтесь на официальном сайте 1win. Процесс регистрации занимает всего пару минут.
Пополните счет удобным для вас способом: банковской картой, электронными кошельками или даже криптовалютой.
Откройте Lucky Jet в разделе казино и приготовьтесь к динамичному игровому процессу.
Сделайте ставку и следите за ростом коэффициента. Чем выше он поднимается – тем больше ваш потенциальный выигрыш.
Выведите выигрыш до того, как Lucky Jet взлетит! Главное – не жадничать и вовремя остановиться, иначе ставка сгорит.
Используйте стратегии, анализируйте предыдущие раунды и комбинируйте ставки, чтобы увеличить свои шансы на победу!
Herbertwrall – 11/02/2025
Lucky Jet – твой шанс на большие выигрыши!
Попробуй захватывающую краш-игру прямо сейчас! Регистрируйся и получи бонус до 500% на первый депозит с промокодом: LuckyJetTeam.
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Об игре
Lucky Jet — это не просто игра, а захватывающее приключение, в котором каждый момент может стать решающим! Эта краш-игра бросает вызов вашим инстинктам и способности быстро принимать решения. В основе игры — динамичная механика, где игроки ставят на рост коэффициента, но задача не в том, чтобы ждать до последнего, а вовремя вывести свой выигрыш, прежде чем персонаж взлетит слишком высоко и случится крах.
Чем выше коэффициент, тем более значительная награда! Но не забывайте: в этом азартном путешествии важен каждый момент, ведь именно ваше решение о выводе решит, насколько велик будет ваш выигрыш. Это не просто игра, а настоящее испытание на скорость и удачу! Простые правила, быстрые раунды и реальные выигрыши – вот почему игроки выбирают Lucky Jet.
Бонусы и промокоды в Lucky Jet
В Lucky Jet вас ждут щедрые бонусы и эксклюзивные промокоды, которые помогут увеличить ваш баланс и продлить удовольствие от игры! Мы ценим активных игроков и регулярно запускаем новые акции, чтобы сделать ваш игровой процесс еще выгоднее.
Актуальные бонусные предложения
Бонус 500% на первый депозит
Используйте промокод LuckyJetTeam при пополнении счета и получите увеличение депозита в 5 раз! Это отличная возможность начать игру с солидным запасом.
Еженедельные акции и фриспины
Чем больше вы играете, тем больше подарков получаете! Участвуйте в регулярных промо-акциях и получайте фриспины, бонусные деньги и дополнительные награды за активность.
Кэшбэк до 10%
Проиграли? Не беда! В Lucky Jet вы можете вернуть часть потерянных средств благодаря системе кэшбэка. Еженедельно вам будет начисляться до 10% возврата от проигранных ставок.
Следите за новыми акциями! Мы постоянно обновляем бонусные предложения, поэтому не упустите возможность воспользоваться самыми выгодными промо. Подписывайтесь на новости и следите за актуальными акциями, чтобы всегда быть в выигрыше!
Используйте бонусы и повышайте свои шансы на победу в Lucky Jet!
Как начать играть в Lucky Jet
Готовы испытать удачу и выиграть по-крупному? Следуйте этим простым шагам:
Зарегистрируйтесь на официальном сайте 1win. Процесс регистрации занимает всего пару минут.
Пополните счет удобным для вас способом: банковской картой, электронными кошельками или даже криптовалютой.
Откройте Lucky Jet в разделе казино и приготовьтесь к динамичному игровому процессу.
Сделайте ставку и следите за ростом коэффициента. Чем выше он поднимается – тем больше ваш потенциальный выигрыш.
Выведите выигрыш до того, как Lucky Jet взлетит! Главное – не жадничать и вовремя остановиться, иначе ставка сгорит.
Используйте стратегии, анализируйте предыдущие раунды и комбинируйте ставки, чтобы увеличить свои шансы на победу!
StanleyPromi – 11/02/2025
Lucky Jet – твой шанс на большие выигрыши!
Попробуй захватывающую краш-игру прямо сейчас! Регистрируйся и получи бонус до 500% на первый депозит с промокодом: LuckyJetTeam.
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Об игре
Lucky Jet — это не просто игра, а захватывающее приключение, в котором каждый момент может стать решающим! Эта краш-игра бросает вызов вашим инстинктам и способности быстро принимать решения. В основе игры — динамичная механика, где игроки ставят на рост коэффициента, но задача не в том, чтобы ждать до последнего, а вовремя вывести свой выигрыш, прежде чем персонаж взлетит слишком высоко и случится крах.
Чем выше коэффициент, тем более значительная награда! Но не забывайте: в этом азартном путешествии важен каждый момент, ведь именно ваше решение о выводе решит, насколько велик будет ваш выигрыш. Это не просто игра, а настоящее испытание на скорость и удачу! Простые правила, быстрые раунды и реальные выигрыши – вот почему игроки выбирают Lucky Jet.
Бонусы и промокоды в Lucky Jet
В Lucky Jet вас ждут щедрые бонусы и эксклюзивные промокоды, которые помогут увеличить ваш баланс и продлить удовольствие от игры! Мы ценим активных игроков и регулярно запускаем новые акции, чтобы сделать ваш игровой процесс еще выгоднее.
Актуальные бонусные предложения
Бонус 500% на первый депозит
Используйте промокод LuckyJetTeam при пополнении счета и получите увеличение депозита в 5 раз! Это отличная возможность начать игру с солидным запасом.
Еженедельные акции и фриспины
Чем больше вы играете, тем больше подарков получаете! Участвуйте в регулярных промо-акциях и получайте фриспины, бонусные деньги и дополнительные награды за активность.
Кэшбэк до 10%
Проиграли? Не беда! В Lucky Jet вы можете вернуть часть потерянных средств благодаря системе кэшбэка. Еженедельно вам будет начисляться до 10% возврата от проигранных ставок.
Следите за новыми акциями! Мы постоянно обновляем бонусные предложения, поэтому не упустите возможность воспользоваться самыми выгодными промо. Подписывайтесь на новости и следите за актуальными акциями, чтобы всегда быть в выигрыше!
Используйте бонусы и повышайте свои шансы на победу в Lucky Jet!
Как начать играть в Lucky Jet
Готовы испытать удачу и выиграть по-крупному? Следуйте этим простым шагам:
Зарегистрируйтесь на официальном сайте 1win. Процесс регистрации занимает всего пару минут.
Пополните счет удобным для вас способом: банковской картой, электронными кошельками или даже криптовалютой.
Откройте Lucky Jet в разделе казино и приготовьтесь к динамичному игровому процессу.
Сделайте ставку и следите за ростом коэффициента. Чем выше он поднимается – тем больше ваш потенциальный выигрыш.
Выведите выигрыш до того, как Lucky Jet взлетит! Главное – не жадничать и вовремя остановиться, иначе ставка сгорит.
Используйте стратегии, анализируйте предыдущие раунды и комбинируйте ставки, чтобы увеличить свои шансы на победу!
Danielkal – 11/02/2025
Lucky Jet – твой шанс на большие выигрыши!
Попробуй захватывающую краш-игру прямо сейчас! Регистрируйся и получи бонус до 500% на первый депозит с промокодом: LuckyJetTeam.
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Об игре
Lucky Jet — это не просто игра, а захватывающее приключение, в котором каждый момент может стать решающим! Эта краш-игра бросает вызов вашим инстинктам и способности быстро принимать решения. В основе игры — динамичная механика, где игроки ставят на рост коэффициента, но задача не в том, чтобы ждать до последнего, а вовремя вывести свой выигрыш, прежде чем персонаж взлетит слишком высоко и случится крах.
Чем выше коэффициент, тем более значительная награда! Но не забывайте: в этом азартном путешествии важен каждый момент, ведь именно ваше решение о выводе решит, насколько велик будет ваш выигрыш. Это не просто игра, а настоящее испытание на скорость и удачу! Простые правила, быстрые раунды и реальные выигрыши – вот почему игроки выбирают Lucky Jet.
Бонусы и промокоды в Lucky Jet
В Lucky Jet вас ждут щедрые бонусы и эксклюзивные промокоды, которые помогут увеличить ваш баланс и продлить удовольствие от игры! Мы ценим активных игроков и регулярно запускаем новые акции, чтобы сделать ваш игровой процесс еще выгоднее.
Актуальные бонусные предложения
Бонус 500% на первый депозит
Используйте промокод LuckyJetTeam при пополнении счета и получите увеличение депозита в 5 раз! Это отличная возможность начать игру с солидным запасом.
Еженедельные акции и фриспины
Чем больше вы играете, тем больше подарков получаете! Участвуйте в регулярных промо-акциях и получайте фриспины, бонусные деньги и дополнительные награды за активность.
Кэшбэк до 10%
Проиграли? Не беда! В Lucky Jet вы можете вернуть часть потерянных средств благодаря системе кэшбэка. Еженедельно вам будет начисляться до 10% возврата от проигранных ставок.
Следите за новыми акциями! Мы постоянно обновляем бонусные предложения, поэтому не упустите возможность воспользоваться самыми выгодными промо. Подписывайтесь на новости и следите за актуальными акциями, чтобы всегда быть в выигрыше!
Используйте бонусы и повышайте свои шансы на победу в Lucky Jet!
Как начать играть в Lucky Jet
Готовы испытать удачу и выиграть по-крупному? Следуйте этим простым шагам:
Зарегистрируйтесь на официальном сайте 1win. Процесс регистрации занимает всего пару минут.
Пополните счет удобным для вас способом: банковской картой, электронными кошельками или даже криптовалютой.
Откройте Lucky Jet в разделе казино и приготовьтесь к динамичному игровому процессу.
Сделайте ставку и следите за ростом коэффициента. Чем выше он поднимается – тем больше ваш потенциальный выигрыш.
Выведите выигрыш до того, как Lucky Jet взлетит! Главное – не жадничать и вовремя остановиться, иначе ставка сгорит.
Используйте стратегии, анализируйте предыдущие раунды и комбинируйте ставки, чтобы увеличить свои шансы на победу!
MichaelMuh – 11/02/2025
Most flights don’t want you joining the Mile-High Club. This company encourages it
кракен ссылка
In our travel news roundup this week: the rise in solo dining, where to save money at US ski resorts, plus the Californian hot-air balloon company offering a rather cheeky package.
Your love keeps lifting me higher
Is it getting hot in here, or is a gas-burner propelling a dirigible above our heads?
A California-based hot-air balloon company is offering mile-high flights – with amorous Mile-High Club privileges – over the Temecula countryside.
Guests can enjoy the views with a whole basket to themselves – and a privacy screen separating the pilot compartment from the passenger cabin.
The pilot, who Magical Adventure Balloon Rides promises will be wearing protective hearing gear and focused solely on flying, ascends the balloon to 5,280 feet (about 1,610 meters), which is about 2,000 feet higher than a typical recreational flight.
While intimate clinches are usually thoroughly discouraged in the skies, the company invites you to bring your own bedding and music playlist. A complimentary Champagne breakfast is included to fuel your frolics, of whatever sort.
Pricing for two passengers starts at $1,400. If your mantra is “the more the merrier,” each additional adult in the larger 10-person basket is $159.
The Mile-High Club flight is just one of a host of packages on offer, from wine tours to company picnics, the rest of which are considerably more family-friendly.
All by myself
Sometimes it can seem like the world is full of lovers floating high on cloud nine, but don’t fret if you’re going it alone this Valentine’s season: You’re bang on trend.
Millennials and Gen Z are breaking down the stigma attached to solo dining in an era when more Americans live alone than ever before. Some do it for convenience; some do it for freedom — either way, reservations for one are on the rise.
Once you’ve mastered dining alone, it’s time for bigger challenges, such as walking across Saudi Arabia. British explorer Alice Morrison, who has been called “Indiana Jones for girls,” is in the middle of her five-month trek of 2,500 kilometers (about 1,550 miles).
Others are opting for a permanent adventure. Californian Jason Bennett gave up his life in San Francisco for a new home in Colombia. Today he says his happiness is “off the charts.”
Robertnow – 11/02/2025
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In today's rapidly evolving digital economy, Kelp DAO emerges as a transformative force in the field of decentralized finance (DeFi). By leveraging blockchain technology, Kelp DAO aims to improve governance and promote sustainability.
What is Kelp DAO?
Kelp DAO is a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) designed to democratize decision-making processes on the blockchain. It serves as a pivotal tool for communities seeking enhanced and a focus on eco-friendly initiatives.
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Here are several compelling reasons to consider Kelp DAO for your blockchain ventures:
Environmental Sustainability: Kelp DAO incorporates mechanisms that align with environmental conservation goals, making it an eco-conscious choice.
Decentralized Governance: With a robust framework for community-driven governance, participants can actively influence project directions.
Innovation in DeFi: By fostering an environment of innovation, Kelp DAO contributes to the evolving landscape of decentralized finance.
How Does Kelp DAO Work?
Kelp DAO operates through a token-based voting system, where community members hold the power to vote on proposals and influence project decisions. The DAO's infrastructure ensures transparency and inclusivity, empowering stakeholders.
Getting Involved with Kelp DAO
Joining Kelp DAO is a straightforward process. Interested parties can engage by acquiring Kelp tokens, participating in community discussions, and voting on platform proposals. This involvement not only offers strategic governance participation but also contributes to the broader aim of sustainable development in the digital realm.
The Future of Kelp DAO
The ultimate vision for Kelp DAO is a fully decentralized platform where members collaboratively address global challenges while advancing decentralized financial mechanisms. As the community grows, so does its capacity to influence .
Join Kelp DAO today and become part of a pioneering movement towards a sustainable and decentralized financial future.
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Carlosflume – 09/02/2025
Когда я впервые услышал про UTLH, отнёсся с осторожностью. Но изучив проект, понял, что это не просто очередной токен, а действительно продуманная система с хорошими перспективами. Вложился в стейкинг, так как фиксированный доход 24% годовых — это гораздо лучше, чем банковские депозиты. Уже несколько месяцев получаю выплаты, всё работает чётко. Плюс ко всему, сам токен начинает расти в цене, а его ограниченная эмиссия создаёт дефицит. Думаю, держать его долгосрочно — отличное решение.
Ronaldpaf – 09/02/2025
Mexico's President Claudia Sheinbaum, US President Donald Trump and Canada's Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. Getty Images
President Donald Trump announced that he’s pausing tariffs on Mexico and Canada after speaking to leaders of both countries on Monday — just hours before the sweeping actions were set to go into effect.
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The proposed tariffs, which Trump announced Saturday, consisted of a 25% duty on all imports from Mexico and most from Canada (there was a carve-out for a 10% tariff on energy products), and a new 10% tariff on Chinese goods. Trump said earlier Monday that he’d be speaking with China soon.
Trump paused the tariffs on America’s neighbors after Mexican President Claudia Sheinbaum and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau made commitments, some of which they’d already made, to bolster security at their respective borders with the United States.
“I just spoke with President Claudia Sheinbaum of Mexico. It was a very friendly conversation wherein she agreed to immediately supply 10,000 Mexican Soldiers on the Border separating Mexico and the United States,” Trump wrote on Truth Social earlier Monday.
“These soldiers will be specifically designated to stop the flow of fentanyl, and illegal migrants into our country,” he wrote.
He took to Truth Social with a similar announcement later in the day, after Trudeau first announced the 30-day pause.
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Gregghus – 08/02/2025
A brief history of sunglasses, from Ancient Rome to Hollywood
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Sunglasses, or dark glasses, have always guarded against strong sunlight, but is there more to “shades” than we think?
The pupils of our eyes are delicate and react immediately to strong lights. Protecting them against light — even the brilliance reflected off snow — is important for everyone. Himalayan mountaineers wear goggles for this exact purpose.
Protection is partly the function of sunglasses. But dark or colored lens glasses have become fashion accessories and personal signature items. Think of the vast and famous collector of sunglasses Elton John, with his pink lensed heart-shaped extravaganzas and many others.
When did this interest in protecting the eyes begin, and at what point did dark glasses become a social statement as well as physical protection?
The Roman Emperor Nero is reported as holding polished gemstones to his eyes for sun protection as he watched fighting gladiators.
We know Canadian far north Copper Inuit and Alaskan Yupik wore snow goggles of many kinds made of antlers or whalebone and with tiny horizontal slits. Wearers looked through these and they were protected against the snow’s brilliant light when hunting. At the same time the very narrow eye holes helped them to focus on their prey.
In 12th-century China, judges wore sunglasses with smoked quartz lenses to hide their facial expressions — perhaps to retain their dignity or not convey emotions.
ThomasHaiva – 08/02/2025
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WilliamErodA – 08/02/2025
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Finally, it is worth noting that EtherCode Innovation is committed to continuous development and innovation. The team is constantly researching new technologies and development methods to provide its clients with the most advanced solutions. Thanks to this approach, the company remains ahead of its time and continues to be in demand in the field of blockchain development.
EtherCode Innovation is not just a company developing smart contracts on Ethereum. We are leaders in blockchain technology and education, and we invite you to join us on this exciting journey into the world of decentralization and innovation.
Williamrox – 07/02/2025
These apes can tell when humans don’t know something, study finds
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Some great apes realize when a human partner doesn’t know something and are capable of communicating information to them to change their behavior, a new study shows.
Researchers from Johns Hopkins University studying bonobos found that they would point to where treats were hidden if they could see their human partner didn’t know where they were, according to a statement from the university, published Monday.
Working with three male bonobos, study co-author Luke Townrow, a Johns Hopkins PhD student, would sit across a table from one of the animals as another person placed a treat under one of three cups.
In some cases, Townrow would be allowed to see which cup the treat was under, and the bonobo would wait for him to pass it the food.
At other times, he would not be able to see where the treat was, and the bonobo would point to the right cup to help him find the food.
The “seemingly simple experiment that demonstrated for the first time that apes will communicate unknown information in the name of teamwork,” the statement reads.
And study co-author Chris Krupenye, a Johns Hopkins assistant professor of psychological and brain sciences, told CNN that the study “is one of the clearest pieces of evidence that a non-human primate understands when someone else is ignorant.”
This ability to intuit gaps in others’ knowledge is known as theory of mind.
“As humans we have theory of mind, the ability to think about others’ perspectives,” Krupenye told CNN on Tuesday.
Bobbylix – 07/02/2025
A federal judge on Tuesday afternoon temporarily blocked part of the Trump administration’s plans to freeze all federal aid, a policy that unleashed confusion and worry from charities and educators even as the White House said it was not as sweeping an order as it appeared.
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The short-term pause issued by US District Judge Loren L. AliKhan prevents the administration from carrying through with its plans to freeze funding for “open awards” already granted by the federal government through at least 5 p.m. ET Monday, February 3.
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The judge’s administrative stay is “a way of preserving the status quo” while she considers the challenge brought by a group of non-profits to the White House plans, AliKhan said.
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“The government doesn’t know the full scope of the programs that are going to be subject to the pause,” AliKhan said after pressing an attorney for the Justice Department on what programs the freeze would apply to. AliKhan is expected to consider a longer-term pause on the policy early next week.
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The White House budget office had ordered the pause on federal grants and loans, according to an internal memorandum sent Monday.
Federal agencies “must temporarily pause all activities related to obligation or disbursement of all Federal financial assistance,” White House Office of Management and Budget acting director Matthew Vaeth said in the memorandum, a copy of which was obtained by CNN, citing administration priorities listed in past executive orders.
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Allenlerse – 07/02/2025
Trailer trucks queue to cross into the United States at the Otay Mesa Port of Entry, in Tijuana, Mexico, November 27, 2024. Jorge Duenes/Reuters
New York
Since President Donald Trump won the election in November, businesses across the globe have been bracing for higher tariffs — a key Day One promise the president made.
But over a week into his presidency, Trump has yet to enact any new tariffs.
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That could change, come 11:59 p.m. ET on Saturday — the deadline Trump set for when he says he will slap 25% tariffs on all Mexican and Canadian goods and a 10% tariff on all Chinese goods.
The tariffs, he said, will be imposed as a way of punishing the three nations, which Trump claims are responsible for helping people enter the country illegally and supplying fentanyl consumed in the US.
Speaking to reporters from the Oval Office on Thursday, Trump said he meant business, especially with his tariff threats on Mexico and Canada. White House Press Secretary Karoline Leavitt also confirmed on Friday that Trump will levy the 10% tariff on China on Saturday.
Should these threats be believed? Yes and no, said Trump’s former Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross.
The threat of blanket tariffs is likely being overstated, Ross said in an interview with CNN. “There probably will be exclusions, because there are some goods that just are not made here, will not be made here, and therefore, there’s no particular point putting tariffs on.”
Ross, who was one of a handful of initial cabinet members in Trump’s first administration who kept their position for the entire four-year term, said he advocated for such exclusions when he advised Trump on tariff policies.
WilliamMib – 07/02/2025
They’ve sailed across Southeast Asia for centuries. Now, these sea nomads are being forced to live on land
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Bilkuin Jimi Salih doesn’t remember how old he was when he learned to dive, only, that all the men in his family can do it.
It might have been his grandfather who taught him, or his father, or even an uncle or cousin. He recalls swimming dozens of feet underwater among the reefs, collecting spider conches, abalone and sea cucumbers to sell at the local fish market.
“One of our specialties is that, because we live on the sea and we’re always in the sea, we can dive in the water for a long time,” says Salih, via a translator. “We learn by observing, and from there, we develop our own technique.”
To most people, Salih’s free diving skills are highly unusual; but not to his community. Salih is Bajau Laut, an indigenous seafaring group in Southeast Asia that has lived a semi-nomadic lifestyle on the ocean for centuries. Living on boats and fishing for income and sustenance, the Bajau Laut aren’t just reliant on the sea: they’re biologically adapted to it, with larger spleens that give them the ability to hold their breath for far longer than the average person.
“We’re very comfortable in the water,” says Salih. The 20-year-old was born on board a lepa, a type of houseboat, on the shore of Omadal Island, off the coast of Semporna in Malaysian Borneo.
RichardFroff – 07/02/2025
What happens to celebrities’ outfits after a red carpet event?
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Every time a celebrity poses on a red carpet, countless cameras flash, forever immortalizing their outfit, preserving the hundreds or even thousands of hours it has taken to create.
Sunday night’s Golden Globes were no different, with Zendaya channeling old Hollywood glamor in a saffron Louis Vuitton gown, Angelina Jolie wearing a dazzling crystal chain McQueen dress and Tilda Swinton donning a custom embroidered Chanel jacket.
Online, such red carpet outfits have long afterlives as they are shared around social media, dissected by influencers and journalists alike. But the real-life fate of the garments themselves is less well-publicized. What happens to them after their moment of fame — where do they go and when are they seen again?
The afterlives of outfits can take many different forms — some are kept in storage, some are displayed at exhibitions, some wend their way onto the open market and are auctioned, and some are bought by the celebrities wearing them. Occasionally, some don’t even survive the night.
Over the past two decades, the outfits worn by celebrities at red carpet events have garnered more and more attention, and consequently significance, said Lucy Bishop, a specialist in handbags and fashion at auction house Sotheby’s.
She pinpoints the Dior chartreuse embroidered gown designed by John Galliano and worn by Nicole Kidman at the 1997 Oscars as one of the earliest turning points that “changed the trajectory of red-carpet dressing,” signaling the start of fashion houses “very publicly partnering with a celebrity and sort of officially dressing them for the red carpet.”
Coreymup – 07/02/2025
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DavidMof – 07/02/2025
Trailer trucks queue to cross into the United States at the Otay Mesa Port of Entry, in Tijuana, Mexico, November 27, 2024. Jorge Duenes/Reuters
New York
bsme at
Since President Donald Trump won the election in November, businesses across the globe have been bracing for higher tariffs — a key Day One promise the president made.
But over a week into his presidency, Trump has yet to enact any new tariffs.
That could change, come 11:59 p.m. ET on Saturday — the deadline Trump set for when he says he will slap 25% tariffs on all Mexican and Canadian goods and a 10% tariff on all Chinese goods.
The tariffs, he said, will be imposed as a way of punishing the three nations, which Trump claims are responsible for helping people enter the country illegally and supplying fentanyl consumed in the US.
Speaking to reporters from the Oval Office on Thursday, Trump said he meant business, especially with his tariff threats on Mexico and Canada. White House Press Secretary Karoline Leavitt also confirmed on Friday that Trump will levy the 10% tariff on China on Saturday.
Should these threats be believed? Yes and no, said Trump’s former Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross.
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The threat of blanket tariffs is likely being overstated, Ross said in an interview with CNN. “There probably will be exclusions, because there are some goods that just are not made here, will not be made here, and therefore, there’s no particular point putting tariffs on.”
Ross, who was one of a handful of initial cabinet members in Trump’s first administration who kept their position for the entire four-year term, said he advocated for such exclusions when he advised Trump on tariff policies.
Matthewrex – 06/02/2025
Introducing Velodrome Finance: Maximize Your Crypto Yields
In the rapidly evolving world of decentralized finance (DeFi), Velodrome Finance emerges as a robust platform for enthusiasts looking to enhance their crypto yield returns. This guide will walk you through the essentials of Velodrome Finance and how you can benefit from its features.
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Why Choose Velodrome Finance?
Velodrome Finance stands out as a comprehensive DeFi protocol designed specifically for liquidity providers. Its innovative approach focuses on maximizing rewards while maintaining efficient and secure trading mechanisms. Here's why it's capturing the attention of the DeFi community:
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Getting Started with Velodrome
Embarking on your journey with Velodrome Finance is straightforward. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you dive into the platform:
Create a Wallet: To engage with Velodrome, you first need a compatible crypto wallet.
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With its focus on maximizing crypto yield, Velodrome Finance is a compelling choice for anyone looking to delve deeper into the DeFi space. From efficient token swaps to robust security measures, it offers a complete ecosystem for those eager to optimize their returns. Visit the official site and start your journey towards enhanced financial growth.
Williamnut – 06/02/2025
Aerodrome Finance: Unlocking Potential for Growth
The world of aerodrome finance is pivotal for ensuring the efficient operation, enhancement, and expansion of aerodrome facilities globally. With the increasing demand for air travel, understanding aerodrome financial processes is more important than ever.
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Why Aerodrome Finance Matters
Aerodrome finance plays a critical role in the lifespan of airport projects, providing necessary funding from initial development to ongoing management. Here are key reasons why it matters:
Infrastructure Development: Secure financial backing enables the construction and maintenance of essential airport infrastructure.
Operational Efficiency: Adequate funding ensures that airports can operate smoothly, adapting to technological advancements and logistical demands.
Economic Growth: Airports serve as economic hubs; their development stimulates job creation and boosts local economies.
Aerodrome Finance Strategies
Various strategies can be employed to optimize aerodrome finance, ensuring both immediate and long-term benefits. Here are a few notable approaches:
Public-Private Partnerships (PPP)
These partnerships combine public sector oversight and private sector efficiency, leading to shared risks and rewards. They facilitate diverse financial resources and innovative solutions for airport projects.
Revenue Diversification
Exploring non-aeronautical revenue streams, such as retail concessions and property leases, can significantly bolster an airport's financial resilience. Such diversification allows for a steady income flow independent of ticket sales.
Sustainable Financing
Adopting sustainable financial practices, including green bonds and ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) criteria, aligns with modern ecological standards and attracts environmentally conscious investors.
Challenges and Opportunities
While aerodrome finance offers numerous benefits, it also poses certain challenges. High capital costs, regulatory hurdles, and fluctuating passenger demands can impact financial stability. However, these challenges also present opportunities for innovation and improvement.
Tech-Driven Solutions: Embracing technology like AI and predictive analytics can enhance decision-making and financial planning.
Collaboration: Strengthening ties with stakeholders, including airlines and government agencies, can streamline financial operations and capital investments.
Ultimately, the goal of aerodrome finance is to support the sustainable growth and modernization of airports, ensuring their pivotal role in global connectivity remains strong.
PhillipGog – 06/02/2025
Opposite a bed in central London, light filters through a stained-glass window depicting, in fragments of copper and blue, Jesus Christ.
Three people have lived in the deserted cathedral in the past two years, with each occupant — an electrician, a sound engineer and a journalist — paying a monthly fee to live in the priest’s quarters.
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The cathedral is managed by Live-in Guardians, a company finding occupants for disused properties, including schools, libraries and pubs, across Britain. The residents — so-called property guardians — pay a fixed monthly “license fee,” which is usually much lower than the typical rent in the same area.
Applications to become guardians are going “through the roof,” with more people in their late thirties and forties signing on than in the past, said Arthur Duke, the founder and managing director of Live-in Guardians.
“That’s been brought about by the cost-of-living crisis,” he said. “People are looking for cheaper ways to live.”
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WallaceEthib – 06/02/2025
Opposite a bed in central London, light filters through a stained-glass window depicting, in fragments of copper and blue, Jesus Christ.
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Three people have lived in the deserted cathedral in the past two years, with each occupant — an electrician, a sound engineer and a journalist — paying a monthly fee to live in the priest’s quarters.
The cathedral is managed by Live-in Guardians, a company finding occupants for disused properties, including schools, libraries and pubs, across Britain. The residents — so-called property guardians — pay a fixed monthly “license fee,” which is usually much lower than the typical rent in the same area.
Applications to become guardians are going “through the roof,” with more people in their late thirties and forties signing on than in the past, said Arthur Duke, the founder and managing director of Live-in Guardians.
“That’s been brought about by the cost-of-living crisis,” he said. “People are looking for cheaper ways to live.”
Charleswoush – 05/02/2025
Moth species among new discoveries
The Natural History Museum in London said its researchers had been involved in 190 new discoveries of living and fossilized animals, including 11 new species of moth, eight crabs, four rats and four snakes.
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One of the moth species from a genus called Hemiceratoides from Madagascar feeds itself by drinking the tears of sleeping birds, while another newly identified species of moth, Carmenta brachyclado, was found fluttering against a window in a Welsh living room despite its origins in Guyana.
The moth got stuck in a boot belonging to a photographer, who unwittingly brought the insect from South America to her home in Wales, where it emerged. Her daughter, ecologist Daisy Cadet, recognized the creature as something unusual and contacted the Natural History Museum in London.
Another striking find was a vegetarian piranha called Myloplus sauron from Brazil’s Xingu River, said Rupert Collins, a senior curator of fishes at the museum, who helped describe the fish. It was named sauron due to its resemblance to the Eye of Sauron from J.R.R.
Tolkien’s “The Lord of the Rings.”
“The reason we named it this was really a no-brainer because this fish is disc-shaped and has a thin vertical bar across the body, which looks just like an eye,” Collins said in a video shared by the museum.
In addition, in 2024 scientists have documented a mystery mollusk in the deep ocean, a ghost shark, a blob-headed fish, and a type of semi-aquatic mouse.
A ‘race against time’
Among the fascinating finds from scientists at the UK’s Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew was an intriguing new species of fungi in wooded heathland near the town of Royal Tunbridge Wells, England. Phellodon castaneoleucus sports teeth-like structures instead of the gills usually seen beneath mushroom caps.
Botanists also discovered five new orchid species from sites across the Indonesian archipelago, a gray-stemmed ghost palm from western Borneo with leaves with white undersides, and an enigmatic family of plants known as Afrothismia that are confined to continental African forests without the ability to photosynthesize.
EdwardDof – 05/02/2025
From fiery festivals to nature's most dazzling "sky-dance", interest in the night skies is booming, with "noctourism" poised to be a major travel trend in 2025.
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Interest in the night skies is booming. Booking.com recently named "noctourism" as a top travel trend for 2025, with their survey of more than 27,000 travellers finding that around two-thirds have considered going to "darker sky destinations" to experience things like starbathing (lying down and looking at the night skies) and witnessing once-in-a-lifetime cosmic events.
"The cool thing about night adventures is you see so many different sides to a destination, by just staying up late or rising early," says Stephanie Vermillon, author of the new book 100 Nights Of A Lifetime: The World's Ultimate Adventures After Dark. "Our senses are heightened, and there are things you see at night that you don't see any other time, so everything feels exciting and new."
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It was a 2010 trip to Morocco that sparked Vermillon's interest in all things nocturnal. "I grew up in Dayton, Ohio, which has terrible light pollution," she tells the BBC. "Then I went to the Sahara Desert and camped under the stars – I saw the Milky Way and two dozen shooting stars that night. I went home, took an astronomy class and later started hunting Northern Lights, which got me curious about what else happens around the world after dark."
Vermillon believes that major events such as the April 2024 total solar eclipse or the 2024-2025 peak in aurora activity has led to a "bump" in the number of people wanting to experience dark skies. There are also now more than 200 Dark Sky Reserves across the globe. "The great thing about the night sky is the perspective it gives you – it's humbling and grounding," she says. "You can experience pure awe."
Starry skies and aurora borealis might be the headline acts, but there's plenty more to do after dark in cities or out in nature. "You see a city so differently at night," Vermillon says. "I think of it as a city letting its hair down – it's more relaxed. I've also done night safaris, where it's more about listening than just seeing, and I've seen water sparkling with bioluminescence, which looks like magic. Everything at night has a little extra sparkle."
Here are five of Vermillon's favourite after-dark experiences, from fiery cultural festivals to nature's greatest sky dance.
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Modestoicova – 05/02/2025
Tbilisi, Georgia — Jailed journalist Mzia Amaghlobeli gets weaker every day as her hunger strike has reached three weeks in Rustavi, a town near the Georgian capital of Tbilisi, her lawyer says. Now the 49-year-old is having difficulty walking the short distance from her cell to the room where they usually meet, and human rights officials, colleagues and family fear for her life.
Amaghlobeli was arrested Jan. 12 during an anti-government protest in the coastal city of Batumi, one of over 40 people in custody on criminal charges from a series of demonstrations that have hit the South Caucasus nation of 3.7 million in recent months.
The political turmoil follows a parliamentary election that was won by the ruling Georgian Dream party, although its opponents allege the vote was rigged.
Protests highlight battle over Georgia's future. Here's why it matters.
Its outcome pushed Georgia further into Russia's orbit of influence. Georgia aspired to join the European Union, but the party suspended accession talks with the bloc after the election.
As it sought to cement its grip on power, Georgian Dream has cracked down on freedom of assembly and expression in what the opposition says is similar to President Vladimir Putin's actions in neighboring Russia, its former imperial ruler.
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Robertbat – 05/02/2025
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Modestoicova – 05/02/2025
Tbilisi, Georgia — Jailed journalist Mzia Amaghlobeli gets weaker every day as her hunger strike has reached three weeks in Rustavi, a town near the Georgian capital of Tbilisi, her lawyer says. Now the 49-year-old is having difficulty walking the short distance from her cell to the room where they usually meet, and human rights officials, colleagues and family fear for her life.
Amaghlobeli was arrested Jan. 12 during an anti-government protest in the coastal city of Batumi, one of over 40 people in custody on criminal charges from a series of demonstrations that have hit the South Caucasus nation of 3.7 million in recent months.
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The political turmoil follows a parliamentary election that was won by the ruling Georgian Dream party, although its opponents allege the vote was rigged.
Protests highlight battle over Georgia's future. Here's why it matters.
Its outcome pushed Georgia further into Russia's orbit of influence. Georgia aspired to join the European Union, but the party suspended accession talks with the bloc after the election.
As it sought to cement its grip on power, Georgian Dream has cracked down on freedom of assembly and expression in what the opposition says is similar to President Vladimir Putin's actions in neighboring Russia, its former imperial ruler.
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Anthonyled – 05/02/2025
From fiery festivals to nature's most dazzling "sky-dance", interest in the night skies is booming, with "noctourism" poised to be a major travel trend in 2025.
Interest in the night skies is booming. Booking.com recently named "noctourism" as a top travel trend for 2025, with their survey of more than 27,000 travellers finding that around two-thirds have considered going to "darker sky destinations" to experience things like starbathing (lying down and looking at the night skies) and witnessing once-in-a-lifetime cosmic events.
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"The cool thing about night adventures is you see so many different sides to a destination, by just staying up late or rising early," says Stephanie Vermillon, author of the new book 100 Nights Of A Lifetime: The World's Ultimate Adventures After Dark. "Our senses are heightened, and there are things you see at night that you don't see any other time, so everything feels exciting and new."
It was a 2010 trip to Morocco that sparked Vermillon's interest in all things nocturnal. "I grew up in Dayton, Ohio, which has terrible light pollution," she tells the BBC. "Then I went to the Sahara Desert and camped under the stars – I saw the Milky Way and two dozen shooting stars that night. I went home, took an astronomy class and later started hunting Northern Lights, which got me curious about what else happens around the world after dark."
Vermillon believes that major events such as the April 2024 total solar eclipse or the 2024-2025 peak in aurora activity has led to a "bump" in the number of people wanting to experience dark skies. There are also now more than 200 Dark Sky Reserves across the globe. "The great thing about the night sky is the perspective it gives you – it's humbling and grounding," she says. "You can experience pure awe."
Starry skies and aurora borealis might be the headline acts, but there's plenty more to do after dark in cities or out in nature. "You see a city so differently at night," Vermillon says. "I think of it as a city letting its hair down – it's more relaxed. I've also done night safaris, where it's more about listening than just seeing, and I've seen water sparkling with bioluminescence, which looks like magic. Everything at night has a little extra sparkle."
Here are five of Vermillon's favourite after-dark experiences, from fiery cultural festivals to nature's greatest sky dance.
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JamesUnsaw – 05/02/2025
From fiery festivals to nature's most dazzling "sky-dance", interest in the night skies is booming, with "noctourism" poised to be a major travel trend in 2025.
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Interest in the night skies is booming. Booking.com recently named "noctourism" as a top travel trend for 2025, with their survey of more than 27,000 travellers finding that around two-thirds have considered going to "darker sky destinations" to experience things like starbathing (lying down and looking at the night skies) and witnessing once-in-a-lifetime cosmic events.
kra24 at
"The cool thing about night adventures is you see so many different sides to a destination, by just staying up late or rising early," says Stephanie Vermillon, author of the new book 100 Nights Of A Lifetime: The World's Ultimate Adventures After Dark. "Our senses are heightened, and there are things you see at night that you don't see any other time, so everything feels exciting and new."
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It was a 2010 trip to Morocco that sparked Vermillon's interest in all things nocturnal. "I grew up in Dayton, Ohio, which has terrible light pollution," she tells the BBC. "Then I went to the Sahara Desert and camped under the stars – I saw the Milky Way and two dozen shooting stars that night. I went home, took an astronomy class and later started hunting Northern Lights, which got me curious about what else happens around the world after dark."
Vermillon believes that major events such as the April 2024 total solar eclipse or the 2024-2025 peak in aurora activity has led to a "bump" in the number of people wanting to experience dark skies. There are also now more than 200 Dark Sky Reserves across the globe. "The great thing about the night sky is the perspective it gives you – it's humbling and grounding," she says. "You can experience pure awe."
Starry skies and aurora borealis might be the headline acts, but there's plenty more to do after dark in cities or out in nature. "You see a city so differently at night," Vermillon says. "I think of it as a city letting its hair down – it's more relaxed. I've also done night safaris, where it's more about listening than just seeing, and I've seen water sparkling with bioluminescence, which looks like magic. Everything at night has a little extra sparkle."
Here are five of Vermillon's favourite after-dark experiences, from fiery cultural festivals to nature's greatest sky dance.
kra26 cc
Robertmah – 05/02/2025
From fiery festivals to nature's most dazzling "sky-dance", interest in the night skies is booming, with "noctourism" poised to be a major travel trend in 2025.
Interest in the night skies is booming. Booking.com recently named "noctourism" as a top travel trend for 2025, with their survey of more than 27,000 travellers finding that around two-thirds have considered going to "darker sky destinations" to experience things like starbathing (lying down and looking at the night skies) and witnessing once-in-a-lifetime cosmic events.
"The cool thing about night adventures is you see so many different sides to a destination, by just staying up late or rising early," says Stephanie Vermillon, author of the new book 100 Nights Of A Lifetime: The World's Ultimate Adventures After Dark. "Our senses are heightened, and there are things you see at night that you don't see any other time, so everything feels exciting and new."
It was a 2010 trip to Morocco that sparked Vermillon's interest in all things nocturnal. "I grew up in Dayton, Ohio, which has terrible light pollution," she tells the BBC. "Then I went to the Sahara Desert and camped under the stars – I saw the Milky Way and two dozen shooting stars that night. I went home, took an astronomy class and later started hunting Northern Lights, which got me curious about what else happens around the world after dark."
Vermillon believes that major events such as the April 2024 total solar eclipse or the 2024-2025 peak in aurora activity has led to a "bump" in the number of people wanting to experience dark skies. There are also now more than 200 Dark Sky Reserves across the globe. "The great thing about the night sky is the perspective it gives you – it's humbling and grounding," she says. "You can experience pure awe."
Starry skies and aurora borealis might be the headline acts, but there's plenty more to do after dark in cities or out in nature. "You see a city so differently at night," Vermillon says. "I think of it as a city letting its hair down – it's more relaxed. I've also done night safaris, where it's more about listening than just seeing, and I've seen water sparkling with bioluminescence, which looks like magic. Everything at night has a little extra sparkle."
Here are five of Vermillon's favourite after-dark experiences, from fiery cultural festivals to nature's greatest sky dance.
kra20 cc
kra22 at
Rolandchold – 05/02/2025
From fiery festivals to nature's most dazzling "sky-dance", interest in the night skies is booming, with "noctourism" poised to be a major travel trend in 2025.
kra27 at
Interest in the night skies is booming. Booking.com recently named "noctourism" as a top travel trend for 2025, with their survey of more than 27,000 travellers finding that around two-thirds have considered going to "darker sky destinations" to experience things like starbathing (lying down and looking at the night skies) and witnessing once-in-a-lifetime cosmic events.
"The cool thing about night adventures is you see so many different sides to a destination, by just staying up late or rising early," says Stephanie Vermillon, author of the new book 100 Nights Of A Lifetime: The World's Ultimate Adventures After Dark. "Our senses are heightened, and there are things you see at night that you don't see any other time, so everything feels exciting and new."
It was a 2010 trip to Morocco that sparked Vermillon's interest in all things nocturnal. "I grew up in Dayton, Ohio, which has terrible light pollution," she tells the BBC. "Then I went to the Sahara Desert and camped under the stars – I saw the Milky Way and two dozen shooting stars that night. I went home, took an astronomy class and later started hunting Northern Lights, which got me curious about what else happens around the world after dark."
Vermillon believes that major events such as the April 2024 total solar eclipse or the 2024-2025 peak in aurora activity has led to a "bump" in the number of people wanting to experience dark skies. There are also now more than 200 Dark Sky Reserves across the globe. "The great thing about the night sky is the perspective it gives you – it's humbling and grounding," she says. "You can experience pure awe."
Starry skies and aurora borealis might be the headline acts, but there's plenty more to do after dark in cities or out in nature. "You see a city so differently at night," Vermillon says. "I think of it as a city letting its hair down – it's more relaxed. I've also done night safaris, where it's more about listening than just seeing, and I've seen water sparkling with bioluminescence, which looks like magic. Everything at night has a little extra sparkle."
Here are five of Vermillon's favourite after-dark experiences, from fiery cultural festivals to nature's greatest sky dance.
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kra27 cc
Coreymup – 04/02/2025
С 28 января 2025 года акционеры могут инвестировать в развитие новых месторождений алмазов в Архангельской области через покупку акций АО "АЛМАЗЫ ПОМОРСКОГО КРАЯ". Компания стремится к открытию богатых месторождений и планирует активно развивать свою деятельность в ближайшие годы.
Архангельские алмазы
Ronaldpaf – 04/02/2025
Mexico's President Claudia Sheinbaum, US President Donald Trump and Canada's Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. Getty Images
President Donald Trump announced that he’s pausing tariffs on Mexico and Canada after speaking to leaders of both countries on Monday — just hours before the sweeping actions were set to go into effect.
kra28 at
The proposed tariffs, which Trump announced Saturday, consisted of a 25% duty on all imports from Mexico and most from Canada (there was a carve-out for a 10% tariff on energy products), and a new 10% tariff on Chinese goods. Trump said earlier Monday that he’d be speaking with China soon.
Trump paused the tariffs on America’s neighbors after Mexican President Claudia Sheinbaum and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau made commitments, some of which they’d already made, to bolster security at their respective borders with the United States.
“I just spoke with President Claudia Sheinbaum of Mexico. It was a very friendly conversation wherein she agreed to immediately supply 10,000 Mexican Soldiers on the Border separating Mexico and the United States,” Trump wrote on Truth Social earlier Monday.
“These soldiers will be specifically designated to stop the flow of fentanyl, and illegal migrants into our country,” he wrote.
He took to Truth Social with a similar announcement later in the day, after Trudeau first announced the 30-day pause.
kra28 cc
TravisIcowl – 04/02/2025
Former US President Joe Biden, a self-professed Catholic, has joined an African-American Masonic lodge as a ‘Master Mason’. The Vatican takes a dim view of Freemasonry, and Catholics who join the fraternal order face excommunication.
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Biden was inducted into the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge in South Carolina on Sunday, one day before he left office. In a private ceremony, the lodge’s grand master, Victor C. Major, granted Biden “Master Mason membership with full honors,” according to a statement published by the organization last weekend that circulated online on Friday.
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”To be a Freemason is to be part of a brotherhood dedicated to personal growth, service to others, and the pursuit of knowledge and truth,” the lodge wrote. Biden’s service, the statement added, “reflects the core values” of this brotherhood.
kra22 cc
Stevenneill – 04/02/2025
Secretary of State Marco Rubio appeared to escalate the Trump administration’s confrontation with Panama on Sunday, telling its leader that President Trump had determined that Chinese “influence and control” over the Panama Canal threatens the waterway and demanding “immediate changes,” according to the State Department.
Panama’s president, Jose Raul Mulino, provided a different account of the discussion, saying after the meeting that he did not believe Mr. Rubio had conveyed a threat that Mr. Trump might move to reclaim the American-built shipping route. He said he saw little risk of such an intervention.
kra30 cc
But President Trump, speaking to reporters at Joint Base Andrews in Maryland about the canal on Sunday, said that “we’re going to take it back, or something very powerful is going to happen.”
The State Department’s summary of the meeting in Panama City, Mr. Rubio’s first with a foreign leader since becoming secretary of state, struck a tone that was sometimes aggressive. It said Mr. Rubio had told his host that Mr. Trump had made a “preliminary determination” that China’s government exercised control over the canal.
Rodolfousets – 04/02/2025
Secretary of State Marco Rubio appeared to escalate the Trump administration’s confrontation with Panama on Sunday, telling its leader that President Trump had determined that Chinese “influence and control” over the Panama Canal threatens the waterway and demanding “immediate changes,” according to the State Department.
kra29 cc
Panama’s president, Jose Raul Mulino, provided a different account of the discussion, saying after the meeting that he did not believe Mr. Rubio had conveyed a threat that Mr. Trump might move to reclaim the American-built shipping route. He said he saw little risk of such an intervention.
But President Trump, speaking to reporters at Joint Base Andrews in Maryland about the canal on Sunday, said that “we’re going to take it back, or something very powerful is going to happen.”
The State Department’s summary of the meeting in Panama City, Mr. Rubio’s first with a foreign leader since becoming secretary of state, struck a tone that was sometimes aggressive. It said Mr. Rubio had told his host that Mr. Trump had made a “preliminary determination” that China’s government exercised control over the canal.
kra25 at
Philipunfit – 04/02/2025
Secretary of State Marco Rubio appeared to escalate the Trump administration’s confrontation with Panama on Sunday, telling its leader that President Trump had determined that Chinese “influence and control” over the Panama Canal threatens the waterway and demanding “immediate changes,” according to the State Department.
kra23 cc
Panama’s president, Jose Raul Mulino, provided a different account of the discussion, saying after the meeting that he did not believe Mr. Rubio had conveyed a threat that Mr. Trump might move to reclaim the American-built shipping route. He said he saw little risk of such an intervention.
But President Trump, speaking to reporters at Joint Base Andrews in Maryland about the canal on Sunday, said that “we’re going to take it back, or something very powerful is going to happen.”
kra21 cc
The State Department’s summary of the meeting in Panama City, Mr. Rubio’s first with a foreign leader since becoming secretary of state, struck a tone that was sometimes aggressive. It said Mr. Rubio had told his host that Mr. Trump had made a “preliminary determination” that China’s government exercised control over the canal.
kra27 at
Eugeneruica – 04/02/2025
Secretary of State Marco Rubio appeared to escalate the Trump administration’s confrontation with Panama on Sunday, telling its leader that President Trump had determined that Chinese “influence and control” over the Panama Canal threatens the waterway and demanding “immediate changes,” according to the State Department.
Panama’s president, Jose Raul Mulino, provided a different account of the discussion, saying after the meeting that he did not believe Mr. Rubio had conveyed a threat that Mr. Trump might move to reclaim the American-built shipping route. He said he saw little risk of such an intervention.
kra26 cc
But President Trump, speaking to reporters at Joint Base Andrews in Maryland about the canal on Sunday, said that “we’re going to take it back, or something very powerful is going to happen.”
The State Department’s summary of the meeting in Panama City, Mr. Rubio’s first with a foreign leader since becoming secretary of state, struck a tone that was sometimes aggressive. It said Mr. Rubio had told his host that Mr. Trump had made a “preliminary determination” that China’s government exercised control over the canal.
kra27 cc
Traviswript – 04/02/2025
Former US President Joe Biden, a self-professed Catholic, has joined an African-American Masonic lodge as a ‘Master Mason’. The Vatican takes a dim view of Freemasonry, and Catholics who join the fraternal order face excommunication.
сайт кракен тор
Biden was inducted into the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge in South Carolina on Sunday, one day before he left office. In a private ceremony, the lodge’s grand master, Victor C. Major, granted Biden “Master Mason membership with full honors,” according to a statement published by the organization last weekend that circulated online on Friday.
”To be a Freemason is to be part of a brotherhood dedicated to personal growth, service to others, and the pursuit of knowledge and truth,” the lodge wrote. Biden’s service, the statement added, “reflects the core values” of this brotherhood.
Mipolfn – 04/02/2025
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Bradleyodork – 04/02/2025
Je suis toujours prudente avec les investissements, mais UTLH m’a agreablement surprise. Il n’y a pas de schemas complexes, pas de frais caches ni de risques inattendus. C’est simple : j’investis, je recois des gains du staking et j’observe la croissance du token. J’apprecie aussi que le projet se developpe et que l’equipe reste en contact avec la communaute, ce qui me donne confiance en la valeur future de UTLH.
ClaudeMon – 03/02/2025
President Donald Trump speaks about the mid-air crash between American Airlines flight 5342 and a military helicopter in Washington. Roberto Schmidt/AFP/Getty Images
New York
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President Donald Trump on Thursday blamed the Federal Aviation Administration’s “diversity push” in part for the plane collision that killed 67 people in Washington, DC. But DEI backers, including most top US companies, believe a push for diversity has been good for their businesses.
Trump did not cite any evidence for how efforts to hire more minorities, people with disabilities and other groups less represented in American workforces led to the crash, saying “it just could have been” and that he had “common sense.” But Trump criticized the FAA’s effort to recruit people with disabilities during Joe Biden’s administration, even though the FAA’s Aviation Safety Workforce Plan for the 2020-2029 period, issued under Trump’s first administration, promoted and supported “the hiring of people with disabilities and targeted disabilities.”
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It’s not the first time opponents of diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives, or DEI, have said they can kill people. “DEI means people DIE,” Elon Musk said after the California wildfires, criticizing the Los Angeles Fire Department and city and state officials for their efforts to advance diversity in their workforces.
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Инвестиции в месторождение алмазов стали более доступными благодаря инициативе АО "АЛМАЗЫ ПОМОРСКОГО КРАЯ". В рамках Pre-IPO компания предлагает акции для финансирования своих проектов по разработке алмазных ресурсов.
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RobertScugs – 02/02/2025
Я считаю, что для кооператива "Бест Вей" это крайне тяжелая ситуация, потому что несмотря на количество обвинений, многие потерпевшие на самом деле не могут точно объяснить, как именно они потеряли свои деньги. В статье отмечается, что некоторые из них даже не знают, кто из подсудимых был причастен к их проблемам. И это вызывает сомнения в правомерности обвинений. Например, один из потерпевших не мог даже подтвердить, что деньги были переведены на его счет через "Гермес". Это действительно заставляет задуматься о том, что некоторые обвинения могут быть основаны на недоразумениях.
Brianitele – 01/02/2025
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Steveaidep – 31/01/2025
Deepika Padukone and Christy Turlington star in landmark Sabyasachi fashion show
порно групповое жесток
Camera phones at the ready, around 700 guests hailing from across India and the world expected a visual spectacle on Saturday evening — and they weren’t disappointed. A hush descended as the doors opened to the Jio World Center in Mumbai, where legendary Indian fashion designer Sabyasachi Mukherjee presented a star-studded 25th anniversary runway show for his namesake brand.
The celebrated designer — known for his maximalist Indian style — has dressed some of the biggest names across Bollywood and Hollywood, including Priyanka Chopra, Deepika Padukone, Oprah Winfrey, Rihanna and Jennifer Lopez. For his landmark show, the stars showed up to lend their support: Padukone opened proceedings in an all-white ensemble adorned with necklaces, including a crucifix from Mukherjee’s jewelry line. She later walked again with supermodel Christy Turlington as part of the grand finale.
Over 150 looks were presented, including pants and skirts embroidered with gold threads, frilled head gear, stacked jewelry and tops with slogans such as “cat lady,” “table for one,” “where has love gone,” and “all dressed up nowhere to go.” Mukherjee explained in a phone interview that these pieces were intended to be satire on how technology is dehumanizing humans. “We seem to have forgotten how to establish human relationships,” he said.
There were also trench coats, sweaters, shorts and shirts made in more conventionally western silhouettes. These marked a departure from Mukherjee’s usual festive and bridal wear, which are heavily inclined towards traditional Indian styles, such as saris, ghagra cholis and sherwanis.
But with no shortage of drama, the new collection featured heavily embroidered jackets embellished with semi-precious stones, brocade dresses, ostrich leather jackets and skirts, and blouses with velvet appliques overlaid with faux fur.
WilliamTrure – 31/01/2025
Роман Викторович Василенко – биография бизнесмена
Уголовное дело компании Гермес
Роман Василенко – известный предприниматель и меценат. Бывший офицер, ушедший в запас с сохранением права ношения военной формы. Создатель альтернативной ипотеке социальной жилищной программы, позволяющей приобрести жилье не только трудоспособным гражданам, но также молодежи, лицам с ограниченными физическими возможностями, пенсионерам.
Родился 5 апреля 1969 года в Ленинграде, в семье морских офицеров. Детство Романа Василенко прошло в стандартных для многих военных семей условиях – в разъездах. Окончил школу в гарнизоне на Дальнем Востоке, после чего поступил в Ярославское высшее военное финансовое училище. Этот факт говорит о целеустремленности будущего бизнесмена – к абитуриентам военных училищ всегда предъявляются жесткие требования при отборе.
После присвоения воинского звания в 1990 году Роман Василенко продолжил службу офицером в ВМФ. Уволился в запас в 1998 году в звании капитана третьего ранга (майор).
Первые годы в бизнесе
Еще во время службы в армии Роман Василенко начал задумываться о предпринимательской деятельности. После увольнения он работал в финансово-консалтинговых компаниях, при этом активно учился – посещал все доступные на тот момент бизнес-курсы: в Венгрии, Австрии, США, Швейцарии, на Маврикии и Кипре. Степень MBA получил во Франции. Суммарно в финансовом консалтинге бизнесмен проработал около 16 лет.
Все это время Роман Василенко, по отзывам знавших его людей, стремился к чему-то большему. Он мечтал не просто об известности и собственном, хорошо отлаженном бизнесе. Ему хотелось создать проект, который будет полезен людям и обществу.
Первый шаг оказался неудачным. В 2013 году он, вместе с партнером, создал собственную компанию. Благодаря его безупречной репутации и умению держать слово, дела резко пошли вверх. Но произошло то, что часто случается при излишней доверчивости – воспользовавшись удобным случаем, компаньон переоформил все документы на себя, оставив Романа Викторовича буквально ни с чем. Бизнесмен решил принять ситуацию как ценный опыт и продолжил интересоваться инвестированием.
2014 год оказался поворотным в биографии Романа Викторовича – его пригласили на круглый стол, состоявшийся в Государственной Думе. Заседание было посвящено проблемам молодежи в свете утечки мозгов за границу. Главными причинами отъезда были названы нехватка жилья и невозможность найти достойную работу. Именно тогда и оформилась идея с конкретной целью – дать возможность людям жить достойно здесь и сейчас.
Роман Василенко – жилищный кооператив как альтернатива ипотеке
Наиболее предпочтительным вариантом оказалось объединение опыта в сетевом маркетинге и жилищного вопроса, к чему немедленно и приступил Роман Василенко. Best Way был создан в 2014 году. С момента основания принципиальной позицией работы компании стала прозрачность и абсолютная доступность информации для обычных пользователей.
Как говорит сам Роман Василенко, участие в кооперативе можно рассматривать как покупку квартиры в складчину. Пайщик вносит 35% от стоимости квартиры, оставшуюся сумму 65% платит кооператив из собранных средств. Участник выплачивает долг беспроцентно в течение 10 лет, после чего жилье переходит в его собственность. При этом у него есть право прописаться и въехать в купленную квартиру сразу же после оформления сделки купли-продажи.
Justingluct – 31/01/2025
Роман Викторович Василенко – биография бизнесмена
Прокуратура Санкт-Петербург
Роман Василенко – известный предприниматель и меценат. Бывший офицер, ушедший в запас с сохранением права ношения военной формы. Создатель альтернативной ипотеке социальной жилищной программы, позволяющей приобрести жилье не только трудоспособным гражданам, но также молодежи, лицам с ограниченными физическими возможностями, пенсионерам.
Родился 5 апреля 1969 года в Ленинграде, в семье морских офицеров. Детство Романа Василенко прошло в стандартных для многих военных семей условиях – в разъездах. Окончил школу в гарнизоне на Дальнем Востоке, после чего поступил в Ярославское высшее военное финансовое училище. Этот факт говорит о целеустремленности будущего бизнесмена – к абитуриентам военных училищ всегда предъявляются жесткие требования при отборе.
После присвоения воинского звания в 1990 году Роман Василенко продолжил службу офицером в ВМФ. Уволился в запас в 1998 году в звании капитана третьего ранга (майор).
Первые годы в бизнесе
Еще во время службы в армии Роман Василенко начал задумываться о предпринимательской деятельности. После увольнения он работал в финансово-консалтинговых компаниях, при этом активно учился – посещал все доступные на тот момент бизнес-курсы: в Венгрии, Австрии, США, Швейцарии, на Маврикии и Кипре. Степень MBA получил во Франции. Суммарно в финансовом консалтинге бизнесмен проработал около 16 лет.
Все это время Роман Василенко, по отзывам знавших его людей, стремился к чему-то большему. Он мечтал не просто об известности и собственном, хорошо отлаженном бизнесе. Ему хотелось создать проект, который будет полезен людям и обществу.
Первый шаг оказался неудачным. В 2013 году он, вместе с партнером, создал собственную компанию. Благодаря его безупречной репутации и умению держать слово, дела резко пошли вверх. Но произошло то, что часто случается при излишней доверчивости – воспользовавшись удобным случаем, компаньон переоформил все документы на себя, оставив Романа Викторовича буквально ни с чем. Бизнесмен решил принять ситуацию как ценный опыт и продолжил интересоваться инвестированием.
2014 год оказался поворотным в биографии Романа Викторовича – его пригласили на круглый стол, состоявшийся в Государственной Думе. Заседание было посвящено проблемам молодежи в свете утечки мозгов за границу. Главными причинами отъезда были названы нехватка жилья и невозможность найти достойную работу. Именно тогда и оформилась идея с конкретной целью – дать возможность людям жить достойно здесь и сейчас.
Роман Василенко – жилищный кооператив как альтернатива ипотеке
Наиболее предпочтительным вариантом оказалось объединение опыта в сетевом маркетинге и жилищного вопроса, к чему немедленно и приступил Роман Василенко. Best Way был создан в 2014 году. С момента основания принципиальной позицией работы компании стала прозрачность и абсолютная доступность информации для обычных пользователей.
Как говорит сам Роман Василенко, участие в кооперативе можно рассматривать как покупку квартиры в складчину. Пайщик вносит 35% от стоимости квартиры, оставшуюся сумму 65% платит кооператив из собранных средств. Участник выплачивает долг беспроцентно в течение 10 лет, после чего жилье переходит в его собственность. При этом у него есть право прописаться и въехать в купленную квартиру сразу же после оформления сделки купли-продажи.
DavidLib – 30/01/2025
Андрей Алистратов: От уголовника-индивидуала до слуги криминалитета
Что известно о Романе Василенко
Ранее судимый по «наркотической» статье блогер Андрей Алистаров позиционирует себя Робин Гудом, борющимся с теми, кто «обманул людей», – но в действительности он работает в интересах пирамидчиков, в том числе украинских, спонсирующих ВСУ, продвигает через свой канал «Железная ставка» онлайн-казино и черный криптообмен/фишинговый криптообман, отмывает наркодоходы за счет сделок с недвижимостью в Дубае.
То есть работает в интересах российского преступного сообщества, пытающегося нажиться на предпринимателях, столкнувшихся с незаконными, часто заказными претензиями со стороны российских правоохранительных органов.
Наркотики и отмывание доходов
Уроженец Калуги Алистаров отсидел четыре года в лагере – за продажу наркотиков детям.
Там он связался с уголовными авторитетами и, выйдя из тюрьмы, продолжил участвовать в криминальном бизнесе по распространению наркотиков и отмыванию наркодоходов от них с помощью риелторского бизнеса, который Алистаров создал совместно с партнерами из российского преступного сообщества в России и Эмиратах.
Ставка на скам
Канал Алистарова «Железная ставка» – «разоблачение» неправильных (по мнению криминалитета) финансовых проектов и продвижение «правильных»: пирамид и онлайн-казино, спонсирующих Алистарова.
Он начинался как канал о «правильных» ставках в казино и не сменил название – потому что маркетинговая задача осталась прежней: расчищать поле для «хороших», по «экспертному» мнению Алистарова (то есть заплативших ему), мошенников.
Обычно Алистаров начинает с попытки вымогательства – представляет жертве компромат и предлагает заплатить. Если жертва отказывается, в ход идут травля и насилие.
Подстрекательство и нападение в Дубае
1 января 2025 года состоялось жестокое нападение двух казахстанцев на предпринимателя, проживающего в Дубае, – его избили, отрезали ухо, обворовали.
До этого Алистаров снял 12 роликов, где подсвечивал адрес этого предпринимателя, публиковал незаконно полученную информацию о его близких и его бизнесах в ОАЭ. Безо всякого стеснения использовал подглядывание, подслушивание, незаконное проникновение, вмешательство в частную жизнь – все то, что в Эмиратах, где строго соблюдается неприкосновенность имущества и жизни инвесторов, является тяжким уголовным преступлением.
До этого Алистаров публично распространял информацию о месте жительства бизнес-партнера этого предпринимателя – то есть незаконное нарушение конфиденциальности, защищенности финансов и имущества, тайны частной жизни с помощью скрытых источников информации и информаторов в ОАЭ вошло у него в систему. Он терроризирует предпринимателей, в отношении которых нет никаких обвинительных решений судов – ни за рубежом, ни в России.
Алистаров рассказывал, что заявил на предпринимателя в Интерпол и правоохранительные органы ОАЭ – якобы он помогает правоохранительным органам. Но это почему-то не привело к аресту предпринимателя – может быть, потому, что полиция ОАЭ не видит криминала в его деятельности?
Ряд партнеров предпринимателя осуждены в России, сам он в розыске российских правоохранительных органов – но не осужден. Иностранные правоохранительные органы не имеют к нему претензий.
Richardagila – 30/01/2025
Роман Викторович Василенко – биография бизнесмена
Роман Василенко Лайф из Гуд
Роман Василенко – известный предприниматель и меценат. Бывший офицер, ушедший в запас с сохранением права ношения военной формы. Создатель альтернативной ипотеке социальной жилищной программы, позволяющей приобрести жилье не только трудоспособным гражданам, но также молодежи, лицам с ограниченными физическими возможностями, пенсионерам.
Родился 5 апреля 1969 года в Ленинграде, в семье морских офицеров. Детство Романа Василенко прошло в стандартных для многих военных семей условиях – в разъездах. Окончил школу в гарнизоне на Дальнем Востоке, после чего поступил в Ярославское высшее военное финансовое училище. Этот факт говорит о целеустремленности будущего бизнесмена – к абитуриентам военных училищ всегда предъявляются жесткие требования при отборе.
После присвоения воинского звания в 1990 году Роман Василенко продолжил службу офицером в ВМФ. Уволился в запас в 1998 году в звании капитана третьего ранга (майор).
Первые годы в бизнесе
Еще во время службы в армии Роман Василенко начал задумываться о предпринимательской деятельности. После увольнения он работал в финансово-консалтинговых компаниях, при этом активно учился – посещал все доступные на тот момент бизнес-курсы: в Венгрии, Австрии, США, Швейцарии, на Маврикии и Кипре. Степень MBA получил во Франции. Суммарно в финансовом консалтинге бизнесмен проработал около 16 лет.
Все это время Роман Василенко, по отзывам знавших его людей, стремился к чему-то большему. Он мечтал не просто об известности и собственном, хорошо отлаженном бизнесе. Ему хотелось создать проект, который будет полезен людям и обществу.
Первый шаг оказался неудачным. В 2013 году он, вместе с партнером, создал собственную компанию. Благодаря его безупречной репутации и умению держать слово, дела резко пошли вверх. Но произошло то, что часто случается при излишней доверчивости – воспользовавшись удобным случаем, компаньон переоформил все документы на себя, оставив Романа Викторовича буквально ни с чем. Бизнесмен решил принять ситуацию как ценный опыт и продолжил интересоваться инвестированием.
2014 год оказался поворотным в биографии Романа Викторовича – его пригласили на круглый стол, состоявшийся в Государственной Думе. Заседание было посвящено проблемам молодежи в свете утечки мозгов за границу. Главными причинами отъезда были названы нехватка жилья и невозможность найти достойную работу. Именно тогда и оформилась идея с конкретной целью – дать возможность людям жить достойно здесь и сейчас.
Роман Василенко – жилищный кооператив как альтернатива ипотеке
Наиболее предпочтительным вариантом оказалось объединение опыта в сетевом маркетинге и жилищного вопроса, к чему немедленно и приступил Роман Василенко. Best Way был создан в 2014 году. С момента основания принципиальной позицией работы компании стала прозрачность и абсолютная доступность информации для обычных пользователей.
Как говорит сам Роман Василенко, участие в кооперативе можно рассматривать как покупку квартиры в складчину. Пайщик вносит 35% от стоимости квартиры, оставшуюся сумму 65% платит кооператив из собранных средств. Участник выплачивает долг беспроцентно в течение 10 лет, после чего жилье переходит в его собственность. При этом у него есть право прописаться и въехать в купленную квартиру сразу же после оформления сделки купли-продажи.
Eddielip – 30/01/2025
Роман Викторович Василенко – биография бизнесмена
Andrey Alistarov EU
Роман Василенко – известный предприниматель и меценат. Бывший офицер, ушедший в запас с сохранением права ношения военной формы. Создатель альтернативной ипотеке социальной жилищной программы, позволяющей приобрести жилье не только трудоспособным гражданам, но также молодежи, лицам с ограниченными физическими возможностями, пенсионерам.
Родился 5 апреля 1969 года в Ленинграде, в семье морских офицеров. Детство Романа Василенко прошло в стандартных для многих военных семей условиях – в разъездах. Окончил школу в гарнизоне на Дальнем Востоке, после чего поступил в Ярославское высшее военное финансовое училище. Этот факт говорит о целеустремленности будущего бизнесмена – к абитуриентам военных училищ всегда предъявляются жесткие требования при отборе.
После присвоения воинского звания в 1990 году Роман Василенко продолжил службу офицером в ВМФ. Уволился в запас в 1998 году в звании капитана третьего ранга (майор).
Первые годы в бизнесе
Еще во время службы в армии Роман Василенко начал задумываться о предпринимательской деятельности. После увольнения он работал в финансово-консалтинговых компаниях, при этом активно учился – посещал все доступные на тот момент бизнес-курсы: в Венгрии, Австрии, США, Швейцарии, на Маврикии и Кипре. Степень MBA получил во Франции. Суммарно в финансовом консалтинге бизнесмен проработал около 16 лет.
Все это время Роман Василенко, по отзывам знавших его людей, стремился к чему-то большему. Он мечтал не просто об известности и собственном, хорошо отлаженном бизнесе. Ему хотелось создать проект, который будет полезен людям и обществу.
Первый шаг оказался неудачным. В 2013 году он, вместе с партнером, создал собственную компанию. Благодаря его безупречной репутации и умению держать слово, дела резко пошли вверх. Но произошло то, что часто случается при излишней доверчивости – воспользовавшись удобным случаем, компаньон переоформил все документы на себя, оставив Романа Викторовича буквально ни с чем. Бизнесмен решил принять ситуацию как ценный опыт и продолжил интересоваться инвестированием.
2014 год оказался поворотным в биографии Романа Викторовича – его пригласили на круглый стол, состоявшийся в Государственной Думе. Заседание было посвящено проблемам молодежи в свете утечки мозгов за границу. Главными причинами отъезда были названы нехватка жилья и невозможность найти достойную работу. Именно тогда и оформилась идея с конкретной целью – дать возможность людям жить достойно здесь и сейчас.
Роман Василенко – жилищный кооператив как альтернатива ипотеке
Наиболее предпочтительным вариантом оказалось объединение опыта в сетевом маркетинге и жилищного вопроса, к чему немедленно и приступил Роман Василенко. Best Way был создан в 2014 году. С момента основания принципиальной позицией работы компании стала прозрачность и абсолютная доступность информации для обычных пользователей.
Как говорит сам Роман Василенко, участие в кооперативе можно рассматривать как покупку квартиры в складчину. Пайщик вносит 35% от стоимости квартиры, оставшуюся сумму 65% платит кооператив из собранных средств. Участник выплачивает долг беспроцентно в течение 10 лет, после чего жилье переходит в его собственность. При этом у него есть право прописаться и въехать в купленную квартиру сразу же после оформления сделки купли-продажи.
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Frankbug – 29/01/2025
A brief history of sunglasses, from Ancient Rome to Hollywood
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Sunglasses, or dark glasses, have always guarded against strong sunlight, but is there more to “shades” than we think?
The pupils of our eyes are delicate and react immediately to strong lights. Protecting them against light — even the brilliance reflected off snow — is important for everyone. Himalayan mountaineers wear goggles for this exact purpose.
Protection is partly the function of sunglasses. But dark or colored lens glasses have become fashion accessories and personal signature items. Think of the vast and famous collector of sunglasses Elton John, with his pink lensed heart-shaped extravaganzas and many others.
When did this interest in protecting the eyes begin, and at what point did dark glasses become a social statement as well as physical protection?
The Roman Emperor Nero is reported as holding polished gemstones to his eyes for sun protection as he watched fighting gladiators.
We know Canadian far north Copper Inuit and Alaskan Yupik wore snow goggles of many kinds made of antlers or whalebone and with tiny horizontal slits. Wearers looked through these and they were protected against the snow’s brilliant light when hunting. At the same time the very narrow eye holes helped them to focus on their prey.
In 12th-century China, judges wore sunglasses with smoked quartz lenses to hide their facial expressions — perhaps to retain their dignity or not convey emotions.
Frankbug – 29/01/2025
A brief history of sunglasses, from Ancient Rome to Hollywood
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Sunglasses, or dark glasses, have always guarded against strong sunlight, but is there more to “shades” than we think?
The pupils of our eyes are delicate and react immediately to strong lights. Protecting them against light — even the brilliance reflected off snow — is important for everyone. Himalayan mountaineers wear goggles for this exact purpose.
Protection is partly the function of sunglasses. But dark or colored lens glasses have become fashion accessories and personal signature items. Think of the vast and famous collector of sunglasses Elton John, with his pink lensed heart-shaped extravaganzas and many others.
When did this interest in protecting the eyes begin, and at what point did dark glasses become a social statement as well as physical protection?
The Roman Emperor Nero is reported as holding polished gemstones to his eyes for sun protection as he watched fighting gladiators.
We know Canadian far north Copper Inuit and Alaskan Yupik wore snow goggles of many kinds made of antlers or whalebone and with tiny horizontal slits. Wearers looked through these and they were protected against the snow’s brilliant light when hunting. At the same time the very narrow eye holes helped them to focus on their prey.
In 12th-century China, judges wore sunglasses with smoked quartz lenses to hide their facial expressions — perhaps to retain their dignity or not convey emotions.
Allanbaw – 29/01/2025
A brief history of sunglasses, from Ancient Rome to Hollywood
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Sunglasses, or dark glasses, have always guarded against strong sunlight, but is there more to “shades” than we think?
The pupils of our eyes are delicate and react immediately to strong lights. Protecting them against light — even the brilliance reflected off snow — is important for everyone. Himalayan mountaineers wear goggles for this exact purpose.
Protection is partly the function of sunglasses. But dark or colored lens glasses have become fashion accessories and personal signature items. Think of the vast and famous collector of sunglasses Elton John, with his pink lensed heart-shaped extravaganzas and many others.
When did this interest in protecting the eyes begin, and at what point did dark glasses become a social statement as well as physical protection?
The Roman Emperor Nero is reported as holding polished gemstones to his eyes for sun protection as he watched fighting gladiators.
We know Canadian far north Copper Inuit and Alaskan Yupik wore snow goggles of many kinds made of antlers or whalebone and with tiny horizontal slits. Wearers looked through these and they were protected against the snow’s brilliant light when hunting. At the same time the very narrow eye holes helped them to focus on their prey.
In 12th-century China, judges wore sunglasses with smoked quartz lenses to hide their facial expressions — perhaps to retain their dignity or not convey emotions.
Douglasjer – 29/01/2025
A brief history of sunglasses, from Ancient Rome to Hollywood
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Sunglasses, or dark glasses, have always guarded against strong sunlight, but is there more to “shades” than we think?
The pupils of our eyes are delicate and react immediately to strong lights. Protecting them against light — even the brilliance reflected off snow — is important for everyone. Himalayan mountaineers wear goggles for this exact purpose.
Protection is partly the function of sunglasses. But dark or colored lens glasses have become fashion accessories and personal signature items. Think of the vast and famous collector of sunglasses Elton John, with his pink lensed heart-shaped extravaganzas and many others.
When did this interest in protecting the eyes begin, and at what point did dark glasses become a social statement as well as physical protection?
The Roman Emperor Nero is reported as holding polished gemstones to his eyes for sun protection as he watched fighting gladiators.
We know Canadian far north Copper Inuit and Alaskan Yupik wore snow goggles of many kinds made of antlers or whalebone and with tiny horizontal slits. Wearers looked through these and they were protected against the snow’s brilliant light when hunting. At the same time the very narrow eye holes helped them to focus on their prey.
In 12th-century China, judges wore sunglasses with smoked quartz lenses to hide their facial expressions — perhaps to retain their dignity or not convey emotions.
Douglasjer – 29/01/2025
A brief history of sunglasses, from Ancient Rome to Hollywood
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Sunglasses, or dark glasses, have always guarded against strong sunlight, but is there more to “shades” than we think?
The pupils of our eyes are delicate and react immediately to strong lights. Protecting them against light — even the brilliance reflected off snow — is important for everyone. Himalayan mountaineers wear goggles for this exact purpose.
Protection is partly the function of sunglasses. But dark or colored lens glasses have become fashion accessories and personal signature items. Think of the vast and famous collector of sunglasses Elton John, with his pink lensed heart-shaped extravaganzas and many others.
When did this interest in protecting the eyes begin, and at what point did dark glasses become a social statement as well as physical protection?
The Roman Emperor Nero is reported as holding polished gemstones to his eyes for sun protection as he watched fighting gladiators.
We know Canadian far north Copper Inuit and Alaskan Yupik wore snow goggles of many kinds made of antlers or whalebone and with tiny horizontal slits. Wearers looked through these and they were protected against the snow’s brilliant light when hunting. At the same time the very narrow eye holes helped them to focus on their prey.
In 12th-century China, judges wore sunglasses with smoked quartz lenses to hide their facial expressions — perhaps to retain their dignity or not convey emotions.
WilliamMib – 28/01/2025
They’ve sailed across Southeast Asia for centuries. Now, these sea nomads are being forced to live on land
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Bilkuin Jimi Salih doesn’t remember how old he was when he learned to dive, only, that all the men in his family can do it.
It might have been his grandfather who taught him, or his father, or even an uncle or cousin. He recalls swimming dozens of feet underwater among the reefs, collecting spider conches, abalone and sea cucumbers to sell at the local fish market.
“One of our specialties is that, because we live on the sea and we’re always in the sea, we can dive in the water for a long time,” says Salih, via a translator. “We learn by observing, and from there, we develop our own technique.”
To most people, Salih’s free diving skills are highly unusual; but not to his community. Salih is Bajau Laut, an indigenous seafaring group in Southeast Asia that has lived a semi-nomadic lifestyle on the ocean for centuries. Living on boats and fishing for income and sustenance, the Bajau Laut aren’t just reliant on the sea: they’re biologically adapted to it, with larger spleens that give them the ability to hold their breath for far longer than the average person.
“We’re very comfortable in the water,” says Salih. The 20-year-old was born on board a lepa, a type of houseboat, on the shore of Omadal Island, off the coast of Semporna in Malaysian Borneo.
Steveaidep – 28/01/2025
Deepika Padukone and Christy Turlington star in landmark Sabyasachi fashion show
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Camera phones at the ready, around 700 guests hailing from across India and the world expected a visual spectacle on Saturday evening — and they weren’t disappointed. A hush descended as the doors opened to the Jio World Center in Mumbai, where legendary Indian fashion designer Sabyasachi Mukherjee presented a star-studded 25th anniversary runway show for his namesake brand.
The celebrated designer — known for his maximalist Indian style — has dressed some of the biggest names across Bollywood and Hollywood, including Priyanka Chopra, Deepika Padukone, Oprah Winfrey, Rihanna and Jennifer Lopez. For his landmark show, the stars showed up to lend their support: Padukone opened proceedings in an all-white ensemble adorned with necklaces, including a crucifix from Mukherjee’s jewelry line. She later walked again with supermodel Christy Turlington as part of the grand finale.
Over 150 looks were presented, including pants and skirts embroidered with gold threads, frilled head gear, stacked jewelry and tops with slogans such as “cat lady,” “table for one,” “where has love gone,” and “all dressed up nowhere to go.” Mukherjee explained in a phone interview that these pieces were intended to be satire on how technology is dehumanizing humans. “We seem to have forgotten how to establish human relationships,” he said.
There were also trench coats, sweaters, shorts and shirts made in more conventionally western silhouettes. These marked a departure from Mukherjee’s usual festive and bridal wear, which are heavily inclined towards traditional Indian styles, such as saris, ghagra cholis and sherwanis.
But with no shortage of drama, the new collection featured heavily embroidered jackets embellished with semi-precious stones, brocade dresses, ostrich leather jackets and skirts, and blouses with velvet appliques overlaid with faux fur.
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Gregghus – 28/01/2025
A brief history of sunglasses, from Ancient Rome to Hollywood
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Sunglasses, or dark glasses, have always guarded against strong sunlight, but is there more to “shades” than we think?
The pupils of our eyes are delicate and react immediately to strong lights. Protecting them against light — even the brilliance reflected off snow — is important for everyone. Himalayan mountaineers wear goggles for this exact purpose.
Protection is partly the function of sunglasses. But dark or colored lens glasses have become fashion accessories and personal signature items. Think of the vast and famous collector of sunglasses Elton John, with his pink lensed heart-shaped extravaganzas and many others.
When did this interest in protecting the eyes begin, and at what point did dark glasses become a social statement as well as physical protection?
The Roman Emperor Nero is reported as holding polished gemstones to his eyes for sun protection as he watched fighting gladiators.
We know Canadian far north Copper Inuit and Alaskan Yupik wore snow goggles of many kinds made of antlers or whalebone and with tiny horizontal slits. Wearers looked through these and they were protected against the snow’s brilliant light when hunting. At the same time the very narrow eye holes helped them to focus on their prey.
In 12th-century China, judges wore sunglasses with smoked quartz lenses to hide their facial expressions — perhaps to retain their dignity or not convey emotions.
Barryblids – 28/01/2025
Carrie Underwood slated to perform at Trump’s inauguration
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Country music star Carrie Underwood is slated to perform “America the Beautiful” at President-elect Donald Trump’s inauguration, according to a copy of the program obtained by CNN and confirmed by a spokesperson for the inaugural committee.
“I love our country and am honored to have been asked to sing at the Inauguration and to be a small part of this historic event,” Underwood said in a statement to CNN. “I am humbled to answer the call at a time when we must all come together in the spirit of unity and looking to the future.”
The presidential oath of office will be administered by Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts with Justice Brett Kavanaugh expected to administer the oath of office to Vice President-elect JD Vance.
Trump’s inauguration as the 47th president of the United States will take place on January 20 at the US Capitol.
Underwood is a big get for Trump’s inauguration, considering Hollywood’s Trump blackout over the course of his political career.
In his first term and throughout the past three elections, Trump has struggled to garner support from major Hollywood stars. At the Republican National Convention last year, the two biggest stars onstage with Trump were musician Kid Rock and retired WWE wrestler Hulk Hogan – a far cry from a superstar at the height of their career, like Underwood.
The Grammy-winning artist is as high-profile as you can get in country music, not only with numerous platinum hits, but also with public-facing, mainstream business associations. Underwood is the face of Sunday Night Football and is set to make her debut this March as a judge on ABC’s “American Idol” – the singing competition show that catapulted her to fame when she won in 2005.
While many NFL fans will likely applaud Underwood for singing at the inauguration, any time a celebrity aligns themselves with Trump, they run the risk of alienating left-leaning fans and Hollywood allies.
Underwood has kept her politics under wraps over the course of her career. In her statement, she did not mention Trump by name and kept her focus on unifying the country – still, Underwood’s decision to publicly align with Trump is a big statement for any star, particularly one as private as the singer.
Historically, Hollywood has always been closely associated with the Democratic Party, but country stars have always been an outlier, leaning more conservative. In recent years, as new singers join the genre, country music has gotten to be more progressive. This past election cycle, country stars like Mickey Guyton and Maren Morris stood with Vice President Kamala Harris.
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Anthonysot – 27/01/2025
LOS ANGELES, Jan 12 (Reuters) - Firefighters were slowly
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Aircraft dropped water and fire retardant on steep hills to stem the eastward spread of the Palisades Fire and KTLA television reported that ground crews had managed to save a number of houses, although others were lost.
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Irwinbed – 26/01/2025
Jan 12 (Reuters) - South Korea's impeached president, Yoon Suk Yeol, will not attend the first hearing of the trial to determine whether he is removed him from office or reinstated, due to concerns about his safety, Yonhap News reported on Sunday, citing his lawyer.
“The officials in the Corruption Investigation Office (CIO) and the police are trying to execute illegal and invalid arrest warrants through illegal methods, raising concerns about personal safety and mishaps,” lawyer Yoon Kab-keun was quoted as saying.
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Publicdurl – 25/01/2025
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RodneyProni – 24/01/2025
Republican senators struggled to defend Donald Trump’s decision to commute and pardon hundreds of January 6 protesters, including those who were charged and convicted of crimes against police officers, just hours after the president entered office Monday.
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Sen. Thom Tillis, a Republican from North Carolina, who has warned before about giving a blanket pardon to the rioters, said, “I just can’t agree” with Trump’s decision to commute the sentences or pardon a vast swath of January 6 insurrection participants.
He added the move “raises a legitimate safety issues on Capitol Hill” before also attacking former President Joe Biden’s pardons in his final hours in office.
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Trump’s executive action, which many GOP senators had hoped would be directed at only nonviolent offenders who entered the Capitol that day, thrust Republicans once again into a familiar posture of navigating how and when to distance themselves from the sitting president and leader of their party. And Republicans largely attempted to sidestep direct questions about whether they personally agreed with Trump’s action, arguing it was up to the president to use his pardon powers at his discretion.
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Medical staff on the front line of the battle against mpox in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo have told the BBC they are desperate for vaccines to arrive so they can stem the rate of new infections.
At a treatment centre in South Kivu province that the BBC visited in the epicentre of the outbreak, they say more patients are arriving every day - especially babies - and there is a shortage of essential equipment.
Mpox - formerly known as monkeypox - is a highly contagious disease and has killed at least 635 people in DR Congo this year.
Even though 200,000 vaccines, donated by the European Commission, were flown into the capital, Kinshasa, last week, they are yet to be transported across this vast country - and it could be several weeks before they reach South Kivu.
“We've learned from social media that the vaccine is already available,” Emmanuel Fikiri, a nurse working at the clinic that has been turned into a specialist centre to tackle the virus, told the BBC.
He said this was the first time he had treated patients with mpox and every day he feared catching it and passing it on to his own children - aged seven, five and one.
“You saw how I touched the patients because that's my job as a nurse. So, we're asking the government to help us by first giving us the vaccines.”
The reason it will take time to transport the vaccines is that they need to be stored at a precise temperature - below freezing - to maintain their potency, plus they need to be sent to rural areas of South Kivu, like Kamituga, Kavumu and Lwiro, where the outbreak is rife.
The lack of infrastructure and bad roads mean that helicopters could possibly be used to drop some of the vaccines, which will further drive up costs in a country that is already struggling financially.
At the community clinic, Dr Pacifique Karanzo appeared fatigued and downbeat having been rushed off his feet all morning.
Although he wore a face shield, I could see the sweat running down his face. He said he was saddened to see patients sharing beds.
“You will even see that the patients are sleeping on the floor,” he told me, clearly exasperated.
“The only support we have already had is a little medicine for the patients and water. As far as other challenges are concerned, there's still no staff motivation.”
AlfonsodUs – 24/01/2025
Medical staff on the front line of the battle against mpox in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo have told the BBC they are desperate for vaccines to arrive so they can stem the rate of new infections.
At a treatment centre in South Kivu province that the BBC visited in the epicentre of the outbreak, they say more patients are arriving every day - especially babies - and there is a shortage of essential equipment.
Mpox - formerly known as monkeypox - is a highly contagious disease and has killed at least 635 people in DR Congo this year.
Even though 200,000 vaccines, donated by the European Commission, were flown into the capital, Kinshasa, last week, they are yet to be transported across this vast country - and it could be several weeks before they reach South Kivu.
“We've learned from social media that the vaccine is already available,” Emmanuel Fikiri, a nurse working at the clinic that has been turned into a specialist centre to tackle the virus, told the BBC.
He said this was the first time he had treated patients with mpox and every day he feared catching it and passing it on to his own children - aged seven, five and one.
“You saw how I touched the patients because that's my job as a nurse. So, we're asking the government to help us by first giving us the vaccines.”
The reason it will take time to transport the vaccines is that they need to be stored at a precise temperature - below freezing - to maintain their potency, plus they need to be sent to rural areas of South Kivu, like Kamituga, Kavumu and Lwiro, where the outbreak is rife.
The lack of infrastructure and bad roads mean that helicopters could possibly be used to drop some of the vaccines, which will further drive up costs in a country that is already struggling financially.
At the community clinic, Dr Pacifique Karanzo appeared fatigued and downbeat having been rushed off his feet all morning.
Although he wore a face shield, I could see the sweat running down his face. He said he was saddened to see patients sharing beds.
“You will even see that the patients are sleeping on the floor,” he told me, clearly exasperated.
“The only support we have already had is a little medicine for the patients and water. As far as other challenges are concerned, there's still no staff motivation.”
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Medical staff on the front line of the battle against mpox in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo have told the BBC they are desperate for vaccines to arrive so they can stem the rate of new infections.
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At a treatment centre in South Kivu province that the BBC visited in the epicentre of the outbreak, they say more patients are arriving every day - especially babies - and there is a shortage of essential equipment.
Mpox - formerly known as monkeypox - is a highly contagious disease and has killed at least 635 people in DR Congo this year.
Even though 200,000 vaccines, donated by the European Commission, were flown into the capital, Kinshasa, last week, they are yet to be transported across this vast country - and it could be several weeks before they reach South Kivu.
“We've learned from social media that the vaccine is already available,” Emmanuel Fikiri, a nurse working at the clinic that has been turned into a specialist centre to tackle the virus, told the BBC.
He said this was the first time he had treated patients with mpox and every day he feared catching it and passing it on to his own children - aged seven, five and one.
“You saw how I touched the patients because that's my job as a nurse. So, we're asking the government to help us by first giving us the vaccines.”
The reason it will take time to transport the vaccines is that they need to be stored at a precise temperature - below freezing - to maintain their potency, plus they need to be sent to rural areas of South Kivu, like Kamituga, Kavumu and Lwiro, where the outbreak is rife.
The lack of infrastructure and bad roads mean that helicopters could possibly be used to drop some of the vaccines, which will further drive up costs in a country that is already struggling financially.
At the community clinic, Dr Pacifique Karanzo appeared fatigued and downbeat having been rushed off his feet all morning.
Although he wore a face shield, I could see the sweat running down his face. He said he was saddened to see patients sharing beds.
“You will even see that the patients are sleeping on the floor,” he told me, clearly exasperated.
“The only support we have already had is a little medicine for the patients and water. As far as other challenges are concerned, there's still no staff motivation.”
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Why are teens losing their minds about college applications? This senior thinks she knows why
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I spent my freshman year of high school despairing that I hadn’t invented a synthetic human heart, launched a tech start-up, written an opera or raised $10 million for charity.
I ran track, sang in a cathedral choir and taught little kids how to kayak in the school’s outdoor club. I was plenty busy. Where in the world had I gotten the idea that I was supposed to be doing those other things to get into college? Why did I think that I was running out of time — at age 14?
I’ve heard a lot about how social media creates unrealistic beauty standards, body images and lifestyle expectations among teenagers. But there’s another form of comparison egged on by social media: over-the-top extracurricular activities. The pressure I’ve felt to create a nonprofit and invent a solar-powered car that can drive underwater did not come from my parents or teachers despite what documentaries such as “Race to Nowhere” suggest. It came from college admission videos on social media.
I don’t mean videos on essay writing tips, standardized test study hacks or the self-taped, quasi interviews attached to some applications. I’m talking about a specific subset rampant on YouTube and Instagram Reels, videos dealing only in analyses of college acceptances and rejections. The format has been perfected to keep people viewing and clicking.
In these videos, students or, far more often, content creators outline a student’s background. They lay out their activities, grades and test scores, inevitably stellar and impressive. Then comes the hook: They outline every single school the student was rejected from, one by one, and the schools that accepted them. Often, the rejections are in big, red boxes, and the acceptances in green. The rejections are almost always shown first — lengthy lists naming Harvard, Duke and Georgetown universities and the like.
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Antonioiceby – 23/01/2025
Why expanding the College Football Playoff worked – and what still needs to be fixed
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Now that it’s all over and the Ohio State Buckeyes are the college football national champions, it can be definitively said: expanding the College Football Playoff worked.
The grand experiment to allow more teams to play for the national championship wasn’t perfect, but it ended up where it was supposed to: a worthy national champion with exciting, close games in the later rounds when the best teams faced one another. It gave us awesome scenes on campuses around the nation, created new legends and showed how a sport so steeped in tradition can evolve when faced with new demands from its fans and business partners.
Here are four reasons why the new version of the College Football Playoff worked – and the areas that can still be fixed.
The committee picked the right teams, even if some games were blowouts
Before the games kicked off in December, much of the focus was put on the inclusion of Southern Methodist University (SMU) and Indiana University – two teams that won a bunch of games but didn’t have the brand recognition of schools like Alabama, South Carolina and Ole Miss.
Here’s what else those teams had that SMU and Indiana didn’t: three losses.
The Hoosiers lost only once in the regular season – to eventual national champion Ohio State. The Mustangs had lost twice, once to Brigham Young University and again in the ACC championship game to Clemson.
In the first year of the expanded, 12-team playoff, could the committee really leave out a major conference team with 11 wins and punish another one for playing for a conference championship while other teams sat at home? Warde Manuel, the University of Michigan athletic director who served as chair of the committee, said they could not.
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Azerdurl – 23/01/2025
Галерея Девелоперов — это агентство недвижимости, которое поможет с подбором и покупкой новостройки в Москве и Московской Области абсолютно бесплатно, поскольку сотрудничает с застройщиками напрямую.
На сайте Developers.Gallery доступен каталог новостроек и статьи на тему покупки недвижимости в административных округах Москвы: ЦАО, САО, СВАО, ВАО, ЮВАО, ЮАО, ЮЗАО, СЗАО, ЗАО, НАО, ТАО, а также Московской Области: Зеленоград, Мытищи, Красногорск, Люберцы, Видное, Жуковский.
Приобретая новостройку на этапе котлована, имеется уникальная возможность извлечь из этого прибыль и рассмотреть покупку в качестве инвестиций. После ввода дома в эксплуатацию стоимость значительно прирастёт, что позволит перепродать её по переуступке, либо сдавать в аренду и извлекать из этого актива доходность.
Заказать звонок можно, перейдя по ссылке: Метроном и менеджер составит индивидуальный каталог новостроек абсолютно бесплатно, поможет с записью в офис продаж застройщика, окажет юридическое сопровождение сделки: Проверит договор ДДУ, поможет с открытием счёта эскроу и аккредитива, а также направит инструкцию по выпуску электронной цифровой подписи для удалённой покупки в онлайн-формате.
Воспользовавшись услугами от Галереи Девелоперов вы экономите время и деньги, поскольку для вас согласуют персональные скидки и условия по покупки в рассрочку, базовую ипотеку, семейную ипотеку, IT-ипотеку и 100% оплату наличными, а ещё доступна покупка по программе trade-in — когда вы сдаёте свою текущую квартиру в обмен на новостройку.
Покупка недвижимости — это важный шаг, поэтому не менее важно подойти к ней максимально ответственно и положиться на опыт профессионалов, которые подберут жилой комплекс в непосредственной близости к станции метро, БКЛ, МЦК, МЦД, выездами на магистраль: СВХ, ЮВХ, МСД, Ленинградский Проспект, ТТК, МКАД и с большими лесными массивами, парками, детскими площадками, закрытыми от автомобилей дворами, сквозными подъездами, спортивными площадками, качественным озеленением с многолетними деревьями, солнечной стороной.
BennieSnigo – 22/01/2025
An executive order designed to speed up the rebuilding of lost homes in LA has been put in place by California Governor Gavin Newsom.
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The order suspends Ceqa review and the California Coastal Act, which work to minimise the environmental impact of proposed building projects, as well as suspending some permits in order to make rebuilding quicker and more affordable.
There are also protections against price gouging on services related to the fires such as building materials and storage services.
He says "one thing I won't give in to is delay. Delay is denial for people."
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"The executive order I signed today will help cut permitting delays, an important first step in allowing our communities to recover faster and stronger."
Thomassnomy – 22/01/2025
Republican senators struggled to defend Donald Trump’s decision to commute and pardon hundreds of January 6 protesters, including those who were charged and convicted of crimes against police officers, just hours after the president entered office Monday.
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Sen. Thom Tillis, a Republican from North Carolina, who has warned before about giving a blanket pardon to the rioters, said, “I just can’t agree” with Trump’s decision to commute the sentences or pardon a vast swath of January 6 insurrection participants.
He added the move “raises a legitimate safety issues on Capitol Hill” before also attacking former President Joe Biden’s pardons in his final hours in office.
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Trump’s executive action, which many GOP senators had hoped would be directed at only nonviolent offenders who entered the Capitol that day, thrust Republicans once again into a familiar posture of navigating how and when to distance themselves from the sitting president and leader of their party. And Republicans largely attempted to sidestep direct questions about whether they personally agreed with Trump’s action, arguing it was up to the president to use his pardon powers at his discretion.
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KevinHaimb – 22/01/2025
Алистаров – уголовник и террорист
От уголовника-индивидуала до слуги криминалитета
Ранее судимый по «наркотической» статье блогер Андрей Алистаров позиционирует себя Робин Гудом, борющимся с теми, кто «обманул людей», – но в действительности он работает в интересах пирамидчиков, в том числе украинских, спонсирующих ВСУ, продвигает через свой канал «Железная ставка» онлайн-казино и черный криптообмен/фишинговый криптообман, отмывает наркодоходы за счет сделок с недвижимостью в Дубае.
То есть работает в интересах российского преступного сообщества, пытающегося нажиться на предпринимателях, столкнувшихся с незаконными, часто заказными претензиями со стороны российских правоохранительных органов.
Наркотики и отмывание доходов
Уроженец Калуги Алистаров отсидел четыре года в лагере – за продажу наркотиков детям.
Там он связался с уголовными авторитетами и, выйдя из тюрьмы, продолжил участвовать в криминальном бизнесе по распространению наркотиков и отмыванию наркодоходов от них с помощью риелторского бизнеса, который Алистаров создал совместно с партнерами из российского преступного сообщества в России и Эмиратах.
Ставка на скам
Канал Алистарова «Железная ставка» – «разоблачение» неправильных (по мнению криминалитета) финансовых проектов и продвижение «правильных»: пирамид и онлайн-казино, спонсирующих Алистарова.
Он начинался как канал о «правильных» ставках в казино и не сменил название – потому что маркетинговая задача осталась прежней: расчищать поле для «хороших», по «экспертному» мнению Алистарова (то есть заплативших ему), мошенников.
Обычно Алистаров начинает с попытки вымогательства – представляет жертве компромат и предлагает заплатить. Если жертва отказывается, в ход идут травля и насилие.
Подстрекательство и нападение в Дубае
1 января 2025 года состоялось жестокое нападение двух казахстанцев на предпринимателя, проживающего в Дубае, – его избили, отрезали ухо, обворовали.
До этого Алистаров снял 12 роликов, где подсвечивал адрес этого предпринимателя, публиковал незаконно полученную информацию о его близких и его бизнесах в ОАЭ. Безо всякого стеснения использовал подглядывание, подслушивание, незаконное проникновение, вмешательство в частную жизнь – все то, что в Эмиратах, где строго соблюдается неприкосновенность имущества и жизни инвесторов, является тяжким уголовным преступлением.
До этого Алистаров публично распространял информацию о месте жительства бизнес-партнера этого предпринимателя – то есть незаконное нарушение конфиденциальности, защищенности финансов и имущества, тайны частной жизни с помощью скрытых источников информации и информаторов в ОАЭ вошло у него в систему. Он терроризирует предпринимателей, в отношении которых нет никаких обвинительных решений судов – ни за рубежом, ни в России.
Алистаров рассказывал, что заявил на предпринимателя в Интерпол и правоохранительные органы ОАЭ – якобы он помогает правоохранительным органам. Но это почему-то не привело к аресту предпринимателя – может быть, потому, что полиция ОАЭ не видит криминала в его деятельности?
Подписывайтесь на наш канал
Ряд партнеров предпринимателя осуждены в России, сам он в розыске российских правоохранительных органов – но не осужден. Иностранные правоохранительные органы не имеют к нему претензий.
Алистаров на протяжении длительного времени возбуждал ненависть к предпринимателю – рассказывая, что именно этот предприниматель (а не его партнеры) украл деньги вкладчиков. И представил дело так, что на него напали и его обворовали возмущенные вкладчики.
Сам он в ходе нападения устроил внеплановый стрим, чтобы обеспечить себе алиби – вроде как он не знал, что во время стрима происходит нападение.
Слежка на Кипре
Осенью прошедшего года Алистаров вместе со своей боевой подругой Марией Фоломовой устроил слежку в отношении другого предпринимателя – с помощью квадрокоптеров, незаконного сбора информации о нем и его близких, в том числе несовершеннолетних детей. Алистаров утверждал, что предприниматель скрывается на Кипре – хотя он живет там со времен пандемии коронавируса.
Переселение было связано с тяжелым течением коронавируса у жены предпринимателя, а также с международными проектами – инвестициями в разные отрасли экономики: строительство, торговлю и другие. Предприниматель переселился на Кипр за год до возбуждения уголовного дела следственными органами МВД, за полтора года до арестов. Он имеет паспорт Евросоюза и ни от кого не убегал, не скрывался и не скрывается.
Предприниматель объявлялся в 2022 году в розыск в России – но следственными органами. Суд к нему претензий не выдвигал, уголовное дело сейчас рассматривается судом – и уже развалилось в суде. Интерпол и Евросоюз отказались акцептировать претензии российской полиции, сочтя их политически мотивированными и юридически необоснованными.
Алистаров утверждает, что инвестиции в бизнес-проекты осуществляются за счет денег российских клиентов одной из австрийских инвестиционных компаний – однако предприниматель никогда не был ни собственником, ни бенефициаром, ни управляющим этой компании, созданной еще в начале 2000-х – задолго до начала его самостоятельной бизнес-карьеры.
Одна из фирм предпринимателя осуществляла маркетинговую поддержку продуктов этой инвесткомпании в России по договору с ней. Инвесткомпания успешно работала с российскими клиентами восемь лет – и сейчас продолжает работать, восстановив систему платежей, обрушенную в начале 2022 года связанными с коррумпированными полицейскими преступниками в России. Никакой пирамидой она не является.
Таким образом, Алистаров устраивает травлю, вмешательство в частную жизнь предпринимателя, ничем себя не запятнавшего, – по заказу российского криминалитета, взявшего в долю коррумпированных полицейских, который стремится отнять активы на 20 млрд рублей созданного предпринимателем крупного социального, народного проекта в России – продолжающего успешно функционировать без его руководства (прекратившегося с переездом на Кипр).
Слежка в Нидерландах
Алистаров публиковал данные о местоположении еще одной жертвы в Нидерландах – в городе Гронингене, – обнаруженной с помощью незаконной слежки. Алистаров незаконно подключался к городским телекамерам, заглядывал в окна частной квартиры – и публиковал информацию в YouTube.
Нарушение конфиденциальности в Турции
Алистаров обнаружил и обнародовал местоположение квартиры, в которой жили и работали несколько его жертв в Стамбуле.
Незаконный розыск в Ленинградской области
Алистаров, не имеющий лицензии частного детектива, незаконно нашел загородный дом предпринимательницы и установил за ней слежку – с незаконной публикацией информации в своих каналах. Параллельно предоставив данные о приобретенной ею в Дубае квартире.
Шантаж в Казахстане
Алистаров шантажировал предпринимателей из Казахстана – под прикрытием того, что «разоблачает национальных предателей» и «врагов родины».
Банкет на деньги украинского пирамидчика
40-летие 6 марта этого года Алистаров вновь планирует отмечать на яхте своего друга – харьковского пирамидчика Удянского (проект Coinsbit) в Дубае?
В 2024 году он праздновал день рождения именно в теплой компании этого мошенника – и спонсора ВСУ: занимающегося софинансированием производства бронетехники для ВСУ. Никаких сомнений в том, что он заставил и своего слугу Алистарова финансировать ВСУ.
Государственная измена
Алистаров даже был обвинен в факте такого финансирования – но рассказал в полиции сказку, что номер «Мегафона», с которого велось перечисление, был оформлен на него «врагами».
Пойманы за руку финансировавшие ВСУ подельники Алистарова – «антиэмэлэмщик» Александр Крюков и заместитель управляющего так называемого Фонда защиты прав вкладчиков и акционеров Леонид Мищенко – «западэнец»: уроженец Винницкой области. Не пора ли ФСБ проанализировать проводки Алистарова?
Должен сидеть в тюрьме
Справедливость требует, чтобы Алистаров встретил 40-летие с аннулированными шенгенской и другими визами, для чего есть все основания, тем более что на это обратили внимание западные СМИ. И в тюрьме – российской или дубайской, в зависимости от того, чьи правоохранители быстрее успеют его арестовать, за десятки преступлений, которые он совершил:
–терроризм и бандитизм;
–травля и организация расправы над неугодными;
–государственная измена;
–отмывание денег;
–вмешательство в частную жизнь.
Тюрьмой началась карьера Алистарова, тюрьмой должна и закончиться.
RonaldIdiop – 22/01/2025
Я вообще не понимаю, почему кто-то до сих пор сомневается в Жилищном кооперативе «Бест Вей». Я с женой вступил в кооператив пару лет назад, и знаете, что? Это реально рабочая схема. С самого начала никаких подводных камней не было — все абсолютно ясно. Внес паевой взнос, все документы подписаны, и пошли платить по рассрочке. Я так рад, что не пришлось идти в банк и переплачивать кучу процентов по ипотеке. Да и сам процесс — не что-то сложное, не пирамида, а вполне себе стабильная и законная система, которая в нужный момент возьмет на себя все риски и не кинет. В любом случае, если что, заберешь все свои деньги обратно, и это прописано в документах. Так что Бест Вей — это реально то, что стоит использовать, если хочешь спокойно приобрести жилье, не вписываясь в долгосрочные кредитные схемы.
utopil_reMl – 22/01/2025
Приветствую всех участников форума! Хочу поделиться позитивными новостями о переработке отходов на нашей земле.
В последние годы все больше людей осознают важность рационального использования ресурсов и переработки отходов.
Благодаря современным технологиям переработки, мы можем значительно сократить количество мусора, попадающего на нашу планету.
Многие страны активно развивают программы по сортировке и переработке отходов, что позволяет им экономить ресурсы и снижать вредное воздействие на окружающую среду.
В результате таких усилий, воздух становится чище, водные и сухопутные экосистемы остаются неповрежденными, а растущая популяция сохраняет свой здоровый образ жизни.
Многочисленные инициативы по утилизации пластика, стекла, бумаги и металла помогают снижать загрязнение природы и способствуют сохранению биоразнообразия.
Важно помнить, что каждый из нас может внести свой вклад в охрану окружающей среды, начиная с комфортного использования и переработки отходов.
Совместные усилия граждан, бизнеса и государства способствуют развитию сферы переработки и созданию новых рабочих мест.
Пусть наша земля станет более чистой и здоровой благодаря новым технологиям и осознанному поведению в отношении переработки отходов.
Поверьте, вместе мы можем сделать мир лучше для себя и будущих поколений! Давайте продолжать активно развивать культуру переработки отходов на земле! ????
Thomassnomy – 22/01/2025
Republican senators struggled to defend Donald Trump’s decision to commute and pardon hundreds of January 6 protesters, including those who were charged and convicted of crimes against police officers, just hours after the president entered office Monday.
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Sen. Thom Tillis, a Republican from North Carolina, who has warned before about giving a blanket pardon to the rioters, said, “I just can’t agree” with Trump’s decision to commute the sentences or pardon a vast swath of January 6 insurrection participants.
He added the move “raises a legitimate safety issues on Capitol Hill” before also attacking former President Joe Biden’s pardons in his final hours in office.
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Trump’s executive action, which many GOP senators had hoped would be directed at only nonviolent offenders who entered the Capitol that day, thrust Republicans once again into a familiar posture of navigating how and when to distance themselves from the sitting president and leader of their party. And Republicans largely attempted to sidestep direct questions about whether they personally agreed with Trump’s action, arguing it was up to the president to use his pardon powers at his discretion.
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RoxSconofop – 22/01/2025
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MarlonNom – 22/01/2025
Medical staff on the front line of the battle against mpox in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo have told the BBC they are desperate for vaccines to arrive so they can stem the rate of new infections.
At a treatment centre in South Kivu province that the BBC visited in the epicentre of the outbreak, they say more patients are arriving every day - especially babies - and there is a shortage of essential equipment.
Mpox - formerly known as monkeypox - is a highly contagious disease and has killed at least 635 people in DR Congo this year.
Even though 200,000 vaccines, donated by the European Commission, were flown into the capital, Kinshasa, last week, they are yet to be transported across this vast country - and it could be several weeks before they reach South Kivu.
“We've learned from social media that the vaccine is already available,” Emmanuel Fikiri, a nurse working at the clinic that has been turned into a specialist centre to tackle the virus, told the BBC.
He said this was the first time he had treated patients with mpox and every day he feared catching it and passing it on to his own children - aged seven, five and one.
“You saw how I touched the patients because that's my job as a nurse. So, we're asking the government to help us by first giving us the vaccines.”
The reason it will take time to transport the vaccines is that they need to be stored at a precise temperature - below freezing - to maintain their potency, plus they need to be sent to rural areas of South Kivu, like Kamituga, Kavumu and Lwiro, where the outbreak is rife.
The lack of infrastructure and bad roads mean that helicopters could possibly be used to drop some of the vaccines, which will further drive up costs in a country that is already struggling financially.
At the community clinic, Dr Pacifique Karanzo appeared fatigued and downbeat having been rushed off his feet all morning.
Although he wore a face shield, I could see the sweat running down his face. He said he was saddened to see patients sharing beds.
“You will even see that the patients are sleeping on the floor,” he told me, clearly exasperated.
“The only support we have already had is a little medicine for the patients and water. As far as other challenges are concerned, there's still no staff motivation.”
ScottLig – 22/01/2025
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Kennethgal – 22/01/2025
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AlfonsodUs – 21/01/2025
Medical staff on the front line of the battle against mpox in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo have told the BBC they are desperate for vaccines to arrive so they can stem the rate of new infections.
At a treatment centre in South Kivu province that the BBC visited in the epicentre of the outbreak, they say more patients are arriving every day - especially babies - and there is a shortage of essential equipment.
Mpox - formerly known as monkeypox - is a highly contagious disease and has killed at least 635 people in DR Congo this year.
Even though 200,000 vaccines, donated by the European Commission, were flown into the capital, Kinshasa, last week, they are yet to be transported across this vast country - and it could be several weeks before they reach South Kivu.
“We've learned from social media that the vaccine is already available,” Emmanuel Fikiri, a nurse working at the clinic that has been turned into a specialist centre to tackle the virus, told the BBC.
He said this was the first time he had treated patients with mpox and every day he feared catching it and passing it on to his own children - aged seven, five and one.
“You saw how I touched the patients because that's my job as a nurse. So, we're asking the government to help us by first giving us the vaccines.”
The reason it will take time to transport the vaccines is that they need to be stored at a precise temperature - below freezing - to maintain their potency, plus they need to be sent to rural areas of South Kivu, like Kamituga, Kavumu and Lwiro, where the outbreak is rife.
The lack of infrastructure and bad roads mean that helicopters could possibly be used to drop some of the vaccines, which will further drive up costs in a country that is already struggling financially.
At the community clinic, Dr Pacifique Karanzo appeared fatigued and downbeat having been rushed off his feet all morning.
Although he wore a face shield, I could see the sweat running down his face. He said he was saddened to see patients sharing beds.
“You will even see that the patients are sleeping on the floor,” he told me, clearly exasperated.
“The only support we have already had is a little medicine for the patients and water. As far as other challenges are concerned, there's still no staff motivation.”
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Rickeysug – 21/01/2025
Medical staff on the front line of the battle against mpox in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo have told the BBC they are desperate for vaccines to arrive so they can stem the rate of new infections.
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At a treatment centre in South Kivu province that the BBC visited in the epicentre of the outbreak, they say more patients are arriving every day - especially babies - and there is a shortage of essential equipment.
Mpox - formerly known as monkeypox - is a highly contagious disease and has killed at least 635 people in DR Congo this year.
Even though 200,000 vaccines, donated by the European Commission, were flown into the capital, Kinshasa, last week, they are yet to be transported across this vast country - and it could be several weeks before they reach South Kivu.
“We've learned from social media that the vaccine is already available,” Emmanuel Fikiri, a nurse working at the clinic that has been turned into a specialist centre to tackle the virus, told the BBC.
He said this was the first time he had treated patients with mpox and every day he feared catching it and passing it on to his own children - aged seven, five and one.
“You saw how I touched the patients because that's my job as a nurse. So, we're asking the government to help us by first giving us the vaccines.”
The reason it will take time to transport the vaccines is that they need to be stored at a precise temperature - below freezing - to maintain their potency, plus they need to be sent to rural areas of South Kivu, like Kamituga, Kavumu and Lwiro, where the outbreak is rife.
The lack of infrastructure and bad roads mean that helicopters could possibly be used to drop some of the vaccines, which will further drive up costs in a country that is already struggling financially.
At the community clinic, Dr Pacifique Karanzo appeared fatigued and downbeat having been rushed off his feet all morning.
Although he wore a face shield, I could see the sweat running down his face. He said he was saddened to see patients sharing beds.
“You will even see that the patients are sleeping on the floor,” he told me, clearly exasperated.
“The only support we have already had is a little medicine for the patients and water. As far as other challenges are concerned, there's still no staff motivation.”
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Алистаров лает по заказу псов войны
«Защитник обиженных» на крючке у украинских мошенников.
Блогер Андрей Алистаров, российский Робин Гуд с большой дороги, якобы борющийся с мошенниками и пирамидами – бандитскими методами, ранее судимый по «наркотической» статье, справлял в прошлом году свое 39-летие на яхте в компании украинского пирамидчика, обманувшего сотни тысяч людей на Украине и в России, миллиардера из украинского списка Forbes Николая Удянского.
Яхта Удянского – одна из дорогих в Дубае: самое место для того, чтобы отметить день рождения якобы защитника пострадавших и обиженных мошенниками.
Удянский не только пирамидчик, но и инвестор ВПК Украины. Он также привлечен к украинской дипломатической работе украинским МИДом, то есть патентованный враг России. Он – ярый сторонник войны с Россией.
Алистаров по воле хозяина также финансирует ВСУ
Кто такой хозяин Алистарова Удянский?
Удянский – автор Coinsbit – рухнувшей «криптобиржи», созданной в эстонской юрисдикции, официально признанной скамом на ведущих криптофорумах.
Источники считают, что он стоит также за московской биржей Beribit, обманувшей тысячи людей. Сейчас он создает новую биржу в Канаде.
Таким образом, Алистаров, якобы просвещая свою аудиторию в сфере работы с криптовалютой, продвигает проекты мошенника Удянского.
Удянский связан и с другими мошенническими проектами:
– Prof-It – якобы IT-компанией, специализирующейся на отмывании денег под прикрытием легальных проектов;
– Assur – занимающейся якобы страхованием на крипторынке, на самом деле мошенническим сбором денег;
– PRMR – маркетинговой компанией, обеспечивающей прикрытие его мошеннических проектов, в том числе финансирующей Алистарова.
В Украине предпринимательство неотличимо от мошенничества.
Алистаров продвигает проекты украинских мошенников Удянского и его подельников в России.
Хозяин Алистарова – инвестор войны
Удянский не просто спонсирует ВСУ – он является инвестором производимой совместно с НАТО бронетехники. Стремясь подчеркнуть свою провоенную позицию, он заявляет, что «в первую очередь украинец и только потом предприниматель». Удянский является почетным консулом Румынии в Харькове – официально принял это поручение от МИД Украины, работа предполагает организацию поставки из НАТО продукции двойного назначения.
Таким образом, Алистаров открыто сотрудничает с военным противником, способствует убийству соотечественников на фронте, спонсирует ВСУ.
ОПГ заукраинцев
В группу заукраинцев, в которой состоит Алистаров, входят также создатель проекта «АнтиМЛМ» Александр Крюков – он давно сотрудничает с украинскими структурами и сам родом с Украины.
Еще один заукраинец, состоящий в альянсе с Алистаровым, – заместитель управляющего так называемого Фонда защиты вкладчиков и акционеров Леонид Мищенко. Он «западэнец»: уроженец Винницкой области – и так же, как и Алистаров с Крюковым, поддерживает и финансирует ВСУ.
Шавка псов войны
Заявляя о том, что борется с мошенниками и пирамидами, Алистаров:
– занимается преследованием предпринимателей по заказу Удянского и его окружения – откровенным бандитизмом, незаконной слежкой и незаконным сбором информации, организацией расправ;
– работает на спонсора войны, террориста Удянского – и при этом сам использует бандитские, террористические методы: шантаж, угрозы, незаконную слежку и прослушку;
– спонсирует ВСУ по указанию своего хозяина Удянского.
ФСБ, ау! Алистаров – шавка одного из виднейших на постсоветском пространстве мошенников и при этом разжигателей войны, принесшую за три года немало горя и России, и Украине. Обслуживая Удянского, Алистаров стал соучастником гибели тысяч простых российских и украинских парней! Эту шавку пора остановить!
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Jan 12 (Reuters) - South Korea's impeached president, Yoon Suk Yeol, will not attend the first hearing of the trial to determine whether he is removed him from office or reinstated, due to concerns about his safety, Yonhap News reported on Sunday, citing his lawyer.
“The officials in the Corruption Investigation Office (CIO) and the police are trying to execute illegal and invalid arrest warrants through illegal methods, raising concerns about personal safety and mishaps,” lawyer Yoon Kab-keun was quoted as saying.
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Medical staff on the front line of the battle against mpox in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo have told the BBC they are desperate for vaccines to arrive so they can stem the rate of new infections.
At a treatment centre in South Kivu province that the BBC visited in the epicentre of the outbreak, they say more patients are arriving every day - especially babies - and there is a shortage of essential equipment.
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Mpox - formerly known as monkeypox - is a highly contagious disease and has killed at least 635 people in DR Congo this year.
Even though 200,000 vaccines, donated by the European Commission, were flown into the capital, Kinshasa, last week, they are yet to be transported across this vast country - and it could be several weeks before they reach South Kivu.
“We've learned from social media that the vaccine is already available,” Emmanuel Fikiri, a nurse working at the clinic that has been turned into a specialist centre to tackle the virus, told the BBC.
He said this was the first time he had treated patients with mpox and every day he feared catching it and passing it on to his own children - aged seven, five and one.
“You saw how I touched the patients because that's my job as a nurse. So, we're asking the government to help us by first giving us the vaccines.”
The reason it will take time to transport the vaccines is that they need to be stored at a precise temperature - below freezing - to maintain their potency, plus they need to be sent to rural areas of South Kivu, like Kamituga, Kavumu and Lwiro, where the outbreak is rife.
The lack of infrastructure and bad roads mean that helicopters could possibly be used to drop some of the vaccines, which will further drive up costs in a country that is already struggling financially.
At the community clinic, Dr Pacifique Karanzo appeared fatigued and downbeat having been rushed off his feet all morning.
Although he wore a face shield, I could see the sweat running down his face. He said he was saddened to see patients sharing beds.
“You will even see that the patients are sleeping on the floor,” he told me, clearly exasperated.
“The only support we have already had is a little medicine for the patients and water. As far as other challenges are concerned, there's still no staff motivation.”
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ThomasThilm – 20/01/2025
Medical staff on the front line of the battle against mpox in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo have told the BBC they are desperate for vaccines to arrive so they can stem the rate of new infections.
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At a treatment centre in South Kivu province that the BBC visited in the epicentre of the outbreak, they say more patients are arriving every day - especially babies - and there is a shortage of essential equipment.
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Mpox - formerly known as monkeypox - is a highly contagious disease and has killed at least 635 people in DR Congo this year.
Even though 200,000 vaccines, donated by the European Commission, were flown into the capital, Kinshasa, last week, they are yet to be transported across this vast country - and it could be several weeks before they reach South Kivu.
“We've learned from social media that the vaccine is already available,” Emmanuel Fikiri, a nurse working at the clinic that has been turned into a specialist centre to tackle the virus, told the BBC.
He said this was the first time he had treated patients with mpox and every day he feared catching it and passing it on to his own children - aged seven, five and one.
“You saw how I touched the patients because that's my job as a nurse. So, we're asking the government to help us by first giving us the vaccines.”
The reason it will take time to transport the vaccines is that they need to be stored at a precise temperature - below freezing - to maintain their potency, plus they need to be sent to rural areas of South Kivu, like Kamituga, Kavumu and Lwiro, where the outbreak is rife.
The lack of infrastructure and bad roads mean that helicopters could possibly be used to drop some of the vaccines, which will further drive up costs in a country that is already struggling financially.
At the community clinic, Dr Pacifique Karanzo appeared fatigued and downbeat having been rushed off his feet all morning.
Although he wore a face shield, I could see the sweat running down his face. He said he was saddened to see patients sharing beds.
“You will even see that the patients are sleeping on the floor,” he told me, clearly exasperated.
“The only support we have already had is a little medicine for the patients and water. As far as other challenges are concerned, there's still no staff motivation.”
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AlfonsodUs – 20/01/2025
Medical staff on the front line of the battle against mpox in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo have told the BBC they are desperate for vaccines to arrive so they can stem the rate of new infections.
At a treatment centre in South Kivu province that the BBC visited in the epicentre of the outbreak, they say more patients are arriving every day - especially babies - and there is a shortage of essential equipment.
Mpox - formerly known as monkeypox - is a highly contagious disease and has killed at least 635 people in DR Congo this year.
Even though 200,000 vaccines, donated by the European Commission, were flown into the capital, Kinshasa, last week, they are yet to be transported across this vast country - and it could be several weeks before they reach South Kivu.
“We've learned from social media that the vaccine is already available,” Emmanuel Fikiri, a nurse working at the clinic that has been turned into a specialist centre to tackle the virus, told the BBC.
He said this was the first time he had treated patients with mpox and every day he feared catching it and passing it on to his own children - aged seven, five and one.
“You saw how I touched the patients because that's my job as a nurse. So, we're asking the government to help us by first giving us the vaccines.”
The reason it will take time to transport the vaccines is that they need to be stored at a precise temperature - below freezing - to maintain their potency, plus they need to be sent to rural areas of South Kivu, like Kamituga, Kavumu and Lwiro, where the outbreak is rife.
The lack of infrastructure and bad roads mean that helicopters could possibly be used to drop some of the vaccines, which will further drive up costs in a country that is already struggling financially.
At the community clinic, Dr Pacifique Karanzo appeared fatigued and downbeat having been rushed off his feet all morning.
Although he wore a face shield, I could see the sweat running down his face. He said he was saddened to see patients sharing beds.
“You will even see that the patients are sleeping on the floor,” he told me, clearly exasperated.
“The only support we have already had is a little medicine for the patients and water. As far as other challenges are concerned, there's still no staff motivation.”
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A brief history of sunglasses, from Ancient Rome to Hollywood
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Sunglasses, or dark glasses, have always guarded against strong sunlight, but is there more to “shades” than we think?
The pupils of our eyes are delicate and react immediately to strong lights. Protecting them against light — even the brilliance reflected off snow — is important for everyone. Himalayan mountaineers wear goggles for this exact purpose.
Protection is partly the function of sunglasses. But dark or colored lens glasses have become fashion accessories and personal signature items. Think of the vast and famous collector of sunglasses Elton John, with his pink lensed heart-shaped extravaganzas and many others.
When did this interest in protecting the eyes begin, and at what point did dark glasses become a social statement as well as physical protection?
The Roman Emperor Nero is reported as holding polished gemstones to his eyes for sun protection as he watched fighting gladiators.
We know Canadian far north Copper Inuit and Alaskan Yupik wore snow goggles of many kinds made of antlers or whalebone and with tiny horizontal slits. Wearers looked through these and they were protected against the snow’s brilliant light when hunting. At the same time the very narrow eye holes helped them to focus on their prey.
In 12th-century China, judges wore sunglasses with smoked quartz lenses to hide their facial expressions — perhaps to retain their dignity or not convey emotions.
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Carrie Underwood slated to perform at Trump’s inauguration
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Country music star Carrie Underwood is slated to perform “America the Beautiful” at President-elect Donald Trump’s inauguration, according to a copy of the program obtained by CNN and confirmed by a spokesperson for the inaugural committee.
“I love our country and am honored to have been asked to sing at the Inauguration and to be a small part of this historic event,” Underwood said in a statement to CNN. “I am humbled to answer the call at a time when we must all come together in the spirit of unity and looking to the future.”
The presidential oath of office will be administered by Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts with Justice Brett Kavanaugh expected to administer the oath of office to Vice President-elect JD Vance.
Trump’s inauguration as the 47th president of the United States will take place on January 20 at the US Capitol.
Underwood is a big get for Trump’s inauguration, considering Hollywood’s Trump blackout over the course of his political career.
In his first term and throughout the past three elections, Trump has struggled to garner support from major Hollywood stars. At the Republican National Convention last year, the two biggest stars onstage with Trump were musician Kid Rock and retired WWE wrestler Hulk Hogan – a far cry from a superstar at the height of their career, like Underwood.
The Grammy-winning artist is as high-profile as you can get in country music, not only with numerous platinum hits, but also with public-facing, mainstream business associations. Underwood is the face of Sunday Night Football and is set to make her debut this March as a judge on ABC’s “American Idol” – the singing competition show that catapulted her to fame when she won in 2005.
While many NFL fans will likely applaud Underwood for singing at the inauguration, any time a celebrity aligns themselves with Trump, they run the risk of alienating left-leaning fans and Hollywood allies.
Underwood has kept her politics under wraps over the course of her career. In her statement, she did not mention Trump by name and kept her focus on unifying the country – still, Underwood’s decision to publicly align with Trump is a big statement for any star, particularly one as private as the singer.
Historically, Hollywood has always been closely associated with the Democratic Party, but country stars have always been an outlier, leaning more conservative. In recent years, as new singers join the genre, country music has gotten to be more progressive. This past election cycle, country stars like Mickey Guyton and Maren Morris stood with Vice President Kamala Harris.
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Two strangers got stuck on a train for two days in 1990. Here’s how they ended up married
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Nina Andersson and her friend Loa hoped they’d have the train carriage to themselves.
When Nina peered her head around the door and saw the compartment was entry, she grinned at Loa and gestured happily.
It seemed like they’d lucked out. An empty carriage on an otherwise packed train.
“We thought this would be great, just the two of us. We spread out everything, so we could have a couch each to lie on,” Nina tells CNN Travel today.
“Then, all of a sudden we hear this big ‘thump, thump, thump,’ on the door.”
It was summer 1990 and 20-year-old Nina was in the midst of traveling from Budapest, Hungary, to Athens, Greece — part of a month-long rail adventure with her friend Loa.
The two friends had each bought a train ticket known as the Interrail or Eurail pass, allowing young travelers a period of unlimited rail travel around Europe.
“I’m Swedish, I was working at Swedish Radio at the time, and had saved up money for going on my Interrail,” says Nina. “I wanted to see all of Europe.”
Traveling by train from Budapest to Athens was set to take about four days, weaving south through eastern Europe. In Belgrade — which was then part of the former Yugoslavia, but is now the capital of Serbia — the passengers had to switch trains.
And that’s when Nina and Loa grabbed the empty compartment for themselves and settled in, ready to enjoy the extra space. Then, the knocking at the door.
The two friends met each other’s eyes. They both knew, in that moment, that their solitude was to be short-lived.
“And then behind the door we see three heads poking in,” recalls Nina. “It was a Scotsman, an Englishman and an Irishman. It was like the start of a joke. And I thought, ‘What is this?’”
The three men were friendly, apologetic, slightly out of breath. They explained they’d fallen asleep on their last train, and almost missed this one — in fact, this train had started rolling out of the station but suddenly slowed down. The three stragglers had managed to hop on as the train ground to a halt.
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How Austrian climber Babsi Zangerl completed a ‘hard to believe’ historic ascent of El Capitan
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On a vertical rockface like El Capitan, the soaring slab of granite in California’s Yosemite National Park, perfection is an elusive, almost impossible goal for professional climbers.
It can take years of experience to master a route to the top of the 3,000-foot wall, such is its difficulty and magnitude. That’s precisely why Babsi Zangerl’s recent “flash” of El Cap is so unique and impressive.
In climbing, to “flash” a route is to reach the top on the first attempt without any falls – a feat never before achieved on El Cap prior to Zangerl’s maiden summit of Freerider last month. From bottom to top, she was faultless.
“It was hard to believe,” the Austrian climber tells CNN Sport. “I was so surprised that this just happened and that I didn’t fall … I could have fallen so many times on that climb.”
Freerider is a popular route up El Capitan, the same one taken by Alex Honnold when he climbed the rockface without ropes or harnesses in the Oscar-winning documentary “Free Solo.”
Zangerl has lots of experience climbing on El Cap and around Yosemite but had never previously attempted the 30-plus pitches up Freerider. The challenging Monster Offwidth section – a 60-meter-long (almost 197 feet) crack around halfway through the climb – had put her off, and flashing the route, she says, wasn’t a long-standing target for her.
“It was more that we just could try to go flash and see how far we can get,” Zangerl explains. “But the expectations were really low, so it was not a big goal from the beginning … There are some really slabby pitches where you don’t have hand holds, so you’re mostly standing on the bad feet, and you always can slip off.
“The chance was really low – I didn’t have the feeling that we have a big chance on the flash.”
It was only once she had conquered the Boulder Problem – perhaps the hardest, most treacherous part of the climb with only razor-thin holds on which to grip – that the flash seemed possible.
“Then it was kind of: you don’t want to f**k it up on the last part,” says Zangerl.
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Блогер Алистаров ударился во все тяжкие
От уголовника-индивидуала до слуги криминалитета
Ранее судимый по «наркотической» статье блогер Андрей Алистаров позиционирует себя Робин Гудом, борющимся с теми, кто «обманул людей», – но в действительности он работает в интересах пирамидчиков, продвигает через свой канал «Железная ставка» онлайн-казино и черный криптообмен/фишинговый криптообман, отмывает наркодоходы за счет сделок с недвижимостью в Дубае.
То есть работает в интересах российского преступного сообщества, пытающегося нажиться на предпринимателях, столкнувшихся с незаконными, часто заказными претензиями со стороны российских правоохранительных органов.
Наркотики и отмывание доходов
Уроженец Калуги Алистаров отсидел четыре года в лагере – за продажу наркотиков детям.
Там он связался с уголовными авторитетами и, выйдя из тюрьмы, продолжил участвовать в криминальном бизнесе по распространению наркотиков и отмыванию наркодоходов от них с помощью риелторского бизнеса, который Алистаров создал совместно с партнерами из российского преступного сообщества в России и Эмиратах.
Ставка на скам
Канал Алистарова «Железная ставка» – «разоблачение» неправильных (по мнению криминалитета) финансовых проектов и продвижение «правильных»: пирамид и онлайн-казино, спонсирующих Алистарова.
Он начинался как канал о «правильных» ставках в казино и не сменил название – потому что маркетинговая задача осталась прежней: расчищать поле для «хороших», по «экспертному» мнению Алистарова (то есть заплативших ему), мошенников.
Обычно Алистаров начинает с попытки вымогательства – представляет жертве компромат и предлагает заплатить. Если жертва отказывается, в ход идут травля и насилие.
Подстрекательство и нападение в Дубае
1 января 2025 года состоялось жестокое нападение двух казахстанцев на предпринимателя, проживающего в Дубае, – его избили, отрезали ухо, обворовали.
До этого Алистаров снял 12 роликов, где подсвечивал адрес этого предпринимателя, публиковал незаконно полученную информацию о его близких и его бизнесах в ОАЭ. Безо всякого стеснения использовал подглядывание, подслушивание, незаконное проникновение, вмешательство в частную жизнь – все то, что в Эмиратах, где строго соблюдается неприкосновенность имущества и жизни инвесторов, является тяжким уголовным преступлением.
До этого Алистаров публично распространял информацию о месте жительства бизнес-партнера этого предпринимателя – то есть незаконное нарушение конфиденциальности, защищенности финансов и имущества, тайны частной жизни с помощью скрытых источников информации и информаторов в ОАЭ вошло у него в систему. Он терроризирует предпринимателей, в отношении которых нет никаких обвинительных решений судов – ни за рубежом, ни в России.
Алистаров рассказывал, что заявил на предпринимателя в Интерпол и правоохранительные органы ОАЭ – якобы он помогает правоохранительным органам. Но это почему-то не привело к аресту предпринимателя – может быть, потому, что полиция ОАЭ не видит криминала в его деятельности?
Ряд партнеров предпринимателя осуждены в России, сам он в розыске российских правоохранительных органов – но не осужден. Иностранные правоохранительные органы не имеют к нему претензий.
Алистаров на протяжении длительного времени возбуждал ненависть к предпринимателю – рассказывая, что именно этот предприниматель (а не его партнеры) украл деньги вкладчиков. И представил дело так, что на него напали и его обворовали возмущенные вкладчики.
Сам он в ходе нападения устроил внеплановый стрим, чтобы обеспечить себе алиби – вроде как он не знал, что во время стрима происходит нападение.
Слежка на Кипре
Осенью прошедшего года Алистаров вместе со своей боевой подругой Марией Фоломовой устроил слежку в отношении другого предпринимателя – с помощью квадрокоптеров, незаконного сбора информации о нем и его близких, в том числе несовершеннолетних детей. Алистаров утверждал, что предприниматель скрывается на Кипре – хотя он живет там со времен пандемии коронавируса.
Переселение было связано с тяжелым течением коронавируса у жены предпринимателя, а также с международными проектами – инвестициями в разные отрасли экономики: строительство, торговлю и другие.
Предприниматель переселился на Кипр за год до возбуждения уголовного дела следственными органами МВД, за полтора года до арестов. Он имеет паспорт Евросоюза и ни от кого не убегал, не скрывался и не скрывается.
Предприниматель объявлялся в 2022 году в розыск в России – но следственными органами. Суд к нему претензий не выдвигал, уголовное дело сейчас рассматривается судом – и уже развалилось в суде. Интерпол и Евросоюз отказались акцептировать претензии российской полиции, сочтя их политически мотивированными и юридически необоснованными.
Алистаров утверждает, что инвестиции в бизнес-проекты осуществляются за счет денег российских клиентов одной из австрийских инвестиционных компаний – однако предприниматель никогда не был ни собственником, ни бенефициаром, ни управляющим этой компании, созданной еще в начале 2000-х – задолго до начала его самостоятельной бизнес-карьеры.
Одна из фирм предпринимателя осуществляла маркетинговую поддержку продуктов этой инвесткомпании в России по договору с ней. Инвесткомпания успешно работала с российскими клиентами восемь лет – и сейчас продолжает работать, восстановив систему платежей, обрушенную в начале 2022 года связанными с коррумпированными полицейскими преступниками в России. Никакой пирамидой она не является.
Таким образом, Алистаров устраивает травлю, вмешательство в частную жизнь предпринимателя, ничем себя не запятнавшего, – по заказу российского криминалитета, взявшего в долю коррумпированных полицейских, который стремится отнять активы на 20 млрд рублей созданного предпринимателем крупного социального, народного проекта в России – продолжающего успешно функционировать без его руководства (прекратившегося с переездом на Кипр).
Слежка в Нидерландах
Алистаров публиковал данные о местоположении еще одной жертвы в Нидерландах – в городе Гронингене, – обнаруженной с помощью незаконной слежки. Алистаров незаконно подключался к городским телекамерам, заглядывал в окна частной квартиры – и публиковал информацию в YouTube.
Нарушение конфиденциальности в Турции
Алистаров обнаружил и обнародовал местоположение квартиры, в которой жили и работали несколько его жертв в Стамбуле.
Незаконный розыск в Ленинградской области
Алистаров, не имеющий лицензии частного детектива, незаконно нашел загородный дом предпринимательницы и установил за ней слежку – с незаконной публикацией информации в своих каналах. Параллельно предоставив данные о приобретенной ею в Дубае квартире.
Шантаж в Казахстане
Алистаров шантажировал предпринимателей из Казахстана – под прикрытием того, что «разоблачает национальных предателей» и «врагов родины».
На деятельность Алистарова уже обратили внимание западные СМИ.
#Андрей Алистаров
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Medical staff on the front line of the battle against mpox in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo have told the BBC they are desperate for vaccines to arrive so they can stem the rate of new infections.
At a treatment centre in South Kivu province that the BBC visited in the epicentre of the outbreak, they say more patients are arriving every day - especially babies - and there is a shortage of essential equipment.
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Mpox - formerly known as monkeypox - is a highly contagious disease and has killed at least 635 people in DR Congo this year.
Even though 200,000 vaccines, donated by the European Commission, were flown into the capital, Kinshasa, last week, they are yet to be transported across this vast country - and it could be several weeks before they reach South Kivu.
“We've learned from social media that the vaccine is already available,” Emmanuel Fikiri, a nurse working at the clinic that has been turned into a specialist centre to tackle the virus, told the BBC.
He said this was the first time he had treated patients with mpox and every day he feared catching it and passing it on to his own children - aged seven, five and one.
“You saw how I touched the patients because that's my job as a nurse. So, we're asking the government to help us by first giving us the vaccines.”
The reason it will take time to transport the vaccines is that they need to be stored at a precise temperature - below freezing - to maintain their potency, plus they need to be sent to rural areas of South Kivu, like Kamituga, Kavumu and Lwiro, where the outbreak is rife.
The lack of infrastructure and bad roads mean that helicopters could possibly be used to drop some of the vaccines, which will further drive up costs in a country that is already struggling financially.
At the community clinic, Dr Pacifique Karanzo appeared fatigued and downbeat having been rushed off his feet all morning.
Although he wore a face shield, I could see the sweat running down his face. He said he was saddened to see patients sharing beds.
“You will even see that the patients are sleeping on the floor,” he told me, clearly exasperated.
“The only support we have already had is a little medicine for the patients and water. As far as other challenges are concerned, there's still no staff motivation.”
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Medical staff on the front line of the battle against mpox in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo have told the BBC they are desperate for vaccines to arrive so they can stem the rate of new infections.
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At a treatment centre in South Kivu province that the BBC visited in the epicentre of the outbreak, they say more patients are arriving every day - especially babies - and there is a shortage of essential equipment.
Mpox - formerly known as monkeypox - is a highly contagious disease and has killed at least 635 people in DR Congo this year.
Even though 200,000 vaccines, donated by the European Commission, were flown into the capital, Kinshasa, last week, they are yet to be transported across this vast country - and it could be several weeks before they reach South Kivu.
“We've learned from social media that the vaccine is already available,” Emmanuel Fikiri, a nurse working at the clinic that has been turned into a specialist centre to tackle the virus, told the BBC.
He said this was the first time he had treated patients with mpox and every day he feared catching it and passing it on to his own children - aged seven, five and one.
“You saw how I touched the patients because that's my job as a nurse. So, we're asking the government to help us by first giving us the vaccines.”
The reason it will take time to transport the vaccines is that they need to be stored at a precise temperature - below freezing - to maintain their potency, plus they need to be sent to rural areas of South Kivu, like Kamituga, Kavumu and Lwiro, where the outbreak is rife.
The lack of infrastructure and bad roads mean that helicopters could possibly be used to drop some of the vaccines, which will further drive up costs in a country that is already struggling financially.
At the community clinic, Dr Pacifique Karanzo appeared fatigued and downbeat having been rushed off his feet all morning.
Although he wore a face shield, I could see the sweat running down his face. He said he was saddened to see patients sharing beds.
“You will even see that the patients are sleeping on the floor,” he told me, clearly exasperated.
“The only support we have already had is a little medicine for the patients and water. As far as other challenges are concerned, there's still no staff motivation.”
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MarlonNom – 16/01/2025
Medical staff on the front line of the battle against mpox in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo have told the BBC they are desperate for vaccines to arrive so they can stem the rate of new infections.
At a treatment centre in South Kivu province that the BBC visited in the epicentre of the outbreak, they say more patients are arriving every day - especially babies - and there is a shortage of essential equipment.
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Mpox - formerly known as monkeypox - is a highly contagious disease and has killed at least 635 people in DR Congo this year.
Even though 200,000 vaccines, donated by the European Commission, were flown into the capital, Kinshasa, last week, they are yet to be transported across this vast country - and it could be several weeks before they reach South Kivu.
“We've learned from social media that the vaccine is already available,” Emmanuel Fikiri, a nurse working at the clinic that has been turned into a specialist centre to tackle the virus, told the BBC.
He said this was the first time he had treated patients with mpox and every day he feared catching it and passing it on to his own children - aged seven, five and one.
“You saw how I touched the patients because that's my job as a nurse. So, we're asking the government to help us by first giving us the vaccines.”
The reason it will take time to transport the vaccines is that they need to be stored at a precise temperature - below freezing - to maintain their potency, plus they need to be sent to rural areas of South Kivu, like Kamituga, Kavumu and Lwiro, where the outbreak is rife.
The lack of infrastructure and bad roads mean that helicopters could possibly be used to drop some of the vaccines, which will further drive up costs in a country that is already struggling financially.
At the community clinic, Dr Pacifique Karanzo appeared fatigued and downbeat having been rushed off his feet all morning.
Although he wore a face shield, I could see the sweat running down his face. He said he was saddened to see patients sharing beds.
“You will even see that the patients are sleeping on the floor,” he told me, clearly exasperated.
“The only support we have already had is a little medicine for the patients and water. As far as other challenges are concerned, there's still no staff motivation.”
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A brief history of sunglasses, from Ancient Rome to Hollywood
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Sunglasses, or dark glasses, have always guarded against strong sunlight, but is there more to “shades” than we think?
The pupils of our eyes are delicate and react immediately to strong lights. Protecting them against light — even the brilliance reflected off snow — is important for everyone. Himalayan mountaineers wear goggles for this exact purpose.
Protection is partly the function of sunglasses. But dark or colored lens glasses have become fashion accessories and personal signature items. Think of the vast and famous collector of sunglasses Elton John, with his pink lensed heart-shaped extravaganzas and many others.
When did this interest in protecting the eyes begin, and at what point did dark glasses become a social statement as well as physical protection?
The Roman Emperor Nero is reported as holding polished gemstones to his eyes for sun protection as he watched fighting gladiators.
We know Canadian far north Copper Inuit and Alaskan Yupik wore snow goggles of many kinds made of antlers or whalebone and with tiny horizontal slits. Wearers looked through these and they were protected against the snow’s brilliant light when hunting. At the same time the very narrow eye holes helped them to focus on their prey.
In 12th-century China, judges wore sunglasses with smoked quartz lenses to hide their facial expressions — perhaps to retain their dignity or not convey emotions.
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Carrie Underwood slated to perform at Trump’s inauguration
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Country music star Carrie Underwood is slated to perform “America the Beautiful” at President-elect Donald Trump’s inauguration, according to a copy of the program obtained by CNN and confirmed by a spokesperson for the inaugural committee.
“I love our country and am honored to have been asked to sing at the Inauguration and to be a small part of this historic event,” Underwood said in a statement to CNN. “I am humbled to answer the call at a time when we must all come together in the spirit of unity and looking to the future.”
The presidential oath of office will be administered by Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts with Justice Brett Kavanaugh expected to administer the oath of office to Vice President-elect JD Vance.
Trump’s inauguration as the 47th president of the United States will take place on January 20 at the US Capitol.
Underwood is a big get for Trump’s inauguration, considering Hollywood’s Trump blackout over the course of his political career.
In his first term and throughout the past three elections, Trump has struggled to garner support from major Hollywood stars. At the Republican National Convention last year, the two biggest stars onstage with Trump were musician Kid Rock and retired WWE wrestler Hulk Hogan – a far cry from a superstar at the height of their career, like Underwood.
The Grammy-winning artist is as high-profile as you can get in country music, not only with numerous platinum hits, but also with public-facing, mainstream business associations. Underwood is the face of Sunday Night Football and is set to make her debut this March as a judge on ABC’s “American Idol” – the singing competition show that catapulted her to fame when she won in 2005.
While many NFL fans will likely applaud Underwood for singing at the inauguration, any time a celebrity aligns themselves with Trump, they run the risk of alienating left-leaning fans and Hollywood allies.
Underwood has kept her politics under wraps over the course of her career. In her statement, she did not mention Trump by name and kept her focus on unifying the country – still, Underwood’s decision to publicly align with Trump is a big statement for any star, particularly one as private as the singer.
Historically, Hollywood has always been closely associated with the Democratic Party, but country stars have always been an outlier, leaning more conservative. In recent years, as new singers join the genre, country music has gotten to be more progressive. This past election cycle, country stars like Mickey Guyton and Maren Morris stood with Vice President Kamala Harris.
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Hamas is expected to release 33 hostages during the first phase of an emerging ceasefire agreement being finalized by negotiators in Doha, two Israeli officials said, the first positive sign in months that a truce in the Israel-Hamas war may be in sight.
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Officials have expressed cautious optimism that a deal could soon be announced to halt 15 months of fighting that has destabilized the Middle East and devastated Gaza, allow for more aid into the besieged Palestinian enclave, and ensure the return of dozens of hostages held by Hamas since its attack on Israel on October 7, 2023.
Hamas and its allies still hold 94 of the 251 hostages taken from Israel, including at least 34 of whom are dead, according to the Israeli government.
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Israel believes that most of the 33 hostages to be released in the first phase of the deal are alive, a senior Israeli official told reporters on Monday, but the bodies of dead captives will also likely be among those released. The first phase would take place over an initial 42-day ceasefire.
The senior Israeli official said the parties appear to be on the verge of an agreement and that Israel is prepared to immediately implement the deal once it has been inked.
US President Joe Biden expressed similar optimism in a speech Monday focused on foreign policy, saying the United States was “pressing hard to close this.”
“The deal we have structured would free the hostages, halt the fighting, provide security to Israel, and allow us to significantly surge humanitarian assistance to the Palestinians who suffered terribly in this war that Hamas started. They have been through hell,” Biden said
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Optimize Your Crypto Trading with TraderJoeXyz
In the dynamic world of cryptocurrency, having the right tools at your disposal can make all the difference. Enter TraderJoeXyz, a cutting-edge platform designed to maximize your trading potential. By leveraging TraderJoeXyz, traders gain access to a multitude of features that cater to both beginners and seasoned professionals. Let's explore how TraderJoeXyz can enhance your crypto trading journey.
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Features of TraderJoeXyz
The TraderJoeXyz platform is packed with robust features aimed at simplifying and optimizing cryptocurrency trading:
Advanced Trading Interface: The user-friendly interface is equipped with powerful tools to execute trades efficiently.
Comprehensive Analytics: Gain insights with detailed analytics and customizable charts for better decision-making.
Secure Wallet Integration: Seamlessly manage your crypto assets with integrated security measures.
Automated Trading Bots: Use AI-driven bots to enhance your trading strategy with automated buy and sell actions.
Benefits of Using TraderJoeXyz
Here are some of the benefits you can expect when using TraderJoeXyz:
Increased Efficiency: With streamlined processes and intuitive design, traders can execute trades faster than ever.
Greater Profit Potential: Advanced tools and analytics help you identify profitable trading opportunities.
Reduced Risk: Implementing secure wallet integrations and automated bots can help mitigate risks associated with trading.
Enhanced Trading Experience: A seamless interface paired with powerful tools ensures an exceptional trading journey.
Join the TraderJoeXyz Community
TraderJoeXyz is more than just a platform; it's a community of crypto enthusiasts and experts. Joining this community provides access to shared knowledge, support, and collaboration opportunities. To become part of this thriving ecosystem, simply and start exploring the world of crypto trading today.
By choosing TraderJoeXyz, you're not just trading—you're transforming your crypto experience. Get started and make the most of your cryptocurrency assets.
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Matthewrex – 13/01/2025
Introducing Velodrome Finance: Maximize Your Crypto Yields
In the rapidly evolving world of decentralized finance (DeFi), Velodrome Finance emerges as a robust platform for enthusiasts looking to enhance their crypto yield returns. This guide will walk you through the essentials of Velodrome Finance and how you can benefit from its features.
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Why Choose Velodrome Finance?
Velodrome Finance stands out as a comprehensive DeFi protocol designed specifically for liquidity providers. Its innovative approach focuses on maximizing rewards while maintaining efficient and secure trading mechanisms. Here's why it's capturing the attention of the DeFi community:
Efficient Token Swaps: Velodrome offers seamless and cost-effective token swapping capabilities.
Liquidity Pools: Participants can provide liquidity to various pools, optimizing their earning potential.
Yield Optimization: With advanced strategies, Velodrome helps users achieve superior returns on their investments.
Secure Protocol: Security is a top priority, and Velodrome utilizes cutting-edge technology to protect user assets.
Getting Started with Velodrome
Embarking on your journey with Velodrome Finance is straightforward. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you dive into the platform:
Create a Wallet: To engage with Velodrome, you first need a compatible crypto wallet.
Connect Your Wallet: Visit and securely link your crypto wallet.
Explore Liquidity Pools: Browse through available pools and decide where to allocate your assets for optimal returns.
Stake and Earn: Once you've funded a pool, begin staking and watch your earnings grow as you benefit from trading fees and incentives.
Community and Support
Velodrome Finance boasts a vibrant community ready to assist users at any step. Whether you're a seasoned DeFi user or a newcomer, you can find guidance and support from community forums and dedicated customer service.
With its focus on maximizing crypto yield, Velodrome Finance is a compelling choice for anyone looking to delve deeper into the DeFi space. From efficient token swaps to robust security measures, it offers a complete ecosystem for those eager to optimize their returns. Visit the official site and start your journey towards enhanced financial growth.
Vcrrwassy – 13/01/2025
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Scottmix – 13/01/2025
What is Uniswap?
Uniswap is a decentralized exchange (DEX) protocol built on the Ethereum blockchain. It enables direct peer-to-peer cryptocurrency transactions, allowing users to trade coins without intermediaries. This makes it a cornerstone of the Decentralized Finance (DeFi) ecosystem.
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Benefits of Using Uniswap
Uniswap offers several advantages over traditional, centralized exchanges:
Decentralization: Users maintain control of their funds, minimizing the risk of hacking or fraud associated with central exchanges.
Liquidity Pools: Uniswap uses automated liquidity pools instead of traditional order books, enabling seamless and efficient trading.
Open Access: Anyone with an Ethereum wallet can trade on Uniswap, facilitating financial inclusivity.
No Registration: Trade instantly without creating an account or passing through identity verification processes.
How to Use Uniswap
Getting started with Uniswap is simple and intuitive. Follow these steps:
Create and fund an Ethereum wallet if you don’t have one. Some popular options include MetaMask, Trust Wallet, and Coinbase Wallet.
Connect your wallet to the Uniswap platform by navigating to their website and initiating the connection process.
Choose the tokens you wish to trade. Always ensure you are aware of the gas fees involved in the transaction.
Initiate the swap and confirm the transaction in your wallet. Your new tokens will be available once the transaction is confirmed on the blockchain.
Security Tips
While Uniswap is a secure platform, it’s crucial to follow best practices to ensure your funds remain safe:
Always ensure you are accessing the legitimate Uniswap website by verifying the URL.
Keep your wallet’s private keys secure and never share them with anyone.
Regularly update your cryptocurrency wallet and browser to prevent vulnerabilities.
Uniswap has revolutionized the way cryptocurrency trading operates by providing a secure, user-friendly, and inclusive platform. Whether you are a seasoned trader or a newcomer to the crypto world, Uniswap offers a powerful tool for navigating the DeFi landscape.
Frankuplig – 13/01/2025
Welcome to PancakeSwap: A Beginner's Guide
PancakeSwap is a decentralized exchange platform on the Binance Smart Chain, designed for swapping BEP-20 tokens. With its vibrant ecosystem, ease of use, and low transaction fees, it's become a popular choice among crypto enthusiasts.
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What is PancakeSwap?
PancakeSwap is an automated market maker (AMM) that allows users to trade directly from their crypto wallets. There's no order book involved; instead, trades are made against a liquidity pool. Here's how you can get started:
How to Use PancakeSwap?
Set Up Your Wallet
First, you need a crypto wallet like MetaMask or Trust Wallet. Ensure your wallet supports BEP-20 tokens.
Connect to Binance Smart Chain
Configure your wallet to connect to the Binance Smart Chain network. Detailed guides are available in your wallet settings.
Purchase BNB
You'll need BNB (Binance Coin) to cover transaction fees. Buy BNB from a reputable exchange and transfer it to your wallet.
Access PancakeSwap
Visit the official PancakeSwap website and connect your wallet by clicking on the 'Connect Wallet' button.
Start Trading
Once connected, you can begin swapping BEP-20 tokens. Choose the tokens you wish to trade and confirm your transactions.
Benefits of PancakeSwap
Lower Fees: Operating on Binance Smart Chain, the fees are more affordable than Ethereum-based exchanges.
Fast Transactions: Experience quick transaction speeds due to the efficiency of BSC.
Yield Farming: Earn rewards by providing liquidity or participating in various farming pools.
PancakeSwap offers a user-friendly approach to trading cryptocurrencies, engaging users with its gamified elements like lotteries and collectibles. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced trader, PancakeSwap provides an efficient and exciting way to dive into the world of decentralized finance. Always ensure to perform your due diligence before engaging in trading activities.
For more detailed guides and support, visit the .
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Discover Stargate Finance: Your Gateway to DeFi
In the rapidly evolving world of decentralized finance (DeFi), Stargate Finance stands out as a reliable platform for decentralized transactions and yield optimization. Let’s explore how Stargate Finance can enhance your financial strategies.
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Why Choose Stargate Finance?
Stargate Finance offers a comprehensive suite of tools designed to facilitate seamless and secure transactions. Here's why you should consider integrating Stargate Finance into your DeFi experience:
Seamless Cross-Chain Transactions: Facilitate instant and smooth transactions across multiple blockchain networks without the hassle of traditional exchanges.
High-Performance Liquidity Pools: Access a wide range of liquidity pools to optimize your yield farming strategies and maximize returns.
Secure Protocols: Enjoy peace of mind with top-tier security measures designed to protect your assets and data.
Features that Enhance Your DeFi Experience
Stargate Finance uniquely positions itself by offering features that cater to both novice and veteran DeFi users:
Intuitive User Interface: Navigate effortlessly through the platform with a user-friendly interface that simplifies complex DeFi operations.
24/7 Customer Support: Get assistance anytime with a dedicated support team available to resolve queries and help optimize your DeFi strategies.
Comprehensive Analytics: Leverage data-driven insights to make informed decisions, tailor your yield farming, and monitor performance.
Getting Started with Stargate Finance
Ready to dive into the world of DeFi with Stargate Finance? Here's a quick guide to get you started:
Visit the and create your account.
Connect your crypto wallet to begin accessing the features.
Explore liquidity pools and start yield farming to optimize your returns.
With these resources, you can securely and efficiently manage your decentralized financial strategies.
Stargate Finance empowers you to confidently participate in the DeFi landscape, offering secure, efficient, and user-friendly solutions for the modern investor. Discover what it means to have a true gateway to financial freedom and innovation with Stargate Finance.
For more information and to get started today, .
Understanding Stargate Finance Token
The Stargate Finance Token is an integral part of the blockchain ecosystem, especially for those involved in decentralized finance (DeFi). As a bridge to seamless blockchain transactions, it plays a crucial role in enhancing interoperability across different networks.
Key Features of Stargate Finance Token
Stargate Finance Token stands out in the DeFi space for several reasons. Here are its key features:
Interoperability: Facilitates cross-blockchain transactions with ease.
Scalability: Designed to handle a large volume of transactions.
Security: Incorporates advanced security protocols for secure transfers.
Liquidity Pools: Offers attractive opportunities for liquidity providers.
Benefits of Using Stargate Finance Token
Using the Stargate Finance Token provides several benefits to investors and users:
Cost Efficiency: Reduces transaction fees compared to traditional methods.
Speed: Transfers are quick, minimizing waiting times.
Investment Potential: Opportunity for profitable returns through staking and liquidity.
Innovation: Continuously updates to incorporate the latest in blockchain technology.
How to Get Started with Stargate Finance Token
Getting started with Stargate Finance Token is straightforward:
Visit a reputable that lists Stargate tokens.
Create an account and complete any necessary verification.
Deposit funds into your account via fiat or cryptocurrency transfer.
Purchase Stargate Finance Tokens from the exchange market.
Consider joining liquidity pools or staking to maximize your returns.
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OscarMolla – 13/01/2025
Base Bridge: Your Gateway to Seamless Asset Transfer
As the digital landscape expands, transferring assets across different blockchain networks has become increasingly important. Base Bridge offers a robust solution for managing digital assets efficiently and securely.
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What is Base Bridge?
Base Bridge is a cutting-edge platform designed to facilitate the seamless transfer of assets between different blockchain networks. By providing a bridge across these networks, users can enjoy enhanced connectivity and flexibility.
Key Features of Base Bridge
Interoperability: Connects multiple blockchain networks for seamless asset transfers.
Security: Ensures secure transactions with state-of-the-art encryption.
Speed: Fast transactions ensure access to funds without delays.
Benefits of Using Base Bridge
Whether you're a developer, investor, or enthusiast, Base Bridge offers numerous benefits including:
Reduced Costs: Minimize fees associated with cross-chain transactions.
Broader Access: Gain access to a wider array of assets and networks.
User-Friendly Experience: Intuitive interface that caters to both novice and advanced users.
How to Get Started with Base Bridge
Embarking on your Base Bridge journey is straightforward:
Sign up on the .
Connect your digital wallet.
Choose the networks and assets you wish to transfer.
Execute transactions quickly and securely.
Base Bridge stands as a pillar in the future of digital asset management, paving the way for a more interconnected blockchain ecosystem. By leveraging Base Bridge, users can confidently navigate the complexities of digital asset exchanges.
Visit today to explore the full potential of your digital assets.
JoshuaOvave – 13/01/2025
Phantom Wallet
Phantom Wallet offers secure storage for your crypto assets with a user-friendly interface. Get started and protect your investments today.
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Why Choose Phantom Wallet for Your Cryptocurrency?
In the ever-evolving world of cryptocurrency, securing your digital assets is paramount. With numerous wallets available, choosing the right one can be daunting. Here's why Phantom Wallet stands out:
User-Friendly Interface
Phantom Wallet is designed for both beginners and experienced traders. Its intuitive layout ensures easy navigation, making it simple to manage your digital assets efficiently.
Comprehensive Security Features
Your safety is a priority. Phantom Wallet employs state-of-the-art encryption and security protocols to protect your cryptocurrencies from unauthorized access.
Multi-Platform Accessibility
Access your wallet from multiple devices with ease. Phantom supports various operating systems, offering flexibility and convenience for all users.
Real-time Updates
Stay informed with instant notifications about your transactions and wallet activities. You can monitor your assets and market trends effortlessly.
Setting Up Phantom Wallet
Download the Phantom Wallet from the official website.
Create a secure password and back up your recovery phrase.
Start managing your cryptocurrencies seamlessly.
Advantages of Phantom Wallet
Fast Transactions: Experience lightning-fast transaction speeds, ensuring your trades are completed in seconds.
Low Fees: Benefit from competitive transaction fees, maximizing your returns.
Comprehensive Support: Access 24/7 customer support to assist you with any inquiries or issues.
Embrace the future of digital finance with . Secure, user-friendly, and reliable—it’s the smart choice for anyone serious about managing their cryptocurrency securely and effectively.
Peterpaymn – 13/01/2025
Understanding the Aave Protocol
The Aave Protocol is revolutionizing the decentralized finance (DeFi) space with its unique approach to crypto lending and borrowing. Whether you're a seasoned investor or new to the world of cryptocurrencies, Aave offers a robust platform for managing your digital assets.
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What is Aave?
Aave, which means 'ghost' in Finnish, is a non-custodial liquidity protocol. It allows users to earn interest on deposits and borrow assets. Aave is known for its wide range of supported cryptocurrencies and features that enhance the security and flexibility of crypto transactions.
Key Features of Aave Protocol
Flash Loans: Aave introduced the concept of flash loans, which are borrowed and repaid within a single transaction. This feature is useful for arbitrage opportunities and collateral swaps.
Security: Aave is audited by leading blockchain security firms, ensuring the safety of user funds.
Rate Switching: Users can switch between stable and variable interest rates, offering flexibility based on market conditions.
Wide Asset Support: Aave supports multiple cryptocurrencies including Ethereum (ETH), DAI, and more.
How to Get Started with Aave
Getting started with Aave is straightforward:
Set Up a Wallet: Use a compatible crypto wallet like MetaMask.
Connect to Aave: Visit the Aave website and connect your wallet.
Deposit Crypto: Choose from supported cryptocurrencies to deposit into the Aave Protocol.
Start Earning or Borrowing: Once your crypto is deposited, you can start earning interest or borrowing assets instantly.
Advantages of Using Aave
There are several reasons why Aave stands out in the world of DeFi:
Non-Custodial: Users maintain control over their funds.
Highly Secure: Regular audits and community governance enhance security.
Innovative Products: Pioneering features like flash loans provide unparalleled opportunities.
In conclusion, the Aave Protocol offers a revolutionary platform for anyone looking to explore the potential of decentralized finance. Whether you're earning interest or borrowing assets, Aave provides a secure and flexible experience.
GustavoSef – 13/01/2025
LOS ANGELES, Jan 12 (Reuters) - Firefighters were slowly
kraken5af44k24fwzohe6fvqfgxfsee4lgydb3ayzkfhlzqhuwlo33ad.onion making progress in their battle to contain the inferno that has razed swathes of Los Angeles' Pacific Palisades neighborhood to the ground, but still-spreading flames threatened communities in the populous San Fernando Valley on Sunday.
Aircraft dropped water and fire retardant on steep hills to stem the eastward spread of the Palisades Fire and KTLA television reported that ground crews had managed to save a number of houses, although others were lost.
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MichaelKania – 13/01/2025
Maximizing Profits with 1inch Exchange
In the fast-paced world of cryptocurrency, every second counts. 1inch Exchange offers a powerful solution for traders looking to optimize their crypto transactions. By aggregating the best deals across various decentralized exchanges (DEXs), 1inch ensures users get the most value for their trades.
1inch exchange
What is 1inch Exchange?
1inch Exchange is a decentralized exchange aggregator. It searches multiple DEXs to find the most efficient path for your trade, thus minimizing costs and maximizing returns. By splitting your transaction into parts and executing them across different platforms, 1inch achieves the best possible market rates.
Key Benefits of Using 1inch Exchange
Cost Efficiency: By seeking the best rates across multiple platforms, 1inch saves you money on each transaction.
Security: Operating on a decentralized network means that your assets are secure and you maintain control of your keys.
Liquidity: Access a vast pool of liquidity across numerous exchanges, ensuring that your trades are executed quickly and with minimal slippage.
How Does 1inch Work?
1inch deploys a sophisticated algorithm that splits your trade across multiple exchanges. This process uses smart contracts to ensure every part of the transaction is executed seamlessly and securely. 1inch’s pathfinder algorithm analyzes multiple liquidity sources within seconds to find the best exchange rates for your trade.
Getting Started with 1inch
Getting started with 1inch Exchange is easy. Follow these simple steps:
Visit the 1inch website and connect your digital wallet.
Select the token you wish to trade and the token you want to receive.
1inch displays the best available rates and allows you to execute the trade directly from the platform.
1inch Exchange is an invaluable tool for cryptocurrency traders looking to enhance their trading efficiency. By securing the best rates and offering robust security measures, 1inch stands out as a top choice for optimizing crypto swaps. Explore 1inch today and take your trading to the next level.
Williamnut – 13/01/2025
Aerodrome Finance: Unlocking Potential for Growth
The world of aerodrome finance is pivotal for ensuring the efficient operation, enhancement, and expansion of aerodrome facilities globally. With the increasing demand for air travel, understanding aerodrome financial processes is more important than ever.
Aerodrome fi
Why Aerodrome Finance Matters
Aerodrome finance plays a critical role in the lifespan of airport projects, providing necessary funding from initial development to ongoing management. Here are key reasons why it matters:
Infrastructure Development: Secure financial backing enables the construction and maintenance of essential airport infrastructure.
Operational Efficiency: Adequate funding ensures that airports can operate smoothly, adapting to technological advancements and logistical demands.
Economic Growth: Airports serve as economic hubs; their development stimulates job creation and boosts local economies.
Aerodrome Finance Strategies
Various strategies can be employed to optimize aerodrome finance, ensuring both immediate and long-term benefits. Here are a few notable approaches:
Public-Private Partnerships (PPP)
These partnerships combine public sector oversight and private sector efficiency, leading to shared risks and rewards. They facilitate diverse financial resources and innovative solutions for airport projects.
Revenue Diversification
Exploring non-aeronautical revenue streams, such as retail concessions and property leases, can significantly bolster an airport's financial resilience. Such diversification allows for a steady income flow independent of ticket sales.
Sustainable Financing
Adopting sustainable financial practices, including green bonds and ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) criteria, aligns with modern ecological standards and attracts environmentally conscious investors.
Challenges and Opportunities
While aerodrome finance offers numerous benefits, it also poses certain challenges. High capital costs, regulatory hurdles, and fluctuating passenger demands can impact financial stability. However, these challenges also present opportunities for innovation and improvement.
Tech-Driven Solutions: Embracing technology like AI and predictive analytics can enhance decision-making and financial planning.
Collaboration: Strengthening ties with stakeholders, including airlines and government agencies, can streamline financial operations and capital investments.
Ultimately, the goal of aerodrome finance is to support the sustainable growth and modernization of airports, ensuring their pivotal role in global connectivity remains strong.
SamuelIrres – 13/01/2025
Price gouging laws are being ignored by landlords, says estate agent
published at 14:39
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Jason Oppenheim shot from shoulders up, smiling and looking to right
Image source,Getty Images
Let's bring you a bit more about reports of price gouging by landlords in Los Angeles, which we reported on earlier.
Speaking a little earlier on BBC's Sunday with Laura Kuenssberg programme, Jason Oppenheim, a real estate agent in Los Angeles, says some landlords are breaking the law by raising rents more than 10% high than pre-disaster prices.
"We're having landlords taking advantage of the situation," says Oppenheim, who stars in the reality show Selling Sunset about LA's luxury real estate market.
"There are thousands of people who are displaced...the hotels are overwhelmed," he says.
Oppenheim says he sent a client to a rental property which was listed for $13,000 (?11,000) a month. "(My client) offered $20,000 (?16,400) a month and he offered to pay six months upfront and the landlord said 'no, I want $23,000 (?19,000) a month'," he says.
"There are price gouging laws in California, they are just being ignored right now...it's illegal to take advantage of a natural disaster."
GregoryGeS – 13/01/2025
An executive order designed to speed up the rebuilding of lost homes in LA has been put in place by California Governor Gavin Newsom.
The order suspends Ceqa review and the California Coastal Act, which work to minimise the environmental impact of proposed building projects, as well as suspending some permits in order to make rebuilding quicker and more affordable.
There are also protections against price gouging on services related to the fires such as building materials and storage services.
He says "one thing I won't give in to is delay. Delay is denial for people."
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"The executive order I signed today will help cut permitting delays, an important first step in allowing our communities to recover faster and stronger."
Jamesteemi – 13/01/2025
WASHINGTON, Jan 10 (Reuters) - The International Monetary Fund will forecast steady global growth and continuing disinflation when it releases an updated World Economic Outlook on Jan. 17, IMF Managing Director Kristalina Georgieva told reporters on Friday.
Georgieva said the U.S. economy was doing "quite a bit better" than expected, although there was high uncertainty around the trade policies of the administration of President-elect Donald Trump that was adding to headwinds facing the global economy and driving long-term interest rates higher.
DannyWap – 12/01/2025
How Nigeria’s biggest city became the world’s hottest winter party destination
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It’s a world of endless parties and sleepless nights. A relentless celebration that turns West Africa – and especially Nigeria’s largest city, Lagos – into one of the hottest destinations on the continent, if not the planet, right in the middle of winter.
Detty December is a magical time between December and early January when diaspora communities and tourists flock to Ghana, Nigeria and South Africa for an unforgettable experience filled with flavourful food, soulful African music and sunshine.
Beach parties, festivals and top-tier performances fuel the energy, while fashion takes center stage, with everyone dressing to impress.
Nearly two-thirds of Nigeria’s population is under 25, according to the United Nations Population Fund, making this one of the world’s youngest countries.
Internationally renowned Afrobeats performers and foreign artists make surprise appearances. DJs take to the streets, blasting powerful beats from consoles mounted atop bright yellow minibuses.
At times it’s all-consuming. Good luck getting hair salon appointments, affordable air tickets or navigating Lagos’ already notorious traffic when the party crowds are in town.
Detty December (“detty” is a playful corruption of “dirty”) is a triumphant celebration of culture, music and good vibes that has evolved in recent years during the traditional holidays influx of diaspora returnees, which heightened in 2018 when Ghana ran a launched a successful “Year of Return” campaign actively encouraging people to visit their ancestral homelands.
It’s gathered pace over the past five years, gaining an international reputation, as IJGBs (“I Just Got Backs”) and their friends arrive in batches, eager to unwind and blow off steam after the fast-paced, hard-working year they’ve had overseas.
For many in the vast Nigerian diaspora, it is a deeply personal homecoming, a chance to reconnect with their heritage, traditions and families while immersing themselves in the lively energy of Nigerian life.
BrianErori – 12/01/2025
Welcome to Swell Network: Your Gateway to Decentralized Finance
The world of cryptocurrency is rapidly evolving, with new platforms emerging to offer innovative financial solutions. Swell Network stands out as a pioneering force in decentralized finance (DeFi), providing users with unique opportunities to engage with the financial future.
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What is Swell Network?
Swell Network is a blockchain-powered platform that aims to disrupt traditional financial systems. It offers a wide range of DeFi services designed to enhance user autonomy and financial inclusivity. By leveraging blockchain technology, Swell Network ensures secure, transparent, and efficient financial transactions.
Key Features of Swell Network
Decentralization: Operates on a decentralized framework, reducing reliance on traditional financial institutions.
Security: Utilizes cutting-edge security protocols to protect user assets and data.
Transparency: All transactions are recorded on the blockchain, ensuring complete visibility and traceability.
Accessibility: Open to anyone with internet access, promoting global financial inclusivity.
Benefits of Using Swell Network
Adopting Swell Network for your financial activities comes with several benefits:
Reduced Fees: Experience lower transaction fees compared to conventional banking systems.
Greater Control: Manage your funds in real-time without intermediaries.
Innovative Opportunities: Participate in a variety of financial ventures such as liquidity pools and yield farming.
Getting Started with Swell Network
If you're ready to join the DeFi revolution, getting started with Swell Network is straightforward. First, create your account on the platform, then explore different financial instruments that meet your needs. Swell Network offers comprehensive support and resources to guide new users through the onboarding process.
Stay Informed
In the ever-evolving crypto landscape, staying informed is crucial. Swell Network regularly updates its community with the latest developments and feature releases. Follow their official communication channels such as blogs, newsletters, and social media to stay up-to-date.
Embrace the future of finance today with Swell Network and explore the endless possibilities of decentralized finance. to learn more and start your journey.
DeweyIname – 12/01/2025
Renzo Protocol: Secure Blockchain Innovation
Discover the Renzo Protocol: Revolutionizing Blockchain
The Renzo Protocol represents a significant advancement in the blockchain technology landscape. It offers a secure and efficient platform for decentralized applications, setting a new standard in the industry.
renzo protocol
Key Features of the Renzo Protocol
The Renzo Protocol is designed to enhance the functionality and security of blockchain applications. Here are some of its key features:
High Security: Utilizing advanced encryption methods to protect user data and transactions.
Scalability: Capable of handling a large number of transactions per second, making it ideal for various applications.
Decentralization: Ensures that no central authority controls the network, maintaining the core principles of blockchain.
Interoperability: Seamlessly connects with other blockchain networks and systems.
Benefits for Developers and Businesses
The Renzo Protocol offers numerous benefits for both developers and businesses looking to leverage blockchain technology:
Reduced Costs: By automating processes and cutting out intermediaries, businesses can significantly reduce operational costs.
Improved Transparency: Every transaction is recorded on the blockchain, providing an immutable and transparent ledger.
Enhanced Trust: The secure nature of the protocol builds trust among users and stakeholders.
Development Support: Provides extensive documentation and tools to help developers create robust applications.
Getting Started with the Renzo Protocol
To start utilizing the Renzo Protocol, follow these simple steps:
Visit the Renzo Protocol website and create an account.
Access the API documentation and development tools.
Join the Renzo community to connect with other developers and experts.
Start building and deploying your decentralized applications.
The Renzo Protocol is not only a beacon of security and efficiency in the blockchain space but also a catalyst for innovation. Whether you are a developer, a business leader, or simply interested in cutting-edge technology, the Renzo Protocol offers the tools and community support needed to drive your projects to success. Embrace the future with the Renzo Protocol and harness the full potential of blockchain technology.
Renzo Protocol Restaking Guide
Renzo Protocol Restaking: A Comprehensive Guide
Renzo Protocol has revolutionized the method through which investors can maximize their crypto assets, particularly through the innovative concept of restaking. This guide will explore the benefits, processes, and strategies of restaking within the Renzo Protocol ecosystem, helping you make the most out of your investments.
Miltonprani – 12/01/2025
Understanding Venus Protocol: Your Gateway to DeFi
Venus Protocol has carved a niche in the fast-paced DeFi landscape by offering a one-stop solution for decentralized finance activities. Whether you're interested in lending, borrowing, or yield farming, Venus provides secure and scalable services on the blockchain.
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Why Choose Venus Protocol?
The Venus Protocol stands out because:
It operates on the Binance Smart Chain, ensuring fast and cost-effective transactions.
It offers a decentralized lending platform that allows users to earn interest by supplying assets.
The protocol enables borrowing against crypto collateral without the need for a trusted counterparty.
It supports a wide range of crypto assets, providing higher liquidity and flexibility.
Key Features of Venus Protocol
Lending and Borrowing
Venus Protocol facilitates decentralized lending and borrowing with minimal fees, supported by a robust risk management framework. Users can seamlessly supply assets to the protocol and earn interest, or borrow by simply collateralizing their holdings.
Automated Yield Farming
Maximize your returns with Venus Protocol's yield farming opportunities. By leveraging your assets, you can participate in governance and earn rewards in the form of XVS, Venus Protocol's native token.
Multi-Asset Support
The platform supports numerous cryptocurrencies, enabling diverse investment strategies and providing a convenient way to gain returns on multiple asset classes.
Getting Started with Venus Protocol
Start your DeFi journey with Venus Protocol by following these steps:
Create a Wallet: Use a compatible wallet like Metamask or Trust Wallet to interface with Venus.
Fund Your Wallet: Transfer crypto assets to your wallet to engage with the Venus Protocol.
Connect and Start Earning: Connect your wallet to the Venus platform and start supplying or borrowing assets.
Venus Protocol is your trusted partner in the decentralized financial ecosystem. With its advanced features and strong community support, it simplifies DeFi for everyone from beginners to seasoned users. Embrace the future of finance with confidence and start exploring the possibilities at .
RickyAnNom – 12/01/2025
Getting Started with Quickswap
Quickswap is revolutionizing the way we trade cryptocurrencies by offering a decentralized platform for seamless crypto trading. As a user-friendly decentralized exchange (DEX), Quickswap allows users to swap tokens effortlessly without the need for intermediaries. Here's a detailed guide to getting started with Quickswap.
What is Quickswap?
Quickswap is a layer-2 decentralized exchange built on the Polygon network, which is known for its high-speed and low-cost transactions. This platform provides an efficient and secure way to trade a wide range of cryptocurrencies without enduring hefty fees typical of Ethereum-based DEXes.
Why Use Quickswap?
Low Fees: Thanks to the Polygon network, trading on Quickswap is significantly cheaper than on Ethereum-based platforms.
High Speed: Experience fast transaction speeds that enhance user experience and trading efficiency.
User-Friendly Interface: Quickswap's interface is designed to be intuitive, even for beginners, making it easy to trade cryptocurrencies.
How to Use Quickswap
Set Up a Crypto Wallet: You'll need a compatible wallet like MetaMask or Trust Wallet. Ensure it's connected to the Polygon network.
Fund Your Wallet: Purchase or transfer tokens into your wallet for trading.
Visit Quickswap Platform: Navigate to the Quickswap website and connect your wallet. This step is essential to access all features of the platform.
Start Trading: Select the tokens you want to swap. With its simple interface, you can execute trades in just a few clicks.
Tips for Effective Trading on Quickswap
To make the most out of your trading experience on Quickswap, consider these tips:
Keep an eye on the market trends and choose the right time for your trades.
Understand the token pairs and their liquidity status to avoid high slippage.
Regularly update your wallet and security settings to protect your assets.
Quickswap offers a robust platform for trading a wide range of cryptocurrencies efficiently. By leveraging the benefits of the Polygon network, it minimizes delays and costs associated with traditional crypto trading. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned trader, Quickswap empowers you to navigate the DeFi space with ease and confidence.
Stevenwet – 12/01/2025
Welcome to Orbiter: Your Gateway to Financial Innovation
In the ever-evolving landscape of finance, Orbiter stands out as a pioneering platform dedicated to providing cutting-edge solutions for modern investors. As we navigate the future of digital assets and decentralized finance, Orbiter remains at the forefront, committed to innovation and accessibility.
orbiter finance
Why Choose Orbiter?
Orbiter offers unique advantages that set it apart in the financial world:
Decentralized Solutions: Benefit from a trustless environment where transactions are secure and transparent.
Innovative Technologies: Leverage groundbreaking technologies, designed to maximize efficiency and utility.
Community Driven: Engage with a global community that supports and uplifts each other in the financial journey.
Key Features of Orbiter
Orbiter’s platform is rich with features tailored to both new and experienced investors.
1. Smart Investments
Utilize intelligent tools that enable you to optimize your investment strategies. Orbiter's algorithms are crafted to pinpoint opportunities in both volatile and stable markets.
2. Secure Transactions
Enjoy peace of mind with Orbiter’s advanced security measures. Our platform ensures that each transaction is protected through top-tier encryption and blockchain technology.
3. User-Friendly Interface
Navigate with ease! Our user-friendly design ensures accessibility for everyone, from beginners to seasoned traders.
Join the Orbiter Community
By joining Orbiter, you're becoming part of a larger movement towards decentralized and democratized finance. Share insights, learn from peers, and grow your financial acumen in the company of like-minded individuals.
Ready to explore the future of finance? Let Orbiter guide your journey towards smarter, more secure, and lucrative investments. Join us today and revolutionize how you approach financial management.
Briancah – 12/01/2025
Unlock Your Financial Potential with Puffer Finance
In an ever-evolving economic landscape, finding the right financial partner is essential for achieving your investment goals. Puffer Finance stands out as a beacon of innovation and stability, offering a plethora of opportunities to enhance your wealth.
puffer fi
Why Choose Puffer Finance?
Choosing the right financial institution is pivotal in ensuring the security and growth of your investments. Here are compelling reasons to partner with Puffer Finance:
Innovative Financial Solutions: Puffer Finance provides cutting-edge options tailored to meet diverse investment needs.
Expert Guidance: Harness the wisdom of experienced finance professionals dedicated to optimizing your portfolio.
Robust Security Measures: Your investments are well-protected, ensuring peace of mind amidst market fluctuations.
Services Offered by Puffer Finance
Puffer Finance prides itself on offering a wide range of services, each designed to cater to specific client needs and financial ambitions. These include:
1. Investment Management
Our thorough investment management services provide strategic planning and execution to enhance your portfolio's performance.
2. Personal Financial Planning
Whether you are saving for retirement or planning a major purchase, our personal financial planning services are tailored to help you achieve your ambitions.
3. Wealth Preservation Strategies
We offer strategies that not only aim to grow your wealth but also safeguard it against potential risks.
Getting Started with Puffer Finance
Embarking on your financial journey with Puffer Finance is a seamless process. Simply to explore how we can help tailor financial strategies to your individual needs. With Puffer Finance, you are not just investing your money; you are investing in a future laden with possibilities.
Testimonials from Satisfied Clients
Puffer Finance has been a trusted partner for many satisfied clients:
"Thanks to Puffer Finance, I have not only grown my wealth but gained confidence in my financial future." - Alex T.
"The tailored advice and financial strategies have truly transformed my investment approach." - Samantha L.
In conclusion, if your goal is to enhance and secure your financial estate, Puffer Finance provides the tools and expertise to guide you through a prosperous journey.
Jesuswrita – 12/01/2025
What is Lido Finance?
Lido Finance is a decentralized finance (DeFi) platform that provides simple and efficient solutions for crypto staking. It allows users to stake their digital assets without locking them up, thus maintaining liquidity and flexibility.
lido finance
Why Choose Lido Finance?
Lido Finance provides several benefits to its users:
Liquidity: Unlike traditional staking, Lido issues liquid tokens that can be traded or used within other DeFi applications.
Flexibility: Avoid the rigid locking periods that come with typical staking protocols.
Security: Leverages the security and decentralization inherent in blockchain technology, ensuring your assets are safe.
How Does It Work?
Users can stake their assets via Lido's platform, which then delegates these assets across a set of trusted validators. In return, users receive staked tokens which represent their staked assets and accrue rewards over time.
Getting Started with Lido Finance
Follow these steps to begin staking:
Visit the Lido Finance website and connect your crypto wallet.
Select the asset you wish to stake, for instance, ETH.
Enter the amount and execute the transaction.
Receive staked tokens that represent your staked amount.
Join the Decentralized Finance Revolution
With Lido Finance, enjoy the benefits of staking without compromising on liquidity and flexibility. Start today and keep your crypto assets working round the clock.
Victordek – 12/01/2025
Welcome to Extra Finance
At Extra Finance, we believe in empowering individuals and businesses with the tools they need to manage their finances more effectively. Whether you are looking to save smarter, invest wisely, or simply manage your expenses better, Extra Finance offers a range of solutions to help you achieve your goals.
extra fi
Why Choose Extra Finance?
Extra Finance stands out for its commitment to customer satisfaction and cutting-edge financial tools. Here are a few reasons why you should consider us:
Comprehensive Financial Solutions: From personal savings plans to business investment opportunities, we cover a wide spectrum of financial needs.
User-Friendly Platform: Navigate through your financial options with ease thanks to our intuitive and straightforward interface.
Expert Guidance: Our team of experienced financial advisors is always ready to assist you in making the best financial decisions.
Services Offered by Extra Finance
Extra Finance is committed to providing a diverse range of services that cater to different financial needs:
Personal Finance Management: Tools and advice to help individuals manage their personal finances, set budgets, and save for the future.
Investment Solutions: Personalized investment portfolios to help you grow your wealth according to your financial objectives.
Loan Products: Flexible and competitive loans tailored to meet your needs.
Retirement Planning: Strategic planning services to ensure your retirement is financially secure and comfortable.
Getting Started with Extra Finance
To join Extra Finance, simply create an account on our platform and begin exploring the numerous financial opportunities available to you. With just a few clicks, you can take control of your financial future.
Remember, financial success is not just about making the right decisions today but about planning for tomorrow. Let Extra Finance be your partner on this journey to financial freedom!
Robertnow – 12/01/2025
Unveiling the Potential of Kelp DAO
In today's rapidly evolving digital economy, Kelp DAO emerges as a transformative force in the field of decentralized finance (DeFi). By leveraging blockchain technology, Kelp DAO aims to improve governance and promote sustainability.
What is Kelp DAO?
Kelp DAO is a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) designed to democratize decision-making processes on the blockchain. It serves as a pivotal tool for communities seeking enhanced and a focus on eco-friendly initiatives.
Why Choose Kelp DAO?
Here are several compelling reasons to consider Kelp DAO for your blockchain ventures:
Environmental Sustainability: Kelp DAO incorporates mechanisms that align with environmental conservation goals, making it an eco-conscious choice.
Decentralized Governance: With a robust framework for community-driven governance, participants can actively influence project directions.
Innovation in DeFi: By fostering an environment of innovation, Kelp DAO contributes to the evolving landscape of decentralized finance.
How Does Kelp DAO Work?
Kelp DAO operates through a token-based voting system, where community members hold the power to vote on proposals and influence project decisions. The DAO's infrastructure ensures transparency and inclusivity, empowering stakeholders.
Getting Involved with Kelp DAO
Joining Kelp DAO is a straightforward process. Interested parties can engage by acquiring Kelp tokens, participating in community discussions, and voting on platform proposals. This involvement not only offers strategic governance participation but also contributes to the broader aim of sustainable development in the digital realm.
The Future of Kelp DAO
The ultimate vision for Kelp DAO is a fully decentralized platform where members collaboratively address global challenges while advancing decentralized financial mechanisms. As the community grows, so does its capacity to influence .
Join Kelp DAO today and become part of a pioneering movement towards a sustainable and decentralized financial future.
Raymondjob – 12/01/2025
Pendle Finance: Unlocking New Opportunities in DeFi
As the world of decentralized finance (DeFi) continues to evolve, Pendle Finance is at the forefront, offering innovative solutions for yield and trading. This platform has quickly become a go-to resource for individuals looking to maximize their crypto investments.
pendle fi
What is Pendle Finance?
Pendle Finance is a DeFi protocol designed to provide enhanced yield management opportunities by leveraging tokenization of future yield. It allows users to trade tokenized yield, offering flexibility and potential for optimized earnings.
Key Features
Yield Tokenization: Convert future yield into tradable assets, enhancing liquidity.
Yield Trading: Enter and exit yield positions at strategic times to capitalize on market conditions.
Multi-Chain Support: Access a wide range of DeFi ecosystems through cross-chain functionality.
Benefits of Using Pendle Finance
Pendle Finance provides numerous benefits to its users, making it a compelling choice for DeFi enthusiasts and investors:
Diversified Investment Options: By tokenizing future yields, Pendle offers a variety of strategies to enhance your investment portfolio.
Market Flexibility: Trade yield tokens freely, allowing for strategic entry and exit points.
Enhanced Liquidity: Tokenization increases the liquidity of yields, offering more opportunities for dynamic financial strategies.
How to Get Started with Pendle
Embarking on your Pendle Finance journey is straightforward. Follow these steps to unlock the potential of yield trading:
Create an Account: Set up a user account on the Pendle Finance platform.
Link Your Wallet: Connect your cryptocurrency wallet to seamlessly manage transactions.
Start Trading: Explore the available yield tokens and start trading to optimize your returns.
In a rapidly changing financial landscape, Pendle Finance stands out by offering innovative solutions aimed at enhancing investment opportunities. Whether you are a seasoned DeFi user or a newcomer, Pendle provides tools and resources to empower your financial growth. Join the community and start unlocking the potential of your investments today!
Ronaldfed – 12/01/2025
Understanding Etherscan: Your Gateway to Ethereum
Etherscan is a powerful Ethereum block explorer and analytics platform. It enables users to view transactions, check cryptocurrency balances, and track the status of smart contracts on the public Ethereum blockchain. Whether you're an investor or a developer, Etherscan offers the tools you need to navigate the Ethereum ecosystem efficiently.
What Can You Do on Etherscan?
Track Transactions: Enter a wallet address to see all associated transactions, including timestamp, amount, and status.
Verify Smart Contracts: Check the code and state of any smart contract deployed on Ethereum.
Monitor Gas Fees: Stay updated on current gas prices to optimize transaction costs.
Explore Blockchain Data: Access detailed analytics on network activity and token transfers.
How to Use Etherscan
Using Etherscan is straightforward. Simply and enter the information you wish to explore. Here’s a quick guide:
Search for an Ethereum Address: Input the address in the search bar to view its transaction history.
Check Transaction Status: Enter the transaction hash ID to monitor its progress.
Analyze Tokens: Use the token tracker to see movement and analytics for specific tokens.
Benefits of Using Etherscan
One of the primary benefits of Etherscan is the transparency it brings to the Ethereum blockchain. Here are some reasons why it is beneficial:
Enhanced Security: By allowing you to verify address activity, Etherscan helps identify suspicious transactions.
Data Transparency: Provides access to all transaction data, ensuring open-access information across the network.
Community Support: Etherscan's API enables developers to create advanced applications interacting with Ethereum data.
Stay Updated with Etherscan
For the latest Ethereum news, trends, and updates, staying engaged with Etherscan can be significant. It not only provides transaction data but also offers for developers and enthusiasts alike.
Start utilizing Etherscan today to keep a closer watch on your Ethereum investments and participate actively in the evolving blockchain landscape.
Brucerix – 12/01/2025
Maximize Your Crypto Trading with ParaSwap
If you're looking to enhance your cryptocurrency trading experience, it's time to explore ParaSwap. This innovative platform serves as a decentralized exchange aggregator, giving you the best deals on the market.
What is ParaSwap?
ParaSwap is a cutting-edge platform that aggregates the best prices from various decentralized exchanges. It provides users with the most efficient path to execute their trades by considering factors like price impact and gas fees.
How Does ParaSwap Work?
ParaSwap functions by connecting directly to multiple liquidity sources. It then simplifies the process of trading across different platforms by bringing the best rates to users all in one place. This means that you don't have to hop between multiple exchanges—you can find everything you need through ParaSwap.
Benefits of Using ParaSwap
Competitive Rates: ParaSwap offers some of the best rates by aggregating prices from various platforms.
Efficiency: Trade execution is designed to be quick and reliable.
Transparency: Get clear insights into your trades with detailed transaction information.
Why Choose ParaSwap?
Choosing ParaSwap means straightforward, efficient crypto trading. Whether you're a seasoned trader or new to the crypto space, having a tool like ParaSwap can enhance your trading strategy by ensuring you're always accessing the best available prices.
Getting Started
To start trading with ParaSwap, simply connect your crypto wallet, input the details of your trade, and let ParaSwap find the best route for your transaction. It's that simple!
Maximize your trading potential by leveraging the power of ParaSwap. With its aggregated approach to finding the best prices, efficiency, and transparency, ParaSwap stands out as a leading choice for cryptocurrency traders.
MarionLom – 12/01/2025
Understanding Rhino Technology
Rhino technology represents the forefront of digital finance solutions, offering innovative tools for both consumers and businesses. Designed to streamline processes and enhance user experience, Rhino technology stands out as a pivotal development in the financial world.
rhino finance
Features of Rhino Technology
Scalability: Rhino technology is built to grow with user needs, supporting both small operations and larger enterprises with ease.
Security: Integration of advanced security protocols ensures that transactions and data are protected from unauthorized access.
User-Friendliness: With a focus on intuitive design, Rhino technology offers an interface that is easy for users of all levels to navigate.
Applications of Rhino Technology in Finance
In the financial sector, Rhino technology plays a crucial role in enhancing efficiency and ensuring compliance with industry standards. It empowers users with tools that simplify complex financial operations, making them more accessible and less time-consuming. Beyond financial transactions, Rhino technology aids in data analysis, helping businesses make informed decisions based on real-time analytics.
In conclusion, Rhino technology is a transformative force in the financial industry. Its ability to provide scalable, secure, and user-friendly solutions positions it as a crucial player in digital finance. As industries continue to evolve, relying on such cutting-edge technology ensures that businesses remain competitive, efficient, and secure.
RamiroNuh – 12/01/2025
Understanding Hop Exchange
Hop Exchange is a groundbreaking platform designed to simplify the process of transferring cryptocurrencies across multiple blockchains. This guide will explore its functionality, benefits, and how you can make the most of its features.
hop exchange
What is Hop Exchange?
Hop Exchange is a decentralized protocol that facilitates efficient and cost-effective cross-chain cryptocurrency transfers. It aims to solve the challenges of interoperability between blockchain networks, enabling seamless asset movement without compromising security or incurring high fees.
Features of Hop Exchange
Cross-Chain Compatibility: Easily transfer tokens across different blockchain networks.
Low Transaction Fees: Enjoy minimized expenses compared to traditional bridging solutions.
High-Speed Transfers: Experience rapid transaction confirmations and settlements.
Secure Transactions: Rely on advanced security protocols to protect your assets.
How Does Hop Exchange Work?
Hop Exchange functions by employing liquidity pools and multi-chain bridges. When a user initiates a cross-chain transfer, the protocol uses these pools to swap assets between the source and destination chains, effectively minimizing transaction times and costs.
Benefits of Using Hop Exchange
Seamless Experience: Eliminate the hassle of navigating multiple platforms for asset transfers.
Cost Savings: Reduce overhead costs associated with traditional exchanges and bridging services.
Enhanced Security: Leverage advanced cryptographic techniques to safeguard your transactions.
DeFi Integration: Integrate easily with decentralized finance platforms, broadening your investment opportunities.
Getting Started with Hop Exchange
To start using Hop Exchange, follow these simple steps:
Connect your digital wallet to the Hop Exchange platform.
Select the source and destination networks for your transfer.
Input the amount of cryptocurrency you wish to move and authorize the transaction.
Confirm the transfer and monitor the progress via the platform's dashboard.
With Hop Exchange, you can easily navigate the complex landscape of cryptocurrency with a tool that emphasizes efficiency, affordability, and security. Whether you are an individual investor or a business, Hop Exchange offers the flexibility needed to keep pace with the rapidly evolving blockchain ecosystem.
JasonBed – 12/01/2025
Welcome to dYdX: The Future of Decentralized Trading
dYdX is a leading decentralized exchange (DEX) platform designed specifically for perpetual trading. Powered by a unique layer 2 solution, it offers zero gas fees and high-speed transactions, ideal for traders looking to maximize efficiency and minimize costs.
Why Choose dYdX?
Fully Decentralized: Enjoy complete control over your funds and trades with no third-party intervention.
No Gas Fees: Thanks to our layer 2 integration, trade without worrying about expensive gas fees.
Advanced Features: Utilize advanced trading features like cross-margining and isolated margin accounts to optimize your strategies.
Getting Started with dYdX
To start trading on dYdX, simply connect your wallet and begin trading a wide range of perpetual contracts. Our ensures that both novice and experienced traders can navigate and execute trades with ease.
Trade Perpetual Contracts with Confidence
Perpetual contracts are a powerful trading tool that allows you to speculate on the future price movements of a variety of cryptocurrencies without owning the underlying asset. With dYdX, you can:
Leverage Up to 20x: Enhance your trading potential with leverage options tailored to your risk tolerance.
Variety of Pairs: Trade a diverse selection of cryptocurrency pairs across multiple markets.
Security at dYdX
Your security is paramount at dYdX. Our platform employs state-of-the-art security measures to protect your assets and data, ensuring peace of mind with every trade you make.
Join the dYdX Community
Join a global community of traders who are revolutionizing the way decentralized finance operates. Stay updated and connected through our social media channels and community forums.
Note: Always conduct thorough research and consider your risk tolerance before engaging in cryptocurrency transactions.
SpencerThugs – 12/01/2025
Welcome to Dexscreener
If you're looking for comprehensive and real-time cryptocurrency market data, look no further than Dexscreener. With a plethora of tools at your disposal, you can analyze, trade, and excel in the ever-evolving world of cryptocurrencies.
Features of Dexscreener
Real-Time Data: Get the latest updates on cryptocurrency prices, market trends, and trading volumes.
Comprehensive Charts: Utilize interactive charts to spot trends and make informed trading decisions.
Customizable Alerts: Set alerts for when your favorite cryptocurrencies hit your chosen price points.
Why Choose Dexscreener?
Dexscreener stands out in the crowded field of cryptocurrency analysis tools for several reasons:
Unmatched Accuracy
Accuracy is king in the world of crypto trading. With Dexscreener, you can trust that you're getting precise data, ensuring that every trading decision is backed by solid information.
User-Friendly Interface
Whether you're a seasoned trader or a newcomer, Dexscreener's intuitive interface makes it easy to navigate and utilize. The platform is designed to provide a seamless user experience.
Community and Support
Join a vibrant community of traders and investors. Dexscreener offers robust customer support to help you at every step of your trading journey. Whether you have a query or need detailed insight, our support team is there to assist.
Getting Started
Start your cryptocurrency trading journey with Dexscreener today. Sign up in a few simple steps and gain access to invaluable trading tools and insights right away.
For more information, visit the Dexscreener website and discover how you can succeed in the cryptocurrency market!
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Daniellieds – 11/01/2025
Welcome to Vertex Protocol: Revolutionizing DeFi Trading
Discover the revolutionary Vertex Protocol, your gateway to the world of decentralized finance (DeFi) trading. As the crypto landscape rapidly evolves, Vertex Protocol stands at the forefront, providing users with unparalleled seamless trading experiences and enhanced liquidity access.
vertex protocol staking
What Makes Vertex Protocol Stand Out?
Vertex Protocol is more than just a trading platform. It is a designed to empower you with:
Intuitive User Interface: Navigate the complex world of crypto with ease and efficiency.
Advanced Security: Enjoy peace of mind with industry-leading security protocols and safeguarding of your assets.
High Liquidity: Access deep liquidity pools to execute large trades with minimal slippage.
Diverse Asset Options: Explore a wide array of cryptocurrencies and tokens.
Unlock Potential with Vertex's Features
Leverage the full potential of Vertex Protocol with these standout features:
Decentralized: Trustless and Secure
Trading on Vertex ensures transparency and autonomy, free from third-party control, making it a trustless and secure choice for crypto enthusiasts.
Efficient Trading Engine
Benefit from fast, efficient trade execution supported by state-of-the-art technology that maximizes your trading efficiency.
Community Governance
Be a part of a community-driven , allowing you to have a say in the protocol’s future developments.
Getting Started with Vertex Protocol
Embarking on your DeFi journey with Vertex is straightforward. To get started:
Sign up and create your account.
Securely connect your wallet.
Begin trading and explore diverse assets and liquidity options.
Whether you are a seasoned trader or new to the crypto scene, Vertex Protocol offers the tools and resources you need to succeed.
Join the Vertex Community
Participate in webinars, discussions, and forums to stay informed and connected. The vibrant awaits, offering support and insights to enhance your trading journey.
In conclusion, Vertex Protocol is your ideal partner in navigating the dynamic world of decentralized finance. Start today and experience the future of trading.
Jameskap – 11/01/2025
Ethena Fi - Your platform for decentralized financial services
Invest, exchange, and manage your assets with confidence on Ethena Fi
Discover the power of decentralized finance with Ethena Fi. As the world moves towards decentralized financial solutions, Ethena Fi offers you a platform to explore the limitless possibilities of cryptocurrency investments, exchanges, and asset management.
At Ethena Fi, we believe in empowering individuals to take control of their financial future. Whether you're an experienced investor or new to the world of cryptocurrencies, our user-friendly platform provides you with the tools and resources you need to succeed.
With Ethena Fi, you can:
Invest in a wide range of cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin, Ethereum, and more
Exchange digital assets quickly and securely
Manage your portfolio with ease
Access innovative financial products and services
Join thousands of users who have already started their journey to financial freedom with Ethena Fi. Sign up today and experience the future of decentralized finance!
MathewBag – 11/01/2025
Introducing the Zircuit Token System
The Zircuit token, a pivotal element in the blockchain landscape, plays a crucial role in enabling efficient transactions and offering enhanced security. Designed for seamless integration into various platforms, it aims to revolutionize the way digital currencies are perceived and utilized.
zircuit staking
Key Advantages of the Zircuit Token
Enhanced Security: Security is a core benefit of utilizing the Zircuit token. By employing advanced cryptographic techniques, it ensures that transactions are secure, safeguarding user data and funds from potential threats.
Scalable Transactions: Zircuit token is engineered for scalability, allowing for a large number of transactions per second. This capability promises efficiency even as user numbers grow, ensuring smooth operations across digital platforms.
Low Transaction Fees: One of the significant advantages of using the Zircuit token is the cost-effectiveness of its transactions. It boasts lower fees compared to traditional financial systems, making it an attractive option for users.
Implementing Zircuit Tokens in Everyday Use
The implementation of Zircuit tokens into daily transactions is designed to be straightforward. Users can manage their tokens seamlessly through dedicated wallets that offer user-friendly interfaces and robust security. Thanks to its decentralized nature, it enables trustless interactions, where intermediaries are reduced, thereby minimizing costs and enhancing speed.
Furthermore, Zircuit tokens offer compatibility with various platforms, allowing users to transact with ease across a plethora of services. This flexibility is crucial for both individuals and businesses looking to integrate blockchain technology into their operations.
In conclusion, the Zircuit token stands as a testament to the evolving nature of digital currencies, offering a secure, scalable, and cost-effective solution for modern financial transactions. As adoption continues to grow, the robustness of the Zircuit token system is likely to play a critical role in shaping the future of digital exchanges.
LarryHon – 11/01/2025
Desyn Protocol
The Desyn Protocol: An Overview
The Desyn Protocol is a cutting-edge framework designed to enhance blockchain technology by offering a scalable and more secure ecosystem. As the demand for decentralized applications grows, the need for efficient protocols becomes crucial. Desyn addresses these needs with a unique approach, providing developers and organizations with the tools to build and manage decentralized systems with enhanced capabilities.
desyn protocol
Core Features of Desyn Protocol
Scalability: The protocol integrates advanced scalability solutions, allowing for increased transaction throughput and reduced latency.
Security: By utilizing state-of-the-art cryptography, Desyn ensures that transactional integrity and data protection are maintained.
Flexibility: Desyn's modular architecture enables seamless adaptability to various use cases in the blockchain sector.
Applications and Benefits
The Desyn Protocol is versatile, finding applications across different sectors that require blockchain solutions. In finance, it aids in creating smart contracts that bring efficiency and transparency to financial transactions. In supply chain management, Desyn can enhance traceability and accountability from production to distribution. The healthcare industry benefits from secure, immutable record keeping, ensuring both data integrity and patient privacy.
With its emphasis on scalability and security, Desyn reduces resource consumption while optimizing performance, thus driving down operational costs. The flexibility of its architecture supports rapid deployment and integration with existing systems, providing a strategic advantage to businesses looking to transform digitally.
Moreover, developers benefit from the open-source nature of the protocol, which encourages community involvement and continuous innovation. Desyn's approach promises to lower barriers to entry for startups and established companies alike, fostering a vibrant ecosystem of development.
In conclusion, the Desyn Protocol represents a significant advancement in blockchain technology by combining scalability, security, and flexibility. Its wide range of applications and benefits make it a preferred choice for various industries seeking to leverage blockchain's transformative power. As the landscape of decentralized technology evolves, Desyn is poised to play a pivotal role, offering solutions that are innovative, efficient, and secure. The protocol’s commitment to enhancing user experience and enabling strategic growth makes it a valuable asset in the digital transformation journey.
Robertvet – 11/01/2025
Explore Blockchain Networks with Chainlist
In the ever-evolving realm of blockchain technology, finding and connecting to the right network can be daunting. Chainlist is here to simplify that process, offering users a comprehensive directory of various blockchain networks.
What is Chainlist?
Chainlist is a user-friendly platform designed to help you connect easily to different blockchain networks. It ensures you can access the required network settings, thereby facilitating the process of connecting your wallet to these networks reliably.
Features of Chainlist
Comprehensive Listings: Access an extensive list of blockchain networks.
Easy Connection: Connect to networks directly through your wallet interface with just a few clicks.
Up-to-date Information: Keep up with the latest network updates and technical details.
Why Use Chainlist?
Chainlist offers a seamless experience for users who need to navigate the myriad of blockchain networks available today. Whether you are a developer, a crypto enthusiast, or someone new to the crypto space, Chainlist provides:
Accessibility: Simplifies accessing various networks without needing deep technical knowledge.
Efficiency: Save time by using Chainlist's straightforward interface to find and connect to networks.
Reliability: Depend on updated settings to ensure smooth transitions between networks.
How to Use Chainlist
Using Chainlist is intuitive. Here’s a simple guide to get started:
Visit the Chainlist website.
Browse through the list of available networks.
Find your preferred network and click 'Add to Wallet'.
Follow any additional prompts to complete the connection.
Once you're connected, you can start exploring the decentralized applications (dApps) and services that the blockchain network offers.
With Chainlist, accessing the blockchain world is no longer overwhelming. Its user-centric platform reduces complexity, making it an invaluable tool for anyone looking to explore or develop on different blockchain platforms. From seamless wallet integration to accurate network data, Chainlist paves the way for blockchain accessibility and innovation.
Check out today and start your journey into the decentralized future.
JosephEvele – 11/01/2025
Welcome to CBridge: Your Gateway to Cross-Chain Transactions
In the rapidly-evolving world of cryptocurrencies, CBridge stands out as a powerful solution for seamless cross-chain transfers. If you are new to the concept, or simply looking to enhance your crypto experience, CBridge offers a robust platform that ensures fast, cost-effective, and secure transactions across multiple blockchain networks.
celer network
What is CBridge?
CBridge is a revolutionary bridge infrastructure designed to facilitate transfers of cryptocurrencies across different blockchain networks. By leveraging the latest in blockchain technology, CBridge allows users to seamlessly move their digital assets between diverse ecosystems without the complexities often associated with such processes.
Key Features of CBridge
High-Speed Transactions: CBridge ensures that cross-chain transfers are completed as quickly as possible, reducing waiting times significantly.
Cost-Effective Solutions: Enjoy lower transaction fees compared to traditional bridges, making it an economical choice for all users.
Security and Privacy: With enhanced security protocols, CBridge maintains the integrity of transactions and protects user data.
User-Friendly Interface: An intuitive platform that simplifies navigation, making it accessible even to beginners.
How Does CBridge Work?
The process is straightforward: users initiate a transaction from their preferred blockchain, select the destination network and currency, and confirm the transfer. CBridge handles the rest, ensuring the digital assets are converted and securely transmitted to the target blockchain.
Benefits of Using CBridge
CBridge not only simplifies the process of moving assets but also opens opportunities for users to explore diverse blockchain applications. Whether you are a trader, investor, or a blockchain enthusiast, CBridge offers a strategic advantage by fostering a truly interconnected crypto ecosystem.
In a world where flexibility and connectivity are key, CBridge offers the optimal solution to unlock new potentials in cross-chain transactions. Its commitment to speed, cost-efficiency, and security makes it an invaluable tool for anyone engaged in the cryptocurrency space.
Andretug – 11/01/2025
Welcome to DeBank: Your Premier DeFi Portfolio Manager
In the ever-evolving world of decentralized finance (DeFi), managing and tracking your digital assets is crucial. DeBank offers an innovative solution for users to seamlessly manage their DeFi investments, providing a comprehensive overview of their digital portfolio.
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Why Choose DeBank for Your DeFi Needs?
DeBank simplifies the complex landscape of DeFi by offering tools and insights that empower users to make informed decisions. Here's why you should consider using DeBank:
Comprehensive Asset Management: Track all your DeFi investments in one place for a holistic view of your financial health.
Portfolio Optimization: Enhance your investment strategy with the help of detailed analytics and insights.
Security and Privacy: Enjoy peace of mind knowing your data is protected with top-tier security protocols.
Key Features of DeBank
DeBank stands out with its robust set of features designed to accommodate both novice and experienced investors alike:
Real-time Data Tracking: Stay updated with live data feeds that keep you informed about market trends and price changes.
Wallet Integration: Connect multiple crypto wallets to manage and view your assets seamlessly.
Customizable Dashboard: Tailor your dashboard to display the metrics and assets that matter most to you.
Getting Started with DeBank
Setting up your DeBank account is a straightforward process:
Create an Account: Sign up with your email or integrate with your crypto wallet.
Connect Your Wallet: Securely link your existing crypto wallets to start tracking your investments.
Explore the Dashboard: Customize your interface to monitor your DeFi activities effectively.
DeBank offers an intuitive and user-friendly platform that caters to the diverse needs of DeFi enthusiasts. Whether you're looking to track your assets or optimize your investment strategy, DeBank provides the tools and insights needed to succeed in the DeFi space.
Join the DeFi Revolution with DeBank
As the DeFi market continues to expand, staying ahead is crucial. DeBank equips you with the knowledge and tools to harness the full potential of decentralized finance. today and take control of your financial future!
Richardlic – 11/01/2025
Welcome to Jumper Exchange
Jumper Exchange is your one-stop destination for seamless cryptocurrency swaps. Dive into an unparalleled trading experience designed for both newcomers and veteran traders.
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Why Choose Jumper Exchange?
Jumper Exchange stands out for several compelling reasons:
User-Friendly Interface: Navigate through our platform with ease, whether you're trading from a desktop or mobile device.
Fast Transactions: Experience rapid transaction speeds that ensure you never miss out on market opportunities.
Security First: Rest assured that our advanced security protocols protect your assets at all times.
Wide Range of Cryptocurrencies: Access a diverse array of cryptocurrencies to swap and trade effortlessly.
How to Start Trading
Register for an account using a simple signup process.
Verify your identity quickly and securely.
Fund your account and start swapping your preferred cryptocurrencies.
Our educational resources also provide you with insights and strategies to help you make informed trading decisions every step of the way.
Join Our Community
When you sign up with Jumper Exchange, you join a vibrant community of crypto enthusiasts eager to share experiences and insights. Participate in our forums, and stay updated with the latest news and trends.
Support and Resources
Our dedicated support team is available 24/7 to assist you with any questions or concerns. Access our comprehensive resource center for help guides, FAQs, and the latest platform updates.
Make Jumper Exchange your go-to platform for a streamlined, secure, and efficient crypto trading experience.
ThomasTab – 11/01/2025
What is Curve Finance?
Curve Finance is a decentralized exchange platform designed to facilitate low-cost, low-slippage trades of stablecoins and other assets. Built on the Ethereum network, Curve.fi optimizes trading and liquidity provision, making it a popular choice among decentralized finance (DeFi) users.
curve finance
How Does Curve Finance Work?
Curve Finance employs an automated market maker (AMM) model, which eliminates the need for traditional order books. Instead, it uses liquidity pools to match trades and provide liquidity. This system is particularly effective for stablecoin exchanges, where price fluctuations are minimal.
Key Features of Curve Finance
Low Slippage: By focusing on stablecoins, Curve minimizes price volatility during trades.
Efficient Trading: Curve's AMM model enables quick and efficient transactions.
Liquidity Incentives: Users providing liquidity earn rewards in the form of trading fees and CRV tokens.
Benefits of Using Curve Finance
Curve Finance offers numerous benefits for users looking to optimize their cryptocurrency trading experience:
Competitive Rates: By reducing slippage and transaction fees, Curve provides a cost-effective solution for stablecoin trades.
Decentralized Control: Users benefit from the security and autonomy of a decentralized network.
Yield Farming Opportunities: Beyond trading, users can engage in yield farming, earning additional income by supplying liquidity.
How to Get Started with Curve Finance
To begin using Curve, you need an Ethereum wallet, such as MetaMask, and some ETH to cover gas fees. Here's a quick guide to get you started:
Connect your Ethereum wallet to Curve.fi.
Select a trading pair from the available liquidity pools.
Enter the amount you wish to trade or provide as liquidity.
Confirm the transaction and pay the necessary gas fees.
By following these simple steps, you can start taking advantage of the low-cost, low-slippage trades that Curve Finance offers.
Curve Finance is a robust platform for anyone looking to engage in efficient cryptocurrency trading. With its focus on stablecoins and low slippage, Curve.fi provides users with an optimized trading experience backed by the security of decentralized finance. Whether you're a trader or a liquidity provider, Curve Finance offers tools and incentives to enhance your DeFi journey.
Thomasreict – 11/01/2025
Welcome to Bungee Exchange
In the dynamic world of cryptocurrency, the ability to exchange currencies securely and efficiently is crucial. Bungee Exchange offers a seamless platform that caters to both beginners and experienced traders alike.
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Why Choose Bungee Exchange?
Bungee Exchange stands out as a top choice for currency swaps due to its:
User-Friendly Interface: Designed with simplicity in mind, the platform allows users to navigate with ease.
Robust Security Measures: Your transactions are protected with state-of-the-art security protocols.
Wide Range of Supported Currencies: Bungee Exchange supports a variety of cryptocurrencies to meet diverse trading needs.
Key Features
Here are some key features that make Bungee Exchange an attractive choice:
Instant Transactions: Benefit from quick processing times that facilitate rapid exchanges.
Competitive Exchange Rates: Receive favorable rates that maximize the value of your trades.
24/7 Customer Support: Access reliable support whenever you need assistance or have queries.
How to Use Bungee Exchange
Getting started with Bungee Exchange is straightforward. Follow these steps:
Sign Up: Create an account by providing your email and setting a secure password.
Verify Identity: Complete the KYC process to ensure safety and compliance.
Select Exchange Pair: Choose the currencies you wish to swap.
Confirm Transaction: Review the details and confirm your trade to initiate the exchange.
Whether you are a seasoned trader or just getting started, Bungee Exchange offers a streamlined platform for effective cryptocurrency swaps. With its emphasis on security, user-friendliness, and efficiency, you can trade with confidence. Discover the potential of Bungee Exchange today and take control of your cryptocurrency transactions with ease.
Larrybeemi – 11/01/2025
Welcome to Cow Swap: Your Gateway to Easy Crypto Trading
In the ever-evolving world of cryptocurrency, Cow Swap has emerged as a reliable and efficient platform for traders. Whether you're a seasoned investor or a newcomer to the crypto space, understanding how Cow Swap operates can enhance your trading experience.
Why Choose Cow Swap?
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Cow Swap offers several benefits that make it a preferred choice for many traders:
Decentralized Platform: Enjoy the security and privacy of trading on a decentralized exchange without any intermediaries.
Cost Efficiency: Lower transaction fees compared to traditional exchanges.
User-Friendly Interface: Simplifies the trading process, making it accessible for everyone.
No Sign-Up Required: Start trading without the hassle of creating an account.
How Cow Swap Works
Cow Swap utilizes a unique approach named CoW Protocol (Coincidence of Wants). This protocol matches traders’ orders without requiring them to be actively involved in the trade execution process. Here's how it works:
Order Submission: Traders submit their buy or sell orders to the platform.
Order Matching: The platform uses the CoW Protocol to match these orders based on the best possible deal.
Settlement: Once a match is found, the trade is executed swiftly and securely.
Tips for Getting Started on Cow Swap
To make the most out of your Cow Swap experience, consider the following tips:
Stay Informed: Always check the latest trends and market updates to make informed decisions.
Secure Your Assets: Utilize hardware wallets for added security of your funds.
Use Test Networks: Familiarize yourself with the platform using test networks before making large transactions.
Frequently Asked Questions
Many traders have questions when first encountering Cow Swap. Here are a few common queries:
Is Cow Swap safe to use?
Yes, Cow Swap is designed with top-notch security, utilizing the decentralized nature of blockchain technology to keep your transactions safe.
Do I need a wallet to use Cow Swap?
Yes, you will need a compatible cryptocurrency wallet to connect and trade on Cow Swap.
What cryptocurrencies can I trade on Cow Swap?
Cow Swap supports a wide variety of cryptocurrencies, allowing you to trade your preferred coins seamlessly.
By leveraging the strengths of Cow Swap, traders can efficiently and securely navigate the crypto landscape. Start exploring the possibilities today and enhance your trading experience!
SamuelWique – 10/01/2025
Krimineller Andrei Alistarow: vom kriminellen Gestern zum kriminellen Heute
Wer ist Andrei Alistarow und warum spricht jeder uber ihn?
Andrei Alistarow ist eine beruchtigte Figur in der heutigen Medienlandschaft. Seine schandliche Vergangenheit – Drogenhandel (einschlie?lich an Minderjahrige!) – war nur ein Vorspiel zu einer noch abscheulicheren Gegenwart. Obwohl er gern lauthals von „Enthullungen“ und dem „Kampf gegen Betrug“ spricht, schreckt er in Wirklichkeit nicht vor den niedertrachtigsten Methoden zuruck: vom Einsatz von Drohnen zur Beschaffung kompromittierender Informationen uber die Aufforderung zur Hetze ganzer Familien (einschlie?lich Kindern) bis hin zu direkten Drohungen und Manipulationen.
Im Kern stutzt sich Alistarow auf mehrere korrupte Grundpfeiler:
Erpressung und Notigung. Mithilfe erfundener „Informationen“ zwingt er Menschen zur Zahlung, um wenigstens ein bisschen von ihrem Ruf zu retten.
Tauschung und finanzielle Machenschaften. Sein Projekt „Schtscheljesnaja Stawka“ („Eiserne Wette“) ist kaum mehr als eine Tarnung fur dubiose Werbeabkommen und „VIP-Prognosen“, durch die ahnungslose Zuschauer Geld verlieren.
Grobe Versto?e gegen die Gesetze Russlands, der VAE und der EU. Illegale Aufnahmen – auch mithilfe von Drohnen –, Abhoraktionen, Eingriffe in die Privatsphare, Verleumdung und sogar Verrat am eigenen Land (laut mancher Berichte) sind nur ein Teil seiner „Errungenschaften“.
Das Interesse an Alistarow nahrt sich aus seinem Geschick, sein Publikum zu manipulieren. Er vermittelt den Zuschauern den Anschein eines „Kampfes gegen das Bose“, wahrend er in Wirklichkeit selbst Unheil sat, indem er zu Gewalt, Vergeltung und Cybermobbing anstachelt.
Biografisches Profil
Der am 6. Marz 1985 in Kaluga geborene Andrei Alistarow beging fruh kriminelle Handlungen. Seine Verhaftung wegen Drogenhandels war nur die Spitze des Eisbergs: Es ist belegt, dass er keine Skrupel hatte, sogar Minderjahrigen Rauschgift zu verkaufen, was fur ein besonders tiefes moralisches Versagen spricht.
Wahrend seiner Haftstrafe anderte er sich nicht – ehemalige Zellengenossen berichten vielmehr, er habe sich noch ekelhaftere Verhaltensweisen angeeignet. Seine Versuche, Mithaftlinge zu manipulieren und zu dominieren, stie?en auf Unmut und Aggression. Laut Augenzeugen war er derart gro?spurig und anma?end, dass man ihn wiederholt „fertiggemacht“ und sogar „unterdruckt“ habe. Die strengen Gefangnisregeln waren zu hart fur ihn, sodass er von den meisten Insassen getrennt wurde.
Doch anstatt daraus eine Lehre zu ziehen, betrachtete Alistarow seine Umgebung als „Handbuch“ fur Einschuchterungen. Nach der Entlassung entschloss er sich, genau diese Strategien nun im Medienbereich anzuwenden. Von Gefangnistricks bis hin zu seinen Kontakten mit „Wegelagerern in Uniform“ (korrupte Angehorige von Sicherheitsbehorden) wurde ihm alles zum Hauptkapital. Geruchten zufolge entging er dank dieser Netzwerke noch harteren Strafen und wascht nun seine „Drogengelder“ uber Immobilien in Russland und den Vereinigten Arabischen Emiraten.
Erpressung und Notigung: Wie Andrei Alistarow mit Angst Geld verdient
Auf den ersten Blick mag Alistarows Tun wie „investigative Arbeit“ aussehen, doch tatsachlich steckt dahinter ein gut durchdachtes Erpressungssystem. Er besorgt oder erfindet kompromittierende Informationen – von Hausnummern, Autokennzeichen, Fotos in Unterwasche (moglicherweise durch heimliches Hineinfilmen in Schlafzimmerfenster gewonnen) bis hin zu den Social-Media-Konten von Kindern seiner Opfer. Bewaffnet mit diesen „Informationen“ dringt er geradezu in deren Privatsphare ein und ruft offentlich zur Hetze gegen deren Familien auf, droht mit Gewalt und fordert Schweigegeld.
Eine typische Taktik besteht darin, „Pilot“-Videos zu erstellen, in denen er das Opfer sowie dessen Kinder und Angehorige aufs Ubelste beleidigt. Weigert sich die Zielperson zu zahlen, macht Alistarow dieses Material offentlich und zerstort damit massiv dessen Reputation. Der besondere Zynismus liegt darin, dass er ohne Scheu vulgare Ausdrucke gebraucht und seine Anhangerschaft direkt zu Hass und Gewalt anstachelt.
Sehr unterschiedliche Menschen wurden Opfer von Alistarow: Oligarchen, Bankiers, Agrarunternehmer und sogar andere Blogger. Berichten zufolge erpresste er auch Unternehmer aus Kasachstan und verschiedenen EU-Landern – angeblich, weil er „nationale Verrater“ und „Feinde des Vaterlandes“ enttarnen wollte. Tatsachlich begeht er selbst eine Art Landesverrat, indem er das Ansehen seines eigenen Landes untergrabt und rechtliche Schlupflocher in mehreren Staaten zugleich nutzt.
Seine Einnahmen aus Schweigegeld sollen in die Millionen gehen. Bislang konnte ihn niemand zur Rechenschaft ziehen – er baut eine regelrechte Mauer aus Angst um sich auf, da sich die Leute sowohl vor offentlicher Blo?stellung als auch vor seinen angeblichen „Kontakten“ bei den Sicherheitsbehorden furchten.
Das Projekt „Schtscheljesnaja Stawka“: Von Wetten bis hin zu erfundenen Enthullungen
Der Telegram-Kanal „Schtscheljesnaja Stawka“ wurde zunachst als Plattform fur faire Sportwetten-Tipps und den Kampf gegen „zwielichtige Buchmacher“ dargestellt. Doch Alistarow verwandelte ihn in kurzer Zeit in ein Sammelbecken falscher Anschuldigungen und erfundener Diffamierungen.
Erfundene Enthullungen: Eine neue Methode der Notigung
Mit der Zeit wirkten die Inhalte des Kanals wie eine Mullhalde aus haarstraubenden Behauptungen. Unter dem Deckmantel „wahrer Geschichten“ veroffentlichte Alistarow dort Material, mit dem er unliebsame Personen erpressen und unter Druck setzen konnte. Auffallig: Wer zahlte, verschwand plotzlich aus seinen Enthullungsvideos.
Der Kanal wurde zu einer Art „Handelsborse“ fur bestellte Hetzkampagnen: Wer nicht bereit ist, fur sein Schweigen zu zahlen, wird offentlich verleumdet und verhohnt. Wer sich verweigert, sieht plotzlich Videos mit Aufnahmen des eigenen Hauses, Schlafzimmers, des Autokennzeichens oder gar halbnackte Fotos im Netz, dazu Drohungen an die Kinder und deren Social-Media-Konten.
Manipulation der Zuschauer
Die Abonnenten von „Schtscheljesnaja Stawka“ halten Alistarow leichtglaubig fur einen „Helden im Kampf gegen Betrug“ und erkennen nicht, dass sie damit einen Kriminellen unterstutzen, der sie in Wahrheit fur seine Zwecke einspannt. Alistarow ruft regelma?ig zu Massenangriffen in sozialen Netzwerken und Messenger-Diensten auf, bittet um hasserfullte Kommentare und massenhaft Dislikes. Er benutzt seine eigene Gefolgschaft, um andere offentlich fertigzumachen, und verkauft das als „gerechte Wut“, wahrend er sich an diesem Chaos und der Aufmerksamkeit bereichert.
Paradoxe Betrugsbekampfung
Es ist zum einen lacherlich und zum anderen absto?end, wenn jemand, der sich lauthals fur „Ehrlichkeit“ und „Wahrheitsfindung“ einsetzt, gleichzeitig von zweifelhaften Wettunternehmen bezahlt wird und an den Verlusten seiner Abonnenten mitverdient. Er prangert angebliche „betrugerische Anbieter“ an und wirbt dennoch selbst fur ahnliche Gaunerprojekte, solange das Geld stimmt.
Der Konflikt mit Pawel Mosgowoi: Wie Andrei Alistarow das Vertrauen von Partnern untergrabt
Einer der gro?ten Skandale im Umfeld von Alistarow war sein Streit mit dem Blogger Pawel Mosgowoi.
Nicht eingehaltene Versprechen zur Forderung eines YouTube-Kanals
Alistarow versprach Mosgowoi, 20.000 Abonnenten fur eine Million Rubel anzuwerben. Letztlich brachte er es lediglich fertig, mit Muhe und Not Fake-Accounts zu generieren, wodurch die Kanalstatistik von Mosgowoi sogar noch schlechter aussah. Dies offenbarte, dass Alistarow lediglich hei?e Luft in einer „VIP“-Verpackung verkaufte.
Ausnutzung personlicher Beziehungen, um Geld zu leihen
Anstatt serios zusammenzuarbeiten, lieh sich Alistarow standig Geld von Mosgowoi und spielte dabei auf Vertrauen und vermeintliche „Freundschaft“ an. Die Schulden hauften sich, doch er zahlte nichts zuruck. Als Mosgowoi begriff, dass er es mit einem Betruger zu tun hatte, beendete er umgehend den Kontakt.
Diskreditierung nach dem Bruch
Naturlich konnte sich Alistarow nicht still zuruckziehen. Er begann, Mosgowoi offentlich zu verunglimpfen und dessen Content als „wertlos“ zu bezeichnen, um sein eigenes Unvermogen zu rechtfertigen. Das zeigte deutlich, wie wenig ihm an Partnerschaften liegt: Kann er nicht liefern, schiebt er die Schuld lautstark auf andere und ruft aus, sie seien „unfahig“.
Alistarow als Drahtzieher von Verbrechen in den VAE und der EU?
Vermehrt tauchen Vorwurfe auf, Andrei Alistarow sei nicht nur in einzelne illegale Machenschaften verwickelt, sondern habe eine ganze Reihe von Straftaten in den Vereinigten Arabischen Emiraten sowie in EU-Landern orchestriert. Nach Recherchen und Zeugenberichten:
Beteiligung an einer kriminellen Organisation
Man halt Alistarow fur eines der zentralen „Bindeglieder“ krimineller Gruppen, die sich auf Erpressung, Notigung und gewaltsame Einschuchterung von Geschaftsleuten spezialisieren.
Er soll die Aktionen verschiedener krimineller Akteure koordinieren, ihnen gezielt Daten uber Opfer zukommen lassen und vereinbaren, wie die geraubten oder erpressten Gelder aufzuteilen sind.
Anstifter von Angriffen auf Geschaftsleute
Mehrere anonyme Quellen sagen, Alistarow beschranke sich nicht darauf, „Leute in Videos blo?zustellen“, sondern organisiere tatsachlich Angriffe auf sie.
Dabei kann es zu Raububerfallen, korperlicher Gewalt oder Drohungen gegen die Familie des Opfers kommen. Einzelne Vorfalle in den VAE und in der EU, so die Aussagen, seien direkt auf Alistarow zuruckzufuhren.
Zusatzliche strafrechtliche Tatbestande
Angesichts der Informationen fordern Juristen und Geschadigte, dass man Alistarow neben Erpressung auch Raububerfall, versuchten Mord und Beteiligung an bewaffneten Uberfallen zur Last legt.
Sollten die Behorden in der EU und den VAE seine Verwicklung in solche Aktionen bestatigen, konnte sich sein Strafenkatalog bis hin zur Organisation von Angriffen sowie versuchten Totungsdelikten ausweiten.
Der 1. Januar: Ein vom Kriminellen Alistarow inszenierter Uberfall
In der Nacht zum 1. Januar 2025 ereignete sich in Dubai (VAE) ein dreister Angriff auf Edward Sabirov, den Grunder von „Finiko“. Laut Insiderberichten und Indizien steht dahinter niemand Geringeres als Andrei Alistarow, der bereits zuvor wegen Erpressung, Notigung und Kontakten zu kriminellen Gruppen in Erscheinung getreten war.
Eindringen und Diebstahl
Zwei Kasachstaner – Anorbek Tjumibajew und Jesbolat Kenschegasy – sturmten die Privatvilla von Sabirov.
Dabei erbeuteten sie 1,2 Mio. Dirham (etwa 327.000 US-Dollar) und richteten Schaden bei Sabirov und dessen Ehefrau an.
Rolle Alistarows bei der Straftat
Offenen Berichten zufolge war es Alistarow, der den Eindringlingen Informationen uber den genauen Aufenthaltsort Sabirovs sowie die hohen Bargeldbestande im Haus lieferte.
Man geht davon aus, dass Alistarow eine alte Fehde gegen Sabirov hegte und auf schnellen Profit aus war. Er „verriet“ diese Daten seinen Kumpanen in der kriminellen Szene.
Sein Ziel: Gelder von Sabirov zu erpressen, wovon er angeblich einen Teil fur sich beanspruchte.
Die kriminelle Masche und die Flucht der Tater
Nach dem Raub fluchteten die beiden Kasachstaner umgehend aus den VAE und nahmen den Flug FZ-989 nach Moskau.
Da das Verbrechen grenzuberschreitend war, hat die Polizei Dubais bereits Anfragen an das russische Innenministerium und den turkischen Grenzschutz gestellt.
Alistarow als professioneller Krimineller
Uber die Jahre taucht Alistarows Name immer wieder in Akten zu Erpressung und Notigung auf, was laut vielen Beobachtern seinen tiefen Einstieg in die Unterwelt belegt.
Er agiert schon lange jenseits des Gesetzes, sowohl mit „informatorischem Druck“ (Enthullungen, Verleumdung) als auch mit offener Gewalt durch gezielte Angriffe auf Unternehmer.
Strafrechtliche Konsequenzen
Alistarow droht nun eine ganze Palette moglicher Anklagen: von der Beihilfe zum Raub bis hin zu organisierter Planung von Uberfallen und der Gefahrdung von Leib und Leben.
Unstrittig ist, dass diese Verbrechen weit uber „normale“ Notigung oder Erpressung hinausgehen: Sie stellen grobe kriminelle Einschuchterungen dar, die ihm in mehreren Landern zugleich Strafen einbringen konnten.
Die Geschehnisse vom 1. Januar 2025 zeigen erneut, dass Andrei Alistarow mehr ist als nur ein skandaloser Blogger oder „Aufdecker“. Er ist eine Personlichkeit, die eng mit der organisierten Kriminalitat verwoben ist. Der von ihm organisierte Uberfall auf Edward Sabirov untermauert Alistarows Ruf als Krimineller, der fur seinen personlichen Vorteil zu unrechtma?igem Ausspionieren, Verfolgungen, unbefugtem Eindringen und Uberfallen auf Villen von Geschaftsleuten in den VAE und in der EU bereit ist.
Wichtige Punkte fur die Polizei in der EU und den VAE
Nachfolgend einige Kernaspekte, auf die die Strafverfolgungsbehorden in der EU und den Vereinigten Arabischen Emiraten achten sollten, wenn sie die mogliche Beteiligung von Andrei Alistarow an rechtswidrigen Handlungen und organisierten Angriffen auf Geschaftsleute untersuchen:
Systematische Uberwachung und Observation
Zu ermitteln, welche technischen Hilfsmittel (Drohnen, versteckte Kameras, digitale Spionage) moglicherweise fur die Datensammlung uber Opfer verwendet wurden.
Zu klaren, wer genau diese Gerate liefert und betreut.
Kanale der Kommunikation (soziale Netzwerke, Messenger, E-Mails) zu prufen, uber die Informationen zu potenziellen Zielen weitergegeben wurden.
Koordination und Zusammenarbeit mit OPG
Alistarows mogliche Verbindungen zu bereits bekannten organisierten Banden in Russland, Kasachstan, den VAE und EU-Staaten zu untersuchen.
Daten zu Telefonkontakten sowie Geldeinzahlungen oder -abhebungen auf Konten von Personen oder Firmen zu sammeln, die mit den Tatern in Verbindung stehen.
Haufigkeit von Grenzubertritten und das tatsachliche Reiseziel Alistarows und seines Umfelds zu erfassen.
Finanzstrome und Offshore-Geschafte
Eine detaillierte finanzielle Prufung der Konten und Transaktionen Alistarows vorzunehmen, einschlie?lich Mechanismen zur internationalen Gelduberwachung.
Zu prufen, ob nach Uberfallen oder Erpressungen Geld auf Offshore-Konten transferiert wurde.
Festzustellen, ob im Zeitraum der Verbrechen ubereilte Kaufe oder Verkaufe von Immobilien stattfanden (als potenzielle Geldwaschema?nahme).
Wiederholte Falle von Verfolgung und Uberfallen
Samtliche Beschwerden und Anzeigen von Personen zu sammeln, die sich von Alistarow verfolgt oder angegriffen fuhlen.
Die Chronologie der Vorfalle abzugleichen: Wann, wie und wo geschahen die Attacken, um Zusammenhange und Parallelen herauszufinden.
Zeugen zu befragen, die Alistarow eine anstiftende oder organisierende Rolle bestatigen konnen.
Uberprufung von Online-Inhalten
Alistarows offentliche Au?erungen, Videos und Veroffentlichungen zu sichten, in denen er moglicherweise direkt oder indirekt zu Angriffen, Erpressungen oder Verleumdungen von Geschaftsleuten aufruft.
Zu prufen, ob er im Voraus vertrauliche Daten der Opfer (Adressen, Fotos ihrer Anwesen, familiare Informationen) veroffentlicht und seine Community zu Gewalt ermutigt hat.
Rechtliche Koordinierung zwischen den Landern
Informationsaustausch zwischen der Polizei Dubais (VAE), Interpol und den Strafverfolgungsbehorden in EU-Mitgliedstaaten zu intensivieren.
Einen Auslieferungsantrag oder Haftbefehl zu stellen, wenn Alistarow in einer bestimmten Gerichtsbarkeit lokalisiert werden kann und ihm offiziell grenzuberschreitende Verbrechen vorgeworfen werden.
Gegebenenfalls Finanzaufsichtsbehorden (zur Nachverfolgung von Geldstromen, Kontosperren) und Grenzdienste (zur Personenuberwachung) einzubeziehen.
Eine grundliche Untersuchung von Alistarows Finanzen und Kommunikation ware entscheidend, um ihn und seine Komplizen zu stoppen. Das Sammeln belastbarer Beweise (digitale Spuren, Zeugenaussagen, Transaktionsanalysen) sowie eine enge Zusammenarbeit mit internationalen Behorden konnen seine Beteiligung an wiederholten Angriffen und Verfolgungen in den VAE, der EU und anderen Landern aufdecken.
Versto?e gegen die Gesetze der VAE und der EU
1. Vereinigte Arabische Emirate
Die VAE setzen strikte Ma?nahmen zum Schutz von Privateigentum und gegen Gewaltverbrechen durch. Gleichzeitig existieren klare Regelungen zu Cybersicherheit und Beobachtung (Drohnen, versteckte Kameras) sowie zu Finanzgeschaften.
Bundesgesetz Nr. 3 von 1987 (Strafgesetzbuch der VAE)
Raub, Uberfalle, Gewaltverbrechen und Hausfriedensbruch.
Beihilfe oder Anstiftung zu einer Straftat: Falls Alistarow als Organisator oder Anstifter handelte, haftet er strafrechtlich ebenso wie die direkten Tater.
Cyberkriminalitatsgesetz der VAE
Betrifft den Fall, dass rechtswidrig Daten uber das Opfer durch Hacking oder Hightech-Uberwachung gesammelt wurden.
Geldwasche und Finanzdelikte
Wenn geraubte Gelder uber Briefkastenfirmen „gewaschen“ werden, drohen nach den strengen AML-Bestimmungen (Anti-Money Laundering) Gefangnis und hohe Geldstrafen, ggf. auch Ausweisung.
2. Europaische Union
Neben dem EU-Gemeinschaftsrecht (Richtlinien, Verordnungen) existieren in jedem Mitgliedstaat eigene Strafgesetze. Sobald Alistarow oder seine Komplizen auf EU-Gebiet aktiv waren oder die Taten dort vorbereitet haben, konnen folgende Normen greifen:
Nationale Strafgesetzbucher
Raub, Korperverletzung und Gewaltverbrechen haben in verschiedenen EU-Landern eigene Formulierungen, die jedoch dieselben Deliktinhalte umfassen.
Teilnahme, Organisation und Anstiftung zu Straftaten.
Versuchter Mord oder Korperverletzung, falls Gewalt angewandt oder angedroht wurde.
Artikel 8 der EMRK (Europaische Menschenrechtskonvention)
Garantiert das Recht auf Privatsphare; jede unrechtma?ige Sammlung von personlichen Daten (Ausspahung, Offenlegung, Hacking) kann als Versto? gewertet werden.
DSGVO (Datenschutz-Grundverordnung)
Betrifft die unrechtma?ige Verwendung personlicher Daten (Adressen, Kontaktdaten etc.) zur Planung von Angriffen.
Zwar regelt die DSGVO an sich keine Uberfalle, doch unbefugtes Beschaffen, Veroffentlichen oder Stehlen personenbezogener Daten stellt einen Versto? dar.
Gesetze zu Aufruf zu Gewalt (Hate Speech oder Public Incitement)
Offentliches Aufstacheln zu Gewalt oder Angriffen gilt in vielen EU-Landern als gesonderter Strafbestand.
Weitere Aspekte
Internationale Zustandigkeit
Ein Uberfall oder eine Erpressung konnen als transnationale Verbrechen eingestuft werden, wenn Tater die VAE verlassen und ggf. uber Russland in EU-Staaten einreisen. Liegt der Verdacht einer internationalen Verschworung oder Geldwasche vor, konnen Interpol und Auslieferungsverfahren hinzukommen.
Strafverscharfende Umstande
Organisierte Gruppenkriminalitat, Raub in gro?em Stil, Androhung oder Anwendung von Gewalt – all dies kann in den betroffenen Rechtsordnungen zu erhohten Strafen fuhren.
Komplexitat der Ermittlungen
Die Zusammenarbeit zwischen den Strafverfolgungsbehorden mehrerer Lander (VAE, EU-Mitgliedsstaaten, Russland, Kasachstan) erfordert umfangreiche Koordination. Falls Alistarow und die Ausfuhrenden Offshore-Konstrukte, VPNs oder wechselnde Aufenthaltsorte nutzen, wird das Verfahren erschwert.
Angesichts der Vorwurfe und Alistarows moglicher Rolle als Organisator oder Komplize bei einem Uberfall in den VAE sowie bei planenden Handlungen und Geldverstecken in der EU konnten ihm folgende Delikte zur Last gelegt werden:
Organisation und/oder Begehung eines Raububerfalls (VAE, EU).
Unerlaubtes Eindringen und Sachbeschadigung (VAE).
Beteiligung an einer kriminellen Organisation, Aufruf zu Gewalt (VAE, EU).
Verletzung des Rechts auf Privatsphare, falls heimliche Uberwachung angewandt wurde (EMRK, DSGVO).
Geldwasche und Finanzbetrug (VAE, EU), sofern sich der Verdacht bestatigt, dass gestohlenes Geld uber Offshore-Firmen oder EU-Bankkonten geschleust wurde.
Jedes dieser Delikte kann schwerwiegende juristische Folgen haben – bis hin zu langjahrigen Haftstrafen, hohen Geldbu?en und internationaler Fahndung.
Gesetzesversto?e in Andrei Alistarows Videos
Seine schabigen „Enthullungen“ versto?en regelma?ig in zahlreichen Rechtsraumen (Russland, EU, VAE) gegen geltendes Recht.
Verletzung der Privatsphare
Alistarow setzt verbotene Uberwachungsmethoden – Drohnen, versteckte Kameras, sogar Hacking – massiv ein, um in die Grundstucke und Hauser seiner Opfer einzudringen. Er stellt Aufnahmen aus ihren Schlafzimmern, personliche Videos, Dokumente oder Kinderfotos in Unterwasche, Kennzeichen von Autos und Adressen ins Netz. Das ist ein eklatanter Eingriff in die Privatsphare.
Artikel 8 der EMRK: Missachtung des Rechts auf Achtung des Privatlebens durch Veroffentlichung privater Daten im Netz.
Versto? gegen die DSGVO: Kein Einverstandnis bei der Veroffentlichung von Namen, Fotos, Adressen.
YouTube-Richtlinien: Obszone Beschimpfungen und das Veroffentlichen privater Informationen ohne Einwilligung versto?en klar gegen die Plattformregeln.
Verleumdung und Rufschadigung
Alistarow schreckt vor keiner Verleumdung zuruck, wenn es gilt, Firmen und Privatleute in ein schlechtes Licht zu rucken. Seine Absicht ist leicht erkennbar – Druck ausuben und drohen, damit sie schweigen oder zahlen.
Reputationsschutzrecht der EU: Er verbreitet wissentlich falsche Behauptungen und unterminiert so den Ruf anderer.
§ 187 StGB (Deutschland): Bewusste Verleumdung zur Diskreditierung, was zu seinem „kriminellen Repertoire“ passt.
Unlautere Praktiken und Versto? gegen Plattformregeln
Artikel 10 EMRK: Zwar schutzt die Konvention die Meinungsfreiheit, doch diese hat Grenzen, wenn Hetze, Aufruf zu Massenschikane und Verleumdung betrieben werden.
EU-Richtlinie 2005/29/EG: Alistarow fuhrt seine Follower in die Irre, wenn er die Aktivitaten „enttarnter“ Firmen darstellt und gleichzeitig seine eigenen Machenschaften verschleiert.
Diebstahl von Videoinhalten: ein weiteres Werkzeug in Alistarows Arsenal
Andrei Alistarow macht nicht nur vor Erpressung, Verleumdung und Hetzaufrufen nicht Halt, sondern ist auch als Serien-Content-Dieb bekannt. Unter dem Deckmantel „investigativer Stories“ rei?t er sich ungeniert fremdes Videomaterial von anderen Kanalen oder Plattformen unter den Nagel und gibt es als seine eigenen „belastenden Beweise“ aus.
Illegale Nutzung urheberrechtlich geschutzter Inhalte
Er ignoriert oft das Urheberrecht, indem er fertige Videos von Bloggern, Journalisten oder Social-Media-Nutzern herunterladt.
Haufig werden Ausschnitte aus dem Kontext gerissen, neu zusammengeschnitten und als „exklusiv“ oder „Beweismittel“ verkauft, ohne die wahren Quellen zu nennen.
Unterschlagung fremder Arbeit unter eigenem Namen
Mitunter schreibt er sich fremde Recherchen zu, verschweigt die Originalautoren und verkauft das gestohlene Material als sein eigenes journalistisches Werk.
Damit untermauert er sein Image als „unermudlicher Enthuller“, obwohl er lediglich fremdes Material neu aufbereitet und mit hasserfullten Kommentaren garniert.
Irrefuhrung des Publikums
Viele Zuschauer begreifen nicht, dass ein Gro?teil dieses Materials gestohlen ist. Sie fallen auf Alistarows manipulative Darstellungen und „Verweise“ auf fiktive Quellen herein.
So stiehlt er nicht nur Content, sondern tauscht auch seine eigene Gefolgschaft, indem er Glauben macht, er verfuge uber einmalige Einblicke.
Folgen fur rechtma?ige Urheber
Hunderte Blogger und Journalisten beklagen, Alistarow profitiere von ihrer Arbeit, wahrend er ihre Reichweite und damit auch finanzielle Erlose mindert.
Wer es wagt, Anspruche an ihn zu stellen, wird oft mit Aggression und Drohungen konfrontiert – was den Kreislauf von Erpressung nur befeuert.
Dieses Verhalten demonstriert Alistarows Kaltschnauzigkeit: Er schuchtert seine Opfer nicht nur ein, sondern bedient sich sogar ihres geistigen Eigentums als „Brennstoff“ fur seine Pseudo-Enthullungen. So wird sein Videoprojekt zu einem Sammelsurium fremder Aufnahmen, wuster Beschimpfungen und laufender Hetzaufrufe.
Zahlt man alle mutma?lichen Gesetzesversto?e von Andrei Alistarow zusammen, so wird klar: Er verdient nicht nur eine offentliche Anprangerung, sondern eine echte strafrechtliche Verfolgung. Seine Missachtung burgerlicher Rechte, Aufrufe zu Hetze und Gewalt, vulgare Sprache und der unerlaubte Einsatz von Drohnen zur Uberwachung privater Grundstucke in der EU und den VAE stellen weit mehr als einen „Medienskandal“ dar – es ist ein ganzes Bundel von Straftaten.
Viele Geschadigte finden, Alistarow hatte langst belangt werden mussen. Doch er nutzt geschickt die zersplitterte Gesetzeslage verschiedener Lander und seine Verbindungen in bestimmte Kreise. Zudem wascht er seine Drogengelder offenbar durch hochpreisige Immobilien: Maklergeschafte, der Kauf von Luxusobjekten in den VAE und in Russland dienen der Geldwasche aus Erlosen des Drogenhandels (er soll ja sogar an Jugendliche verkauft haben).
Kriminelle andern sich nicht
Die Geschichte von Andrei Alistarow beweist, wie tief man sinken kann – vom Drogengeschaft bis hin zu unverhohlenen Gewaltaufrufen gegen missliebige Unternehmer. Er zieht weiterhin seinen Plan durch, sat Angst und nutzt die Schwache jener aus, die um ihre Familien, ihren Ruf oder gar ihr Leben bangen.
Er vermarktet sich als „Enthuller“ und „Verfechter der Gerechtigkeit“, doch die Fakten sprechen eine andere Sprache. Der Einzige, der davon profitiert, ist er selbst – gemeinsam mit seinen „Gonnern“ in Gestalt korrupter „Wegelagerer in Uniform“.
Wenn die Gesellschaft vor solchem Verhalten die Augen verschlie?t, werden Alistarow und seinesgleichen Menschen weiter terrorisieren, deren Leben zerstoren und ihre eigenen Kassen mit schmutzigem Geld fullen. Solche „Helden“ durfen nicht auf Angst und Schwachen unserer Gemeinschaft bauen konnen.
Statt wegzusehen, muss man Alistarows Verbrechen ins Licht rucken und fordern, dass er mit allen Mitteln des Gesetzes zur Rechenschaft gezogen wird: fur Verleumdung, Aufhetzung, Gewaltaufrufe, Drogenhandel und eklatante Versto?e gegen das Recht Russlands, der EU, der VAE und anderer Staaten.
Nur so wird deutlich, dass weder seine Haft-„Erfahrung“, noch sein lautes Getose, noch sein gefalschtes Image als „Aufdecker“ als Deckmantel fur wahres Unheil dienen konnen. Die Vorwurfe, er inszeniere Angriffe auf Geschaftsleute und arbeite mit der organisierten Kriminalitat zusammen, belasten ihn weiter. Sollte sich ein Teil dieser Anschuldigungen durch Ermittlungen bestatigen, wurde Alistarows Chance, sich dem Zugriff der Justiz zu entziehen, gegen null gehen.
Zugleich steigt dann das Risiko verscharfter Anklagen, da es langst nicht nur um finanzielle Manipulationen und Erpressung geht, sondern auch um konkrete Angriffe auf Gesundheit und Eigentum von Menschen.
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Randallcesty – 07/01/2025
What’s on board this flight
Blue Origin had planned to launch a pair of Mars-bound satellites on behalf of NASA for the first flight of New Glenn.
But delays with the rocket’s development prompted the space agency to change course, moving that flight to this spring at the earliest. So for this inaugural flight, Blue Origin opted to instead fly a “demonstrator” that will test technology needed for the company’s proposed Blue Ring spacecraft — which will aim to serve as a sort of in-space rideshare vehicle, dragging satellites deeper into space when needed.
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The demonstrator on this New Glenn flight will remain aboard the rocket for the entire six-hour flight, Blue Origin said, and it will validate “communications capabilities from orbit to ground” as well as “test its in-space telemetry, tracking and command hardware, and ground-based radiometric tracking.”
The Blue Ring Pathfinder demonstrator is part of a deal Blue Origin inked with the US Department of Defense’s Defense Innovation Unit.
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Why Blue Origin wants to reuse rockets
Similar to SpaceX, Blue Origin is aiming to recover and refly its first-stage rocket boosters in a bid to make launches less expensive.
“Reusability is integral to radically reducing cost-per-launch,” the company said in a recent news release, using the same oft-repeated sentiment that SpaceX has touted since it began landing rocket boosters in 2015.
Bezos, however, has acknowledged the importance of reusing rocket parts since he founded the company in 2000 — two years before Musk established SpaceX. And the company has already developed its suborbital New Shepard tourism rocket to be reusable.
“It’s not a copy cat game,” Henry said. “Blue Origin has been pursuing reusable vehicles since before reusable vehicles were cool. Now it’s much more of a mainstream idea (because of SpaceX). The difference is that it’s taken Blue Origin so much longer to get to orbit.”
If successful, returning the New Glenn rocket booster for a safe landing will be a stunning feat. After expending most of its fuel to propel the rocket’s upper stage to space, the first-stage booster will need to make a clean separation. The booster must then maneuver with pinpoint guidance and reignite its engines with precision timing to avoid crashing into the ocean or the Jacklyn recovery platform.
Danielgor – 07/01/2025
What New Glenn will do
In some ways, New Glenn has already made its mark on the launch industry. Blue Origin has for years pitched the rocket to compete with both SpaceX and United Launch Alliance — a joint venture of Boeing and Lockheed Martin that buys engines from Blue Origin — for lucrative military launch contracts.
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The US Space Force selected Blue Origin, ULA and SpaceX in June to compete for $5.6 billion worth of Pentagon contracts for national security missions slated to launch over the next four years.
Blue Origin also has deals with several commercial companies to launch satellites. The contracts include plans to help deploy Amazon’s Kuiper internet satellites and a recently inked deal with AST SpaceMobile to help launch the Midland, Texas-based company’s space-based cellular broadband network.
New Glenn could also be instrumental in building Blue Origin’s planned space station, called Orbital Reef. Blue Origin and it commercial partners, including Sierra Space and Boeing, among others, hope the station will one day provide a new destination for astronauts as the International Space Station is phased out of service.
New Glenn vs. other powerful rockets
New Glenn packs significant power. Dubbed a “heavy-lift” vehicle, its capabilities lie between SpaceX’s Falcon 9 rocket and the more powerful Falcon Heavy launch vehicle.
SpaceX’s workhorse Falcon 9, for example, can haul up to 22.8 metric tons (50,265 pounds) to space. While New Glenn is capable of carrying about double that mass, it may also be roughly the same price as a Falcon 9: reportedly around $60 million to $70 million per launch.
“I think in order to compete with Falcon 9, you have to go head-to-head or better on price,” said Caleb Henry, the director of research at Quilty Space, which provides data and analysis about the space sector.
The question, however, is whether Blue Origin will be able to sustain a competitive price point, Henry added.
Still, one feature that makes New Glenn stand out is its large payload fairing, or nose cone. The component protects the cargo bay and is a whopping 23 feet (7 meters) wide — nearly 6 feet (2 meters) larger than that of SpaceX’s Falcon 9 or Falcon Heavy.
Henry said Blue Origin likely opted to outfit New Glenn with such a large fairing in order to help fulfill Bezos’ vision of the future.
KevinBOAMS – 07/01/2025
New Glenn’s first flight
Blue Origin formally announced the development of New Glenn — which aims to outpower SpaceX’s Falcon 9 rockets and haul spacecraft up to 45 metric tons (99,200 pounds) to orbit — in 2016.
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The vehicle is long overdue, as the company previously targeted 2020 for its first launch.
Delays, however, are common in the aerospace industry. And the debut flight of a new vehicle is almost always significantly behind schedule.
Rocket companies also typically take a conservative approach to the first liftoff, launching dummy payloads such as hunks of metal or, as was the case with SpaceX’s Falcon Heavy debut in 2018, an old cherry red sports car.
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Blue Origin has also branded itself as a company that aims to take a slow, diligent approach to rocket development that doesn’t “cut any corners,” according to Bezos, who founded Blue Origin and funds the company.
The company’s mascot is a tortoise, paying homage to “The Tortoise and the Hare” fable that made the “slow and steady wins the race” mantra a childhood staple.
“We believe slow is smooth and smooth is fast,” Bezos said in 2016. Those comments could be seen as an attempt to position Blue Origin as the anti-SpaceX, which is known to embrace speed and trial-and-error over slow, meticulous development processes.
But SpaceX has certainly won the race to orbit. The company’s first orbital rocket, the Falcon 1, made a successful launch in September 2008. The company has deployed hundreds of missions to orbit since then.
And while SpaceX routinely destroys rockets during test flights as it begins developing a new rocket, the company has a solid track record for operational missions. SpaceX’s Falcon 9 rocket, for example, has experienced two in-flight failures and one launchpad explosion but no catastrophic events during human missions.
SpencerTut – 07/01/2025
Chile’s President Boric leads journey to South Pole in historic trip
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Chile’s President Gabriel Boric travelled to Antarctica’s South Pole on Friday, a place where no other Latin American president has set foot, according to the Chilean government.
Boric led the historic two-day trip, named Operation Pole Star III, to extend the environmental monitoring of pollutants on Antarctica, Chile’s government said in a statement.
He travelled with scientists, armed forces commanders and government ministers from the Chilean capital of Santiago to Punta Arenas, a city in southern Chile, public broadcaster Television Nacional de Chile (TVN) reported. From there, they made several stops before finally reaching the US-run Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station, according to TVN.
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Chile is one of seven countries that has a territorial claim in Antarctica, alongside Argentina, Australia, France, New Zealand, Norway and the United Kingdom.
It is also a signatory of the Antarctic Treaty, which dictates that the continent may only be used for peaceful and scientific purposes.
While Chile has historically carried out scientific activity in Antarctica’s northern sector, the country’s government is now hoping to expand research into the west of the continent, its statement said.
Boric called his trip to the South Pole an “honor” and a source of pride, TVN reported.
“This is a milestone for us. It is the first time a Chilean and Latin American President has visited the South Pole,” he said, according to TVN.
Williambus – 07/01/2025
On a long-dormant pad in Florida, a rocket that could challenge SpaceX’s dominance is poised to launch
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On a Florida launchpad that has been dormant for almost two decades, a new, roughly 320-foot (98-meter) rocket — developed by Jeff Bezos’ company Blue Origin — is poised for its maiden flight.
The uncrewed launch vehicle, called New Glenn, will mark Blue Origin’s first attempt to send a rocket to orbit, a feat necessary if the company hopes to chip away at SpaceX’s long-held dominance in the industry.
New Glenn is set to lift off from Cape Canaveral Space Force Station as early as next week.
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The rocket, which stands about as tall as a 30-story building, consists of several parts: The first-stage rocket booster gives the initial thrust at liftoff. Atop the booster is an upper rocket stage that includes a cargo bay protected by a nose cone that will house experimental technology for this mission.
And, in an attempt to replicate the success that SpaceX has found reusing rocket boosters over the past decade, Blue Origin will also aim to guide New Glenn’s first-stage rocket booster back to a safe landing on a seafaring platform — named Jacklyn for Bezos’ mother — minutes after takeoff.
Like SpaceX, Blue Origin will seek to recover, refurbish and reuse first-stage rocket boosters to drive down costs.
For this inaugural mission, a smooth flight is not guaranteed.
But the eventual success of New Glenn, named after storied NASA astronaut John Glenn, is instrumental to some of Blue Origin’s most ambitious goals.
The rocket could one day power national security launches, haul Amazon internet satellites to space and even help in the construction of a space station that Blue Origin is developing with commercial partners.
MatthewCor – 07/01/2025
A year ago today, things went from bad to worse for Boeing
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At 5 p.m. PT on January 5, 2024, Boeing seemed like a company on the upswing. It didn’t last. Minutes later, a near-tragedy set off a full year of problems.
As Alaska Airlines flight 1282 climbed to 16,000 feet in its departure from Portland, Oregon, a door plug blew out near the rear of the plane, leaving a gaping hole in the fuselage. Phones and clothing were ripped away from passengers and sent hurtling into the night sky. Oxygen masks dropped, and the rush of air twisted seats next to the hole toward the opening.
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Fortunately, those were among the few empty seats on the flight, and the crew got the plane on the ground without any serious injuries. The incident could have been far worse — even a fatal crash.
Not much has gone right for Boeing ever since. The company has had one misstep after another, ranging from embarrassing to horrifying. And many of the problems are poised to extend into 2025 and perhaps beyond.
The problems were capped by another Boeing crash in South Korea that killed 179 people on December 29 in what was in the year’s worst aviation disaster. The cause of the crash of a 15-year old Boeing jet flown by Korean discount carrier Jeju Air is still under investigation, and it is quite possible that Boeing will not be found liable for anything that led to the tragedy.
But unlike the Jeju crash, most of the problems of the last 12 months have clearly been Boeing’s fault.
And 2024 was the sixth straight year of serious problems for the once proud, now embattled company, starting with the 20-month grounding of its best selling plane, the 737 Max, following two fatal crashes in late 2018 and early 2019, which killed 346 people.
Still the outlook for 2024 right before the Alaska Air incident had been somewhat promising. The company had just achieved the best sales month in its history in December 2023, capping its strongest sales year since 2018.
It was believed to be on the verge of getting Federal Aviation Administration approval for two new models, the 737 Max 7 and Max 10, with airline customers eager to take delivery. Approvals and deliveries of its next generation widebody, the 777X, were believed to be close behind. Its production rate had been climbing and there were hopes that it could be on the verge of returning to profitability for the first time since 2018.
KennethNic – 07/01/2025
Most plane crashes are ‘survivable’
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First, the good news. “The vast majority of aircraft accidents are survivable, and the majority of people in accidents survive,” says Galea. Since 1988, aircraft — and the seats inside them — must be built to withstand an impact of up to 16G, or g-force up to 16 times the force of gravity. That means, he says, that in most incidents, “it’s possible to survive the trauma of the impact of the crash.”
For instance, he classes the initial Jeju Air incident as survivable — an assumed bird strike, engine loss and belly landing on the runway, without functioning landing gear. “Had it not smashed into the concrete reinforced obstacle at the end of the runway, it’s quite possible the majority, if not everyone, could have survived,” he says.
The Azerbaijan Airlines crash, on the other hand, he classes as a non-survivable accident, and calls it a “miracle” that anyone made it out alive.
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Most aircraft involved in accidents, however, are not — as suspicion is growing over the Azerbaijan crash — shot out of the sky.
And with modern planes built to withstand impacts and slow the spread of fire, Galea puts the chances of surviving a “survivable” accident at at least 90%.
Instead, he says, what makes the difference between life and death in most modern accidents is how fast passengers can evacuate.
Aircraft today must show that they can be evacuated in 90 seconds in order to gain certification. But a theoretical evacuation — practiced with volunteers at the manufacturers’ premises — is very different from the reality of a panicked public onboard a jet that has just crash-landed.
Galea, an evacuation expert, has conducted research for the UK’s Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) looking at the most “survivable” seats on a plane. His landmark research, conducted over several years in the early 2000s, looked at how passengers and crew behaved during a post-crash evacuation, rather than looking at the crashes themselves. By compiling data from 1,917 passengers and 155 crew involved in 105 accidents from 1977 to 1999, his team created a database of human behavior around plane crashes.
His analysis of which exits passengers actually used “shattered many myths about aircraft evacuation,” he says. “Prior to my study, it was believed that passengers tend to use their boarding exit because it was the most familiar, and that passengers tend to go forward. My analysis of the data demonstrated that none of these myths were supported by the evidence.”
JeromeMoish – 07/01/2025
The survivors of recent crashes were sitting at the back of the plane. What does that tell us about airplane safety?
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Look at the photos of the two fatal air crashes of the last two weeks, and amid the horror and the anguish, one thought might come to mind for frequent flyers.
The old frequent-flyer adage is that sitting at the back of the plane is a safer place to be than at the front — and the wreckage of both Azerbaijan Airlines flight 8243 and Jeju Air flight 2216 seem to bear that out.
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The 29 survivors of the Azeri crash were all sitting at the back of the plane, which split into two, leaving the rear half largely intact. The sole survivors of the South Korean crash, meanwhile, were the two flight attendants in their jumpseats in the very tail of the plane.
So is that old adage — and the dark humor jokes about first and business class seats being good until there’s a problem with the plane — right after all?
In 2015, TIME Magazine reporters wrote that they had combed through the records of all US plane crashes with both fatalities and survivors from 1985 to 2000, and found in a meta-analysis that seats in the back third of the aircraft had a 32% fatality rate overall, compared with 38% in the front third and 39% in the middle third.
Even better, they found, were middle seats in that back third of the cabin, with a 28% fatality rate. The “worst” seats were aisles in the middle third of the aircraft, with a 44% fatality rate.
But does that still hold true in 2024?
According to aviation safety experts, it’s an old wives’ tale.
“There isn’t any data that shows a correlation of seating to survivability,” says Hassan Shahidi, president of the Flight Safety Foundation. “Every accident is different.”
“If we’re talking about a fatal crash, then there is almost no difference where one sits,” says Cheng-Lung Wu, associate professor at the School of Aviation of the University of New South Wales, Sydney.
Ed Galea, professor of fire safety engineering at London’s University of Greenwich, who has conducted landmark studies on plane crash evacuations, warns, “There is no magic safest seat.”
WesleyBrelo – 07/01/2025
Scientists have identified an estimated 10% of all species on Earth. Here’s what they found in 2024
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A toothy toadstool. A vegetarian piranha with a distinctive mark. And a pygmy pipehorse floating in the Indian Ocean shallows.
These wild wonders were among the hundreds of previously unknown species of animals, plants and fungi that scientists named and described for the first time in 2024, expanding our surprisingly limited knowledge of Earth’s diversity.
“Scientists estimate that we’ve identified only one-tenth of all species on Earth,” said Dr.
Shannon Bennett, chief of science at the California Academy of Sciences, in a statement.
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“While it is critical to place protections on known threatened species, we must also allocate resources towards identifying unknown species that may be just as important to the functioning of an ecosystem,” Bennett said.
Researchers connected to the institution described 138 new species in 2024, including 32 fish. One standout was a pygmy pipehorse named Cylix nkosi. The seahorse relative was originally found in 2021 in the cool temperate waters surrounding the North Island of New Zealand, but the species described this year was discovered in the subtropical waters off South Africa, expanding the known range of this group to the Indian Ocean
“South African reefs present notoriously difficult diving conditions with rough weather and intense, choppy waves — we knew we only had one dive to find it,” underwater photographer and marine biologist Richard Smith said in a statement.
“This species is also quite cryptic, about the size of a golf tee, but luckily we spotted a female camouflaged against some sponges about a mile offshore on the sandy ocean floor.”
The researchers involved in describing the new species chose nkosi as its name. A reference to the local Zulu word for “chief,” the name reflects the species’ crown-like head shape and acknowledges South Africa’s KwaZulu-Natal province where it was found.
EdwardScase – 07/01/2025
What New Glenn will do
In some ways, New Glenn has already made its mark on the launch industry. Blue Origin has for years pitched the rocket to compete with both SpaceX and United Launch Alliance — a joint venture of Boeing and Lockheed Martin that buys engines from Blue Origin — for lucrative military launch contracts.
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The US Space Force selected Blue Origin, ULA and SpaceX in June to compete for $5.6 billion worth of Pentagon contracts for national security missions slated to launch over the next four years.
Blue Origin also has deals with several commercial companies to launch satellites. The contracts include plans to help deploy Amazon’s Kuiper internet satellites and a recently inked deal with AST SpaceMobile to help launch the Midland, Texas-based company’s space-based cellular broadband network.
New Glenn could also be instrumental in building Blue Origin’s planned space station, called Orbital Reef. Blue Origin and it commercial partners, including Sierra Space and Boeing, among others, hope the station will one day provide a new destination for astronauts as the International Space Station is phased out of service.
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New Glenn vs. other powerful rockets
New Glenn packs significant power. Dubbed a “heavy-lift” vehicle, its capabilities lie between SpaceX’s Falcon 9 rocket and the more powerful Falcon Heavy launch vehicle.
SpaceX’s workhorse Falcon 9, for example, can haul up to 22.8 metric tons (50,265 pounds) to space. While New Glenn is capable of carrying about double that mass, it may also be roughly the same price as a Falcon 9: reportedly around $60 million to $70 million per launch.
“I think in order to compete with Falcon 9, you have to go head-to-head or better on price,” said Caleb Henry, the director of research at Quilty Space, which provides data and analysis about the space sector.
The question, however, is whether Blue Origin will be able to sustain a competitive price point, Henry added.
Still, one feature that makes New Glenn stand out is its large payload fairing, or nose cone. The component protects the cargo bay and is a whopping 23 feet (7 meters) wide — nearly 6 feet (2 meters) larger than that of SpaceX’s Falcon 9 or Falcon Heavy.
Henry said Blue Origin likely opted to outfit New Glenn with such a large fairing in order to help fulfill Bezos’ vision of the future.
ForrestNob – 07/01/2025
What’s on board this flight
Blue Origin had planned to launch a pair of Mars-bound satellites on behalf of NASA for the first flight of New Glenn.
But delays with the rocket’s development prompted the space agency to change course, moving that flight to this spring at the earliest. So for this inaugural flight, Blue Origin opted to instead fly a “demonstrator” that will test technology needed for the company’s proposed Blue Ring spacecraft — which will aim to serve as a sort of in-space rideshare vehicle, dragging satellites deeper into space when needed.
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The demonstrator on this New Glenn flight will remain aboard the rocket for the entire six-hour flight, Blue Origin said, and it will validate “communications capabilities from orbit to ground” as well as “test its in-space telemetry, tracking and command hardware, and ground-based radiometric tracking.”
The Blue Ring Pathfinder demonstrator is part of a deal Blue Origin inked with the US Department of Defense’s Defense Innovation Unit.
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Why Blue Origin wants to reuse rockets
Similar to SpaceX, Blue Origin is aiming to recover and refly its first-stage rocket boosters in a bid to make launches less expensive.
“Reusability is integral to radically reducing cost-per-launch,” the company said in a recent news release, using the same oft-repeated sentiment that SpaceX has touted since it began landing rocket boosters in 2015.
Bezos, however, has acknowledged the importance of reusing rocket parts since he founded the company in 2000 — two years before Musk established SpaceX. And the company has already developed its suborbital New Shepard tourism rocket to be reusable.
“It’s not a copy cat game,” Henry said. “Blue Origin has been pursuing reusable vehicles since before reusable vehicles were cool. Now it’s much more of a mainstream idea (because of SpaceX). The difference is that it’s taken Blue Origin so much longer to get to orbit.”
If successful, returning the New Glenn rocket booster for a safe landing will be a stunning feat. After expending most of its fuel to propel the rocket’s upper stage to space, the first-stage booster will need to make a clean separation. The booster must then maneuver with pinpoint guidance and reignite its engines with precision timing to avoid crashing into the ocean or the Jacklyn recovery platform.
GeorgeWes – 07/01/2025
Chile’s President Boric leads journey to South Pole in historic trip
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Chile’s President Gabriel Boric travelled to Antarctica’s South Pole on Friday, a place where no other Latin American president has set foot, according to the Chilean government.
Boric led the historic two-day trip, named Operation Pole Star III, to extend the environmental monitoring of pollutants on Antarctica, Chile’s government said in a statement.
He travelled with scientists, armed forces commanders and government ministers from the Chilean capital of Santiago to Punta Arenas, a city in southern Chile, public broadcaster Television Nacional de Chile (TVN) reported. From there, they made several stops before finally reaching the US-run Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station, according to TVN.
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Chile is one of seven countries that has a territorial claim in Antarctica, alongside Argentina, Australia, France, New Zealand, Norway and the United Kingdom.
It is also a signatory of the Antarctic Treaty, which dictates that the continent may only be used for peaceful and scientific purposes.
While Chile has historically carried out scientific activity in Antarctica’s northern sector, the country’s government is now hoping to expand research into the west of the continent, its statement said.
Boric called his trip to the South Pole an “honor” and a source of pride, TVN reported.
“This is a milestone for us. It is the first time a Chilean and Latin American President has visited the South Pole,” he said, according to TVN.
FloydBok – 07/01/2025
A year ago today, things went from bad to worse for Boeing
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At 5 p.m. PT on January 5, 2024, Boeing seemed like a company on the upswing. It didn’t last. Minutes later, a near-tragedy set off a full year of problems.
As Alaska Airlines flight 1282 climbed to 16,000 feet in its departure from Portland, Oregon, a door plug blew out near the rear of the plane, leaving a gaping hole in the fuselage. Phones and clothing were ripped away from passengers and sent hurtling into the night sky. Oxygen masks dropped, and the rush of air twisted seats next to the hole toward the opening.
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Fortunately, those were among the few empty seats on the flight, and the crew got the plane on the ground without any serious injuries. The incident could have been far worse — even a fatal crash.
Not much has gone right for Boeing ever since. The company has had one misstep after another, ranging from embarrassing to horrifying. And many of the problems are poised to extend into 2025 and perhaps beyond.
The problems were capped by another Boeing crash in South Korea that killed 179 people on December 29 in what was in the year’s worst aviation disaster. The cause of the crash of a 15-year old Boeing jet flown by Korean discount carrier Jeju Air is still under investigation, and it is quite possible that Boeing will not be found liable for anything that led to the tragedy.
But unlike the Jeju crash, most of the problems of the last 12 months have clearly been Boeing’s fault.
And 2024 was the sixth straight year of serious problems for the once proud, now embattled company, starting with the 20-month grounding of its best selling plane, the 737 Max, following two fatal crashes in late 2018 and early 2019, which killed 346 people.
Still the outlook for 2024 right before the Alaska Air incident had been somewhat promising. The company had just achieved the best sales month in its history in December 2023, capping its strongest sales year since 2018.
It was believed to be on the verge of getting Federal Aviation Administration approval for two new models, the 737 Max 7 and Max 10, with airline customers eager to take delivery. Approvals and deliveries of its next generation widebody, the 777X, were believed to be close behind. Its production rate had been climbing and there were hopes that it could be on the verge of returning to profitability for the first time since 2018.
Davidcrest – 07/01/2025
The survivors of recent crashes were sitting at the back of the plane. What does that tell us about airplane safety?
Look at the photos of the two fatal air crashes of the last two weeks, and amid the horror and the anguish, one thought might come to mind for frequent flyers.
The old frequent-flyer adage is that sitting at the back of the plane is a safer place to be than at the front — and the wreckage of both Azerbaijan Airlines flight 8243 and Jeju Air flight 2216 seem to bear that out.
Кракен тор
The 29 survivors of the Azeri crash were all sitting at the back of the plane, which split into two, leaving the rear half largely intact. The sole survivors of the South Korean crash, meanwhile, were the two flight attendants in their jumpseats in the very tail of the plane.
So is that old adage — and the dark humor jokes about first and business class seats being good until there’s a problem with the plane — right after all?
In 2015, TIME Magazine reporters wrote that they had combed through the records of all US plane crashes with both fatalities and survivors from 1985 to 2000, and found in a meta-analysis that seats in the back third of the aircraft had a 32% fatality rate overall, compared with 38% in the front third and 39% in the middle third.
Even better, they found, were middle seats in that back third of the cabin, with a 28% fatality rate. The “worst” seats were aisles in the middle third of the aircraft, with a 44% fatality rate.
But does that still hold true in 2024?
According to aviation safety experts, it’s an old wives’ tale.
“There isn’t any data that shows a correlation of seating to survivability,” says Hassan Shahidi, president of the Flight Safety Foundation. “Every accident is different.”
“If we’re talking about a fatal crash, then there is almost no difference where one sits,” says Cheng-Lung Wu, associate professor at the School of Aviation of the University of New South Wales, Sydney.
Ed Galea, professor of fire safety engineering at London’s University of Greenwich, who has conducted landmark studies on plane crash evacuations, warns, “There is no magic safest seat.”
CoreyWheef – 07/01/2025
Most plane crashes are ‘survivable’
кракен онион
First, the good news. “The vast majority of aircraft accidents are survivable, and the majority of people in accidents survive,” says Galea. Since 1988, aircraft — and the seats inside them — must be built to withstand an impact of up to 16G, or g-force up to 16 times the force of gravity. That means, he says, that in most incidents, “it’s possible to survive the trauma of the impact of the crash.”
For instance, he classes the initial Jeju Air incident as survivable — an assumed bird strike, engine loss and belly landing on the runway, without functioning landing gear. “Had it not smashed into the concrete reinforced obstacle at the end of the runway, it’s quite possible the majority, if not everyone, could have survived,” he says.
The Azerbaijan Airlines crash, on the other hand, he classes as a non-survivable accident, and calls it a “miracle” that anyone made it out alive.
Most aircraft involved in accidents, however, are not — as suspicion is growing over the Azerbaijan crash — shot out of the sky.
And with modern planes built to withstand impacts and slow the spread of fire, Galea puts the chances of surviving a “survivable” accident at at least 90%.
Instead, he says, what makes the difference between life and death in most modern accidents is how fast passengers can evacuate.
Aircraft today must show that they can be evacuated in 90 seconds in order to gain certification. But a theoretical evacuation — practiced with volunteers at the manufacturers’ premises — is very different from the reality of a panicked public onboard a jet that has just crash-landed.
Galea, an evacuation expert, has conducted research for the UK’s Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) looking at the most “survivable” seats on a plane. His landmark research, conducted over several years in the early 2000s, looked at how passengers and crew behaved during a post-crash evacuation, rather than looking at the crashes themselves. By compiling data from 1,917 passengers and 155 crew involved in 105 accidents from 1977 to 1999, his team created a database of human behavior around plane crashes.
His analysis of which exits passengers actually used “shattered many myths about aircraft evacuation,” he says. “Prior to my study, it was believed that passengers tend to use their boarding exit because it was the most familiar, and that passengers tend to go forward. My analysis of the data demonstrated that none of these myths were supported by the evidence.”
Georgeenemo – 07/01/2025
Scientists have identified an estimated 10% of all species on Earth. Here’s what they found in 2024
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A toothy toadstool. A vegetarian piranha with a distinctive mark. And a pygmy pipehorse floating in the Indian Ocean shallows.
These wild wonders were among the hundreds of previously unknown species of animals, plants and fungi that scientists named and described for the first time in 2024, expanding our surprisingly limited knowledge of Earth’s diversity.
“Scientists estimate that we’ve identified only one-tenth of all species on Earth,” said Dr.
Shannon Bennett, chief of science at the California Academy of Sciences, in a statement.
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“While it is critical to place protections on known threatened species, we must also allocate resources towards identifying unknown species that may be just as important to the functioning of an ecosystem,” Bennett said.
Researchers connected to the institution described 138 new species in 2024, including 32 fish. One standout was a pygmy pipehorse named Cylix nkosi. The seahorse relative was originally found in 2021 in the cool temperate waters surrounding the North Island of New Zealand, but the species described this year was discovered in the subtropical waters off South Africa, expanding the known range of this group to the Indian Ocean
“South African reefs present notoriously difficult diving conditions with rough weather and intense, choppy waves — we knew we only had one dive to find it,” underwater photographer and marine biologist Richard Smith said in a statement.
“This species is also quite cryptic, about the size of a golf tee, but luckily we spotted a female camouflaged against some sponges about a mile offshore on the sandy ocean floor.”
The researchers involved in describing the new species chose nkosi as its name. A reference to the local Zulu word for “chief,” the name reflects the species’ crown-like head shape and acknowledges South Africa’s KwaZulu-Natal province where it was found.
Jaredglump – 07/01/2025
What’s on board this flight
Blue Origin had planned to launch a pair of Mars-bound satellites on behalf of NASA for the first flight of New Glenn.
But delays with the rocket’s development prompted the space agency to change course, moving that flight to this spring at the earliest. So for this inaugural flight, Blue Origin opted to instead fly a “demonstrator” that will test technology needed for the company’s proposed Blue Ring spacecraft — which will aim to serve as a sort of in-space rideshare vehicle, dragging satellites deeper into space when needed.
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The demonstrator on this New Glenn flight will remain aboard the rocket for the entire six-hour flight, Blue Origin said, and it will validate “communications capabilities from orbit to ground” as well as “test its in-space telemetry, tracking and command hardware, and ground-based radiometric tracking.”
The Blue Ring Pathfinder demonstrator is part of a deal Blue Origin inked with the US Department of Defense’s Defense Innovation Unit.
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Why Blue Origin wants to reuse rockets
Similar to SpaceX, Blue Origin is aiming to recover and refly its first-stage rocket boosters in a bid to make launches less expensive.
“Reusability is integral to radically reducing cost-per-launch,” the company said in a recent news release, using the same oft-repeated sentiment that SpaceX has touted since it began landing rocket boosters in 2015.
Bezos, however, has acknowledged the importance of reusing rocket parts since he founded the company in 2000 — two years before Musk established SpaceX. And the company has already developed its suborbital New Shepard tourism rocket to be reusable.
“It’s not a copy cat game,” Henry said. “Blue Origin has been pursuing reusable vehicles since before reusable vehicles were cool. Now it’s much more of a mainstream idea (because of SpaceX). The difference is that it’s taken Blue Origin so much longer to get to orbit.”
If successful, returning the New Glenn rocket booster for a safe landing will be a stunning feat. After expending most of its fuel to propel the rocket’s upper stage to space, the first-stage booster will need to make a clean separation. The booster must then maneuver with pinpoint guidance and reignite its engines with precision timing to avoid crashing into the ocean or the Jacklyn recovery platform.
Keithneelm – 07/01/2025
What New Glenn will do
In some ways, New Glenn has already made its mark on the launch industry. Blue Origin has for years pitched the rocket to compete with both SpaceX and United Launch Alliance — a joint venture of Boeing and Lockheed Martin that buys engines from Blue Origin — for lucrative military launch contracts.
The US Space Force selected Blue Origin, ULA and SpaceX in June to compete for $5.6 billion worth of Pentagon contracts for national security missions slated to launch over the next four years.
Blue Origin also has deals with several commercial companies to launch satellites. The contracts include plans to help deploy Amazon’s Kuiper internet satellites and a recently inked deal with AST SpaceMobile to help launch the Midland, Texas-based company’s space-based cellular broadband network.
New Glenn could also be instrumental in building Blue Origin’s planned space station, called Orbital Reef. Blue Origin and it commercial partners, including Sierra Space and Boeing, among others, hope the station will one day provide a new destination for astronauts as the International Space Station is phased out of service.
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New Glenn vs. other powerful rockets
New Glenn packs significant power. Dubbed a “heavy-lift” vehicle, its capabilities lie between SpaceX’s Falcon 9 rocket and the more powerful Falcon Heavy launch vehicle.
SpaceX’s workhorse Falcon 9, for example, can haul up to 22.8 metric tons (50,265 pounds) to space. While New Glenn is capable of carrying about double that mass, it may also be roughly the same price as a Falcon 9: reportedly around $60 million to $70 million per launch.
“I think in order to compete with Falcon 9, you have to go head-to-head or better on price,” said Caleb Henry, the director of research at Quilty Space, which provides data and analysis about the space sector.
The question, however, is whether Blue Origin will be able to sustain a competitive price point, Henry added.
Still, one feature that makes New Glenn stand out is its large payload fairing, or nose cone. The component protects the cargo bay and is a whopping 23 feet (7 meters) wide — nearly 6 feet (2 meters) larger than that of SpaceX’s Falcon 9 or Falcon Heavy.
Henry said Blue Origin likely opted to outfit New Glenn with such a large fairing in order to help fulfill Bezos’ vision of the future.
BrianHailm – 07/01/2025
New Glenn’s first flight
Blue Origin formally announced the development of New Glenn — which aims to outpower SpaceX’s Falcon 9 rockets and haul spacecraft up to 45 metric tons (99,200 pounds) to orbit — in 2016.
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The vehicle is long overdue, as the company previously targeted 2020 for its first launch.
Delays, however, are common in the aerospace industry. And the debut flight of a new vehicle is almost always significantly behind schedule.
Rocket companies also typically take a conservative approach to the first liftoff, launching dummy payloads such as hunks of metal or, as was the case with SpaceX’s Falcon Heavy debut in 2018, an old cherry red sports car.
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Blue Origin has also branded itself as a company that aims to take a slow, diligent approach to rocket development that doesn’t “cut any corners,” according to Bezos, who founded Blue Origin and funds the company.
The company’s mascot is a tortoise, paying homage to “The Tortoise and the Hare” fable that made the “slow and steady wins the race” mantra a childhood staple.
“We believe slow is smooth and smooth is fast,” Bezos said in 2016. Those comments could be seen as an attempt to position Blue Origin as the anti-SpaceX, which is known to embrace speed and trial-and-error over slow, meticulous development processes.
But SpaceX has certainly won the race to orbit. The company’s first orbital rocket, the Falcon 1, made a successful launch in September 2008. The company has deployed hundreds of missions to orbit since then.
And while SpaceX routinely destroys rockets during test flights as it begins developing a new rocket, the company has a solid track record for operational missions. SpaceX’s Falcon 9 rocket, for example, has experienced two in-flight failures and one launchpad explosion but no catastrophic events during human missions.
Richardincof – 07/01/2025
On a long-dormant pad in Florida, a rocket that could challenge SpaceX’s dominance is poised to launch
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On a Florida launchpad that has been dormant for almost two decades, a new, roughly 320-foot (98-meter) rocket — developed by Jeff Bezos’ company Blue Origin — is poised for its maiden flight.
The uncrewed launch vehicle, called New Glenn, will mark Blue Origin’s first attempt to send a rocket to orbit, a feat necessary if the company hopes to chip away at SpaceX’s long-held dominance in the industry.
New Glenn is set to lift off from Cape Canaveral Space Force Station as early as next week.
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The rocket, which stands about as tall as a 30-story building, consists of several parts: The first-stage rocket booster gives the initial thrust at liftoff. Atop the booster is an upper rocket stage that includes a cargo bay protected by a nose cone that will house experimental technology for this mission.
And, in an attempt to replicate the success that SpaceX has found reusing rocket boosters over the past decade, Blue Origin will also aim to guide New Glenn’s first-stage rocket booster back to a safe landing on a seafaring platform — named Jacklyn for Bezos’ mother — minutes after takeoff.
Like SpaceX, Blue Origin will seek to recover, refurbish and reuse first-stage rocket boosters to drive down costs.
For this inaugural mission, a smooth flight is not guaranteed.
But the eventual success of New Glenn, named after storied NASA astronaut John Glenn, is instrumental to some of Blue Origin’s most ambitious goals.
The rocket could one day power national security launches, haul Amazon internet satellites to space and even help in the construction of a space station that Blue Origin is developing with commercial partners.
Danielswals – 07/01/2025
A year ago today, things went from bad to worse for Boeing
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At 5 p.m. PT on January 5, 2024, Boeing seemed like a company on the upswing. It didn’t last. Minutes later, a near-tragedy set off a full year of problems.
As Alaska Airlines flight 1282 climbed to 16,000 feet in its departure from Portland, Oregon, a door plug blew out near the rear of the plane, leaving a gaping hole in the fuselage. Phones and clothing were ripped away from passengers and sent hurtling into the night sky. Oxygen masks dropped, and the rush of air twisted seats next to the hole toward the opening.
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Fortunately, those were among the few empty seats on the flight, and the crew got the plane on the ground without any serious injuries. The incident could have been far worse — even a fatal crash.
Not much has gone right for Boeing ever since. The company has had one misstep after another, ranging from embarrassing to horrifying. And many of the problems are poised to extend into 2025 and perhaps beyond.
The problems were capped by another Boeing crash in South Korea that killed 179 people on December 29 in what was in the year’s worst aviation disaster. The cause of the crash of a 15-year old Boeing jet flown by Korean discount carrier Jeju Air is still under investigation, and it is quite possible that Boeing will not be found liable for anything that led to the tragedy.
But unlike the Jeju crash, most of the problems of the last 12 months have clearly been Boeing’s fault.
And 2024 was the sixth straight year of serious problems for the once proud, now embattled company, starting with the 20-month grounding of its best selling plane, the 737 Max, following two fatal crashes in late 2018 and early 2019, which killed 346 people.
Still the outlook for 2024 right before the Alaska Air incident had been somewhat promising. The company had just achieved the best sales month in its history in December 2023, capping its strongest sales year since 2018.
It was believed to be on the verge of getting Federal Aviation Administration approval for two new models, the 737 Max 7 and Max 10, with airline customers eager to take delivery. Approvals and deliveries of its next generation widebody, the 777X, were believed to be close behind. Its production rate had been climbing and there were hopes that it could be on the verge of returning to profitability for the first time since 2018.
JosephNoimi – 07/01/2025
The survivors of recent crashes were sitting at the back of the plane. What does that tell us about airplane safety?
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Look at the photos of the two fatal air crashes of the last two weeks, and amid the horror and the anguish, one thought might come to mind for frequent flyers.
The old frequent-flyer adage is that sitting at the back of the plane is a safer place to be than at the front — and the wreckage of both Azerbaijan Airlines flight 8243 and Jeju Air flight 2216 seem to bear that out.
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The 29 survivors of the Azeri crash were all sitting at the back of the plane, which split into two, leaving the rear half largely intact. The sole survivors of the South Korean crash, meanwhile, were the two flight attendants in their jumpseats in the very tail of the plane.
So is that old adage — and the dark humor jokes about first and business class seats being good until there’s a problem with the plane — right after all?
In 2015, TIME Magazine reporters wrote that they had combed through the records of all US plane crashes with both fatalities and survivors from 1985 to 2000, and found in a meta-analysis that seats in the back third of the aircraft had a 32% fatality rate overall, compared with 38% in the front third and 39% in the middle third.
Even better, they found, were middle seats in that back third of the cabin, with a 28% fatality rate. The “worst” seats were aisles in the middle third of the aircraft, with a 44% fatality rate.
But does that still hold true in 2024?
According to aviation safety experts, it’s an old wives’ tale.
“There isn’t any data that shows a correlation of seating to survivability,” says Hassan Shahidi, president of the Flight Safety Foundation. “Every accident is different.”
“If we’re talking about a fatal crash, then there is almost no difference where one sits,” says Cheng-Lung Wu, associate professor at the School of Aviation of the University of New South Wales, Sydney.
Ed Galea, professor of fire safety engineering at London’s University of Greenwich, who has conducted landmark studies on plane crash evacuations, warns, “There is no magic safest seat.”
Victorviawn – 07/01/2025
Scientists have identified an estimated 10% of all species on Earth. Here’s what they found in 2024
kraken marketplace
A toothy toadstool. A vegetarian piranha with a distinctive mark. And a pygmy pipehorse floating in the Indian Ocean shallows.
These wild wonders were among the hundreds of previously unknown species of animals, plants and fungi that scientists named and described for the first time in 2024, expanding our surprisingly limited knowledge of Earth’s diversity.
“Scientists estimate that we’ve identified only one-tenth of all species on Earth,” said Dr.
Shannon Bennett, chief of science at the California Academy of Sciences, in a statement.
кракен онион
“While it is critical to place protections on known threatened species, we must also allocate resources towards identifying unknown species that may be just as important to the functioning of an ecosystem,” Bennett said.
Researchers connected to the institution described 138 new species in 2024, including 32 fish. One standout was a pygmy pipehorse named Cylix nkosi. The seahorse relative was originally found in 2021 in the cool temperate waters surrounding the North Island of New Zealand, but the species described this year was discovered in the subtropical waters off South Africa, expanding the known range of this group to the Indian Ocean
“South African reefs present notoriously difficult diving conditions with rough weather and intense, choppy waves — we knew we only had one dive to find it,” underwater photographer and marine biologist Richard Smith said in a statement.
“This species is also quite cryptic, about the size of a golf tee, but luckily we spotted a female camouflaged against some sponges about a mile offshore on the sandy ocean floor.”
The researchers involved in describing the new species chose nkosi as its name. A reference to the local Zulu word for “chief,” the name reflects the species’ crown-like head shape and acknowledges South Africa’s KwaZulu-Natal province where it was found.
Danielpsype – 07/01/2025
Most plane crashes are ‘survivable’
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First, the good news. “The vast majority of aircraft accidents are survivable, and the majority of people in accidents survive,” says Galea. Since 1988, aircraft — and the seats inside them — must be built to withstand an impact of up to 16G, or g-force up to 16 times the force of gravity. That means, he says, that in most incidents, “it’s possible to survive the trauma of the impact of the crash.”
For instance, he classes the initial Jeju Air incident as survivable — an assumed bird strike, engine loss and belly landing on the runway, without functioning landing gear. “Had it not smashed into the concrete reinforced obstacle at the end of the runway, it’s quite possible the majority, if not everyone, could have survived,” he says.
The Azerbaijan Airlines crash, on the other hand, he classes as a non-survivable accident, and calls it a “miracle” that anyone made it out alive.
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Most aircraft involved in accidents, however, are not — as suspicion is growing over the Azerbaijan crash — shot out of the sky.
And with modern planes built to withstand impacts and slow the spread of fire, Galea puts the chances of surviving a “survivable” accident at at least 90%.
Instead, he says, what makes the difference between life and death in most modern accidents is how fast passengers can evacuate.
Aircraft today must show that they can be evacuated in 90 seconds in order to gain certification. But a theoretical evacuation — practiced with volunteers at the manufacturers’ premises — is very different from the reality of a panicked public onboard a jet that has just crash-landed.
Galea, an evacuation expert, has conducted research for the UK’s Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) looking at the most “survivable” seats on a plane. His landmark research, conducted over several years in the early 2000s, looked at how passengers and crew behaved during a post-crash evacuation, rather than looking at the crashes themselves. By compiling data from 1,917 passengers and 155 crew involved in 105 accidents from 1977 to 1999, his team created a database of human behavior around plane crashes.
His analysis of which exits passengers actually used “shattered many myths about aircraft evacuation,” he says. “Prior to my study, it was believed that passengers tend to use their boarding exit because it was the most familiar, and that passengers tend to go forward. My analysis of the data demonstrated that none of these myths were supported by the evidence.”
Williamsex – 07/01/2025
What’s on board this flight
Blue Origin had planned to launch a pair of Mars-bound satellites on behalf of NASA for the first flight of New Glenn.
But delays with the rocket’s development prompted the space agency to change course, moving that flight to this spring at the earliest. So for this inaugural flight, Blue Origin opted to instead fly a “demonstrator” that will test technology needed for the company’s proposed Blue Ring spacecraft — which will aim to serve as a sort of in-space rideshare vehicle, dragging satellites deeper into space when needed.
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The demonstrator on this New Glenn flight will remain aboard the rocket for the entire six-hour flight, Blue Origin said, and it will validate “communications capabilities from orbit to ground” as well as “test its in-space telemetry, tracking and command hardware, and ground-based radiometric tracking.”
The Blue Ring Pathfinder demonstrator is part of a deal Blue Origin inked with the US Department of Defense’s Defense Innovation Unit.
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Why Blue Origin wants to reuse rockets
Similar to SpaceX, Blue Origin is aiming to recover and refly its first-stage rocket boosters in a bid to make launches less expensive.
“Reusability is integral to radically reducing cost-per-launch,” the company said in a recent news release, using the same oft-repeated sentiment that SpaceX has touted since it began landing rocket boosters in 2015.
Bezos, however, has acknowledged the importance of reusing rocket parts since he founded the company in 2000 — two years before Musk established SpaceX. And the company has already developed its suborbital New Shepard tourism rocket to be reusable.
“It’s not a copy cat game,” Henry said. “Blue Origin has been pursuing reusable vehicles since before reusable vehicles were cool. Now it’s much more of a mainstream idea (because of SpaceX). The difference is that it’s taken Blue Origin so much longer to get to orbit.”
If successful, returning the New Glenn rocket booster for a safe landing will be a stunning feat. After expending most of its fuel to propel the rocket’s upper stage to space, the first-stage booster will need to make a clean separation. The booster must then maneuver with pinpoint guidance and reignite its engines with precision timing to avoid crashing into the ocean or the Jacklyn recovery platform.
Joshuaarops – 07/01/2025
What New Glenn will do
In some ways, New Glenn has already made its mark on the launch industry. Blue Origin has for years pitched the rocket to compete with both SpaceX and United Launch Alliance — a joint venture of Boeing and Lockheed Martin that buys engines from Blue Origin — for lucrative military launch contracts.
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The US Space Force selected Blue Origin, ULA and SpaceX in June to compete for $5.6 billion worth of Pentagon contracts for national security missions slated to launch over the next four years.
Blue Origin also has deals with several commercial companies to launch satellites. The contracts include plans to help deploy Amazon’s Kuiper internet satellites and a recently inked deal with AST SpaceMobile to help launch the Midland, Texas-based company’s space-based cellular broadband network.
New Glenn could also be instrumental in building Blue Origin’s planned space station, called Orbital Reef. Blue Origin and it commercial partners, including Sierra Space and Boeing, among others, hope the station will one day provide a new destination for astronauts as the International Space Station is phased out of service.
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New Glenn vs. other powerful rockets
New Glenn packs significant power. Dubbed a “heavy-lift” vehicle, its capabilities lie between SpaceX’s Falcon 9 rocket and the more powerful Falcon Heavy launch vehicle.
SpaceX’s workhorse Falcon 9, for example, can haul up to 22.8 metric tons (50,265 pounds) to space. While New Glenn is capable of carrying about double that mass, it may also be roughly the same price as a Falcon 9: reportedly around $60 million to $70 million per launch.
“I think in order to compete with Falcon 9, you have to go head-to-head or better on price,” said Caleb Henry, the director of research at Quilty Space, which provides data and analysis about the space sector.
The question, however, is whether Blue Origin will be able to sustain a competitive price point, Henry added.
Still, one feature that makes New Glenn stand out is its large payload fairing, or nose cone. The component protects the cargo bay and is a whopping 23 feet (7 meters) wide — nearly 6 feet (2 meters) larger than that of SpaceX’s Falcon 9 or Falcon Heavy.
Henry said Blue Origin likely opted to outfit New Glenn with such a large fairing in order to help fulfill Bezos’ vision of the future.
Ernestdroke – 07/01/2025
On a long-dormant pad in Florida, a rocket that could challenge SpaceX’s dominance is poised to launch
kraken onion
On a Florida launchpad that has been dormant for almost two decades, a new, roughly 320-foot (98-meter) rocket — developed by Jeff Bezos’ company Blue Origin — is poised for its maiden flight.
The uncrewed launch vehicle, called New Glenn, will mark Blue Origin’s first attempt to send a rocket to orbit, a feat necessary if the company hopes to chip away at SpaceX’s long-held dominance in the industry.
New Glenn is set to lift off from Cape Canaveral Space Force Station as early as next week.
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The rocket, which stands about as tall as a 30-story building, consists of several parts: The first-stage rocket booster gives the initial thrust at liftoff. Atop the booster is an upper rocket stage that includes a cargo bay protected by a nose cone that will house experimental technology for this mission.
And, in an attempt to replicate the success that SpaceX has found reusing rocket boosters over the past decade, Blue Origin will also aim to guide New Glenn’s first-stage rocket booster back to a safe landing on a seafaring platform — named Jacklyn for Bezos’ mother — minutes after takeoff.
Like SpaceX, Blue Origin will seek to recover, refurbish and reuse first-stage rocket boosters to drive down costs.
For this inaugural mission, a smooth flight is not guaranteed.
But the eventual success of New Glenn, named after storied NASA astronaut John Glenn, is instrumental to some of Blue Origin’s most ambitious goals.
The rocket could one day power national security launches, haul Amazon internet satellites to space and even help in the construction of a space station that Blue Origin is developing with commercial partners.
Hermanextiz – 07/01/2025
A year ago today, things went from bad to worse for Boeing
kraken зеркало
At 5 p.m. PT on January 5, 2024, Boeing seemed like a company on the upswing. It didn’t last. Minutes later, a near-tragedy set off a full year of problems.
As Alaska Airlines flight 1282 climbed to 16,000 feet in its departure from Portland, Oregon, a door plug blew out near the rear of the plane, leaving a gaping hole in the fuselage. Phones and clothing were ripped away from passengers and sent hurtling into the night sky. Oxygen masks dropped, and the rush of air twisted seats next to the hole toward the opening.
кракен ссылка
Fortunately, those were among the few empty seats on the flight, and the crew got the plane on the ground without any serious injuries. The incident could have been far worse — even a fatal crash.
Not much has gone right for Boeing ever since. The company has had one misstep after another, ranging from embarrassing to horrifying. And many of the problems are poised to extend into 2025 and perhaps beyond.
The problems were capped by another Boeing crash in South Korea that killed 179 people on December 29 in what was in the year’s worst aviation disaster. The cause of the crash of a 15-year old Boeing jet flown by Korean discount carrier Jeju Air is still under investigation, and it is quite possible that Boeing will not be found liable for anything that led to the tragedy.
But unlike the Jeju crash, most of the problems of the last 12 months have clearly been Boeing’s fault.
And 2024 was the sixth straight year of serious problems for the once proud, now embattled company, starting with the 20-month grounding of its best selling plane, the 737 Max, following two fatal crashes in late 2018 and early 2019, which killed 346 people.
Still the outlook for 2024 right before the Alaska Air incident had been somewhat promising. The company had just achieved the best sales month in its history in December 2023, capping its strongest sales year since 2018.
It was believed to be on the verge of getting Federal Aviation Administration approval for two new models, the 737 Max 7 and Max 10, with airline customers eager to take delivery. Approvals and deliveries of its next generation widebody, the 777X, were believed to be close behind. Its production rate had been climbing and there were hopes that it could be on the verge of returning to profitability for the first time since 2018.
StacyStete – 07/01/2025
Scientists have identified an estimated 10% of all species on Earth. Here’s what they found in 2024
kraken marketplace
A toothy toadstool. A vegetarian piranha with a distinctive mark. And a pygmy pipehorse floating in the Indian Ocean shallows.
These wild wonders were among the hundreds of previously unknown species of animals, plants and fungi that scientists named and described for the first time in 2024, expanding our surprisingly limited knowledge of Earth’s diversity.
“Scientists estimate that we’ve identified only one-tenth of all species on Earth,” said Dr.
Shannon Bennett, chief of science at the California Academy of Sciences, in a statement.
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“While it is critical to place protections on known threatened species, we must also allocate resources towards identifying unknown species that may be just as important to the functioning of an ecosystem,” Bennett said.
Researchers connected to the institution described 138 new species in 2024, including 32 fish. One standout was a pygmy pipehorse named Cylix nkosi. The seahorse relative was originally found in 2021 in the cool temperate waters surrounding the North Island of New Zealand, but the species described this year was discovered in the subtropical waters off South Africa, expanding the known range of this group to the Indian Ocean
“South African reefs present notoriously difficult diving conditions with rough weather and intense, choppy waves — we knew we only had one dive to find it,” underwater photographer and marine biologist Richard Smith said in a statement.
“This species is also quite cryptic, about the size of a golf tee, but luckily we spotted a female camouflaged against some sponges about a mile offshore on the sandy ocean floor.”
The researchers involved in describing the new species chose nkosi as its name. A reference to the local Zulu word for “chief,” the name reflects the species’ crown-like head shape and acknowledges South Africa’s KwaZulu-Natal province where it was found.
HarryEnsum – 07/01/2025
Most plane crashes are ‘survivable’
First, the good news. “The vast majority of aircraft accidents are survivable, and the majority of people in accidents survive,” says Galea. Since 1988, aircraft — and the seats inside them — must be built to withstand an impact of up to 16G, or g-force up to 16 times the force of gravity. That means, he says, that in most incidents, “it’s possible to survive the trauma of the impact of the crash.”
For instance, he classes the initial Jeju Air incident as survivable — an assumed bird strike, engine loss and belly landing on the runway, without functioning landing gear. “Had it not smashed into the concrete reinforced obstacle at the end of the runway, it’s quite possible the majority, if not everyone, could have survived,” he says.
The Azerbaijan Airlines crash, on the other hand, he classes as a non-survivable accident, and calls it a “miracle” that anyone made it out alive.
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Most aircraft involved in accidents, however, are not — as suspicion is growing over the Azerbaijan crash — shot out of the sky.
And with modern planes built to withstand impacts and slow the spread of fire, Galea puts the chances of surviving a “survivable” accident at at least 90%.
Instead, he says, what makes the difference between life and death in most modern accidents is how fast passengers can evacuate.
Aircraft today must show that they can be evacuated in 90 seconds in order to gain certification. But a theoretical evacuation — practiced with volunteers at the manufacturers’ premises — is very different from the reality of a panicked public onboard a jet that has just crash-landed.
Galea, an evacuation expert, has conducted research for the UK’s Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) looking at the most “survivable” seats on a plane. His landmark research, conducted over several years in the early 2000s, looked at how passengers and crew behaved during a post-crash evacuation, rather than looking at the crashes themselves. By compiling data from 1,917 passengers and 155 crew involved in 105 accidents from 1977 to 1999, his team created a database of human behavior around plane crashes.
His analysis of which exits passengers actually used “shattered many myths about aircraft evacuation,” he says. “Prior to my study, it was believed that passengers tend to use their boarding exit because it was the most familiar, and that passengers tend to go forward. My analysis of the data demonstrated that none of these myths were supported by the evidence.”
MosesGoore – 07/01/2025
The survivors of recent crashes were sitting at the back of the plane. What does that tell us about airplane safety?
Кракен даркнет
Look at the photos of the two fatal air crashes of the last two weeks, and amid the horror and the anguish, one thought might come to mind for frequent flyers.
The old frequent-flyer adage is that sitting at the back of the plane is a safer place to be than at the front — and the wreckage of both Azerbaijan Airlines flight 8243 and Jeju Air flight 2216 seem to bear that out.
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The 29 survivors of the Azeri crash were all sitting at the back of the plane, which split into two, leaving the rear half largely intact. The sole survivors of the South Korean crash, meanwhile, were the two flight attendants in their jumpseats in the very tail of the plane.
So is that old adage — and the dark humor jokes about first and business class seats being good until there’s a problem with the plane — right after all?
In 2015, TIME Magazine reporters wrote that they had combed through the records of all US plane crashes with both fatalities and survivors from 1985 to 2000, and found in a meta-analysis that seats in the back third of the aircraft had a 32% fatality rate overall, compared with 38% in the front third and 39% in the middle third.
Even better, they found, were middle seats in that back third of the cabin, with a 28% fatality rate. The “worst” seats were aisles in the middle third of the aircraft, with a 44% fatality rate.
But does that still hold true in 2024?
According to aviation safety experts, it’s an old wives’ tale.
“There isn’t any data that shows a correlation of seating to survivability,” says Hassan Shahidi, president of the Flight Safety Foundation. “Every accident is different.”
“If we’re talking about a fatal crash, then there is almost no difference where one sits,” says Cheng-Lung Wu, associate professor at the School of Aviation of the University of New South Wales, Sydney.
Ed Galea, professor of fire safety engineering at London’s University of Greenwich, who has conducted landmark studies on plane crash evacuations, warns, “There is no magic safest seat.”
BryanAlcof – 07/01/2025
New Glenn’s first flight
Blue Origin formally announced the development of New Glenn — which aims to outpower SpaceX’s Falcon 9 rockets and haul spacecraft up to 45 metric tons (99,200 pounds) to orbit — in 2016.
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The vehicle is long overdue, as the company previously targeted 2020 for its first launch.
Delays, however, are common in the aerospace industry. And the debut flight of a new vehicle is almost always significantly behind schedule.
Rocket companies also typically take a conservative approach to the first liftoff, launching dummy payloads such as hunks of metal or, as was the case with SpaceX’s Falcon Heavy debut in 2018, an old cherry red sports car.
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Blue Origin has also branded itself as a company that aims to take a slow, diligent approach to rocket development that doesn’t “cut any corners,” according to Bezos, who founded Blue Origin and funds the company.
The company’s mascot is a tortoise, paying homage to “The Tortoise and the Hare” fable that made the “slow and steady wins the race” mantra a childhood staple.
“We believe slow is smooth and smooth is fast,” Bezos said in 2016. Those comments could be seen as an attempt to position Blue Origin as the anti-SpaceX, which is known to embrace speed and trial-and-error over slow, meticulous development processes.
But SpaceX has certainly won the race to orbit. The company’s first orbital rocket, the Falcon 1, made a successful launch in September 2008. The company has deployed hundreds of missions to orbit since then.
And while SpaceX routinely destroys rockets during test flights as it begins developing a new rocket, the company has a solid track record for operational missions. SpaceX’s Falcon 9 rocket, for example, has experienced two in-flight failures and one launchpad explosion but no catastrophic events during human missions.
JeremyBurce – 07/01/2025
What’s on board this flight
Blue Origin had planned to launch a pair of Mars-bound satellites on behalf of NASA for the first flight of New Glenn.
But delays with the rocket’s development prompted the space agency to change course, moving that flight to this spring at the earliest. So for this inaugural flight, Blue Origin opted to instead fly a “demonstrator” that will test technology needed for the company’s proposed Blue Ring spacecraft — which will aim to serve as a sort of in-space rideshare vehicle, dragging satellites deeper into space when needed.
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The demonstrator on this New Glenn flight will remain aboard the rocket for the entire six-hour flight, Blue Origin said, and it will validate “communications capabilities from orbit to ground” as well as “test its in-space telemetry, tracking and command hardware, and ground-based radiometric tracking.”
The Blue Ring Pathfinder demonstrator is part of a deal Blue Origin inked with the US Department of Defense’s Defense Innovation Unit.
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Why Blue Origin wants to reuse rockets
Similar to SpaceX, Blue Origin is aiming to recover and refly its first-stage rocket boosters in a bid to make launches less expensive.
“Reusability is integral to radically reducing cost-per-launch,” the company said in a recent news release, using the same oft-repeated sentiment that SpaceX has touted since it began landing rocket boosters in 2015.
Bezos, however, has acknowledged the importance of reusing rocket parts since he founded the company in 2000 — two years before Musk established SpaceX. And the company has already developed its suborbital New Shepard tourism rocket to be reusable.
“It’s not a copy cat game,” Henry said. “Blue Origin has been pursuing reusable vehicles since before reusable vehicles were cool. Now it’s much more of a mainstream idea (because of SpaceX). The difference is that it’s taken Blue Origin so much longer to get to orbit.”
If successful, returning the New Glenn rocket booster for a safe landing will be a stunning feat. After expending most of its fuel to propel the rocket’s upper stage to space, the first-stage booster will need to make a clean separation. The booster must then maneuver with pinpoint guidance and reignite its engines with precision timing to avoid crashing into the ocean or the Jacklyn recovery platform.
RogerGritH – 07/01/2025
What New Glenn will do
In some ways, New Glenn has already made its mark on the launch industry. Blue Origin has for years pitched the rocket to compete with both SpaceX and United Launch Alliance — a joint venture of Boeing and Lockheed Martin that buys engines from Blue Origin — for lucrative military launch contracts.
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The US Space Force selected Blue Origin, ULA and SpaceX in June to compete for $5.6 billion worth of Pentagon contracts for national security missions slated to launch over the next four years.
Blue Origin also has deals with several commercial companies to launch satellites. The contracts include plans to help deploy Amazon’s Kuiper internet satellites and a recently inked deal with AST SpaceMobile to help launch the Midland, Texas-based company’s space-based cellular broadband network.
New Glenn could also be instrumental in building Blue Origin’s planned space station, called Orbital Reef. Blue Origin and it commercial partners, including Sierra Space and Boeing, among others, hope the station will one day provide a new destination for astronauts as the International Space Station is phased out of service.
омг омг
New Glenn vs. other powerful rockets
New Glenn packs significant power. Dubbed a “heavy-lift” vehicle, its capabilities lie between SpaceX’s Falcon 9 rocket and the more powerful Falcon Heavy launch vehicle.
SpaceX’s workhorse Falcon 9, for example, can haul up to 22.8 metric tons (50,265 pounds) to space. While New Glenn is capable of carrying about double that mass, it may also be roughly the same price as a Falcon 9: reportedly around $60 million to $70 million per launch.
“I think in order to compete with Falcon 9, you have to go head-to-head or better on price,” said Caleb Henry, the director of research at Quilty Space, which provides data and analysis about the space sector.
The question, however, is whether Blue Origin will be able to sustain a competitive price point, Henry added.
Still, one feature that makes New Glenn stand out is its large payload fairing, or nose cone. The component protects the cargo bay and is a whopping 23 feet (7 meters) wide — nearly 6 feet (2 meters) larger than that of SpaceX’s Falcon 9 or Falcon Heavy.
Henry said Blue Origin likely opted to outfit New Glenn with such a large fairing in order to help fulfill Bezos’ vision of the future.
GlennSerma – 07/01/2025
On a long-dormant pad in Florida, a rocket that could challenge SpaceX’s dominance is poised to launch
kraken зеркало
On a Florida launchpad that has been dormant for almost two decades, a new, roughly 320-foot (98-meter) rocket — developed by Jeff Bezos’ company Blue Origin — is poised for its maiden flight.
The uncrewed launch vehicle, called New Glenn, will mark Blue Origin’s first attempt to send a rocket to orbit, a feat necessary if the company hopes to chip away at SpaceX’s long-held dominance in the industry.
New Glenn is set to lift off from Cape Canaveral Space Force Station as early as next week.
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The rocket, which stands about as tall as a 30-story building, consists of several parts: The first-stage rocket booster gives the initial thrust at liftoff. Atop the booster is an upper rocket stage that includes a cargo bay protected by a nose cone that will house experimental technology for this mission.
And, in an attempt to replicate the success that SpaceX has found reusing rocket boosters over the past decade, Blue Origin will also aim to guide New Glenn’s first-stage rocket booster back to a safe landing on a seafaring platform — named Jacklyn for Bezos’ mother — minutes after takeoff.
Like SpaceX, Blue Origin will seek to recover, refurbish and reuse first-stage rocket boosters to drive down costs.
For this inaugural mission, a smooth flight is not guaranteed.
But the eventual success of New Glenn, named after storied NASA astronaut John Glenn, is instrumental to some of Blue Origin’s most ambitious goals.
The rocket could one day power national security launches, haul Amazon internet satellites to space and even help in the construction of a space station that Blue Origin is developing with commercial partners.
JerryBlids – 07/01/2025
Chile’s President Boric leads journey to South Pole in historic trip
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Chile’s President Gabriel Boric travelled to Antarctica’s South Pole on Friday, a place where no other Latin American president has set foot, according to the Chilean government.
Boric led the historic two-day trip, named Operation Pole Star III, to extend the environmental monitoring of pollutants on Antarctica, Chile’s government said in a statement.
He travelled with scientists, armed forces commanders and government ministers from the Chilean capital of Santiago to Punta Arenas, a city in southern Chile, public broadcaster Television Nacional de Chile (TVN) reported. From there, they made several stops before finally reaching the US-run Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station, according to TVN.
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Chile is one of seven countries that has a territorial claim in Antarctica, alongside Argentina, Australia, France, New Zealand, Norway and the United Kingdom.
It is also a signatory of the Antarctic Treaty, which dictates that the continent may only be used for peaceful and scientific purposes.
While Chile has historically carried out scientific activity in Antarctica’s northern sector, the country’s government is now hoping to expand research into the west of the continent, its statement said.
Boric called his trip to the South Pole an “honor” and a source of pride, TVN reported.
“This is a milestone for us. It is the first time a Chilean and Latin American President has visited the South Pole,” he said, according to TVN.
DannyWrorm – 07/01/2025
A year ago today, things went from bad to worse for Boeing
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At 5 p.m. PT on January 5, 2024, Boeing seemed like a company on the upswing. It didn’t last. Minutes later, a near-tragedy set off a full year of problems.
As Alaska Airlines flight 1282 climbed to 16,000 feet in its departure from Portland, Oregon, a door plug blew out near the rear of the plane, leaving a gaping hole in the fuselage. Phones and clothing were ripped away from passengers and sent hurtling into the night sky. Oxygen masks dropped, and the rush of air twisted seats next to the hole toward the opening.
kraken ссылка
Fortunately, those were among the few empty seats on the flight, and the crew got the plane on the ground without any serious injuries. The incident could have been far worse — even a fatal crash.
Not much has gone right for Boeing ever since. The company has had one misstep after another, ranging from embarrassing to horrifying. And many of the problems are poised to extend into 2025 and perhaps beyond.
The problems were capped by another Boeing crash in South Korea that killed 179 people on December 29 in what was in the year’s worst aviation disaster. The cause of the crash of a 15-year old Boeing jet flown by Korean discount carrier Jeju Air is still under investigation, and it is quite possible that Boeing will not be found liable for anything that led to the tragedy.
But unlike the Jeju crash, most of the problems of the last 12 months have clearly been Boeing’s fault.
And 2024 was the sixth straight year of serious problems for the once proud, now embattled company, starting with the 20-month grounding of its best selling plane, the 737 Max, following two fatal crashes in late 2018 and early 2019, which killed 346 people.
Still the outlook for 2024 right before the Alaska Air incident had been somewhat promising. The company had just achieved the best sales month in its history in December 2023, capping its strongest sales year since 2018.
It was believed to be on the verge of getting Federal Aviation Administration approval for two new models, the 737 Max 7 and Max 10, with airline customers eager to take delivery. Approvals and deliveries of its next generation widebody, the 777X, were believed to be close behind. Its production rate had been climbing and there were hopes that it could be on the verge of returning to profitability for the first time since 2018.
Donaldhop – 07/01/2025
Most plane crashes are ‘survivable’
kraken даркнет
First, the good news. “The vast majority of aircraft accidents are survivable, and the majority of people in accidents survive,” says Galea. Since 1988, aircraft — and the seats inside them — must be built to withstand an impact of up to 16G, or g-force up to 16 times the force of gravity. That means, he says, that in most incidents, “it’s possible to survive the trauma of the impact of the crash.”
For instance, he classes the initial Jeju Air incident as survivable — an assumed bird strike, engine loss and belly landing on the runway, without functioning landing gear. “Had it not smashed into the concrete reinforced obstacle at the end of the runway, it’s quite possible the majority, if not everyone, could have survived,” he says.
The Azerbaijan Airlines crash, on the other hand, he classes as a non-survivable accident, and calls it a “miracle” that anyone made it out alive.
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Most aircraft involved in accidents, however, are not — as suspicion is growing over the Azerbaijan crash — shot out of the sky.
And with modern planes built to withstand impacts and slow the spread of fire, Galea puts the chances of surviving a “survivable” accident at at least 90%.
Instead, he says, what makes the difference between life and death in most modern accidents is how fast passengers can evacuate.
Aircraft today must show that they can be evacuated in 90 seconds in order to gain certification. But a theoretical evacuation — practiced with volunteers at the manufacturers’ premises — is very different from the reality of a panicked public onboard a jet that has just crash-landed.
Galea, an evacuation expert, has conducted research for the UK’s Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) looking at the most “survivable” seats on a plane. His landmark research, conducted over several years in the early 2000s, looked at how passengers and crew behaved during a post-crash evacuation, rather than looking at the crashes themselves. By compiling data from 1,917 passengers and 155 crew involved in 105 accidents from 1977 to 1999, his team created a database of human behavior around plane crashes.
His analysis of which exits passengers actually used “shattered many myths about aircraft evacuation,” he says. “Prior to my study, it was believed that passengers tend to use their boarding exit because it was the most familiar, and that passengers tend to go forward. My analysis of the data demonstrated that none of these myths were supported by the evidence.”
Eugenefes – 07/01/2025
The survivors of recent crashes were sitting at the back of the plane. What does that tell us about airplane safety?
kraken тор
Look at the photos of the two fatal air crashes of the last two weeks, and amid the horror and the anguish, one thought might come to mind for frequent flyers.
The old frequent-flyer adage is that sitting at the back of the plane is a safer place to be than at the front — and the wreckage of both Azerbaijan Airlines flight 8243 and Jeju Air flight 2216 seem to bear that out.
кракен даркнет
The 29 survivors of the Azeri crash were all sitting at the back of the plane, which split into two, leaving the rear half largely intact. The sole survivors of the South Korean crash, meanwhile, were the two flight attendants in their jumpseats in the very tail of the plane.
So is that old adage — and the dark humor jokes about first and business class seats being good until there’s a problem with the plane — right after all?
In 2015, TIME Magazine reporters wrote that they had combed through the records of all US plane crashes with both fatalities and survivors from 1985 to 2000, and found in a meta-analysis that seats in the back third of the aircraft had a 32% fatality rate overall, compared with 38% in the front third and 39% in the middle third.
Even better, they found, were middle seats in that back third of the cabin, with a 28% fatality rate. The “worst” seats were aisles in the middle third of the aircraft, with a 44% fatality rate.
But does that still hold true in 2024?
According to aviation safety experts, it’s an old wives’ tale.
“There isn’t any data that shows a correlation of seating to survivability,” says Hassan Shahidi, president of the Flight Safety Foundation. “Every accident is different.”
“If we’re talking about a fatal crash, then there is almost no difference where one sits,” says Cheng-Lung Wu, associate professor at the School of Aviation of the University of New South Wales, Sydney.
Ed Galea, professor of fire safety engineering at London’s University of Greenwich, who has conducted landmark studies on plane crash evacuations, warns, “There is no magic safest seat.”
JosephGes – 07/01/2025
Scientists have identified an estimated 10% of all species on Earth. Here’s what they found in 2024
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A toothy toadstool. A vegetarian piranha with a distinctive mark. And a pygmy pipehorse floating in the Indian Ocean shallows.
These wild wonders were among the hundreds of previously unknown species of animals, plants and fungi that scientists named and described for the first time in 2024, expanding our surprisingly limited knowledge of Earth’s diversity.
“Scientists estimate that we’ve identified only one-tenth of all species on Earth,” said Dr.
Shannon Bennett, chief of science at the California Academy of Sciences, in a statement.
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“While it is critical to place protections on known threatened species, we must also allocate resources towards identifying unknown species that may be just as important to the functioning of an ecosystem,” Bennett said.
Researchers connected to the institution described 138 new species in 2024, including 32 fish. One standout was a pygmy pipehorse named Cylix nkosi. The seahorse relative was originally found in 2021 in the cool temperate waters surrounding the North Island of New Zealand, but the species described this year was discovered in the subtropical waters off South Africa, expanding the known range of this group to the Indian Ocean
“South African reefs present notoriously difficult diving conditions with rough weather and intense, choppy waves — we knew we only had one dive to find it,” underwater photographer and marine biologist Richard Smith said in a statement.
“This species is also quite cryptic, about the size of a golf tee, but luckily we spotted a female camouflaged against some sponges about a mile offshore on the sandy ocean floor.”
The researchers involved in describing the new species chose nkosi as its name. A reference to the local Zulu word for “chief,” the name reflects the species’ crown-like head shape and acknowledges South Africa’s KwaZulu-Natal province where it was found.
Dannymus – 07/01/2025
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky will meet US President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris in Washington on Thursday. Leon Neal/Getty Images
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s visit to the White House on Thursday could be his final chance to convince a receptive American president of his country’s war aims.
The precise details of the “victory plan” Zelensky plans to present in separate meetings to President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris are unknown, having been closely held until they are presented to the American leaders.
But according to people briefed on its broad contours, the plan reflects the Ukrainian leader’s urgent appeals for more immediate help countering Russia’s invasion. Zelensky is also poised to push for long-term security guarantees that could withstand changes in American leadership ahead of what is widely expected to be a close presidential election between Harris and former President Donald Trump.
The plan, people familiar with it said, acts as Zelensky’s response to growing war weariness even among his staunchest of western allies. It will make the case that Ukraine can still win — and does not need to cede Russian-seized territory for the fighting to end — if enough assistance is rushed in.
That includes again asking permission to fire Western provided long-range weapons deeper into Russian territory, a line Biden once was loathe to cross but which he’s recently appeared more open to as he has come under growing pressure to relent.
Even if Biden decides to allow the long-range fires, it’s unclear whether the change in policy would be announced publicly.
Biden is usually apt to take his time making decisions about providing Ukraine new capabilities. But with November’s election potentially portending a major change in American approach to the war if Trump were to win, Ukrainian officials — and many American ones — believe there is little time to waste.
Trump has claimed he will be able to “settle” the war upon taking office and has suggested he’ll end US support for Kyiv’s war effort.
“Those cities are gone, they’re gone, and we continue to give billions of dollars to a man who refused to make a deal, Zelensky. There was no deal that he could have made that wouldn’t have been better than the situation you have right now. You have a country that has been obliterated, not possible to be rebuilt,” Trump said during a campaign speech in Mint Hill, North Carolina, on Wednesday.
Comments like those have lent new weight to Thursday’s Oval Office talks, according to American and European officials, who have described an imperative to surge assistance to Ukraine while Biden is still in office.
As part of Zelensky’s visit, the US is expected to announce a major new security package, thought it will likely delay the shipping of the equipment due to inventory shortages, CNN previously reported according to two US officials. On Wednesday, the US announced a package of $375 million.
The president previewed Zelensky’s visit to the White House a day beforehand, declaring on the margins of the United Nations General Assembly his administration was “determined to ensure that Ukraine has what it needs to prevail in fight for survival.”
“Tomorrow, I will announce a series of actions to accelerate support for Ukraine’s military – but we know Ukraine’s future victory is about more than what happens on the battlefield, it’s also about what Ukrainians do make the most of a free and independent future, which so many have sacrificed so much for,” he said.
WilbertRug – 07/01/2025
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky will meet US President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris in Washington on Thursday. Leon Neal/Getty Images
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s visit to the White House on Thursday could be his final chance to convince a receptive American president of his country’s war aims.
The precise details of the “victory plan” Zelensky plans to present in separate meetings to President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris are unknown, having been closely held until they are presented to the American leaders.
But according to people briefed on its broad contours, the plan reflects the Ukrainian leader’s urgent appeals for more immediate help countering Russia’s invasion. Zelensky is also poised to push for long-term security guarantees that could withstand changes in American leadership ahead of what is widely expected to be a close presidential election between Harris and former President Donald Trump.
The plan, people familiar with it said, acts as Zelensky’s response to growing war weariness even among his staunchest of western allies. It will make the case that Ukraine can still win — and does not need to cede Russian-seized territory for the fighting to end — if enough assistance is rushed in.
That includes again asking permission to fire Western provided long-range weapons deeper into Russian territory, a line Biden once was loathe to cross but which he’s recently appeared more open to as he has come under growing pressure to relent.
Even if Biden decides to allow the long-range fires, it’s unclear whether the change in policy would be announced publicly.
Biden is usually apt to take his time making decisions about providing Ukraine new capabilities. But with November’s election potentially portending a major change in American approach to the war if Trump were to win, Ukrainian officials — and many American ones — believe there is little time to waste.
Trump has claimed he will be able to “settle” the war upon taking office and has suggested he’ll end US support for Kyiv’s war effort.
“Those cities are gone, they’re gone, and we continue to give billions of dollars to a man who refused to make a deal, Zelensky. There was no deal that he could have made that wouldn’t have been better than the situation you have right now. You have a country that has been obliterated, not possible to be rebuilt,” Trump said during a campaign speech in Mint Hill, North Carolina, on Wednesday.
Comments like those have lent new weight to Thursday’s Oval Office talks, according to American and European officials, who have described an imperative to surge assistance to Ukraine while Biden is still in office.
As part of Zelensky’s visit, the US is expected to announce a major new security package, thought it will likely delay the shipping of the equipment due to inventory shortages, CNN previously reported according to two US officials. On Wednesday, the US announced a package of $375 million.
The president previewed Zelensky’s visit to the White House a day beforehand, declaring on the margins of the United Nations General Assembly his administration was “determined to ensure that Ukraine has what it needs to prevail in fight for survival.”
“Tomorrow, I will announce a series of actions to accelerate support for Ukraine’s military – but we know Ukraine’s future victory is about more than what happens on the battlefield, it’s also about what Ukrainians do make the most of a free and independent future, which so many have sacrificed so much for,” he said.
WilbertRug – 06/01/2025
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky will meet US President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris in Washington on Thursday. Leon Neal/Getty Images
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s visit to the White House on Thursday could be his final chance to convince a receptive American president of his country’s war aims.
The precise details of the “victory plan” Zelensky plans to present in separate meetings to President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris are unknown, having been closely held until they are presented to the American leaders.
But according to people briefed on its broad contours, the plan reflects the Ukrainian leader’s urgent appeals for more immediate help countering Russia’s invasion. Zelensky is also poised to push for long-term security guarantees that could withstand changes in American leadership ahead of what is widely expected to be a close presidential election between Harris and former President Donald Trump.
The plan, people familiar with it said, acts as Zelensky’s response to growing war weariness even among his staunchest of western allies. It will make the case that Ukraine can still win — and does not need to cede Russian-seized territory for the fighting to end — if enough assistance is rushed in.
That includes again asking permission to fire Western provided long-range weapons deeper into Russian territory, a line Biden once was loathe to cross but which he’s recently appeared more open to as he has come under growing pressure to relent.
Even if Biden decides to allow the long-range fires, it’s unclear whether the change in policy would be announced publicly.
Biden is usually apt to take his time making decisions about providing Ukraine new capabilities. But with November’s election potentially portending a major change in American approach to the war if Trump were to win, Ukrainian officials — and many American ones — believe there is little time to waste.
Trump has claimed he will be able to “settle” the war upon taking office and has suggested he’ll end US support for Kyiv’s war effort.
“Those cities are gone, they’re gone, and we continue to give billions of dollars to a man who refused to make a deal, Zelensky. There was no deal that he could have made that wouldn’t have been better than the situation you have right now. You have a country that has been obliterated, not possible to be rebuilt,” Trump said during a campaign speech in Mint Hill, North Carolina, on Wednesday.
Comments like those have lent new weight to Thursday’s Oval Office talks, according to American and European officials, who have described an imperative to surge assistance to Ukraine while Biden is still in office.
As part of Zelensky’s visit, the US is expected to announce a major new security package, thought it will likely delay the shipping of the equipment due to inventory shortages, CNN previously reported according to two US officials. On Wednesday, the US announced a package of $375 million.
The president previewed Zelensky’s visit to the White House a day beforehand, declaring on the margins of the United Nations General Assembly his administration was “determined to ensure that Ukraine has what it needs to prevail in fight for survival.”
“Tomorrow, I will announce a series of actions to accelerate support for Ukraine’s military – but we know Ukraine’s future victory is about more than what happens on the battlefield, it’s also about what Ukrainians do make the most of a free and independent future, which so many have sacrificed so much for,” he said.
DonaldMoono – 06/01/2025
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky will meet US President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris in Washington on Thursday. Leon Neal/Getty Images
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s visit to the White House on Thursday could be his final chance to convince a receptive American president of his country’s war aims.
The precise details of the “victory plan” Zelensky plans to present in separate meetings to President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris are unknown, having been closely held until they are presented to the American leaders.
But according to people briefed on its broad contours, the plan reflects the Ukrainian leader’s urgent appeals for more immediate help countering Russia’s invasion. Zelensky is also poised to push for long-term security guarantees that could withstand changes in American leadership ahead of what is widely expected to be a close presidential election between Harris and former President Donald Trump.
The plan, people familiar with it said, acts as Zelensky’s response to growing war weariness even among his staunchest of western allies. It will make the case that Ukraine can still win — and does not need to cede Russian-seized territory for the fighting to end — if enough assistance is rushed in.
That includes again asking permission to fire Western provided long-range weapons deeper into Russian territory, a line Biden once was loathe to cross but which he’s recently appeared more open to as he has come under growing pressure to relent.
Even if Biden decides to allow the long-range fires, it’s unclear whether the change in policy would be announced publicly.
Biden is usually apt to take his time making decisions about providing Ukraine new capabilities. But with November’s election potentially portending a major change in American approach to the war if Trump were to win, Ukrainian officials — and many American ones — believe there is little time to waste.
Trump has claimed he will be able to “settle” the war upon taking office and has suggested he’ll end US support for Kyiv’s war effort.
“Those cities are gone, they’re gone, and we continue to give billions of dollars to a man who refused to make a deal, Zelensky. There was no deal that he could have made that wouldn’t have been better than the situation you have right now. You have a country that has been obliterated, not possible to be rebuilt,” Trump said during a campaign speech in Mint Hill, North Carolina, on Wednesday.
Comments like those have lent new weight to Thursday’s Oval Office talks, according to American and European officials, who have described an imperative to surge assistance to Ukraine while Biden is still in office.
As part of Zelensky’s visit, the US is expected to announce a major new security package, thought it will likely delay the shipping of the equipment due to inventory shortages, CNN previously reported according to two US officials. On Wednesday, the US announced a package of $375 million.
The president previewed Zelensky’s visit to the White House a day beforehand, declaring on the margins of the United Nations General Assembly his administration was “determined to ensure that Ukraine has what it needs to prevail in fight for survival.”
“Tomorrow, I will announce a series of actions to accelerate support for Ukraine’s military – but we know Ukraine’s future victory is about more than what happens on the battlefield, it’s also about what Ukrainians do make the most of a free and independent future, which so many have sacrificed so much for,” he said.
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Согласно данным исследования Университета онлайн-образования, 78% студентов отмечают, что возможность самостоятельно выбирать график занятий позволяет им сохранять мотивацию на протяжении всего курса. Кроме того, гибкость позволяет студентам адаптировать обучение под свою занятость, что делает его идеальным решением для работающих специалистов и родителей.
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The mysterious cities of the dead carved into the sides of cliffs
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The ancient Lycians knew a thing or two about democracy. Two thousand years ago, the one-time rulers of modern-day Turkey’s southwestern corner had a fully functioning democratic federation that centuries later inspired America’s political structure.
While democracies everywhere might be facing turbulent times, another Lycian legacy remains steadfastly present in the Mediterranean region they used to call home. And this one is focused almost entirely around death.
Drive around the coast of this beautiful region and you’ll never be too far from a spectacular city of the dead – elaborate tombs carved by Lycians into the sides of cliffs overlooking towns, valleys and shorelines.
That’s not all. Scattered throughout the countryside and towns are imposing sarcophagi that likely once held the remains of high and mighty denizens of Lycia. Indeed, they’re such a familiar sight that they’re often casually included as part of urban landscapes.
For visitors, especially those interested in history, tracking them down is an adventure all on its own.
While some are preserved in ticketed archaeological sites, others are free to explore — but can require Indiana Jones-level exploration skills, clambering up vertiginous hillsides, riding boats and delving into the undergrowth to find.
A good starting place is Fethiye, a low-key port city that’s a useful jumping-off point for great beaches and attractions all along Turkey’s so-called Turquoise Coast riviera. After a day of swimming in those glorious waters, it’s worth a sunset trek to the overlooking cliffs.
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DonaldMoono – 30/12/2024
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky will meet US President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris in Washington on Thursday. Leon Neal/Getty Images
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s visit to the White House on Thursday could be his final chance to convince a receptive American president of his country’s war aims.
The precise details of the “victory plan” Zelensky plans to present in separate meetings to President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris are unknown, having been closely held until they are presented to the American leaders.
But according to people briefed on its broad contours, the plan reflects the Ukrainian leader’s urgent appeals for more immediate help countering Russia’s invasion. Zelensky is also poised to push for long-term security guarantees that could withstand changes in American leadership ahead of what is widely expected to be a close presidential election between Harris and former President Donald Trump.
The plan, people familiar with it said, acts as Zelensky’s response to growing war weariness even among his staunchest of western allies. It will make the case that Ukraine can still win — and does not need to cede Russian-seized territory for the fighting to end — if enough assistance is rushed in.
That includes again asking permission to fire Western provided long-range weapons deeper into Russian territory, a line Biden once was loathe to cross but which he’s recently appeared more open to as he has come under growing pressure to relent.
Even if Biden decides to allow the long-range fires, it’s unclear whether the change in policy would be announced publicly.
Biden is usually apt to take his time making decisions about providing Ukraine new capabilities. But with November’s election potentially portending a major change in American approach to the war if Trump were to win, Ukrainian officials — and many American ones — believe there is little time to waste.
Trump has claimed he will be able to “settle” the war upon taking office and has suggested he’ll end US support for Kyiv’s war effort.
“Those cities are gone, they’re gone, and we continue to give billions of dollars to a man who refused to make a deal, Zelensky. There was no deal that he could have made that wouldn’t have been better than the situation you have right now. You have a country that has been obliterated, not possible to be rebuilt,” Trump said during a campaign speech in Mint Hill, North Carolina, on Wednesday.
Comments like those have lent new weight to Thursday’s Oval Office talks, according to American and European officials, who have described an imperative to surge assistance to Ukraine while Biden is still in office.
As part of Zelensky’s visit, the US is expected to announce a major new security package, thought it will likely delay the shipping of the equipment due to inventory shortages, CNN previously reported according to two US officials. On Wednesday, the US announced a package of $375 million.
The president previewed Zelensky’s visit to the White House a day beforehand, declaring on the margins of the United Nations General Assembly his administration was “determined to ensure that Ukraine has what it needs to prevail in fight for survival.”
“Tomorrow, I will announce a series of actions to accelerate support for Ukraine’s military – but we know Ukraine’s future victory is about more than what happens on the battlefield, it’s also about what Ukrainians do make the most of a free and independent future, which so many have sacrificed so much for,” he said.
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Dubai is building the world’s tallest residential clock tower
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Dubai is set to add another towering figure to its skyline.
The Aeternitas Tower, officially unveiled at a launch event last week, will be the world’s tallest residential clock tower at a staggering 450 meters (1,476 feet) tall — more than four times the height of London’s Big Ben, and just 22 meters (72 feet) short of the world’s tallest residential building, the Central Park Tower in New York City.
Set to become the world’s second-tallest clock tower (after the Makkah Clock Royal Tower in Mecca, Saudi Arabia), Aeternitas Tower is the result of a partnership between Dubai-based real estate developer London Gate and Swiss luxury watch manufacturer Franck Muller.
London Gate purchased the plot of land in Dubai Marina, which already had the beginnings of an unfinished 106-story structure — and knew that the tower’s monumental size needed a striking facade, said Tom Hill, media relations coordinator for the developer.
“We believe the clock will be seen from six kilometers away because of the sheer height of the building,” said Hill, adding that the clock face will be an enormous 40 meters (131 feet) tall and 30 meters (98 feet) wide.
“We wanted to do something different that hasn’t been done before in Dubai,” said Hill.
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Japan’s scenic hot springs town restricting tourists amid fights over the best photo spots
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Ginzan Onsen, a popular Japanese hot spring town known for its scenic snowy views, has begun limiting entry to day trippers during winter peak season, becoming another destination to tackle overtourism amid the country’s record influx of travelers.
Located in the Yamagata region about 260 miles north of Tokyo, the onsen is one of the most famous in Japan, drawing around 330,000 visitors each year.
Travelers from around the world flock to the 300-year-old town during winter not only for a dip in the onsen but its picturesque scenery of traditional Edo-period buildings blanketed in snow – speculated to be the inspiration for Oscar-winning animator Hayao Miyazaki’s film Spirited Away.
But its popularity has also caused problems for residents in the otherwise tranquil town, with reports of altercations over photo spots and parking places.
“Many guests became angry (were shouting) over good spots for the purpose of taking pictures, leading to traffic rules being broken, cheating, and making people seek better places and easier ways than others,” the onsen said on its website, regretting that its “vague management” had caused issues.
Starting January 7, those wanting to enter the onsen town after 5pm will be required to purchase a ticket, according to Ginzan Onsen Information Center. Visitors without bookings at local hotels will be banned after 8pm.
Tickets, including the bus rides, cost 1150 yen, about $7.
Those driving themselves will be required to park at a nearby tourist center and use shuttle buses to get into the town.
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Моисеев Георгий Валерьянович
В 2022 году в ПК «Бест Вей» п(Р)оявился очень активный и идейный пайщик. Как комсомольский активист – деловой, улыбчивый и разговорчивый.
Пайщики, которые после самых первых «полицейских набегов» оказались в некотором информационном вакууме, прибились к активисту и поверили ему, как отцу родному.
На протяжении двух с лишним лет активист пытался позиционировать себя, как защитник кооператива и пайщиков. Проводил встречи, что –то рассказывал и пояснял. Именно что –то.
Шарлатан всея Руси.
Представляется как Моисеев Георгий Валерьянович, пайщик кооператива «Бест Вей», профессиональный юрист.
На самом же деле корыстный прилипала, необразованный, непорядочный, лживый и хитрый мерзавец, наживающийся на проблемах пайщиков.
А вот что он научился делать профессионально, так это оборачивать в свою материальную выгоду сложные ситуации людей, обращающихся к нему за помощью.
Неприкрыто лжет в проводимых эфирах, в комментариях своего чата, и завуалировано, а чаще открыто пытается очернить действующее руководство и защитников кооператива «Бест Вей».
А еще и появилась информация о сотрудничестве Гуру –Георгия с правоохранительными органами. В целях избежать личной ответственности и поскорее разрушить кооператив «Бест Вей». Так, наши источники располагают информацией о том, что в октябре 2024 года было принято решение об отказе в возбуждении уголовного дела в отношении Георгия Моисеева. При этом в показаниях, данных Георгием, присутствуют очень интересные моменты, как, например, полное отречение от владения чатом «Мифы о компании» … и другие …
Ну и венец его «профессионализма» - это вопиющие ляпы при проведении видеовстреч.
Одни из последних:
Эфир от 25.11.2024 г.: На вопрос пайщика, как всё же должна быть подана жалоба на решение суда о незаконности деятельности ПК, Георгий ответил: Подавать от неопределенного круга лиц … (у слушающих Георгия юристов –«кровь из ушей»).
Тот же эфир: было сказано про «отзыв на апелляционную жалобу».
Ч. 2. Ст. 325 ГПК РФ: «Лица, участвующие в деле, вправе представить в суд первой инстанции возражения в письменной форме …»
Профессиональные юристы используют терминологию в соответствии с процессуальными нормами –если отзыв, то отзыв, если возражения, то –возражения…
Человеку без специального образования это ни о чем не скажет, а вот настоящему профессионалу ухо изрядно режет.
Список будем продолжать …
Теперь по порядку и доступно.
"Если друг оказался вдруг"
Если человек в свое время сделал благое дело, проявлял себя как верный помощник, значит ли это, что он действительно действовал искренне, имея желание помочь и спасти нуждающихся в помощи и спасении?
Или он пытался показаться соратником и сподвижником, потому что было выгодно двигаться сообща? Потому что одни шли с благой целью спасти и помочь, а нашему лжедругу Георгию так было надо? Что бы собрать как можно больше людей, нуждающихся в помощи и поддержке? Ведь это очень уязвимая категория- они готовы поверить не проверяя, лишь бы маяк надежды не угасал. И вот, на растерянности и боли людей, Георгий собирает огромное количество человек, доказывает свою якобы бескорыстность, и, добившись беззаветной веры в него, как в мессию, понемногу начинает продвигать свои отнюдь не благие идеи.
До лета 2024 года он понемногу обирал людей – на заключении договоров цессии, на установлении права собственности на объект недвижимости, на правовых консультациях и, наверное, на хлеб хватало …
Но в октябре 2024 года перед нашим шарлатаном замаячило уголовное преследование… Задумаемся: мог вызов, допрос или другие следственные действия так повлиять на кардинальный разворот мыслей человека? За какие ниточки подергали наши недруги, чем припугнули: карьера, репутация, семья, свобода? Мы уже видели шантаж, запугивания, угрозы реальным заключением. И не каждому удалось выдержать давление. Кто-то выбрал путь наименьшего сопротивления и стал играть сам за себя. А кто-то стал играть против своих, ради спасения или ради выгоды.
И тут Георгия от страха п(р)онесло …
Несколько мыслей для рассуждения
Кардинальная смена позиции
Буквально недавно мы слышали лозунги и призывы наказать, взыскать, посадить недругов. И вдруг мы слышим: "Они все правильно делают, мы сами виноваты" Дальше что? "Давайте придем с повинной головой, согласимся со всеми обвинениями, передадим все НАШЕ имущество, объявим благодарность следственной группе и всем-всем за то, что проявили о нас заботу. А мы, неразумные, никак не хотели понять, что нас защищают. От наших денег, квартир, планов, прав и свобод. Поклонимся в пол. И, возможно, эти заботливые люди простят нас недалёких."
К этому мы шли все эти годы борьбы?
Доверенность под прикрытием
Несколько фактов:
руководство кооператива не сдается, отстаивает права пайщиков
не отдает на растерзание имущество, за каждую квартиру бьётся и в собственность пайщикам передает ОН
добилось-таки снятия ареста со всех квартир, чтоб люди могли в собственность без лишних проблем переводить ОН
в судах поддерживает пайщиков, требования по возврату паевых признает
за деньги на счетах вцепилось мертвой хваткой. Сотни ходатайств и обжалований ради снятия ареста со счетов
на каждое заседание приезжает председатель и адвокаты
нашли способ и документы восстанавливать, и налоги оплачивать. Все отчёты в срок сдают.
Ну что за несговорчивое руководство...С такими "каши не сваришь"
Значит надо сменить руководство. Но как, если оно законно избранное? Только переизбрать!
Кто может убедить 20 тысяч человек переизбрать руководство, которое в таких обстоятельствах действует в интересах пайщиков? Но, если подумать, то можно сделать хитрее. Чтобы люди даже и не знали. Надо лишить их права голоса и передать кому-то другому. Можно же это сделать по доверенности.
Например, под благовидным предлогом запросить у людей доверенности на представление их интересов в суде, но включить пункт о праве голосовать и принимать финансовые решения за этих людей. И всё-дело в шляпе.
Осталось только найти того, кто может получить такие доверенности и посулить ему что-нибудь. Например, кресло председателя. Или шантажом и запугиванием.
Это одна из версий резкой смены Георгием политики ранее так горячо отстаиваемой (По нашей версии – это или внезапно состоявшееся сотрудничество с врагами ПК, или же еще вначале задуманный хитрый план. Скорее всего-первое. Потому что у него самого – кишка тонка… Хотя может недооцениваем )
И тут небольшой экскурс. Доверенности, с таким ажиотажем запрашиваемые у доверчивых пайщиков, в суде первой инстанции почему- то не пригодились. Георгий просидел на скамейке в углу тихонечко, никому не мешая. Ходатайства об участии пайщиков так и не заявил … Активного желания участвовать не проявил. А вот когда доверенности собирал, заявлял так: «имея такое количество доверенностей, я смогу дверь с ноги открыть в суд» (запись имеется). Не открыл. Зачем обещал?
Стоять! Госпошлина!
Ещё один повод задуматься об озвученных противоречиях. Нужна доверенность на представление интересов в первой инстанции, в апелляции, но подавать жалобы не надо, так как госпошлина есть. А деньги пайщиков нужно беречь.
То есть 7000 ? за юридическую консультацию у него - это необходимые траты. А 3000? госпошлина на защиту своих интересов в суде, по подготовленному проекту жалобы и подробной инструкцией - это неразумно
Вы правда так думаете, что судебный документ, который обезопасит и квартиру, и деньги пайщика - это лишний шаг и неразумные траты?
А доверенность разве освобождает от оплаты госпошлины? Получаются двойные расходы. Доверенность плюс госпошлина. Так для чего нужна доверенность на самом деле? Может это абзац в доверенности о представлении в судах лишь прикрытие? А ещё можно "случайно" пропустить срок подачи апелляционной жалобы. Если люди доверили ее подачу другому "нужному человеку". А если не обжаловали, значит согласны с решением.
Платите на счет
Продолжается настойчивая рекомендация все платежи вносить на счета кооператива. С пояснением, что ареста на счетах нет. И налоги можно оплатить со счета.
Но мы уже неоднократно убеждались, что воспользоваться счетами не дадут, пока не пройдет апелляция.
К тому же, у банков свой начальник - Центробанк. Банки могут отказаться обслуживать "незаконную" организацию. А неоплаченный налог влечет арест счетов и квартир.
При том, что есть отработанный механизм оплаты через гос.услуги. Стоит ли рисковать? Кому выгодно, чтобы заблокированных денег на счетах ПК становилось больше?
"Адвокаты не ведают, что творят. Только я могу все исправить"
В эфирах Моисеева начала транслироваться идея о том, что адвокаты ни на шаг не продвинулись. Никакого толка от них нет. Все суды проигрывают. Некоторые факты о достижениях адвокатов:
отказ в иске ФНС о признании кооператива банкротом;
снятие ареста со всех квартир ПК;
снятие ареста со вновь поступающих средств;
изменение меры пресечения на домашний арест для троих наших девочек.
Список будем продолжать …
И рассмотрим, какие достижения у нашего "спасателя":
помогал пайщикам оформлять право собственности на квартиру после полной выплаты пая. Упустим вопрос о том, сколько стоили эти услуги помощника в комплексе с цессией. Лишь обратим внимание на то что: образец искового заявления предоставлял кооператив. Отзыв для суда готовил кооператив. Положительную судебную практику прикладывал кооператив. Разъяснения, комментарии, инструкции, персональная помощь в заполнении - все это делалось силами кооператива. И все это бесплатно. А потом ещё кооператив добился от Росреестра, чтобы аресты с квартир сняли на основании полученного адвокатами кооператива Постановления.
Ай яй яй … Кажется, кто-то потерял весомую часть заработка И, кажется, кому-то было бы на руку новое наложение ареста на квартиры. Например, из-за невозможности оплатить налоги.
иски об административном правонарушении - ни одного выигранного.
порядка 60 выигранных дел "о неосновательном обогащении" в разных инстанциях.
Этим он действительно очень помог многим людям. И сложилась устойчивая судебная практика по этому вопросу. Это бесспорная помощь людям.
Только к кооперативу это не имеет никакого отношения!
И поймите, что это 60 одинаковых гражданских дел. Когда нашел путь, как выигрывать, потом остаётся только фамилии в отзывах менять. И действовать по шаблону. Тем более, что противоположная сторона подаёт такие же шаблонные иски.
И известны имена других юристов –честных и порядочных, занимающихся такими же делами, и не кричащих из каждого утюга, что они незаменимы и срочно нужно избрать их Председателями всея кооперативов.
Думайте. Может быть для Вас создали иллюзию всегда выигрывающего юриста? А на самом деле это только шаблонные дела совершенно другого профиля.
Так как же он может помочь адвокатам кооператива, если положительного опыта в этом ключе у него нет. Почему так настаивает на вхождении в процесс и так настойчиво требует сотрудничества?
Кому необходима эта помощь? Может быть это в интересах наших недругов?
Если с "нужным человеком" будут адвокаты ПК сотрудничать, делиться документами, наработками, идеями.. Кто от этого будет в плюсе? Недруги будут знать о каждом шаге адвокатов наперед. И смогут нейтрализовать старания. Ура. Занавес.
"Почта у них неофициальная"
Странно, что только сейчас электронная почта кооператива стала подвергаться сомнению и официальности. Совсем недавно, зарабатывая деньги на цессиях, Моисеев не стеснялся отправлять именно на эту почту запросы для пайщиков. За справками/договорами цессии/расчётами он сам обращался именно на эту электронную почту. А теперь она стала "левой". И эта мысль активно людям внушается в видеоэфирах.
Что же случилось с почтой именно сейчас? Кооператив не пошел слепо на поводу у чьих-то желаний?
Инициативная группа, выходи!
Уже дважды или трижды в видеоэфирах проскальзывала фраза о том, что наш товарищ-спасатель советуется с некой инициативной группой из госорганов. Это не волонтеры, которые действительно защищают свои регионы. Это какая-то другая группа лиц, никому не известная и вопросы о которой активно удаляются из чата, который Моисееву с его слов в полиции «не принадлежит».
И немного юмора
Урок математики в школе.
- сколько будет дважды два?
Мойша с первой парты:
- а мы покупаем или продаем?
Всегда надо помнить древнейшую мудрость: "Не сотвори себе кумира". Ведь у "кумира" могут быть свои планы. Сопоставляйте факты.
Всем здравомыслия.
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Враги народа
19 декабря закончились заседания 2024 года в Приморском районном суде Санкт-Петербурга по рассмотрению резонансного уголовного дела, связанного, по версии следствия, с компаниями «Лайф-из-Гуд», «Гермес» и кооперативом «Бест Вей», – заседания подтвердили, что дело полностью липовое.
Оно придумано в кабинетах колокольцевского МВД, якобы данные показания ключевых свидетелей на самом деле написаны следствием. Цель этого уголовного дела – ограбить кооператив, захватить его активы, которые в живых деньгах и недвижимости составляют более 16 млрд рублей.
Лжепотерпевшие – воры и мошенники
Дело в суде полностью развалилось, несколько человек, признанных следствием потерпевшими, отказались от своих показаний – в том числе Школьник, «нулевая» потерпевшая, с которой началось уголовное дело.
Все они «плывут» в суде. «Потерпевшие», движимые алчностью, лгут под присягой: выдумывают цифры, которые им якобы должна компания «Гермес», и при этом скрывают суммы, которые они вывели со счетов в компании. И скрывают использование так называемого инвестиционного плеча – то есть кредитных средств, предоставленных «Гермесом». По «козырному» для следствия потерпевшему Логинову, например, документально подтверждено, что он вывел из «Гермеса» вдвое больше, чем в него вложил.
У «потерпевших» нет никаких доказательств, никаких подтверждающих документов, никаких свидетелей. Никакая накачка со стороны нанятых хейтерами юристов не помогает и доказательств не заменит!
«Потерпевшие» не имеют подтверждений долга «Гермеса» перед ними – при этом по наущению следствия отказались от выяснения отношений с самой компанией, которая не могла выполнять обязательства перед ними из-за форс-мажорных обстоятельств, созданных самими органами внутренних дел, – но с тех пор восстановила платежную систему и сейчас возобновила выплату средств своим клиентам.
Гражданские дела против «Гермеса» и финансовых консультантов, работавших с компанией, проиграны. И попытки «потерпевших» получить деньги в рамках уголовного дела «на шару» обречены: это откровенный обман со стороны МВД, стремившегося создать впечатление массовости претензий.
Многие «потерпевшие» уклоняются от участия в суде, прячутся – суд даже требует обеспечить их привод. Суду все более очевидно, что за заявлениями «потерпевших» стоят вымогательство, желание обогатиться и оговор честных людей.
Лжесвидетели – подручные гестаповцев
Показания более десятка свидетелей оказались ложными – свидетели сами заявили о том, что они подписали под давлением измышления следователей!
Обвинение грубо и преступно сфабриковано на основе слов, записанных во время гестаповских допросов, все подробности которых – с издевательствами над пожилыми больными людьми, с гестаповскими обысками в пять утра с выбиванием окон и дверей, вскрылись на суде. Один из свидетелей умер после допроса, несколько оказались в больницах. Многие свидетели обвинения отвергли свои показания в суде.
А показания в уголовном деле свидетелей, которые остались на стороне обвинения – Комарова, Логинова и других – насколько кардинально отличаются от того, что они говорили на допросе в суде, что это было очевидно суду. Свидетели не могли повторить в зале суда факты из якобы своих показаний. Они даже не знали, что написано в этих якобы своих показаниях. Для этого пришлось придумывать объяснения: Комаров, например, заявил, что переболел ковидом и потому ничего не помнит и испытывает трудности с формулированием мысли.
Один из главных свидетелей обвинений – админ платежной системы «Гермеса» Набойченко, разрушивший по заданию полиции платежную систему «Гермеса» в России и укравший в сговоре с коррумпированными полицейскими активы российских клиентов этой компании, уже год боится прийти в суд – он скрывается, понимая, что сам может быть привлечен к уголовной ответственности!
Колокольцев – отец лжи
В уголовном деле нет вообще никаких доказательств, 10 человек, оказавшихся на скамье подсудимых, – ни в чем неповинные технические сотрудники «Лайф-из-Гуд», кооператива «Бест Вей», индивидуальные предприниматели.
Ложное обвинение появилось для того, чтобы оправдать выступления министра МВД Колокольцева в Совете Федерации – он еще задолго до завершения расследования, основываясь на рапортах своих петербургских подчиненных заявившего о раскрытии «крупнейшей в истории России пирамиды».
Как хвост виляет собакой, так и петербургские полицейские и следователи Винокуров, Сапетова, Машевский и другие виляют своим министром-тряпкой! Все «доказательства» нарисованы, нет предмета не только для уголовного, но и для гражданского дела, о чем «черным» следователям Винокурову и Сапетовой было известно с самого начала. Это уголовное дело – откровенная инсценировка с целью отнять деньги у кооператива и разделить между коррупционерами из МВД.
Колокольцевская полицейская камарилья уничтожает кооператив, созданный для военнослужащих и участников СВО, лишает Героев России квартир, которые должен был совершенно легально приобрести абсолютно законный кооператив! Подрывает авторитет военной службы в России во время войны.
Колокольцев и его питерская команда – враги народа!
Малиновская – судья-уголовница
Судья по гражданским делам Приморского районного суда Анна Малиновская подмахнула заказное решение о признании «организации деятельности» кооператива незаконной – по информации редакции, по звонку от офицера питерского управления ФСБ, курирующего суды. Малиновской из питерского управления ФСБ пригрозили тем, что она будет привлечена за коррупцию по другим своим делам.
Она со страху просто переписала исковое заявление прокуратуры – со всеми фактическими и грамматическими ошибками! На решение поданы около сотни апелляционных жалоб от граждан, это беспрецедентно для российской судебной системы!
Неправосудными заказными решениями Малиновская предала судебную власть, предала президента, предала народ России! Она – предатель и враг народа!
Набиуллина – мать спекуляции и ограбления народа
Центральную роль в этом уголовном деле с первого дня играл Центробанк – по прямому указанию Набиуллиной и ее замов. Набиуллина открыто призналась в Думе, что воюет с кооперативами, работающими в сфере недвижимости, поскольку они создают альтернативу банковской ипотеке.
Ее подчиненные – предатель Лях, бывший глава Департамента противодействия недобросовестным практикам, сбежавший из России с началом СВО, и вредительница Петрова из Северо-Западного банка ЦБ – выдумали исследование компании «Гермес» и кооператива «Бест Вей» в Краснодарском центре компетенций, которое на самом деле не проводилось.
По заказу конкурентов и коррумпированных финансистов кооператив «Бест Вей» и компания «Гермес», работавшие в интересах пайщиков и клиентов, которыми пайщики и клиенты были довольны, без какой бы то ни было проверки были внесены в предупредительный список ЦБ – по высосанным из пальца «признакам», якобы свидетельствующим о пирамидности и прямо противоречащим закону.
Обоснованием вреда кооператива в Банке России, так называемой экспертизой, занимались безграмотнейшие сотрудники – например, Парфенова, целый ведущий экономист главка ЦБ со всего лишь бакалавриатом по экономике. Потому что других нет: Набиуллина превратила ЦБ в шарашкину контору, обитель дурочек-недоучек, которых никто, кроме ЦБ, не берет на работу. Наделив дурочек властью, Набиуллина целенаправленно подрывает денежно-кредитную систему и российскую экономику в целом!
По результатам «экспертизы» Лях и Петрова подписали письмо в правоохранительные органы о необходимости возбуждения уголовного дела, соединившись тем самым с коррупционерами из правоохранительных органов в войне с народным кооперативом «Бест Вей»!
Цель центробанковской кампании против кооператива «Бест Вей» – ограбление народа, уничтожение кооперативов, вынуждение людей обращаться в ипотечные банки и платить за квартиры тройную цену, чтобы обогащались банкиры. Банки-гиганты, которых пестует Набиуллина, разоряют простых граждан, создают запретительные условия для приобретения квартир. Политика ЦБ полностью блокирует решение жилищного вопроса в России!
Депутаты Государственной думы несколько месяцев назад потребовали у ЦБ выработать программу, позволяющую существовать и развиваться, – они даже были согласны на дополнительные регуляторные требования, хотя регулирование кооперативной сферы со стороны ЦБ, действующего в интересах банков, – конфликт интересов.
Набиуллина пообещала – и, конечно, обманула, потому что банки-монополисты, волю которых выполняет ЦБ, крайне не заинтересованы в конкуренции, они стремятся уничтожить кооператив – чем напрямую в случае «Бест Вей» занимаются Сбербанк и банк «Санкт-Петербург», которые пользуются миллиардами «Бест Вей», зарабатывают прибыли, но не пропускают ни одной платежки, даже по исполнительным листам! Открыто игнорируют решения судов!
И спикер Думы Володин до сих пор не предъявил Набиуллиной претензии за невыполнение обещаний перед депутатами, за ограбление участников СВО, которых Центробанк лишает возможности приобрести квартиры с помощью кооператива. Он потворствует врагам народа!
Набиуллина обманывает парламент, обманывает правительство, обманывает народ! Разоряет предприятия, наносит вред налогоплательщикам – а значит, и государству!
Матвиенко – мать безответственности
Глава Совета Федерации Валентина Матвиенко, так же как и ее коллега Володин, попустительствует ограблению народа, в том числе военнослужащих и участников СВО, составляющих костяк кооператива «Бест Вей».
Заслушав осенью 2022 года доклад министра Колокольцева в Совфеде о том, что кооператив был крупнейшей пирамидой, она не потрудилась проверить факты, которые там изложены, она не спросила с Колокольцева, что происходит с крупнейшим в России народным жилищным кооперативам – хотя многие сенаторы, а также представители региональных органов власти поддерживают кооператив как народное предприятие, социально ориентированную программу и открыто выступают в его защиту, в том числе на публичных мероприятиях.
В нескольких регионах специально под кооператив были введены налоговые послабления. Власти многих субъектов Федерации всегда поддерживали кооператив. Главного сенатора не интересует судьба одного из важнейших в России жилищных социальных проектов?!
Почему не спросить Колокольцева – как там поживает «великое» дело о раскрытии «крупнейшей в России финансовой пирамиды»? Как оно выглядит в суде? Но Матвиенко этих вопросов не задает – «подсуживая» Колокольцеву!
Матвиенко, как и Володин, потворствует врагам народа!
Врагов народа – к ответу!
Лжепотерпевшие, лжесвидетели, Малиновская, колокольцевская и набиуллинская преступные группировки должны быть привлечены к уголовной ответственности за нанесение ущерба гражданам России, за предательство России в условиях военного времени!
Преследование кооператива и санкции против него должны быть немедленно прекращены, он должен получить поддержку законодателей и возможность приобретать квартиры для своих членов – и участников СВО, и других граждан нашей страны!
DonaldBak – 26/12/2024
Lying down and vomiting between courses: This is how Ancient Romans would feast
RuTOR forum
Imagine, if you will, the most glorious festive feast, with an oversize turkey, stuffing two ways, holiday ham, the requisite fixings and at least half a dozen pies and cakes. That may all sound grand — that is, until you consider the extravagant displays of the ancient Roman banquet.
Members of the Roman upper classes regularly indulged in lavish, hours-long feasts that served to broadcast their wealth and status in ways that eclipse our notions of a resplendent meal. “Eating was the supreme act of civilization and celebration of life,” said Alberto Jori, professor of ancient philosophy at the University of Ferrara in Italy.
Ancient Romans enjoyed sweet and salty concoctions. Lagane, a rustic short pasta usually served with chickpeas, was also used to make a honey cake with fresh ricotta cheese. The Romans used garum, a pungent, salty fermented fish sauce for umami flavor in all dishes, even as a dessert topping. (For context, garum has a similar flavor profile and composition to current-day Asian fish sauces such as Vietnam’s nuoc mam and Thailand’s nam pla.) The prized condiment was made by leaving fish meat, blood and guts to ferment inside containers under the Mediterranean sun.
Game meat such as venison, wild boar, rabbit and pheasant along with seafood like raw oysters, shellfish and lobster were just some of the pricey foods that made regular appearances at the Roman banquet.
What’s more, hosts played a game of one-upmanship by serving over-the-top, exotic dishes like parrot tongue stew and stuffed dormouse. “Dormouse was a delicacy that farmers fattened up for months inside pots and then sold at markets,” Jori said. “While huge quantities of parrots were killed to have enough tongues to make fricassee.”
RuTOR forum
Giorgio Franchetti, a food historian and scholar of ancient Roman history, recovered lost recipes from these repasts, which he shares in “Dining With the Ancient Romans,” written with “archaeo-cook” Cristina Conte. Together, the duo organize dining experiences at archaeological sites in Italy that give guests a taste of what eating like a Roman noble was all about. These cultural tours also delve into the eyebrow-raising rituals that accompanied these meals.
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Bitcoin is a decentralized digital currency that operates without the necessary quest of a central expert or arbitrator, like a bank. Introduced in 2009 by an unrevealed individual or batch under the alias Satoshi Nakamoto, Bitcoin is powered by blockchain technology, a public ledger that records all transactions securely and transparently. It is known destined for its narrow reservoir of 21 million coins and its consume as a stockpile of value and median of exchange. Bitcoin has grace a well-received investment alternative and a badge of the evolving digital economy.
Smitterqw – 17/12/2024
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DanielReogs – 17/12/2024
“You get some of me but not tomorrow as they want me in as soon as I can make it happen. This is the one time when they say jump and I ask how high due the financial gains the company could benefit from and it being important enough for the client to appear in person.”
“Well I get an extra night of you at least! I wonder what we could do with that? Meantime, what about food? I am starving and delicious as it was a second breakfast is not quite enough to replenish me!”
“Well get something on and we’ll sort that out first.”
We drove into town and decided that a daytime visit to Charlie’s was going to be the answer. I parked in the bar lot and Elise dashed in to change into something more appropriate, jeans and a t-shirt along with her biker jacket but keeping her Converses on.
Walking down to the restaurant was different from the middle of the night visits as the streets were bustling and all of the shops and outlets were open.
Reaching Charlie’s we entered the front door and sat in a booth near the window. A beautiful young American Chinese girl came,smiled and said hello to Elise and gave us menus and asked if we wanted drinks in the meantime.
"No thanks Lin just a pot of Jasmine tea for us please." Lin went back to the kitchen area. “No booze for me today as I will have to work in the bar so it is just tea for me.”
Not in a drinking mood either, I agreed with her."
RusselHax – 16/12/2024
Bitcoin is a decentralized digital currency that operates without the necessary quest of a principal authority or broker, like a bank. Introduced in 2009 by way of an unidentified mortal or congregation subservient to the nom de guerre Satoshi Nakamoto, Bitcoin is powered away blockchain technology, a overt ledger that records all transactions securely and transparently. It is known for its limited reservoir of 21 million coins and its services as a collect of value and usual of exchange. Bitcoin has grace a popular investment option and a symbol of the evolving digital economy.
Richardham – 16/12/2024
Криптовалюта перевернула мир, и все сразу осознали: крипта — это не игрушка.
Европейский Центральный банк, столп финансовой стабильности, сейчас в панике. В своём последнем отчёте они предупредили:
Биткойн — это не просто пузырь, это социальная угроза.
Якобы биткойн способствует классовому неравенству: владельцы крипты, по их мнению, обогащаются за счёт бедных, оставшихся не у дел. Слабым и беззащитным, мол, пора активно выступать против криптовалют.
Иначе, намекает ЕЦБ, последствия будут катастрофическими. В отчёте даже рекомендовали блокировать криптовалюты, чтобы предотвратить политические последствия, намекая на то, что держатели активов могут повлиять на выборы. Примером они приводят США, где кандидаты активно заигрывают с крипто-избирателями.
Внезапно банки стали предупреждать нас о некой угрозе, исходящей от крипты, словно всю жизнь они берегли нас от бедности.
Неужели банки, которые сами по себе являются орудием неравенства, теперь стали беспокоиться о простых людях? Это забавно, потому что именно криптовалюта открыта для всех, кто готов попробовать что-то новое. Здесь нет двери с надписью «Только для своих», как в случае с банками.
Никто не запрещает вам пользоваться биткоином или эфиром. Никто за вас не решает, кто достоин, а кто нет. Но банки об этом не говорят. Вместо этого они пытаются создать образ криптовалют как инструмента для преступников, заявляя, что она вредит экономике и ведёт к катастрофическим последствиям.
Как будто предыдущие кризисы и экономические коллапсы — это дело рук биткоина, а не самих банков.
Реальные примеры:
В последние годы, особенно в 2024 году, швейцарские банки без зазрения совести закрывали счета у всех, у кого в паспорте указано место рождения — Россия.
По всей Европе, прикрываясь санкциями, банки отбирали деньги у населения. Например, чтобы перевести деньги, нужно предоставить массу документов, подтверждений, деклараций, историю происхождения денег. Даже если всё в порядке, счёт могут заморозить.
В Турции, где сейчас рекордная инфляция, люди нашли спасение в криптовалюте, так как она даёт хоть какую-то стабильность и никак не зависит от капризов правительства, банков или комплаенс-отделов.
В Ливане банки за один день заблокировали вклады, оставив людей без своих денег.
Банковский контроль:
Банкиры мониторят ваши транзакции, требуют подтверждений и историю происхождения денег, даже если прошло 10 лет. Вы вынуждены объяснять, зачем вам ваши же собственные средства. И всё это сопровождается традиционными комиссиями и навязанными услугами.
А что даёт криптовалюта?
Вы можете переводить деньги сколько угодно, кому угодно, когда угодно.
Нет лишних вопросов, никакого контроля и комплаенса.
Полная конфиденциальность.
Да, крипта имеет свои риски: волатильность, недостаточная правовая защита. Но при грамотном подходе эти риски можно минимизировать. Тогда криптовалюта становится надёжной альтернативой.
Криптовалюта — это не просто средство обмена, это символ независимости.
Она не зависит от банковской системы, которая строила границы и правила исключительно в свою пользу. ЕЦБ утверждает, что биткойн — это угроза. И он прав. Только эта угроза направлена не на людей, а на банковскую систему.
Настоящий ужас для ЕЦБ в том, что люди больше не зависят от их комиссий и бесконечных документов.
Криптовалюта даёт финансовую свободу. Именно это пугает банки. Их борьба с криптой — это борьба за сохранение монопольных привилегий.
Теперь выбор за каждым:
Остаться в клетке банковских правил.
Или стать частью свободного мира, где твои деньги — это твоё решение.
GregoryNen – 16/12/2024
Stuck squirrel wins 2024 Comedy Wildlife Photography award
Роман Василенко
An image of a squirrel stuck in a tree has been named the overall winner of this year’s Nikon Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards, with a frog in a bubble and a bream chasing a bald eagle among the category winners.
“Stuck Squirrel” by Milko Marchetti was chosen as the winner from more than 9,000 entries, the highest number received in the competition’s 10-year history, the organizers said in a statement published Tuesday.
The team whittled the entries down to a selection of 45, which were then put to a judging panel that selected the overall winner as well as nine category winners.
Marchetti’s photo shows the moment a red squirrel is entering its hide in the trunk of a tree, with its legs at right angles to the trunk.
“I have taken many, many photographs of squirrels, in many situations over the years in Italy, but this one struck me as really funny and such a strange position, because it is that exact moment when the squirrel is detaching its back legs from the trunk to enter its hide,” Marchetti said in the statement.
“Whenever I show this image at the nature seminars at my local photography club, the audience always explode with raucous laughter, so I had to enter it!”
Stefan Maier, senior general manager of marketing at Nikon Europe, said he was thrilled to announce Marchetti’s win, adding that his image “brilliantly captures the playful and unpredictable moments that make nature so enchanting.”
RusselHax – 16/12/2024
Bitcoin is a decentralized digital currency that operates without the demand quest of a key expert or third party, like a bank. Introduced in 2009 via an unidentified individual or batch subservient to the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto, Bitcoin is powered at hand blockchain technology, a overt ledger that records all transactions securely and transparently. It is known destined for its reduced supply of 21 million coins and its use as a trust in of value and usual of exchange. Bitcoin has become a well-received investment choice and a sign of the evolving digital economy.
AntonioVon – 16/12/2024
Меня как пайщика просто коробит от того, как следствие издевается над людьми. Послушайте, если вы считаете, что "Бест Вей" — это пирамида, тогда почему никто не жаловался, пока все работало? Почему пайщики исправно получали свои выплаты, покупали квартиры, пользовались услугами? Да потому что это нормальная компания! А теперь кто-то решил, что надо ее закрыть. И как это делается? Привлекаются к делу потерпевшие, которые понятия не имеют, что они потерпевшие. Абсурд полный. И еще момент: неужели никто не понимает, что "Бест Вей" — это не "Гермес"? У них вообще разные структуры, разные задачи. Почему всех смешали в одну кучу? Это просто охота на ведьм.
Davidhof – 15/12/2024
Гестапо Колокольцева
ГСУ питерского главка МВД использует фашистские методы
ГСУ питерского главка МВД использует гестаповские методы и фальсификацию показаний для создания фальшивых дел по указке заказчиков из руководства МВД, под прикрытием оборотней из прокуратуры.
Приморский районный суд рассматривает так называемое дело «Лайф-из-Гуд» – «Гермес» – «Бест Вей», обвиняется основатель «Лайф-из-Гуд» и «Бест Вей» Роман Василенко (для горе-правоохранителей он недоступен), по делу 10 подсудимых-заложников – ни в чем не повинных людей, технических сотрудников и пайщиков кооператива, в том числе отец Романа Василенко 83-летний Виктор Иванович Василенко.
В ходе судебных заседаний выявлены уже десятки пострадавших от фашистских методов ГСУ.
Лариса Василенко
77-летняя Лариса Александровна Василенко, мама Романа Василенко, ветеран Вооруженных сил – офицер морской авиации. Служила на Дальнем Востоке в в/ч морской авиации начальником секретной части, которая была признана лучшей на Тихоокеанском флоте, награждена государственными наградами и наградами вооруженных сил.
Гестаповцы, предатели Родины из питерской полиции в шесть утра ворвались к ней в спальню и под дулами автоматов заставили в их присутствии обнажиться и переодеваться, при этом унижали и оскорбляли. После обыска забрали ее на допрос, весь день до девяти часов вечера продержали в коридоре: дали сломанный стул без ножки, не пускали в туалет, не давали воды.
Руководитель следственной группы – замначальника ГСУ полковник Винокуров лично явился для того, чтобы орать матом на женщину вдвое старше его, угрожал расправой и тюрьмой. К Ларисе Василенко не пустили адвоката – он весь день и вечер просидел на крыльце ГСУ. Зато назначили своего, «подсадного» так называемого адвоката по назначению: Лариса Александровна смогла понять, что это не тот адвокат, который прислан ее близкими.
Лариса Александровна в коридоре потеряла сознание – ее вынесли на воздух, на улице она пришла в себя и что было сил на всю улицу закричала: «Помогите!» Прохожие попытались броситься ей на помощь – и только после этого молодые гестаповцы решили ее отпустить, чтобы избежать скандала.
При всех стараниях следствия к уголовному делу Ларису Александровну «пришить» не удалось, так как она никак не была связана с «Лайф-из-Гуд» и «Бест Вей» – то есть оснований для ее допроса не было никаких: это была попытка найти хоть какой-то компромат на ее сына.
Виктор Василенко
83-летний Виктор Иванович Василенко ветеран Вооруженных сил, полковник морской авиации, инвалид второй группы – он не видит на один глаз.
Жестко задержан и принудительно доставлен в ГСУ на допрос. Во время задержания у него забрали все деньги, которые были с собой, не оприходовали и не вернули ему – украли деньги у пенсионера!
Во время длительного допроса терял сознание – ему вызывали скорую. Но это не помешало помещению Виктора Ивановича на трое суток в КПЗ. Трое суток настоящих пыток: КПЗ страшнее, чем СИЗО! Все эти трое суток над ним издевались и оскорбляли.
Оборотни в погонах МВД требовали заключить 83-летнего инвалида под стражу – но даже судья Цибизова, имеющая репутацию максимально лояльной к следствию, пришла в ужас от гестаповских методов и отказалась это сделать – оставила старика-инвалида дома под ограничением определенных действий.
83-летнего ветерана привлекли в уголовное дело в качестве обвиняемого на том основании, что он был пайщиком кооператива – фактически взяли его в заложники.
Так МВД преступно издевается даже над заслуженными пенсионерами, ветеранами, которые посвятили свою жизнь защите Родины.
Зоя Семёнова
75-летняя Зоя Магомедовна Семёнова, пенсионерка из Самары. Ее грубо задержали в аэропорту Пулково, когда она улетала домой после участия в заседании суда, на котором Зоя Магомедовна поддерживала кооператив. Параллельно провели в ее доме в ее отсутствие обыск – сломали дверь, разбили окна.
Ее силой доставили на допрос, весь день держали в застенках ГСУ, не давали воды и сходить в туалет. Не вызвали врача, несмотря на критическое состояние здоровья – давление за 200.
С ней работали одновременно два следователя. Следователь Мальцев во время допроса кричал на нее, грозился посадить в подвал. Следователь Сапетова в роли «доброго следователя» говорила, что готова войти в положение и отпустить: «Только подпишите».
Зою Магомедовну довели до такого состояния, что она не могла читать то, что давали ей подписывать, – при этом Сапетова не стала зачитывать ей вслух написанные самой следовательницей-преступницей «показания», чтобы Зоя Магомедовна не заявила об отказе от показаний.
На суде выяснилось, что практически вся информация, внесенная следователем в протокол допроса, не подтверждается – Семёнова отказалась от своих показаний, сказала, что слышит в первый раз якобы свои высказывания, с ними не согласна, не знает даже таких слов и не могла использовать таких формулировок, не говоря уже о смысле «показаний», который не соответствует ни фактам, ни отношению Зои Магомедовны к кооперативу МВД – она поддерживала и продолжает поддерживать кооператив «Бест Вей», о чем заявила в суде.
Евгений Иорданиди
66-летний Евгений Иорданиди офицер Военно-морского флота в отставке, кавалер государственных наград и наград Вооруженных сил.
Подвергся жесткому обыску и жесткому допросу. Отказался в суде от акцентов в написанных за него показаний, на которые не обратил должного внимания из-за мер физического и морального воздействия на него во время допроса в ГСУ.
Дмитрий Выдрин
Дмитрий Выдрин – водитель, был консультантом по продаже продуктов «Гермеса».
В результате жесткого допроса в ГСУ под угрозой заключения в СИЗО оговорил себя и других, чтобы получить домашний арест.
Готов полностью отказаться от своих показаний – как полученных под пытками.
Шамиль Фахруллин
Пенсионер Шамиль Зиннатович Фахруллин был клиентом «Гермеса» и после жесткого допроса оговорил обвиняемых и написал заявление в качестве потерпевшего.
Фахруллин скончался после допроса – по словам адвоката, он получил тяжелую психологическую травму на допросе, которая привела к инфаркту.
Массовая фальсификация показаний
Десятки свидетелей заявили в суде о том, что показания нарисованы, и отказывались от них в суде.
Один из ключевых свидетелей обвинения – водитель Алексей Комаров – хотя и соглашался с красивыми показаниями, написанными за него следователями (в обмен на замену статуса с подозреваемого на свидетеля), во время судебного допроса не смог повторить эти показания даже частично, воспроизвести факты, которые он якобы приводил на следствии, – «бэкал», «мэкал» и в конце концов сослался на то, что перенес тяжелый коронавирус и все забыл.
Таким образом, речь идет о массовой фальсификации показаний преступными следователями!
Дискредитация вооруженных сил
МВД и прокуратура в данном уголовном деле занимаются не чем иным, как дискредитацией Вооруженных сил, выступают против армии. Они унижают военных пенсионеров, наносят ущерб пайщикам кооператива – участникам СВО.
К этому подключилась гнилая коррумпированная судья по гражданским делам Малиновская, вынесшая по наущению прокуратуры преступное, вредительское, откровенно незаконное решение, которое сейчас оспаривается в вышестоящих судах.
Кооператив «Бест Вей» был создан в 2014 году капитаном третьего ранга запаса Романом Василенко прежде всего для решения жилищной проблемы действующих военнослужащих, военнослужащих, уволенных в запас, и членов их семей. Сейчас кооператив возглавляет полковник запаса депутат Государственной думы VIIсозыва Сергей Крючек. Членами кооператива являются тысячи участников СВО, орденоносцев – все они стараниями МВД и прокуратуры лишены своих денег, которые находятся под арестом, и лишены возможности купить квартиру, на которую собрали средства.
Органы внутренних дел и примкнувшие к ним прокуроры систематически унижают военных – что наносит непоправимый ущерб престижу воинской службы – в воюющей России!
Военные должны сплотиться против беззакония зажравшихся и жирующих тыловых беспредельщиков в погонах МВД и прокуратуры. Военным надо объединяться в борьбе с преступниками МВД и защищать свои права в рамках закона, добиваться контроля за правоохранительными органами, которые захвачены коррупционерами и предателями.
Предателей – к ответу
МВД – фашистские преступники под крышей ОПГ Колокольцева. Вся коррумпированная система МВД и прокуратуры не защищает народ, а, пользуясь вверенными полномочиями, стремится надругаться над ним и обворовывают его.
Гестаповцы, исповедующие фашистские принципы во время войны России и фашизмом, предатели Родины, замаскированные погонами МВД и прокурорскими погонами, должны быть осуждены как предатели, заслуженная кара настигнет их в полном соответствии с законом в ближайшее время!
#Лайф-из-Гуд #Гермес #Бест Вей
RusselHax – 15/12/2024
Bitcoin is a decentralized digital currency that operates without the necessary to go to a key right or third party, like a bank. Introduced in 2009 by an unrevealed proper or batch under the nom de plume Satoshi Nakamoto, Bitcoin is powered away blockchain technology, a segment ledger that records all transactions securely and transparently. It is known an eye to its restrictive reservoir of 21 million coins and its consume as a collect of value and mean of exchange. Bitcoin has grace a popular investment option and a badge of the evolving digital economy.
DanielReogs – 14/12/2024
“You get some of me but not tomorrow as they want me in as soon as I can make it happen. This is the one time when they say jump and I ask how high due the financial gains the company could benefit from and it being important enough for the client to appear in person.”
“Well I get an extra night of you at least! I wonder what we could do with that? Meantime, what about food? I am starving and delicious as it was a second breakfast is not quite enough to replenish me!”
“Well get something on and we’ll sort that out first.”
We drove into town and decided that a daytime visit to Charlie’s was going to be the answer. I parked in the bar lot and Elise dashed in to change into something more appropriate, jeans and a t-shirt along with her biker jacket but keeping her Converses on.
Walking down to the restaurant was different from the middle of the night visits as the streets were bustling and all of the shops and outlets were open.
Reaching Charlie’s we entered the front door and sat in a booth near the window. A beautiful young American Chinese girl came,smiled and said hello to Elise and gave us menus and asked if we wanted drinks in the meantime.
"No thanks Lin just a pot of Jasmine tea for us please." Lin went back to the kitchen area. “No booze for me today as I will have to work in the bar so it is just tea for me.”
Not in a drinking mood either, I agreed with her."
Publicdurl – 14/12/2024
seo az
MatthewSat – 13/12/2024
Гестапо Колокольцева
ГСУ питерского главка МВД использует фашистские методы
ГСУ питерского главка МВД использует гестаповские методы и фальсификацию показаний для создания фальшивых дел по указке заказчиков из руководства МВД, под прикрытием оборотней из прокуратуры.
Приморский районный суд рассматривает так называемое дело «Лайф-из-Гуд» – «Гермес» – «Бест Вей», обвиняется основатель «Лайф-из-Гуд» и «Бест Вей» Роман Василенко (для горе-правоохранителей он недоступен), по делу 10 подсудимых-заложников – ни в чем не повинных людей, технических сотрудников и пайщиков кооператива, в том числе отец Романа Василенко 83-летний Виктор Иванович Василенко.
В ходе судебных заседаний выявлены уже десятки пострадавших от фашистских методов ГСУ.
Лариса Василенко
77-летняя Лариса Александровна Василенко, мама Романа Василенко, ветеран Вооруженных сил – офицер морской авиации. Служила на Дальнем Востоке в в/ч морской авиации начальником секретной части, которая была признана лучшей на Тихоокеанском флоте, награждена государственными наградами и наградами вооруженных сил.
Гестаповцы, предатели Родины из питерской полиции в шесть утра ворвались к ней в спальню и под дулами автоматов заставили в их присутствии обнажиться и переодеваться, при этом унижали и оскорбляли. После обыска забрали ее на допрос, весь день до девяти часов вечера продержали в коридоре: дали сломанный стул без ножки, не пускали в туалет, не давали воды.
Руководитель следственной группы – замначальника ГСУ полковник Винокуров лично явился для того, чтобы орать матом на женщину вдвое старше его, угрожал расправой и тюрьмой. К Ларисе Василенко не пустили адвоката – он весь день и вечер просидел на крыльце ГСУ. Зато назначили своего, «подсадного» так называемого адвоката по назначению: Лариса Александровна смогла понять, что это не тот адвокат, который прислан ее близкими.
Лариса Александровна в коридоре потеряла сознание – ее вынесли на воздух, на улице она пришла в себя и что было сил на всю улицу закричала: «Помогите!» Прохожие попытались броситься ей на помощь – и только после этого молодые гестаповцы решили ее отпустить, чтобы избежать скандала.
При всех стараниях следствия к уголовному делу Ларису Александровну «пришить» не удалось, так как она никак не была связана с «Лайф-из-Гуд» и «Бест Вей» – то есть оснований для ее допроса не было никаких: это была попытка найти хоть какой-то компромат на ее сына.
Виктор Василенко
83-летний Виктор Иванович Василенко ветеран Вооруженных сил, полковник морской авиации, инвалид второй группы – он не видит на один глаз.
Жестко задержан и принудительно доставлен в ГСУ на допрос. Во время задержания у него забрали все деньги, которые были с собой, не оприходовали и не вернули ему – украли деньги у пенсионера!
Во время длительного допроса терял сознание – ему вызывали скорую. Но это не помешало помещению Виктора Ивановича на трое суток в КПЗ. Трое суток настоящих пыток: КПЗ страшнее, чем СИЗО! Все эти трое суток над ним издевались и оскорбляли.
Оборотни в погонах МВД требовали заключить 83-летнего инвалида под стражу – но даже судья Цибизова, имеющая репутацию максимально лояльной к следствию, пришла в ужас от гестаповских методов и отказалась это сделать – оставила старика-инвалида дома под ограничением определенных действий.
83-летнего ветерана привлекли в уголовное дело в качестве обвиняемого на том основании, что он был пайщиком кооператива – фактически взяли его в заложники.
Так МВД преступно издевается даже над заслуженными пенсионерами, ветеранами, которые посвятили свою жизнь защите Родины.
Зоя Семёнова
75-летняя Зоя Магомедовна Семёнова, пенсионерка из Самары. Ее грубо задержали в аэропорту Пулково, когда она улетала домой после участия в заседании суда, на котором Зоя Магомедовна поддерживала кооператив. Параллельно провели в ее доме в ее отсутствие обыск – сломали дверь, разбили окна.
Ее силой доставили на допрос, весь день держали в застенках ГСУ, не давали воды и сходить в туалет. Не вызвали врача, несмотря на критическое состояние здоровья – давление за 200.
С ней работали одновременно два следователя. Следователь Мальцев во время допроса кричал на нее, грозился посадить в подвал. Следователь Сапетова в роли «доброго следователя» говорила, что готова войти в положение и отпустить: «Только подпишите».
Зою Магомедовну довели до такого состояния, что она не могла читать то, что давали ей подписывать, – при этом Сапетова не стала зачитывать ей вслух написанные самой следовательницей-преступницей «показания», чтобы Зоя Магомедовна не заявила об отказе от показаний.
На суде выяснилось, что практически вся информация, внесенная следователем в протокол допроса, не подтверждается – Семёнова отказалась от своих показаний, сказала, что слышит в первый раз якобы свои высказывания, с ними не согласна, не знает даже таких слов и не могла использовать таких формулировок, не говоря уже о смысле «показаний», который не соответствует ни фактам, ни отношению Зои Магомедовны к кооперативу МВД – она поддерживала и продолжает поддерживать кооператив «Бест Вей», о чем заявила в суде.
Евгений Иорданиди
66-летний Евгений Иорданиди офицер Военно-морского флота в отставке, кавалер государственных наград и наград Вооруженных сил.
Подвергся жесткому обыску и жесткому допросу. Отказался в суде от акцентов в написанных за него показаний, на которые не обратил должного внимания из-за мер физического и морального воздействия на него во время допроса в ГСУ.
Дмитрий Выдрин
Дмитрий Выдрин – водитель, был консультантом по продаже продуктов «Гермеса».
В результате жесткого допроса в ГСУ под угрозой заключения в СИЗО оговорил себя и других, чтобы получить домашний арест.
Готов полностью отказаться от своих показаний – как полученных под пытками.
Шамиль Фахруллин
Пенсионер Шамиль Зиннатович Фахруллин был клиентом «Гермеса» и после жесткого допроса оговорил обвиняемых и написал заявление в качестве потерпевшего.
Фахруллин скончался после допроса – по словам адвоката, он получил тяжелую психологическую травму на допросе, которая привела к инфаркту.
Массовая фальсификация показаний
Десятки свидетелей заявили в суде о том, что показания нарисованы, и отказывались от них в суде.
Один из ключевых свидетелей обвинения – водитель Алексей Комаров – хотя и соглашался с красивыми показаниями, написанными за него следователями (в обмен на замену статуса с подозреваемого на свидетеля), во время судебного допроса не смог повторить эти показания даже частично, воспроизвести факты, которые он якобы приводил на следствии, – «бэкал», «мэкал» и в конце концов сослался на то, что перенес тяжелый коронавирус и все забыл.
Таким образом, речь идет о массовой фальсификации показаний преступными следователями!
Дискредитация вооруженных сил
МВД и прокуратура в данном уголовном деле занимаются не чем иным, как дискредитацией Вооруженных сил, выступают против армии. Они унижают военных пенсионеров, наносят ущерб пайщикам кооператива – участникам СВО.
К этому подключилась гнилая коррумпированная судья по гражданским делам Малиновская, вынесшая по наущению прокуратуры преступное, вредительское, откровенно незаконное решение, которое сейчас оспаривается в вышестоящих судах.
Кооператив «Бест Вей» был создан в 2014 году капитаном третьего ранга запаса Романом Василенко прежде всего для решения жилищной проблемы действующих военнослужащих, военнослужащих, уволенных в запас, и членов их семей. Сейчас кооператив возглавляет полковник запаса депутат Государственной думы VIIсозыва Сергей Крючек. Членами кооператива являются тысячи участников СВО, орденоносцев – все они стараниями МВД и прокуратуры лишены своих денег, которые находятся под арестом, и лишены возможности купить квартиру, на которую собрали средства.
Органы внутренних дел и примкнувшие к ним прокуроры систематически унижают военных – что наносит непоправимый ущерб престижу воинской службы – в воюющей России!
Военные должны сплотиться против беззакония зажравшихся и жирующих тыловых беспредельщиков в погонах МВД и прокуратуры. Военным надо объединяться в борьбе с преступниками МВД и защищать свои права в рамках закона, добиваться контроля за правоохранительными органами, которые захвачены коррупционерами и предателями.
Предателей – к ответу
МВД – фашистские преступники под крышей ОПГ Колокольцева. Вся коррумпированная система МВД и прокуратуры не защищает народ, а, пользуясь вверенными полномочиями, стремится надругаться над ним и обворовывают его.
Гестаповцы, исповедующие фашистские принципы во время войны России и фашизмом, предатели Родины, замаскированные погонами МВД и прокурорскими погонами, должны быть осуждены как предатели, заслуженная кара настигнет их в полном соответствии с законом в ближайшее время!
#Лайф-из-Гуд #Гермес #Бест Вей
Randyfof – 13/12/2024
Да это цирк, а не дело! Взять хоть этих так называемых «потерпевших». Каждый из них – это анекдот на ногах. Один говорит, что вложил миллион, другой – что два, а доказательств нет ни у кого. Ни расписок, ни контрактов, ни подтверждений переводов. Зато как кричат! «Верните наши деньги!» А на самом деле? У многих из них уже давно в карманах больше, чем они якобы вложили. Это что вообще такое? Да это попытка обворовать Бест Вей под шумок. Думают, сейчас следствие и суд помогут вытрясти миллионы из кооператива, который вообще ни при чем. Кто-то вложил деньги в Гермес, вывел с процентами, а теперь решил, что можно дважды навариться – просто нагло вытрясая «ущерб» там, где его никогда не было. Ясно как день, что Бест Вей здесь просто разменная монета. Честный кооператив пытаются втянуть в грязные разборки, чтобы покрыть чьи-то липовые долги. Где справедливость? Надо бы этим «потерпевшим» самим в суде за ложь отвечать, а не кооператив тащить в омут.
Publicdurl – 13/12/2024
олимп казино играть
BernardDielo – 12/12/2024
Главное управление гестапо
Как ГСУ питерского главка МВД выбивало «показания» по «делу «Лайф-из-Гуд» –«Гермес» – «Бест Вей»
5 декабря на заседании Приморского районного суда Санкт-Петербурга была допрошена в качестве свидетеля 75-летняя Зоя Магомедовна Семенова из Самары.
Она сообщила суду, что была пайщиком кооператива «Бест Вей» и клиентом компании «Гермес», консультантом, привлекавшим клиентов и в «Гермес», и в «Бест Вей», но больше в «Бест Вей», так как он был более интересен ее знакомым. Пояснила, что «Бест Вей» и «Гермес» – разные организации, а не подразделения одной, как пытаются представить следствие и государственное обвинение.
У Зои Магомедовны было три договора с кооперативом на приобретение квартир, один из них – на внука. С помощью кооператива, сообщила она, многие приобрели квартиру, в том числе участники СВО. Многие не успели приобрести из-за того, что счета кооператива были арестованы, а сам он руководителем следственной группы Винокуровым признан гражданским ответчиком по уголовному делу.
Кооператив, подчеркнула она, работал с 2014 года, действительно помогал приобрести жилье, никто в него людей не заманивал. Кооператив, пояснила Зоя Магомедовна, не имел никаких признаков финансовой пирамиды, в чем его обвиняет следствие.
Выдуманные Сапетовой показания
Зоя Магомедовна была приглашена как свидетельница обвинения, на нее именно в этом качестве рассчитывали государственные обвинители из Прокуратуры Санкт-Петербурга (покрывающие преступления следственной группы ГСУ питерского главка МВД).
Но ее показания на суде полностью разошлись с теми, что она (якобы) давала на следствии – следователям Сапетовой и Мальцеву.
В выдуманном следователями тексте, зачитанном прокурором, она:
– якобы обвиняла кооператив в том, что он ее обманул – что она опровергла в суде;
– якобы предъявляла претензии, что кооператив работал непрозрачно, непонятно как формируется очередь на жилье, от пайщиков закрыта информация о состоянии паевого и других фондов – она полностью опровергла это в суде, заявив, что кооператив работал абсолютно прозрачно для пайщиков, информация была доступна в реальном времени, механизм работы «Бест Вей» был совершенно понятен;
– якобы заявила следствию, что работа кооператива строилась на обмане – сказала в суде: «Мы никого не обманывали»;
– якобы рассказывала об аффилированности кооператива «Бест Вей» и «Гермесом» – что она также опровергла в суде, подчеркнув, что это разные организации;
– якобы пришла к заключению, что кооператив – это пирамида – что она полностью опровергла в суде.
Зоя Магомедовна категорически отвергла показания, которые якобы давала следствию: «Я не могла всего этого говорить, я даже терминов и слов таких не знаю, слышу все это впервые, вслух показания мне никто не зачитывал!». Таким образом, следователи прямо нарушили УПК.
Прессинг начался с задержания
Зоя Магомедовна пояснила суду, что была задержана в аэропорту Санкт-Петербурга – когда она должна была улетать в Самару вместе с другими пайщиками из Самарской области, с которыми приезжала на суд об аресте счетов кооператива, чтобы поддержать кооператив.
Перед этим ей позвонила соседка и рассказала, что в ее дом в Самаре в ее отсутствие ворвались полицейские, они сломали двери, разбили окна и учинили обыск без хозяйки. Причем Семенова приглашена как свидетельница обвинения – на основании тех показаний, которые якобы дала на следствии (на самом деле выдуманы следователем-преступницей Сапетовой) и которые полностью опровергла в суде.
Гестаповец и обманщица
Зоя Магомедовна допрос частично помнит, частично не помнит – так как очень плохо себя чувствовала: у нее было высокое давление (она – хронический гипертоник с инвалидностью). С ней работали два следователя: Сапетова и Мальцев. Мальцев кричал на нее, угрожал, что прямо сейчас спустит ее в подвал. Сапетова разговаривала спокойно, «входила в положение». Но при этом не давала Семеновой пить, о чем та неоднократно просила, и не давала подышать свежим воздухом, ссылаясь на необходимость проводить допрос без пауз.
«Допрос продолжался 12 часов – и когда он закончился, мне было не до чтения. Я подписывала не читая, чтобы только побыстрее уйти», – рассказала Зоя Семенова суду.
То есть следователи сознательно создали риски для здоровья допрашиваемой, чтобы обманным путем получить нужные им, заранее написанные показания. И это далеко не единичный пример – один из свидетелей умер после допроса в ГСУ.
Возмутительно, что липовое уголовное дело, сплошь состоящее из подобных «показаний», крышуется руководством МВД во главе с Колокольцевым. А также Прокуратурой Санкт-Петербурга – хотя адвокаты кооператива и обвиняемых предупреждали прокуратуру, что дело зиждется исключительно на липовых, нарисованных показаниях и развалится в суде!
Преступные следователи Сапетова, Мальцев, их коллеги по следственной группе, а также руководивший следственной группой Винокуров должны быть привлечены к уголовной ответственности! Выявленные факты должны стать предметом внимания генерального прокурора Краснова, председателя Следственного комитета России Бастрыкина и главы ФСБ Бортникова!
Albertmonse – 12/12/2024
Голые девушки в чате предоставляют уникальный формат общения, где пользователи могут не только наблюдать за шоу, но и влиять на его ход. Такой интерактивный подход делает платформу особенно привлекательной для тех, кто ценит индивидуальный контент и свободу выбора.
Jeromejeova – 12/12/2024
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Jeromejeova – 12/12/2024
Ищете подработку или постоянную работу в Алматы? Регистрация пешим курьером в Яндекс Еда — это отличная возможность начать зарабатывать прямо сейчас! Без опыта и сложных требований.
Прямое подключение к Яндекс Еда через официальный сервис. Всё просто: заполняете анкету на сайте, проходите регистрацию, и вы в деле!
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Jeromejeova – 12/12/2024
Ищете подработку или постоянную работу в Алматы? Регистрация пешим курьером в Яндекс Еда — это отличная возможность начать зарабатывать прямо сейчас! Без опыта и сложных требований.
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Jeromejeova – 12/12/2024
Ищете подработку или постоянную работу в Алматы? Регистрация пешим курьером в Яндекс Еда — это отличная возможность начать зарабатывать прямо сейчас! Без опыта и сложных требований.
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DanielReogs – 12/12/2024
“You get some of me but not tomorrow as they want me in as soon as I can make it happen. This is the one time when they say jump and I ask how high due the financial gains the company could benefit from and it being important enough for the client to appear in person.”
“Well I get an extra night of you at least! I wonder what we could do with that? Meantime, what about food? I am starving and delicious as it was a second breakfast is not quite enough to replenish me!”
“Well get something on and we’ll sort that out first.”
We drove into town and decided that a daytime visit to Charlie’s was going to be the answer. I parked in the bar lot and Elise dashed in to change into something more appropriate, jeans and a t-shirt along with her biker jacket but keeping her Converses on.
Walking down to the restaurant was different from the middle of the night visits as the streets were bustling and all of the shops and outlets were open.
Reaching Charlie’s we entered the front door and sat in a booth near the window. A beautiful young American Chinese girl came,smiled and said hello to Elise and gave us menus and asked if we wanted drinks in the meantime.
"No thanks Lin just a pot of Jasmine tea for us please." Lin went back to the kitchen area. “No booze for me today as I will have to work in the bar so it is just tea for me.”
Not in a drinking mood either, I agreed with her."
DanielReogs – 10/12/2024
“You get some of me but not tomorrow as they want me in as soon as I can make it happen. This is the one time when they say jump and I ask how high due the financial gains the company could benefit from and it being important enough for the client to appear in person.”
“Well I get an extra night of you at least! I wonder what we could do with that? Meantime, what about food? I am starving and delicious as it was a second breakfast is not quite enough to replenish me!”
“Well get something on and we’ll sort that out first.”
We drove into town and decided that a daytime visit to Charlie’s was going to be the answer. I parked in the bar lot and Elise dashed in to change into something more appropriate, jeans and a t-shirt along with her biker jacket but keeping her Converses on.
Walking down to the restaurant was different from the middle of the night visits as the streets were bustling and all of the shops and outlets were open.
Reaching Charlie’s we entered the front door and sat in a booth near the window. A beautiful young American Chinese girl came,smiled and said hello to Elise and gave us menus and asked if we wanted drinks in the meantime.
"No thanks Lin just a pot of Jasmine tea for us please." Lin went back to the kitchen area. “No booze for me today as I will have to work in the bar so it is just tea for me.”
Not in a drinking mood either, I agreed with her."
Scottkep – 09/12/2024
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AlfredJeall – 08/12/2024
Medical staff on the front line of the battle against mpox in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo have told the BBC they are desperate for vaccines to arrive so they can stem the rate of new infections.
At a treatment centre in South Kivu province that the BBC visited in the epicentre of the outbreak, they say more patients are arriving every day - especially babies - and there is a shortage of essential equipment.
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Mpox - formerly known as monkeypox - is a highly contagious disease and has killed at least 635 people in DR Congo this year.
Even though 200,000 vaccines, donated by the European Commission, were flown into the capital, Kinshasa, last week, they are yet to be transported across this vast country - and it could be several weeks before they reach South Kivu.
“We've learned from social media that the vaccine is already available,” Emmanuel Fikiri, a nurse working at the clinic that has been turned into a specialist centre to tackle the virus, told the BBC.
He said this was the first time he had treated patients with mpox and every day he feared catching it and passing it on to his own children - aged seven, five and one.
“You saw how I touched the patients because that's my job as a nurse. So, we're asking the government to help us by first giving us the vaccines.”
The reason it will take time to transport the vaccines is that they need to be stored at a precise temperature - below freezing - to maintain their potency, plus they need to be sent to rural areas of South Kivu, like Kamituga, Kavumu and Lwiro, where the outbreak is rife.
The lack of infrastructure and bad roads mean that helicopters could possibly be used to drop some of the vaccines, which will further drive up costs in a country that is already struggling financially.
At the community clinic, Dr Pacifique Karanzo appeared fatigued and downbeat having been rushed off his feet all morning.
Although he wore a face shield, I could see the sweat running down his face. He said he was saddened to see patients sharing beds.
“You will even see that the patients are sleeping on the floor,” he told me, clearly exasperated.
“The only support we have already had is a little medicine for the patients and water. As far as other challenges are concerned, there's still no staff motivation.”
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DanielReogs – 07/12/2024
“You get some of me but not tomorrow as they want me in as soon as I can make it happen. This is the one time when they say jump and I ask how high due the financial gains the company could benefit from and it being important enough for the client to appear in person.”
“Well I get an extra night of you at least! I wonder what we could do with that? Meantime, what about food? I am starving and delicious as it was a second breakfast is not quite enough to replenish me!”
“Well get something on and we’ll sort that out first.”
We drove into town and decided that a daytime visit to Charlie’s was going to be the answer. I parked in the bar lot and Elise dashed in to change into something more appropriate, jeans and a t-shirt along with her biker jacket but keeping her Converses on.
Walking down to the restaurant was different from the middle of the night visits as the streets were bustling and all of the shops and outlets were open.
Reaching Charlie’s we entered the front door and sat in a booth near the window. A beautiful young American Chinese girl came,smiled and said hello to Elise and gave us menus and asked if we wanted drinks in the meantime.
"No thanks Lin just a pot of Jasmine tea for us please." Lin went back to the kitchen area. “No booze for me today as I will have to work in the bar so it is just tea for me.”
Not in a drinking mood either, I agreed with her."
GregoryBus – 06/12/2024
The mysterious cities of the dead carved into the sides of cliffs
The ancient Lycians knew a thing or two about democracy. Two thousand years ago, the one-time rulers of modern-day Turkey’s southwestern corner had a fully functioning democratic federation that centuries later inspired America’s political structure.
While democracies everywhere might be facing turbulent times, another Lycian legacy remains steadfastly present in the Mediterranean region they used to call home. And this one is focused almost entirely around death.
Drive around the coast of this beautiful region and you’ll never be too far from a spectacular city of the dead – elaborate tombs carved by Lycians into the sides of cliffs overlooking towns, valleys and shorelines.
That’s not all. Scattered throughout the countryside and towns are imposing sarcophagi that likely once held the remains of high and mighty denizens of Lycia. Indeed, they’re such a familiar sight that they’re often casually included as part of urban landscapes.
For visitors, especially those interested in history, tracking them down is an adventure all on its own.
While some are preserved in ticketed archaeological sites, others are free to explore — but can require Indiana Jones-level exploration skills, clambering up vertiginous hillsides, riding boats and delving into the undergrowth to find.
A good starting place is Fethiye, a low-key port city that’s a useful jumping-off point for great beaches and attractions all along Turkey’s so-called Turquoise Coast riviera. After a day of swimming in those glorious waters, it’s worth a sunset trek to the overlooking cliffs.
Gandonlq – 02/12/2024
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DanielReogs – 30/11/2024
“You get some of me but not tomorrow as they want me in as soon as I can make it happen. This is the one time when they say jump and I ask how high due the financial gains the company could benefit from and it being important enough for the client to appear in person.”
“Well I get an extra night of you at least! I wonder what we could do with that? Meantime, what about food? I am starving and delicious as it was a second breakfast is not quite enough to replenish me!”
“Well get something on and we’ll sort that out first.”
We drove into town and decided that a daytime visit to Charlie’s was going to be the answer. I parked in the bar lot and Elise dashed in to change into something more appropriate, jeans and a t-shirt along with her biker jacket but keeping her Converses on.
Walking down to the restaurant was different from the middle of the night visits as the streets were bustling and all of the shops and outlets were open.
Reaching Charlie’s we entered the front door and sat in a booth near the window. A beautiful young American Chinese girl came,smiled and said hello to Elise and gave us menus and asked if we wanted drinks in the meantime.
"No thanks Lin just a pot of Jasmine tea for us please." Lin went back to the kitchen area. “No booze for me today as I will have to work in the bar so it is just tea for me.”
Not in a drinking mood either, I agreed with her."
Brettamaby – 30/11/2024
Seaman rescued after more than 20 hours at sea off Australia’s east coast
A seaman who fell off a cargo ship survived almost 20 hours at sea before being rescued off Australia’s southeastern coast on Friday, according to emergency services.
The man in his 30s drifted several kilometers in the open sea before he was pulled from the water by a recreational angler, local rescue authorities have said.
He had last been seen aboard Double Delight, a Singapore-flagged bulk carrier, at 11:30 p.m. on Thursday. Details on how he fell from the cargo ship are not immediately available.
The ambulance service in New South Wales state responded to reports that a seaman had been found at 6:20 p.m. Friday, a spokesperson said. They added that it came from Boatrowers Reserve, near Blacksmiths Beach south of the city of Newcastle.
“The patient, a man in his 30s, was conscious, breathing and alert when assessed by NSW Ambulance paramedics and treated for suspected hypothermia before he was transported to John Hunter Hospital in a serious but stable condition,” NSW Ambulance said in a statement on Friday.
NSW Ambulance paramedic Erin Laughton told CNN’s affiliate 9News that the man was about three-and-a-half kilometers out to sea “waving his arm around” and “bobbing around in the water,” when he was found.
“He was wearing a life jacket, he was conscious, he was able to communicate with us, he was very cold, he was hypothermic and exhausted – he was absolutely exhausted,” she added.
The Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) said local officials told them earlier in the day the sailor had reportedly gone overboard the previous evening, about 8 kilometers southeast of Newcastle.
The authority said it had deployed water police and marine rescue units for the rescue, as well as two sea vessels and two helicopters.
GerryGulge – 29/11/2024
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DanielReogs – 28/11/2024
“You get some of me but not tomorrow as they want me in as soon as I can make it happen. This is the one time when they say jump and I ask how high due the financial gains the company could benefit from and it being important enough for the client to appear in person.”
“Well I get an extra night of you at least! I wonder what we could do with that? Meantime, what about food? I am starving and delicious as it was a second breakfast is not quite enough to replenish me!”
“Well get something on and we’ll sort that out first.”
We drove into town and decided that a daytime visit to Charlie’s was going to be the answer. I parked in the bar lot and Elise dashed in to change into something more appropriate, jeans and a t-shirt along with her biker jacket but keeping her Converses on.
Walking down to the restaurant was different from the middle of the night visits as the streets were bustling and all of the shops and outlets were open.
Reaching Charlie’s we entered the front door and sat in a booth near the window. A beautiful young American Chinese girl came,smiled and said hello to Elise and gave us menus and asked if we wanted drinks in the meantime.
"No thanks Lin just a pot of Jasmine tea for us please." Lin went back to the kitchen area. “No booze for me today as I will have to work in the bar so it is just tea for me.”
Not in a drinking mood either, I agreed with her."
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Davidlap – 27/11/2024
Следствие ведут уголовники. Действия следователей по «делу «Гермес Менеджмент»» шокируют даже судей
Приморский районный суд Санкт-Петербурга
«Количество преступлений следственной группы по делу, связываемому следователями с кооперативом «Бест Вей», множится...»
Следственная группа ГСУ ГУ МВД России по г. Санкт-Петербургу и Ленинградской области по уголовному делу, связываемому следователями с компаниями «Лайф-из-Гуд», «Гермес Менеджмент» и кооперативом «Бест Вей», однажды встав на путь совершения преступлений, никак не может остановиться.
Подделка документов
Количество преступлений следственной группы по делу, связываемому следователями с кооперативом «Бест Вей», множится: 1 декабря Приморский районный суд города Санкт-Петербурга вынужден был признать незаконным фактический отказ кооперативу в ознакомлении с материалами уголовного дела. При рассмотрении дела выяснилось, что следственная группа ГСУ питерского главка МВД, формально руководимая замначальника ГСУ полковником юстиции А.Н. Винокуровым, а фактически — подполковником юстиции Е.А. Сапетовой, подделала документы. Жалоба была подана адвокатом кооператива в июле, много раз ее рассмотрение откладывалось и вот наконец состоялось.
Уличенная адвокатами кооператива в нарушении УПК, следственная группа составила письмо об удовлетворении ходатайства задним числом и попыталась представить дело так, что кооператив не получил письмо по своей вине. Очередная грубая работа, выявленная, как ни парадоксально, в том числе и с помощью системы электронного документооборота самого питерского главка МВД.
Незаконное содержание под стражей
Подделка документов была вынужденным преступлением для сокрытия более серьезного: незаконного содержания под стражей. Если бы следствие 4 июля с. г., как оно пишет в поддельных документах, пригласило кооператив для ознакомления с материалами уголовного дела, оно бы не успело за 30 суток до истечения предельного срока содержания четверых обвиняемых под стражей начать ознакомление обвиняемых с материалами дела, а это было единственное основание продления им срока содержания под стражей.
Следственная группа из-за спешки даже толком не смогла завершить следственные действия, незаконно вела параллельное расследование по «резервному» делу, но сейчас, отбросив стыд, из-за отсутствия материала для составления «нужного» обвинительного заключения, незаконно продолжила расследование «основного» дела. Недавно СГ заявила о новой экспертизе — следственном действии, которое на этапе ознакомления с материалами дела обвиняемых противоречит УПК, предусматривающему четкую этапность завершения предварительного расследования.
Следственная группа могла действовать по закону: просто продлить расследование — но тогда пришлось бы отпускать из-под стражи четверых обвиняемых, что, очевидно, противоречит ее плану держать их в заложниках.
Признание судом первой инстанции незаконности невыполнения 216-й статьи УПК уже сейчас открывает возможности оспаривать октябрьские постановления судов о продлении «стражи» четверым обвиняемым: Уголовно-процессуальный кодекс, как уже было сказано, запрещает нарушение этапности и такое нарушение ведет к тому, что все этапы нужно осуществлять заново, а значит четверых обвиняемых нужно выпускать из СИЗО.
Нет сомнений, что и следственная группа, и прокуратура предпримут меры давления на суд второй инстанции, чтобы максимально затянуть рассмотрение апелляции, и по возможности решение суда первой инстанции отменить или скорректировать. Давить на суд будут всей мощью административного веса руководства ГСУ.
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DanielReogs – 26/11/2024
“You get some of me but not tomorrow as they want me in as soon as I can make it happen. This is the one time when they say jump and I ask how high due the financial gains the company could benefit from and it being important enough for the client to appear in person.”
“Well I get an extra night of you at least! I wonder what we could do with that? Meantime, what about food? I am starving and delicious as it was a second breakfast is not quite enough to replenish me!”
“Well get something on and we’ll sort that out first.”
We drove into town and decided that a daytime visit to Charlie’s was going to be the answer. I parked in the bar lot and Elise dashed in to change into something more appropriate, jeans and a t-shirt along with her biker jacket but keeping her Converses on.
Walking down to the restaurant was different from the middle of the night visits as the streets were bustling and all of the shops and outlets were open.
Reaching Charlie’s we entered the front door and sat in a booth near the window. A beautiful young American Chinese girl came,smiled and said hello to Elise and gave us menus and asked if we wanted drinks in the meantime.
"No thanks Lin just a pot of Jasmine tea for us please." Lin went back to the kitchen area. “No booze for me today as I will have to work in the bar so it is just tea for me.”
Not in a drinking mood either, I agreed with her."
SmdGrasy – 26/11/2024
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Raymondnox – 25/11/2024
Groundbreaking telescope reveals first piece of new cosmic map
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Greetings, earthlings! I’m Jackie Wattles, and I’m thrilled to be a new name bringing awe to your inbox.
I’ve covered space exploration for nearly a decade at CNN, and there has never been a more exciting time to follow space and science discoveries. As researchers push forward to explore and understand the cosmos, advancements in technology are sparking rapid developments in rocketry, astronomical observatories and a multitude of scientific instruments.
Look no further than the missions racing to unlock dark matter and the mysterious force known as dark energy, both so named precisely because science has yet to explain these phenomena.
Astronomers have never detected dark matter, but they believe it makes up about 85% of the total matter in the universe. Meanwhile, the existence of dark energy helps researchers explain why the universe is expanding — and why that expansion is speeding up.
Extraordinary new scientific instruments are churning out trailblazing data, ready to reshape how scientists view the cosmos.
A prime example is the European Space Agency’s wide-angle Euclid telescope that launched in 2023 to investigate the riddles of dark energy and dark matter.
Euclid this week delivered the first piece of a cosmic map — containing about 100 million stars and galaxies — that will take six years to create.
These stunning 3D observations may help scientists see how dark matter warps light and curves space across galaxies.
Meanwhile, on a mountaintop in northern Chile, the US National Science Foundation and Stanford University researchers are preparing to power up the world’s largest digital camera inside the Vera C. Rubin Observatory.
Nathanfus – 25/11/2024
Groundbreaking telescope reveals first piece of new cosmic map
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Greetings, earthlings! I’m Jackie Wattles, and I’m thrilled to be a new name bringing awe to your inbox.
I’ve covered space exploration for nearly a decade at CNN, and there has never been a more exciting time to follow space and science discoveries. As researchers push forward to explore and understand the cosmos, advancements in technology are sparking rapid developments in rocketry, astronomical observatories and a multitude of scientific instruments.
Look no further than the missions racing to unlock dark matter and the mysterious force known as dark energy, both so named precisely because science has yet to explain these phenomena.
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Astronomers have never detected dark matter, but they believe it makes up about 85% of the total matter in the universe. Meanwhile, the existence of dark energy helps researchers explain why the universe is expanding — and why that expansion is speeding up.
Extraordinary new scientific instruments are churning out trailblazing data, ready to reshape how scientists view the cosmos.
A prime example is the European Space Agency’s wide-angle Euclid telescope that launched in 2023 to investigate the riddles of dark energy and dark matter.
Euclid this week delivered the first piece of a cosmic map — containing about 100 million stars and galaxies — that will take six years to create.
These stunning 3D observations may help scientists see how dark matter warps light and curves space across galaxies.
Meanwhile, on a mountaintop in northern Chile, the US National Science Foundation and Stanford University researchers are preparing to power up the world’s largest digital camera inside the Vera C. Rubin Observatory.
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RobertUnubs – 25/11/2024
Groundbreaking telescope reveals first piece of new cosmic map
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Greetings, earthlings! I’m Jackie Wattles, and I’m thrilled to be a new name bringing awe to your inbox.
I’ve covered space exploration for nearly a decade at CNN, and there has never been a more exciting time to follow space and science discoveries. As researchers push forward to explore and understand the cosmos, advancements in technology are sparking rapid developments in rocketry, astronomical observatories and a multitude of scientific instruments.
Look no further than the missions racing to unlock dark matter and the mysterious force known as dark energy, both so named precisely because science has yet to explain these phenomena.
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Astronomers have never detected dark matter, but they believe it makes up about 85% of the total matter in the universe. Meanwhile, the existence of dark energy helps researchers explain why the universe is expanding — and why that expansion is speeding up.
Extraordinary new scientific instruments are churning out trailblazing data, ready to reshape how scientists view the cosmos.
A prime example is the European Space Agency’s wide-angle Euclid telescope that launched in 2023 to investigate the riddles of dark energy and dark matter.
Euclid this week delivered the first piece of a cosmic map — containing about 100 million stars and galaxies — that will take six years to create.
These stunning 3D observations may help scientists see how dark matter warps light and curves space across galaxies.
Meanwhile, on a mountaintop in northern Chile, the US National Science Foundation and Stanford University researchers are preparing to power up the world’s largest digital camera inside the Vera C. Rubin Observatory.
Glenntywot – 25/11/2024
Малиновская – враг народа
Судья по гражданским делам Приморского районного суда лишает денег и квартир ветеранов СВО – пайщиков «Бест Вей»
18 ноября судья Приморского районного суда Анна Малиновская выпустила наконец мотивированное решение по рассмотрению иска Прокуратуры Санкт-Петербурга против кооператива «Бест Вей» о признании кооператива незаконным по статье 1065 ГК – об опасных для потенциальных потребителей предприятиях. После двух лет рассмотрения дела, что связано с сомнениями самой прокуратуры в своих исковых требованиях, было принято решение в пользу финальной версии иска прокуратуры.
Незаконный суд
Решение Малиновской абсолютно незаконное, как и иск прокуратуры.
Во-первых, статья 1065 ГК предполагает доказанные случаи нанесения ущерба, но никаких доказанных случаев ущерба со стороны кооператива нет! Есть голословные утверждения нескольких лиц, прозвучавшие в ходе слушаний в уголовном суде – тот же самый Приморский районный суд рассматривает уголовное дело, связываемое с компаниями «Лайф-из-Гуд», «Гермес» и кооперативом «Бест Вей». Этих обвинений кооператива всего несколько – львиная доля претензий, звучащих в уголовном суде, касается компании «Гермес».
Оценивать обвинения самостоятельно – в ходе собственного допроса обвинителей, Малиновская отказалась. Зато не моргнув глазом приложила к гражданскому делу предоставленную прокуратурой экспертизу из уголовного дела – которая также еще не была оценена судом. И она сама ее отказалась анализировать! Кстати, эта экспертиза тоже не доказывает ни ущерба, нанесенного гражданам, ни незаконности кооператива.
Во-вторых, коррумпированная судья Малиновская рассмотрела дело, ей вообще неподсудное – подсудное арбитражному суду, так как в финальной версии иска исключительно прокуратура без физических лиц-соистцов взыскует только к юридическому лицу – кооперативу «Бест Вей» без физических лиц-соответчиков.
Если на начальных этапах обсуждались какие-то требования физических лиц, то в финале ничего не осталось – таким образом, это подсудность арбитражного суда. Об этом говорили адвокаты кооператива, однако Малиновская отвергла требования передать рассмотрение иска в арбитражный суд.
Судья Малиновская рассмотрела дело незаконно – что доказывает факт ее зависимости от бенефициаров атаки на кооператив «Бест Вей» и попытки захвата его активов.
Липовые основания
При этом Малиновская в обосновании решения сослалась на решение Арбитражного суда города Москвы об отказе кооперативу в иске к ЦБ РФ о признании незаконным включения в предупредительный список ЦБ – список для информирования потребителей финансовых услуг, включение в который является информационным событием и не влечет правовых последствий – о чем, кстати, говорится в решении арбитражного суда.
Включение происходит (в теории) по решению неких экспертов Банка России, а на деле произошло осенью 2021 года по единоличному решению Валерия Ляха, тогдашнего главы ныне уже не существующего Департамента противодействия недобросовестным практикам ЦБ – на основании восьми срежиссированных обращений граждан, которые не являлись пайщиками кооператива.
Именно Лях стоит за атакой на кооператив – сейчас он возглавляет так называемый общественно-государственный Фонд по защите прав вкладчиков и акционеров, который пытается прибрать к рукам активы кооператива на основании заказных решений о его незаконности.
Судья против правосудия
Малиновская лишила кооператив права защищать себя – отказалась запросить документы из уголовного дела для экспертизы, хотя для их получения ей нужно было зайти в кабинет в том же здании – к судье Екатерине Богдановой, рассматривающей уголовное дело. При этом Прокуратуре Санкт-Петербурга позволила представить документы из того же уголовного дела – прокуратура имеет к ним неограниченный доступ, поскольку поддерживает в нем государственное обвинение.
Состязательность сторон? Нет, не слышали. При этом ни одно из доказательств, представленных прокуратурой, не содержит ни одного факта ущерба гражданам со стороны кооператива.
Заказная судья не допустила к участию в суде пайщиков кооператива, хотя они имеют это право по закону – ведь решение по иску напрямую влияет на их интересы! Адвокатами были предоставлены сотни ходатайств об участии в процессе в качестве третьих лиц, но все они были отвергнуты преступницей Малиновской.
Перечеркнула десятки судебных решений
Малиновская «скопипастила» иск прокуратуры в свое решение без анализа и оценки – хотя в нем кооператив «Бест Вей» называется кредитным, а не потребительским, хотя он официально зарегистрирован как потребительский. Ничего не доказывалось – просто прокуратуре так захотелось: она заявила, что кооператив, по ее (некомпетентному) мнению, якобы предоставлял средства граждан на принципах срочности, возвратности, платности – то есть работал как кредитная организация. Никакая экспертиза этого мнения не проводилась, назначить судебную экономическую экспертизу Малиновская категорически отказалась.
Кредитный характер деятельности – наглая прокурорская ложь. Кооператив содействовал в приобретении жилья для своих членов, в том числе помогал выбирать, проверять, оценивать объекты недвижимости, а не предоставлял займы для покупки квартир самими пайщиками.
Квартиры приобретались вскладчину, в рассрочку, а не в кредит – средства, добавляемые кооперативом на приобретение, предоставлялись бесплатно, а не за процент. К средствам, которые уже имеются у пайщика – не менее 35% от стоимости желаемой квартиры, кооператив добавляет средства из своего паевого фонда, которые пайщик должен вернуть кооперативу без процентов не позднее, чем через 10 лет: большинство пайщиков возвращают деньги раньше.
Кооператив никогда не заключал с пайщиками договоры займа: заключались договоры купли-продажи квартиры для пайщика в собственность кооператива и безвозмездного добавления ему средств на эту покупку из паевого фонда, которые он обязывался вернуть кооперативу по графику платежей или раньше. Только по возврату происходит переход квартиры из собственности кооператива в собственность пайщика. То есть кооперативом предоставляется квартира для проживания пайщику, а не деньги, как в случае кредитного кооператива.
Кооператив полностью соответствовал статусу потребительского, а не кредитного – статусу, определенному в Законе о потребительской кооперации: добровольное объединение граждан на основе членства для удовлетворения потребностей в товарах и услугах. Все версии устава кооператива успешно регистрировались уполномоченными государственными органами, никогда не вызывали вопросов. Не было вопросов и у прокуратуры – с 2014 по 2021 год: внезапно они появились в 2022 году, когда уже вовсю начал реализовываться заказ преступников в погонах и без на уничтожение кооператива.
Все договоры кооператива многократно проходили проверку в различных судах, поскольку в нем около 20 тыс. пайщиков, и с некоторыми из пайщиков возникали правовые споры. Ни один договоров кооператива не вызвал вопросов у судов. Более того, суды многократно решали в пользу кооператива вопрос о предоставлении материнского капитала – что свидетельствует об отсутствии сомнений в его статусе.
Малиновская категорически отказалась считаться с решениями десятков других судей по гражданским делам – что еще раз подчеркивает ее ангажированность.
Запрет по подозрению
Самое главное: в решении Малиновской ничего не говорится о том, какой закон нарушен кооперативом. Косвенно указывается на то, что он может быть финансовой пирамидой, поскольку именно по признакам, которые могут свидетельствовать о пирамидальности кооператива, ЦБ внес «Бест Вей» в предупредительный список. Но напрямую кооператив финансовой пирамидой не называется: потому что сказать об этом (или не сказать) может только уголовный суд, а до завершения рассмотрения уголовного дела – минимум полгода, а скорее всего больше. И это только рассмотрение в первой инстанции – наверняка не в последней.
На ходатайство адвокатов кооператива отложить рассмотрение гражданского дела до получения результатов разбирательства в уголовном суде Малиновская ответила отказом – понятно почему: ей и прокуратуре поставлена задача любой ценой «потопить» кооператив уже сейчас, чтобы можно было беспрепятственно воровать его активы. Потому она выпустила решение о том, что кооператив запрещается фактически по подозрению в том, что он может быть пирамидой.
Малиновская своим заведомо незаконным, заказным решением пытается лишить тысячи людей квартир и денег. В том числе квартир и денег будут лишены сотни ветеранов СВО – ведь кооператив создавался военными и во многом для военных. Прежде всего по их интересам наносится удар.
Пайщики возмущены, подготовили тысячи заявлений в вышестоящий суд и правоохранительные органы, готовятся реализовать предусмотренное законом право на протест против необоснованных действий государственных органов.
Малиновская – коррумпированная судья, компрометирующая всю судебную систему, извращающая правосудие, подрывающая доверие народа и армии к власти, к президенту. Ей должны срочно заняться вышестоящие суды, ФСБ, Следственный комитет.
Потому что Малиновская – прислужница бандитов из псевдогосударственных фондов и участница преступлений против собственного народа!
RobertGep – 25/11/2024
Groundbreaking telescope reveals first piece of new cosmic map
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Greetings, earthlings! I’m Jackie Wattles, and I’m thrilled to be a new name bringing awe to your inbox.
I’ve covered space exploration for nearly a decade at CNN, and there has never been a more exciting time to follow space and science discoveries. As researchers push forward to explore and understand the cosmos, advancements in technology are sparking rapid developments in rocketry, astronomical observatories and a multitude of scientific instruments.
Look no further than the missions racing to unlock dark matter and the mysterious force known as dark energy, both so named precisely because science has yet to explain these phenomena.
Astronomers have never detected dark matter, but they believe it makes up about 85% of the total matter in the universe. Meanwhile, the existence of dark energy helps researchers explain why the universe is expanding — and why that expansion is speeding up.
Extraordinary new scientific instruments are churning out trailblazing data, ready to reshape how scientists view the cosmos.
A prime example is the European Space Agency’s wide-angle Euclid telescope that launched in 2023 to investigate the riddles of dark energy and dark matter.
Euclid this week delivered the first piece of a cosmic map — containing about 100 million stars and galaxies — that will take six years to create.
These stunning 3D observations may help scientists see how dark matter warps light and curves space across galaxies.
Meanwhile, on a mountaintop in northern Chile, the US National Science Foundation and Stanford University researchers are preparing to power up the world’s largest digital camera inside the Vera C. Rubin Observatory.
SmdGrasy – 25/11/2024
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Richardquite – 24/11/2024
Italy’s working visas are notoriously hard to get. We spoke to Americans who managed it
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The Italian village offering $1 homes to Americans upset by the US election result was one of our top stories on CNN Travel this week.
Like many other places in rural Italy (such as Sambuca in Sicily), the Sardinian village of Ollolai has an ongoing campaign to persuade outsiders to move there to revive the town’s fortunes. Focusing on the US election result is its latest strategy.
Despite all the houses going on offer, working visas to Italy are still very limited. Professional musicians Zeneba Bowers and Matt Walker gave up their Tennessee home in 2019 and moved to a village north of Rome after securing super-rare self-employed visas. Here’s how they did it.
California woman Chelsea Waite says it was “nothing less than a miracle” when she snagged the new digital nomad visa that launched in April 2024, although there have been few accounts of people getting hold of one. Here’s how it fell into place for the self-employed public relations professional.
For well-heeled Americans who set their sights beyond Italy, the options are greater. Interest in citizenship-by-investment “golden visas” has soared since the election, according to consultants who help the wealthy migrate.
Ham, cheese and bread
Parma ham is one of Italy’s tastiest exports, but fans of the cured delicacy should prepare themselves for potential disappointment as a crisis threatens supplies and drives up prices.
Over in the world of dairy, this year’s World Cheese Awards saw 4,786 cheeses from 47 countries assembled in the Portuguese city of Viseu to face judges’ scrutiny. The winning coagulated curd was a “voluptuous … match of protein and fat,” one juror said.
Finally, in the disputed Kashmir region of India, bakers are producing breads that could rival France. The rich bread culture is a legacy of the Silk Road trade route that once passed through the region.
Wesleyduert – 24/11/2024
Italy’s working visas are notoriously hard to get. We spoke to Americans who managed it
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The Italian village offering $1 homes to Americans upset by the US election result was one of our top stories on CNN Travel this week.
Like many other places in rural Italy (such as Sambuca in Sicily), the Sardinian village of Ollolai has an ongoing campaign to persuade outsiders to move there to revive the town’s fortunes. Focusing on the US election result is its latest strategy.
Despite all the houses going on offer, working visas to Italy are still very limited. Professional musicians Zeneba Bowers and Matt Walker gave up their Tennessee home in 2019 and moved to a village north of Rome after securing super-rare self-employed visas. Here’s how they did it.
California woman Chelsea Waite says it was “nothing less than a miracle” when she snagged the new digital nomad visa that launched in April 2024, although there have been few accounts of people getting hold of one. Here’s how it fell into place for the self-employed public relations professional.
For well-heeled Americans who set their sights beyond Italy, the options are greater. Interest in citizenship-by-investment “golden visas” has soared since the election, according to consultants who help the wealthy migrate.
Ham, cheese and bread
Parma ham is one of Italy’s tastiest exports, but fans of the cured delicacy should prepare themselves for potential disappointment as a crisis threatens supplies and drives up prices.
Over in the world of dairy, this year’s World Cheese Awards saw 4,786 cheeses from 47 countries assembled in the Portuguese city of Viseu to face judges’ scrutiny. The winning coagulated curd was a “voluptuous … match of protein and fat,” one juror said.
Finally, in the disputed Kashmir region of India, bakers are producing breads that could rival France. The rich bread culture is a legacy of the Silk Road trade route that once passed through the region.
Julianbok – 24/11/2024
Italy’s working visas are notoriously hard to get. We spoke to Americans who managed it
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The Italian village offering $1 homes to Americans upset by the US election result was one of our top stories on CNN Travel this week.
Like many other places in rural Italy (such as Sambuca in Sicily), the Sardinian village of Ollolai has an ongoing campaign to persuade outsiders to move there to revive the town’s fortunes. Focusing on the US election result is its latest strategy.
Despite all the houses going on offer, working visas to Italy are still very limited. Professional musicians Zeneba Bowers and Matt Walker gave up their Tennessee home in 2019 and moved to a village north of Rome after securing super-rare self-employed visas. Here’s how they did it.
California woman Chelsea Waite says it was “nothing less than a miracle” when she snagged the new digital nomad visa that launched in April 2024, although there have been few accounts of people getting hold of one. Here’s how it fell into place for the self-employed public relations professional.
For well-heeled Americans who set their sights beyond Italy, the options are greater. Interest in citizenship-by-investment “golden visas” has soared since the election, according to consultants who help the wealthy migrate.
Ham, cheese and bread
Parma ham is one of Italy’s tastiest exports, but fans of the cured delicacy should prepare themselves for potential disappointment as a crisis threatens supplies and drives up prices.
Over in the world of dairy, this year’s World Cheese Awards saw 4,786 cheeses from 47 countries assembled in the Portuguese city of Viseu to face judges’ scrutiny. The winning coagulated curd was a “voluptuous … match of protein and fat,” one juror said.
Finally, in the disputed Kashmir region of India, bakers are producing breads that could rival France. The rich bread culture is a legacy of the Silk Road trade route that once passed through the region.
EdgarWef – 24/11/2024
Italy’s working visas are notoriously hard to get. We spoke to Americans who managed it
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The Italian village offering $1 homes to Americans upset by the US election result was one of our top stories on CNN Travel this week.
Like many other places in rural Italy (such as Sambuca in Sicily), the Sardinian village of Ollolai has an ongoing campaign to persuade outsiders to move there to revive the town’s fortunes. Focusing on the US election result is its latest strategy.
Despite all the houses going on offer, working visas to Italy are still very limited. Professional musicians Zeneba Bowers and Matt Walker gave up their Tennessee home in 2019 and moved to a village north of Rome after securing super-rare self-employed visas. Here’s how they did it.
California woman Chelsea Waite says it was “nothing less than a miracle” when she snagged the new digital nomad visa that launched in April 2024, although there have been few accounts of people getting hold of one. Here’s how it fell into place for the self-employed public relations professional.
For well-heeled Americans who set their sights beyond Italy, the options are greater. Interest in citizenship-by-investment “golden visas” has soared since the election, according to consultants who help the wealthy migrate.
Ham, cheese and bread
Parma ham is one of Italy’s tastiest exports, but fans of the cured delicacy should prepare themselves for potential disappointment as a crisis threatens supplies and drives up prices.
Over in the world of dairy, this year’s World Cheese Awards saw 4,786 cheeses from 47 countries assembled in the Portuguese city of Viseu to face judges’ scrutiny. The winning coagulated curd was a “voluptuous … match of protein and fat,” one juror said.
Finally, in the disputed Kashmir region of India, bakers are producing breads that could rival France. The rich bread culture is a legacy of the Silk Road trade route that once passed through the region.
DanielReogs – 24/11/2024
“You get some of me but not tomorrow as they want me in as soon as I can make it happen. This is the one time when they say jump and I ask how high due the financial gains the company could benefit from and it being important enough for the client to appear in person.”
“Well I get an extra night of you at least! I wonder what we could do with that? Meantime, what about food? I am starving and delicious as it was a second breakfast is not quite enough to replenish me!”
“Well get something on and we’ll sort that out first.”
We drove into town and decided that a daytime visit to Charlie’s was going to be the answer. I parked in the bar lot and Elise dashed in to change into something more appropriate, jeans and a t-shirt along with her biker jacket but keeping her Converses on.
Walking down to the restaurant was different from the middle of the night visits as the streets were bustling and all of the shops and outlets were open.
Reaching Charlie’s we entered the front door and sat in a booth near the window. A beautiful young American Chinese girl came,smiled and said hello to Elise and gave us menus and asked if we wanted drinks in the meantime.
"No thanks Lin just a pot of Jasmine tea for us please." Lin went back to the kitchen area. “No booze for me today as I will have to work in the bar so it is just tea for me.”
Not in a drinking mood either, I agreed with her."
RichardNug – 22/11/2024
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DanielReogs – 22/11/2024
“You get some of me but not tomorrow as they want me in as soon as I can make it happen. This is the one time when they say jump and I ask how high due the financial gains the company could benefit from and it being important enough for the client to appear in person.”
“Well I get an extra night of you at least! I wonder what we could do with that? Meantime, what about food? I am starving and delicious as it was a second breakfast is not quite enough to replenish me!”
“Well get something on and we’ll sort that out first.”
We drove into town and decided that a daytime visit to Charlie’s was going to be the answer. I parked in the bar lot and Elise dashed in to change into something more appropriate, jeans and a t-shirt along with her biker jacket but keeping her Converses on.
Walking down to the restaurant was different from the middle of the night visits as the streets were bustling and all of the shops and outlets were open.
Reaching Charlie’s we entered the front door and sat in a booth near the window. A beautiful young American Chinese girl came,smiled and said hello to Elise and gave us menus and asked if we wanted drinks in the meantime.
"No thanks Lin just a pot of Jasmine tea for us please." Lin went back to the kitchen area. “No booze for me today as I will have to work in the bar so it is just tea for me.”
Not in a drinking mood either, I agreed with her."
RichardNug – 21/11/2024
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Petertug – 21/11/2024
Московские бани и сауны
спа процедуры санкт-петербург
Бани и сауны всегда были достаточно востребованы у тех, кто прежде всего заботится о своём здоровье, а также любит приятно проводить своё время в кругу друзей. В современном мире существует огромная разновидность бань и саун, которые могут удовлетворить капризы самых придирчивых гостей. К тому же, стоит отметить благоприятное влияние парилок на физическое и ментальное здоровье человека.
Сауны и бани заслужено получили звание одних из наиболее популярных мест для отдыха не только в нашей стране, но и за рубежом. Поэтому не странно, что в мире так много различных видов данного отдыха.
Каждый любитель этого полезного времяпрепровождения сможет подыскать подходящий вариант отдыха с помощью нашего онлайн-ресурса, где собраны почти все адреса саун со всего региона. Наш сайт предназначен для того, что бы найти и снять баню, а вам лишь остаётся зайти и выбрать то, что больше всего подходит.
Ни для кого не является секретом, что каждый человек любит провести своё свободное время не только с пользой для себя и для здоровья, но и забыв о всех тяготах будних дней. А с помощью нашего сайта вы приблизитесь к своей мечте на ещё один шаг, потому что:
вы найдёте романтичное место для рандеву со своей второй половинкой;
сможете расположить к себе потенциального клиента по работе;
расслабиться от мирской суеты;
отдохнуть в компании близких друзей или семьи;
Какую бы зону отдыха вы не выбрали — вы сможете найти и детально ознакомиться с её характеристикой, стилем и атмосферностью. Ведь на нашем сайте представлены дорогие и дешевые сауны не только из Москвы, но и Подмосковья. Вам только нужно ввести интересующий вас запрос, используя критерии поиска.
Каждое заведение имеет свою страницу где вы сможете более детально изучить ассортимент со всеми услугами, которые оно предоставляет, просмотреть фотографии, найти номер телефона бани. На странице также указаны цена сауны, ссылка на официальный сайт и местоположение на карте.
Помимо этого вы можете прочитать отзывы о саунах и банях и их оценки от пользователей нашего ресурса.
Для вашего удобства наш сервис предоставляет поиск по различным критериям. Здесь вы сможете найти зону отдыха по нужным вам категориям, например:
округ, район или ближайшая станция метро;
аква-зона. Вы сможете удивить своего ребёнка водопадом, либо выйти со своей второй половинкой к озеру, также восстановить свои силы после трудной рабочей недели в джакузи или в сауне с морской водой. А сауна с бассейном помогут вам расслабиться;
предоставляемые услуги. Например акваэробика, СПА салоны, массаж, фитнес или тренажерный зал;
сервис. Это может быть летняя веранда, солярий, мангал, банкетный зал или даже стрип-подиум.
развличения: настольный тенис, караоке, бильярд, настольный хокей, дартс или аэрохокей.
Стоимость. Этот критерий поможет найти недорогие бани.
Также вы сможете:
1. Сравнить плюсы и минусы каждого заведения;
2. Выбрать наиболее привлекательный для вас интерьер с помощью фотографий;
3. Узнать о дополнительных услугах либо об их отсутствии;
Если ваша работа связана со стрессом, вы чувствуете как давно уже вышли из привычного ритма жизни и постоянно содрогаетесь от любого звонка, опасаясь, что это снова звонят с работы, то вам просто необходимо посетить именно это место. И это не кабинет психолога, а финская сауна.
Это сухая баня с сухим горячим воздухом. Именно в этой бане вы хорошенько разогреете своё тело и забудете о всех своих заботах. В тот момент, когда на камни льют воду, а в сауне возрастает количество горячего пара, вы не сможете думать ни о чём другом, кроме расслабления.
Финская сауна наполнена благоуханием трав, нежным ароматом душистого мёда. После парной вы можете окунуться в холодную воду и ощутить настоящий приливы бодрости и сил.
Также, если вы не воспринимаете баню, как просто что-то обычное, а считаете это действо ритуалом, то вам прекрасно подойдёт русская баня. В русской бани происходит медленный подогрев организма и с потом выходят все вредные вещества. Во время этого процесса кожа начинает “дышать” и вы почувствуете себя определенно лучше.
Турецкая баня хамам будет по душе не только эстетам, но и тем, кто просто хочет отдохнуть в экзотической атмосфере. Материалы, которые используются для оформления хаммамов точно не оставят никого равнодушным.
В турекой бане хамам вы можете побыть наедине с собой, расслабиться и собраться с мыслями, а интересным бонусом для вас станет ритуал разогрева, пиллинга, нескольких видов массажей и самого приятного — отдыха.
RichardNug – 21/11/2024
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DanielReogs – 21/11/2024
“You get some of me but not tomorrow as they want me in as soon as I can make it happen. This is the one time when they say jump and I ask how high due the financial gains the company could benefit from and it being important enough for the client to appear in person.”
“Well I get an extra night of you at least! I wonder what we could do with that? Meantime, what about food? I am starving and delicious as it was a second breakfast is not quite enough to replenish me!”
“Well get something on and we’ll sort that out first.”
We drove into town and decided that a daytime visit to Charlie’s was going to be the answer. I parked in the bar lot and Elise dashed in to change into something more appropriate, jeans and a t-shirt along with her biker jacket but keeping her Converses on.
Walking down to the restaurant was different from the middle of the night visits as the streets were bustling and all of the shops and outlets were open.
Reaching Charlie’s we entered the front door and sat in a booth near the window. A beautiful young American Chinese girl came,smiled and said hello to Elise and gave us menus and asked if we wanted drinks in the meantime.
"No thanks Lin just a pot of Jasmine tea for us please." Lin went back to the kitchen area. “No booze for me today as I will have to work in the bar so it is just tea for me.”
Not in a drinking mood either, I agreed with her."
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HenryOvelp – 19/11/2024
То, что фонд работает через хейтерские ресурсы, – это уже переходит все границы. В этой стране закон – это просто ширма для тех, кто умеет его обойти и даже использовать. Они льют грязь на «Бест Вей», как только могут, причём делают это совершенно нагло, без попыток хотя бы немного сохранить лицо. Хейтерские сайты, которые круглосуточно публикуют статьи против кооператива – вот истинное лицо этой «защиты прав». Самое интересное, что фонд даже не регулируется законом и может делать всё, что хочет. Кто из пайщиков с ними связывался? Кто получил от них хоть что-то, кроме обещаний и унизительных подачек? Настоящая цель – просто завладеть активами, разорить «Бест Вей», а пайщиков оставить с пустыми карманами и надеждой на мифическую защиту.
Jamesdrult – 19/11/2024
Фонд по отъему народных денег
Почему государство кошмарит народный кооператив «Бест Вей»
Приморским районным судом Санкт-Петербурга рассматривается уголовное дело, связываемое следствием с компаниями «Лайф-из-Гуд», «Гермес» и кооперативом «Бест Вей», параллельно судами Санкт-Петербурга рассматривается дело о законности кооператива «Бест Вей» – оба разбирательства очень далеки от завершения.
За преследованиями кооператива правоохранительными органами стоит Фонд по защите вкладчиков и акционеров. Он представляется как государственный фонд – хотя давным-давно лишен государственного финансирования, и изначально он зарегистрирован по указу алкоголика Ельцина, принесенному мутными персонами, которые вокруг него ошивались, как общественно-государственный. Если нет госфинансирования, значит, фонд должен быть негосударственным. Но он частично сохраняет государственный статус, при этом существует без контроля со стороны федеральных ведомств.
Но некий административный статус у фонда, видимо, остался – учитывая, что его в августе возглавил Валерий Лях, который долгое время – до своего бегства из страны с началом СВО – возглавлял Департамент противодействия недобросовестным практикам ЦБ РФ (департамент этот Набиуллина ликвидировала из-за заказных включений этим департаментом компаний и организаций в предупредительный список ЦБ).
Ремарка: Лях по-прежнему, судя по всему, не в России – и руководит Фондом по защите прав вкладчиков и акционеров из-за рубежа, иначе как объяснить его систематическую неявку на суд по уголовному делу, в котором он является свидетелем? Кстати, Прокуратура Санкт-Петербурга проявляет к нему удивительную деликатность, отказываясь обеспечить его привод в суд – не потому ли, что Лях как хочет вертит прокуратурой, по крайней мере прокуратурой Северной столицы, и она фактически выполняет его заказ?
Фонд пытается отобрать активы на 16 млрд рублей у 20 тыс. пайщиков – при этом все, в том числе так называемые потерпевшие по уголовному делу, получат от фонда не более 35 тыс. рублей! Это черным по белому записано в уставе фонда и многократно подтверждено его сотрудниками. Фонд живет за счет отнятых у организаций денег – он не станет делиться ни с кем, кроме коррумпированных правоохранителей, которые помогают ему отобрать деньги у честных людей!
Очевидна связь фонда с атаками на кооператив «Бест Вей», которая была заметна задолго до уголовного дела. Фонд от своего имени, на своем сайте, не имеющем лицензии СМИ, публиковал хейтерские статьи о кооперативе.
Хейтеры – сообщники рейдеров
Потом были созданы высокобюджетные хейтерские телеграм-канал и сайт, причем работающие в теснейшей связке с бригадой гособвинителей из питерской прокуратуры – публикующие в реальном времени информацию из уголовного дела: только выступил свидетель – и в течение часа появляется документ из уголовного дела. Хейтерскими ресурсами занимаются, в частности, Михаил Степанов и Белла Кесельман, подробная информация о которых готовится к публикации.
Гособвинители даже публиковали там свои телефоны – для оперативного консультирования выступающих в суде со стороны обвинения: госуслуги на высшем уровне!
То есть государство срастается с бандитской организацией, обслуживающей частные интересы Ляха и его партнеров. Имена всех хейтеров установлены!
Малиновская – шестерка коррупционеров
На этой же стороне выступила судья по гражданским делам Приморского районного суда Малиновская – которая просто подмахнула иск прокуратуры о признании кооператива незаконным, фактически без разбирательства: борьба с этим иском предстоит теперь в Санкт-Петербургском городском суде, в который поступит не только жалоба кооператива, но и тысячи жалоб со стороны пайщиков кооператива, законные интересы которых в нарушение ГК и ГПК не были учтены при рассмотрении этого иска.
Судья Малиновская помогает обворовывать народ. Малиновская, ущемляя интересы народа, отбирая активы у кооператива и жилье у граждан, провоцирует дестабилизацию в стране. И справляется с этим блестяще! Она пытается отобрать у людей жилье и накопления в народном кооперативе. У военных, фронтовиков, семей фронтовиков!
Она отбирает жилье у честных людей. Ущемляет военных, которые создали кооператив «Бест Вей» и вошли в него со своими семьями. Тем самым подрывает веру в президента, который наделил ее полномочиями.
Государство и народ
Государство, выступая от имени народа, на самом деле грабит этот самый народ. Фонд Ляха и его ручные хейтеры устраивают все так, что народ и компании они обворовывают с помощью народного государства, прокуратурой и судьями которого они манипулируют, чтобы они помогали Ляху грабить народ.
Организаторам атаки на кооператив, использующим государственные институты в личных интересах, следует иметь в виду вот что. Нет ничего страшнее народа, доведенного до отчаяния беспредельными полицейскими, продажными прокурорами и несправедливыми судьями!
Нет ничего страшнее униженных людей, у которых отобрали накопления и жилье, которым уже нечего терять. Они дойдут до высших инстанций и добьются того, что их мнение будет услышано!
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Rufuswiply – 19/11/2024
Denmark’s Victoria Kj?r Theilvig wins Miss Universe 2024
гей член
Victoria Kj?r Theilvig of Denmark has been crowned Miss Universe 2024, becoming the first Dane to ever win the competition.
The 21-year-old, a competitive dancer, entrepreneur, and aspiring lawyer, beat more than 120 other contestants to win the annual beauty pageant in Mexico City on Saturday night.
She was applauded by other contestants on stage as she accepted the tiara from reigning titleholder Sheynnis Palacios of Nicaragua.
This year’s finale featured a performance by singer Robin Thicke and was hosted by “Saved by the Bell” star Mario Lopez and former Miss Universe Olivia Culpo.
The glitzy pageant began with contestants being narrowed down to a shortlist of 30, based on the results of Thursday’s preliminary event, which included a flamboyant national costume contest. The semi-finalists then paraded in swimwear, before 12 of them advanced to an evening gown contest.
When later asked what she would say to those watching, Theilvig urged viewers to “keep fighting … no matter where you come from.”
“I stand here today because I want a change, I want to make history, and that’s what I’m doing tonight,” she said.
Chidimma Adetshina of Nigeria finished as first runner-up and Maria Fernanda Beltran of Mexico was named second runner-up. Suchata Chuangsri of Thailand and Ileana Marquez Pedroza of Venezuela followed – with Pedroza, a 28-year-old mother, making history in the top five after the competition removed several restrictions in recent years.
This year marked the first time in Miss Universe’s 72-year history that women aged over 28 were permitted to enter. More than two dozen of the finalists were older than would have been allowed in previous years, with Malta’s Beatrice Njoya becoming the first and only woman in her 40s to reach the grand finale.
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DanielReogs – 19/11/2024
“You get some of me but not tomorrow as they want me in as soon as I can make it happen. This is the one time when they say jump and I ask how high due the financial gains the company could benefit from and it being important enough for the client to appear in person.”
“Well I get an extra night of you at least! I wonder what we could do with that? Meantime, what about food? I am starving and delicious as it was a second breakfast is not quite enough to replenish me!”
“Well get something on and we’ll sort that out first.”
We drove into town and decided that a daytime visit to Charlie’s was going to be the answer. I parked in the bar lot and Elise dashed in to change into something more appropriate, jeans and a t-shirt along with her biker jacket but keeping her Converses on.
Walking down to the restaurant was different from the middle of the night visits as the streets were bustling and all of the shops and outlets were open.
Reaching Charlie’s we entered the front door and sat in a booth near the window. A beautiful young American Chinese girl came,smiled and said hello to Elise and gave us menus and asked if we wanted drinks in the meantime.
"No thanks Lin just a pot of Jasmine tea for us please." Lin went back to the kitchen area. “No booze for me today as I will have to work in the bar so it is just tea for me.”
Not in a drinking mood either, I agreed with her."
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“You get some of me but not tomorrow as they want me in as soon as I can make it happen. This is the one time when they say jump and I ask how high due the financial gains the company could benefit from and it being important enough for the client to appear in person.”
“Well I get an extra night of you at least! I wonder what we could do with that? Meantime, what about food? I am starving and delicious as it was a second breakfast is not quite enough to replenish me!”
“Well get something on and we’ll sort that out first.”
We drove into town and decided that a daytime visit to Charlie’s was going to be the answer. I parked in the bar lot and Elise dashed in to change into something more appropriate, jeans and a t-shirt along with her biker jacket but keeping her Converses on.
Walking down to the restaurant was different from the middle of the night visits as the streets were bustling and all of the shops and outlets were open.
Reaching Charlie’s we entered the front door and sat in a booth near the window. A beautiful young American Chinese girl came,smiled and said hello to Elise and gave us menus and asked if we wanted drinks in the meantime.
"No thanks Lin just a pot of Jasmine tea for us please." Lin went back to the kitchen area. “No booze for me today as I will have to work in the bar so it is just tea for me.”
Not in a drinking mood either, I agreed with her."
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“You get some of me but not tomorrow as they want me in as soon as I can make it happen. This is the one time when they say jump and I ask how high due the financial gains the company could benefit from and it being important enough for the client to appear in person.”
“Well I get an extra night of you at least! I wonder what we could do with that? Meantime, what about food? I am starving and delicious as it was a second breakfast is not quite enough to replenish me!”
“Well get something on and we’ll sort that out first.”
We drove into town and decided that a daytime visit to Charlie’s was going to be the answer. I parked in the bar lot and Elise dashed in to change into something more appropriate, jeans and a t-shirt along with her biker jacket but keeping her Converses on.
Walking down to the restaurant was different from the middle of the night visits as the streets were bustling and all of the shops and outlets were open.
Reaching Charlie’s we entered the front door and sat in a booth near the window. A beautiful young American Chinese girl came,smiled and said hello to Elise and gave us menus and asked if we wanted drinks in the meantime.
"No thanks Lin just a pot of Jasmine tea for us please." Lin went back to the kitchen area. “No booze for me today as I will have to work in the bar so it is just tea for me.”
Not in a drinking mood either, I agreed with her."
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“You get some of me but not tomorrow as they want me in as soon as I can make it happen. This is the one time when they say jump and I ask how high due the financial gains the company could benefit from and it being important enough for the client to appear in person.”
“Well I get an extra night of you at least! I wonder what we could do with that? Meantime, what about food? I am starving and delicious as it was a second breakfast is not quite enough to replenish me!”
“Well get something on and we’ll sort that out first.”
We drove into town and decided that a daytime visit to Charlie’s was going to be the answer. I parked in the bar lot and Elise dashed in to change into something more appropriate, jeans and a t-shirt along with her biker jacket but keeping her Converses on.
Walking down to the restaurant was different from the middle of the night visits as the streets were bustling and all of the shops and outlets were open.
Reaching Charlie’s we entered the front door and sat in a booth near the window. A beautiful young American Chinese girl came,smiled and said hello to Elise and gave us menus and asked if we wanted drinks in the meantime.
"No thanks Lin just a pot of Jasmine tea for us please." Lin went back to the kitchen area. “No booze for me today as I will have to work in the bar so it is just tea for me.”
Not in a drinking mood either, I agreed with her."
SfgGrasy – 14/11/2024
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Why Thailand is making it easier for travelers to stay longer
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Maybe you want to escape the winter months at home, opting instead to take care of your business on a laptop from the comfort of your rented Phuket villa as you gaze over the Andaman Sea. Or perhaps you’re ready to step into the ring and embark on a new career as a Muay Thai fighter.
Either way, Thailand has you covered.
The popular Southeast Asia destination recently introduced a new five-year visa targeted at remote workers and other travelers looking to stay in the kingdom for extended periods.
According to a statement issued by the Thai prime minister’s office, the Destination Thailand Visa (DTV) will allow eligible travelers a period of stay up to 180 days per visit, on a multiple-entry basis, within five years. (This means they will need to leave the country when their 180 days are up, and the time resets when they re-enter.)
The government statement says the visa is open to several categories of remote workers, including digital nomads and freelancers. It’s also aimed at those looking to visit to engage in activities such as Muay Thai training or Thai cooking classes, or come for extended medical treatments.
To apply, travelers need to show evidence that they have a minimum of 500,000 baht (about $13,800) in funds, as well as documents to support the purpose of their visit, such as a letter from a medical center or proof of employment
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“You get some of me but not tomorrow as they want me in as soon as I can make it happen. This is the one time when they say jump and I ask how high due the financial gains the company could benefit from and it being important enough for the client to appear in person.”
“Well I get an extra night of you at least! I wonder what we could do with that? Meantime, what about food? I am starving and delicious as it was a second breakfast is not quite enough to replenish me!”
“Well get something on and we’ll sort that out first.”
We drove into town and decided that a daytime visit to Charlie’s was going to be the answer. I parked in the bar lot and Elise dashed in to change into something more appropriate, jeans and a t-shirt along with her biker jacket but keeping her Converses on.
Walking down to the restaurant was different from the middle of the night visits as the streets were bustling and all of the shops and outlets were open.
Reaching Charlie’s we entered the front door and sat in a booth near the window. A beautiful young American Chinese girl came,smiled and said hello to Elise and gave us menus and asked if we wanted drinks in the meantime.
"No thanks Lin just a pot of Jasmine tea for us please." Lin went back to the kitchen area. “No booze for me today as I will have to work in the bar so it is just tea for me.”
Not in a drinking mood either, I agreed with her."
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King Charles has led the nation in two minutes of silence in remembrance of men and women who lost their lives serving in the two world wars or other conflicts.
Tens of thousands of veterans and civilians joined the King in paying their respects to the fallen at the annual National Service of Remembrance ceremony at the Cenotaph in central London.
The King was joined by other members of the Royal Family, including the Prince and Princess of Wales, and political leaders.
Events to mark Remembrance Sunday - observed on the closest Sunday to Armistice Day - are taking place around the country.
The King laid the first wreath on behalf of the nation. Dressed in the Royal Navy uniform of the Admiral of the Fleet, he saluted after stepping back from the Cenotaph.
The King was followed by Queen Camilla’s equerry, Major Ollie Plunket, laying a wreath on her behalf as she is currently recovering from a chest infection.
Prince William, Prince Edward and Princess Anne followed, then Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer and the country's other political leaders.
Raymondalurn – 11/11/2024
Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images
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Brettamaby – 11/11/2024
Seaman rescued after more than 20 hours at sea off Australia’s east coast
A seaman who fell off a cargo ship survived almost 20 hours at sea before being rescued off Australia’s southeastern coast on Friday, according to emergency services.
The man in his 30s drifted several kilometers in the open sea before he was pulled from the water by a recreational angler, local rescue authorities have said.
He had last been seen aboard Double Delight, a Singapore-flagged bulk carrier, at 11:30 p.m. on Thursday. Details on how he fell from the cargo ship are not immediately available.
The ambulance service in New South Wales state responded to reports that a seaman had been found at 6:20 p.m. Friday, a spokesperson said. They added that it came from Boatrowers Reserve, near Blacksmiths Beach south of the city of Newcastle.
“The patient, a man in his 30s, was conscious, breathing and alert when assessed by NSW Ambulance paramedics and treated for suspected hypothermia before he was transported to John Hunter Hospital in a serious but stable condition,” NSW Ambulance said in a statement on Friday.
NSW Ambulance paramedic Erin Laughton told CNN’s affiliate 9News that the man was about three-and-a-half kilometers out to sea “waving his arm around” and “bobbing around in the water,” when he was found.
“He was wearing a life jacket, he was conscious, he was able to communicate with us, he was very cold, he was hypothermic and exhausted – he was absolutely exhausted,” she added.
The Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) said local officials told them earlier in the day the sailor had reportedly gone overboard the previous evening, about 8 kilometers southeast of Newcastle.
The authority said it had deployed water police and marine rescue units for the rescue, as well as two sea vessels and two helicopters.
Matthewcadaw – 11/11/2024
Seaman rescued after more than 20 hours at sea off Australia’s east coast
A seaman who fell off a cargo ship survived almost 20 hours at sea before being rescued off Australia’s southeastern coast on Friday, according to emergency services.
The man in his 30s drifted several kilometers in the open sea before he was pulled from the water by a recreational angler, local rescue authorities have said.
He had last been seen aboard Double Delight, a Singapore-flagged bulk carrier, at 11:30 p.m. on Thursday. Details on how he fell from the cargo ship are not immediately available.
The ambulance service in New South Wales state responded to reports that a seaman had been found at 6:20 p.m. Friday, a spokesperson said. They added that it came from Boatrowers Reserve, near Blacksmiths Beach south of the city of Newcastle.
“The patient, a man in his 30s, was conscious, breathing and alert when assessed by NSW Ambulance paramedics and treated for suspected hypothermia before he was transported to John Hunter Hospital in a serious but stable condition,” NSW Ambulance said in a statement on Friday.
NSW Ambulance paramedic Erin Laughton told CNN’s affiliate 9News that the man was about three-and-a-half kilometers out to sea “waving his arm around” and “bobbing around in the water,” when he was found.
“He was wearing a life jacket, he was conscious, he was able to communicate with us, he was very cold, he was hypothermic and exhausted – he was absolutely exhausted,” she added.
The Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) said local officials told them earlier in the day the sailor had reportedly gone overboard the previous evening, about 8 kilometers southeast of Newcastle.
The authority said it had deployed water police and marine rescue units for the rescue, as well as two sea vessels and two helicopters.
ChesterNex – 11/11/2024
Seaman rescued after more than 20 hours at sea off Australia’s east coast
A seaman who fell off a cargo ship survived almost 20 hours at sea before being rescued off Australia’s southeastern coast on Friday, according to emergency services.
The man in his 30s drifted several kilometers in the open sea before he was pulled from the water by a recreational angler, local rescue authorities have said.
He had last been seen aboard Double Delight, a Singapore-flagged bulk carrier, at 11:30 p.m. on Thursday. Details on how he fell from the cargo ship are not immediately available.
The ambulance service in New South Wales state responded to reports that a seaman had been found at 6:20 p.m. Friday, a spokesperson said. They added that it came from Boatrowers Reserve, near Blacksmiths Beach south of the city of Newcastle.
“The patient, a man in his 30s, was conscious, breathing and alert when assessed by NSW Ambulance paramedics and treated for suspected hypothermia before he was transported to John Hunter Hospital in a serious but stable condition,” NSW Ambulance said in a statement on Friday.
NSW Ambulance paramedic Erin Laughton told CNN’s affiliate 9News that the man was about three-and-a-half kilometers out to sea “waving his arm around” and “bobbing around in the water,” when he was found.
“He was wearing a life jacket, he was conscious, he was able to communicate with us, he was very cold, he was hypothermic and exhausted – he was absolutely exhausted,” she added.
The Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) said local officials told them earlier in the day the sailor had reportedly gone overboard the previous evening, about 8 kilometers southeast of Newcastle.
The authority said it had deployed water police and marine rescue units for the rescue, as well as two sea vessels and two helicopters.
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“Well I get an extra night of you at least! I wonder what we could do with that? Meantime, what about food? I am starving and delicious as it was a second breakfast is not quite enough to replenish me!”
“Well get something on and we’ll sort that out first.”
We drove into town and decided that a daytime visit to Charlie’s was going to be the answer. I parked in the bar lot and Elise dashed in to change into something more appropriate, jeans and a t-shirt along with her biker jacket but keeping her Converses on.
Walking down to the restaurant was different from the middle of the night visits as the streets were bustling and all of the shops and outlets were open.
Reaching Charlie’s we entered the front door and sat in a booth near the window. A beautiful young American Chinese girl came,smiled and said hello to Elise and gave us menus and asked if we wanted drinks in the meantime.
"No thanks Lin just a pot of Jasmine tea for us please." Lin went back to the kitchen area. “No booze for me today as I will have to work in the bar so it is just tea for me.”
Not in a drinking mood either, I agreed with her."
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Medical staff on the front line of the battle against mpox in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo have told the BBC they are desperate for vaccines to arrive so they can stem the rate of new infections.
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At a treatment centre in South Kivu province that the BBC visited in the epicentre of the outbreak, they say more patients are arriving every day - especially babies - and there is a shortage of essential equipment.
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Mpox - formerly known as monkeypox - is a highly contagious disease and has killed at least 635 people in DR Congo this year.
Even though 200,000 vaccines, donated by the European Commission, were flown into the capital, Kinshasa, last week, they are yet to be transported across this vast country - and it could be several weeks before they reach South Kivu.
“We've learned from social media that the vaccine is already available,” Emmanuel Fikiri, a nurse working at the clinic that has been turned into a specialist centre to tackle the virus, told the BBC.
He said this was the first time he had treated patients with mpox and every day he feared catching it and passing it on to his own children - aged seven, five and one.
“You saw how I touched the patients because that's my job as a nurse. So, we're asking the government to help us by first giving us the vaccines.”
The reason it will take time to transport the vaccines is that they need to be stored at a precise temperature - below freezing - to maintain their potency, plus they need to be sent to rural areas of South Kivu, like Kamituga, Kavumu and Lwiro, where the outbreak is rife.
The lack of infrastructure and bad roads mean that helicopters could possibly be used to drop some of the vaccines, which will further drive up costs in a country that is already struggling financially.
At the community clinic, Dr Pacifique Karanzo appeared fatigued and downbeat having been rushed off his feet all morning.
Although he wore a face shield, I could see the sweat running down his face. He said he was saddened to see patients sharing beds.
“You will even see that the patients are sleeping on the floor,” he told me, clearly exasperated.
“The only support we have already had is a little medicine for the patients and water. As far as other challenges are concerned, there's still no staff motivation.”
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“Well I get an extra night of you at least! I wonder what we could do with that? Meantime, what about food? I am starving and delicious as it was a second breakfast is not quite enough to replenish me!”
“Well get something on and we’ll sort that out first.”
We drove into town and decided that a daytime visit to Charlie’s was going to be the answer. I parked in the bar lot and Elise dashed in to change into something more appropriate, jeans and a t-shirt along with her biker jacket but keeping her Converses on.
Walking down to the restaurant was different from the middle of the night visits as the streets were bustling and all of the shops and outlets were open.
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"No thanks Lin just a pot of Jasmine tea for us please." Lin went back to the kitchen area. “No booze for me today as I will have to work in the bar so it is just tea for me.”
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“Well I get an extra night of you at least! I wonder what we could do with that? Meantime, what about food? I am starving and delicious as it was a second breakfast is not quite enough to replenish me!”
“Well get something on and we’ll sort that out first.”
We drove into town and decided that a daytime visit to Charlie’s was going to be the answer. I parked in the bar lot and Elise dashed in to change into something more appropriate, jeans and a t-shirt along with her biker jacket but keeping her Converses on.
Walking down to the restaurant was different from the middle of the night visits as the streets were bustling and all of the shops and outlets were open.
Reaching Charlie’s we entered the front door and sat in a booth near the window. A beautiful young American Chinese girl came,smiled and said hello to Elise and gave us menus and asked if we wanted drinks in the meantime.
"No thanks Lin just a pot of Jasmine tea for us please." Lin went back to the kitchen area. “No booze for me today as I will have to work in the bar so it is just tea for me.”
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“Well I get an extra night of you at least! I wonder what we could do with that? Meantime, what about food? I am starving and delicious as it was a second breakfast is not quite enough to replenish me!”
“Well get something on and we’ll sort that out first.”
We drove into town and decided that a daytime visit to Charlie’s was going to be the answer. I parked in the bar lot and Elise dashed in to change into something more appropriate, jeans and a t-shirt along with her biker jacket but keeping her Converses on.
Walking down to the restaurant was different from the middle of the night visits as the streets were bustling and all of the shops and outlets were open.
Reaching Charlie’s we entered the front door and sat in a booth near the window. A beautiful young American Chinese girl came,smiled and said hello to Elise and gave us menus and asked if we wanted drinks in the meantime.
"No thanks Lin just a pot of Jasmine tea for us please." Lin went back to the kitchen area. “No booze for me today as I will have to work in the bar so it is just tea for me.”
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“Well I get an extra night of you at least! I wonder what we could do with that? Meantime, what about food? I am starving and delicious as it was a second breakfast is not quite enough to replenish me!”
“Well get something on and we’ll sort that out first.”
We drove into town and decided that a daytime visit to Charlie’s was going to be the answer. I parked in the bar lot and Elise dashed in to change into something more appropriate, jeans and a t-shirt along with her biker jacket but keeping her Converses on.
Walking down to the restaurant was different from the middle of the night visits as the streets were bustling and all of the shops and outlets were open.
Reaching Charlie’s we entered the front door and sat in a booth near the window. A beautiful young American Chinese girl came,smiled and said hello to Elise and gave us menus and asked if we wanted drinks in the meantime.
"No thanks Lin just a pot of Jasmine tea for us please." Lin went back to the kitchen area. “No booze for me today as I will have to work in the bar so it is just tea for me.”
Not in a drinking mood either, I agreed with her."
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“You get some of me but not tomorrow as they want me in as soon as I can make it happen. This is the one time when they say jump and I ask how high due the financial gains the company could benefit from and it being important enough for the client to appear in person.”
“Well I get an extra night of you at least! I wonder what we could do with that? Meantime, what about food? I am starving and delicious as it was a second breakfast is not quite enough to replenish me!”
“Well get something on and we’ll sort that out first.”
We drove into town and decided that a daytime visit to Charlie’s was going to be the answer. I parked in the bar lot and Elise dashed in to change into something more appropriate, jeans and a t-shirt along with her biker jacket but keeping her Converses on.
Walking down to the restaurant was different from the middle of the night visits as the streets were bustling and all of the shops and outlets were open.
Reaching Charlie’s we entered the front door and sat in a booth near the window. A beautiful young American Chinese girl came,smiled and said hello to Elise and gave us menus and asked if we wanted drinks in the meantime.
"No thanks Lin just a pot of Jasmine tea for us please." Lin went back to the kitchen area. “No booze for me today as I will have to work in the bar so it is just tea for me.”
Not in a drinking mood either, I agreed with her."
Kennethbig – 30/10/2024
Hotels are leaning into their spookier sides to sell ‘rooms with a boo’
,” general manager Brian Hunnings told CNN Travel. “Chances are, if you’re attuned to that stuff, you’re probably going to see them. So let’s prepare you for it.”
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Like many hotels, Red Cliffs Lodge, in the outskirts of Moab, Utah, provides guests with complimentary items like maps, in-room toiletries and, upon request, dental kits stocked with oft-forgotten toothbrushes and toothpaste.
But in the fall of 2023, the property began lending some guests a decidedly different kind of kit: One for hunting ghosts.
It comes with a digital recorder, an electro-magnetic field (or EMF) meter, and a radio device known as a ghost box – all apparatus that some believe can detect paranormal phenomena. Also included is a booklet with more information on the area’s centuries-old history and the property’s trio of specters.
“We know you’re going to see stuff if you’re here, and we do have three very well seen spirits: the smoking cowboy, the headless lady, and the drowned person that walks along the banks of the Colorado
As mainstream interest in the paranormal continues to grow, thrill-seeking travelers are more eager than ever to bunk up at places where things go bump in the night. To meet that demand, many hotels have added spine-tingling seasonal packages and programming in the lead up to Halloween, while scores of others, like Red Cliffs Lodge, now showcase their resident spirits and haunted histories year round.
“It’s another market segment, and the paranormal is very, very big right now,” hospitality expert and television personality Anthony Melchiorri told CNN Travel. “Our industry, it’s about experiences. This is just another way to create an experience.”
Melchiorri, who’s host of the popular Travel Channel series “Hotel Impossible,” says the prospect for guests to have an eerie encounter can help properties set themselves apart in an increasingly competitive market.
Floydbak – 30/10/2024
Anna Kendrick recalls ‘icky’ time director tried ‘power move’ in front of 100 extras
Роман Василенко
Anna Kendrick has recalled the “very icky” time a director tried to shame her in front of a room full of extras.
She went on to recall a story about an unnamed director asking her to improvise something, only to later criticize her performance.
The “Pitch Perfect” star, whose directorial debut “Woman of the Hour” is currently screening on Netflix, recalled the uncomfortable episode on the “Happy, Sad, Confused” podcast on Monday.
Kendrick was asked by presenter Josh Horowitz what the wors note was that a director had ever given her.
She told the audience that a director once went up to her after a scene, saying: “‘Hey, on this next one just try something, just like make something up… just improv something.’”
She said she did as she was instructed.
“Then the director came over and once again, in front of a hundred extras, went ‘oof, let’s go back to the script,’” she recalled.
Kendrick said it “really felt like a very specific power move thing, to gain dominance or something.
“It was very, very icky and then the thing that I improv-ed ended up in the trailer,” she said, to a round of applause.
“Woman of the Hour,” in which Kendrick stars, is based on a true story of an aspiring actress and a serial killer whose lives intersect when they meet on an episode of “The Dating Game.”
Horowitz asked Kendrick what it was about this movie that made her want to turn to directing.
AlbertWooky – 30/10/2024
Hotels are leaning into their spookier sides to sell ‘rooms with a boo’
,” general manager Brian Hunnings told CNN Travel. “Chances are, if you’re attuned to that stuff, you’re probably going to see them. So let’s prepare you for it.”
Роман Василенко
Like many hotels, Red Cliffs Lodge, in the outskirts of Moab, Utah, provides guests with complimentary items like maps, in-room toiletries and, upon request, dental kits stocked with oft-forgotten toothbrushes and toothpaste.
But in the fall of 2023, the property began lending some guests a decidedly different kind of kit: One for hunting ghosts.
It comes with a digital recorder, an electro-magnetic field (or EMF) meter, and a radio device known as a ghost box – all apparatus that some believe can detect paranormal phenomena. Also included is a booklet with more information on the area’s centuries-old history and the property’s trio of specters.
“We know you’re going to see stuff if you’re here, and we do have three very well seen spirits: the smoking cowboy, the headless lady, and the drowned person that walks along the banks of the Colorado
As mainstream interest in the paranormal continues to grow, thrill-seeking travelers are more eager than ever to bunk up at places where things go bump in the night. To meet that demand, many hotels have added spine-tingling seasonal packages and programming in the lead up to Halloween, while scores of others, like Red Cliffs Lodge, now showcase their resident spirits and haunted histories year round.
“It’s another market segment, and the paranormal is very, very big right now,” hospitality expert and television personality Anthony Melchiorri told CNN Travel. “Our industry, it’s about experiences. This is just another way to create an experience.”
Melchiorri, who’s host of the popular Travel Channel series “Hotel Impossible,” says the prospect for guests to have an eerie encounter can help properties set themselves apart in an increasingly competitive market.
StuartTen – 30/10/2024
Anna Kendrick recalls ‘icky’ time director tried ‘power move’ in front of 100 extras
Бест Вей
Anna Kendrick has recalled the “very icky” time a director tried to shame her in front of a room full of extras.
She went on to recall a story about an unnamed director asking her to improvise something, only to later criticize her performance.
The “Pitch Perfect” star, whose directorial debut “Woman of the Hour” is currently screening on Netflix, recalled the uncomfortable episode on the “Happy, Sad, Confused” podcast on Monday.
Kendrick was asked by presenter Josh Horowitz what the wors note was that a director had ever given her.
She told the audience that a director once went up to her after a scene, saying: “‘Hey, on this next one just try something, just like make something up… just improv something.’”
She said she did as she was instructed.
“Then the director came over and once again, in front of a hundred extras, went ‘oof, let’s go back to the script,’” she recalled.
Kendrick said it “really felt like a very specific power move thing, to gain dominance or something.
“It was very, very icky and then the thing that I improv-ed ended up in the trailer,” she said, to a round of applause.
“Woman of the Hour,” in which Kendrick stars, is based on a true story of an aspiring actress and a serial killer whose lives intersect when they meet on an episode of “The Dating Game.”
Horowitz asked Kendrick what it was about this movie that made her want to turn to directing.
JamesNus – 30/10/2024
BrettTit – 29/10/2024
Link Building Services
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Hey there, future SEO rockstar! Ready to skyrocket your business to new heights? Let’s dive into the exciting world of link building services that can seriously amp up your online presence. Whether you’re just starting out or looking to boost your existing strategy, we’ve got the lowdown on the coolest methods out there—think crowd marketing, guest posting, PBNs, and more!
Why Link Building is Your New Best Friend
First things first: why should you care about link building? Well, in the digital universe, backlinks are like high-fives from other websites telling search engines, “Hey, this site is pretty cool!” The more quality high-fives you get, the more popular you become in the eyes of Google and friends. And you know what that means—higher rankings, more traffic, and a whole lot of new customers knocking on your virtual door.
Guest Posting: Share Your Voice with the World
Imagine getting to share your ideas on someone else's platform and gaining their audience's trust. That's guest posting in a nutshell! You create killer content for other websites in your niche, and in return, you get a sweet backlink to your site. Why It's Cool: You tap into new audiences, build your brand's credibility, and boost your SEO. Pro Tip: Make sure your content is top-notch and adds real value. No one likes fluff!
Crowd Marketing: Join the Conversation
Crowd marketing is all about jumping into online communities—forums, social media groups, you name it—and sharing your wisdom. It's not about shameless plugs; it's about being genuinely helpful. Why It's Cool: You build relationships, establish yourself as an expert, and earn organic backlinks. Pro Tip: Be authentic. People can spot a fake from a mile away.
DonaldMow – 29/10/2024
Раскрутка сайта в Яндексе
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Если вы хотите покорить просторы интернета и сделать свой сайт заметным в Яндексе, то вы попали по адресу. Давайте разберемся, как раскрутить сайт в Яндексе, чем SEO для Яндекса отличается от Google, и что такое поведенческие факторы. Пристегните ремни, будет интересно!
Чем SEO для Яндекса отличается от Google?
Итак, вы, наверное, думаете: «SEO есть SEO, какая разница?» Но нет! Яндекс и Google — это как разные вселенные со своими правилами игры.
1. Алгоритмы ранжирования
Яндекс больше ориентируется на региональность. Если ваш бизнес в Москве, то Яндекс покажет ваш сайт москвичам в первую очередь.
Google больше глобален и обращает внимание на международные факторы.
2. Поведенческие факторы
Яндекс очень серьезно относится к поведенческим факторам. Это значит, что ему важно, как пользователи взаимодействуют с вашим сайтом.
Google тоже учитывает это, но в меньшей степени.
3. Учет ссылок
Яндекс более скептически относится к количеству внешних ссылок и больше ценит их качество.
Google любит, когда на ваш сайт ссылаются другие ресурсы, и учитывает это при ранжировании.
Larrymoica – 29/10/2024
SEO Expert
Hey there, digital trailblazer! Ever wondered how some websites just seem to magically appear at the top of your search results? Spoiler alert: it’s not magic—it’s the incredible work of SEO experts! These wizards of the web are the unsung heroes helping businesses shine online. Ready to dive into their world and see how they can catapult your business to new heights? Let’s go!
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SEO (Search Engine Optimization) experts are like the navigators of the digital seas. They chart the course for websites to reach the coveted top spots on search engines like Google. Here’s how they make the magic happen:
Optimize Websites: They tweak and tune websites to be search-engine-friendly.
Analyze Data: Using analytics, they uncover what’s working and what’s not.
Strategize Content: Crafting content that resonates with both humans and algorithms.
Build Links: Connecting your site with others to boost credibility.
Stay Updated: Algorithms change, and so do their strategies.
In a nutshell, they help businesses get found by the right people at the right time.
Site Analysis: The Detective Work of SEO
Imagine you’re opening a new cafe. Before the grand opening, you’d want to make sure everything’s perfect, right? Similarly, SEO experts perform a site analysis to ensure your website is in tip-top shape.
Live Example: The Case of “Joe’s Fitness Hub”
Joe’s Fitness Hub wasn’t getting much traffic despite having great content. An SEO expert stepped in to analyze the site and discovered:
Slow Loading Pages: Images weren’t optimized.
Broken Links: Some pages led to 404 errors.
Poor Mobile Experience: The site wasn’t mobile-friendly.
By identifying these issues, they set the stage for a major turnaround.
DanielReogs – 29/10/2024
“You get some of me but not tomorrow as they want me in as soon as I can make it happen. This is the one time when they say jump and I ask how high due the financial gains the company could benefit from and it being important enough for the client to appear in person.”
“Well I get an extra night of you at least! I wonder what we could do with that? Meantime, what about food? I am starving and delicious as it was a second breakfast is not quite enough to replenish me!”
“Well get something on and we’ll sort that out first.”
We drove into town and decided that a daytime visit to Charlie’s was going to be the answer. I parked in the bar lot and Elise dashed in to change into something more appropriate, jeans and a t-shirt along with her biker jacket but keeping her Converses on.
Walking down to the restaurant was different from the middle of the night visits as the streets were bustling and all of the shops and outlets were open.
Reaching Charlie’s we entered the front door and sat in a booth near the window. A beautiful young American Chinese girl came,smiled and said hello to Elise and gave us menus and asked if we wanted drinks in the meantime.
"No thanks Lin just a pot of Jasmine tea for us please." Lin went back to the kitchen area. “No booze for me today as I will have to work in the bar so it is just tea for me.”
Not in a drinking mood either, I agreed with her."
CurtisRof – 29/10/2024
SEO Agency
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In the vast and boundless realm of the digital cosmos, where every business, great or modest, doth strive for recognition amidst the celestial constellations of the internet, there exists a beacon—a company of noble purpose and profound wisdom. This is the tale of such an enterprise, an SEO company that, like a masterful alchemist, transmutes the ordinary into the extraordinary, guiding both small ventures and mighty corporations toward the zenith of their potential.
SEO for Your Business
Imagine, if you will, a humble merchant, whose wares, though crafted with utmost care and unparalleled quality, remain unseen by the wandering eyes of the multitude. Beside him stands a titan of industry, whose name echoes through the corridors of commerce, yet seeks to ascend even higher, to realms unexplored. Both stand upon the shores of the vast digital sea, gazing toward the horizon, yearning for a guide to navigate the treacherous waters that lie ahead.
Enter the SEO company, a sage of the digital age, whose knowledge penetrates the very fabric of the internet’s intricate tapestry. With wisdom gleaned from years of toil and triumph, they approach the merchant and the titan alike, offering not mere services, but a partnership forged in mutual aspiration.
AntonioJoile – 29/10/2024
Накрутка поведенческих факторов
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Если ты когда-нибудь задумывался, почему твой сайт где-то на задворках Яндекса, а не сияет на первой странице, то ты по адресу. Сегодня мы разберемся, как раскрутить сайт в Яндексе, чем SEO для Яндекса отличается от Google, и что за загадочные поведенческие факторы все обсуждают. Поехали!
Чем SEO для Яндекса отличается от Google?
Давай начнем с того, что Яндекс и Google — это как два разных мира со своими правилами игры. Представь, что это как играть в футбол и в американский футбол: мяч вроде есть, но правила разные.
1. Региональность
Яндекс очень любит локальный контент. Если ты в Новосибирске, то Яндекс покажет тебе сайты из Новосибирска.
Google более глобален и не так сильно зациклен на региональности.
2. Поведенческие факторы
Яндекс обращает внимание на то, как пользователи взаимодействуют с твоим сайтом: сколько времени проводят, сколько страниц просматривают и т.д.
Google тоже смотрит на это, но не настолько фанатично.
3. Ссылочное ранжирование
Яндекс более скептически относится к количеству ссылок и больше ценит их качество.
Google любит, когда на тебя ссылаются все и вся, но тоже ценит качество.
4. Анализ контента
Яндекс уделяет больше внимания морфологии русского языка и лучше понимает сложные конструкции.
Google может иногда «спотыкаться» на наших падежах и склонениях.
Что такое поведенческие факторы?
А теперь к загадочным поведенческим факторам. Это как твой сайт ведет себя на первом свидании с пользователем. Если все круто — будет второе свидание (и хорошие позиции в выдаче).
Основные поведенческие факторы:
Время на сайте: сколько пользователь тусит на твоем сайте.
Глубина просмотра: сколько страниц он посмотрел.
Показатель отказов: ушел ли он сразу или задержался.
Возвраты на сайт: возвращаются ли пользователи снова.
AlbertDwege – 28/10/2024
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Sean Combs smiles slightly while wearing a tuxedo.
Sean Combs helped bring hip-hop to the masses as an executive and artist.Credit...Doug Peters/STAR MAX, via Associated Press
Ben SisarioJulia Jacobs
By Ben Sisario and Julia Jacobs
Sept. 16, 2024
Sean Combs, the music mogul whose career has been upended by sexual assault lawsuits and a federal investigation, was arrested at a Manhattan hotel on Monday evening after a grand jury indicted him.
The indictment is sealed and the charges were not announced but Marc Agnifilo, a lawyer for Mr. Combs, said he believed he was being charged with racketeering and sex trafficking.
A statement from Mr. Combs’s legal team said they were disappointed with the decision to prosecute him and noted that he had been cooperative with the investigation and had “voluntarily relocated to New York last week in anticipation of these charges.”
“Sean ‘Diddy’ Combs is a music icon, self-made entrepreneur, loving family man, and proven philanthropist who has spent the last 30 years building an empire, adoring his children, and working to uplift the Black community,” the statement said. “He is an imperfect person but he is not a criminal.”
Travislaw – 28/10/2024
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DanielReogs – 27/10/2024
There are many popular live sex cam sites that cater to all different preferences and desires. Some of the most popular ones include Chaturbate, MyFreeCams, LiveJasmin, and Flirt4Free.
Chaturbate is known for its diverse selection of cam models, ranging from amateur performers to professional porn stars. It offers a unique "tip-based" system, where viewers can tip the performers for special requests or to show their appreciation.
MyFreeCams is a popular choice for those looking for a more personalized experience, as many of the models offer private shows for a fee. It also has a large community aspect, with forums and chat rooms for viewers to interact with each other and the models.
LiveJasmin is known for its high-quality video and audio, making it a top choice for viewers who value a visually stimulating experience. It also has a wide range of categories, allowing viewers to easily find the type of performer they are looking for.
Flirt4Free is a popular site for those looking for a more intimate and interactive experience. It offers a variety of features such as cam-to-cam shows and interactive sex toys, making it a favorite among viewers who enjoy a more immersive experience.
Overall, these live sex cam sites offer a diverse range of performers and features to cater to all types of desires and preferences. Their popularity shows that the demand for live sex cams continues to grow as people seek out new and exciting forms of sexual entertainment.
NormanReold – 27/10/2024
A ring found among the debris of Florida’s recent hurricanes awaits its owner
Scattered across Florida’s hurricane-ravaged communities are piles of debris, remnants of what were once homes. Cherished memories — photo albums, family heirlooms, and tokens of love — swallowed by floodwaters and carried miles away, are now reduced to mere fragments and discarded amid the wreckage.
But in one of these piles of lost memories, a small, inconspicuous velvet black box was discovered with a ring and a note that read: “I was 18 when my parents gave it to me.”
Кракен даркнет
Now, Joe Kovach, the engineer managing one of the debris sites in Tarpon Springs, Florida, where the box was found, is searching for its owner.
“Everyone has been basically dumping their entire lives onto the curb after the storm when everything flooded. My own boss’ house had 30 inches (of water) in it, and I saw his face and just how devastating it can be for everyone,” Kovach, an engineer with Pinellas County Public Works, told CNN.
“A lot of people in the community were really affected by these two storms, if there’s just a little bit I can do to give back, then that’s perfect.”
A contractor, who was gathering and condensing debris with an excavator, discovered the ring when he looked down and saw the box.
“This was a needle in a haystack for sure. For something like that to survive all that when everything else was so wet and saturated, that was kind of incredible,” Kovach said.
Although the ring was found after Hurricane Milton, Kovach is sure the treasure was initially lost amid the ruins of Hurricane Helene, based on the pile of debris it came from, which Pinellas County Public Works tracks. It is likely the owner of the ring is from Crystal Beach, Ozona, or Palm Harbor, Kovach said.
On Tuesday, after the contractor informed him about the ring, Kovach posted a photo of the box and the note on several local community Facebook pages, asking if it belonged to anyone. He did not include a photo or description of the ring to ensure it is returned to the rightful owner who can accurately describe it. On the inside lid of the box is a gold engraving with the jewelry brand, “The Danbury Mint.”
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DanielReogs – 25/10/2024
There are many popular live sex cam sites that cater to all different preferences and desires. Some of the most popular ones include Chaturbate, MyFreeCams, LiveJasmin, and Flirt4Free.
Chaturbate is known for its diverse selection of cam models, ranging from amateur performers to professional porn stars. It offers a unique "tip-based" system, where viewers can tip the performers for special requests or to show their appreciation.
MyFreeCams is a popular choice for those looking for a more personalized experience, as many of the models offer private shows for a fee. It also has a large community aspect, with forums and chat rooms for viewers to interact with each other and the models.
LiveJasmin is known for its high-quality video and audio, making it a top choice for viewers who value a visually stimulating experience. It also has a wide range of categories, allowing viewers to easily find the type of performer they are looking for.
Flirt4Free is a popular site for those looking for a more intimate and interactive experience. It offers a variety of features such as cam-to-cam shows and interactive sex toys, making it a favorite among viewers who enjoy a more immersive experience.
Overall, these live sex cam sites offer a diverse range of performers and features to cater to all types of desires and preferences. Their popularity shows that the demand for live sex cams continues to grow as people seek out new and exciting forms of sexual entertainment.
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DanielReogs – 24/10/2024
There are many popular live sex cam sites that cater to all different preferences and desires. Some of the most popular ones include Chaturbate, MyFreeCams, LiveJasmin, and Flirt4Free.
Chaturbate is known for its diverse selection of cam models, ranging from amateur performers to professional porn stars. It offers a unique "tip-based" system, where viewers can tip the performers for special requests or to show their appreciation.
MyFreeCams is a popular choice for those looking for a more personalized experience, as many of the models offer private shows for a fee. It also has a large community aspect, with forums and chat rooms for viewers to interact with each other and the models.
LiveJasmin is known for its high-quality video and audio, making it a top choice for viewers who value a visually stimulating experience. It also has a wide range of categories, allowing viewers to easily find the type of performer they are looking for.
Flirt4Free is a popular site for those looking for a more intimate and interactive experience. It offers a variety of features such as cam-to-cam shows and interactive sex toys, making it a favorite among viewers who enjoy a more immersive experience.
Overall, these live sex cam sites offer a diverse range of performers and features to cater to all types of desires and preferences. Their popularity shows that the demand for live sex cams continues to grow as people seek out new and exciting forms of sexual entertainment.
DanielReogs – 22/10/2024
There are many popular live sex cam sites that cater to all different preferences and desires. Some of the most popular ones include Chaturbate, MyFreeCams, LiveJasmin, and Flirt4Free.
Chaturbate is known for its diverse selection of cam models, ranging from amateur performers to professional porn stars. It offers a unique "tip-based" system, where viewers can tip the performers for special requests or to show their appreciation.
MyFreeCams is a popular choice for those looking for a more personalized experience, as many of the models offer private shows for a fee. It also has a large community aspect, with forums and chat rooms for viewers to interact with each other and the models.
LiveJasmin is known for its high-quality video and audio, making it a top choice for viewers who value a visually stimulating experience. It also has a wide range of categories, allowing viewers to easily find the type of performer they are looking for.
Flirt4Free is a popular site for those looking for a more intimate and interactive experience. It offers a variety of features such as cam-to-cam shows and interactive sex toys, making it a favorite among viewers who enjoy a more immersive experience.
Overall, these live sex cam sites offer a diverse range of performers and features to cater to all types of desires and preferences. Their popularity shows that the demand for live sex cams continues to grow as people seek out new and exciting forms of sexual entertainment.
sdssdgs – 20/10/2024
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DanielReogs – 20/10/2024
There are many popular live sex cam sites that cater to all different preferences and desires. Some of the most popular ones include Chaturbate, MyFreeCams, LiveJasmin, and Flirt4Free.
Chaturbate is known for its diverse selection of cam models, ranging from amateur performers to professional porn stars. It offers a unique "tip-based" system, where viewers can tip the performers for special requests or to show their appreciation.
MyFreeCams is a popular choice for those looking for a more personalized experience, as many of the models offer private shows for a fee. It also has a large community aspect, with forums and chat rooms for viewers to interact with each other and the models.
LiveJasmin is known for its high-quality video and audio, making it a top choice for viewers who value a visually stimulating experience. It also has a wide range of categories, allowing viewers to easily find the type of performer they are looking for.
Flirt4Free is a popular site for those looking for a more intimate and interactive experience. It offers a variety of features such as cam-to-cam shows and interactive sex toys, making it a favorite among viewers who enjoy a more immersive experience.
Overall, these live sex cam sites offer a diverse range of performers and features to cater to all types of desires and preferences. Their popularity shows that the demand for live sex cams continues to grow as people seek out new and exciting forms of sexual entertainment.
DanielReogs – 18/10/2024
There are many popular live sex cam sites that cater to all different preferences and desires. Some of the most popular ones include Chaturbate, MyFreeCams, LiveJasmin, and Flirt4Free.
Chaturbate is known for its diverse selection of cam models, ranging from amateur performers to professional porn stars. It offers a unique "tip-based" system, where viewers can tip the performers for special requests or to show their appreciation.
MyFreeCams is a popular choice for those looking for a more personalized experience, as many of the models offer private shows for a fee. It also has a large community aspect, with forums and chat rooms for viewers to interact with each other and the models.
LiveJasmin is known for its high-quality video and audio, making it a top choice for viewers who value a visually stimulating experience. It also has a wide range of categories, allowing viewers to easily find the type of performer they are looking for.
Flirt4Free is a popular site for those looking for a more intimate and interactive experience. It offers a variety of features such as cam-to-cam shows and interactive sex toys, making it a favorite among viewers who enjoy a more immersive experience.
Overall, these live sex cam sites offer a diverse range of performers and features to cater to all types of desires and preferences. Their popularity shows that the demand for live sex cams continues to grow as people seek out new and exciting forms of sexual entertainment.
DanielReogs – 17/10/2024
There are many popular live sex cam sites that cater to all different preferences and desires. Some of the most popular ones include Chaturbate, MyFreeCams, LiveJasmin, and Flirt4Free.
Chaturbate is known for its diverse selection of cam models, ranging from amateur performers to professional porn stars. It offers a unique "tip-based" system, where viewers can tip the performers for special requests or to show their appreciation.
MyFreeCams is a popular choice for those looking for a more personalized experience, as many of the models offer private shows for a fee. It also has a large community aspect, with forums and chat rooms for viewers to interact with each other and the models.
LiveJasmin is known for its high-quality video and audio, making it a top choice for viewers who value a visually stimulating experience. It also has a wide range of categories, allowing viewers to easily find the type of performer they are looking for.
Flirt4Free is a popular site for those looking for a more intimate and interactive experience. It offers a variety of features such as cam-to-cam shows and interactive sex toys, making it a favorite among viewers who enjoy a more immersive experience.
Overall, these live sex cam sites offer a diverse range of performers and features to cater to all types of desires and preferences. Their popularity shows that the demand for live sex cams continues to grow as people seek out new and exciting forms of sexual entertainment.
GilbertAnids – 16/10/2024
круглые знаки дорожного движения
DanielReogs – 15/10/2024
There are many popular live sex cam sites that cater to all different preferences and desires. Some of the most popular ones include Chaturbate, MyFreeCams, LiveJasmin, and Flirt4Free.
Chaturbate is known for its diverse selection of cam models, ranging from amateur performers to professional porn stars. It offers a unique "tip-based" system, where viewers can tip the performers for special requests or to show their appreciation.
MyFreeCams is a popular choice for those looking for a more personalized experience, as many of the models offer private shows for a fee. It also has a large community aspect, with forums and chat rooms for viewers to interact with each other and the models.
LiveJasmin is known for its high-quality video and audio, making it a top choice for viewers who value a visually stimulating experience. It also has a wide range of categories, allowing viewers to easily find the type of performer they are looking for.
Flirt4Free is a popular site for those looking for a more intimate and interactive experience. It offers a variety of features such as cam-to-cam shows and interactive sex toys, making it a favorite among viewers who enjoy a more immersive experience.
Overall, these live sex cam sites offer a diverse range of performers and features to cater to all types of desires and preferences. Their popularity shows that the demand for live sex cams continues to grow as people seek out new and exciting forms of sexual entertainment.
DanielReogs – 13/10/2024
There are many popular live sex cam sites that cater to all different preferences and desires. Some of the most popular ones include Chaturbate, MyFreeCams, LiveJasmin, and Flirt4Free.
Chaturbate is known for its diverse selection of cam models, ranging from amateur performers to professional porn stars. It offers a unique "tip-based" system, where viewers can tip the performers for special requests or to show their appreciation.
MyFreeCams is a popular choice for those looking for a more personalized experience, as many of the models offer private shows for a fee. It also has a large community aspect, with forums and chat rooms for viewers to interact with each other and the models.
LiveJasmin is known for its high-quality video and audio, making it a top choice for viewers who value a visually stimulating experience. It also has a wide range of categories, allowing viewers to easily find the type of performer they are looking for.
Flirt4Free is a popular site for those looking for a more intimate and interactive experience. It offers a variety of features such as cam-to-cam shows and interactive sex toys, making it a favorite among viewers who enjoy a more immersive experience.
Overall, these live sex cam sites offer a diverse range of performers and features to cater to all types of desires and preferences. Their popularity shows that the demand for live sex cams continues to grow as people seek out new and exciting forms of sexual entertainment.
DanielReogs – 11/10/2024
There are many popular live sex cam sites that cater to all different preferences and desires. Some of the most popular ones include Chaturbate, MyFreeCams, LiveJasmin, and Flirt4Free.
Chaturbate is known for its diverse selection of cam models, ranging from amateur performers to professional porn stars. It offers a unique "tip-based" system, where viewers can tip the performers for special requests or to show their appreciation.
MyFreeCams is a popular choice for those looking for a more personalized experience, as many of the models offer private shows for a fee. It also has a large community aspect, with forums and chat rooms for viewers to interact with each other and the models.
LiveJasmin is known for its high-quality video and audio, making it a top choice for viewers who value a visually stimulating experience. It also has a wide range of categories, allowing viewers to easily find the type of performer they are looking for.
Flirt4Free is a popular site for those looking for a more intimate and interactive experience. It offers a variety of features such as cam-to-cam shows and interactive sex toys, making it a favorite among viewers who enjoy a more immersive experience.
Overall, these live sex cam sites offer a diverse range of performers and features to cater to all types of desires and preferences. Their popularity shows that the demand for live sex cams continues to grow as people seek out new and exciting forms of sexual entertainment.
Stephennit – 09/10/2024
Hi there, You have done a fantastic job. I'll definitely digg it and personally suggest to my friends. I'm confident they will be benefited from this web site.
DanielReogs – 09/10/2024
There are many popular live sex cam sites that cater to all different preferences and desires. Some of the most popular ones include Chaturbate, MyFreeCams, LiveJasmin, and Flirt4Free.
Chaturbate is known for its diverse selection of cam models, ranging from amateur performers to professional porn stars. It offers a unique "tip-based" system, where viewers can tip the performers for special requests or to show their appreciation.
MyFreeCams is a popular choice for those looking for a more personalized experience, as many of the models offer private shows for a fee. It also has a large community aspect, with forums and chat rooms for viewers to interact with each other and the models.
LiveJasmin is known for its high-quality video and audio, making it a top choice for viewers who value a visually stimulating experience. It also has a wide range of categories, allowing viewers to easily find the type of performer they are looking for.
Flirt4Free is a popular site for those looking for a more intimate and interactive experience. It offers a variety of features such as cam-to-cam shows and interactive sex toys, making it a favorite among viewers who enjoy a more immersive experience.
Overall, these live sex cam sites offer a diverse range of performers and features to cater to all types of desires and preferences. Their popularity shows that the demand for live sex cams continues to grow as people seek out new and exciting forms of sexual entertainment.
DanielReogs – 07/10/2024
There are many popular live sex cam sites that cater to all different preferences and desires. Some of the most popular ones include Chaturbate, MyFreeCams, LiveJasmin, and Flirt4Free.
Chaturbate is known for its diverse selection of cam models, ranging from amateur performers to professional porn stars. It offers a unique "tip-based" system, where viewers can tip the performers for special requests or to show their appreciation.
MyFreeCams is a popular choice for those looking for a more personalized experience, as many of the models offer private shows for a fee. It also has a large community aspect, with forums and chat rooms for viewers to interact with each other and the models.
LiveJasmin is known for its high-quality video and audio, making it a top choice for viewers who value a visually stimulating experience. It also has a wide range of categories, allowing viewers to easily find the type of performer they are looking for.
Flirt4Free is a popular site for those looking for a more intimate and interactive experience. It offers a variety of features such as cam-to-cam shows and interactive sex toys, making it a favorite among viewers who enjoy a more immersive experience.
Overall, these live sex cam sites offer a diverse range of performers and features to cater to all types of desires and preferences. Their popularity shows that the demand for live sex cams continues to grow as people seek out new and exciting forms of sexual entertainment.
DanielReogs – 05/10/2024
There are many popular live sex cam sites that cater to all different preferences and desires. Some of the most popular ones include Chaturbate, MyFreeCams, LiveJasmin, and Flirt4Free.
Chaturbate is known for its diverse selection of cam models, ranging from amateur performers to professional porn stars. It offers a unique "tip-based" system, where viewers can tip the performers for special requests or to show their appreciation.
MyFreeCams is a popular choice for those looking for a more personalized experience, as many of the models offer private shows for a fee. It also has a large community aspect, with forums and chat rooms for viewers to interact with each other and the models.
LiveJasmin is known for its high-quality video and audio, making it a top choice for viewers who value a visually stimulating experience. It also has a wide range of categories, allowing viewers to easily find the type of performer they are looking for.
Flirt4Free is a popular site for those looking for a more intimate and interactive experience. It offers a variety of features such as cam-to-cam shows and interactive sex toys, making it a favorite among viewers who enjoy a more immersive experience.
Overall, these live sex cam sites offer a diverse range of performers and features to cater to all types of desires and preferences. Their popularity shows that the demand for live sex cams continues to grow as people seek out new and exciting forms of sexual entertainment.
DanielReogs – 03/10/2024
There are many popular live sex cam sites that cater to all different preferences and desires. Some of the most popular ones include Chaturbate, MyFreeCams, LiveJasmin, and Flirt4Free.
Chaturbate is known for its diverse selection of cam models, ranging from amateur performers to professional porn stars. It offers a unique "tip-based" system, where viewers can tip the performers for special requests or to show their appreciation.
MyFreeCams is a popular choice for those looking for a more personalized experience, as many of the models offer private shows for a fee. It also has a large community aspect, with forums and chat rooms for viewers to interact with each other and the models.
LiveJasmin is known for its high-quality video and audio, making it a top choice for viewers who value a visually stimulating experience. It also has a wide range of categories, allowing viewers to easily find the type of performer they are looking for.
Flirt4Free is a popular site for those looking for a more intimate and interactive experience. It offers a variety of features such as cam-to-cam shows and interactive sex toys, making it a favorite among viewers who enjoy a more immersive experience.
Overall, these live sex cam sites offer a diverse range of performers and features to cater to all types of desires and preferences. Their popularity shows that the demand for live sex cams continues to grow as people seek out new and exciting forms of sexual entertainment.
DanielReogs – 02/10/2024
There are many popular live sex cam sites that cater to all different preferences and desires. Some of the most popular ones include Chaturbate, MyFreeCams, LiveJasmin, and Flirt4Free.
Chaturbate is known for its diverse selection of cam models, ranging from amateur performers to professional porn stars. It offers a unique "tip-based" system, where viewers can tip the performers for special requests or to show their appreciation.
MyFreeCams is a popular choice for those looking for a more personalized experience, as many of the models offer private shows for a fee. It also has a large community aspect, with forums and chat rooms for viewers to interact with each other and the models.
LiveJasmin is known for its high-quality video and audio, making it a top choice for viewers who value a visually stimulating experience. It also has a wide range of categories, allowing viewers to easily find the type of performer they are looking for.
Flirt4Free is a popular site for those looking for a more intimate and interactive experience. It offers a variety of features such as cam-to-cam shows and interactive sex toys, making it a favorite among viewers who enjoy a more immersive experience.
Overall, these live sex cam sites offer a diverse range of performers and features to cater to all types of desires and preferences. Their popularity shows that the demand for live sex cams continues to grow as people seek out new and exciting forms of sexual entertainment.
AaronIcern – 02/10/2024
7 simple secrets to eating the Mediterranean way
kraken onion
What if “diet” wasn’t a dirty word?
During Suzy Karadsheh’s childhood in Port Said, Egypt, diet culture was nonexistent.
“My parents emphasized joy at the table, rather than anything else,” Karadsheh said. “I grew up with Mediterranean lifestyle principles that celebrate eating with the seasons, eating mostly whole foods and above all else, sharing.”
But when Karadsheh moved to the United States at age 16, she witnessed people doing detoxes or restricting certain food groups or ingredients. Surrounded by that narrative and an abundance of new foods in her college dining hall, she says she “gained the freshman 31 instead of the freshman 15.” When she returned home to Egypt that summer, “I eased back into eating the Mediterranean food that I grew up with. During the span of about two months, I shed all of that weight without thinking I was ever on a diet.”
To help invite joy back to the table for others — and to keep her family’s culinary heritage alive for her two daughters (now 14 and 22) — Atlanta-based Karadsheh launched The Mediterranean Dish food blog 10 years ago. Quickly, her table started getting filled with more than just her friends and family.
“I started receiving emails from folks whose doctors had prescribed the Mediterranean diet and were seeking approachable recipes,” Karadsheh said. The plant-based eating lifestyle, often rated the world’s best diet, can reduce the risk for diabetes, high cholesterol, dementia, memory loss and depression, according to research. What’s more, the meal plan has been linked to stronger bones, a healthier heart and longer life.
Preparing meals the Mediterranean way, according to Karadsheh, can help you “eat well and live joyfully. To us, ‘diet’ doesn’t mean a list of ‘eat this’ and ‘don’t eat that.’” Instead of omission, Karadsheh focuses on abundance, asking herself, “what can I add to my life through this way of living? More whole foods, vegetables, grains, legumes? Naturally, when you add these good-for-you ingredients, you eat less of what’s not as health-promoting,” she told CNN.
MichaelPer – 02/10/2024
You can now order your Spirit Halloween costume on Uber Eats
kraken сайт
Uber is cashing in on spooky season.
The ridehailing company will now deliver costumes, makeup, and even decorations from Spirit Halloween, the largest Halloween retailer in North America, Uber announced in a press release Friday.
Big-box retailers are getting into Halloween earlier and earlier, suggesting American consumers continue spending on the October holiday even as they pull back from other discretionary purchases.
Customers in the US and Canada can buy their Chipotle burrito costume for the same price as in store, but without having to visit the seasonal Halloween store that pops up in abandoned storefronts every year, Uber said. Of course, there will still be the fees associated with Uber Eats delivery.
Spirit Halloween has 1,525 locations.
“The holiday season officially kicks off this time of year, and households across the country are looking to on-demand delivery to get what’s needed—now,” said Beryl Sanders, director of US grocery and retail partnerships at Uber, in a statement.
Since the pandemic, different types of retailers have partnered with Uber to deliver their goods – such as Olive Garden for its breadsticks and pasta. Uber Eats has also partnered with Big Lots, Lowe’s, Michael’s and Party City for on-demand delivery.
Uber and its competitors have also experimented with robot deliveries, though those have not fully taken off in the US market.
CurtisRof – 02/10/2024
You can now order your Spirit Halloween costume on Uber Eats
Кракен даркнет
Uber is cashing in on spooky season.
The ridehailing company will now deliver costumes, makeup, and even decorations from Spirit Halloween, the largest Halloween retailer in North America, Uber announced in a press release Friday.
Big-box retailers are getting into Halloween earlier and earlier, suggesting American consumers continue spending on the October holiday even as they pull back from other discretionary purchases.
Customers in the US and Canada can buy their Chipotle burrito costume for the same price as in store, but without having to visit the seasonal Halloween store that pops up in abandoned storefronts every year, Uber said. Of course, there will still be the fees associated with Uber Eats delivery.
Spirit Halloween has 1,525 locations.
“The holiday season officially kicks off this time of year, and households across the country are looking to on-demand delivery to get what’s needed—now,” said Beryl Sanders, director of US grocery and retail partnerships at Uber, in a statement.
Since the pandemic, different types of retailers have partnered with Uber to deliver their goods – such as Olive Garden for its breadsticks and pasta. Uber Eats has also partnered with Big Lots, Lowe’s, Michael’s and Party City for on-demand delivery.
Uber and its competitors have also experimented with robot deliveries, though those have not fully taken off in the US market.
Kevindap – 01/10/2024
Sea robins are fish with ‘the wings of a bird and multiple legs like a crab’
Some types of sea robins, a peculiar bottom-dwelling ocean fish, use taste bud-covered legs to sense and dig up prey along the seafloor, according to new research.
Sea robins are so adept at rooting out prey as they walk along the ocean floor on their six leglike appendages that other fish follow them around in the hope of snagging some freshly uncovered prey themselves, said the authors of two new studies published Thursday in the journal Current Biology.
David Kingsley, coauthor of both studies, first came across the fish in the summer of 2016 after giving a seminar at the Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole, Massachusetts. Kingsley is the Rudy J. and Daphne Donohue Munzer Professor in the department of developmental biology at Stanford University’s School of Medicine.
Before leaving to catch a flight, Kingsley stopped at a small public aquarium, where he spied sea robins and their delicate fins, which resemble the feathery wings of a bird, as well as leglike appendages.
“The sea robins on display completely spun my head around because they had the body of a fish, the wings of a bird, and multiple legs like a crab,” Kingsley said in an email.
“I’d never seen a fish that looked like it was made of body parts from many different types of animals.”
Kingsley and his colleagues decided to study sea robins in a lab setting, uncovering a wealth of surprises, including the differences between sea robin species and the genetics responsible for their unusual traits, such as leglike fins that have evolved so that they largely function as sensory organs.
The findings of the study team’s new research show how evolution leads to complex adaptations in specific environments, such as the ability of sea robins to be able to “taste” prey using their quickly scurrying and highly sensitive appendages.
Victormen – 01/10/2024
You can now order your Spirit Halloween costume on Uber Eats
Кракен тор
Uber is cashing in on spooky season.
The ridehailing company will now deliver costumes, makeup, and even decorations from Spirit Halloween, the largest Halloween retailer in North America, Uber announced in a press release Friday.
Big-box retailers are getting into Halloween earlier and earlier, suggesting American consumers continue spending on the October holiday even as they pull back from other discretionary purchases.
Customers in the US and Canada can buy their Chipotle burrito costume for the same price as in store, but without having to visit the seasonal Halloween store that pops up in abandoned storefronts every year, Uber said. Of course, there will still be the fees associated with Uber Eats delivery.
Spirit Halloween has 1,525 locations.
“The holiday season officially kicks off this time of year, and households across the country are looking to on-demand delivery to get what’s needed—now,” said Beryl Sanders, director of US grocery and retail partnerships at Uber, in a statement.
Since the pandemic, different types of retailers have partnered with Uber to deliver their goods – such as Olive Garden for its breadsticks and pasta. Uber Eats has also partnered with Big Lots, Lowe’s, Michael’s and Party City for on-demand delivery.
Uber and its competitors have also experimented with robot deliveries, though those have not fully taken off in the US market.
Eugenetub – 01/10/2024
You can now order your Spirit Halloween costume on Uber Eats
kraken даркнет
Uber is cashing in on spooky season.
The ridehailing company will now deliver costumes, makeup, and even decorations from Spirit Halloween, the largest Halloween retailer in North America, Uber announced in a press release Friday.
Big-box retailers are getting into Halloween earlier and earlier, suggesting American consumers continue spending on the October holiday even as they pull back from other discretionary purchases.
Customers in the US and Canada can buy their Chipotle burrito costume for the same price as in store, but without having to visit the seasonal Halloween store that pops up in abandoned storefronts every year, Uber said. Of course, there will still be the fees associated with Uber Eats delivery.
Spirit Halloween has 1,525 locations.
“The holiday season officially kicks off this time of year, and households across the country are looking to on-demand delivery to get what’s needed—now,” said Beryl Sanders, director of US grocery and retail partnerships at Uber, in a statement.
Since the pandemic, different types of retailers have partnered with Uber to deliver their goods – such as Olive Garden for its breadsticks and pasta. Uber Eats has also partnered with Big Lots, Lowe’s, Michael’s and Party City for on-demand delivery.
Uber and its competitors have also experimented with robot deliveries, though those have not fully taken off in the US market.
Keithoneta – 01/10/2024
7 simple secrets to eating the Mediterranean way
кракен вход
What if “diet” wasn’t a dirty word?
During Suzy Karadsheh’s childhood in Port Said, Egypt, diet culture was nonexistent.
“My parents emphasized joy at the table, rather than anything else,” Karadsheh said. “I grew up with Mediterranean lifestyle principles that celebrate eating with the seasons, eating mostly whole foods and above all else, sharing.”
But when Karadsheh moved to the United States at age 16, she witnessed people doing detoxes or restricting certain food groups or ingredients. Surrounded by that narrative and an abundance of new foods in her college dining hall, she says she “gained the freshman 31 instead of the freshman 15.” When she returned home to Egypt that summer, “I eased back into eating the Mediterranean food that I grew up with. During the span of about two months, I shed all of that weight without thinking I was ever on a diet.”
To help invite joy back to the table for others — and to keep her family’s culinary heritage alive for her two daughters (now 14 and 22) — Atlanta-based Karadsheh launched The Mediterranean Dish food blog 10 years ago. Quickly, her table started getting filled with more than just her friends and family.
“I started receiving emails from folks whose doctors had prescribed the Mediterranean diet and were seeking approachable recipes,” Karadsheh said. The plant-based eating lifestyle, often rated the world’s best diet, can reduce the risk for diabetes, high cholesterol, dementia, memory loss and depression, according to research. What’s more, the meal plan has been linked to stronger bones, a healthier heart and longer life.
Preparing meals the Mediterranean way, according to Karadsheh, can help you “eat well and live joyfully. To us, ‘diet’ doesn’t mean a list of ‘eat this’ and ‘don’t eat that.’” Instead of omission, Karadsheh focuses on abundance, asking herself, “what can I add to my life through this way of living? More whole foods, vegetables, grains, legumes? Naturally, when you add these good-for-you ingredients, you eat less of what’s not as health-promoting,” she told CNN.
JeremyTed – 01/10/2024
Sea robins are fish with ‘the wings of a bird and multiple legs like a crab’
kra10 cc
Some types of sea robins, a peculiar bottom-dwelling ocean fish, use taste bud-covered legs to sense and dig up prey along the seafloor, according to new research.
Sea robins are so adept at rooting out prey as they walk along the ocean floor on their six leglike appendages that other fish follow them around in the hope of snagging some freshly uncovered prey themselves, said the authors of two new studies published Thursday in the journal Current Biology.
David Kingsley, coauthor of both studies, first came across the fish in the summer of 2016 after giving a seminar at the Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole, Massachusetts. Kingsley is the Rudy J. and Daphne Donohue Munzer Professor in the department of developmental biology at Stanford University’s School of Medicine.
Before leaving to catch a flight, Kingsley stopped at a small public aquarium, where he spied sea robins and their delicate fins, which resemble the feathery wings of a bird, as well as leglike appendages.
“The sea robins on display completely spun my head around because they had the body of a fish, the wings of a bird, and multiple legs like a crab,” Kingsley said in an email.
“I’d never seen a fish that looked like it was made of body parts from many different types of animals.”
Kingsley and his colleagues decided to study sea robins in a lab setting, uncovering a wealth of surprises, including the differences between sea robin species and the genetics responsible for their unusual traits, such as leglike fins that have evolved so that they largely function as sensory organs.
The findings of the study team’s new research show how evolution leads to complex adaptations in specific environments, such as the ability of sea robins to be able to “taste” prey using their quickly scurrying and highly sensitive appendages.
PatrickFen – 01/10/2024
Automatic takeoffs are coming for passenger jets and they’re going to redraw the map of the sky
kra cc
In late 1965, at what’s now London Heathrow airport, a commercial flight coming from Paris made history by being the first to land automatically.
The plane – A Trident 1C operated by BEA, which would later become British Airways – was equipped with a newly developed extension of the autopilot (a system to help guide the plane’s path without manual control) known as “autoland.”
Today, automatic landing systems are installed on most commercial aircraft and improve the safety of landings in difficult weather or poor visibility.
Now, nearly 60 years later, the world’s third largest aircraft manufacturer, Brazil’s Embraer, is introducing a similar technology, but for takeoffs.
Called “E2 Enhanced Take Off System,” after the family of aircraft it’s designed for, the technology would not only improve safety by reducing pilot workload, but it would also improve range and takeoff weight, allowing the planes that use it to travel farther, according to Embraer.
“The system is better than the pilots,” says Patrice London, principal performance engineer at Embraer, who has worked on the project for over a decade. ”That’s because it performs in the same way all the time. If you do 1,000 takeoffs, you will get 1,000 of exactly the same takeoff.”
Embraer, London adds, has already started flight testing, with the aim to get it approved by aviation authorities in 2025, before introducing it from select airports.
DanielReogs – 30/09/2024
There are many popular live sex cam sites that cater to all different preferences and desires. Some of the most popular ones include Chaturbate, MyFreeCams, LiveJasmin, and Flirt4Free.
Chaturbate is known for its diverse selection of cam models, ranging from amateur performers to professional porn stars. It offers a unique "tip-based" system, where viewers can tip the performers for special requests or to show their appreciation.
MyFreeCams is a popular choice for those looking for a more personalized experience, as many of the models offer private shows for a fee. It also has a large community aspect, with forums and chat rooms for viewers to interact with each other and the models.
LiveJasmin is known for its high-quality video and audio, making it a top choice for viewers who value a visually stimulating experience. It also has a wide range of categories, allowing viewers to easily find the type of performer they are looking for.
Flirt4Free is a popular site for those looking for a more intimate and interactive experience. It offers a variety of features such as cam-to-cam shows and interactive sex toys, making it a favorite among viewers who enjoy a more immersive experience.
Overall, these live sex cam sites offer a diverse range of performers and features to cater to all types of desires and preferences. Their popularity shows that the demand for live sex cams continues to grow as people seek out new and exciting forms of sexual entertainment.
Rodne – 29/09/2024
проверь свою удачу
DanielReogs – 28/09/2024
There are many popular live sex cam sites that cater to all different preferences and desires. Some of the most popular ones include Chaturbate, MyFreeCams, LiveJasmin, and Flirt4Free.
Chaturbate is known for its diverse selection of cam models, ranging from amateur performers to professional porn stars. It offers a unique "tip-based" system, where viewers can tip the performers for special requests or to show their appreciation.
MyFreeCams is a popular choice for those looking for a more personalized experience, as many of the models offer private shows for a fee. It also has a large community aspect, with forums and chat rooms for viewers to interact with each other and the models.
LiveJasmin is known for its high-quality video and audio, making it a top choice for viewers who value a visually stimulating experience. It also has a wide range of categories, allowing viewers to easily find the type of performer they are looking for.
Flirt4Free is a popular site for those looking for a more intimate and interactive experience. It offers a variety of features such as cam-to-cam shows and interactive sex toys, making it a favorite among viewers who enjoy a more immersive experience.
Overall, these live sex cam sites offer a diverse range of performers and features to cater to all types of desires and preferences. Their popularity shows that the demand for live sex cams continues to grow as people seek out new and exciting forms of sexual entertainment.
DanielReogs – 26/09/2024
There are many popular live sex cam sites that cater to all different preferences and desires. Some of the most popular ones include Chaturbate, MyFreeCams, LiveJasmin, and Flirt4Free.
Chaturbate is known for its diverse selection of cam models, ranging from amateur performers to professional porn stars. It offers a unique "tip-based" system, where viewers can tip the performers for special requests or to show their appreciation.
MyFreeCams is a popular choice for those looking for a more personalized experience, as many of the models offer private shows for a fee. It also has a large community aspect, with forums and chat rooms for viewers to interact with each other and the models.
LiveJasmin is known for its high-quality video and audio, making it a top choice for viewers who value a visually stimulating experience. It also has a wide range of categories, allowing viewers to easily find the type of performer they are looking for.
Flirt4Free is a popular site for those looking for a more intimate and interactive experience. It offers a variety of features such as cam-to-cam shows and interactive sex toys, making it a favorite among viewers who enjoy a more immersive experience.
Overall, these live sex cam sites offer a diverse range of performers and features to cater to all types of desires and preferences. Their popularity shows that the demand for live sex cams continues to grow as people seek out new and exciting forms of sexual entertainment.
DanielReogs – 24/09/2024
There are many popular live sex cam sites that cater to all different preferences and desires. Some of the most popular ones include Chaturbate, MyFreeCams, LiveJasmin, and Flirt4Free.
Chaturbate is known for its diverse selection of cam models, ranging from amateur performers to professional porn stars. It offers a unique "tip-based" system, where viewers can tip the performers for special requests or to show their appreciation.
MyFreeCams is a popular choice for those looking for a more personalized experience, as many of the models offer private shows for a fee. It also has a large community aspect, with forums and chat rooms for viewers to interact with each other and the models.
LiveJasmin is known for its high-quality video and audio, making it a top choice for viewers who value a visually stimulating experience. It also has a wide range of categories, allowing viewers to easily find the type of performer they are looking for.
Flirt4Free is a popular site for those looking for a more intimate and interactive experience. It offers a variety of features such as cam-to-cam shows and interactive sex toys, making it a favorite among viewers who enjoy a more immersive experience.
Overall, these live sex cam sites offer a diverse range of performers and features to cater to all types of desires and preferences. Their popularity shows that the demand for live sex cams continues to grow as people seek out new and exciting forms of sexual entertainment.
MarlonNom – 24/09/2024
Medical staff on the front line of the battle against mpox in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo have told the BBC they are desperate for vaccines to arrive so they can stem the rate of new infections.
спрут зеркало
At a treatment centre in South Kivu province that the BBC visited in the epicentre of the outbreak, they say more patients are arriving every day - especially babies - and there is a shortage of essential equipment.
Mpox - formerly known as monkeypox - is a highly contagious disease and has killed at least 635 people in DR Congo this year.
Even though 200,000 vaccines, donated by the European Commission, were flown into the capital, Kinshasa, last week, they are yet to be transported across this vast country - and it could be several weeks before they reach South Kivu.
“We've learned from social media that the vaccine is already available,” Emmanuel Fikiri, a nurse working at the clinic that has been turned into a specialist centre to tackle the virus, told the BBC.
He said this was the first time he had treated patients with mpox and every day he feared catching it and passing it on to his own children - aged seven, five and one.
“You saw how I touched the patients because that's my job as a nurse. So, we're asking the government to help us by first giving us the vaccines.”
The reason it will take time to transport the vaccines is that they need to be stored at a precise temperature - below freezing - to maintain their potency, plus they need to be sent to rural areas of South Kivu, like Kamituga, Kavumu and Lwiro, where the outbreak is rife.
The lack of infrastructure and bad roads mean that helicopters could possibly be used to drop some of the vaccines, which will further drive up costs in a country that is already struggling financially.
At the community clinic, Dr Pacifique Karanzo appeared fatigued and downbeat having been rushed off his feet all morning.
Although he wore a face shield, I could see the sweat running down his face. He said he was saddened to see patients sharing beds.
“You will even see that the patients are sleeping on the floor,” he told me, clearly exasperated.
“The only support we have already had is a little medicine for the patients and water. As far as other challenges are concerned, there's still no staff motivation.”
блэкспрут даркнет
AlfredJeall – 23/09/2024
Medical staff on the front line of the battle against mpox in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo have told the BBC they are desperate for vaccines to arrive so they can stem the rate of new infections.
At a treatment centre in South Kivu province that the BBC visited in the epicentre of the outbreak, they say more patients are arriving every day - especially babies - and there is a shortage of essential equipment.
блэк спрут официальный сайт
Mpox - formerly known as monkeypox - is a highly contagious disease and has killed at least 635 people in DR Congo this year.
Even though 200,000 vaccines, donated by the European Commission, were flown into the capital, Kinshasa, last week, they are yet to be transported across this vast country - and it could be several weeks before they reach South Kivu.
“We've learned from social media that the vaccine is already available,” Emmanuel Fikiri, a nurse working at the clinic that has been turned into a specialist centre to tackle the virus, told the BBC.
He said this was the first time he had treated patients with mpox and every day he feared catching it and passing it on to his own children - aged seven, five and one.
“You saw how I touched the patients because that's my job as a nurse. So, we're asking the government to help us by first giving us the vaccines.”
The reason it will take time to transport the vaccines is that they need to be stored at a precise temperature - below freezing - to maintain their potency, plus they need to be sent to rural areas of South Kivu, like Kamituga, Kavumu and Lwiro, where the outbreak is rife.
The lack of infrastructure and bad roads mean that helicopters could possibly be used to drop some of the vaccines, which will further drive up costs in a country that is already struggling financially.
At the community clinic, Dr Pacifique Karanzo appeared fatigued and downbeat having been rushed off his feet all morning.
Although he wore a face shield, I could see the sweat running down his face. He said he was saddened to see patients sharing beds.
“You will even see that the patients are sleeping on the floor,” he told me, clearly exasperated.
“The only support we have already had is a little medicine for the patients and water. As far as other challenges are concerned, there's still no staff motivation.”
AlfonsodUs – 23/09/2024
Medical staff on the front line of the battle against mpox in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo have told the BBC they are desperate for vaccines to arrive so they can stem the rate of new infections.
At a treatment centre in South Kivu province that the BBC visited in the epicentre of the outbreak, they say more patients are arriving every day - especially babies - and there is a shortage of essential equipment.
Mpox - formerly known as monkeypox - is a highly contagious disease and has killed at least 635 people in DR Congo this year.
Even though 200,000 vaccines, donated by the European Commission, were flown into the capital, Kinshasa, last week, they are yet to be transported across this vast country - and it could be several weeks before they reach South Kivu.
“We've learned from social media that the vaccine is already available,” Emmanuel Fikiri, a nurse working at the clinic that has been turned into a specialist centre to tackle the virus, told the BBC.
He said this was the first time he had treated patients with mpox and every day he feared catching it and passing it on to his own children - aged seven, five and one.
“You saw how I touched the patients because that's my job as a nurse. So, we're asking the government to help us by first giving us the vaccines.”
The reason it will take time to transport the vaccines is that they need to be stored at a precise temperature - below freezing - to maintain their potency, plus they need to be sent to rural areas of South Kivu, like Kamituga, Kavumu and Lwiro, where the outbreak is rife.
The lack of infrastructure and bad roads mean that helicopters could possibly be used to drop some of the vaccines, which will further drive up costs in a country that is already struggling financially.
At the community clinic, Dr Pacifique Karanzo appeared fatigued and downbeat having been rushed off his feet all morning.
Although he wore a face shield, I could see the sweat running down his face. He said he was saddened to see patients sharing beds.
“You will even see that the patients are sleeping on the floor,” he told me, clearly exasperated.
“The only support we have already had is a little medicine for the patients and water. As far as other challenges are concerned, there's still no staff motivation.”
зеркала блэк спрут
DanielReogs – 22/09/2024
There are many popular live sex cam sites that cater to all different preferences and desires. Some of the most popular ones include Chaturbate, MyFreeCams, LiveJasmin, and Flirt4Free.
Chaturbate is known for its diverse selection of cam models, ranging from amateur performers to professional porn stars. It offers a unique "tip-based" system, where viewers can tip the performers for special requests or to show their appreciation.
MyFreeCams is a popular choice for those looking for a more personalized experience, as many of the models offer private shows for a fee. It also has a large community aspect, with forums and chat rooms for viewers to interact with each other and the models.
LiveJasmin is known for its high-quality video and audio, making it a top choice for viewers who value a visually stimulating experience. It also has a wide range of categories, allowing viewers to easily find the type of performer they are looking for.
Flirt4Free is a popular site for those looking for a more intimate and interactive experience. It offers a variety of features such as cam-to-cam shows and interactive sex toys, making it a favorite among viewers who enjoy a more immersive experience.
Overall, these live sex cam sites offer a diverse range of performers and features to cater to all types of desires and preferences. Their popularity shows that the demand for live sex cams continues to grow as people seek out new and exciting forms of sexual entertainment.
DanielReogs – 20/09/2024
There are many popular live sex cam sites that cater to all different preferences and desires. Some of the most popular ones include Chaturbate, MyFreeCams, LiveJasmin, and Flirt4Free.
Chaturbate is known for its diverse selection of cam models, ranging from amateur performers to professional porn stars. It offers a unique "tip-based" system, where viewers can tip the performers for special requests or to show their appreciation.
MyFreeCams is a popular choice for those looking for a more personalized experience, as many of the models offer private shows for a fee. It also has a large community aspect, with forums and chat rooms for viewers to interact with each other and the models.
LiveJasmin is known for its high-quality video and audio, making it a top choice for viewers who value a visually stimulating experience. It also has a wide range of categories, allowing viewers to easily find the type of performer they are looking for.
Flirt4Free is a popular site for those looking for a more intimate and interactive experience. It offers a variety of features such as cam-to-cam shows and interactive sex toys, making it a favorite among viewers who enjoy a more immersive experience.
Overall, these live sex cam sites offer a diverse range of performers and features to cater to all types of desires and preferences. Their popularity shows that the demand for live sex cams continues to grow as people seek out new and exciting forms of sexual entertainment.
DanielReogs – 18/09/2024
There are many popular live sex cam sites that cater to all different preferences and desires. Some of the most popular ones include Chaturbate, MyFreeCams, LiveJasmin, and Flirt4Free.
Chaturbate is known for its diverse selection of cam models, ranging from amateur performers to professional porn stars. It offers a unique "tip-based" system, where viewers can tip the performers for special requests or to show their appreciation.
MyFreeCams is a popular choice for those looking for a more personalized experience, as many of the models offer private shows for a fee. It also has a large community aspect, with forums and chat rooms for viewers to interact with each other and the models.
LiveJasmin is known for its high-quality video and audio, making it a top choice for viewers who value a visually stimulating experience. It also has a wide range of categories, allowing viewers to easily find the type of performer they are looking for.
Flirt4Free is a popular site for those looking for a more intimate and interactive experience. It offers a variety of features such as cam-to-cam shows and interactive sex toys, making it a favorite among viewers who enjoy a more immersive experience.
Overall, these live sex cam sites offer a diverse range of performers and features to cater to all types of desires and preferences. Their popularity shows that the demand for live sex cams continues to grow as people seek out new and exciting forms of sexual entertainment.
DanielReogs – 16/09/2024
There are many popular live sex cam sites that cater to all different preferences and desires. Some of the most popular ones include Chaturbate, MyFreeCams, LiveJasmin, and Flirt4Free.
Chaturbate is known for its diverse selection of cam models, ranging from amateur performers to professional porn stars. It offers a unique "tip-based" system, where viewers can tip the performers for special requests or to show their appreciation.
MyFreeCams is a popular choice for those looking for a more personalized experience, as many of the models offer private shows for a fee. It also has a large community aspect, with forums and chat rooms for viewers to interact with each other and the models.
LiveJasmin is known for its high-quality video and audio, making it a top choice for viewers who value a visually stimulating experience. It also has a wide range of categories, allowing viewers to easily find the type of performer they are looking for.
Flirt4Free is a popular site for those looking for a more intimate and interactive experience. It offers a variety of features such as cam-to-cam shows and interactive sex toys, making it a favorite among viewers who enjoy a more immersive experience.
Overall, these live sex cam sites offer a diverse range of performers and features to cater to all types of desires and preferences. Their popularity shows that the demand for live sex cams continues to grow as people seek out new and exciting forms of sexual entertainment.
AlfredJeall – 16/09/2024
Medical staff on the front line of the battle against mpox in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo have told the BBC they are desperate for vaccines to arrive so they can stem the rate of new infections.
At a treatment centre in South Kivu province that the BBC visited in the epicentre of the outbreak, they say more patients are arriving every day - especially babies - and there is a shortage of essential equipment.
Mpox - formerly known as monkeypox - is a highly contagious disease and has killed at least 635 people in DR Congo this year.
Even though 200,000 vaccines, donated by the European Commission, were flown into the capital, Kinshasa, last week, they are yet to be transported across this vast country - and it could be several weeks before they reach South Kivu.
“We've learned from social media that the vaccine is already available,” Emmanuel Fikiri, a nurse working at the clinic that has been turned into a specialist centre to tackle the virus, told the BBC.
He said this was the first time he had treated patients with mpox and every day he feared catching it and passing it on to his own children - aged seven, five and one.
“You saw how I touched the patients because that's my job as a nurse. So, we're asking the government to help us by first giving us the vaccines.”
The reason it will take time to transport the vaccines is that they need to be stored at a precise temperature - below freezing - to maintain their potency, plus they need to be sent to rural areas of South Kivu, like Kamituga, Kavumu and Lwiro, where the outbreak is rife.
The lack of infrastructure and bad roads mean that helicopters could possibly be used to drop some of the vaccines, which will further drive up costs in a country that is already struggling financially.
At the community clinic, Dr Pacifique Karanzo appeared fatigued and downbeat having been rushed off his feet all morning.
Although he wore a face shield, I could see the sweat running down his face. He said he was saddened to see patients sharing beds.
“You will even see that the patients are sleeping on the floor,” he told me, clearly exasperated.
“The only support we have already had is a little medicine for the patients and water. As far as other challenges are concerned, there's still no staff motivation.”
black sprut
RobertMully – 14/09/2024
The world’s best pizza for 2024 isn’t in Naples – or even in Italy. Here’s where it is …
kraken2trfqodidvlh4aa337cpzfrhdlfldhve5nf7njhumwr7instad onion
Many New Yorkers will gladly tell anyone who’ll listen – and even those who won’t – about how they have the best pizza. And now they’ve got some mouth-watering new back-up for their long-standing culinary claims.
This week, the Italy-based 50 Top Pizza Awards came out with its 2024 worldwide list, and a Lower East Side restaurant came out on top.
Una Pizza Napoletana, opened by pizza maestro Anthony Mangieri in March 2022, not only beat out US competitors but also global ones. That includes pizzerias in Naples, Italy, the holy land for pizza aficionados and foodies in general.
“It’s inspiring to be recognized for this 30 years into my career, especially in Naples where pizza originated,” Mangieri said in an email to CNN Travel on Thursday.
Adding to their bragging rights, New Yorkers saw three other pizzerias make the 2024 list, which included 101 restaurants in total (despite the “50” in the name of the awards). The rankings for the other New York pizzerias were Ribalta at No. 19, Don Antonio at No. 30 and L’industrie Pizzeria at No. 80.
Italy still managed to dominate the overall list with 41 eateries while the United States got a total of 15 places recognized. And Naples managed to best New York with five entries on the list, including a tie for the No. 2 spot with Diego Vigtaliano Pizzeria.
Showing how truly global the awards are, nations not exactly known for their pizza scenes –South Korea, Bolivia and India, to name three – were represented on the list.
DavidNut – 14/09/2024
The world’s best pizza for 2024 isn’t in Naples – or even in Italy. Here’s where it is …
kraken onion
Many New Yorkers will gladly tell anyone who’ll listen – and even those who won’t – about how they have the best pizza. And now they’ve got some mouth-watering new back-up for their long-standing culinary claims.
This week, the Italy-based 50 Top Pizza Awards came out with its 2024 worldwide list, and a Lower East Side restaurant came out on top.
Una Pizza Napoletana, opened by pizza maestro Anthony Mangieri in March 2022, not only beat out US competitors but also global ones. That includes pizzerias in Naples, Italy, the holy land for pizza aficionados and foodies in general.
“It’s inspiring to be recognized for this 30 years into my career, especially in Naples where pizza originated,” Mangieri said in an email to CNN Travel on Thursday.
kraken3yvbvzmhytnrnuhsy772i6dfobofu652e27f5hx6y5cpj7rgyd onion
Adding to their bragging rights, New Yorkers saw three other pizzerias make the 2024 list, which included 101 restaurants in total (despite the “50” in the name of the awards). The rankings for the other New York pizzerias were Ribalta at No. 19, Don Antonio at No. 30 and L’industrie Pizzeria at No. 80.
Italy still managed to dominate the overall list with 41 eateries while the United States got a total of 15 places recognized. And Naples managed to best New York with five entries on the list, including a tie for the No. 2 spot with Diego Vigtaliano Pizzeria.
Showing how truly global the awards are, nations not exactly known for their pizza scenes –South Korea, Bolivia and India, to name three – were represented on the list.
Bruceser – 14/09/2024
Scientists have solved the mystery of a 650-foot mega-tsunami that made the Earth vibrate for 9 days
It started with a melting glacier that set off a huge landslide, which triggered a 650-foot high mega-tsunami in Greenland last September. Then came something inexplicable: a mysterious vibration that shook the planet for nine days.
Over the past year, dozens of scientists across the world have been trying to figure out what this signal was.
Now they have an answer, according to a new study in the journal Science, and it provides yet another warning that the Arctic is entering “uncharted waters” as humans push global temperatures ever upwards.
kraken3yvbvzmhytnrnuhsy772i6dfobofu652e27f5hx6y5cpj7rgyd onion
Some seismologists thought their instruments were broken when they started picking up vibrations through the ground back in September, said Stephen Hicks, a study co-author and a seismologist at University College London.
It wasn’t the rich orchestra of high pitches and rumbles you might expect with an earthquake, but more of a monotonous hum, he told CNN. Earthquake signals tend to last for minutes; this one lasted for nine days.
He was baffled, it was “completely unprecedented,” he said.
Seismologists traced the signal to eastern Greenland, but couldn’t pin down a specific location. So they contacted colleagues in Denmark, who had received reports of a landslide-triggered tsunami in a remote part of the region called Dickson Fjord.
The result was a nearly year-long collaboration between 68 scientists across 15 countries, who combed through seismic, satellite and on-the-ground data, as well as simulations of tsunami waves to solve the puzzle.
ThomasTen – 14/09/2024
Scientists have solved the mystery of a 650-foot mega-tsunami that made the Earth vibrate for 9 days
It started with a melting glacier that set off a huge landslide, which triggered a 650-foot high mega-tsunami in Greenland last September. Then came something inexplicable: a mysterious vibration that shook the planet for nine days.
Over the past year, dozens of scientists across the world have been trying to figure out what this signal was.
Now they have an answer, according to a new study in the journal Science, and it provides yet another warning that the Arctic is entering “uncharted waters” as humans push global temperatures ever upwards.
Some seismologists thought their instruments were broken when they started picking up vibrations through the ground back in September, said Stephen Hicks, a study co-author and a seismologist at University College London.
It wasn’t the rich orchestra of high pitches and rumbles you might expect with an earthquake, but more of a monotonous hum, he told CNN. Earthquake signals tend to last for minutes; this one lasted for nine days.
He was baffled, it was “completely unprecedented,” he said.
Seismologists traced the signal to eastern Greenland, but couldn’t pin down a specific location. So they contacted colleagues in Denmark, who had received reports of a landslide-triggered tsunami in a remote part of the region called Dickson Fjord.
The result was a nearly year-long collaboration between 68 scientists across 15 countries, who combed through seismic, satellite and on-the-ground data, as well as simulations of tsunami waves to solve the puzzle.
Lutherkeest – 14/09/2024
Scientists who discovered mammals can breathe through their anuses receive Ig Nobel prize
kraken тор
The world still holds many unanswered questions. But thanks to the efforts of the research teams awarded the IG Nobel Prize on Thursday, some of these questions – which you might not even have thought existed – now have answers.
We now know that many mammals can breathe through their anuses, that there isn’t an equal probability that a coin will land on head or tails, that some real plants somehow imitate the shapes of neighboring fake plastic plants, that fake medicine which causes painful side-effects can be more effective than fake medicine without side-effects, and that many of the people famous for reaching lofty old ages lived in places that had bad record-keeping.
kra6 gl
The awards – which have no affiliation to the Nobel Prizes – aim to “celebrate the unusual, honor the imaginative – and spur people’s interest in science, medicine, and technology” by making “people laugh, then think.”
In a two-hour ceremony as quirky as the scientific achievements it was celebrating, audience members were welcomed to their seats by accordion music, before a safety briefing warned them not to “sit on anyone, unless you are a child,” not to “feed, chase or eat ducks” and to throw their paper airplane safely. There were two “paper airplane deluges” during the ceremony in which the audience attempted to throw their creations – safely – at a target in the middle of the stage.
Among those collecting their prizes was a Japanese research team led by Ryo Okabe and Takanori Takebe who discovered that mammals can breathe through their anuses. They say in their paper that this potentially offers an alternative way of getting oxygen into critically ill patients if ventilator and artificial lung supplies run low, like they did during the Covid-19 pandemic.
American psychologist B.F Skinner was posthumously awarded the peace prize for his work attempting to use pigeons to guide the flight path of missiles, while a European-wide research team was awarded the probability prize for conducting 350,757 experiments to demonstrate that a coin tends to land on the same side it started when it is flipped.
Harolddruth – 14/09/2024
Hyundai and GM to work together on developing new cars
kraken onion
Hyundai and General Motors (GM) have agreed to look for ways to work together on developing new vehicles, supply chains and technologies in an effort to cut costs and move more quickly.
Global carmakers are under intense pressure to come up with new electric vehicle (EV) and battery technology because they face vehicle emissions regulations around the world. Those research and development efforts could cost tens of billions of dollars.
They’re also facing an onslaught of potential competition from Chinese automakers, particularly EV producers, trying to export their lower-cost models overseas in order to escape a huge oversupply problem at home.
kra8 cc
South Korea’s Hyundai and America’s GM (GM) said on Thursday they would collaborate on joint product development, manufacturing and future clean energy technologies. They plan to work together on internal combustion, clean-energy, electric and hydrogen vehicles.
The non-binding framework agreement was signed by Hyundai Motor Executive Chair Euisun Chung and GM Chair and CEO Mary Barra.
“Our goal is to unlock the scale and creativity of both companies to deliver even more competitive vehicles to customers faster and more efficiently,” Barra said in the statement.
Including its affiliate Kia, Hyundai Motor is the world’s third-largest automaker by sales, according to Reuters, while GM is currently America’s largest carmaker, having retaken that title from Toyota (TM) in 2022.
“This partnership will enable Hyundai Motor and GM to evaluate opportunities to enhance competitiveness in key markets and vehicle segments, as well as drive cost efficiencies and provide stronger customer value,” Chung said in the statement.
Carmakers are increasingly sealing partnerships as a way of becoming more competitive in a cut-throat industry driven by price wars.
Last year, Nissan and Renault finalized the terms of their revamped alliance, which will focus on developing EVs. GM and Honda (HMC), along with Cruise — GM’s autonomous driving subsidiary — have agreed to create a driverless ride-hailing company in Japan.
RobertSus – 14/09/2024
Hyundai and GM to work together on developing new cars
kra8 cc
Hyundai and General Motors (GM) have agreed to look for ways to work together on developing new vehicles, supply chains and technologies in an effort to cut costs and move more quickly.
Global carmakers are under intense pressure to come up with new electric vehicle (EV) and battery technology because they face vehicle emissions regulations around the world. Those research and development efforts could cost tens of billions of dollars.
They’re also facing an onslaught of potential competition from Chinese automakers, particularly EV producers, trying to export their lower-cost models overseas in order to escape a huge oversupply problem at home.
kra7 cc
South Korea’s Hyundai and America’s GM (GM) said on Thursday they would collaborate on joint product development, manufacturing and future clean energy technologies. They plan to work together on internal combustion, clean-energy, electric and hydrogen vehicles.
The non-binding framework agreement was signed by Hyundai Motor Executive Chair Euisun Chung and GM Chair and CEO Mary Barra.
“Our goal is to unlock the scale and creativity of both companies to deliver even more competitive vehicles to customers faster and more efficiently,” Barra said in the statement.
Including its affiliate Kia, Hyundai Motor is the world’s third-largest automaker by sales, according to Reuters, while GM is currently America’s largest carmaker, having retaken that title from Toyota (TM) in 2022.
“This partnership will enable Hyundai Motor and GM to evaluate opportunities to enhance competitiveness in key markets and vehicle segments, as well as drive cost efficiencies and provide stronger customer value,” Chung said in the statement.
Carmakers are increasingly sealing partnerships as a way of becoming more competitive in a cut-throat industry driven by price wars.
Last year, Nissan and Renault finalized the terms of their revamped alliance, which will focus on developing EVs. GM and Honda (HMC), along with Cruise — GM’s autonomous driving subsidiary — have agreed to create a driverless ride-hailing company in Japan.
Harolddiodo – 14/09/2024
Scientists who discovered mammals can breathe through their anuses receive Ig Nobel prize
kra6 cc
The world still holds many unanswered questions. But thanks to the efforts of the research teams awarded the IG Nobel Prize on Thursday, some of these questions – which you might not even have thought existed – now have answers.
We now know that many mammals can breathe through their anuses, that there isn’t an equal probability that a coin will land on head or tails, that some real plants somehow imitate the shapes of neighboring fake plastic plants, that fake medicine which causes painful side-effects can be more effective than fake medicine without side-effects, and that many of the people famous for reaching lofty old ages lived in places that had bad record-keeping.
kraken зеркало
The awards – which have no affiliation to the Nobel Prizes – aim to “celebrate the unusual, honor the imaginative – and spur people’s interest in science, medicine, and technology” by making “people laugh, then think.”
In a two-hour ceremony as quirky as the scientific achievements it was celebrating, audience members were welcomed to their seats by accordion music, before a safety briefing warned them not to “sit on anyone, unless you are a child,” not to “feed, chase or eat ducks” and to throw their paper airplane safely. There were two “paper airplane deluges” during the ceremony in which the audience attempted to throw their creations – safely – at a target in the middle of the stage.
Among those collecting their prizes was a Japanese research team led by Ryo Okabe and Takanori Takebe who discovered that mammals can breathe through their anuses. They say in their paper that this potentially offers an alternative way of getting oxygen into critically ill patients if ventilator and artificial lung supplies run low, like they did during the Covid-19 pandemic.
American psychologist B.F Skinner was posthumously awarded the peace prize for his work attempting to use pigeons to guide the flight path of missiles, while a European-wide research team was awarded the probability prize for conducting 350,757 experiments to demonstrate that a coin tends to land on the same side it started when it is flipped.
PhilipVorne – 14/09/2024
The world’s best pizza for 2024 isn’t in Naples – or even in Italy. Here’s where it is …
kraken3yvbvzmhytnrnuhsy772i6dfobofu652e27f5hx6y5cpj7rgyd onion
Many New Yorkers will gladly tell anyone who’ll listen – and even those who won’t – about how they have the best pizza. And now they’ve got some mouth-watering new back-up for their long-standing culinary claims.
This week, the Italy-based 50 Top Pizza Awards came out with its 2024 worldwide list, and a Lower East Side restaurant came out on top.
Una Pizza Napoletana, opened by pizza maestro Anthony Mangieri in March 2022, not only beat out US competitors but also global ones. That includes pizzerias in Naples, Italy, the holy land for pizza aficionados and foodies in general.
“It’s inspiring to be recognized for this 30 years into my career, especially in Naples where pizza originated,” Mangieri said in an email to CNN Travel on Thursday.
kraken4qzqnoi7ogpzpzwrxk7mw53n5i56loydwiyonu4owxsh4g67yd onion
Adding to their bragging rights, New Yorkers saw three other pizzerias make the 2024 list, which included 101 restaurants in total (despite the “50” in the name of the awards). The rankings for the other New York pizzerias were Ribalta at No. 19, Don Antonio at No. 30 and L’industrie Pizzeria at No. 80.
Italy still managed to dominate the overall list with 41 eateries while the United States got a total of 15 places recognized. And Naples managed to best New York with five entries on the list, including a tie for the No. 2 spot with Diego Vigtaliano Pizzeria.
Showing how truly global the awards are, nations not exactly known for their pizza scenes –South Korea, Bolivia and India, to name three – were represented on the list.
Rickeysug – 12/09/2024
Medical staff on the front line of the battle against mpox in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo have told the BBC they are desperate for vaccines to arrive so they can stem the rate of new infections.
At a treatment centre in South Kivu province that the BBC visited in the epicentre of the outbreak, they say more patients are arriving every day - especially babies - and there is a shortage of essential equipment.
Mpox - formerly known as monkeypox - is a highly contagious disease and has killed at least 635 people in DR Congo this year.
Even though 200,000 vaccines, donated by the European Commission, were flown into the capital, Kinshasa, last week, they are yet to be transported across this vast country - and it could be several weeks before they reach South Kivu.
“We've learned from social media that the vaccine is already available,” Emmanuel Fikiri, a nurse working at the clinic that has been turned into a specialist centre to tackle the virus, told the BBC.
He said this was the first time he had treated patients with mpox and every day he feared catching it and passing it on to his own children - aged seven, five and one.
“You saw how I touched the patients because that's my job as a nurse. So, we're asking the government to help us by first giving us the vaccines.”
The reason it will take time to transport the vaccines is that they need to be stored at a precise temperature - below freezing - to maintain their potency, plus they need to be sent to rural areas of South Kivu, like Kamituga, Kavumu and Lwiro, where the outbreak is rife.
The lack of infrastructure and bad roads mean that helicopters could possibly be used to drop some of the vaccines, which will further drive up costs in a country that is already struggling financially.
At the community clinic, Dr Pacifique Karanzo appeared fatigued and downbeat having been rushed off his feet all morning.
Although he wore a face shield, I could see the sweat running down his face. He said he was saddened to see patients sharing beds.
“You will even see that the patients are sleeping on the floor,” he told me, clearly exasperated.
“The only support we have already had is a little medicine for the patients and water. As far as other challenges are concerned, there's still no staff motivation.”
AlfonsodUs – 12/09/2024
Medical staff on the front line of the battle against mpox in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo have told the BBC they are desperate for vaccines to arrive so they can stem the rate of new infections.
At a treatment centre in South Kivu province that the BBC visited in the epicentre of the outbreak, they say more patients are arriving every day - especially babies - and there is a shortage of essential equipment.
Mpox - formerly known as monkeypox - is a highly contagious disease and has killed at least 635 people in DR Congo this year.
Even though 200,000 vaccines, donated by the European Commission, were flown into the capital, Kinshasa, last week, they are yet to be transported across this vast country - and it could be several weeks before they reach South Kivu.
“We've learned from social media that the vaccine is already available,” Emmanuel Fikiri, a nurse working at the clinic that has been turned into a specialist centre to tackle the virus, told the BBC.
He said this was the first time he had treated patients with mpox and every day he feared catching it and passing it on to his own children - aged seven, five and one.
“You saw how I touched the patients because that's my job as a nurse. So, we're asking the government to help us by first giving us the vaccines.”
The reason it will take time to transport the vaccines is that they need to be stored at a precise temperature - below freezing - to maintain their potency, plus they need to be sent to rural areas of South Kivu, like Kamituga, Kavumu and Lwiro, where the outbreak is rife.
The lack of infrastructure and bad roads mean that helicopters could possibly be used to drop some of the vaccines, which will further drive up costs in a country that is already struggling financially.
At the community clinic, Dr Pacifique Karanzo appeared fatigued and downbeat having been rushed off his feet all morning.
Although he wore a face shield, I could see the sweat running down his face. He said he was saddened to see patients sharing beds.
“You will even see that the patients are sleeping on the floor,” he told me, clearly exasperated.
“The only support we have already had is a little medicine for the patients and water. As far as other challenges are concerned, there's still no staff motivation.”
блэк спрут
ThomasThilm – 12/09/2024
Medical staff on the front line of the battle against mpox in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo have told the BBC they are desperate for vaccines to arrive so they can stem the rate of new infections.
At a treatment centre in South Kivu province that the BBC visited in the epicentre of the outbreak, they say more patients are arriving every day - especially babies - and there is a shortage of essential equipment.
Mpox - formerly known as monkeypox - is a highly contagious disease and has killed at least 635 people in DR Congo this year.
Even though 200,000 vaccines, donated by the European Commission, were flown into the capital, Kinshasa, last week, they are yet to be transported across this vast country - and it could be several weeks before they reach South Kivu.
“We've learned from social media that the vaccine is already available,” Emmanuel Fikiri, a nurse working at the clinic that has been turned into a specialist centre to tackle the virus, told the BBC.
He said this was the first time he had treated patients with mpox and every day he feared catching it and passing it on to his own children - aged seven, five and one.
“You saw how I touched the patients because that's my job as a nurse. So, we're asking the government to help us by first giving us the vaccines.”
The reason it will take time to transport the vaccines is that they need to be stored at a precise temperature - below freezing - to maintain their potency, plus they need to be sent to rural areas of South Kivu, like Kamituga, Kavumu and Lwiro, where the outbreak is rife.
The lack of infrastructure and bad roads mean that helicopters could possibly be used to drop some of the vaccines, which will further drive up costs in a country that is already struggling financially.
At the community clinic, Dr Pacifique Karanzo appeared fatigued and downbeat having been rushed off his feet all morning.
Although he wore a face shield, I could see the sweat running down his face. He said he was saddened to see patients sharing beds.
“You will even see that the patients are sleeping on the floor,” he told me, clearly exasperated.
“The only support we have already had is a little medicine for the patients and water. As far as other challenges are concerned, there's still no staff motivation.”
AlfredJeall – 12/09/2024
Medical staff on the front line of the battle against mpox in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo have told the BBC they are desperate for vaccines to arrive so they can stem the rate of new infections.
сайт спрут
At a treatment centre in South Kivu province that the BBC visited in the epicentre of the outbreak, they say more patients are arriving every day - especially babies - and there is a shortage of essential equipment.
блэкспрут сайт
Mpox - formerly known as monkeypox - is a highly contagious disease and has killed at least 635 people in DR Congo this year.
Even though 200,000 vaccines, donated by the European Commission, were flown into the capital, Kinshasa, last week, they are yet to be transported across this vast country - and it could be several weeks before they reach South Kivu.
“We've learned from social media that the vaccine is already available,” Emmanuel Fikiri, a nurse working at the clinic that has been turned into a specialist centre to tackle the virus, told the BBC.
He said this was the first time he had treated patients with mpox and every day he feared catching it and passing it on to his own children - aged seven, five and one.
“You saw how I touched the patients because that's my job as a nurse. So, we're asking the government to help us by first giving us the vaccines.”
The reason it will take time to transport the vaccines is that they need to be stored at a precise temperature - below freezing - to maintain their potency, plus they need to be sent to rural areas of South Kivu, like Kamituga, Kavumu and Lwiro, where the outbreak is rife.
The lack of infrastructure and bad roads mean that helicopters could possibly be used to drop some of the vaccines, which will further drive up costs in a country that is already struggling financially.
At the community clinic, Dr Pacifique Karanzo appeared fatigued and downbeat having been rushed off his feet all morning.
Although he wore a face shield, I could see the sweat running down his face. He said he was saddened to see patients sharing beds.
“You will even see that the patients are sleeping on the floor,” he told me, clearly exasperated.
“The only support we have already had is a little medicine for the patients and water. As far as other challenges are concerned, there's still no staff motivation.”
спрут зеркало
MarlonNom – 12/09/2024
Medical staff on the front line of the battle against mpox in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo have told the BBC they are desperate for vaccines to arrive so they can stem the rate of new infections.
At a treatment centre in South Kivu province that the BBC visited in the epicentre of the outbreak, they say more patients are arriving every day - especially babies - and there is a shortage of essential equipment.
Mpox - formerly known as monkeypox - is a highly contagious disease and has killed at least 635 people in DR Congo this year.
Even though 200,000 vaccines, donated by the European Commission, were flown into the capital, Kinshasa, last week, they are yet to be transported across this vast country - and it could be several weeks before they reach South Kivu.
“We've learned from social media that the vaccine is already available,” Emmanuel Fikiri, a nurse working at the clinic that has been turned into a specialist centre to tackle the virus, told the BBC.
He said this was the first time he had treated patients with mpox and every day he feared catching it and passing it on to his own children - aged seven, five and one.
“You saw how I touched the patients because that's my job as a nurse. So, we're asking the government to help us by first giving us the vaccines.”
The reason it will take time to transport the vaccines is that they need to be stored at a precise temperature - below freezing - to maintain their potency, plus they need to be sent to rural areas of South Kivu, like Kamituga, Kavumu and Lwiro, where the outbreak is rife.
The lack of infrastructure and bad roads mean that helicopters could possibly be used to drop some of the vaccines, which will further drive up costs in a country that is already struggling financially.
At the community clinic, Dr Pacifique Karanzo appeared fatigued and downbeat having been rushed off his feet all morning.
Although he wore a face shield, I could see the sweat running down his face. He said he was saddened to see patients sharing beds.
“You will even see that the patients are sleeping on the floor,” he told me, clearly exasperated.
“The only support we have already had is a little medicine for the patients and water. As far as other challenges are concerned, there's still no staff motivation.”
Victornon – 12/09/2024
Remember when Lady Gaga ‘bled’ onstage during her shocking performance at the 2009 VMAs?
жесткий анальный секс
Singing about the perils of fame, being dragged out from beneath a fallen chandelier then bleeding to death in front of a roomful of celebrities: Lady Gaga was not shy about making her debut at the MTV Video Music Awards.
The year was 2009 — many will remember it as the year rapper Ye (formerly Kanye West) stage-crashed 19-year-old Taylor Swift and suggested her award for Best Female Video should have gone to Beyonce instead. But never one to be overshadowed, Lady Gaga, then 23, made some pop culture history of her own that night.
Her rendition of “Paparazzi” — lamenting both unrequited love and the sinister effects of hounding tabloids — has gone down in the mists of Gaga legend; not least because a lack of high-quality footage means fans must resort to watching grainy screen-recorded versions circulated on social media.
Over the limited number of pixels, Gaga can be seen at the start of the performance in an all-white ensemble: a bejeweled, asymmetric lace bodysuit and matching cape, thigh-high boots, a feathered Keko Hainswheeler headpiece and strings of glinting pearls. As she staggered back from her piano at the song’s crescendo, however, an audible gasp swept the room as thick blood suddenly appeared to be pouring from her abdomen.
“I’m your biggest fan, I’ll follow you until you love me,” Gaga wailed desperately, her once-pristine outfit now daubed in scarlet. She ended the number suspended above the stage, ‘dead,’ as more blood dripped from her eyes.
“(It) gives me chills every time I watch it,” Olivia Rodrigo told MTV in 2021. “I think Lady Gaga is the best performer of our generation.” The “Drivers License” singer appeared to take notes. At this year’s Grammy Awards, she began to ‘bleed’ from clenched fists while performing her hit “vampire,” spreading fake blood across her arms and neck as the song progressed.
EugeneTon – 11/09/2024
Drought-hit Danube River reveals scuttled German World War II ships
гей порно большой
The wrecks of explosives-laden Nazi ships sunk in the Danube River during World War II have emerged near Serbia’s river port town of Prahovo, after a drought in July and August that saw the river’s water level drop.
Four vessels dating from before 1950 have also come to light in Hungary’s Danube-Drava National Park near Mohacs, where the Danube’s water level stood at only 1.5 meters (4.9 feet) on Tuesday, the lingering effect of severe heat waves and persistent drought in July and August.
The vessels revealed in Prahovo were among hundreds scuttled along the Danube by Nazi Germany’s Black Sea fleet in 1944 as they retreated from advancing Soviet forces, destroying the ships themselves. The wrecks can hamper river traffic during low water levels.
Strewn across the riverbed, some of the ships still have turrets, command bridges, broken masts and twisted hulls, while others lie mostly submerged under sandbanks.
Endre Sztellik, a guard at the Danube-Drava national park, said of one of the ships, “we still don’t know what this is exactly. What is visible and an unfortunate fact is that the wreck is diminishing as people are interested in it and parts of it are going missing.”
The Danube stood at 1.17 meters (3.8 feet) in Budapest on Tuesday, which compares with an all-time record low of around 0.4 meters (1.3 feet) registered in October 2018. During floods, the Danube rises well above 6 meters (19.7 feet).
“Eastern Europe is experiencing critical drought conditions that are affecting crops and vegetation,” the European climate service Copernicus said on its website in its latest drought report, published earlier this month.
WalterIdomy – 11/09/2024
Kamala Harris and Donald Trump have had a fiery 90-minute debate in Philadelphia - their first of the 2024 US presidential election
kra 4
After shaking hands - it was the first time they had met - the pair debated policy before moving onto more personal attacks
Harris said people leave Trump rallies early "out of exhaustion and boredom" - he said people don't go to hers in the first place
Trump criticised Harris's record on immigration and the border, and also her shifting policy positions - Harris blamed him for "Trump abortion bans" and for the 6 January attacks on the US Capitol
Snap polls suggest Harris won the debate, but Trump says afterwards that she "lost very badly"
With the election taking place on 5 November, Harris is slightly ahead in national opinion polls - but polls are very tight in key battleground states
Shortly after the debate, Taylor Swift endorsed Harris on Instagram, calling her a ''gifted leader''
EddieSic – 11/09/2024
Kamala Harris and Donald Trump have had a fiery 90-minute debate in Philadelphia - their first of the 2024 US presidential election
After shaking hands - it was the first time they had met - the pair debated policy before moving onto more personal attacks
Harris said people leave Trump rallies early "out of exhaustion and boredom" - he said people don't go to hers in the first place
kra4 gl
Trump criticised Harris's record on immigration and the border, and also her shifting policy positions - Harris blamed him for "Trump abortion bans" and for the 6 January attacks on the US Capitol
Snap polls suggest Harris won the debate, but Trump says afterwards that she "lost very badly"
With the election taking place on 5 November, Harris is slightly ahead in national opinion polls - but polls are very tight in key battleground states
Shortly after the debate, Taylor Swift endorsed Harris on Instagram, calling her a ''gifted leader''
DonaldSix – 11/09/2024
Kamala Harris and Donald Trump have had a fiery 90-minute debate in Philadelphia - their first of the 2024 US presidential election
After shaking hands - it was the first time they had met - the pair debated policy before moving onto more personal attacks
Harris said people leave Trump rallies early "out of exhaustion and boredom" - he said people don't go to hers in the first place
kra 4
Trump criticised Harris's record on immigration and the border, and also her shifting policy positions - Harris blamed him for "Trump abortion bans" and for the 6 January attacks on the US Capitol
Snap polls suggest Harris won the debate, but Trump says afterwards that she "lost very badly"
With the election taking place on 5 November, Harris is slightly ahead in national opinion polls - but polls are very tight in key battleground states
Shortly after the debate, Taylor Swift endorsed Harris on Instagram, calling her a ''gifted leader''
DwayneDiame – 11/09/2024
Kamala Harris and Donald Trump have had a fiery 90-minute debate in Philadelphia - their first of the 2024 US presidential election
kra4 gl
After shaking hands - it was the first time they had met - the pair debated policy before moving onto more personal attacks
Harris said people leave Trump rallies early "out of exhaustion and boredom" - he said people don't go to hers in the first place
Trump criticised Harris's record on immigration and the border, and also her shifting policy positions - Harris blamed him for "Trump abortion bans" and for the 6 January attacks on the US Capitol
Snap polls suggest Harris won the debate, but Trump says afterwards that she "lost very badly"
With the election taking place on 5 November, Harris is slightly ahead in national opinion polls - but polls are very tight in key battleground states
Shortly after the debate, Taylor Swift endorsed Harris on Instagram, calling her a ''gifted leader''
DanielMEK – 11/09/2024
Kamala Harris and Donald Trump have had a fiery 90-minute debate in Philadelphia - their first of the 2024 US presidential election
kra4 cc
After shaking hands - it was the first time they had met - the pair debated policy before moving onto more personal attacks
Harris said people leave Trump rallies early "out of exhaustion and boredom" - he said people don't go to hers in the first place
kra4 cc
Trump criticised Harris's record on immigration and the border, and also her shifting policy positions - Harris blamed him for "Trump abortion bans" and for the 6 January attacks on the US Capitol
Snap polls suggest Harris won the debate, but Trump says afterwards that she "lost very badly"
With the election taking place on 5 November, Harris is slightly ahead in national opinion polls - but polls are very tight in key battleground states
Shortly after the debate, Taylor Swift endorsed Harris on Instagram, calling her a ''gifted leader''
AlfonsodUs – 11/09/2024
Medical staff on the front line of the battle against mpox in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo have told the BBC they are desperate for vaccines to arrive so they can stem the rate of new infections.
блэк спрут официальный сайт
At a treatment centre in South Kivu province that the BBC visited in the epicentre of the outbreak, they say more patients are arriving every day - especially babies - and there is a shortage of essential equipment.
blacksprut площадка
Mpox - formerly known as monkeypox - is a highly contagious disease and has killed at least 635 people in DR Congo this year.
Even though 200,000 vaccines, donated by the European Commission, were flown into the capital, Kinshasa, last week, they are yet to be transported across this vast country - and it could be several weeks before they reach South Kivu.
“We've learned from social media that the vaccine is already available,” Emmanuel Fikiri, a nurse working at the clinic that has been turned into a specialist centre to tackle the virus, told the BBC.
He said this was the first time he had treated patients with mpox and every day he feared catching it and passing it on to his own children - aged seven, five and one.
“You saw how I touched the patients because that's my job as a nurse. So, we're asking the government to help us by first giving us the vaccines.”
The reason it will take time to transport the vaccines is that they need to be stored at a precise temperature - below freezing - to maintain their potency, plus they need to be sent to rural areas of South Kivu, like Kamituga, Kavumu and Lwiro, where the outbreak is rife.
The lack of infrastructure and bad roads mean that helicopters could possibly be used to drop some of the vaccines, which will further drive up costs in a country that is already struggling financially.
At the community clinic, Dr Pacifique Karanzo appeared fatigued and downbeat having been rushed off his feet all morning.
Although he wore a face shield, I could see the sweat running down his face. He said he was saddened to see patients sharing beds.
“You will even see that the patients are sleeping on the floor,” he told me, clearly exasperated.
“The only support we have already had is a little medicine for the patients and water. As far as other challenges are concerned, there's still no staff motivation.”
AlfredJeall – 11/09/2024
Medical staff on the front line of the battle against mpox in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo have told the BBC they are desperate for vaccines to arrive so they can stem the rate of new infections.
At a treatment centre in South Kivu province that the BBC visited in the epicentre of the outbreak, they say more patients are arriving every day - especially babies - and there is a shortage of essential equipment.
блэк спрут официальный сайт
Mpox - formerly known as monkeypox - is a highly contagious disease and has killed at least 635 people in DR Congo this year.
Even though 200,000 vaccines, donated by the European Commission, were flown into the capital, Kinshasa, last week, they are yet to be transported across this vast country - and it could be several weeks before they reach South Kivu.
“We've learned from social media that the vaccine is already available,” Emmanuel Fikiri, a nurse working at the clinic that has been turned into a specialist centre to tackle the virus, told the BBC.
He said this was the first time he had treated patients with mpox and every day he feared catching it and passing it on to his own children - aged seven, five and one.
“You saw how I touched the patients because that's my job as a nurse. So, we're asking the government to help us by first giving us the vaccines.”
The reason it will take time to transport the vaccines is that they need to be stored at a precise temperature - below freezing - to maintain their potency, plus they need to be sent to rural areas of South Kivu, like Kamituga, Kavumu and Lwiro, where the outbreak is rife.
The lack of infrastructure and bad roads mean that helicopters could possibly be used to drop some of the vaccines, which will further drive up costs in a country that is already struggling financially.
At the community clinic, Dr Pacifique Karanzo appeared fatigued and downbeat having been rushed off his feet all morning.
Although he wore a face shield, I could see the sweat running down his face. He said he was saddened to see patients sharing beds.
“You will even see that the patients are sleeping on the floor,” he told me, clearly exasperated.
“The only support we have already had is a little medicine for the patients and water. As far as other challenges are concerned, there's still no staff motivation.”
зеркала блэк спрут
Rickeysug – 11/09/2024
Medical staff on the front line of the battle against mpox in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo have told the BBC they are desperate for vaccines to arrive so they can stem the rate of new infections.
At a treatment centre in South Kivu province that the BBC visited in the epicentre of the outbreak, they say more patients are arriving every day - especially babies - and there is a shortage of essential equipment.
Mpox - formerly known as monkeypox - is a highly contagious disease and has killed at least 635 people in DR Congo this year.
Even though 200,000 vaccines, donated by the European Commission, were flown into the capital, Kinshasa, last week, they are yet to be transported across this vast country - and it could be several weeks before they reach South Kivu.
“We've learned from social media that the vaccine is already available,” Emmanuel Fikiri, a nurse working at the clinic that has been turned into a specialist centre to tackle the virus, told the BBC.
He said this was the first time he had treated patients with mpox and every day he feared catching it and passing it on to his own children - aged seven, five and one.
“You saw how I touched the patients because that's my job as a nurse. So, we're asking the government to help us by first giving us the vaccines.”
The reason it will take time to transport the vaccines is that they need to be stored at a precise temperature - below freezing - to maintain their potency, plus they need to be sent to rural areas of South Kivu, like Kamituga, Kavumu and Lwiro, where the outbreak is rife.
The lack of infrastructure and bad roads mean that helicopters could possibly be used to drop some of the vaccines, which will further drive up costs in a country that is already struggling financially.
At the community clinic, Dr Pacifique Karanzo appeared fatigued and downbeat having been rushed off his feet all morning.
Although he wore a face shield, I could see the sweat running down his face. He said he was saddened to see patients sharing beds.
“You will even see that the patients are sleeping on the floor,” he told me, clearly exasperated.
“The only support we have already had is a little medicine for the patients and water. As far as other challenges are concerned, there's still no staff motivation.”
MarlonNom – 11/09/2024
Medical staff on the front line of the battle against mpox in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo have told the BBC they are desperate for vaccines to arrive so they can stem the rate of new infections.
At a treatment centre in South Kivu province that the BBC visited in the epicentre of the outbreak, they say more patients are arriving every day - especially babies - and there is a shortage of essential equipment.
Mpox - formerly known as monkeypox - is a highly contagious disease and has killed at least 635 people in DR Congo this year.
Even though 200,000 vaccines, donated by the European Commission, were flown into the capital, Kinshasa, last week, they are yet to be transported across this vast country - and it could be several weeks before they reach South Kivu.
“We've learned from social media that the vaccine is already available,” Emmanuel Fikiri, a nurse working at the clinic that has been turned into a specialist centre to tackle the virus, told the BBC.
He said this was the first time he had treated patients with mpox and every day he feared catching it and passing it on to his own children - aged seven, five and one.
“You saw how I touched the patients because that's my job as a nurse. So, we're asking the government to help us by first giving us the vaccines.”
The reason it will take time to transport the vaccines is that they need to be stored at a precise temperature - below freezing - to maintain their potency, plus they need to be sent to rural areas of South Kivu, like Kamituga, Kavumu and Lwiro, where the outbreak is rife.
The lack of infrastructure and bad roads mean that helicopters could possibly be used to drop some of the vaccines, which will further drive up costs in a country that is already struggling financially.
At the community clinic, Dr Pacifique Karanzo appeared fatigued and downbeat having been rushed off his feet all morning.
Although he wore a face shield, I could see the sweat running down his face. He said he was saddened to see patients sharing beds.
“You will even see that the patients are sleeping on the floor,” he told me, clearly exasperated.
“The only support we have already had is a little medicine for the patients and water. As far as other challenges are concerned, there's still no staff motivation.”
ThomasThilm – 11/09/2024
Medical staff on the front line of the battle against mpox in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo have told the BBC they are desperate for vaccines to arrive so they can stem the rate of new infections.
блэк спрут ссылка
At a treatment centre in South Kivu province that the BBC visited in the epicentre of the outbreak, they say more patients are arriving every day - especially babies - and there is a shortage of essential equipment.
blacksprut площадка
Mpox - formerly known as monkeypox - is a highly contagious disease and has killed at least 635 people in DR Congo this year.
Even though 200,000 vaccines, donated by the European Commission, were flown into the capital, Kinshasa, last week, they are yet to be transported across this vast country - and it could be several weeks before they reach South Kivu.
“We've learned from social media that the vaccine is already available,” Emmanuel Fikiri, a nurse working at the clinic that has been turned into a specialist centre to tackle the virus, told the BBC.
He said this was the first time he had treated patients with mpox and every day he feared catching it and passing it on to his own children - aged seven, five and one.
“You saw how I touched the patients because that's my job as a nurse. So, we're asking the government to help us by first giving us the vaccines.”
The reason it will take time to transport the vaccines is that they need to be stored at a precise temperature - below freezing - to maintain their potency, plus they need to be sent to rural areas of South Kivu, like Kamituga, Kavumu and Lwiro, where the outbreak is rife.
The lack of infrastructure and bad roads mean that helicopters could possibly be used to drop some of the vaccines, which will further drive up costs in a country that is already struggling financially.
At the community clinic, Dr Pacifique Karanzo appeared fatigued and downbeat having been rushed off his feet all morning.
Although he wore a face shield, I could see the sweat running down his face. He said he was saddened to see patients sharing beds.
“You will even see that the patients are sleeping on the floor,” he told me, clearly exasperated.
“The only support we have already had is a little medicine for the patients and water. As far as other challenges are concerned, there's still no staff motivation.”
BradleyClowl – 11/09/2024
National Park calls out ‘world changing’ impact of dropped Cheetos bag
кракен ссылка
Plain water is the only thing visitors are allowed to consume inside the huge cavern at Carlsbad Caverns National Park in New Mexico. Cheetos are a no-go, and the recent park visitor who dropped a bag full of them created a “huge impact” on the cave’s ecosystem, the park said Friday in a Facebook post.
“At the scale of human perspective, a spilled snack bag may seem trivial, but to the life of the cave it can be world changing,” the park said in its post about the garbage found off-trail in the Big Room.
kra4 gl
“The processed corn, softened by the humidity of the cave, formed the perfect environment to host microbial life and fungi. Cave crickets, mites, spiders and flies soon organize into a temporary food web, dispersing the nutrients to the surrounding cave and formations. Molds spread higher up the nearby surfaces, fruit, die and stink. And the cycle continues.”
The park said rangers spent 20 minutes carefully removing molds and foreign debris from surfaces inside the cave, noting that while some members of the ecosystem that rose from the snacks were cave-dwellers “many of the microbial life and molds are not.”
The post called that particular impact on the cave “completely avoidable,” contrasting it with the hard-to-prevent fine trails of lint left by each visitor.
“Great or small we all leave an impact wherever we go. Let us all leave the world a better place than we found it,” the post urged park goers.
The park’s website says that eating and drinking anything other than plain water attracts animals into the cavern.
Carlsbad Caverns followed up its post about the Cheetos bag with a post about the “leave no trace” principle of disposing of waste properly.
“Contrary to popular belief, the cave is NOT a big trash can,” the post said, yet rangers pick up waste left behind every day.
“Sometimes this can be a gum wrapper or a tissue, other times it can unfortunately mean human waste, spit, or chewing tobacco.” Visitors are asked to make sure they don’t leave trash in the cavern and to use designated restrooms.
Johnniemerly – 11/09/2024
Study shows how the pandemic may have affected teens’ brains
The pandemic’s effects on teenagers were profound — numerous studies have documented reports of issues with their mental health, social lives and more.
Now, a new study suggests those phenomena caused some adolescents’ brains to age much faster than they normally would — 4.2 years faster in girls and 1.4 years faster in boys on average, according to the study published Monday in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
By being the first to contribute details on aging differences by sex, the study adds to the existing body of knowledge provided by two previous studies on the Covid-19 pandemic and accelerated brain aging among adolescents.
“The findings are an important wake-up call about the fragility of the teenage brain,” said senior study author Dr. Patricia K. Kuhl, the Bezos Family Foundation Endowed Chair in Early Childhood Learning and codirector of the Institute for Learning and Brain Sciences at the University of Washington in Seattle, via email. “Teens need our support now more than ever.”
Significant socioemotional development occurs during adolescence, along with substantial changes to brain structure and function. The thickness of the cerebral cortex naturally peaks during childhood, steadily decreases throughout adolescence and continues to decrease through one’s lifespan, the authors wrote.
The researchers originally intended to track ordinary adolescent brain development over time, starting with MRIs the authors conducted on participants’ brains in 2018. They planned to follow up with them for another scan in 2020.
The pandemic delayed the second MRI by three to four years — when the 130 participants based in Washington state were between ages 12 and 20. The authors excluded adolescents who had been diagnosed with a developmental or psychiatric disorder or who were taking psychotropic medications.
Williamdaync – 11/09/2024
Long-lost copy of the US Constitution, found in North Carolina filing cabinet, heads to auction
кракен ссылка
Historical document appraiser and collector Seth Kaller spreads a broad sheet of paper across a desk. It’s in good enough condition that he can handle it, carefully, with clean, bare hands. There are just a few creases and tiny discolorations, even though it’s just a few weeks shy of 237 years old and has spent who knows how long inside a filing cabinet in North Carolina.
At the top of the first page are familiar words but in regular type instead of the sweeping Gothic script we’re used to seeing: “WE, the People …”
And the people will get a chance to bid for this copy of the US Constitution — the only of its type thought to be in private hands — at a sale by Brunk Auctions on Sept. 28 in Asheville, North Carolina.
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The minimum bid for the auction of $1 million has already been made. There is no minimum price that must be reached.
This copy was printed after the Constitutional Convention finished drafting the proposed framework of the nation’s government in 1787 and sent it to the Congress of the ineffective first American government under the Articles of Confederation, requesting they send it to the states to be ratified by the people.
It’s one of about 100 copies printed by the secretary of that Congress, Charles Thomson. Just eight are known to still exist and the other seven are publicly owned.
EdwardMex – 11/09/2024
Actress Gemma Arterton says director tried to pressure her to do sex scene
British actress Gemma Arterton has revealed that a director once tried to put pressure on her to film a sex scene, despite the fact that it wasn’t included in the script.
In an interview with British publication the Radio Times, released Tuesday, Arterton said that, whilst on set, the director - who hasn’t been named - instructed her and her co-star to film a sex scene on a bed.
“I said, ‘No, this scene was written for us to be off screen, so you just hear the noises,’” Arterton told the Radio Times. “I’d never have accepted the role if it was going to be filmed.”
The actress said that she was pressured by the director to film the scene, but that she “flat out” refused to take part in it.
Had she been younger at the time, Arterton suggested that she might have been more concerned about being fired for refusing to film it.
“I only felt like I could say that because I was older,” she said.
“When I started acting, there was a lot of nudity – you were just expected to do it. When I was younger I played sexy characters, the girlfriend. As I’ve got older, that’s changed because I’m more successful and can choose the parts I want to play,” she said.
She praised the use of intimacy coordinators in film and television since the #MeToo movement, telling the magazine that “it’s a totally different landscape” now.
“Anything you’re not comfortable with is not going to happen. I’ve heard other actors that are like, ‘I loved it when there was no intimacy coordinator,’ but I definitely think it’s better,” she said.
Williampex – 11/09/2024
Meet the artist transforming tennis balls into furniture
In the last two years, tennis has taken over our closets (court-appropriate garb can be found everywhere from Skims to Miu Miu), our screens (who could forget Zendaya’s turn as the tennis protoge-turned-elite-coach Tashi Duncan in “Challengers”) and now — our living rooms.
At least that is the hope of Belgian eco-designer Mathilde Wittock, who fashions bespoke furniture from discarded tennis balls. Wittock’s sleek, modernist chaise longues are entirely cushionless — save for the padding of 500 precisely arranged tennis balls. Her one meter-long benches are similarly sparse, with some 270 balls being both stylish and structurally substantial.
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“It takes around 24 different manufacturing steps to (make) a tennis ball, which is around five days. Then it has such a short lifespan,” Wittock told CNN in a video call from Brussels. “I was looking into tennis balls because I played tennis myself, so I know there is a lot of waste.”
Around 300 million tennis balls are produced each year — and almost all of them end up in landfills, taking over 400 years to decompose. The US Open, which ended at the weekend, goes through around 70,000 each year, with Wimbledon not far behind at 55,000. Wittock estimates the lifecycle of a ball stands at just nine games, depending on the level of tennis being played. “Even if they are contained in their box, if the box has been opened the gas inside the tennis balls will be released over time,” she said. “(Eventually) they will get flat and you’ll have to throw them away.”
JerryDob – 09/09/2024
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Richardcab – 09/08/2024
A chainsaw amnesty is protecting the rainforest in Borneo
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Borneo was once covered in lush, dense rainforests, but they are rapidly disappearing. The Southeast Asian island, roughly three times the size of the UK, has lost half its forest cover since the 1930s, destroying precious habitat for wildlife such as the critically endangered orangutan, as well as valuable carbon stores.
A non-profit called Health in Harmony (HIH) is asking farmers to hand in their chainsaws in return for money, and a chance to set up an alternative livelihood.
Borneo is divided between Indonesia, Malaysia and Brunei, and it is estimated that up to 10% of its land is taken up by industrial palm oil and logging operations. But deforestation isn’t just about large-scale tree clearance; some of those behind the logging are small-scale farmers, cutting trees as a sideline to make ends meet.
Buyback and healthcare
HIH launched its chainsaw buyback scheme in 2017, under the group’s Indonesian name, Alam Sehat Lestari (ASRI). Farmers who illegally log and sell the wood to timber companies are given around $200 for their chainsaws, as well as up to $450 in financial support for them to set up an alternative, sustainable livelihood, such as opening a shop, organic farming and even beekeeping.
The scheme also involves addressing the root causes of the problem. According to HIH, many of the farmers who turn to logging do so because they need the money for basics like healthcare.
“They live far from the healthcare clinics, and they see logging as a place where they can get quick cash,” explained Mahardika “Dika” Putra, conservation program manager at HIH. “If they need this amount of money, they cut this amount of trees.
“We asked what solutions they think they need to live in harmony with the forest and they said, ‘high quality, affordable healthcare, and training in organic farming.’”
CraigCug – 04/08/2024
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Название взяли независимо от того, что наша страна сейчас проводит Специальную Военную Операцию, хорошая снаряга и экипировка нужна всегда. Готовишься в бой, мобилизован, привык активно проводить время или решил подготовить тревожный чемоданчик, мы поможем тебе. Наши клиенты: фонды, медики, такие же как ты бойцы СВО и обычные неравнодушные граждане.
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Обращаясь к нам, не удивляйся, если ты получишь честный и жесткий ответ - часто случается так, что мы знаем лучше, что именно нужно нашему гостю. Особенно это касается мобилизованных без опыта боевых действий. Здесь ты можешь полагаться на нашу экспертность.
Одна из наших основных целей предоставить тебе возможность удобной и безопасной покупки: хоть за наличку, хоть по карте, хоть по счету. Повторимся, если нужна оптовая поставка, согласуем и отгрузим. Именно от того, как ты производишь оплату, зависит цена заказа.
Для нас важно предоставить тебе качественную экипировку и снаряжение соблюдая при этом законы нашей страны. Боец, помни, мы помогаем фондам, нуждающимся людям, подразделениям в зоне СВО. Отчеты об этом опубликованы как на сайте. На эту деятельность уходит значительная часть выручки. Делая покупки в нашем магазине, ты помогаешь людям и фронту. Уверен, что это найдет отзыв в твоем сердце.
У нашей команды есть набор ценностей: честность, справедливость, сопереживание, взаимопомощь, мужество, патриотичность. Уверены, ты их разделяешь, и мы легко найдем общий язык. Ну а если что-то пойдет не так, не руби с плеча, объясни, где мы ошиблись и поверь, мы разберемся и исправим. Наш девиз "In hostem omnia licita" - по отношению к врагу дозволено все. Возьми этот девиз, он поможет тебе принять правильное решение в трудной ситуации, с честью выполнить боевую задачу и вернуться домой живым и здоровым!
Josephgrouh – 03/08/2024
A year on from Qatar 2022, what’s the legacy of a World Cup like no other?
The 2022 World Cup final will go down as one of the most exciting, dramatic and memorable matches in the history of the game.
It was the scene of Lionel Messi’s greatest moment on a soccer pitch, in which he cemented his legacy as the best player of his generation after finally guiding Argentina to World Cup glory.
It was, for many, the perfect, fairytale ending to a tournament which thrilled well over a billion fans around the world. So good, perhaps, that many forgot it bookended the most controversial World Cup in history.
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Rewind to the start of the tournament and the talk was all about matters off the field: from workers’ rights to the treatment of the LGBTQ+ community.
Just hours before the opening match, FIFA President Gianni Infantino launched into a near hour-long tirade to hundreds of journalists at a press conference in Doha, where he accused Western critics of hypocrisy and racism.
“Reform and change takes time. It took hundreds of years in our countries in Europe. It takes time everywhere, the only way to get results is by engaging <>] not by shouting,” said Infantino.
At one point, the FIFA president challenged the room of journalists, stressing FIFA will protect the legacy for migrant workers that it set out with the Qatar authorities.
“I’ll be back, we’ll be here to check, don’t worry, because you will be gone,” he said.
So, a year on from the World Cup final, what is the legacy of the 2022 World Cup?
DavidSaish – 03/08/2024
Complaints have flooded social media since the video’s release, with residents saying it fails to show the modern side of their country. Many claim the footage was edited to seemingly appear old-fashioned, with a faded sepia tone, and that the camera focuses on shabby architecture.
don’t misunderstand.”
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Others have complained about the video’s airport scenes, during which one of the characters loses his luggage and seeks help from a local ground staff member called “Happy.”
“When I watched it, I was thinking, this was Thailand 50 years ago. This looked like Thailand 70 years ago. There were no segments showing the modernity of my home,” David William, an American content creator based in Thailand, said in Thai in a TikTok video that has been viewed over 11 million times.
In an interview with CNN, he said he’s never seen “a cab that looked that bad before” in his nearly 10 years in the country, adding Thailand’s main gateway, Suvarnabhumi Airport is just as modern as New York’s John F. Kennedy International Airport.
“Thailand is a modern, safe and beautiful country,” he said. “I just hope
Echoing his view, Facebook user Nipawan Labbunruang said the video makes Thailand look “terrible.”
“What is this clip trying to present?” she wrote in a post that received 1,900 likes.
Jesusrat – 03/08/2024
Complaints have flooded social media since the video’s release, with residents saying it fails to show the modern side of their country. Many claim the footage was edited to seemingly appear old-fashioned, with a faded sepia tone, and that the camera focuses on shabby architecture.
don’t misunderstand.”
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Others have complained about the video’s airport scenes, during which one of the characters loses his luggage and seeks help from a local ground staff member called “Happy.”
“When I watched it, I was thinking, this was Thailand 50 years ago. This looked like Thailand 70 years ago. There were no segments showing the modernity of my home,” David William, an American content creator based in Thailand, said in Thai in a TikTok video that has been viewed over 11 million times.
In an interview with CNN, he said he’s never seen “a cab that looked that bad before” in his nearly 10 years in the country, adding Thailand’s main gateway, Suvarnabhumi Airport is just as modern as New York’s John F. Kennedy International Airport.
“Thailand is a modern, safe and beautiful country,” he said. “I just hope
Echoing his view, Facebook user Nipawan Labbunruang said the video makes Thailand look “terrible.”
“What is this clip trying to present?” she wrote in a post that received 1,900 likes.
Mariotot – 02/08/2024
Звон Колокольцева. Питерская полицейская мафия виляет Министерством внутренних дел
Что с судом Гермес
Поздравляем вас, гражданин министр, соврамши!
Выступая прошлой осенью в Совете Федерации, министр внутренних дел Владимир Колокольцев рассказывал, о так называемом уголовном деле «Лайф-из-Гуд» – «Гермес» – «Бест Вей», обещал миллиарды рублей ущерба и десятки тысяч потерпевших. Пресс-служба МВД под руководством его боевой подруги Ирины Волк заявила о том, что вскрыта деятельность крупнейшей в истории России финансовой пирамиды.
Однако в уголовном деле, расследованном или, вернее сказать, изготовленном ГСУ питерского главка МВД, которое в феврале начал рассматривать Приморский районный суд Санкт-Петербурга, 282 млн рублей ущерба и 221 лицо, признанное следствием потерпевшим: никаких миллиардов и десятков тысяч потерпевших.
Министр и его Волк публично солгали – на основе информации, переданной замначальника ГСУ руководителем следственной группы полковником юстиции А.Н. Винокуровым, фактически даже руководившей СГ его заместительницей майором, а затем подполковником юстиции Е.А. Сапетовой по материалам, состряпанным опером УЭБиПК питерского главка МВД майором полиции А.Ю. Машевским, при попустительстве (или соучастии?) начальника ГСУ Негрозова и замначальника Следственного департамента федерального министерства Вохмянина. Полковник и подполковник с примерно пятого-шестого уровня иерархии МВД виляет генералом полиции Российской Федерации, постоянным членом Совета безопасности России – это позор для государства.
Так называемые потерпевшие и реально пострадавшие
Большинство «потерпевших» на суде заявляют суммы около 1–2 млн рублей, при этом в ходе судебного следствия выясняется, что они, как правило, получали немалый доход, причем, они еще и налоговые/валютные преступники, так как этот доход не декларировали. Среди «потерпевших» есть граждане, заявляющие смехотворные суммы в 50–70 тыс., то есть количество потерпевших специально накручивалось следствием. И даже с этим накручиванием удалось набрать так мало – учитывая, что у «Гермеса», по данным самого же следствия, более 200 тыс. клиентов в России, а в кооперативе «Бест Вей» – около 20 тыс. пайщиков.
То есть большинство и клиентов «Гермеса», и пайщиков кооператива не считают себя потерпевшими от деятельности этих организаций.
Судя по тысячам обращений во все инстанции, нескольким волнам митингов, прокатившихся по России, они считают себя потерпевшими от деятельности органов внутренних дел.
Ведь именно завербованный питерским УЭБиПК сисадмин российской платежной системы «Гермеса» Набойченко заблокирован и разгромил в феврале 2022 года эту платежную систему, повесив на сайте дисклеймер: «Обращайтесь в правоохранительные органы», что на месяцы прекратило вывод средств. Именно действия правоохранительных органов в отношении компании до и после затруднили вывод средств. Дело в том, что для вывода средств многими использовался механизм p2p, позволяющий не платить комиссию, то есть для вывода средств нужно, чтобы кто-то вносил средства (что, понятно, резко сократилось из-за уголовного дела) и происходил обмен. Однако этот способ не единственный, вывод средств так или иначе осуществляется.
Тысячи пайщиков кооператива тем более не считают себя потерпевшими от его деятельности – потому что именно правоохранительные органы воспрепятствовали приобретению недвижимости с помощью кооператива, а она из-за более чем двухлетнего ареста его счетов, на которых около 4 млрд рублей, не может быть приобретена по прежней цене.
Именно правоохранительные органы прямо запрещают выплаты пайщикам кооператива, решившим забрать свой пай, – даже по исполнительным листам судов. И клиентам «Гермеса», и пайщикам кооператива правоохранительными органами нанесен колоссальный ущерб – и материальный, и моральный, который они намерены взыскать с государства.
«Следователи»-преступники должны сидеть в тюрьме
Весьма скромный результат следствия МВД был достигнут откровенно преступным путем.
Потребительский кооператив Бест Вей
1. Некоторые из преступлений следствия были фактически признаны судами. 1 декабря прошлого года Приморский районный суд города Санкт-Петербурга признал незаконным, нарушающим УПК фактический отказ кооперативу в ознакомлении с материалами уголовного дела.При рассмотрении дела в суде выяснилось, что следственная группа ГСУ питерского главка МВД, формально руководимая замначальника ГСУ полковником юстиции А.Н. Винокуровым, а фактически – подполковником юстиции Е.А. Сапетовой, подделала документы. Автор подделки – Сапетова – еще в феврале была уволена из ГСУ «по собственному желанию».
Уличенная адвокатами кооператива в нарушении УПК, следственная группа составила письмо об удовлетворении ходатайства задним числом и попыталась представить дело так, что кооператив не получил письмо по своей вине. Ложь была выявлена в том числе и с помощью системы электронного документооборота питерского главка МВД.
2. Подделка документов была вынужденным преступлением для сокрытия более серьезного: незаконного содержания под стражей. Следственная группа грубо нарушила права гражданских истцов и ответчиков, потому что без этого нарушения она не успела за 30 суток до истечения предельного срока содержания четверых обвиняемых под стражей начать ознакомление обвиняемых с материалами дела –а это было единственное основание продления им срока содержания под стражей свыше предельного.
Следственная группа из-за спешки даже толком не смогла завершить следственные действия, незаконно вела параллельное расследование по «резервному» делу, но позднее, отбросив стыд, из-за отсутствия материала для составления «нужного» обвинительного заключения, незаконно продолжила расследование «основного» дела, в том числе проводила следственные действия, которые, согласно УПК, невозможны после начала ознакомления обвиняемых с материалами дела. Все эти ухищрения были необходимы для того, чтобы ни в коем случае не выпускать обвиняемых и продолжать держать их в заложниках.
3. Де-факто происходит уголовное наказание неосужденных людей – четверо подсудимых уже второй год сидят в тюрьме. При этом наказываются явно ни в чем неповинные люди – технические сотрудники «Лайф-из-Гуд»: даже если предположить, что действительно работала пирамида – что опровергается показаниями свидетелей самого обвинения, которые сообщают суду, что компания «Гермес» хорошо работала, они были довольны получаемым доходом, и проблемы начались после того, как российская платежная система компании была обрушена завербованным полицией петербургским сисадмином компании Набойченко. Все подсудимые – технические сотрудники компании «Лайф-из-Гуд» и ни к каким управленческим решениям отношения никогда не имели. Их взяли в заложники для того, чтобы они дали показания на руководство компании.
4. Еще одно преступление – заведомо подложное постановление руководителя следственной группы А.Н. Винокурова о привлечении кооператива «Бест Вей» в качестве гражданского ответчика на 16 млрд рублей, тогда как сумма ущерба в уголовном деле –282 млн, и в деле нет ни одного искового заявления – даже на 100 рублей.
5. Следствие стимулировало двух особенно активных так называемых потерпевших написать заявления о моральном ущербе на миллиард (!) рублей каждое – исключительно для ложного обоснования ареста активов кооператива, но понятно, что это ничтожные документы, так как моральный ущерб во всех случаях, не связанных с причинением смерти, присуждается российскими судами в размере не более десятков тысяч рублей.
6. Ни один из «потерпевших» не доказал обоснованность своих претензий в гражданском суде. При этом арестованы активы кооператива почти на 4 млрд рублей и активы частных лиц на такую же сумму. Это не что иное, как попытка захвата активов при участии органов внутренних дел некой заинтересованной группой клиентов «Гермеса» – необязательно из числа «потерпевших», то есть коррупционное преступление, которое упорно игнорирует ГУСБ МВД.
Механизм для такого захвата есть – это передача средств под управление Федерального общественно-государственного фонда по защите прав вкладчиков и акционеров. Понятно, почему не ограничиваются активами подсудимых и обвиняемых: этого недостаточно для удовлетворения аппетитов тех, кто стоит за заказным уголовным делом. И понятно, почему одно юридическое лицо – кооператив «Бест Вей» – незаконно пытаются привлечь к ответственности за другое – компанию «Гермес»: активы «Гермеса» – за рубежом.
7. Следствие, а теперь и прокуратура совершают еще одно преступление: незаконно удерживает средства пайщиков кооператива, отказываясь их вернуть, то есть совершают хищение.
JeffreySpona – 02/08/2024
Кооператив для военных
Как пайщики — участники СВО относятся к событиям вокруг «Бест Вей»
Пайщики кооператива Бест Вей
Потребительский кооператив «Бест Вей» оказался затронут уголовным делом, касающимся в основном иностранной инвесткомпании «Гермес», которое сейчас рассматривается Приморским районным судом Санкт-Петербурга. Более двух лет более 3,5 млрд рублей на счетах кооператива почти непрерывно арестованы по ходатайству сначала ГСУ ГУ МВД по Санкт-Петербургу, а затем Прокуратуры Санкт-Петербурга: пайщики не имеют возможности ни приобрести недвижимость, ни вернуть средства.
По данным совета потребительского кооператива «Бест Вей», в числе его пайщиков, страдающих от блокировки средств, тысячи военнослужащих, в том числе сотни участников СВО, часть из которых успела приобрести квартиру, часть собирает или собрала первоначальный взнос, а часть — планировала вступить в кооператив. «СП» пообщалась с некоторыми из них и их родственниками, чтобы узнать отношение к «Бест Вей» и событиям вокруг кооператива.
«К кооперативу отношение очень хорошее»
Александр Голдман на СВО с мая 2022 года как доброволец, три ранения. Пришел на СВО рядовым, сейчас — начальник штаба батальона. Был пайщиком кооператива, сейчас пайщик — его мама.
«С помощью кооператива в 2019 году приобретена двухкомнатная квартира во Владивостоке, в которой проживает мама, — рассказывает он. — Расплачиваемся за нее, в ближайшие месяцы намерены погасить задолженность перед кооперативом и оформить квартиру в собственность. К кооперативу отношение очень хорошее, полностью его поддерживаю — он дает возможность без больших переплат приобрести недвижимость. К действиям в отношении кооператива отношусь отрицательно, так как „Бест Вей“ — единственная возможность приобрести жилье в рассрочку».
«Происходящее вокруг кооператива вызывает шок»
Гвардии рядовой Глушков Иван Васильевич — пайщик кооператива из Челябинской области. Танкист, мобилизованный, проходил службу в 15-й отдельной гвардейской мотострелковой Александрийской бригаде 2-й гвардейской общевойсковой армии ЦВО. Погиб 11 октября 2023 года.
Рассказывает его вдова Татьяна Неручева:
«Мы внесли первоначальный паевый взнос и во второй половине 2021 года встали в очередь на приобретение квартиры в Челябинске, когда начались события вокруг кооператива — была заблокирована его возможность приобретать недвижимость и заблокированы его счета. Наша очередь должна была подойти примерно через год. Мы заявили для приобретения небольшую квартиру, но планировали при покупке увеличить ее стоимость до 3 млн и купить двухкомнатную квартиру — с увеличением первоначального паевого взноса: уставом кооператива это позволяется, а затем переехать из Коркино в Челябинск. Сейчас 3 млн хватит только на небольшую квартиру-студию метров 25, то есть мы понесли материальный ущерб из-за блокирования деятельности кооператива, так как лишены были возможности приобрести квартиру, на которую собрали первоначальный паевый взнос. Работа кооператива заблокирована, счета арестованы уже более двух лет. В наследование пая я только вступаю, так как муж очень долго считался пропавшим без вести — долго шла экспертиза, и свидетельство о смерти мы получили только 18 июня этого года».
Татьяна — юрист: «Как у юриста у меня происходящее вокруг кооператива вызывает шок, и любой непредвзятый юрист вам скажет то же самое». «Кооператив, — подчеркивает она, — абсолютно прозрачен, он полностью соответствует законодательству о кооперации — что и подтверждалось многократно государственными органами и судами. Если бы мы с мужем не были уверены, что все прозрачно и законно, мы бы не вкладывали в него деньги. Мы не подавали заявление о выходе из кооператива. Я, несмотря ни на что, жду счастливого завершения рукотворного кризиса вокруг кооператива. Для меня это еще и память о муже — он продал долю в квартире, которая ему принадлежала, чтобы вложиться в кооператив. Кроме того, мне хочется понять — до какого маразма может дойти ситуация у нас в государстве в плане незаконных действий в отношении организации, которая по тем или иным причинам не понравилась каким-то чиновникам?».
«Рассчитываю, что ситуация закончится благополучно»
Сергей Логинов, рядовой, мобилизованный, представлен к награде «Честь и доблесть».
«Пять лет назад я стал пайщиком кооператива, участвовал в накопительной программе, планировал прибрести однокомнатную квартиру в Самарской области. Уже нужно было подбирать объект недвижимости и вставать в очередь на покупку, как работа кооператива была заблокирована по инициативе правоохранительных органов, и это продолжается уже более двух лет. По-прежнему надеюсь получить квартиру и рассчитываю, что ситуация закончится благополучно. Поддерживаю кооператив».
«В кооперативе минимум переплат — несопоставимо с ипотекой»
Егор Ивков, офицер флота, дирижер военного оркестра, пайщик кооператива с 2019 года.
«Я нахожусь в накопительной программе — планировал покупку квартиры в Санкт-Петербурге. До постановки в очередь на покупку дело не дошло, но сумма внесена серьезная — и на два года все зависло. Есть друзья-военнослужащие, которые также являются пайщиками и тоже накапливали деньги на первоначальный паевый взнос — они, как и я, не могут ни продолжать накапливать, ни получить деньги обратно, потому что счета арестованы. Отношение наше к ситуации, создавшейся вокруг кооператива, крайне негативное».
«Кооператив поддерживаю, — говорит пайщик. — Моя сестра живет в квартире, приобретенной с помощью „Бест Вей“ — у нее многодетная семья, сейчас кооперативная квартира переходит в ее собственность. Минимум переплат — несопоставимо с ипотекой. Надеюсь, что ситуация с арестом счетов разрешится в ближайшее время».
WilliamImite – 02/08/2024
Why a rare image of one of Malaysia’s last tigers is giving conservationists hope
MEGA onion
Emmanuel Rondeau has photographed tigers across Asia for the past decade, from the remotest recesses of Siberia to the pristine valleys of Bhutan. But when he set out to photograph the tigers in the ancient rainforests of Malaysia, he had his doubts.
“We were really not sure that this was going to work,” says the French wildlife photographer. That’s because the country has just 150 tigers left, hidden across tens of thousands of square kilometers of dense rainforest.
MEGA даркнет
“Tiger numbers in Malaysia have been going down, down, down, at an alarming rate,” says Rondeau. In the 1950s, Malaysia had around 3,000 tigers, but a combination of habitat loss, a decline in prey, and poaching decimated the population. By 2010, there were just 500 left, according to WWF, and the number has continued to fall.
The Malayan tiger is a subspecies native to Peninsular Malaysia, and it’s the smallest of the tiger subspecies in Southeast Asia.
“We are in this moment where, if things suddenly go bad, in five years the Malayan tiger could be a figure of the past, and it goes into the history books,” Rondeau adds.
Determined not to let that happen, Rondeau joined forces with WWF-Malaysia last year to profile the elusive big cat and put a face to the nation’s conservation work.
It took 12 weeks of preparations, eight cameras, 300 pounds of equipment, five months of patient photography and countless miles trekked through the 117,500-hectare Royal Belum State Park… but finally, in November, Rondeau got the shot that he hopes can inspire the next generation of conservationists.
“This image is the last image of the Malayan tiger — or it’s the first image of the return of the Malayan tiger,” he says.
Jamesunero – 30/07/2024
Heat is testing the limits of human survivability. Here’s how it kills
kraken tor
Philip Kreycik should have survived his run.
In the summer of 2021, the 37-year-old ultra-marathon runner used an app to plot a roughly 8-mile loop through Pleasanton Ridge Regional Park in California, a huge stretch of parkland threaded with trails.
On the morning of July 10, as temperatures crept into the 90s, Kreycik set off from his car, leaving his phone and water locked inside. He started at a lightning pace — eating up the first 5 miles, each one in less than six minutes.
Кракен даркнет
Then things started to go wrong. GPS data from his smartwatch showed he slowed dramatically. He veered off the trail. His steps became erratic. By this time, the temperature was above 100 degrees Fahrenheit.
When Kreycik failed to show up for a family lunch, his wife contacted the police.
It took more than three weeks to find his body. An autopsy showed no sign of traumatic injuries. Police confirmed Kreycik likely experienced a medical emergency related to the heat.
The tragedy is sadly far from unique; extreme heat is turning ordinary activities deadly.
People have died taking a stroll in the midday sun, on a family hike in a national park, at an outdoor Taylor Swift concert, and even sweltering in their homes without air conditioning. During this year’s Hajj pilgrimage in June, around 1,300 people perished as temperatures pushed above 120 degrees Fahrenheit in Mecca.
GeorgeDat – 30/07/2024
The latest on the Paris Olympics
kraken19 at
The Olympic tennis tournament is underway, but the red clay of Roland Garros is missing some of the sport’s biggest stars, including world no. 1 Jannik Sinner.
While some are sidelined by illnesses and injuries, others are abstaining as a result of the professional circuit’s brutal schedule this summer.
Between the French Open, Wimbledon and the US Open, summer is always a busy season for those chasing an elusive Grand Slam title. Though the rest of the sports world sees the Olympics as the ultimate competition, the Games’ anthem falls flat amidst the prestigious yearly summer tournaments in Paris, London and New York.
kraken marketplace
Ben Shelton, the rising 21-year-old US star ranked No. 14 in the world, said the Olympics fall at a tough time in the tournament schedule, as he will be coming off a stint in Europe and wants to prepare for the US Open.
“Having to go back to Europe to play on clay, a different surface – it kind of messes up a few lead-up tournaments to the US Open that I would play if I wasn’t playing the Olympics,” Shelton told reporters in the spring.
Albertdoort – 30/07/2024
The latest on the Paris Olympics
The Olympic tennis tournament is underway, but the red clay of Roland Garros is missing some of the sport’s biggest stars, including world no. 1 Jannik Sinner.
While some are sidelined by illnesses and injuries, others are abstaining as a result of the professional circuit’s brutal schedule this summer.
Between the French Open, Wimbledon and the US Open, summer is always a busy season for those chasing an elusive Grand Slam title. Though the rest of the sports world sees the Olympics as the ultimate competition, the Games’ anthem falls flat amidst the prestigious yearly summer tournaments in Paris, London and New York.
кракен ссылка
Ben Shelton, the rising 21-year-old US star ranked No. 14 in the world, said the Olympics fall at a tough time in the tournament schedule, as he will be coming off a stint in Europe and wants to prepare for the US Open.
“Having to go back to Europe to play on clay, a different surface – it kind of messes up a few lead-up tournaments to the US Open that I would play if I wasn’t playing the Olympics,” Shelton told reporters in the spring.
MichaelBlock – 30/07/2024
Roland Garros is loud ahead of epic clash between Rafael Nadal and Novak Djokovic. Here's how to watch.
kraken тор
The first match of the day is about to get going at Court Philippe-Chatrier here at Roland Garros and it is going to be an electric afternoon in the Paris sunshine.
Today’s first contest is a second-round encounter in the women’s tournament between France’s Diane Parry and Poland’s Iga Swiatek. While the home nation’s crowd will certainly be behind Parry, it’s the second clash on the schedule that has everyone’s mouths watering.
kraken at
Rafael Nadal, the ‘King of Clay’ and 14-time winner of the French Open held annually on this court, is the sentimental favorite. Nadal has endeared himself to the Paris faithful over the years with his dominance of the French Open and is attempting to make one final run for gold on what could potentially be one of his last runs on these famous clay courts as he alludes to a career which is slowly winding down.
Meanwhile, for Novak Djokovic — the winner of 24 grand slams, the most all-time in the men’s game — Nadal is a major obstacle to the one title he hasn’t won: an Olympic gold medal. The Serb has been open about his desire to win his first gold.
Nadal eked out a win in three sets on Sunday in his first-round match while Djokovic cruised on Saturday in his opening contest. The Spaniard has fought injuries for much of the last two years and his opponent will be favored — but there’s just something different about the Spaniard playing on Roland Garros’ clay.
Ronaldfothe – 30/07/2024
Roland Garros is loud ahead of epic clash between Rafael Nadal and Novak Djokovic. Here's how to watch.
kraken18 at
The first match of the day is about to get going at Court Philippe-Chatrier here at Roland Garros and it is going to be an electric afternoon in the Paris sunshine.
Today’s first contest is a second-round encounter in the women’s tournament between France’s Diane Parry and Poland’s Iga Swiatek. While the home nation’s crowd will certainly be behind Parry, it’s the second clash on the schedule that has everyone’s mouths watering.
kraken магазин
Rafael Nadal, the ‘King of Clay’ and 14-time winner of the French Open held annually on this court, is the sentimental favorite. Nadal has endeared himself to the Paris faithful over the years with his dominance of the French Open and is attempting to make one final run for gold on what could potentially be one of his last runs on these famous clay courts as he alludes to a career which is slowly winding down.
Meanwhile, for Novak Djokovic — the winner of 24 grand slams, the most all-time in the men’s game — Nadal is a major obstacle to the one title he hasn’t won: an Olympic gold medal. The Serb has been open about his desire to win his first gold.
Nadal eked out a win in three sets on Sunday in his first-round match while Djokovic cruised on Saturday in his opening contest. The Spaniard has fought injuries for much of the last two years and his opponent will be favored — but there’s just something different about the Spaniard playing on Roland Garros’ clay.
CarlosMig – 30/07/2024
The latest on the Paris Olympics
kraken зеркало
The Olympic tennis tournament is underway, but the red clay of Roland Garros is missing some of the sport’s biggest stars, including world no. 1 Jannik Sinner.
While some are sidelined by illnesses and injuries, others are abstaining as a result of the professional circuit’s brutal schedule this summer.
Between the French Open, Wimbledon and the US Open, summer is always a busy season for those chasing an elusive Grand Slam title. Though the rest of the sports world sees the Olympics as the ultimate competition, the Games’ anthem falls flat amidst the prestigious yearly summer tournaments in Paris, London and New York.
кракен ссылка
Ben Shelton, the rising 21-year-old US star ranked No. 14 in the world, said the Olympics fall at a tough time in the tournament schedule, as he will be coming off a stint in Europe and wants to prepare for the US Open.
“Having to go back to Europe to play on clay, a different surface – it kind of messes up a few lead-up tournaments to the US Open that I would play if I wasn’t playing the Olympics,” Shelton told reporters in the spring.
Louisinirm – 30/07/2024
The latest on the Paris Olympics
The Olympic tennis tournament is underway, but the red clay of Roland Garros is missing some of the sport’s biggest stars, including world no. 1 Jannik Sinner.
While some are sidelined by illnesses and injuries, others are abstaining as a result of the professional circuit’s brutal schedule this summer.
Between the French Open, Wimbledon and the US Open, summer is always a busy season for those chasing an elusive Grand Slam title. Though the rest of the sports world sees the Olympics as the ultimate competition, the Games’ anthem falls flat amidst the prestigious yearly summer tournaments in Paris, London and New York.
kraken at
Ben Shelton, the rising 21-year-old US star ranked No. 14 in the world, said the Olympics fall at a tough time in the tournament schedule, as he will be coming off a stint in Europe and wants to prepare for the US Open.
“Having to go back to Europe to play on clay, a different surface – it kind of messes up a few lead-up tournaments to the US Open that I would play if I wasn’t playing the Olympics,” Shelton told reporters in the spring.
Larryhow – 30/07/2024
Heat is testing the limits of human survivability. Here’s how it kills
kraken вход
Philip Kreycik should have survived his run.
In the summer of 2021, the 37-year-old ultra-marathon runner used an app to plot a roughly 8-mile loop through Pleasanton Ridge Regional Park in California, a huge stretch of parkland threaded with trails.
On the morning of July 10, as temperatures crept into the 90s, Kreycik set off from his car, leaving his phone and water locked inside. He started at a lightning pace — eating up the first 5 miles, each one in less than six minutes.
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Then things started to go wrong. GPS data from his smartwatch showed he slowed dramatically. He veered off the trail. His steps became erratic. By this time, the temperature was above 100 degrees Fahrenheit.
When Kreycik failed to show up for a family lunch, his wife contacted the police.
It took more than three weeks to find his body. An autopsy showed no sign of traumatic injuries. Police confirmed Kreycik likely experienced a medical emergency related to the heat.
The tragedy is sadly far from unique; extreme heat is turning ordinary activities deadly.
People have died taking a stroll in the midday sun, on a family hike in a national park, at an outdoor Taylor Swift concert, and even sweltering in their homes without air conditioning. During this year’s Hajj pilgrimage in June, around 1,300 people perished as temperatures pushed above 120 degrees Fahrenheit in Mecca.
Larryhow – 30/07/2024
Heat is testing the limits of human survivability. Here’s how it kills
kraken сайт
Philip Kreycik should have survived his run.
In the summer of 2021, the 37-year-old ultra-marathon runner used an app to plot a roughly 8-mile loop through Pleasanton Ridge Regional Park in California, a huge stretch of parkland threaded with trails.
On the morning of July 10, as temperatures crept into the 90s, Kreycik set off from his car, leaving his phone and water locked inside. He started at a lightning pace — eating up the first 5 miles, each one in less than six minutes.
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Then things started to go wrong. GPS data from his smartwatch showed he slowed dramatically. He veered off the trail. His steps became erratic. By this time, the temperature was above 100 degrees Fahrenheit.
When Kreycik failed to show up for a family lunch, his wife contacted the police.
It took more than three weeks to find his body. An autopsy showed no sign of traumatic injuries. Police confirmed Kreycik likely experienced a medical emergency related to the heat.
The tragedy is sadly far from unique; extreme heat is turning ordinary activities deadly.
People have died taking a stroll in the midday sun, on a family hike in a national park, at an outdoor Taylor Swift concert, and even sweltering in their homes without air conditioning. During this year’s Hajj pilgrimage in June, around 1,300 people perished as temperatures pushed above 120 degrees Fahrenheit in Mecca.
AnthonyMuh – 30/07/2024
The latest on the Paris Olympics
kraken market
The Olympic tennis tournament is underway, but the red clay of Roland Garros is missing some of the sport’s biggest stars, including world no. 1 Jannik Sinner.
While some are sidelined by illnesses and injuries, others are abstaining as a result of the professional circuit’s brutal schedule this summer.
Between the French Open, Wimbledon and the US Open, summer is always a busy season for those chasing an elusive Grand Slam title. Though the rest of the sports world sees the Olympics as the ultimate competition, the Games’ anthem falls flat amidst the prestigious yearly summer tournaments in Paris, London and New York.
kraken магазин
Ben Shelton, the rising 21-year-old US star ranked No. 14 in the world, said the Olympics fall at a tough time in the tournament schedule, as he will be coming off a stint in Europe and wants to prepare for the US Open.
“Having to go back to Europe to play on clay, a different surface – it kind of messes up a few lead-up tournaments to the US Open that I would play if I wasn’t playing the Olympics,” Shelton told reporters in the spring.
Robertwiz – 30/07/2024
The latest on the Paris Olympics
kraken вход
The Olympic tennis tournament is underway, but the red clay of Roland Garros is missing some of the sport’s biggest stars, including world no. 1 Jannik Sinner.
While some are sidelined by illnesses and injuries, others are abstaining as a result of the professional circuit’s brutal schedule this summer.
Between the French Open, Wimbledon and the US Open, summer is always a busy season for those chasing an elusive Grand Slam title. Though the rest of the sports world sees the Olympics as the ultimate competition, the Games’ anthem falls flat amidst the prestigious yearly summer tournaments in Paris, London and New York.
kraken ссылка
Ben Shelton, the rising 21-year-old US star ranked No. 14 in the world, said the Olympics fall at a tough time in the tournament schedule, as he will be coming off a stint in Europe and wants to prepare for the US Open.
“Having to go back to Europe to play on clay, a different surface – it kind of messes up a few lead-up tournaments to the US Open that I would play if I wasn’t playing the Olympics,” Shelton told reporters in the spring.
BruceRib – 30/07/2024
Roland Garros is loud ahead of epic clash between Rafael Nadal and Novak Djokovic. Here's how to watch.
kraken зайти
The first match of the day is about to get going at Court Philippe-Chatrier here at Roland Garros and it is going to be an electric afternoon in the Paris sunshine.
Today’s first contest is a second-round encounter in the women’s tournament between France’s Diane Parry and Poland’s Iga Swiatek. While the home nation’s crowd will certainly be behind Parry, it’s the second clash on the schedule that has everyone’s mouths watering.
Rafael Nadal, the ‘King of Clay’ and 14-time winner of the French Open held annually on this court, is the sentimental favorite. Nadal has endeared himself to the Paris faithful over the years with his dominance of the French Open and is attempting to make one final run for gold on what could potentially be one of his last runs on these famous clay courts as he alludes to a career which is slowly winding down.
Meanwhile, for Novak Djokovic — the winner of 24 grand slams, the most all-time in the men’s game — Nadal is a major obstacle to the one title he hasn’t won: an Olympic gold medal. The Serb has been open about his desire to win his first gold.
Nadal eked out a win in three sets on Sunday in his first-round match while Djokovic cruised on Saturday in his opening contest. The Spaniard has fought injuries for much of the last two years and his opponent will be favored — but there’s just something different about the Spaniard playing on Roland Garros’ clay.
Jameswah – 30/07/2024
The latest on the Paris Olympics
Кракен даркнет
The Olympic tennis tournament is underway, but the red clay of Roland Garros is missing some of the sport’s biggest stars, including world no. 1 Jannik Sinner.
While some are sidelined by illnesses and injuries, others are abstaining as a result of the professional circuit’s brutal schedule this summer.
Between the French Open, Wimbledon and the US Open, summer is always a busy season for those chasing an elusive Grand Slam title. Though the rest of the sports world sees the Olympics as the ultimate competition, the Games’ anthem falls flat amidst the prestigious yearly summer tournaments in Paris, London and New York.
kraken вход
Ben Shelton, the rising 21-year-old US star ranked No. 14 in the world, said the Olympics fall at a tough time in the tournament schedule, as he will be coming off a stint in Europe and wants to prepare for the US Open.
“Having to go back to Europe to play on clay, a different surface – it kind of messes up a few lead-up tournaments to the US Open that I would play if I wasn’t playing the Olympics,” Shelton told reporters in the spring.
RichardJap – 30/07/2024
Heat is testing the limits of human survivability. Here’s how it kills
kraken marketplace
Philip Kreycik should have survived his run.
In the summer of 2021, the 37-year-old ultra-marathon runner used an app to plot a roughly 8-mile loop through Pleasanton Ridge Regional Park in California, a huge stretch of parkland threaded with trails.
On the morning of July 10, as temperatures crept into the 90s, Kreycik set off from his car, leaving his phone and water locked inside. He started at a lightning pace — eating up the first 5 miles, each one in less than six minutes.
kraken market
Then things started to go wrong. GPS data from his smartwatch showed he slowed dramatically. He veered off the trail. His steps became erratic. By this time, the temperature was above 100 degrees Fahrenheit.
When Kreycik failed to show up for a family lunch, his wife contacted the police.
It took more than three weeks to find his body. An autopsy showed no sign of traumatic injuries. Police confirmed Kreycik likely experienced a medical emergency related to the heat.
The tragedy is sadly far from unique; extreme heat is turning ordinary activities deadly.
People have died taking a stroll in the midday sun, on a family hike in a national park, at an outdoor Taylor Swift concert, and even sweltering in their homes without air conditioning. During this year’s Hajj pilgrimage in June, around 1,300 people perished as temperatures pushed above 120 degrees Fahrenheit in Mecca.
Bernienub – 30/07/2024
Roland Garros is loud ahead of epic clash between Rafael Nadal and Novak Djokovic. Here's how to watch.
kraken даркнет
The first match of the day is about to get going at Court Philippe-Chatrier here at Roland Garros and it is going to be an electric afternoon in the Paris sunshine.
Today’s first contest is a second-round encounter in the women’s tournament between France’s Diane Parry and Poland’s Iga Swiatek. While the home nation’s crowd will certainly be behind Parry, it’s the second clash on the schedule that has everyone’s mouths watering.
kraken войти
Rafael Nadal, the ‘King of Clay’ and 14-time winner of the French Open held annually on this court, is the sentimental favorite. Nadal has endeared himself to the Paris faithful over the years with his dominance of the French Open and is attempting to make one final run for gold on what could potentially be one of his last runs on these famous clay courts as he alludes to a career which is slowly winding down.
Meanwhile, for Novak Djokovic — the winner of 24 grand slams, the most all-time in the men’s game — Nadal is a major obstacle to the one title he hasn’t won: an Olympic gold medal. The Serb has been open about his desire to win his first gold.
Nadal eked out a win in three sets on Sunday in his first-round match while Djokovic cruised on Saturday in his opening contest. The Spaniard has fought injuries for much of the last two years and his opponent will be favored — but there’s just something different about the Spaniard playing on Roland Garros’ clay.
Clydedoxia – 30/07/2024
The latest on the Paris Olympics
kraken тор
The Olympic tennis tournament is underway, but the red clay of Roland Garros is missing some of the sport’s biggest stars, including world no. 1 Jannik Sinner.
While some are sidelined by illnesses and injuries, others are abstaining as a result of the professional circuit’s brutal schedule this summer.
Between the French Open, Wimbledon and the US Open, summer is always a busy season for those chasing an elusive Grand Slam title. Though the rest of the sports world sees the Olympics as the ultimate competition, the Games’ anthem falls flat amidst the prestigious yearly summer tournaments in Paris, London and New York.
кракен ссылка
Ben Shelton, the rising 21-year-old US star ranked No. 14 in the world, said the Olympics fall at a tough time in the tournament schedule, as he will be coming off a stint in Europe and wants to prepare for the US Open.
“Having to go back to Europe to play on clay, a different surface – it kind of messes up a few lead-up tournaments to the US Open that I would play if I wasn’t playing the Olympics,” Shelton told reporters in the spring.
CurtisGok – 30/07/2024
Roland Garros is loud ahead of epic clash between Rafael Nadal and Novak Djokovic. Here's how to watch.
kraken darknet
The first match of the day is about to get going at Court Philippe-Chatrier here at Roland Garros and it is going to be an electric afternoon in the Paris sunshine.
Today’s first contest is a second-round encounter in the women’s tournament between France’s Diane Parry and Poland’s Iga Swiatek. While the home nation’s crowd will certainly be behind Parry, it’s the second clash on the schedule that has everyone’s mouths watering.
kraken18 at
Rafael Nadal, the ‘King of Clay’ and 14-time winner of the French Open held annually on this court, is the sentimental favorite. Nadal has endeared himself to the Paris faithful over the years with his dominance of the French Open and is attempting to make one final run for gold on what could potentially be one of his last runs on these famous clay courts as he alludes to a career which is slowly winding down.
Meanwhile, for Novak Djokovic — the winner of 24 grand slams, the most all-time in the men’s game — Nadal is a major obstacle to the one title he hasn’t won: an Olympic gold medal. The Serb has been open about his desire to win his first gold.
Nadal eked out a win in three sets on Sunday in his first-round match while Djokovic cruised on Saturday in his opening contest. The Spaniard has fought injuries for much of the last two years and his opponent will be favored — but there’s just something different about the Spaniard playing on Roland Garros’ clay.
Dennistog – 30/07/2024
Heat is testing the limits of human survivability. Here’s how it kills
kraken tor
Philip Kreycik should have survived his run.
In the summer of 2021, the 37-year-old ultra-marathon runner used an app to plot a roughly 8-mile loop through Pleasanton Ridge Regional Park in California, a huge stretch of parkland threaded with trails.
On the morning of July 10, as temperatures crept into the 90s, Kreycik set off from his car, leaving his phone and water locked inside. He started at a lightning pace — eating up the first 5 miles, each one in less than six minutes.
Then things started to go wrong. GPS data from his smartwatch showed he slowed dramatically. He veered off the trail. His steps became erratic. By this time, the temperature was above 100 degrees Fahrenheit.
When Kreycik failed to show up for a family lunch, his wife contacted the police.
It took more than three weeks to find his body. An autopsy showed no sign of traumatic injuries. Police confirmed Kreycik likely experienced a medical emergency related to the heat.
The tragedy is sadly far from unique; extreme heat is turning ordinary activities deadly.
People have died taking a stroll in the midday sun, on a family hike in a national park, at an outdoor Taylor Swift concert, and even sweltering in their homes without air conditioning. During this year’s Hajj pilgrimage in June, around 1,300 people perished as temperatures pushed above 120 degrees Fahrenheit in Mecca.
SolomonTug – 30/07/2024
The latest on the Paris Olympics
кракен ссылка
The Olympic tennis tournament is underway, but the red clay of Roland Garros is missing some of the sport’s biggest stars, including world no. 1 Jannik Sinner.
While some are sidelined by illnesses and injuries, others are abstaining as a result of the professional circuit’s brutal schedule this summer.
Between the French Open, Wimbledon and the US Open, summer is always a busy season for those chasing an elusive Grand Slam title. Though the rest of the sports world sees the Olympics as the ultimate competition, the Games’ anthem falls flat amidst the prestigious yearly summer tournaments in Paris, London and New York.
kraken магазин
Ben Shelton, the rising 21-year-old US star ranked No. 14 in the world, said the Olympics fall at a tough time in the tournament schedule, as he will be coming off a stint in Europe and wants to prepare for the US Open.
“Having to go back to Europe to play on clay, a different surface – it kind of messes up a few lead-up tournaments to the US Open that I would play if I wasn’t playing the Olympics,” Shelton told reporters in the spring.
CharlesThubs – 30/07/2024
The latest on the Paris Olympics
kraken19 at
The Olympic tennis tournament is underway, but the red clay of Roland Garros is missing some of the sport’s biggest stars, including world no. 1 Jannik Sinner.
While some are sidelined by illnesses and injuries, others are abstaining as a result of the professional circuit’s brutal schedule this summer.
Between the French Open, Wimbledon and the US Open, summer is always a busy season for those chasing an elusive Grand Slam title. Though the rest of the sports world sees the Olympics as the ultimate competition, the Games’ anthem falls flat amidst the prestigious yearly summer tournaments in Paris, London and New York.
kraken вход
Ben Shelton, the rising 21-year-old US star ranked No. 14 in the world, said the Olympics fall at a tough time in the tournament schedule, as he will be coming off a stint in Europe and wants to prepare for the US Open.
“Having to go back to Europe to play on clay, a different surface – it kind of messes up a few lead-up tournaments to the US Open that I would play if I wasn’t playing the Olympics,” Shelton told reporters in the spring.
Robertmumma – 29/07/2024
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Brianmibia – 28/07/2024
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AlfredBob – 28/07/2024
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Robertmumma – 28/07/2024
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Robertmumma – 28/07/2024
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Robertmumma – 28/07/2024
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Robertmumma – 28/07/2024
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Robertmumma – 28/07/2024
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JosephHab – 17/07/2024
Военный адвокат Запорожье. Бесплатная консультация
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— это опытный специалист имеющий высшее юридическое образование, сдавший квалификационный государственный экзамен на право осуществления адвокатской деятельностью и специализирующийся в основном на военных делах
Вся правовая помощь военного адвоката осуществляется в индивидуальном порядке, грамотно, четко и в соответствии с действующими нормативно-правовыми актами.
Мы как военные юристы действуем не против органов Украины или министерства обороны, мы действуем во благо Украины — наших защитников и граждан Украины, которые попали в тяжелую жизненную ситуацию связанную с незнанием военного и действующего законодательства.
Поскольку, проявив патриотизм и чувство гражданской ответственности – став на защиту суверенитета страны, граждане участвующие и помогавшие в обороне после, становятся никому не нужными, особенно если военнослужащий стал инвалидом, потерял часть тела или конечность, и не может самостоятельно защитить свои права. Именно в таких ситуациях мы как военные адвокаты приходим на помощь, и добиваемся в установленном законом порядке справедливости, необходимых выплат, установление статуса, оформление пенсий, льгот и т.п.
Тоже касается, и получение отсрочки от мобилизации, когда например, безосновательно призывают сына у которого отец инвалид 2 группы, или мать прикованная из-за тяжелой болезни к постели, и требующая постороннего ухода. Это же относится и к военнослужащим, рапорта которых не регистрируются в канцелярии воинской части и полностью игнорируются, под прикрытием суеты боевых действий..
Именно в таких ситуациях, мы приходим на помощь и с помощью ЗАКОННЫХ методов правовой защиты, используя свой опыт полученный при ведении аналогичных военных дел добиваемся справедливости.
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JamesItepe – 15/07/2024
Военный адвокат Запорожье. Бесплатная консультация
военный адвокат Харьков
— это опытный специалист имеющий высшее юридическое образование, сдавший квалификационный государственный экзамен на право осуществления адвокатской деятельностью и специализирующийся в основном на военных делах
Вся правовая помощь военного адвоката осуществляется в индивидуальном порядке, грамотно, четко и в соответствии с действующими нормативно-правовыми актами.
Мы как военные юристы действуем не против органов Украины или министерства обороны, мы действуем во благо Украины — наших защитников и граждан Украины, которые попали в тяжелую жизненную ситуацию связанную с незнанием военного и действующего законодательства.
Поскольку, проявив патриотизм и чувство гражданской ответственности – став на защиту суверенитета страны, граждане участвующие и помогавшие в обороне после, становятся никому не нужными, особенно если военнослужащий стал инвалидом, потерял часть тела или конечность, и не может самостоятельно защитить свои права. Именно в таких ситуациях мы как военные адвокаты приходим на помощь, и добиваемся в установленном законом порядке справедливости, необходимых выплат, установление статуса, оформление пенсий, льгот и т.п.
Тоже касается, и получение отсрочки от мобилизации, когда например, безосновательно призывают сына у которого отец инвалид 2 группы, или мать прикованная из-за тяжелой болезни к постели, и требующая постороннего ухода. Это же относится и к военнослужащим, рапорта которых не регистрируются в канцелярии воинской части и полностью игнорируются, под прикрытием суеты боевых действий..
Именно в таких ситуациях, мы приходим на помощь и с помощью ЗАКОННЫХ методов правовой защиты, используя свой опыт полученный при ведении аналогичных военных дел добиваемся справедливости.
Charleslek – 14/07/2024
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WilliamImite – 12/07/2024
Why a rare image of one of Malaysia’s last tigers is giving conservationists hope
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Emmanuel Rondeau has photographed tigers across Asia for the past decade, from the remotest recesses of Siberia to the pristine valleys of Bhutan. But when he set out to photograph the tigers in the ancient rainforests of Malaysia, he had his doubts.
“We were really not sure that this was going to work,” says the French wildlife photographer. That’s because the country has just 150 tigers left, hidden across tens of thousands of square kilometers of dense rainforest.
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“Tiger numbers in Malaysia have been going down, down, down, at an alarming rate,” says Rondeau. In the 1950s, Malaysia had around 3,000 tigers, but a combination of habitat loss, a decline in prey, and poaching decimated the population. By 2010, there were just 500 left, according to WWF, and the number has continued to fall.
The Malayan tiger is a subspecies native to Peninsular Malaysia, and it’s the smallest of the tiger subspecies in Southeast Asia.
“We are in this moment where, if things suddenly go bad, in five years the Malayan tiger could be a figure of the past, and it goes into the history books,” Rondeau adds.
Determined not to let that happen, Rondeau joined forces with WWF-Malaysia last year to profile the elusive big cat and put a face to the nation’s conservation work.
It took 12 weeks of preparations, eight cameras, 300 pounds of equipment, five months of patient photography and countless miles trekked through the 117,500-hectare Royal Belum State Park… but finally, in November, Rondeau got the shot that he hopes can inspire the next generation of conservationists.
“This image is the last image of the Malayan tiger — or it’s the first image of the return of the Malayan tiger,” he says.
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Brandonbog – 10/07/2024
Звон Колокольцева
Поздравляем вас, гражданин министр, соврамши!
Выступая прошлой осенью в Совете Федерации, министр внутренних дел Владимир Колокольцев рассказывал, о так называемом уголовном деле «Лайф-из-Гуд» – «Гермес» – «Бест Вей», обещал миллиарды рублей ущерба и десятки тысяч потерпевших. Пресс-служба МВД под руководством его боевой подруги Ирины Волк заявила о том, что вскрыта деятельность крупнейшей в истории России финансовой пирамиды.
Однако в уголовном деле, расследованном или, вернее сказать, изготовленном ГСУ питерского главка МВД, которое в феврале начал рассматривать Приморский районный суд Санкт-Петербурга, 282 млн рублей ущерба и 221 лицо, признанное следствием потерпевшим: никаких миллиардов и десятков тысяч потерпевших.
Министр и его Волк публично солгали – на основе информации, переданной замначальника ГСУ руководителем следственной группы полковником юстиции А.Н. Винокуровым, фактически даже руководившей СГ его заместительницей майором, а затем подполковником юстиции Е.А. Сапетовой по материалам, состряпанным опером УЭБиПК питерского главка МВД майором полиции А.Ю. Машевским, при попустительстве (или соучастии?) начальника ГСУ Негрозова и замначальника Следственного департамента федерального министерства Вохмянина. Полковник и подполковник с примерно пятого-шестого уровня иерархии МВД виляет генералом полиции Российской Федерации, постоянным членом Совета безопасности России – это позор для государства.
Так называемые потерпевшие и реально пострадавшие
Большинство «потерпевших» на суде заявляют суммы около 1–2 млн рублей, при этом в ходе судебного следствия выясняется, что они, как правило, получали немалый доход, причем, они еще и налоговые/валютные преступники, так как этот доход не декларировали. Среди «потерпевших» есть граждане, заявляющие смехотворные суммы в 50–70 тыс., то есть количество потерпевших специально накручивалось следствием. И даже с этим накручиванием удалось набрать так мало – учитывая, что у «Гермеса», по данным самого же следствия, более 200 тыс. клиентов в России, а в кооперативе «Бест Вей» – около 20 тыс. пайщиков.
То есть большинство и клиентов «Гермеса», и пайщиков кооператива не считают себя потерпевшими от деятельности этих организаций.
Судя по тысячам обращений во все инстанции, нескольким волнам митингов, прокатившихся по России, они считают себя потерпевшими от деятельности органов внутренних дел.
Ведь именно завербованный питерским УЭБиПК сисадмин российской платежной системы «Гермеса» Набойченко заблокирован и разгромил в феврале 2022 года эту платежную систему, повесив на сайте дисклеймер: «Обращайтесь в правоохранительные органы», что на месяцы прекратило вывод средств. Именно действия правоохранительных органов в отношении компании до и после затруднили вывод средств. Дело в том, что для вывода средств многими использовался механизм p2p, позволяющий не платить комиссию, то есть для вывода средств нужно, чтобы кто-то вносил средства (что, понятно, резко сократилось из-за уголовного дела) и происходил обмен. Однако этот способ не единственный, вывод средств так или иначе осуществляется.
Тысячи пайщиков кооператива тем более не считают себя потерпевшими от его деятельности – потому что именно правоохранительные органы воспрепятствовали приобретению недвижимости с помощью кооператива, а она из-за более чем двухлетнего ареста его счетов, на которых около 4 млрд рублей, не может быть приобретена по прежней цене.
Именно правоохранительные органы прямо запрещают выплаты пайщикам кооператива, решившим забрать свой пай, – даже по исполнительным листам судов. И клиентам «Гермеса», и пайщикам кооператива правоохранительными органами нанесен колоссальный ущерб – и материальный, и моральный, который они намерены взыскать с государства.
«Следователи»-преступники должны сидеть в тюрьме
Весьма скромный результат следствия МВД был достигнут откровенно преступным путем.
1. Некоторые из преступлений следствия были фактически признаны судами. 1 декабря прошлого года Приморский районный суд города Санкт-Петербурга признал незаконным, нарушающим УПК фактический отказ кооперативу в ознакомлении с материалами уголовного дела.При рассмотрении дела в суде выяснилось, что следственная группа ГСУ питерского главка МВД, формально руководимая замначальника ГСУ полковником юстиции А.Н. Винокуровым, а фактически – подполковником юстиции Е.А. Сапетовой, подделала документы. Автор подделки – Сапетова – еще в феврале была уволена из ГСУ «по собственному желанию».
Уличенная адвокатами кооператива в нарушении УПК, следственная группа составила письмо об удовлетворении ходатайства задним числом и попыталась представить дело так, что кооператив не получил письмо по своей вине. Ложь была выявлена в том числе и с помощью системы электронного документооборота питерского главка МВД.
2. Подделка документов была вынужденным преступлением для сокрытия более серьезного: незаконного содержания под стражей. Следственная группа грубо нарушила права гражданских истцов и ответчиков, потому что без этого нарушения она не успела за 30 суток до истечения предельного срока содержания четверых обвиняемых под стражей начать ознакомление обвиняемых с материалами дела –а это было единственное основание продления им срока содержания под стражей свыше предельного.
Следственная группа из-за спешки даже толком не смогла завершить следственные действия, незаконно вела параллельное расследование по «резервному» делу, но позднее, отбросив стыд, из-за отсутствия материала для составления «нужного» обвинительного заключения, незаконно продолжила расследование «основного» дела, в том числе проводила следственные действия, которые, согласно УПК, невозможны после начала ознакомления обвиняемых с материалами дела. Все эти ухищрения были необходимы для того, чтобы ни в коем случае не выпускать обвиняемых и продолжать держать их в заложниках.
3. Де-факто происходит уголовное наказание неосужденных людей – четверо подсудимых уже второй год сидят в тюрьме. При этом наказываются явно ни в чем неповинные люди – технические сотрудники «Лайф-из-Гуд»: даже если предположить, что действительно работала пирамида – что опровергается показаниями свидетелей самого обвинения, которые сообщают суду, что компания «Гермес» хорошо работала, они были довольны получаемым доходом, и проблемы начались после того, как российская платежная система компании была обрушена завербованным полицией петербургским сисадмином компании Набойченко. Все подсудимые – технические сотрудники компании «Лайф-из-Гуд» и ни к каким управленческим решениям отношения никогда не имели. Их взяли в заложники для того, чтобы они дали показания на руководство компании.
4. Еще одно преступление – заведомо подложное постановление руководителя следственной группы А.Н. Винокурова о привлечении кооператива «Бест Вей» в качестве гражданского ответчика на 16 млрд рублей, тогда как сумма ущерба в уголовном деле –282 млн, и в деле нет ни одного искового заявления – даже на 100 рублей.
5. Следствие стимулировало двух особенно активных так называемых потерпевших написать заявления о моральном ущербе на миллиард (!) рублей каждое – исключительно для ложного обоснования ареста активов кооператива, но понятно, что это ничтожные документы, так как моральный ущерб во всех случаях, не связанных с причинением смерти, присуждается российскими судами в размере не более десятков тысяч рублей.
6. Ни один из «потерпевших» не доказал обоснованность своих претензий в гражданском суде. При этом арестованы активы кооператива почти на 4 млрд рублей и активы частных лиц на такую же сумму. Это не что иное, как попытка захвата активов при участии органов внутренних дел некой заинтересованной группой клиентов «Гермеса» – необязательно из числа «потерпевших», то есть коррупционное преступление, которое упорно игнорирует ГУСБ МВД.
Механизм для такого захвата есть – это передача средств под управление Федерального общественно-государственного фонда по защите прав вкладчиков и акционеров. Понятно, почему не ограничиваются активами подсудимых и обвиняемых: этого недостаточно для удовлетворения аппетитов тех, кто стоит за заказным уголовным делом. И понятно, почему одно юридическое лицо – кооператив «Бест Вей» – незаконно пытаются привлечь к ответственности за другое – компанию «Гермес»: активы «Гермеса» – за рубежом.
7. Следствие, а теперь и прокуратура совершают еще одно преступление: незаконно удерживает средства пайщиков кооператива, отказываясь их вернуть, то есть совершают хищение.
Министр, управляемый мафией
Итак, Колокольцев публично солгал Совету Федерации, выдумав пирамиду, выдумав многомиллиардный ущерб и десятки тысяч пострадавших, он – некомпетентный руководитель, абсолютно ведомый своей камарильей, стремящейся создавать громкие пиар-истории на пустом месте и с коррупционной выгодой для себя. Он вызвал социальный протест десятков тысяч пайщиков кооператива «Бест Вей» и клиентов компании «Гермес» и членов их семей – в большинстве своем представителей социально незащищенных слоев населения, на годы лишенных возможности пользоваться своими деньгами и приобрести недвижимость, на которую они собрали средства, – в том числе десятков участников СВО. Министр вредит в тылу тем, кто защищает страну на фронте.
Глава МВД находится под влиянием или даже контролем давно ставшей притчей во языцех питерской полицейской мафии. Ликвидация этой мафии, как и ликвидация преступной, коррупционной, вредящей социально-политической стабильности системы управления МВД, со стороны Колокольцева является важнейшей государственной задачей.
LouisTeany – 10/07/2024
Звон Колокольцева
Поздравляем вас, гражданин министр, соврамши!
Выступая прошлой осенью в Совете Федерации, министр внутренних дел Владимир Колокольцев рассказывал, о так называемом уголовном деле «Лайф-из-Гуд» – «Гермес» – «Бест Вей», обещал миллиарды рублей ущерба и десятки тысяч потерпевших. Пресс-служба МВД под руководством его боевой подруги Ирины Волк заявила о том, что вскрыта деятельность крупнейшей в истории России финансовой пирамиды.
Однако в уголовном деле, расследованном или, вернее сказать, изготовленном ГСУ питерского главка МВД, которое в феврале начал рассматривать Приморский районный суд Санкт-Петербурга, 282 млн рублей ущерба и 221 лицо, признанное следствием потерпевшим: никаких миллиардов и десятков тысяч потерпевших.
Министр и его Волк публично солгали – на основе информации, переданной замначальника ГСУ руководителем следственной группы полковником юстиции А.Н. Винокуровым, фактически даже руководившей СГ его заместительницей майором, а затем подполковником юстиции Е.А. Сапетовой по материалам, состряпанным опером УЭБиПК питерского главка МВД майором полиции А.Ю. Машевским, при попустительстве (или соучастии?) начальника ГСУ Негрозова и замначальника Следственного департамента федерального министерства Вохмянина. Полковник и подполковник с примерно пятого-шестого уровня иерархии МВД виляет генералом полиции Российской Федерации, постоянным членом Совета безопасности России – это позор для государства.
Так называемые потерпевшие и реально пострадавшие
Большинство «потерпевших» на суде заявляют суммы около 1–2 млн рублей, при этом в ходе судебного следствия выясняется, что они, как правило, получали немалый доход, причем, они еще и налоговые/валютные преступники, так как этот доход не декларировали. Среди «потерпевших» есть граждане, заявляющие смехотворные суммы в 50–70 тыс., то есть количество потерпевших специально накручивалось следствием. И даже с этим накручиванием удалось набрать так мало – учитывая, что у «Гермеса», по данным самого же следствия, более 200 тыс. клиентов в России, а в кооперативе «Бест Вей» – около 20 тыс. пайщиков.
То есть большинство и клиентов «Гермеса», и пайщиков кооператива не считают себя потерпевшими от деятельности этих организаций.
Судя по тысячам обращений во все инстанции, нескольким волнам митингов, прокатившихся по России, они считают себя потерпевшими от деятельности органов внутренних дел.
Ведь именно завербованный питерским УЭБиПК сисадмин российской платежной системы «Гермеса» Набойченко заблокирован и разгромил в феврале 2022 года эту платежную систему, повесив на сайте дисклеймер: «Обращайтесь в правоохранительные органы», что на месяцы прекратило вывод средств. Именно действия правоохранительных органов в отношении компании до и после затруднили вывод средств. Дело в том, что для вывода средств многими использовался механизм p2p, позволяющий не платить комиссию, то есть для вывода средств нужно, чтобы кто-то вносил средства (что, понятно, резко сократилось из-за уголовного дела) и происходил обмен. Однако этот способ не единственный, вывод средств так или иначе осуществляется.
Тысячи пайщиков кооператива тем более не считают себя потерпевшими от его деятельности – потому что именно правоохранительные органы воспрепятствовали приобретению недвижимости с помощью кооператива, а она из-за более чем двухлетнего ареста его счетов, на которых около 4 млрд рублей, не может быть приобретена по прежней цене.
Именно правоохранительные органы прямо запрещают выплаты пайщикам кооператива, решившим забрать свой пай, – даже по исполнительным листам судов. И клиентам «Гермеса», и пайщикам кооператива правоохранительными органами нанесен колоссальный ущерб – и материальный, и моральный, который они намерены взыскать с государства.
«Следователи»-преступники должны сидеть в тюрьме
Весьма скромный результат следствия МВД был достигнут откровенно преступным путем.
1. Некоторые из преступлений следствия были фактически признаны судами. 1 декабря прошлого года Приморский районный суд города Санкт-Петербурга признал незаконным, нарушающим УПК фактический отказ кооперативу в ознакомлении с материалами уголовного дела.При рассмотрении дела в суде выяснилось, что следственная группа ГСУ питерского главка МВД, формально руководимая замначальника ГСУ полковником юстиции А.Н. Винокуровым, а фактически – подполковником юстиции Е.А. Сапетовой, подделала документы. Автор подделки – Сапетова – еще в феврале была уволена из ГСУ «по собственному желанию».
Уличенная адвокатами кооператива в нарушении УПК, следственная группа составила письмо об удовлетворении ходатайства задним числом и попыталась представить дело так, что кооператив не получил письмо по своей вине. Ложь была выявлена в том числе и с помощью системы электронного документооборота питерского главка МВД.
2. Подделка документов была вынужденным преступлением для сокрытия более серьезного: незаконного содержания под стражей. Следственная группа грубо нарушила права гражданских истцов и ответчиков, потому что без этого нарушения она не успела за 30 суток до истечения предельного срока содержания четверых обвиняемых под стражей начать ознакомление обвиняемых с материалами дела –а это было единственное основание продления им срока содержания под стражей свыше предельного.
Следственная группа из-за спешки даже толком не смогла завершить следственные действия, незаконно вела параллельное расследование по «резервному» делу, но позднее, отбросив стыд, из-за отсутствия материала для составления «нужного» обвинительного заключения, незаконно продолжила расследование «основного» дела, в том числе проводила следственные действия, которые, согласно УПК, невозможны после начала ознакомления обвиняемых с материалами дела. Все эти ухищрения были необходимы для того, чтобы ни в коем случае не выпускать обвиняемых и продолжать держать их в заложниках.
3. Де-факто происходит уголовное наказание неосужденных людей – четверо подсудимых уже второй год сидят в тюрьме. При этом наказываются явно ни в чем неповинные люди – технические сотрудники «Лайф-из-Гуд»: даже если предположить, что действительно работала пирамида – что опровергается показаниями свидетелей самого обвинения, которые сообщают суду, что компания «Гермес» хорошо работала, они были довольны получаемым доходом, и проблемы начались после того, как российская платежная система компании была обрушена завербованным полицией петербургским сисадмином компании Набойченко. Все подсудимые – технические сотрудники компании «Лайф-из-Гуд» и ни к каким управленческим решениям отношения никогда не имели. Их взяли в заложники для того, чтобы они дали показания на руководство компании.
4. Еще одно преступление – заведомо подложное постановление руководителя следственной группы А.Н. Винокурова о привлечении кооператива «Бест Вей» в качестве гражданского ответчика на 16 млрд рублей, тогда как сумма ущерба в уголовном деле –282 млн, и в деле нет ни одного искового заявления – даже на 100 рублей.
5. Следствие стимулировало двух особенно активных так называемых потерпевших написать заявления о моральном ущербе на миллиард (!) рублей каждое – исключительно для ложного обоснования ареста активов кооператива, но понятно, что это ничтожные документы, так как моральный ущерб во всех случаях, не связанных с причинением смерти, присуждается российскими судами в размере не более десятков тысяч рублей.
6. Ни один из «потерпевших» не доказал обоснованность своих претензий в гражданском суде. При этом арестованы активы кооператива почти на 4 млрд рублей и активы частных лиц на такую же сумму. Это не что иное, как попытка захвата активов при участии органов внутренних дел некой заинтересованной группой клиентов «Гермеса» – необязательно из числа «потерпевших», то есть коррупционное преступление, которое упорно игнорирует ГУСБ МВД.
Механизм для такого захвата есть – это передача средств под управление Федерального общественно-государственного фонда по защите прав вкладчиков и акционеров. Понятно, почему не ограничиваются активами подсудимых и обвиняемых: этого недостаточно для удовлетворения аппетитов тех, кто стоит за заказным уголовным делом. И понятно, почему одно юридическое лицо – кооператив «Бест Вей» – незаконно пытаются привлечь к ответственности за другое – компанию «Гермес»: активы «Гермеса» – за рубежом.
7. Следствие, а теперь и прокуратура совершают еще одно преступление: незаконно удерживает средства пайщиков кооператива, отказываясь их вернуть, то есть совершают хищение.
Министр, управляемый мафией
Итак, Колокольцев публично солгал Совету Федерации, выдумав пирамиду, выдумав многомиллиардный ущерб и десятки тысяч пострадавших, он – некомпетентный руководитель, абсолютно ведомый своей камарильей, стремящейся создавать громкие пиар-истории на пустом месте и с коррупционной выгодой для себя. Он вызвал социальный протест десятков тысяч пайщиков кооператива «Бест Вей» и клиентов компании «Гермес» и членов их семей – в большинстве своем представителей социально незащищенных слоев населения, на годы лишенных возможности пользоваться своими деньгами и приобрести недвижимость, на которую они собрали средства, – в том числе десятков участников СВО. Министр вредит в тылу тем, кто защищает страну на фронте.
Глава МВД находится под влиянием или даже контролем давно ставшей притчей во языцех питерской полицейской мафии. Ликвидация этой мафии, как и ликвидация преступной, коррупционной, вредящей социально-политической стабильности системы управления МВД, со стороны Колокольцева является важнейшей государственной задачей.
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SteveBiand – 05/07/2024
В чёрный список пирамид и лохотронов 31 августа 2022 года внесены следующие организации, обладающие признаками финансовой пирамиды или признаками мошенничества.
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Etihad Rail (etihadrail-ae.com)
Club Unite To Live, Life Is Good, Unite To Live (uniteto.live). Новый домен пирамиды находящегося в розыске Романа Василенко.
TopBoom, «платформа хедж-фонда, специализирующегося на сделках с обратным исходом спортивного события» (topboom.vip, t.me/TopBoom001)
Change Team, мошенники указывают реквизиты чужого юрлица ООО «АТТИС ГРУПП» (ОРГН 1207700314128, ИНН 9702022065), телеграм-канал «Change Team: Главный Канал» (change-team.ru). Фальшивый обменник раньше назывался C Exchange.
Ещё лохотроны:
Scam! Чёрный список пирамид и лохотронов и отзывы
В чёрный список пирамид и лохотронов включены организации, имеющие признаки финансовой пирамиды по классификации Центрального банка; организации, обладающие признаками матричной пирамиды (массовый привод друзей, «столы»); сборы денег с пенсионеров и прочих незащищённых слоёв населения; хайпы; организации, имеющие негативные отзывы; структуры, оказывающие финансовые услуги без лицензии и прочие лохотроны за исключением псевдоброкеров, кооперативов (с ними тоже не рекомендуем связываться) и некоторых других категорий.
VincentKip – 05/07/2024
В чёрный список пирамид и лохотронов 31 августа 2022 года внесены следующие организации, обладающие признаками финансовой пирамиды или признаками мошенничества.
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Etihad Rail (etihadrail-ae.com)
Club Unite To Live, Life Is Good, Unite To Live (uniteto.live). Новый домен пирамиды находящегося в розыске Романа Василенко.
TopBoom, «платформа хедж-фонда, специализирующегося на сделках с обратным исходом спортивного события» (topboom.vip, t.me/TopBoom001)
Change Team, мошенники указывают реквизиты чужого юрлица ООО «АТТИС ГРУПП» (ОРГН 1207700314128, ИНН 9702022065), телеграм-канал «Change Team: Главный Канал» (change-team.ru). Фальшивый обменник раньше назывался C Exchange.
Ещё лохотроны:
Scam! Чёрный список пирамид и лохотронов и отзывы
В чёрный список пирамид и лохотронов включены организации, имеющие признаки финансовой пирамиды по классификации Центрального банка; организации, обладающие признаками матричной пирамиды (массовый привод друзей, «столы»); сборы денег с пенсионеров и прочих незащищённых слоёв населения; хайпы; организации, имеющие негативные отзывы; структуры, оказывающие финансовые услуги без лицензии и прочие лохотроны за исключением псевдоброкеров, кооперативов (с ними тоже не рекомендуем связываться) и некоторых других категорий.
TimothyGlony – 05/07/2024
https://gadalke.ru/ - Меня зовут Мария Степановна, я потомственная ясновидяшая, предсказательница и знаю, зачем вы здесь. Уверена, вы получите ответ и помощь на моем официальном сайте. Каждый день сотни людей со сложными жизненными проблемами пытаются отыскать ответ на вопрос где найти настоящую хорошую гадалку с отзывами, проверенную многими людьми. Гадалку, которая реально помогает. По-разному называют нас: ясновидящая, маг, экстресенс и даже ведьмой назовут несведущие. Я не обижаюсь. Ведь все одно это: Дар, данный Богом. Шарлатанов, выдающих себя за гадалок теперь много стало. Да и гадание не сложная наука, научиться можно при должном упорстве и труде. Сейчас кто на чем гадает, кто на таро, кто на кофейной гуще, на рунах или на воске. Гадают, да не помогают. Потому как не по крови дано, а через ум вошло. А знать, ни порчу снять, ни мужа вернуть не сумеют — а я помогу!
ZacharyNer – 05/07/2024
https://gadalika.ru/ -
Всем здравия, кто посетил мою страничку. Меня зовут Анна Тимофеева. И я хочу поделиться с вами своими способностями. Как и все потомственные целители, я унаследовала свой Дар по крови от пробабушки, известной в России целительницы. Ее звали Анной, в неё честь и я ношу это имя. Корни нашего рода уходят глубоко во времена, когда целительство было обычным явлением. Прабабушка была дочерью священника. С юности она…
CraigClerm – 05/07/2024
Звон Колокольцева
Бест Вей
Поздравляем вас, гражданин министр, соврамши!
Выступая прошлой осенью в Совете Федерации, министр внутренних дел Владимир Колокольцев рассказывал, о так называемом уголовном деле «Лайф-из-Гуд» – «Гермес» – «Бест Вей», обещал миллиарды рублей ущерба и десятки тысяч потерпевших. Пресс-служба МВД под руководством его боевой подруги Ирины Волк заявила о том, что вскрыта деятельность крупнейшей в истории России финансовой пирамиды.
Однако в уголовном деле, расследованном или, вернее сказать, изготовленном ГСУ питерского главка МВД, которое в феврале начал рассматривать Приморский районный суд Санкт-Петербурга, 282 млн рублей ущерба и 221 лицо, признанное следствием потерпевшим: никаких миллиардов и десятков тысяч потерпевших.
Министр и его Волк публично солгали – на основе информации, переданной замначальника ГСУ руководителем следственной группы полковником юстиции А.Н. Винокуровым, фактически даже руководившей СГ его заместительницей майором, а затем подполковником юстиции Е.А. Сапетовой по материалам, состряпанным опером УЭБиПК питерского главка МВД майором полиции А.Ю. Машевским, при попустительстве (или соучастии?) начальника ГСУ Негрозова и замначальника Следственного департамента федерального министерства Вохмянина. Полковник и подполковник с примерно пятого-шестого уровня иерархии МВД виляет генералом полиции Российской Федерации, постоянным членом Совета безопасности России – это позор для государства.
Так называемые потерпевшие и реально пострадавшие
Большинство «потерпевших» на суде заявляют суммы около 1–2 млн рублей, при этом в ходе судебного следствия выясняется, что они, как правило, получали немалый доход, причем, они еще и налоговые/валютные преступники, так как этот доход не декларировали. Среди «потерпевших» есть граждане, заявляющие смехотворные суммы в 50–70 тыс., то есть количество потерпевших специально накручивалось следствием. И даже с этим накручиванием удалось набрать так мало – учитывая, что у «Гермеса», по данным самого же следствия, более 200 тыс. клиентов в России, а в кооперативе «Бест Вей» – около 20 тыс. пайщиков.
То есть большинство и клиентов «Гермеса», и пайщиков кооператива не считают себя потерпевшими от деятельности этих организаций.
Судя по тысячам обращений во все инстанции, нескольким волнам митингов, прокатившихся по России, они считают себя потерпевшими от деятельности органов внутренних дел.
Ведь именно завербованный питерским УЭБиПК сисадмин российской платежной системы «Гермеса» Набойченко заблокирован и разгромил в феврале 2022 года эту платежную систему, повесив на сайте дисклеймер: «Обращайтесь в правоохранительные органы», что на месяцы прекратило вывод средств. Именно действия правоохранительных органов в отношении компании до и после затруднили вывод средств. Дело в том, что для вывода средств многими использовался механизм p2p, позволяющий не платить комиссию, то есть для вывода средств нужно, чтобы кто-то вносил средства (что, понятно, резко сократилось из-за уголовного дела) и происходил обмен. Однако этот способ не единственный, вывод средств так или иначе осуществляется.
Тысячи пайщиков кооператива тем более не считают себя потерпевшими от его деятельности – потому что именно правоохранительные органы воспрепятствовали приобретению недвижимости с помощью кооператива, а она из-за более чем двухлетнего ареста его счетов, на которых около 4 млрд рублей, не может быть приобретена по прежней цене.
Именно правоохранительные органы прямо запрещают выплаты пайщикам кооператива, решившим забрать свой пай, – даже по исполнительным листам судов. И клиентам «Гермеса», и пайщикам кооператива правоохранительными органами нанесен колоссальный ущерб – и материальный, и моральный, который они намерены взыскать с государства.
«Следователи»-преступники должны сидеть в тюрьме
Весьма скромный результат следствия МВД был достигнут откровенно преступным путем.
1. Некоторые из преступлений следствия были фактически признаны судами. 1 декабря прошлого года Приморский районный суд города Санкт-Петербурга признал незаконным, нарушающим УПК фактический отказ кооперативу в ознакомлении с материалами уголовного дела.При рассмотрении дела в суде выяснилось, что следственная группа ГСУ питерского главка МВД, формально руководимая замначальника ГСУ полковником юстиции А.Н. Винокуровым, а фактически – подполковником юстиции Е.А. Сапетовой, подделала документы. Автор подделки – Сапетова – еще в феврале была уволена из ГСУ «по собственному желанию».
Уличенная адвокатами кооператива в нарушении УПК, следственная группа составила письмо об удовлетворении ходатайства задним числом и попыталась представить дело так, что кооператив не получил письмо по своей вине. Ложь была выявлена в том числе и с помощью системы электронного документооборота питерского главка МВД.
2. Подделка документов была вынужденным преступлением для сокрытия более серьезного: незаконного содержания под стражей. Следственная группа грубо нарушила права гражданских истцов и ответчиков, потому что без этого нарушения она не успела за 30 суток до истечения предельного срока содержания четверых обвиняемых под стражей начать ознакомление обвиняемых с материалами дела –а это было единственное основание продления им срока содержания под стражей свыше предельного.
Следственная группа из-за спешки даже толком не смогла завершить следственные действия, незаконно вела параллельное расследование по «резервному» делу, но позднее, отбросив стыд, из-за отсутствия материала для составления «нужного» обвинительного заключения, незаконно продолжила расследование «основного» дела, в том числе проводила следственные действия, которые, согласно УПК, невозможны после начала ознакомления обвиняемых с материалами дела. Все эти ухищрения были необходимы для того, чтобы ни в коем случае не выпускать обвиняемых и продолжать держать их в заложниках.
3. Де-факто происходит уголовное наказание неосужденных людей – четверо подсудимых уже второй год сидят в тюрьме. При этом наказываются явно ни в чем неповинные люди – технические сотрудники «Лайф-из-Гуд»: даже если предположить, что действительно работала пирамида – что опровергается показаниями свидетелей самого обвинения, которые сообщают суду, что компания «Гермес» хорошо работала, они были довольны получаемым доходом, и проблемы начались после того, как российская платежная система компании была обрушена завербованным полицией петербургским сисадмином компании Набойченко. Все подсудимые – технические сотрудники компании «Лайф-из-Гуд» и ни к каким управленческим решениям отношения никогда не имели. Их взяли в заложники для того, чтобы они дали показания на руководство компании.
4. Еще одно преступление – заведомо подложное постановление руководителя следственной группы А.Н. Винокурова о привлечении кооператива «Бест Вей» в качестве гражданского ответчика на 16 млрд рублей, тогда как сумма ущерба в уголовном деле –282 млн, и в деле нет ни одного искового заявления – даже на 100 рублей.
5. Следствие стимулировало двух особенно активных так называемых потерпевших написать заявления о моральном ущербе на миллиард (!) рублей каждое – исключительно для ложного обоснования ареста активов кооператива, но понятно, что это ничтожные документы, так как моральный ущерб во всех случаях, не связанных с причинением смерти, присуждается российскими судами в размере не более десятков тысяч рублей.
6. Ни один из «потерпевших» не доказал обоснованность своих претензий в гражданском суде. При этом арестованы активы кооператива почти на 4 млрд рублей и активы частных лиц на такую же сумму. Это не что иное, как попытка захвата активов при участии органов внутренних дел некой заинтересованной группой клиентов «Гермеса» – необязательно из числа «потерпевших», то есть коррупционное преступление, которое упорно игнорирует ГУСБ МВД.
Механизм для такого захвата есть – это передача средств под управление Федерального общественно-государственного фонда по защите прав вкладчиков и акционеров. Понятно, почему не ограничиваются активами подсудимых и обвиняемых: этого недостаточно для удовлетворения аппетитов тех, кто стоит за заказным уголовным делом. И понятно, почему одно юридическое лицо – кооператив «Бест Вей» – незаконно пытаются привлечь к ответственности за другое – компанию «Гермес»: активы «Гермеса» – за рубежом.
7. Следствие, а теперь и прокуратура совершают еще одно преступление: незаконно удерживает средства пайщиков кооператива, отказываясь их вернуть, то есть совершают хищение.
Министр, управляемый мафией
Итак, Колокольцев публично солгал Совету Федерации, выдумав пирамиду, выдумав многомиллиардный ущерб и десятки тысяч пострадавших, он – некомпетентный руководитель, абсолютно ведомый своей камарильей, стремящейся создавать громкие пиар-истории на пустом месте и с коррупционной выгодой для себя. Он вызвал социальный протест десятков тысяч пайщиков кооператива «Бест Вей» и клиентов компании «Гермес» и членов их семей – в большинстве своем представителей социально незащищенных слоев населения, на годы лишенных возможности пользоваться своими деньгами и приобрести недвижимость, на которую они собрали средства, – в том числе десятков участников СВО. Министр вредит в тылу тем, кто защищает страну на фронте.
Глава МВД находится под влиянием или даже контролем давно ставшей притчей во языцех питерской полицейской мафии. Ликвидация этой мафии, как и ликвидация преступной, коррупционной, вредящей социально-политической стабильности системы управления МВД, со стороны Колокольцева является важнейшей государственной задачей.
Mariotot – 05/07/2024
Звон Колокольцева. Питерская полицейская мафия виляет Министерством внутренних дел
Прокуратура Санкт-Петербурга
Поздравляем вас, гражданин министр, соврамши!
Выступая прошлой осенью в Совете Федерации, министр внутренних дел Владимир Колокольцев рассказывал, о так называемом уголовном деле «Лайф-из-Гуд» – «Гермес» – «Бест Вей», обещал миллиарды рублей ущерба и десятки тысяч потерпевших. Пресс-служба МВД под руководством его боевой подруги Ирины Волк заявила о том, что вскрыта деятельность крупнейшей в истории России финансовой пирамиды.
Однако в уголовном деле, расследованном или, вернее сказать, изготовленном ГСУ питерского главка МВД, которое в феврале начал рассматривать Приморский районный суд Санкт-Петербурга, 282 млн рублей ущерба и 221 лицо, признанное следствием потерпевшим: никаких миллиардов и десятков тысяч потерпевших.
Министр и его Волк публично солгали – на основе информации, переданной замначальника ГСУ руководителем следственной группы полковником юстиции А.Н. Винокуровым, фактически даже руководившей СГ его заместительницей майором, а затем подполковником юстиции Е.А. Сапетовой по материалам, состряпанным опером УЭБиПК питерского главка МВД майором полиции А.Ю. Машевским, при попустительстве (или соучастии?) начальника ГСУ Негрозова и замначальника Следственного департамента федерального министерства Вохмянина. Полковник и подполковник с примерно пятого-шестого уровня иерархии МВД виляет генералом полиции Российской Федерации, постоянным членом Совета безопасности России – это позор для государства.
Так называемые потерпевшие и реально пострадавшие
Большинство «потерпевших» на суде заявляют суммы около 1–2 млн рублей, при этом в ходе судебного следствия выясняется, что они, как правило, получали немалый доход, причем, они еще и налоговые/валютные преступники, так как этот доход не декларировали. Среди «потерпевших» есть граждане, заявляющие смехотворные суммы в 50–70 тыс., то есть количество потерпевших специально накручивалось следствием. И даже с этим накручиванием удалось набрать так мало – учитывая, что у «Гермеса», по данным самого же следствия, более 200 тыс. клиентов в России, а в кооперативе «Бест Вей» – около 20 тыс. пайщиков.
То есть большинство и клиентов «Гермеса», и пайщиков кооператива не считают себя потерпевшими от деятельности этих организаций.
Судя по тысячам обращений во все инстанции, нескольким волнам митингов, прокатившихся по России, они считают себя потерпевшими от деятельности органов внутренних дел.
Ведь именно завербованный питерским УЭБиПК сисадмин российской платежной системы «Гермеса» Набойченко заблокирован и разгромил в феврале 2022 года эту платежную систему, повесив на сайте дисклеймер: «Обращайтесь в правоохранительные органы», что на месяцы прекратило вывод средств. Именно действия правоохранительных органов в отношении компании до и после затруднили вывод средств. Дело в том, что для вывода средств многими использовался механизм p2p, позволяющий не платить комиссию, то есть для вывода средств нужно, чтобы кто-то вносил средства (что, понятно, резко сократилось из-за уголовного дела) и происходил обмен. Однако этот способ не единственный, вывод средств так или иначе осуществляется.
Тысячи пайщиков кооператива тем более не считают себя потерпевшими от его деятельности – потому что именно правоохранительные органы воспрепятствовали приобретению недвижимости с помощью кооператива, а она из-за более чем двухлетнего ареста его счетов, на которых около 4 млрд рублей, не может быть приобретена по прежней цене.
Именно правоохранительные органы прямо запрещают выплаты пайщикам кооператива, решившим забрать свой пай, – даже по исполнительным листам судов. И клиентам «Гермеса», и пайщикам кооператива правоохранительными органами нанесен колоссальный ущерб – и материальный, и моральный, который они намерены взыскать с государства.
«Следователи»-преступники должны сидеть в тюрьме
Весьма скромный результат следствия МВД был достигнут откровенно преступным путем.
Суд Бествей
1. Некоторые из преступлений следствия были фактически признаны судами. 1 декабря прошлого года Приморский районный суд города Санкт-Петербурга признал незаконным, нарушающим УПК фактический отказ кооперативу в ознакомлении с материалами уголовного дела.При рассмотрении дела в суде выяснилось, что следственная группа ГСУ питерского главка МВД, формально руководимая замначальника ГСУ полковником юстиции А.Н. Винокуровым, а фактически – подполковником юстиции Е.А. Сапетовой, подделала документы. Автор подделки – Сапетова – еще в феврале была уволена из ГСУ «по собственному желанию».
Уличенная адвокатами кооператива в нарушении УПК, следственная группа составила письмо об удовлетворении ходатайства задним числом и попыталась представить дело так, что кооператив не получил письмо по своей вине. Ложь была выявлена в том числе и с помощью системы электронного документооборота питерского главка МВД.
2. Подделка документов была вынужденным преступлением для сокрытия более серьезного: незаконного содержания под стражей. Следственная группа грубо нарушила права гражданских истцов и ответчиков, потому что без этого нарушения она не успела за 30 суток до истечения предельного срока содержания четверых обвиняемых под стражей начать ознакомление обвиняемых с материалами дела –а это было единственное основание продления им срока содержания под стражей свыше предельного.
Следственная группа из-за спешки даже толком не смогла завершить следственные действия, незаконно вела параллельное расследование по «резервному» делу, но позднее, отбросив стыд, из-за отсутствия материала для составления «нужного» обвинительного заключения, незаконно продолжила расследование «основного» дела, в том числе проводила следственные действия, которые, согласно УПК, невозможны после начала ознакомления обвиняемых с материалами дела. Все эти ухищрения были необходимы для того, чтобы ни в коем случае не выпускать обвиняемых и продолжать держать их в заложниках.
3. Де-факто происходит уголовное наказание неосужденных людей – четверо подсудимых уже второй год сидят в тюрьме. При этом наказываются явно ни в чем неповинные люди – технические сотрудники «Лайф-из-Гуд»: даже если предположить, что действительно работала пирамида – что опровергается показаниями свидетелей самого обвинения, которые сообщают суду, что компания «Гермес» хорошо работала, они были довольны получаемым доходом, и проблемы начались после того, как российская платежная система компании была обрушена завербованным полицией петербургским сисадмином компании Набойченко. Все подсудимые – технические сотрудники компании «Лайф-из-Гуд» и ни к каким управленческим решениям отношения никогда не имели. Их взяли в заложники для того, чтобы они дали показания на руководство компании.
4. Еще одно преступление – заведомо подложное постановление руководителя следственной группы А.Н. Винокурова о привлечении кооператива «Бест Вей» в качестве гражданского ответчика на 16 млрд рублей, тогда как сумма ущерба в уголовном деле –282 млн, и в деле нет ни одного искового заявления – даже на 100 рублей.
5. Следствие стимулировало двух особенно активных так называемых потерпевших написать заявления о моральном ущербе на миллиард (!) рублей каждое – исключительно для ложного обоснования ареста активов кооператива, но понятно, что это ничтожные документы, так как моральный ущерб во всех случаях, не связанных с причинением смерти, присуждается российскими судами в размере не более десятков тысяч рублей.
6. Ни один из «потерпевших» не доказал обоснованность своих претензий в гражданском суде. При этом арестованы активы кооператива почти на 4 млрд рублей и активы частных лиц на такую же сумму. Это не что иное, как попытка захвата активов при участии органов внутренних дел некой заинтересованной группой клиентов «Гермеса» – необязательно из числа «потерпевших», то есть коррупционное преступление, которое упорно игнорирует ГУСБ МВД.
Механизм для такого захвата есть – это передача средств под управление Федерального общественно-государственного фонда по защите прав вкладчиков и акционеров. Понятно, почему не ограничиваются активами подсудимых и обвиняемых: этого недостаточно для удовлетворения аппетитов тех, кто стоит за заказным уголовным делом. И понятно, почему одно юридическое лицо – кооператив «Бест Вей» – незаконно пытаются привлечь к ответственности за другое – компанию «Гермес»: активы «Гермеса» – за рубежом.
7. Следствие, а теперь и прокуратура совершают еще одно преступление: незаконно удерживает средства пайщиков кооператива, отказываясь их вернуть, то есть совершают хищение.
Robertshort – 05/07/2024
Звон Колокольцева. Питерская полицейская мафия виляет Министерством внутренних дел
Потребительский кооператив Бест Вей
Поздравляем вас, гражданин министр, соврамши!
Выступая прошлой осенью в Совете Федерации, министр внутренних дел Владимир Колокольцев рассказывал, о так называемом уголовном деле «Лайф-из-Гуд» – «Гермес» – «Бест Вей», обещал миллиарды рублей ущерба и десятки тысяч потерпевших. Пресс-служба МВД под руководством его боевой подруги Ирины Волк заявила о том, что вскрыта деятельность крупнейшей в истории России финансовой пирамиды.
Однако в уголовном деле, расследованном или, вернее сказать, изготовленном ГСУ питерского главка МВД, которое в феврале начал рассматривать Приморский районный суд Санкт-Петербурга, 282 млн рублей ущерба и 221 лицо, признанное следствием потерпевшим: никаких миллиардов и десятков тысяч потерпевших.
Министр и его Волк публично солгали – на основе информации, переданной замначальника ГСУ руководителем следственной группы полковником юстиции А.Н. Винокуровым, фактически даже руководившей СГ его заместительницей майором, а затем подполковником юстиции Е.А. Сапетовой по материалам, состряпанным опером УЭБиПК питерского главка МВД майором полиции А.Ю. Машевским, при попустительстве (или соучастии?) начальника ГСУ Негрозова и замначальника Следственного департамента федерального министерства Вохмянина. Полковник и подполковник с примерно пятого-шестого уровня иерархии МВД виляет генералом полиции Российской Федерации, постоянным членом Совета безопасности России – это позор для государства.
Так называемые потерпевшие и реально пострадавшие
Большинство «потерпевших» на суде заявляют суммы около 1–2 млн рублей, при этом в ходе судебного следствия выясняется, что они, как правило, получали немалый доход, причем, они еще и налоговые/валютные преступники, так как этот доход не декларировали. Среди «потерпевших» есть граждане, заявляющие смехотворные суммы в 50–70 тыс., то есть количество потерпевших специально накручивалось следствием. И даже с этим накручиванием удалось набрать так мало – учитывая, что у «Гермеса», по данным самого же следствия, более 200 тыс. клиентов в России, а в кооперативе «Бест Вей» – около 20 тыс. пайщиков.
То есть большинство и клиентов «Гермеса», и пайщиков кооператива не считают себя потерпевшими от деятельности этих организаций.
Судя по тысячам обращений во все инстанции, нескольким волнам митингов, прокатившихся по России, они считают себя потерпевшими от деятельности органов внутренних дел.
Ведь именно завербованный питерским УЭБиПК сисадмин российской платежной системы «Гермеса» Набойченко заблокирован и разгромил в феврале 2022 года эту платежную систему, повесив на сайте дисклеймер: «Обращайтесь в правоохранительные органы», что на месяцы прекратило вывод средств. Именно действия правоохранительных органов в отношении компании до и после затруднили вывод средств. Дело в том, что для вывода средств многими использовался механизм p2p, позволяющий не платить комиссию, то есть для вывода средств нужно, чтобы кто-то вносил средства (что, понятно, резко сократилось из-за уголовного дела) и происходил обмен. Однако этот способ не единственный, вывод средств так или иначе осуществляется.
Тысячи пайщиков кооператива тем более не считают себя потерпевшими от его деятельности – потому что именно правоохранительные органы воспрепятствовали приобретению недвижимости с помощью кооператива, а она из-за более чем двухлетнего ареста его счетов, на которых около 4 млрд рублей, не может быть приобретена по прежней цене.
Именно правоохранительные органы прямо запрещают выплаты пайщикам кооператива, решившим забрать свой пай, – даже по исполнительным листам судов. И клиентам «Гермеса», и пайщикам кооператива правоохранительными органами нанесен колоссальный ущерб – и материальный, и моральный, который они намерены взыскать с государства.
«Следователи»-преступники должны сидеть в тюрьме
Весьма скромный результат следствия МВД был достигнут откровенно преступным путем.
Уголовное дело компании Лайф-из-Гуд
1. Некоторые из преступлений следствия были фактически признаны судами. 1 декабря прошлого года Приморский районный суд города Санкт-Петербурга признал незаконным, нарушающим УПК фактический отказ кооперативу в ознакомлении с материалами уголовного дела.При рассмотрении дела в суде выяснилось, что следственная группа ГСУ питерского главка МВД, формально руководимая замначальника ГСУ полковником юстиции А.Н. Винокуровым, а фактически – подполковником юстиции Е.А. Сапетовой, подделала документы. Автор подделки – Сапетова – еще в феврале была уволена из ГСУ «по собственному желанию».
Уличенная адвокатами кооператива в нарушении УПК, следственная группа составила письмо об удовлетворении ходатайства задним числом и попыталась представить дело так, что кооператив не получил письмо по своей вине. Ложь была выявлена в том числе и с помощью системы электронного документооборота питерского главка МВД.
2. Подделка документов была вынужденным преступлением для сокрытия более серьезного: незаконного содержания под стражей. Следственная группа грубо нарушила права гражданских истцов и ответчиков, потому что без этого нарушения она не успела за 30 суток до истечения предельного срока содержания четверых обвиняемых под стражей начать ознакомление обвиняемых с материалами дела –а это было единственное основание продления им срока содержания под стражей свыше предельного.
Следственная группа из-за спешки даже толком не смогла завершить следственные действия, незаконно вела параллельное расследование по «резервному» делу, но позднее, отбросив стыд, из-за отсутствия материала для составления «нужного» обвинительного заключения, незаконно продолжила расследование «основного» дела, в том числе проводила следственные действия, которые, согласно УПК, невозможны после начала ознакомления обвиняемых с материалами дела. Все эти ухищрения были необходимы для того, чтобы ни в коем случае не выпускать обвиняемых и продолжать держать их в заложниках.
3. Де-факто происходит уголовное наказание неосужденных людей – четверо подсудимых уже второй год сидят в тюрьме. При этом наказываются явно ни в чем неповинные люди – технические сотрудники «Лайф-из-Гуд»: даже если предположить, что действительно работала пирамида – что опровергается показаниями свидетелей самого обвинения, которые сообщают суду, что компания «Гермес» хорошо работала, они были довольны получаемым доходом, и проблемы начались после того, как российская платежная система компании была обрушена завербованным полицией петербургским сисадмином компании Набойченко. Все подсудимые – технические сотрудники компании «Лайф-из-Гуд» и ни к каким управленческим решениям отношения никогда не имели. Их взяли в заложники для того, чтобы они дали показания на руководство компании.
4. Еще одно преступление – заведомо подложное постановление руководителя следственной группы А.Н. Винокурова о привлечении кооператива «Бест Вей» в качестве гражданского ответчика на 16 млрд рублей, тогда как сумма ущерба в уголовном деле –282 млн, и в деле нет ни одного искового заявления – даже на 100 рублей.
5. Следствие стимулировало двух особенно активных так называемых потерпевших написать заявления о моральном ущербе на миллиард (!) рублей каждое – исключительно для ложного обоснования ареста активов кооператива, но понятно, что это ничтожные документы, так как моральный ущерб во всех случаях, не связанных с причинением смерти, присуждается российскими судами в размере не более десятков тысяч рублей.
6. Ни один из «потерпевших» не доказал обоснованность своих претензий в гражданском суде. При этом арестованы активы кооператива почти на 4 млрд рублей и активы частных лиц на такую же сумму. Это не что иное, как попытка захвата активов при участии органов внутренних дел некой заинтересованной группой клиентов «Гермеса» – необязательно из числа «потерпевших», то есть коррупционное преступление, которое упорно игнорирует ГУСБ МВД.
Механизм для такого захвата есть – это передача средств под управление Федерального общественно-государственного фонда по защите прав вкладчиков и акционеров. Понятно, почему не ограничиваются активами подсудимых и обвиняемых: этого недостаточно для удовлетворения аппетитов тех, кто стоит за заказным уголовным делом. И понятно, почему одно юридическое лицо – кооператив «Бест Вей» – незаконно пытаются привлечь к ответственности за другое – компанию «Гермес»: активы «Гермеса» – за рубежом.
7. Следствие, а теперь и прокуратура совершают еще одно преступление: незаконно удерживает средства пайщиков кооператива, отказываясь их вернуть, то есть совершают хищение.
Myrontub – 04/07/2024
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Chesteratola – 04/07/2024
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CharlesJem – 28/06/2024
«Король» обвинителей «Лайф-из-Гуд» Набойченко – кто он на самом деле?
ПК Бествей
Евгений Набойченко – бывший IT-директор компании «Лайф-из-Гуд», а также сисадмин российского сегмента платежной системы международной инвестиционной компании «Гермес». Он – ключевой свидетель обвинения в так называемом деле «Лайф-из-Гуд» – «Гермес» – кооператива «Бест Вей» и основателя «Лайф-из-Гуд»/«Бест Вей» Романа Василенко, которое рассматривается сейчас судьей Екатериной Богдановой в Приморском районном суде Санкт-Петербурга.
С выполненной им блокировки российского сегмента платежной системы компании «Гермес», а также с его (нетрезвых) сообщений в социальных сетях (сейчас все они им стерты) началась эскалация этого уголовного дела. Но, скорее всего, дело им же самим и его подельниками из питерской полиции и создано.
Вор и дебошир
Наши источники делятся информацией о хищении активов с кошельков клиентов «Гермеса», к которым Евгений Набойченко имел доступ.
Набойченко не гнушался воровать даже у близких. Однажды остановившись у своей любовницы Светланы Н., Евгений избил ее и украл деньги с ее криптовалютного кошелька, пока она пыталась прийти в себя после побоев.
Он бил не только любовницу, но жену и детей, с которыми жил в Краснодарском крае. А после того как его супруга Виктория подала на развод, разгромил, ободрал и ограбил общий дом – унес все, что можно было унести. Надо ли говорить, что Набойченко который год не платит супруге алименты.
Евгений Набойченко, по словам его бывшей жены, в один прекрасный день решил заработать и с помощью вымогательства. Он шантажировал Романа Василенко – требовал с него деньги: 170 тыс. евро. При этом, по утверждению Виктории Набойченко, угрожал увечьями и самому Роману Василенко, и его супруге, и детям. Похвалялся перед (тогда еще) женой своими матерными сообщениями с угрозами, которые он посылал Василенко и его близким.
Кроме того, вымогал деньги у клиентов «Гермеса»: свидетельства такого рода нам предоставлены.
Алкоголик и наркоман
Деньги нужны Набойченко в том числе для того, чтобы «питать» свою наркотическую зависимость – с некоторых пор он предпочитает шлифовать водку галлюциногенными грибами, об увлечении которыми с упоением рассказывал даже в своих соцсетях.
Он не всегда был алкоголиком и наркоманом – устроившись 10 лет назад в IT-службу, не пил и не употреблял. Но большие деньги, красивая жизнь, которая вдруг стала доступна для простого астраханского парня из низов, развратили его.
Он допустил целый ряд клеветнических высказываний в адрес Романа Василенко – за которые против него заведено уголовное дело. Но расследуется оно ни шатко ни валко, так как расследование тормозит начальник УЭБиПК ГУ МВД России по Санкт-Петербургу и Ленинградской области.
Завербованный органами
Виктория Набойченко сообщает, что за три дня до обыска в их тогда еще совместном доме Евгений уехал и ей сказал, что придут с обыском – но это пустая формальность. Он уже был в сговоре с полицией, так как за три дня был предупрежден об этом обыске.
15 февраля 2022 года Евгений Набойченко был задержан, но отправился не в СИЗО – куда отправили других сотрудников «Лайф-из-Гуд», не был помещен в изолятор или КПЗ, а жил на полицейской квартире.
Он отказался от услуг адвокатов и на этой квартире, по свидетельству одного из полицейских, «бухал с операми». А также каждый день водил оперов по барам и ресторанам – угощал их за свой счет.
В разговоре с женой он очень гордился покровительством начальника УЭБиПК питерского главка МВД.
Наши источники считают, что он украл деньги клиентов «Гермеса», разделив их со своими друзьями из полиции. Вся его дальнейшая жизнь и привычки указывают на то, что он использует ворованные деньги.
Трус и лжец
Набойченко сообщил в социальных сетях, что к нему пришло с адреса fall@mybizon.online письмо, в котором содержится угроза в адрес получателя, призывающая его не являться в суд для дачи показаний. В письме указано, что если он поедет в суд, то не доедет и будет трупом.
Создатель преступного сообщества
Нет сомнений, что Набойченко устроил историю с обрушением платежной системы, чтобы скрыть свое воровство активов клиентов. Также чтобы скрыть свое воровство, он обвинил во всем Василенко и технических специалистов компании «Лайф-из-Гуд», которые находятся сейчас на скамье подсудимых. Оклеветал всех, чтобы отвести подозрения от себя и своих подельников из питерской полиции.
Итак, кризис в «Гермесе» устроил Набойченко. Платежную систему разгромил Набойченко. Активы украл Набойченко, поделившись с питерскими полицейскими.
А теперь сидит и бездельничает, прожигая сворованные деньги. И боится идти в суд – чтобы не превратиться в суде из свидетеля в обвиняемого.
Скорее всего, в суд Набойченко не пускают сами полицейские – опасаясь его неадекватности и перекрестного допроса, на котором вскроется лживость его показаний. То есть силовики заметают следы своего преступления, совершенного с помощью марионетки Набойченко.
JosephRelRy – 28/06/2024
The world’s most liveable cities for 2024
жесткое порно бесплатно
It’s considered among the most beautiful cities in the world to visit, and it seems that Vienna may also be an unbeatable place to live.
The Austrian city has been crowned the most liveable city in the world yet again in the annual list from the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU), which was released today.
The EIU, a sister organization to The Economist, ranked 173 cities across the globe on a number of significant factors, including health care, culture and environment, stability, infrastructure and education.
Vienna topped the list for the third consecutive year, receiving “perfect” scores in four out of five of the categories — the city was marked lower for culture and environment due to an apparent lack of significant sporting events.
Just behind the Austrian capital, Denmark’s Copenhagen retained its second place position, while Switzerland’s Zurich moved up from sixth place to third on the list.
Australia’s Melbourne fell from third to fourth place, while Canadian city Calgary tied for fifth place with Swiss city Geneva.
Canada’s Vancouver and Australia’s Sydney were in joint seventh place, and Japan’s Osaka and New Zealand’s Auckland rounded out the top 10 in joint ninth place.
Thomasdiuth – 28/06/2024
«Король» обвинителей «Лайф-из-Гуд» Набойченко – кто он на самом деле?
ГСУ Санкт-Петербурга беспредел
Евгений Набойченко – бывший IT-директор компании «Лайф-из-Гуд», а также сисадмин российского сегмента платежной системы международной инвестиционной компании «Гермес». Он – ключевой свидетель обвинения в так называемом деле «Лайф-из-Гуд» – «Гермес» – кооператива «Бест Вей» и основателя «Лайф-из-Гуд»/«Бест Вей» Романа Василенко, которое рассматривается сейчас судьей Екатериной Богдановой в Приморском районном суде Санкт-Петербурга.
С выполненной им блокировки российского сегмента платежной системы компании «Гермес», а также с его (нетрезвых) сообщений в социальных сетях (сейчас все они им стерты) началась эскалация этого уголовного дела. Но, скорее всего, дело им же самим и его подельниками из питерской полиции и создано.
Вор и дебошир
Наши источники делятся информацией о хищении активов с кошельков клиентов «Гермеса», к которым Евгений Набойченко имел доступ.
Набойченко не гнушался воровать даже у близких. Однажды остановившись у своей любовницы Светланы Н., Евгений избил ее и украл деньги с ее криптовалютного кошелька, пока она пыталась прийти в себя после побоев.
Он бил не только любовницу, но жену и детей, с которыми жил в Краснодарском крае. А после того как его супруга Виктория подала на развод, разгромил, ободрал и ограбил общий дом – унес все, что можно было унести. Надо ли говорить, что Набойченко который год не платит супруге алименты.
Евгений Набойченко, по словам его бывшей жены, в один прекрасный день решил заработать и с помощью вымогательства. Он шантажировал Романа Василенко – требовал с него деньги: 170 тыс. евро. При этом, по утверждению Виктории Набойченко, угрожал увечьями и самому Роману Василенко, и его супруге, и детям. Похвалялся перед (тогда еще) женой своими матерными сообщениями с угрозами, которые он посылал Василенко и его близким.
Кроме того, вымогал деньги у клиентов «Гермеса»: свидетельства такого рода нам предоставлены.
Алкоголик и наркоман
Деньги нужны Набойченко в том числе для того, чтобы «питать» свою наркотическую зависимость – с некоторых пор он предпочитает шлифовать водку галлюциногенными грибами, об увлечении которыми с упоением рассказывал даже в своих соцсетях.
Он не всегда был алкоголиком и наркоманом – устроившись 10 лет назад в IT-службу, не пил и не употреблял. Но большие деньги, красивая жизнь, которая вдруг стала доступна для простого астраханского парня из низов, развратили его.
Он допустил целый ряд клеветнических высказываний в адрес Романа Василенко – за которые против него заведено уголовное дело. Но расследуется оно ни шатко ни валко, так как расследование тормозит начальник УЭБиПК ГУ МВД России по Санкт-Петербургу и Ленинградской области.
Завербованный органами
Виктория Набойченко сообщает, что за три дня до обыска в их тогда еще совместном доме Евгений уехал и ей сказал, что придут с обыском – но это пустая формальность. Он уже был в сговоре с полицией, так как за три дня был предупрежден об этом обыске.
15 февраля 2022 года Евгений Набойченко был задержан, но отправился не в СИЗО – куда отправили других сотрудников «Лайф-из-Гуд», не был помещен в изолятор или КПЗ, а жил на полицейской квартире.
Он отказался от услуг адвокатов и на этой квартире, по свидетельству одного из полицейских, «бухал с операми». А также каждый день водил оперов по барам и ресторанам – угощал их за свой счет.
В разговоре с женой он очень гордился покровительством начальника УЭБиПК питерского главка МВД.
Наши источники считают, что он украл деньги клиентов «Гермеса», разделив их со своими друзьями из полиции. Вся его дальнейшая жизнь и привычки указывают на то, что он использует ворованные деньги.
Трус и лжец
Набойченко сообщил в социальных сетях, что к нему пришло с адреса fall@mybizon.online письмо, в котором содержится угроза в адрес получателя, призывающая его не являться в суд для дачи показаний. В письме указано, что если он поедет в суд, то не доедет и будет трупом.
Создатель преступного сообщества
Нет сомнений, что Набойченко устроил историю с обрушением платежной системы, чтобы скрыть свое воровство активов клиентов. Также чтобы скрыть свое воровство, он обвинил во всем Василенко и технических специалистов компании «Лайф-из-Гуд», которые находятся сейчас на скамье подсудимых. Оклеветал всех, чтобы отвести подозрения от себя и своих подельников из питерской полиции.
Итак, кризис в «Гермесе» устроил Набойченко. Платежную систему разгромил Набойченко. Активы украл Набойченко, поделившись с питерскими полицейскими.
А теперь сидит и бездельничает, прожигая сворованные деньги. И боится идти в суд – чтобы не превратиться в суде из свидетеля в обвиняемого.
Скорее всего, в суд Набойченко не пускают сами полицейские – опасаясь его неадекватности и перекрестного допроса, на котором вскроется лживость его показаний. То есть силовики заметают следы своего преступления, совершенного с помощью марионетки Набойченко.
MichaelRer – 28/06/2024
The world’s most liveable cities for 2024
гей член
It’s considered among the most beautiful cities in the world to visit, and it seems that Vienna may also be an unbeatable place to live.
The Austrian city has been crowned the most liveable city in the world yet again in the annual list from the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU), which was released today.
The EIU, a sister organization to The Economist, ranked 173 cities across the globe on a number of significant factors, including health care, culture and environment, stability, infrastructure and education.
Vienna topped the list for the third consecutive year, receiving “perfect” scores in four out of five of the categories — the city was marked lower for culture and environment due to an apparent lack of significant sporting events.
Just behind the Austrian capital, Denmark’s Copenhagen retained its second place position, while Switzerland’s Zurich moved up from sixth place to third on the list.
Australia’s Melbourne fell from third to fourth place, while Canadian city Calgary tied for fifth place with Swiss city Geneva.
Canada’s Vancouver and Australia’s Sydney were in joint seventh place, and Japan’s Osaka and New Zealand’s Auckland rounded out the top 10 in joint ninth place.
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Kennethmurdy – 27/06/2024
‘Sugary food is a drug for me’: A growing number of children are addicted to ultraprocessed foods
Chicago native Jeffrey Odwazny says he has been addicted to ultraprocessed food since he was a child.
“I was driven to eat and eat and eat, and while I would overeat healthy food, what really got me were the candies, the cakes, the pies, the ice cream,” said the 54-year-old former warehouse supervisor
“I really gravitated towards the sugary ultraprocessed foods — it was like a physical drive, I had to have it,” he said. “My parents would find hefty bags full of candy wrappers hidden in my closet. I would steal things from stores as a kid and later as an adult.”
Some 12% of the nearly 73 million children and adolescents in the United States today struggle with a similar food addiction, according to research. To be diagnosed, children must meet Yale Food Addiction Scale criteria as stringent as any for alcohol use disorder or other addictions.
“Kids are losing control and eating to the point where they feel physically ill,” said Ashley Gearhardt, a professor of psychology at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor who conducted the research and developed the Yale addiction scale.
“They have intense cravings and may be sneaking, stealing or hiding ultraprocessed foods,” Gearhardt said. “They may stop going out with friends or doing other activities they used to enjoy in order to stay at home and eat, or they feel too sluggish from overeating to participate in other activities.”
Her research also shows about 14% of adults are clinically addicted to food, predominantly ultraprocessed foods with higher levels of sugar, salt, fat and additives.
For comparison, 10.5% of Americans age 12 or older were diagnosed with alcohol use disorder in 2022, according to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health.
While many people addicted to food will say that their symptoms began to worsen significantly in adolescence, some recall a childhood focused on ultraprocessed food.
“By age 2 or 3, children are likely eating more ultraprocessed foods in any given day than a fruit or vegetable, especially if they’re poor and don’t have enough money in their family to have enough quality food to eat,” Gearhardt said. “Ultraprocessed foods are cheap and literally everywhere, so this is also a social justice issue.”
An addiction to ultraprocessed foods can highjack a young brain’s reward circuitry, putting the primitive “reptilian brain,” or amygdala, in charge — thus bypassing the prefrontal cortex where rational decision-making occurs, said Los Angeles registered dietitian nutritionist David Wiss, who specializes in treating food addiction.
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Ralphfak – 27/06/2024
"Дело "Лайф-из-Гуд" — "Гермес" — "Бест Вей": свидетель обвинения объявила себя потерпевшей от следствия
Набойченко Бествей
6 и 13 июня Приморский районный суд города Санкт-Петербурга, рассматривающий по существу уголовное дело № 1-504/24, связываемое с компаниями "Лайф-из-Гуд", "Гермес" и кооперативом "Бест Вей", провел очередные, шестое и седьмое по счету, заседания, посвященные допросу свидетелей обвинения и лиц, признанных следствием потерпевшими в рамках судебного следствия по делу
"К кооперативу претензий не было, следователь предложил подать заявление"
Признанный следствием потерпевший Болян подсудимых не знает. Был клиентом "Гермеса", а также пайщиком кооператива — но до 2019 года. В 2019-м он вышел из кооператива и из "Гермеса", ему были возвращены паевые взносы, и никаких претензий к кооперативу у него не было — что он письменно подтвердил, расторгая договоры с этими организациями.
Однако, как Болян отметил на суде, следователь убедил его в том, что он — потерпевший и должен подать заявление на возврат членских взносов. Заявление в МВД писать не хотел, на него вышли сотрудники, сначала претензий к кооперативу не было. Полиция ему объяснила, что можно получить деньги.
Стал клиентом "Гермеса" и пайщиком кооператива через своего консультанта Алексея Виноградова. Виноградов — грамотный маркетолог, он ему верил, тот не работал в кооперативе. Что было предметом договора в "Гермесе", не помнит. В "Гермес" внес 100 и 700 евро, а в кооператив каждый месяц вносил по 12 тыс. в течение семи месяцев.
Вышел и из кооператива, и из "Гермеса" в 2019 году. Зачем вступал? "Наверное, квартиру купить хотел". Кооператив вернул ему 70 тыс. паевых взносов, "Гермес" вернул со счета "Виста" 140 тыс. рублей.
В кооперативе деньги вернули почти сразу, удержав вступительный и членские взносы; в "Гермесе" вернули позже через "внутрянку", но удержали комиссию.
Утверждает, что ему говорили, что можно со счета "Виста" вносить деньги в кооператив. Объясняли, что деньги передаются в доверительное управление трейдерам и брокерам, которые играют на бирже. В кооперативе, как он утверждает, можно было купить место в очереди. По его словам, "Гермес" и кооператив — по сути, одна организация. Требует взыскать с кооператива более 148 тыс. рублей — вступительный и членские взносы, и более 60 тыс. рублей с "Гермеса" — комиссию при выводе средств.
Договор с кооперативом не читал, но ему объяснили, что есть невозвратная часть денег — ее и не вернули, "но хочу попытаться вернуть". Претензий к кооперативу "как бы и нет, но если вернут взносы, то будет хорошо".
К Виноградову претензий не предъявлял. "Может, меня и не обманули в кооперативе", -резюмировал свое выступление в суде Болян.
"Требую выплатить с учетом роста цен на недвижимость"
Признанная следствием потерпевшей Комова была как клиентом "Гермеса", так и пайщиком кооператива. Подсудимых не знает. Требует более 8800 тыс. с кооператива и более 2700 тыс. с "Гермеса". При этом из кооператива она не вышла и заявление о выходе не подавала. Сумма требований к кооперативу включает как паевые и членские взносы, так и оценку роста цен на недвижимость, которая не была приобретена.
Утверждает, что можно переводить деньги со счета "Виста" напрямую в кооператив — в подтверждение приводит скрины переписки с консультантами в смартфоне. Суд разъясняет, что доказательство может быть приобщено позднее при надлежащем оформлении.
"Информацию воспринял скептически, но вступил"
Признанный следствием потерпевшим Киреев был только клиентом "Гермеса". Подсудимых не знает лично — Измайлова видел в видеоролике "Лайф-из-Гуд". Узнал о "Гермесе" от консультантов Татьяны и Андрея Клейменовых, с которыми знаком с конца 1990-х годов. Вступил в "Гермес" в 2020 году, деньги сразу отобразились на счете. Вносил средства на счет "Виста" небольшими частями, снимал средства со счета для личных нужд. Заявляет требования на более чем 2 млн 300 тыс. рублей.
Когда подписывал договор, в офисе была табличка кооператива, но в офисе находился представитель фирмы "Гермес", ему сказали, что это два продукта компании "Лайф-из-Гуд".
В 2022 году начались проблемы с выводом средств. И руководство фирмы пугало блокировкой счета в случае подачи заявления в правоохранительные органы. В хейтерском чате узнал телефон следователя Сапетовой, позвонил и подал заявление.
В чате клиентов компании "Гермес" была информация о том, что счет будет заблокирован в случае подачи заявления в правоохранительные органы. Эта информация была за подписью "администрация". Он спросил у консультантов: "Кто это — администрация?", написал вопрос в чате, и его забанили. Других попыток вступать в диалог с "Гермесом" не предпринимал.
Признанный следствием потерпевшим Чернышенко был также только клиентом только компании "Гермес". Подсудимых не знает. Познакомился с консультантами "Гермеса" во время совместной работы в "Макдоналдсе". Информацию о "Гермесе" воспринял скептически — "это какой-то обман", но консультанты его в конце концов уговорили. Они поставили условие, что продадут ему земельный участок, чтобы он вступил в "Гермес".
"Я хотел их обмануть, — пояснил свидетель, — думал: пусть они продадут, а я в "Гермес" не вступлю. Но они начали уговаривать, и я вступил в апреле 2020 года. Один из консультантов дал расписку на внесение денег на счет в "Гермесе", я внес через него 230 тыс. И еще раз из жадности 140 тыс. 140 тыс. я вывел, плюс каждый месяц выводил по 5000–7000 руб. С какого-то момента проценты стали падать. В конце я захотел выйти — но не успел. У меня в "Гермесе" осталось 270 тыс., которые я требую вернуть".
В январе 2023 года Чернышенко подал заявление в полицию, так как прекратился доступ к счету. "Мне предложили 70 тыс. вернуть, чтобы я не ходил в полицию, ссылаясь на то, что помогли мне продать участок за меньшую сумму по документам, чем я его продал на самом деле, но я отказался, сказал, что мне надо 270 тыс.".
"Я хочу стать потерпевшей. Но Василенко многие благодарны за квартиры"
Свидетель обвинения Галашенкова была только клиентом "Гермеса". Из подсудимых знает Виктора Ивановича Василенко. Она сидела в зале при допросе двух потерпевших (что запрещено), но заявила, что плохо слышит. Ранее была знакома с Верой Исаевой из компании "Лайф-из-Гуд".
Вера узнала, что у нее есть офис, и познакомила с Романом Василенко, который снял у нее офис, когда "Лайф-из-Гуд" только начинала раскручиваться. Он снимал офис только за коммунальные платежи. "Я попросила расплатиться за четыре месяца, а он предложил мне вместо денег вступить в "Бест Вей", но я отказалась, так как квартира не была нужна". Зато стала клиентом "Гермеса": "Внесла 15 тыс. евро, но через три месяца на счете оказалось 3400 евро!" Исаева, по словам Галашенковой, оказалась мошенницей.
По словам Галашенковой, она внесла на счет "Виста" более 3 млн рублей. "Когда сказали, что все счета заблокировали, то собрали с нас еще денег, чтобы счета разблокировать, потом пришло сообщение, что открывается новая фирма, но это все оказалось обманом — счета не разблокированы".
"Я не считала себя потерпевшей, так как не знала, что это можно сделать, — заявила Галашенкова. — Сейчас желаю заявить, что я хочу стать потерпевшей. Считаю, что должна взыскать с "Гермеса" как прямой ущерб, так и упущенную выгоду, так как эта фирма закрылась".
При этом заявила, что "Василенко молодец, потому что я видела людей, которые купили квартиры, они были ему очень благодарны".
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A beloved National Park Service ranger died when he tripped, fell and struck his head on a rock during an annual astronomy festival in southwestern Utah, park officials said over the weekend.
Tom Lorig was 78 when he died after the incident at Bryce Canyon National Park late Friday.
He was known for his extensive work as a ranger and volunteer at 14 National Park Service sites, including Yosemite National Park, Carlsbad Caverns National Park and Dinosaur National Monument, the park service said in a statement Saturday.
“Tom Lorig served Bryce Canyon, the National Park Service, and the public as an interpretive park ranger, forging connections between the world and these special places that he loved,” Bryce Canyon Superintendent Jim Ireland said in the statement.
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A beloved National Park Service ranger died when he tripped, fell and struck his head on a rock during an annual astronomy festival in southwestern Utah, park officials said over the weekend.
Tom Lorig was 78 when he died after the incident at Bryce Canyon National Park late Friday.
He was known for his extensive work as a ranger and volunteer at 14 National Park Service sites, including Yosemite National Park, Carlsbad Caverns National Park and Dinosaur National Monument, the park service said in a statement Saturday.
“Tom Lorig served Bryce Canyon, the National Park Service, and the public as an interpretive park ranger, forging connections between the world and these special places that he loved,” Bryce Canyon Superintendent Jim Ireland said in the statement.
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Graigexity – 13/06/2024
A beloved National Park Service ranger died when he tripped, fell and struck his head on a rock during an annual astronomy festival in southwestern Utah, park officials said over the weekend.
Tom Lorig was 78 when he died after the incident at Bryce Canyon National Park late Friday.
He was known for his extensive work as a ranger and volunteer at 14 National Park Service sites, including Yosemite National Park, Carlsbad Caverns National Park and Dinosaur National Monument, the park service said in a statement Saturday.
“Tom Lorig served Bryce Canyon, the National Park Service, and the public as an interpretive park ranger, forging connections between the world and these special places that he loved,” Bryce Canyon Superintendent Jim Ireland said in the statement.
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Hmm is anyone else encountering problems with the images on this blog loading? I'm trying to determine if its a problem on my end or if it's the blog. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
SLhaneAmils – 13/06/2024
На сегодняшний день, когда диплом - это начало удачной карьеры в любом направлении, многие стараются найти максимально быстрый путь получения образования. Важность наличия документа об образовании сложно переоценить. Ведь именно он открывает дверь перед каждым человеком, желающим вступить в профессиональное сообщество или учиться в ВУЗе.
Предлагаем оперативно получить любой необходимый документ. Вы сможете приобрести диплом нового или старого образца, что будет удачным решением для всех, кто не смог завершить обучение, потерял документ или хочет исправить свои оценки. дипломы изготавливаются аккуратно, с особым вниманием к мельчайшим деталям, чтобы в результате получился продукт, полностью соответствующий оригиналу.
Плюсы этого подхода заключаются не только в том, что можно максимально быстро получить свой диплом. Процесс организован удобно, с профессиональной поддержкой. Начав от выбора требуемого образца до консультации по заполнению персональной информации и доставки в любой регион России — все под абсолютным контролем качественных мастеров.
Для всех, кто пытается найти быстрый способ получить требуемый документ, наша услуга предлагает отличное решение. Приобрести диплом - значит избежать продолжительного обучения и сразу перейти к достижению своих целей: к поступлению в ВУЗ или к началу трудовой карьеры.
LhaneAmils – 13/06/2024
Hi there, I would like to subscribe for this website to obtain most recent updates, so where can i do it please assist.
GichardsaumB – 13/06/2024
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OLaneAmils – 13/06/2024
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Stephennit – 13/06/2024
I think what you said made a great deal of sense. But, consider this, suppose you wrote a catchier title? I am not suggesting your content is not good, but suppose you added something to possibly get people's attention? I mean %BLOG_TITLE% is kinda boring. You might look at Yahoo's home page and see how they create article headlines to get viewers to open the links. You might add a related video or a related pic or two to grab readers interested about what you've written. In my opinion, it might bring your blog a little bit more interesting.
LewisStoow – 13/06/2024
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OLaneAmils – 12/06/2024
Wow, wonderful blog layout! How long have you been blogging for? you made blogging look easy. The overall look of your site is magnificent, as well as the content!
EarnestGem – 12/06/2024
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GichardsaumB – 12/06/2024
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ShaneAmils – 12/06/2024
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GichardsaumB – 12/06/2024
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Timsothyneova – 12/06/2024
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IsmaelNup – 12/06/2024
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LewisStoow – 12/06/2024
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LewisStoow – 12/06/2024
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ShaneAmils – 12/06/2024
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Stephennit – 12/06/2024
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Stephennit – 12/06/2024
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LhaneAmils – 12/06/2024
Today, while I was at work, my cousin stole my apple ipad and tested to see if it can survive a 40 foot drop, just so she can be a youtube sensation. My apple ipad is now destroyed and she has 83 views. I know this is totally off topic but I had to share it with someone!
TommyMax – 12/06/2024
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Stephennit – 12/06/2024
Aw, this was an exceptionally nice post. Taking a few minutes and actual effort to create a top notch article… but what can I say… I hesitate a whole lot and never manage to get anything done.
OLaneAmils – 12/06/2024
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OLaneAmils – 12/06/2024
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Dichaelbor – 12/06/2024
Aw, this was an incredibly good post. Finding the time and actual effort to make a great article… but what can I say… I procrastinate a whole lot and never manage to get anything done.
Stephennit – 12/06/2024
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Fobertmuh – 12/06/2024
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OLaneAmils – 12/06/2024
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GichardsaumB – 11/06/2024
В нашем обществе, где диплом является началом успешной карьеры в любом направлении, многие ищут максимально простой путь получения образования. Необходимость наличия документа об образовании переоценить попросту невозможно. Ведь именно диплом открывает дверь перед людьми, стремящимися начать профессиональную деятельность или учиться в каком-либо институте.
В данном контексте наша компания предлагает быстро получить этот необходимый документ. Вы можете приобрести диплом, что является удачным решением для всех, кто не смог закончить обучение или потерял документ. Любой диплом изготавливается с особой тщательностью, вниманием к мельчайшим элементам, чтобы в результате получился полностью оригинальный документ.
Плюсы данного подхода состоят не только в том, что можно максимально быстро получить диплом. Весь процесс организовывается комфортно и легко, с профессиональной поддержкой. От выбора нужного образца диплома до консультации по заполнению личных данных и доставки в любое место страны — все будет находиться под полным контролем квалифицированных мастеров.
Для всех, кто пытается найти быстрый и простой способ получения необходимого документа, наша компания предлагает выгодное решение. Заказать диплом - значит избежать длительного процесса обучения и не теряя времени переходить к важным целям: к поступлению в ВУЗ или к началу удачной карьеры.
LewisStoow – 11/06/2024
Hi there to every body, it's my first pay a quick visit of this blog; this weblog consists of awesome and genuinely excellent stuff for readers.
GichardsaumB – 11/06/2024
Currently it looks like Wordpress is the best blogging platform out there right now. (from what I've read) Is that what you are using on your blog?
EarnestGem – 11/06/2024
Today, I went to the beach front with my children. I found a sea shell and gave it to my 4 year old daughter and said "You can hear the ocean if you put this to your ear." She put the shell to her ear and screamed. There was a hermit crab inside and it pinched her ear. She never wants to go back! LoL I know this is completely off topic but I had to tell someone!
GichardsaumB – 11/06/2024
Appreciating the time and effort you put into your website and in depth information you present. It's great to come across a blog every once in a while that isn't the same old rehashed information. Great read! I've bookmarked your site and I'm including your RSS feeds to my Google account.
Stephennit – 11/06/2024
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ShaneAmils – 11/06/2024
Today, I went to the beachfront with my children. I found a sea shell and gave it to my 4 year old daughter and said "You can hear the ocean if you put this to your ear." She put the shell to her ear and screamed. There was a hermit crab inside and it pinched her ear. She never wants to go back! LoL I know this is totally off topic but I had to tell someone!
IsmaelNup – 11/06/2024
I'm not sure exactly why but this weblog is loading extremely slow for me. Is anyone else having this problem or is it a issue on my end? I'll check back later and see if the problem still exists.
Stephennit – 11/06/2024
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IsmaelNup – 11/06/2024
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Fobertmuh – 11/06/2024
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LhaneAmils – 11/06/2024
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LewisStoow – 11/06/2024
Howdy! This is kind of off topic but I need some guidance from an established blog. Is it difficult to set up your own blog? I'm not very techincal but I can figure things out pretty fast. I'm thinking about making my own but I'm not sure where to begin. Do you have any points or suggestions? Cheers
EarnestGem – 11/06/2024
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LewisStoow – 11/06/2024
Hey there! Do you know if they make any plugins to help with SEO? I'm trying to get my blog to rank for some targeted keywords but I'm not seeing very good success. If you know of any please share. Thanks!
Fobertmuh – 11/06/2024
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GichardsaumB – 11/06/2024
Stephennit – 11/06/2024
Remarkable! Its truly remarkable paragraph, I have got much clear idea regarding from this piece of writing.
SLewisStoow – 11/06/2024
В современном мире, где диплом является началом отличной карьеры в любой отрасли, многие стараются найти максимально быстрый путь получения качественного образования. Наличие документа об образовании переоценить просто невозможно. Ведь диплом открывает двери перед любым человеком, желающим вступить в профессиональное сообщество или продолжить обучение в университете.
В данном контексте наша компания предлагает быстро получить этот важный документ. Вы можете приобрести диплом, и это становится выгодным решением для человека, который не смог завершить образование или потерял документ. Каждый диплом изготавливается аккуратно, с максимальным вниманием к мельчайшим деталям, чтобы в итоге получился 100% оригинальный документ.
Преимущество этого подхода заключается не только в том, что вы оперативно получите диплом. Весь процесс организовывается комфортно, с профессиональной поддержкой. От выбора подходящего образца до консультаций по заполнению персональной информации и доставки по стране — все под полным контролем квалифицированных специалистов.
Для тех, кто хочет найти оперативный способ получить требуемый документ, наша компания предлагает выгодное решение. Заказать диплом - это значит избежать долгого обучения и не теряя времени переходить к достижению личных целей, будь то поступление в ВУЗ или старт успешной карьеры.
IsmaelNup – 11/06/2024
whoah this weblog is fantastic i really like reading your articles. Keep up the good work! You understand, lots of persons are searching around for this info, you could aid them greatly.
RobertGed – 11/06/2024
Делаем отличное предложение для вас сделать консультацию (аудит) по подъему продаж также прибыли в вашем бизнесе. Формат аудита: личная встреча или конференция по скайпу. Делая верные, но не сложные усилия, прибыль от ВАШЕГО бизнеса можно поднять в много раз. В нашем арсенале более 100 испытанных фактических методологий умножения результатов и прибыли. В зависимости от вашего коммерциала разработаем для вас максимально лучшие и будем шаг за шагом внедрять.
SShaneAmils – 11/06/2024
В наше время, когда диплом является началом успешной карьеры в любой сфере, многие пытаются найти максимально быстрый и простой путь получения образования. Факт наличия документа об образовании переоценить невозможно. Ведь диплом открывает дверь перед людьми, стремящимися начать профессиональную деятельность или учиться в университете.
Наша компания предлагает быстро получить этот важный документ. Вы сможете купить диплом старого или нового образца, и это становится удачным решением для всех, кто не смог завершить образование или потерял документ. диплом изготавливается с особой аккуратностью, вниманием к мельчайшим элементам, чтобы в итоге получился полностью оригинальный документ.
Преимущества данного решения заключаются не только в том, что вы оперативно получите диплом. Весь процесс организовывается комфортно, с профессиональной поддержкой. От выбора требуемого образца диплома до правильного заполнения персональных данных и доставки в любое место страны — все под абсолютным контролем опытных специалистов.
В итоге, для тех, кто хочет найти оперативный способ получить требуемый документ, наша услуга предлагает отличное решение. Купить диплом - значит избежать продолжительного процесса обучения и не теряя времени перейти к важным целям: к поступлению в университет или к началу удачной карьеры.
Stephennit – 10/06/2024
What's up mates, its great post concerning cultureand fully defined, keep it up all the time.
OLaneAmils – 10/06/2024
Please let me know if you're looking for a article author for your weblog. You have some really great articles and I believe I would be a good asset. If you ever want to take some of the load off, I'd love to write some material for your blog in exchange for a link back to mine. Please shoot me an email if interested. Kudos!
SDichaelbor – 10/06/2024
В современном мире, где диплом становится началом отличной карьеры в любом направлении, многие ищут максимально быстрый и простой путь получения образования. Важность наличия официального документа сложно переоценить. Ведь диплом открывает дверь перед всеми, кто желает вступить в сообщество профессионалов или учиться в любом ВУЗе.
Наша компания предлагает быстро получить этот необходимый документ. Вы можете приобрести диплом старого или нового образца, что становится отличным решением для человека, который не смог закончить образование, утратил документ или хочет исправить свои оценки. дипломы изготавливаются с особой аккуратностью, вниманием к мельчайшим нюансам, чтобы в результате получился документ, максимально соответствующий оригиналу.
Преимущество этого решения заключается не только в том, что вы сможете быстро получить диплом. Процесс организовывается комфортно, с профессиональной поддержкой. От выбора требуемого образца документа до точного заполнения персональной информации и доставки в любой регион страны — все находится под абсолютным контролем наших специалистов.
Всем, кто ищет быстрый способ получить требуемый документ, наша услуга предлагает отличное решение. Приобрести диплом - это значит избежать продолжительного процесса обучения и сразу переходить к личным целям, будь то поступление в ВУЗ или начало карьеры.
Stephennit – 10/06/2024
Stephennit – 10/06/2024
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LhaneAmils – 10/06/2024
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Dichaelbor – 10/06/2024
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Stephennit – 10/06/2024
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EarnestGem – 10/06/2024
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LhaneAmils – 10/06/2024
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IsmaelNup – 09/06/2024
Hello this is somewhat of off topic but I was wanting to know if blogs use WYSIWYG editors or if you have to manually code with HTML. I'm starting a blog soon but have no coding experience so I wanted to get guidance from someone with experience. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Jseraldpam – 09/06/2024
В нашем обществе, где диплом - это начало удачной карьеры в любом направлении, многие пытаются найти максимально быстрый путь получения образования. Важность наличия официального документа трудно переоценить. Ведь диплом открывает двери перед каждым человеком, желающим начать трудовую деятельность или продолжить обучение в каком-либо институте.
В данном контексте мы предлагаем быстро получить этот важный документ. Вы сможете купить диплом, и это является удачным решением для всех, кто не смог закончить обучение или утратил документ. диплом изготавливается с особой аккуратностью, вниманием к мельчайшим деталям. В результате вы сможете получить полностью оригинальный документ.
Преимущество этого подхода заключается не только в том, что можно максимально быстро получить свой диплом. Процесс организовывается удобно, с профессиональной поддержкой. Начав от выбора подходящего образца документа до консультации по заполнению персональных данных и доставки по стране — все под абсолютным контролем квалифицированных специалистов.
Для тех, кто ищет оперативный способ получения требуемого документа, наша услуга предлагает отличное решение. Заказать диплом - это значит избежать долгого процесса обучения и сразу перейти к достижению личных целей: к поступлению в университет или к началу трудовой карьеры.
Stephennit – 09/06/2024
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Stephennit – 09/06/2024
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Stephennit – 09/06/2024
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GichardsaumB – 09/06/2024
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Jseraldpam – 09/06/2024
EarnestGem – 09/06/2024
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Мы предлагаем оперативно получить этот необходимый документ. Вы можете приобрести диплом старого или нового образца, и это становится удачным решением для всех, кто не смог закончить обучение или потерял документ. Каждый диплом изготавливается аккуратно, с особым вниманием к мельчайшим элементам. В результате вы получите полностью оригинальный документ.
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Для всех, кто ищет быстрый и простой способ получить необходимый документ, наша компания может предложить отличное решение. Купить диплом - это значит избежать долгого процесса обучения и не теряя времени перейти к достижению собственных целей: к поступлению в университет или к началу удачной карьеры.
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В данном контексте наша компания предлагает быстро получить этот необходимый документ. Вы имеете возможность заказать диплом старого или нового образца, и это является отличным решением для человека, который не смог завершить образование, потерял документ или желает исправить свои оценки. Любой диплом изготавливается с особой аккуратностью, вниманием к мельчайшим деталям. В итоге вы сможете получить 100% оригинальный документ.
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Диплом не только представляет личное образование, но и отражает вашу дисциплинированность, трудолюбие и настойчивость в добивании целей. Диплом является результатом усилий и вложенных усилий, вкладываемых в учебу и самосовершенствование. Получение диплома раскрывает перед вами свежие перспективы возможностей, даруя возможность избирать из множества направлений и профессиональных направлений. Кроме того даёт вам базис знаний и навыков, необходимых для выдающейся практики в современном мире, насыщенном вызовами и изменениями. Помимо этого, диплом является доказательством вашей компетентности и квалификации, что в свою очередь повышает вашу привлекательность на трудовом рынке и открывает вами возможности к лучшим шансам для профессионального роста. Следовательно, завершение учебы аттестата не лишь пополняет ваше личное и профессиональное развитие, но и открывает перед вами новые перспективы для достижения целей и мечтаний.
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Мы предлагаем оперативно получить этот необходимый документ. Вы можете купить аттестат нового или старого образца, и это является выгодным решением для всех, кто не смог завершить образование или потерял документ. Каждый аттестат изготавливается аккуратно, с максимальным вниманием к мельчайшим деталям. На выходе вы получите продукт, полностью соответствующий оригиналу.
Плюсы подобного подхода заключаются не только в том, что можно максимально быстро получить свой аттестат. Процесс организован удобно, с нашей поддержкой. От выбора нужного образца до точного заполнения персональной информации и доставки в любой регион страны — все под абсолютным контролем наших мастеров.
Для всех, кто ищет быстрый способ получить необходимый документ, наша услуга предлагает отличное решение. Заказать аттестат - это значит избежать долгого обучения и не теряя времени переходить к достижению собственных целей: к поступлению в ВУЗ или к началу трудовой карьеры.
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Окончание диплома считается ключевым этапом во карьере каждого индивидуума, который определяет его будущее и профессиональные возможности.
Диплом открывает путь к новым горизонтам и перспективам, гарантируя доступ к высококачественному образованию и престижным профессиям.
В современном мире, где конкуренция на рынке труда постоянно растёт, имение аттестата становится обязательным условием для выдающейся карьеры.
Он подтверждает ваши знания, навыки и умения перед работодателями и общественностью в общем.
diploman-russiya.comкупить аттестат классов - возможность для тех, кто стремится к успеху без дополнительных трудностей. Это шанс закончить обучение по среднему образованию, открывающий двери к новым возможностям и престижным профессиям. Наш сервис гарантирует качество и конфиденциальность, помогая вам достичь ваших целей быстро и эффективно.
Кроме того, аттестат дарит уверенность и увеличивает оценку себя, что помогает личностному росту и развитию. Завершение учебы образования также является инвестицией в будущий путь, обеспечивая устойчивость и благополучный стандарт жизни.
Поэтому отдавать должное внимание образованию и бороться за его достижению, чтобы получить успеха и удовлетворение от своей профессиональной деятельности.
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В современном мире, где диплом является началом удачной карьеры в любой области, многие ищут максимально простой путь получения качественного образования. Факт наличия официального документа трудно переоценить. Ведь именно диплом открывает двери перед людьми, желающими вступить в профессиональное сообщество или продолжить обучение в любом университете.
В данном контексте наша компания предлагает оперативно получить этот важный документ. Вы имеете возможность купить диплом старого или нового образца, и это становится отличным решением для человека, который не смог завершить образование, потерял документ или хочет исправить свои оценки. диплом изготавливается с особой тщательностью, вниманием ко всем деталям. В итоге вы сможете получить продукт, 100% соответствующий оригиналу.
Преимущества этого подхода состоят не только в том, что можно максимально быстро получить свой диплом. Весь процесс организовывается просто и легко, с профессиональной поддержкой. От выбора требуемого образца до консультаций по заполнению персональных данных и доставки по России — все находится под полным контролем наших мастеров.
Всем, кто ищет быстрый и простой способ получения необходимого документа, наша компания предлагает выгодное решение. Купить диплом - значит избежать длительного процесса обучения и не теряя времени перейти к важным целям: к поступлению в университет или к началу трудовой карьеры.
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GichardsaumB – 09/05/2024
В нашем мире, где диплом является началом отличной карьеры в любом направлении, многие пытаются найти максимально простой путь получения образования. Наличие официального документа сложно переоценить. Ведь диплом открывает двери перед каждым человеком, который стремится начать профессиональную деятельность или продолжить обучение в университете.
Предлагаем оперативно получить этот важный документ. Вы сможете приобрести диплом, что будет удачным решением для человека, который не смог закончить обучение или потерял документ. диплом изготавливается с особой тщательностью, вниманием ко всем элементам. В результате вы сможете получить 100% оригинальный документ.
Преимущества подобного подхода состоят не только в том, что вы сможете оперативно получить диплом. Процесс организовывается удобно, с нашей поддержкой. Начиная от выбора подходящего образца диплома до грамотного заполнения личной информации и доставки по стране — все находится под полным контролем квалифицированных мастеров.
Для всех, кто ищет оперативный способ получить необходимый документ, наша компания предлагает выгодное решение. Заказать диплом - значит избежать долгого обучения и сразу перейти к важным целям: к поступлению в ВУЗ или к началу удачной карьеры.
Dichaelbor – 08/05/2024
Howdy! I know this is kinda off topic but I'd figured I'd ask. Would you be interested in exchanging links or maybe guest writing a blog post or vice-versa? My site covers a lot of the same subjects as yours and I believe we could greatly benefit from each other. If you are interested feel free to send me an email. I look forward to hearing from you! Terrific blog by the way!
OLaneAmils – 08/05/2024
В наше время, когда диплом - это начало удачной карьеры в любом направлении, многие ищут максимально простой путь получения образования. Наличие официального документа об образовании сложно переоценить. Ведь именно он открывает дверь перед всеми, кто стремится вступить в профессиональное сообщество или продолжить обучение в высшем учебном заведении.
Предлагаем очень быстро получить этот необходимый документ. Вы можете заказать диплом нового или старого образца, что будет выгодным решением для человека, который не смог завершить образование, потерял документ или желает исправить плохие оценки. дипломы производятся аккуратно, с максимальным вниманием ко всем элементам. На выходе вы получите 100% оригинальный документ.
Преимущество подобного подхода состоит не только в том, что вы максимально быстро получите свой диплом. Весь процесс организовывается удобно, с нашей поддержкой. Начиная от выбора необходимого образца до точного заполнения личной информации и доставки в любое место России — все будет находиться под полным контролем опытных специалистов.
Всем, кто ищет быстрый способ получения необходимого документа, наша услуга предлагает выгодное решение. Приобрести диплом - это значит избежать длительного обучения и не теряя времени переходить к личным целям, будь то поступление в ВУЗ или старт удачной карьеры.
IsmaelNup – 08/05/2024
В современном мире, где диплом становится началом удачной карьеры в любой сфере, многие пытаются найти максимально простой путь получения образования. Факт наличия документа об образовании переоценить попросту невозможно. Ведь диплом открывает дверь перед людьми, стремящимися начать профессиональную деятельность или продолжить обучение в ВУЗе.
Предлагаем быстро получить этот важный документ. Вы можете приобрести диплом старого или нового образца, и это становится удачным решением для человека, который не смог закончить обучение или потерял документ. Все дипломы производятся с особой аккуратностью, вниманием ко всем элементам. В результате вы получите документ, полностью соответствующий оригиналу.
Преимущество такого решения состоит не только в том, что можно оперативно получить диплом. Процесс организован комфортно, с профессиональной поддержкой. Начав от выбора требуемого образца до консультаций по заполнению личных данных и доставки в любой регион России — все под полным контролем качественных специалистов.
В результате, для тех, кто ищет быстрый и простой способ получить необходимый документ, наша компания предлагает выгодное решение. Купить диплом - значит избежать длительного обучения и сразу переходить к своим целям, будь то поступление в университет или начало карьеры.
RamiroReumb – 08/05/2024
В нашем мире, где аттестат становится началом успешной карьеры в любой области, многие ищут максимально простой путь получения образования. Наличие официального документа об образовании трудно переоценить. Ведь именно диплом открывает дверь перед людьми, стремящимися начать профессиональную деятельность или учиться в университете.
В данном контексте мы предлагаем очень быстро получить этот необходимый документ. Вы сможете приобрести аттестат нового или старого образца, и это становится выгодным решением для человека, который не смог закончить обучение или потерял документ. Каждый аттестат изготавливается с особой тщательностью, вниманием к мельчайшим нюансам. В результате вы получите документ, 100% соответствующий оригиналу.
Превосходство данного подхода заключается не только в том, что вы максимально быстро получите свой аттестат. Процесс организован комфортно, с профессиональной поддержкой. От выбора требуемого образца до консультации по заполнению личных данных и доставки по стране — все будет находиться под полным контролем опытных мастеров.
В итоге, для всех, кто хочет найти быстрый и простой способ получения необходимого документа, наша компания готова предложить отличное решение. Купить аттестат - значит избежать долгого процесса обучения и сразу перейти к достижению своих целей, будь то поступление в университет или начало карьеры.
Dichaelbor – 08/05/2024
This is the perfect webpage for everyone who hopes to find out about this topic. You understand a whole lot its almost tough to argue with you (not that I really would want to…HaHa). You certainly put a new spin on a topic which has been written about for years. Excellent stuff, just great!
Stephennit – 05/05/2024
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Timsothyneova – 05/05/2024
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www.diplomanrus.com – 05/05/2024
Окончание образования представляет собой основным моментом в жизни всякого индивидуума, который определяет его перспективы и профессиональные возможности.
Аттестат даёт доступ путь к новым горизонтам и возможностям, гарантируя доступ к качественному образованию и престижным профессиям.
В нынешнем мире, где в борьба на трудовом рынке постоянно растёт, имение аттестата делает жизненно важным условием для выдающейся карьеры.
Он подтверждает ваши знания, умения и навыки, компетенции и компетенции перед работодателями и обществом в целом.
www.diplomanrus.comкупить аттестат образование - выход для тех, кто желает достижения успеха без лишних препятствий. Это возможность закончить обучение о высшему образованию, открывающий двери к новым возможностям и престижным профессиям. Наш портал обеспечивает качество и конфиденциальность, помогая вам достичь ваших целей с минимальными усилиями.
Кроме того, диплом дарит уверенность в себе и повышает оценку себя, что содействует персональному развитию и развитию. Окончание диплома также вложением в свое будущее, обеспечивая стабильность и благополучный стандарт проживания.
Поэтому уделять должное внимание и время образованию и стремиться к его достижению, чтобы обрести успех и удовлетворение от своей профессиональной деятельности.
شركة مكافحة النمل الابيض – 05/05/2024
شركة مكافحة النمل الابيض
prodiplome.com – 02/05/2024
Купить аттестат - https://prodiplome.com/prodazha-diplomov-poleznye-stati-ob-obrazovanii-v-rf/
– это важный показатель вашего развития. Воспользуйтесь нашими сервисом, чтобы легко и без лишних усилий приобрести документ, необходимый для продолжения учебы или получения работы. Наши опытные специалисты гарантируют высокое качество и дискретность предоставляемых сервисов. Покупайте диплом у нас и открывайте свежие перспективы для своего образования и карьеры.
prodiplome.com – 02/05/2024
Купить аттестат классов - https://prodiplome.com/prodazha-diplomov-priobresti-diplom-kandidata-nauk/
– это существенный фактор вашего перспектив. Воспользуйтесь нашими сервисом, чтобы быстро и без проблем приобрести документ, необходимый для последующего образования или карьерного роста. Наши опытные специалисты предоставляют качество и конфиденциальность предоставляемых услуг. Покупайте диплом у нас и открывайте дополнительные перспективы для вашего образования и профессионального роста.
Dichaelbor – 29/04/2024
This page truly has all the information I wanted concerning this subject and didn't know who to ask.
Dichaelbor – 28/04/2024
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LhaneAmils – 28/04/2024
Сегодня, когда диплом является началом успешной карьеры в любом направлении, многие ищут максимально быстрый и простой путь получения образования. Важность наличия официального документа об образовании сложно переоценить. Ведь именно диплом открывает дверь перед всеми, кто собирается вступить в профессиональное сообщество или учиться в высшем учебном заведении.
В данном контексте наша компания предлагает очень быстро получить этот важный документ. Вы сможете купить диплом, и это становится отличным решением для всех, кто не смог закончить обучение или потерял документ. диплом изготавливается аккуратно, с максимальным вниманием ко всем деталям, чтобы на выходе получился 100% оригинальный документ.
Плюсы такого подхода состоят не только в том, что можно максимально быстро получить диплом. Процесс организован удобно, с нашей поддержкой. Начав от выбора необходимого образца до точного заполнения персональной информации и доставки по России — все находится под полным контролем наших мастеров.
Всем, кто пытается найти максимально быстрый способ получить требуемый документ, наша услуга предлагает выгодное решение. Купить диплом - это значит избежать длительного обучения и сразу переходить к своим целям: к поступлению в ВУЗ или к началу трудовой карьеры.
GichardsaumB – 28/04/2024
В современном мире, где диплом становится началом удачной карьеры в любом направлении, многие ищут максимально быстрый и простой путь получения образования. Факт наличия документа об образовании трудно переоценить. Ведь именно диплом открывает двери перед каждым человеком, который хочет начать профессиональную деятельность или учиться в ВУЗе.
Мы предлагаем очень быстро получить этот важный документ. Вы можете купить диплом нового или старого образца, и это становится выгодным решением для всех, кто не смог закончить образование, потерял документ или желает исправить плохие оценки. Каждый диплом изготавливается аккуратно, с максимальным вниманием ко всем нюансам. На выходе вы сможете получить 100% оригинальный документ.
Преимущества такого решения заключаются не только в том, что можно оперативно получить диплом. Весь процесс организовывается комфортно, с нашей поддержкой. От выбора нужного образца до консультации по заполнению личных данных и доставки в любой регион России — все под полным контролем квалифицированных специалистов.
Для всех, кто ищет быстрый способ получения необходимого документа, наша компания может предложить выгодное решение. Купить диплом - это значит избежать долгого обучения и не теряя времени переходить к своим целям: к поступлению в ВУЗ или к началу удачной карьеры.
ShaneAmils – 28/04/2024
В нашем мире, где диплом является началом отличной карьеры в любом направлении, многие пытаются найти максимально быстрый и простой путь получения образования. Необходимость наличия официального документа об образовании трудно переоценить. Ведь именно диплом открывает дверь перед людьми, желающими вступить в профессиональное сообщество или учиться в университете.
В данном контексте наша компания предлагает быстро получить любой необходимый документ. Вы сможете заказать диплом старого или нового образца, и это является выгодным решением для человека, который не смог закончить обучение или потерял документ. Каждый диплом изготавливается аккуратно, с особым вниманием к мельчайшим элементам. В итоге вы сможете получить документ, 100% соответствующий оригиналу.
Преимущество подобного решения заключается не только в том, что можно быстро получить свой диплом. Процесс организован удобно, с профессиональной поддержкой. От выбора нужного образца диплома до консультаций по заполнению личных данных и доставки по стране — все будет находиться под полным контролем качественных мастеров.
Всем, кто пытается найти быстрый и простой способ получить необходимый документ, наша компания предлагает отличное решение. Приобрести диплом - значит избежать долгого обучения и сразу переходить к достижению своих целей, будь то поступление в университет или начало карьеры.
HarryDrato – 28/04/2024
Excellent, what a webpage it is! This website provides valuable facts to us, keep it up.
HarryDrato – 27/04/2024
I was able to find good info from your articles.
Fobertmuh – 27/04/2024
В нашем мире, где диплом становится началом успешной карьеры в любой сфере, многие ищут максимально быстрый путь получения качественного образования. Факт наличия документа об образовании переоценить невозможно. Ведь именно он открывает двери перед каждым человеком, желающим начать профессиональную деятельность или учиться в университете.
В данном контексте наша компания предлагает быстро получить этот важный документ. Вы можете приобрести диплом, и это является отличным решением для всех, кто не смог завершить образование или утратил документ. дипломы выпускаются с особой тщательностью, вниманием к мельчайшим нюансам. В итоге вы получите 100% оригинальный документ.
Плюсы данного подхода состоят не только в том, что вы сможете максимально быстро получить диплом. Процесс организован комфортно, с профессиональной поддержкой. Начиная от выбора нужного образца до правильного заполнения личной информации и доставки по России — все под полным контролем качественных мастеров.
Для всех, кто пытается найти быстрый и простой способ получения требуемого документа, наша компания предлагает отличное решение. Заказать диплом - значит избежать длительного процесса обучения и сразу переходить к личным целям, будь то поступление в ВУЗ или старт карьеры.
LewisStoow – 27/04/2024
Сегодня, когда диплом является началом успешной карьеры в любом направлении, многие пытаются найти максимально быстрый путь получения образования. Необходимость наличия официального документа трудно переоценить. Ведь именно он открывает дверь перед всеми, кто собирается вступить в сообщество профессионалов или учиться в каком-либо ВУЗе.
Предлагаем максимально быстро получить этот необходимый документ. Вы имеете возможность приобрести диплом нового или старого образца, что будет отличным решением для человека, который не смог завершить образование, утратил документ или хочет исправить свои оценки. Все дипломы производятся аккуратно, с особым вниманием к мельчайшим нюансам. В итоге вы сможете получить полностью оригинальный документ.
Преимущества данного решения состоят не только в том, что вы сможете оперативно получить диплом. Весь процесс организован удобно, с профессиональной поддержкой. Начиная от выбора необходимого образца до консультаций по заполнению личных данных и доставки в любой регион страны — все будет находиться под абсолютным контролем качественных специалистов.
Для всех, кто ищет быстрый и простой способ получения необходимого документа, наша услуга предлагает выгодное решение. Приобрести диплом - это значит избежать долгого процесса обучения и сразу переходить к важным целям: к поступлению в университет или к началу удачной карьеры.
GichardsaumB – 27/04/2024
В современном мире, где диплом - это начало отличной карьеры в любом направлении, многие ищут максимально быстрый путь получения образования. Факт наличия документа об образовании сложно переоценить. Ведь именно он открывает двери перед любым человеком, желающим вступить в сообщество профессионалов или продолжить обучение в высшем учебном заведении.
В данном контексте мы предлагаем максимально быстро получить этот важный документ. Вы можете заказать диплом старого или нового образца, что становится отличным решением для человека, который не смог закончить образование, потерял документ или желает исправить плохие оценки. Все дипломы выпускаются аккуратно, с особым вниманием ко всем деталям. На выходе вы сможете получить 100% оригинальный документ.
Преимущество этого решения состоит не только в том, что можно максимально быстро получить свой диплом. Весь процесс организовывается просто и легко, с нашей поддержкой. Начав от выбора необходимого образца до точного заполнения персональных данных и доставки в любое место России — все находится под полным контролем качественных мастеров.
В итоге, для всех, кто пытается найти быстрый способ получения требуемого документа, наша компания предлагает выгодное решение. Приобрести диплом - это значит избежать продолжительного обучения и сразу перейти к личным целям, будь то поступление в университет или начало удачной карьеры.
CharlesFiero – 26/04/2024
Сеть салонов
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Мир богатства чтобы ваших хохол
Находясь в течение Москве, Нью-Йорке или Дубае, вы в силах посетить наши салоны в спокойное время. Для настоящего:
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В современном мире, где диплом становится началом удачной карьеры в любой отрасли, многие стараются найти максимально простой путь получения качественного образования. Факт наличия официального документа об образовании сложно переоценить. Ведь именно он открывает дверь перед любым человеком, который хочет начать трудовую деятельность или продолжить обучение в каком-либо ВУЗе.
Наша компания предлагает оперативно получить этот важный документ. Вы можете заказать диплом, что является выгодным решением для всех, кто не смог завершить образование или утратил документ. Любой диплом изготавливается с особой тщательностью, вниманием к мельчайшим деталям, чтобы на выходе получился 100% оригинальный документ.
Превосходство этого подхода состоит не только в том, что можно оперативно получить диплом. Весь процесс организовывается удобно, с профессиональной поддержкой. Начиная от выбора необходимого образца диплома до консультации по заполнению личных данных и доставки в любой регион страны — все будет находиться под абсолютным контролем наших специалистов.
Для тех, кто ищет быстрый способ получения необходимого документа, наша компания готова предложить отличное решение. Купить диплом - значит избежать продолжительного обучения и не теряя времени переходить к достижению своих целей: к поступлению в ВУЗ или к началу успешной карьеры.
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EarnestGem – 25/04/2024
В наше время, когда диплом является началом успешной карьеры в любом направлении, многие стараются найти максимально быстрый и простой путь получения образования. Наличие официального документа об образовании трудно переоценить. Ведь именно он открывает двери перед всеми, кто собирается вступить в сообщество квалифицированных специалистов или продолжить обучение в высшем учебном заведении.
В данном контексте наша компания предлагает оперативно получить этот важный документ. Вы имеете возможность заказать диплом старого или нового образца, и это становится отличным решением для человека, который не смог завершить образование, утратил документ или хочет исправить свои оценки. диплом изготавливается аккуратно, с особым вниманием к мельчайшим нюансам. В результате вы сможете получить 100% оригинальный документ.
Преимущества такого решения состоят не только в том, что вы сможете максимально быстро получить свой диплом. Процесс организован удобно, с профессиональной поддержкой. Начиная от выбора необходимого образца до грамотного заполнения персональной информации и доставки в любой регион страны — все будет находиться под абсолютным контролем квалифицированных мастеров.
Всем, кто ищет быстрый способ получить необходимый документ, наша услуга предлагает отличное решение. Заказать диплом - значит избежать долгого обучения и сразу переходить к своим целям, будь то поступление в университет или начало успешной карьеры.
Купить аттестат за 9 – 25/04/2024
Где купить аттестат – это существенный показатель вашего развития. Воспользуйтесь нашими сервисом, чтобы легко и без труда приобрести аттестат, необходимый для продолжения учебы или карьерного роста. Наши квалифицированные специалисты предоставляют качество и конфиденциальность предоставляемых услуг. Покупайте свидетельство об образовании у нас и раскрывайте дополнительные перспективы для своего образования и трудоустройства.
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OLaneAmils – 23/04/2024
В нашем мире, где диплом является началом успешной карьеры в любой области, многие ищут максимально быстрый путь получения образования. Наличие официального документа об образовании переоценить невозможно. Ведь диплом открывает двери перед каждым человеком, который хочет вступить в профессиональное сообщество или продолжить обучение в университете.
В данном контексте наша компания предлагает максимально быстро получить этот необходимый документ. Вы имеете возможность заказать диплом нового или старого образца, что будет отличным решением для всех, кто не смог закончить обучение или потерял документ. Все дипломы выпускаются с особой тщательностью, вниманием к мельчайшим деталям. На выходе вы сможете получить 100% оригинальный документ.
Преимущество такого решения заключается не только в том, что можно быстро получить свой диплом. Процесс организовывается комфортно, с профессиональной поддержкой. Начиная от выбора необходимого образца до консультации по заполнению персональной информации и доставки в любое место страны — все будет находиться под полным контролем опытных мастеров.
Всем, кто пытается найти быстрый и простой способ получить требуемый документ, наша компания готова предложить отличное решение. Купить диплом - значит избежать долгого обучения и не теряя времени перейти к достижению собственных целей, будь то поступление в университет или начало карьеры.
GregoryLep – 23/04/2024
Fobertmuh – 23/04/2024
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Купить аттестат – 23/04/2024
Купить аттестат о среднем – это существенный фактор твоего развития. Воспользуйтесь нашими сервисом, чтобы легко и без проблем приобрести аттестат, необходимый для дальнейшего обучения или получения работы. Наши высококвалифицированные специалисты гарантируют качество и защищенность предоставляемых услуги. Покупайте диплом у нас и раскрывайте дополнительные перспективы для личного образования и карьеры.
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В нашем мире, где диплом является началом удачной карьеры в любом направлении, многие ищут максимально простой путь получения качественного образования. Наличие официального документа об образовании трудно переоценить. Ведь именно диплом открывает двери перед всеми, кто хочет начать трудовую деятельность или учиться в ВУЗе.
Наша компания предлагает оперативно получить этот важный документ. Вы можете купить диплом нового или старого образца, что будет удачным решением для всех, кто не смог завершить образование или утратил документ. Все дипломы производятся аккуратно, с особым вниманием к мельчайшим нюансам, чтобы в итоге получился 100% оригинальный документ.
Преимущества этого подхода состоят не только в том, что можно оперативно получить диплом. Весь процесс организован комфортно, с профессиональной поддержкой. От выбора необходимого образца до консультации по заполнению персональных данных и доставки по России — все под абсолютным контролем опытных мастеров.
Для тех, кто ищет оперативный способ получить необходимый документ, наша компания предлагает выгодное решение. Купить диплом - это значит избежать долгого обучения и сразу перейти к личным целям: к поступлению в ВУЗ или к началу успешной карьеры.
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DevinMup – 19/04/2024
Купить школьный аттестат – возможность для твоему будущему. На данном портале вы сможете легко и оперативно приобрести свидетельство, нужный для того, чтобы последующего получения образования или профессионального роста. Наши консультанты обеспечивают качество и конфиденциальность предоставления услуг. Приобретайте учебный сертификат в нашем сервисе и откройте новые возможности для вашего профессионального роста и трудоустройства.
RobertSwips – 19/04/2024
В нашем мире, где аттестат - это начало отличной карьеры в любом направлении, многие ищут максимально быстрый путь получения качественного образования. Наличие официального документа об образовании переоценить просто невозможно. Ведь именно диплом открывает двери перед людьми, стремящимися начать трудовую деятельность или учиться в высшем учебном заведении.
Предлагаем очень быстро получить этот важный документ. Вы можете приобрести аттестат старого или нового образца, и это становится выгодным решением для всех, кто не смог закончить обучение, утратил документ или желает исправить плохие оценки. Аттестат изготавливается аккуратно, с максимальным вниманием к мельчайшим элементам, чтобы на выходе получился 100% оригинальный документ.
Превосходство этого решения заключается не только в том, что вы сможете оперативно получить аттестат. Процесс организован удобно, с нашей поддержкой. Начиная от выбора необходимого образца до точного заполнения личных данных и доставки в любое место России — все будет находиться под полным контролем качественных специалистов.
Таким образом, для тех, кто хочет найти максимально быстрый способ получения необходимого документа, наша компания предлагает выгодное решение. Приобрести аттестат - это значит избежать продолжительного обучения и сразу перейти к достижению личных целей, будь то поступление в ВУЗ или начало карьеры.
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Donaldjaf – 17/04/2024
Достижение аттестата о высшем образовании становится существенным действием в жизни многих людей, открывая перспективы в свежим возможностям и перспективам.
Однако, вовсе не всегда обучение в вузе доступно или подходит из разных причин.
В таких случаях задание где купить сертификат, становится значимым.
Современные технологические разработки и онлайн-рынок дают возможность разные варианты для покупки документа, впрочем необходимо отбирать надежных дистрибьюторов, обеспечивающих высокое качество и подлинность сертификата.
При наличии выборе стоит учитывать не только в стоимость, но и на имидж фирмы, отзывы клиентов и получения совета.
- означает инвестировать в будущее, поэтому подбор компании рекомендуется рассматривать тщательно.
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TommyHow – 14/04/2024
Завоевание диплома о высшем образовании представляется важным этапом в жизни многих людей, позволяя перспективы в перспективным возможностям и путям.
Однако, вовсе не постоянно процесс обучения в университете доступен или соответствует из разных причин.
При таких случаях задание о том, где купить диплом, становится значимым.
Современные технологические разработки и онлайн-рынок предоставляют разнообразные альтернативы для достижения бумаги, впрочем важно отбирать достоверных поставщиков, обеспечивающих качество и достоверность документа.
При условии выборе нужно замечать не только в цену, но и на представление компании, мнения клиентов и возможность консультации перед покупкой.
купить диплом агронома - подразумевает вкладывать в будущее, следовательно подбор компании следует рассматривать серьезно.
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